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Why don't the homeless just go innawoods and build a cabin illegally?
>>17565513 (OP)
Because if they had the skills to build a cabin they would probably not be homeless
I live in Ga. A woman in a town called Rome literally went into the woods and started building a home from rocks. The community there found out and ppl came and pitched in. Ppl dug a well for here and wired the house and shit.
Dug a well for *her
Everything is private land or government land. Both will drive you out, no where for you to build or live.
>>17565513 (OP)
Lack of any real survival skills other than when food is dumped out/ begging 101 ect. plus the ones that are "inna woods" don't want a bunch of inner city bums wandering around disturbing the edible critters.
Well damn, that's nice of them. Sets a good legal precedent too. If they didn't throw her off, it would be hard doing so for others later on.

Hence why I say illegally. Public land is obviously a far better choice than private. They could simply relocate once the mean bureaucrat tells them to take a hike.
>>17565513 (OP)
There are people that have done this. Those you see on the streets are those who cannot. They're usually mentally ill, drug addicted or just plain retarded.

Pretty hard to become a survivalist in those circumstances.
They do that. They used to have homeless shanty towns in the woods but the police would destroy them and kick their asses.
Says who? People with a blue collar skill earn jack shit unless they're protected by some vile union.
>Be an Australian
>Have very generous unemployment benefits
>Still see people begging on the street

And this is why I don't give a fuck about them. If they are too incompetent to submit a claim at centrelink then me giving them any money sure isn't going to help.
Pride and exhibitionism of the degeneration.
if you built a cabin for one of them and stocked it and everything it would be trashed and sold for a chump amount of money, or they'd just not live in it because it's not close to a panhandling area
Same goes for Germany.
They would even help them getting rid of drugs for free.
>>17565513 (OP)
Because that would involve them doing work.
They could but some people living in inner cities don't have the resources or perhaps time and privacy to complete one before being caught and removed. Some prefer begging and getting a tent or something.
>>17565513 (OP)
cant get crack innawoods.
>>17565513 (OP)

Most homeless folk are mentally insane. Sane homeless people don't stay homeless for long because they can usually find the means to work for cash under the table, and are able to pull themselves back up by the boot straps.
Because it is illegal and on top of that homeless people do not have tools or the knowledge to make a house. Or even the means to reach a good place.

The thing I dont get is why they dont just kill themselves.
>go to prague
>begging banned
>see ostensibly legless beggar on scenic street
>suddenly police nearby
>guy stands up and runs away
>>17565513 (OP)
they did that, but that was before victim mentality and dependence conditioning. besides, the ones who do stay and continue to be homeless have other problems, and those problem people always exist
>>17565513 (OP)
How do you build a cabin with no training or tools? How do you get off the system when all your life you were raised in it?
>Because it is illegal
So is doing hard drugs and publicly urinating. I don't think that's ever stopped them.
>>17565513 (OP)
>implying there arent hundreds if not thousands of doing this right now
because most homeless in our developed country have some type of mental affliction or are addicted to drugs.
Because every time they build one the State comes and tears it down.
Really? How do we know?
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>>17565513 (OP)
>Why don't the homeless just go innawoods and build a cabin illegally?

because how many homeless do you see with the tools to build anything?

And many are druggies, and their hook up isn't in the woods.
What im saying is you would put all this work into finding a place and making a house and someone would just tell the police and you would be removed.

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