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Why do atheist primarily vote liberal? If they are so smart why don't they vote conservative?

Do any conservative atheists exist in America?

How can you justify it to yourself? Why do you reject white christian heritage with it's conservative values?


>I reject systems of belief, but I believe there is no god. -- Edgy Atheist sheep #45309
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Atheism is a fad that will blow over once the mainstream gets onboard.
>the government admits to logging every one of your communications and phone records
>the conspiracy theorists are literally proven right
>>15271546 (OP)
>voting for republithugs

Top lel
>>15271546 (OP)
That guy could almost look good in that fucking outfit if he lost the vest, added a button, cut his hair, and threw away the feather.
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So basically throw everything out and start fresh?
>>15271546 (OP)

why would someone smart vote? let alone republican or democrat
>implying marijuana legalization wasn't passed because of voters
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It was passed to see how the population would react to a reduced law environment.
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>>15271546 (OP)
>voting left or right

you know who you are supporting, right shill?

His clothes don't even fit right.
Because atheism is a Jewish Marxist construct.
>>15271546 (OP)

>Vote Conservative

Fuck off Romney Internet Defense Force
>>15271546 (OP)
>thinking which side you pick in the slave suggestion box war matters

Christianity is a Jewish Marxist construct.
I'm an atheist, and I identify as fairly right-wing. There are some issues that I agree with liberals on, such as gay marriage (who gives a shit) and abortion (we don't need any more niggers or spics being born in this country). But for the most part, I definitely side more with conservatives. I'm not one of the fedora-toting faggots who militantly spew their disbelief at everybody, but on the same note, I don't think we should be teaching creationism in schools.
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I'll take Ron Paul for 1000. An honest educated conservative Christian.
I am an atheist that votes conservative and i dont hate Christians.
Same here.
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Do you wear a fedora?
>no u

what is this I dont even

Abortion is murder, you fuckwit. Abortion has led to over 150 million babies dead. Fuck off you idiotic, dumbfucking idiot.

By the way, fuck wit, whites have more abortions than blacks.

So let that sink in your head, fuckface.
>>15271546 (OP)
>Why do atheist primarily vote liberal?
they don't. It's mostly because majority of christians force themselves republican reguardless of their personal choices.

>i'm not a fedoratard
>do you wear a fedora

Jesus was Jewish.
Christianity practices communistic principles such as wealth redistribution and giving to the poor.

Christianity is a Jewish Marxist construct.
>vote for the party that wants to teach that Jesus rode a T-rex
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White women are the primary recipients of abortions. Their aborted children are 80% white, 10% black, 10% other.

Abortions are the downfall of the white race. Poor white women who date blacks don't get abortions.
>>15271546 (OP)
>If they are so smart why don't they vote conservative?
because then they would not be smart.
>vote for the party that wants a theocracy
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Everything in this post is a blatant lie.

Who would purposefully tell lies about Christians?
>>15271546 (OP)

-anti science
-anti public funding
-anti progress

Do you really fucking wonder why atheists are liberal?

Fuck off, kike. Christianity is a Semitic religion. We worship Thor and Odin here, you fucking worm.
conservatives are stupid
religious people are stupid

they like to be with their own
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Atheists are fundamentally liberal. They all support immigration, abortion, gay pride, and contribute to the decline of the masculine male.
Who gives a shit. This planet is overpopulated enough as it is. Also, citation please on that statistic. Abortion is a necessary evil in this world. So is the right to bear arms. People against either one, are, in my opinion, ridiculous utopianists.
>worshipping any gods
Everything is about race to you. lol
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>being an uncultured swine

Grats you just earned a fedora.
Mostly because those things are religiously constructed. There is no reason to oppose those things other than religion.


And no the world isn't overpopulated, you fucking eugenicist.
abortion is not an evil
clipping your toenails is not an evil
>no punctuation
>thinks his opinion matters
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Daily reminder that atheism is religion of peace...oh wait it isn't.
Samefag please leave.
>more lethal than any religion
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Not American but my opinion would be this...

Many atheists in America associate Christianity with conservatives and republicans more than they do with liberals and democrats so they vote against the former based on that.
Even though there are many christian democrats.
I'm an atheist, and here's my opinion on everything you said:

Nah, I'm against it.

>gay pride
Neither for or against it. I am, however, against their parades and festivals. They can "be proud" of it on their own time somewhere else.

A necessary evil. I'm a realist, not a utopianist.

>decline in masculinity
I firmly dislike feminism and would gladly see the end of it. I'm a sawyer and work my ass off doing a man's work 40 hours a week for minimum wage.
peaceful or not, at least it is coherent
>Religious People
pick one
>implying majority of atheists aren't faggy liberals
wow, you had to go to punctuation

can't deny the facts, gaylord
>>15271546 (OP)
because liberals are effeminate and atheism is for fagets

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OK I am gonna speak from experience here. Most atheists I know wear fedoras and try to provoke debates with Christians in public. I guess it makes them feel better about themselves. They just parrot what Dawkins says though I don't know how that could be satisfying.
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Fixed it for you OP
>Claims to not have any hobbies.
>Hobby is not collecting stamps.
>ad homein
Pick one.
If you count libertarian as conservative then yes
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Blown the fug out.

Take a look at religious art and then take a look at modern edgy atheist art.
>Believe there is no
>Doesn't believe there is a

You made that up.
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I want to publish a fedora wearer's version of esquire now.

SRS detected
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>Sagan agnostic
>NDT agnostic
>Hitchens Anti-Theist
>Dawkins agnostic

Need I go on motherfucker? That picture is garbage and an insult to Sagan.
Why is it always with the fedora hate

It's just a hat for fucks sake.
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It's not just the hat, it is about the whole "edgy atheist" culture.
>>15271546 (OP)

I've enjoyed lurking in /pol/ for a while. sure 80% of it is laughable, but 20% makes me think and look into things. due to the subject matter, and the in-depth knowledge of it, I have come to expect a certain amount of critical thinking and in a weird way, integrity from /pol/. I am for that reason always very disappointed to find anything here critical of atheism/supportive of religion. how can any grown adult, professing to know a thing or two about anything,

expect to be taken seriously if they also suspect there is an invisible wizard in the sky who can hear their thoughts? it brings down the entire (if there

ever was any) integrity of all things found on /pol/. why not just start an edgy thread in /pol/ discussing the validity of ouija boards and flying carpets. just really disappointed is all.
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>Miley Cyrus at the end
Am I missing something?

>whites have more abortions than blacks
According the study from the CDC which provides base data for Kaiser's site here, it appears that while white women have more abortions in -absolute- numbers, black women have higher abortion rates and ratios than white women and women in the other races category.
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What's the world population up to now? 7 billion? You really think the planet can support this many people with the (extremely wasteful) economic system we currently have? You are sick. We need to drastically reduce global population if we are going to be a sustainable species on this planet, or any other planet for that matter. If abortion or birth control will help reduce the population, so be it.
>belief in a 'higher power', be it ALIENS or otherwise

so it's fairly on par with athiesm
What really depresses me is that Dawkins doesn't even have a solid logical standing for his atheism it's all

>muh complexity
>if natural selection doesn't apply you lack at imagination
He's a retarded asshole but the media sucks his cock so much people are simply predisposed to pay attention to him

But /pol/ always goes after the bloody fedoras
Don't put words in their motherfucking mouths. Sagan said he was agnostic. NDT insists he isn't atheist, but agnostic. Stop putting words in their mouths you edgy fatfuck.

I honestly think NDT refuses to be labeled an atheist is because of people like you.
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5th lvl vegan Mexican eclectic occult practitioner reporting for duty,putos.

Dawkins is an idiot
Not because he isn't a brilliant man, he is

It's because he can't into diplomacy. He makes a point of being confrontational with creationists and religion in general and he creates an image which is easy to exploit by the ones that do peddle insanity
Agnostic what? Lmao
>>15271546 (OP)
Modern atheism appeal to emotions as its most useful technique to increase their numbers. The problem I see is that the people who first started it all (or the most famous of our modern times, I'd say), weren't all about "muhh feels", "muhh evil god", "muhh bible that support slavery", and all that nonsense. But they just really wished for a meaningful time to enjoy themselves. A clear example would be Christopher Hitchens. His moral outrage was so fucking fake, yet so many people bought it and were screaming like those nigger churches videos you tend to see on TV.

Atheism also project a false sense of progressiveness, open mindedness, skepticism, but as the saying goes "Keep an open mind–but not so open that your brain falls out". That quote right there, depicts the current state of atheism. The state where any so called "progressive" movement is stuffed right along the atheist persona otherwise he's not a real "SKEPTIC". So much for critical thinking, am I right? This goes hand in hand with the feminism agenda and the pussyfication of males in America. Rebecca Watson, PZ Myers, Those Pesky Dames, Skepchick, anyone?

Prove me wrong.

Pro tip: you can't.
>>15271546 (OP)
What`s up anon i know a few one`s but in America southamerica not USA, well them basically vote that because them figured atheism as a reality not by le top lel 9fag reebitXD people who can`t think because their ownselves, we were on a catholic high school and we figured out that it was pretty useful to controle the indinnniggers majority on this country so we decided to work hard on that kind of party`s to get power in order to control people instead of taking an antisocial edgy attitude, well time`s were different, but we vote what you would call republican or conservative, if you really want to see how faith affects on this fucking niggers see this


By the way we were one of the few white boys on a indian country so we hated noggers and other persons, also the catholic school was just of men so we were bullied by fsaggots in a psychologycal way so we hate them also we didnt married sluts or had lots of girlfriends so we are just procondom but dislike abortion.
Well by now you can see we control a lot of this country except for the publ
ic services we used to control until this fucking pseudocommunist fashion for Correa, chavez and maduro love was impossed by stupid indiannniggers
non-atheists have to resort to ad hominem attacks because religion is an absolutely unsupportable intellectual position

>atheist: "there is zilch, zero, not a shred of evidence that anything like a supernatural god or any other sort of being exists in the universe"
but any movement needs activists.

atheists have had to stay silent too long

they have been told to be tolerant, while religious people are intolerant toward them
The fedora thing is strange because almost every person I've known to wear one was Christian or Catholic.


It's just a hat. Stop calling attention to it, stop thinking you're classy, stop thinking it's a sign of an edgy atheist who thinks he's classy

Essentially stop giving a damn
I am a Christian because it is in my culture to be so.
>Sagan said he was agnostic. NDT insists he isn't atheist, but agnostic.

They're most-likely Agnostic Atheist, you twit. Sagan thinks Atheism is the outright denial of the existence of a deity -- he doesn't even understand the literal definition [I would expect more from him]. NDT probably has the same problem; and, like many self-proclaimed Agnostics, they work under false definitions and/or are intellectual-cowards who won't own their Atheism.

Fuck off with your parroting incorrectness. Go hide behind the veil of Agnosticism until you can come out on stage and proclaim you're an [Agnostic] Atheist.
Fuck you nigger. If Sagan said he is agnostic then he is agnostic.
I don't know what youre talking about.

I'm an atheist. I would never wear a fedora because it's fucking gay.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, we found him. A prime example of an edgy atheist. He doesn't give a fuck what NDT says, he knows NDT better than NDT knows himself.
But I'm an atheist and I think the retards wearing fedoras look really stupid, too.
>hurrdurr I'm such a pussy and afraid of a backlash I'll take the most dishonest position there could ever be which ipso facto dodges the question
agnostic does not mean what you think it does.

agnostic does not mean that a divine creator is just as likely as a non-religious explanation.

Sagan would say something like "I believe there is a 99.9% chance that there is no God, but there is a small possibility that there is one, so I can't deny it'.

An atheist just says, I've seen no evidence for it, so how can I say with a straight face that it possibly exists.

Regardless, Sagan had the exact same political position as someone like Dawkins. He was adamantly opposed to irrationality invading the public sphere.
in what world is Dawkins an agnostic?

don't bring in that faulty silogism ridden "scale" he thought up to justify himself
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doesn't mean that fedoras are at all associated with atheism

hats are fucking irrelevant to the issue

I can't believe I have to write this shit
>>15271546 (OP)
>If they are so smart why don't they vote conservative?

Because Christfag warmongers control the only American conservative party.
>>15271546 (OP)
conservative atheist here. Don't wear hats and don't worship desert jew gods
I don't give a fuck what agnostic means. I said Sagan himself claimed he was agnostic, why won't you accept him as one?
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>get called out on lies
>get mad and repeat the lies over again
>"We worship Thor and Odin here"
>"You can trust me guys I promise I'm not Jewish!"
>Sasha Grey
nigga, is you kidding?
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>Only cowards refuse to make decisions until facts have been presented
>implying eradicating the lesser beings out of existence is a bad thing
this also

if there was a moderate/libertarian party out there, more atheists would support it.

But given the choice between the party that wants to "teach the debate" to school children, that want to put the Ten Commandments in front of the courthouse, and treat a 10 cell zygote like it's a Nobel Prize winner, you don't have much of a choice.
>he thinks a religious war can be won
religious wars are never "won" because you can't defeat ideas.
go back to reddit then asshole, I'm sure the rest of the fagets there will upboat a similar comment to death
He left rebbit because r/atheism banned memes.
>I don't give a fuck what agnostic means

Then you're an idiot and should learn what words mean.

>I said Sagan himself claimed he was agnostic, why won't you accept him as one?

He called himself Agnostic because of his incorrect working definition of Atheism, i.e. he was being an idiot and didn't even seek to correct himself.

Replacing god worship with celebrity worship.

At east you are admitting there is a void in your soul.
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you sir, hit the money.

i never saw atheism in that light, can you gimme some links to examples of the criticisms you made.

i need some ammo, for defence against a smug ass in my class who is a smug atheist who always in every damn lesson makes one remark about how richard dawkins deserves a noble prize!

Fuck off, anyone who isn't a moron sees Christianity for what it is.

It's what has declawed Europe and blunted our fangs. Why do you think we could never completely remove Kebab?
That explains the recent influx of liberal atheist faggots shitting up the board.
>Religious people usually score low on intelligence tests
>Atheists usually score high

>Liberals usually score high on intelligence tests
>Conservatives normally score low

>Scientists often score high on intelligence tests
>Non-scientists usually score lower

>Almost all scientists are liberal, almost all scientists are atheists.

/pol/, not even once.
This place is a cesspit of stupid
Furthermore, these wars aren't waged to 'eradicate lesser beings,' but to prop up a parasitic military industrial complex that is doing to us what the Soviet equivalent did to them.

>all non-atheists are theists
I get he's smart, yet I have to wonder. Why is th basis for this belief system so tenuous?

Essentially, an atheist creates their own so why would you half ass it?
aww dat hurt my feewings

Stop trying to pigeonhole Sagan into your atheist club. He was an educated man he knew what agnostic meant. Fuck yourself negro.
>He doesn't treat them nicely, so he is stupid.
meh, kind of, but there's still new age bullshit, animism, totemism, black magic etc.
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>r/atheism banned memes

Oh lol

>we super serial nao
dude I've been making that point all along

/pol/ is not some institution, it's what you make it

if you want more pro-atheist positions, just post away.
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>"raising your children as christians is worse than physically abusing them" - Dawkins

Such a smart guy.
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>Not denying he's from Reddit
There seems to be quite a few libertarian atheists such as Penn Jillette aka the trashman.
Because atheists want to be seen as smart. This is their number one goal in life. Unfortunately, they think "being smart" means the same thing as "sucking the Marxist public education system's circumcised cock".
>mfw a huge percentage of those are Jewish
But that is entirely true.
Raising them as 'god fearing' Christians causes more issues on their mind than physical abuse does.

You don't get indoctrinated into a cult that tells you that, if you don't respect some narcissistic sky wizard, you are going to hell to suffer far all eternity without developing some serious mental issues.

So basically the same thing that people of religion do to people of other and no religion?

Are you going to tell me no Christian anywhere treats atheists like ignorant retards? No Jew treats non jews as lesser? No Muslim treats non muslims as deplorable savages?

Most of the people who complain about Dawkins would be fine with Dawkins if he wasn't mocking them. If he was a theist mocking atheists you'd be jerking off to how fucking hilarious it is when he proves people wrong.

Theists and Atheists who complain about people being mean to them are awful fucking hypocrites and I hope they all step on a lego.
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Guise, guise, jeeze relax.

This is nothing more than a semantic argument.
It all depends how you're defining the terms you're using.
Sagan was defining atheism as -knowing- that there was no god or gods.
Nowadays, atheism is more commonly used to denote -believing- that there are no god or gods.

So by Sagan's own definition, he wasn't an atheist.
But by the contemporary colloquial definition, he was an atheist.
>religion is an absolutely unsupportable intellectual position

Not if you think about it like a philosophy instead of a religion, dipshit. Hell, that's how every religion starts out, until retards make it into the organized cults they are now.
Apparently they do a great job at the 'being smart' part of things, since atheists almost always score higher on intelligence tests compared to theists.
im not

I remember /r/atheism slightly from around 2008. I just remember it being nothing but a circlejerk. How much fun is it to just talk to people you agree with?
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>smartest man to ever live
>spent most of his time studying the bible and still invented a ton of shit like calculus in his spare time

Pick all three.

He was raised a christian so I guess he had a damaged mind right?
oh fuck you, it must mean you have a license to anally rape your firstborn since you're not going to baptize him, amirite?
and as Dawkins says, that sort of criticism of him buys into the "kids gloves" treatment that religion demands.

If he talked that way about the President no one would say he is hurting people's feelings.
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or you know....you can just fuck off to r/atheism where circlejerking about the atheist religion...on a nightly basis....and they say sunday morning for christians are wasting away their lives.
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>being this obvious

Whatever they are paying you, it's too much.
I don't know, but you sure do, you can't even handle a minimal amount of butthurt

Like I said here
It depends how you're defining the words.

If theist = believe in a god or gods, and atheist is it's logical negation, don't believe in any god or gods, then they're mutually exhaustive, and shit like Deism is a subset of Theism.
religion is not philosophy, religion is dogma.
u mad bro? where is ur god to calm u down??
>I know nothing about newton an will make an ass out of myself to prove it

God was entirely removed from his work (as it must be to actually have any scientific progress) until he ran out of ideas, and got stuck on a hard problem.
As soon as he did that, he began to bring god into his scientific work.
He never did a single thing after that comparable to his 'godless' work.

And nobody said a damn thing about mental abuse making you unable to think.
Very few (if any) forms of child abuse actually causes the child to be unable to rationally think.

The fuck are you talking about?

>implying IQ tests mean shit
>implying Christian IQs aren't held back by niggers and spics
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It's better than being someone like this.

Face it, republicans have turned everyone else against them and have cultivated an aura of shameless stupidity. The democrats have, at the very least, tried to pretend they're intellectual. And that's all the difference in the world.

It's like pigs in shit. The Democrats pretend it's just mud, and vehemently deny that there is any shit in it. The republicans know it's just shit and they roll around and gobble it up with glee because not doing so is the gay/marxist/socialist/immigrant agenda, and they should eat as much as they can because GREATEST ALLY told them to.
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Catholicism at it's purest is a search for the truth.

Pic related.
If christians and other theists bring it up I'll defend the atheist position.

This board is for political discussion.

Because you think my positions are shared by some other website that I never visit, doesn't mean jack shit.
what bothers most people is that Dawkins claims with one breath to have no metaphysical claim at all and then with another critizices the rest of the people that do. Christians are not supposed to mock everyone, but if they do and others cheer is simply because they're buying into a tribal mentality. Dawkins SHOULD accept that with no qualms as an evolutionary biologist, yet he ends up dismissing that kind of behavior as antisocial or proof that religion is somehow evil (as if religion was ever necessary for people to beat the shit out of each other)

it's retarded and hypocritical
>"making up quotes is easier than looking them up" - Jesus

but yes, dawkins did make the case that sometimes the long term effects of fear and shame instilled by some religious parents can be worse than cases of physical or even sexual abuse
he's right, even though he did not make his point well in the god delusion (i think)
>God was entirely removed from his work (as it must be to actually have any scientific progress) until he ran out of ideas, and got stuck on a hard problem.
>As soon as he did that, he began to bring god into his scientific work.
>He never did a single thing after that comparable to his 'godless' work.

Source? Didn't think so. Stop making shit up about him.
oh boy, that guy again

obviously, the Jesuits are smart and they are great educators.

I also doubt that guy would want shit like intelligent design to be taught in schools.
Don't confuse modern zionist corrupted christianity with it's purer form.
that's fucking right. Based Vatican Observatory is a boon to the sciences

Even the Pope tried to get in on the Big Bang and Lemaitre wouldn't let him
>>15271546 (OP)
I'm libertarian and generally atheist belief...
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see >>15273638
Stop shitposting.

Oh, and childishly and stupidly attributing all of a person actions and accomplishments to their religious (or lack of) beliefs is fucking retarded, and the sign of a true idiot.
As soon as you start doing stupid and illogical bullshit like that, you have people like pic related that come into the equation.
You don't want to play that game.

Source is his own books.
He has not a single mention of god until one of his last ones (If not his last one? I hardly remember anymore).
After that, his accomplishments shrunk to almost nothing.
He invoked 'god' to explain these things that he could not solve, even though the solutions to those problems were easily findable with the information he had, but he got hung up on god and stopped trying.
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>Christians bring up how atheists are stupid
>Atheist says no it's the other way around

Maybe you fuckers should stop bringing religion up in a politics board if you can't handle /pol/ not being your echo chamber you fucking weenie. Good god you're pathetic.

it's not. Only murrikans insist on that shit
>It depends how you're defining the words

kill yourself already
>Christianity is a Jewish Marxist construct.
Jews hate Jesus for the most part
Jesus came before Marxism (yes it existed before but the historical proof was destroyed)
Wealth distribution is completely voluntary. Highly encouraged but funds the poor - unlike examples of Marxism in reality.

Shut the fuck up, theism scum. You have no right to talk to atheists like you, worm. Obey your masters or forfeit your life.
it's all shit.

Galileo was on house arrest. Christianity persecuted any science that did not agree with the current dogma. This happened time and time again.
>if religious people struggle - it's cause they believe in god
>if religious people succeed - it's not cause they believe in god

>Wealth distribution is completely voluntary.

I stopped reading right there. Fuck off, Obama. Giving you my TAX DOLLARS ISN'T VOLUNTARY.

Marriage may be a religious institution, but it's constructed by the family unit, and the only nuclear family requires a man and woman.
Revisionist history. Galileo was jailed because he was asked to argue for both sides, yet he did so biasedly.
Depends how you're defining philosophy.

>Search for truth

Please anon, Theists don't search for truth, they just claim to have it, and drown out anyone who tries to say otherwise; sometimes with violence (like the Inquisition), but nowadays more often with meek willing ignorance and doublethink.
why won't atheists get their history right, Galileo was on house arrest because he shitposted about the Pope, and it didn't last for his lifetime which was supposed to, and he was always taken care of, and the church did not interfere with his work after he was dismissed and sent home

Fucking apply yourselves faggots, or better yet stop pretending you're smart

Marriage is a legal contract, fucknugget. It should be legal for two same-sex people to have a contract if they can commit to people.
>religous priest comes up with the big bang theory
>"he isn't searching for the truth, he is drowning out others"

Top lel. Get educated atheist pleb.
>Taking what I said out of context
Stop the stupid.

Attributing ANYTHING to religious beliefs, unless they explicitly show that this is the cause, is stupid.

Hitler was a devout christian, but nothing indicates that his faith was the reason he did what he did.
Same thing for the guy you (he?) posted.

However, there are people like newton whom are notably and visually held back by the concept of a god being put into their work.

You cannot attribute their success to their beliefs without a reason. Doing otherwise is stupid
On February 24 the Qualifiers delivered their unanimous report: the idea that the Sun is stationary is "foolish and absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the sense of Holy Scripture..."; while the Earth's movement "receives the same judgement in philosophy and ... in regard to theological truth it is at least erroneous in faith."

At a meeting of the cardinals of the Inquisition on the following day, Pope Paul V instructed Bellarmine to deliver this result to Galileo, and to order him to abandon the Copernican opinions; should Galileo resist the decree, stronger action would be taken. On February 26, Galileo was called to Bellarmine's residence and ordered,

"to abstain completely from teaching or defending this doctrine and opinion or from discussing it... to abandon completely... the opinion that the sun stands still at the center of the world and the earth moves, and henceforth not to hold, teach, or defend it in any way whatever, either orally or in writing." -The Inquisition's injunction against Galileo, 1616.[30]
Hey buddy, you'd best grow a spine, step up and define your terms, otherwise other people will define them for you.

Fucking idiot, it wasn't until the 1979 that the Catholic Church admitted we live in a heliocentric solar system.

The institution of religion is actively against atheist because religion doesn't want to lose control over people. Get that through your small, fucking skull.
he basically got arrested because he dared to promote heliocentrism

come on, now. I don't know what website you've pulled up this bullshit from.

The terms were defined until you faggots decided otherwise.
>religion is for the unintelligent and the weakminded
>is addicted to nicotine

Atheist logic.
>Hitler was a devout christian

I thought he fucking hated Christianity. Saw it as a jewish plot.
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Oh really now.
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this is hilarious, it seems like r/atheism and SRS has arrived on /pol/.
but it looks like the invaders jimmies have been rustled.

>pic related
All 'records' of him disliking Christianity is from Hitlers table talk, which has signs of being deliberately altered, and all translations of it have obviously fabrications added by a certain translator.

You cock sucking moron.
Galileo Galilei, was found guilty of contradicting the Bible by teaching that the Earth orbits the sun. The following is part of the "Sentence of the Tribunal of the Supreme Inquisition against Galileo Galilei, given the 22nd day of June of the year 1633". "We say, pronounce, sentence, and declare, that thou, the said Galileo, by the things deduced during this trial, and by thee confessed as above, hast rendered thyself vehemently suspected of heresy by this Holy Office, that is, of having believed and held a doctrine which is false, and contrary to Holy Scriptures, to wit: that the Sun is the centre of the universe, and that it does not move from east to west, and that the Earth moves and is not the centre of the universe: and that an opinion may be held and defended as probable after having been declared as contrary to Holy Scripture" http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1630galileo.html).
But dear, he didn't discover the big bang because he was following theistic principles, but because he was following scientific principles. It's just an example of the latter group I mentioned: those who self impose double think. Through some form of mental gymnastics they endeavor to hold the conflicting methods of science and their theism in their heads. And the mental strain of doing such is certainty of no benefit to them.
Christian's poor grasp of history sure is telling.

Never once have I seen an infograph with the Taiping Rebellion listed.
just fucking read a book, the church wasn't fundamentally opposed to heliocentrism, it just wasn't ready to consider it canon UNTIL THERE WAS SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE FOR IT, you know, like scientists do.

There were people within the vatican who preferred to keep things the way they were, including the pope. The Vatican comissioned Galileo with a book exposing both sides of the argument and he blew his chunks all over geocentrism, which everybody knew the pope agreed with and mentioned him by name as a proponent of bullshit.

Of course he got in trouble at that point, and the church was lenient in fact, considering that the same offense against a king would have gotten him killed.

This just proves that Atheism is better at what it's trying to do. Come on Christfags. Are you even trying? You'll never beat the high score at this rate you fucking casuals.
Following the Inquisition's injunction against Galileo, the papal Master of the Sacred Palace ordered that Foscarini's Letter be banned, and Copernicus' De revolutionibus suspended until corrected. The papal Congregation of the Index preferred a stricter prohibition, and so with the Pope's approval, on March 5 the Congregation banned all books advocating the Copernican system, which it called "the false Pythagorean doctrine, altogether contrary to Holy Scripture."[30]

Francesco Ingoli, a consultor to the Holy Office, recommended that De revolutionibus be amended rather than banned due to its utility for calendrics. In 1618 the Congregation of the Index accepted his recommendation, and published their decision two years later, allowing a corrected version of Copernicus' book to be used. The uncorrected De revolutionibus remained on the Index of banned books until 1758.
stop moving the goalposts, you say him being a priest would have prevented him from researching science in the first place.

When it turns out it doesn't and they excel at it, suddenly it doesn't count anymore.
Where dear?
you're a fucking idiot

>smug hipster atheists representing everyone
there are serious atheists most of them the older ones who aren't in it just to feel good and edgy damn i even know a lot of conservate atheists with some serious sense who even go to 4chan f
>smug hipster atheists representing everyone
there are serious atheists most of them the older ones who aren't in it just to feel good and edgy damn i even know a lot of conservative atheists with some serious sense who even go to 4chan f
not a religious conflict, it was a hippy commune that got slaughtered, par for the course for the raping of China at the time

The Boxer Rebellion on the other hand included the specific persecution of christians.

Just fucking get bent if you don't know your history
so the Pope merely wanted to have his own position (which was false) in the book? that's it?

so the Pope was a scientist?
The pope was with the side which stuck with the current scientific explanation until there was sufficient proof for Galileos.
>>15271546 (OP)
"If they're so smart, how come they don't agree with me!"
there are a fuckton of beta christians out there not just wearing fedoras but smoking weed getting wasted and going to the church on sunday to pray for money
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oh please

Let's start with the 30 years war, a religious and political struggle between Protestants and Catholics
Well no dear, you've either confused me for someone else, or you're purposely strawmanning me.

I said
>Please anon, Theists don't search for truth, they just claim to have it, and drown out anyone who tries to say otherwise; sometimes with violence (like the Inquisition), but nowadays more often with meek willing ignorance and doublethink.

And then I reaffirmed here
that adhering to Science and Religion is nothing more than self-imposed doublethink, which is certainty not beneficial.
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then you can go to the Taiping Rebellion
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I'm a conservative atheist
but my atheist I mean I don't believe in god and I don't care for the discussion. I grew out of actually caring when I was 15.
>not a religious conflict

Started by a man claiming to be the brother of Jesus that set of a rebel nation who's core driving theistic activity was replacing Chinese beliefs with Christian BS.

Sure that's got nothing to do with religion.
so the Church was actively promoting science even if it disagreed with scripture, all along?

Of course scientists are more liberal, we are sheltered from the world inside our institutions. Any minority we work alongside is the cream of the crop so we assume that they are all the same. We get the bulk of our research funds through government programs so of course we support a larger state, it would be illogical not to.
You know, it's funny you should mention this, because I had some JWs that came over a while back, and wouldn't you fucking know it, they were wearing fucking fedoras.
I was tempted to tell them about all this atheist-fedora crap, but eh, I didn't.

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