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Why don't you live in Missouri, /pol/? It's got:

>Cheap gas
>Low Cost of Living
>Low population density outside of the cities
>Not many niggers outside of St. Louis
>Low average marrying age

It's south enough to have conservative values, but north enough to not be imbred/talk funny.

It's like the 1950's, but in 2013. How do you defend living in your pleb-tier states, /pol/?
>>14705299 (OP)

Not many jobs. Lots of religious nuts. Cringe-worthy accents. Willful ignorance and denial of science rampant. Blindly patriotic.

But no liberalism - got me there. You won't hear talk of cyberbullying, organic food, or hurt feelings. Guns welcome and not taboo.

Maybe in an end of world scenario - even then, not my top pick.
>Not many jobs
Haha. This. I'm trying to think of all the Missourian Jobs I can. I'm pretty sure I've come up with all three of them: farmer, farmer, and farmer.
It's not Missouri, but I lived nearby, in Kansas, for most of my childhood. People didn't seem to have 'cringe worthy accents' there.

Also, what do you mean 'cringeworthy'? Southern accents are extremely sexy.

>tfw you have no cutie pi southern girlfriend.
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it's got a lot of carted fatties chomping down fried raviolis
like op, who probably looks like the mountain dew wizard guy
>>14705299 (OP)
actually its the south so theres tons of black people relative to many other parts of the country. why not move to new hampshire? very free state with 97% white people no sales tax and average income is like 90k a year
OP here. It's funny, because I actually did just have some ravioli for dinner. I'm not fat though. 120 lbs, 5'6.
Not OP, but I always thought of it as Midwest.
Too many obese sheep.
Swamp lands.
>cringe-worthy accents
I don't think you've ever been to Missouri.
>120 lbs, 5'6.

I already deal with enough christfags and also literally almost no one here is inbred.

But we all do talk funny, white Alabama isn't that bad honestly. Just keep out of Anniston, parts of Birmingham, and Montgomery. Seriously the rural areas out here are nice if you own a car, and many blacks here know there place

Jobs are findable in healthcare, service workers, construction, etc.
Kansas City here, you are both so wrong. Farming is on the way out, and while its true there are many small towns and farms though out MO, you would be retarded to live anywhere else.

>dat feel when glorious google fiber.
wtf. Are you a female or something? God I hope so.
>Missouri is the south
>it's mostly black
Outside of St. Louis city, there's really not a lot of blacks here. The ones you see out in the St. Louis suburbs are all essentially white-ized too. Also, ever heard of the Gateway to the West? Missouri isn't the South. Fuck off, you ignorant idiot.
Did you have that made already or did you make it in the 14 minutes this thread was up?
How is Alabama? I've got a good job offer down in Mobile and I'm seriously considering moving.
What swamp lands?
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>Swamp lands
ITT people who know nothing about a state try to guess what its like.
>not living in a ritzy neighborhood in a major city

Stay pleb /pol/
I had a template ready that I use to make these kinds of images. I just edited it using MS paint and shit from google images.
You do good work. Can you make an Iowa one?
Another Kansas Citian here, getting at least 10 years of google fiber for a flat $300....

Suck it broadband lackeys.
$300... a month??
>tfw paying 100 per month for 30 megabits
I really want to live out in the middle of nowhere, but sadly that won't be possible with my chosen career path, which is very 'high-tech'.

Maybe if I figure out a way to work from home.
St Louis does not represent MO, Kansas City does now.
as a resident the only thing I can very much speak ill about is the weather. Extremely humid and hot summers and chilly winters. The people are friendly, the liberals are few and the BBQ is great.
Its a saying here that its hard to leave.
tfw charter
What the fuck? St. Louis is not the middle of nowhere.
kc has tons of blacks, as does the bootheel

jeff city and columbia area too
Mobile is pretty nice, I love the gulf coast. it's a tourist spot (look up gulf shores) where lots of sexy girls go to. Everything north of it is cotton fields. But south and east of it is party and beaches. Where do you live now? The only place other than here I'd want to live is southwest/norcal
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>typical Missouri wife material

AOC is 16, ftmfw!
Move to Springfield area.
It is when you have no real experience outside of robotics.
God Tier
Kansas City

Meh Tier
College towns

Shit Tier
Jefferson City
St Louis
A city overrun by spics with 'Kansas' in its name has never and will never represent anything besides Kansas or perhaps new mexico.
Hot, but not typical btw.
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Btw, here's the original.
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>that feel when I'm already living in Missouri.
the blacks are not a big problem north of the river. where most everything important is.
>>14705299 (OP)
I wouldn't make pro-missouri threads on 4chan. 4chan records all threads and sells them to the FBI/CIA for datamining purposes. They could easily use this info against you considering they're attempting to secede from the USA next year.

You do realize Kansas City is shared between two states.
You do realize there are more muslims and spics on the Kansas side right?

>tfw your talking out of your ass
the midwest is boring
MO here, 10/10 would bang.
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>They could easily use this info against you considering they're attempting to secede from the USA next year.
>actually its the south
Neutral in the Civil War and created and maintained the Underground Railroad for freed slaves.

Kiss our Yankee ass, dixie shits.
st louis is also in two states
awful weather
i prefer city life
the culture doesn't appeal to me
>deadly hurricanes every year
>everyone owns guns
>best news stories everyday

sure is boring
umm what is this from?
your post is literally cancer
MO just passed that gun law that repealed all gun laws to 1934.

fuck yes.

jesus christ
if i can get that, i'd move in an instant. i'm guessing thats not a typical missouri girl
in the midwest? wut?
Nothing important is north of the river. What, Hannibal? Truman? Jeff City? If glaciers returned to their former ice age locations, nothing of value would be lost.
That sounds more like florida.
Depends on where you are. Cities not usually, but holy hell the towns that dot the state are full of them.

Source, personal experience
>Cardinals fans everywhere

yeah I'll pass
You're only digging yourself a deeper hole.

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