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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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Why does 4chan have so many conservatives and Reddit has mostly liberals?
>>14419612 (OP)
That is because R3DD!T, just like liberals believe in speak control, 4chan however does not. Which means like usual conservatives like freedom, unlike the left.
We don't have conservatives. We have a shitload of nationalists, though.
>>14419612 (OP)

We have a shit load of everything, save for progressives / liberals. They simply go to Reddit because everybody agrees with them, and that circle jerking is a lot easier for them, as critical thought / opposing views actually requires them to think. On Reddit they can downvote and move on, punishing those who disagree with them.
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>>14419612 (OP)
combine all boards on 4chan and you have a collective group of people who lean much further left than reddit

>but hurr reddit has /r/atheism and /r/shitredditsays

but they also have /r/theRedPill and /r/Conservative
>>14419612 (OP)
Becauce we are on the Internet scene for almost a decade now. Also /pol/ concentrates religious people from all the boards, so it screws with your perception of 4chan.
4chan doesn't have conservatives, 4chan has 2edgy teenagers and edginess offends progressives more than it does conservatives.
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We have nationalist conservatives, ex. the republican and libertarian americans here always support old america not modern america, so conservative fuck yes, nationalistic fuck yes even more. Or the nat soc's they are conservative nationalists.

>combine all boards on 4chan and you have a collective group of people who lean much further left than reddit

Source that shit, faggot. The largest boards are /v/ and /b/ and they are generally allied with /pol/ against liberals. That would seem to suggest something different than what you're saying.
Conservative can mean a socialist you know.
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/sp/, /tv/ and /int/ arent left, though many other might be.
>>14419612 (OP)
Because Reddit has a system of controlled expression. Any dissenting opinion is sent to downvote hell.
nothing about /b/ is remotely non-liberal, you're blowing smoke out of your ass
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I must be a serious anomaly then because I'm not conservative or reactionary; I'm a visionary nationalist. I see what we can become with the right guidance and work and I have hope for that future; I do not look to the past as a comfortable place but as an oppressive one full of bad ideas; mostly boomer ideas.
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>anyone that disagrees with me is being edgy!
>Nobody could actually hold views other than my own!

Don't confuse the "Anonymous" movement with /b/.
I'm a libertarian, side with objectivism on alot of philosophy and in no way nationalist.
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1.) No citations from academic, peer-reviewed studied.
2.) The usage of straw man fallacies is tolerated.
3.) The usage of logical fallacies as a whole is tolerated.
4.) The /pol/ mob believes that denial is a form of refutation.
5.) Name calling is considered "winning"
>4chan doesn't have conservatives, 4chan has 2edgy teenagers and edginess offends progressives more than it does conservatives.

Yeah, but that's all progressive politics is. 2edgy young people offending their parents to be cool (like on TV). Now that the hippies won out, progressive politics isn't cool anymore unless you take it to absurd extremes, like CIS bullshit.
>>14419612 (OP)
Because conservatives are too cowardly to attatch their name to their opinion.
>Source that shit, faggot. The largest boards are /v/ and /b/ and they are generally allied with /pol/ against liberals.

Are you mentally handicapped? /b/ is the most liberal message board on the internet. Being anti-progressive and using "homophobic" slurs is not the same thing as being right-wing. You've just been trolled by the entire /b/ board if you took everything there at face value.
>>14419612 (OP)

liberals are pampered by heavy-handed moderation, censorship, upvoting, etc.

here is a free for all

end of story, liberal ideas don't hold up to scrutiny
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Nice argument friend.
1.) No citations from academic, peer-reviewed studied.
2.) The usage of straw man fallacies is tolerated.
3.) The usage of logical fallacies as a whole is tolerated.
4.) The SRS mob believes that sarcasm is a form of refutation.
5.) Downvoting and thread burying is considered "winning".


>anybody can speak, it's not for anybody

>stupid poorly written posts are ridiculed

Reddit is bland and bad, but 4chan is nowhere near the things this image is describing.
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>>14419612 (OP)
I realized r3bbit stopped being interesting when females started using it and turned it into a haven for libtards
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>Why does 4chan have so many conservatives and Reddit has mostly liberals?

Because 4chan is filled with reactionary autists. Until around 2008/2009, 4chan was hilariously far-left wing.
Because of a mixture of Chanology that is blamed (correctly) for flooding 4chan with cancer and Obama winning power, it created the perfect storm for reactionary views.

/pol/ in reality should just be renamed "edgy teenagers rebelling against their peers" because that is really what it is. When you have a board that largely supports rape and you have numerous threads every day saying "Why is rape a crime?"/"Why is killing non-whites a crime?" then the board is confirmed 100% to just be edgy for the sake of being edgy.

Go to 7chan and 420chan, where most of the oldfags bailed too and you will see that most are pretty hardcore Socialists.
>baww the mean trolls hurt my feelings ;~~~~;
>>14419612 (OP)
4chan:free content = libertarian/conservative
reddit:censored content amd heavily regulated="liberal"
> Until around 2008/2009, 4chan was hilariously far-left wing.

This poster has been on 4chan for less than 2 years, I can tell.
>The largest boards are /v/ and /b/ and they are generally allied with /pol/ against liberals.

What the fuck am I reading

Those boards are only allied with /pol/ when a /pol/ disinfo agent invades the board and starts spamming JIDF PLS shit everywhere.
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For some reason liberals prefer environments where they aren't confronted with opposing opinions.

>1.) No citations from academic, peer-reviewed studied.

Take one look at /r/AskScience and then realise how very wrong you are.
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No, just no.
Personal attack =/= refutation of argument
Because their opinions don't hold any water.
So new it hurts
This is a god damned lie by the way.
1:Appeal to Authority
2:Debate tactic
3:Learn a better argument
4:You probably didn't have a good argument.
5:Mental Domination, one way to win is by making your opponent stumble. In a debate you are there to win it, not look good. It is just like politics. It is all about tactics, control and domination.
>"Why is rape a crime?"/"Why is killing non-whites a crime?"

You must be pretty fucking stupid if you think those threads are serious.
2005 faggot. (yes I have wasted my life)

Aside from being edgy as fuck (for the entire sake of trolling), 4chan has always been left wing. Do you seriously think Chanology came from Conservatives?

If you actually think 4chan is actually stormfront, explain then why Cardcaptor Will was a beloved 4chan celebrity on the scale of moot back in the day.

Wow, would /sci/ being a good indicator of the type of content you would find on 4chan in general. Stop being a faggot.

What!? Progressive politics is buttpain at the slightest disagreement with progressive ideology. The only edginess that's tolerated is if it strictly conforms to the politically correct.
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>implying your argument requires refutation
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Speaking of SRS, check pic related
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>>14421456 YOU

>hardcore Socialists


I see people being accused of being a jew or working for some fake ass feminist group in some master conspiracy of smoking mirrors to somehow disrupt the extreme racism and anti-semitism of /pol/.

You're full of shit, reddit and /pol/ are equally as close minded.
For some reason liberals prefer environments where they aren't bothered with irrational thinking, such as the "belief without proof" crowd, or the "pro-logical-fallacy" crowd.

It wastes time.
People should be perfectly aware of logical fallacies by the time they reach adulthood, and those that refuse to grow up should be ignored.
>>14419612 (OP)
Because Conservatives are more tolerant to hearing differing points of view than their own.

I got banned from /r/Conservative and /r/Republican for posting right-wing goodness. They're shills.

I agree /b/ may be more leftist but it's the califag kids.
>>14419612 (OP)

Same reason so many ancaps and regular libertarians are here. Moot has this place set up as a haven for free speech, and because it's anonymous we don't feel the negative social repercussions of saying politically incorrect views.

This creates an atmosphere where good ideas have just as much "value" (for lack of a better term) as shitty liberal ones and fosters a good degree of examining one's own beliefs. This stands in contrast to massive liberal circlejerks that completely dominate 99% of other nonspecific political forums and anything against the standard marxist drivel is ruthlessly attacked.
>somehow disrupt the extreme racism and anti-semitism of /pol/.
>trying to force politically correct views not based in reality
>left wing

sure is revisionist newfag, this place has always been racist
Redditors tend to be young college kids. Young college kids tend to be leftists.
Yes because I'm sure people are born with names like Pee_Bottle and Fedora_King.
What's your name on reddit, Imma_Huge_Fucking_Retard?
You're a fucking idiot dude. Not every right wing person subscribes to stormfront thinking do you even realize this? Fucking hell so many idiots.
because conservative views get censored and banned on other sites

Yeah, it's funny they seem to prefer environments with more moderation, more intervention.

They can't handle the free flow on forums like /pol/.

I remember watching him have a bitchfit when /pol/ was upvoting Hitler quotes onto the front page of r/athiesm.
It's because 4chan users (sans /b/) tend to be smart. Not a lot of us show it, but that's because we use the internet how it's supposed to be used. As recreation. Redditors think the internet is a second life to them, it's disgusting.
Well, remember liberal in America often times refers to a Democrat voter. Anyway, if there's any truth to it I'd say it's because 4chan has more adult males, maybe even more adult white males. Younger people tend to think being open minded and tolerant until your brain drops out is a good thing, and don't really see what their parents have more traditional conservative values until they become adults themselves.

>/b/ is liberal
>/b/ is anti-progressive

gtfo my thread retard.
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What's hilarious is liberals are some the least rational people around who rely solely on their feelings and beliefs rather than the real world.
And most crucially, MUH FEELINGS doesn't fly as an argument when nobody's trying to appease the group.
I wonder how many faggots post liberal shit on other sites, but come here to post conservative stuff?
I hate reddit because from what I have seen of it, it's politics board is just a democrat pro-obama circlejerk and Reddit has a fucking terrible site layout.

That being said, saying /pol/ is a bastion of free speech is a load of shit. Any thread deemed "left" of fucking Hitler is usually shitposted and saged off the board by fucktards that don't want anyone having discussion that doesn't associate with their lolbertatrian/ancap views, this has gotten to the point where Left-wingers are not even allowed to be part of Anarchist threads on this board... despite Anarchism has always been a far-left wing philosophy and Socialist-Anarchism is the main strain of Anarchist thought worldwide.

Every day I wish moot would actually create a moderated politics board where shitposting can actually be reported.
I agree with the first part, but always staying where you feel like you all hear the same thing makes you weak. If your views are never challenged, then how can you defend them? If there is no trial by fire, then how do you know you are right?

The second part I have do disagree in part. Society will always be and always think like children. There current world is proof of that. Having hope thinking that they are adult capable of ration understanding is a fool's errand.


Old /pol/ THOUGHT they were liberal until they realized liberals want to destroy everything we hold dear (racism, free speech, calling people faggots).
I have never seen a thread on /pol/ praising Hillary Clinton.
*don't really see why their parents who have
>>14419612 (OP)
Downvotes and active moderation
Since reddit is mostly liberal, they censor out the conservative posts. It makes reddit look %100 liberal while it's probably only around %70.
because you are that new
>Any thread deemed "left" of fucking Hitler is usually shitposted and saged off the board by fucktards that don't want anyone having discussion that doesn't associate with their lolbertatrian/ancap views
Bullshit, there have been plenty of pro-communist threads, it's just that the communists always badly lose the argument because their ideology is hilariously flawed.

>everything we hold dear (racism, free speech, calling people faggots).

Fuck you, nigger. You posting lousy garbage doesn't mean you're being oppressed.

Is that where the truth belongs? On reddit?
free speech includes shit posting any form of limit limits speech. You are also assuming that the mods will be good/on your side. This can quickly turn on you. You are either want to be free or controlled.
Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains. - Winston Churchill
>every day I wish moot would create a board where I can report posts I don't like and have them removed.
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>Because Conservatives are more tolerant to hearing differing points of view than their own.

Fucktard Conservatives at work tried to fight me because I'm far-leftist.

Go fuck yourself.
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>actually believing those threads


You're bonkers if you think that there hasn't been liberal threads. It sparks debate where some people "troll" but actually argue different points.


There was one yesterday and I distinctly remember a shitload after the hearing on Benghazi in January. And both of you probably weren't here for the elections where both sides were shitflinging daily.

>Bullshit, there have been plenty of pro-communist threads

No shit, we can't even have a good national socialist thread without them commies shitting up the place.
As a britfag who doesn't give a shit about either of your parties, it's painfully obvious that leddit is being astroturfed by the US Democrat party.
Anons have their opinions challenged on the smallest shit for everyone to see.
> Anarchism has always been a far-left wing philosophy

You keep posting the same ridiculous bullshit and we respond accordingly.

How do you have a planned economy without a state, again?

>Complains about saging, thinks it does anything
>Doesn't know how to samefag your thread to the top
>Being this new
If all the liberals flock to lebbit because they can't handle opposing views, leaving /pol/ with nothing but conservatives, then /pol/ is a circlejerk as well, even if it's not enforced by the moderation.
Because you're an idiot, m8.
you can take from this statement what you may, but i assure you it is fact.
>i am a liberal socialist
>i disagree with almost everything on this board
>i come here several times a day
>i have been on rebbit maybe twice. not for me im afraid

/pol/ is not all conservafags. but it is just as much of a circlejerk as eddit, i just prefer your horseshit over theirs.
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>Bullshit, there have been plenty of pro-communist threads, it's just that the communists always badly lose the argument because their ideology is hilariously flawed.

Lol wut, I create most of the Communist threads on /pol/ and I delete them because they become totally filled with fucking shitposting by you faggots who have no argument and just spam the thread with "DUUUR WHY DID THE USSR FAIL THEN"
>explain perfectly the revisionist policies put in place that replaced Socialism with State Capitalism that led to stagnation

That is every fucking Communist thread on this board.
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You mean a thread objectifying young Republican Hillary Clinton.

haha holy shit how can something like that be real?

How is it a circlejerk if every thread has an argument?
>I'm a far leftist

You started it by stating that you want to steal their shit and imprison them for disagreeing with you.
Because reddit is for children while 4chan is for slightly older children.
>I create most of the Communist threads on /pol/
That must explain why you're so butthurt then. You idiots are given plenty of chances to argue for your ideology, and they all get shot down by perfectly rational arguments.
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4chan has a shitload of liberals, just look at /mu/ and /lit/.

Everytime liberals try to debate /pol/ on race they get assraped and pretend it never happened.
>name calling: the post
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slightly edgier

>How do you have a planned economy without a state, again?

How about you read the basics of Socialism and Anarchism without asking fucking retarded questions?

Oh right, you Ancap fucktards don't even know the basics of Anarchist philosophy and how Anarchists wish to restructure the role of Government into a flat structure that is actually part of society instead of a hierarchical one that rules over it.

Jesus fucking christ, this is why we don't even bother arguing with you ancap retards anymore when you don't even understand the basics of the philosophy you claim you are apart of.
Every other board hates woman and soon will be conditioned to hate non-whites.
Do you realize a libertarian philssophy is often adopted because it's seen as a means to an end? If in the distant future we lived in an absolutely ideal world we could perhaps function under something resembly an anarcho-capitalist model. Right now being realistically we should be looking to get more traditional conservative and libertarian leaning men into office. We're not even close to being able to make a leap to living in a libertarian world yet.

>I create most of the Communist threads on /pol/ and I delete them

It's not our fault your stupid ideology doesn't stand up to criticism forcing you to delete your own threads.

Nobody hates women, they hate whores. The only problem is you put the two together. IF anything, you're the sexist.
Them why there's alot of JIDF wannabe here?why there's argumentation in every thread?

44 22 99 omg the dubs of truth are all over gen barrison
>ur retarded
>ur retarded
>bordering on making some point without explaining it
>ur retarded u fucking retards
>I'm done arguing with u retards

Good argument hombre
>Look at me I have seen 4chan change from left to right, 4chan used to be a very liberal place, look at how much of an oldfag I am knowing all these things
>look at me lie

Uh, no, bro. If anything other boards are getting more and more liberal and viewing generally conservative "white beta male" boards like /pol/ and /v/ as shameful relics from 4chan's past.

/co/, /lit/ and /mu/ are full liberal.
You got dubs-trips-dubs yourself.

better to be cold and heartless than totally fucking braindead, amirite guiz????

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