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Why do Burgerfriends hate Obama so much?
Both America and Europe entered a financial crisis at about the same time. While Europe's situation keeps getting worse, in America we see low unemployment, GDP growth and news like this: http://www.euronews.com/2013/05/30/us-regains-top-competition-spot/

This guy has pretty much performed an economic miracle in America. The situation there could be far far worse, just look at what's happening on the other side of the Atlantic. Does all the hate towards him really comes down to racism? If so, this World is pretty fucked. A black man beats all the stereotypes people have of niggers and he is still hated because of the color of his skin.
It's a more general reason than just racism; it's ignorance.
>1/7 Americans now on welfare
>Bernanke printing like there's no tomorrow
>unemployment hasn't shifted from its lowest point during the recession
>big banks (the cause of the recession) are still in business

Conjuring assloads of money you don't have and shooting it into the economy does not constitute a "miracle", it constitutes "passing the buck down the line" for a later generation to get shit on
also we haven't regained our credit rating
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>This guy has pretty much performed an economic miracle in America.

You mean me?
>"passing the buck down the line"
And shouldn't you be happy about that? The alternative would be for your generation to take the hardest hit and experience 15% uenmployment like in Europe.
Europeans born between 85 anf 95 are now officially the lost generation.
Thats a retarded pic of bill clinton
What miracle did he make? He holda a major responsibility for the mess the economy is in. He cut taxes and increased government spending by a lot, how retarded can that be?
>unemployment getting better in the US

the make believe propaganda statistics printed by the Gubbment aren't real
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>What miracle did he make?

Bush spent us out of not one but TWO recessions. If you think Obama deserves credit for the current economy, Bush deserves double.
>>15005293 (OP)
>A black man

I think you mean half black. If he was one of the few born with white skin while still having a black parent would people still refer to him as an African American? People seem to forget that he's as much white as he is black.
>unemployment is low

...only because it doesn't include underemployment and workers that have given up searching for a job.
Born in 1990... jesus Europe is a shit hole and America actually looks like fun, too bad I can't immigrate there cause you guys now only take uneducated mexicans.
He's crooked as fuck, if you haven't already noticed. I know most politicians are but what he's doing is pretty bad. And the country is still shit and not improving.
No, I hate him because he took Bush's illegal, immoral war on Iraq, torturing and indefinately imprisoning enemy combatants, and turned them into secret CIA wars so that he could continue to exert his murderous influence on the middle east with even less oversight. Just as much of a war monger as bush, just not as dumb about it.
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>two recessions
>Bush doing anything about this
>2nd recession
Oh you mean the one he passed on to Obama?
You're better off in Europe where they don't shove Jesus down your throat, better education and health care, much better food supply.
>>15005293 (OP)
Obama is gonna Change you, just watch
yeah but look at his disgusting wife and children
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>das racist!
I'd argue he's more white than black
>economic miracle
Top lel
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>>15005293 (OP)

Mainly because his administration is just as, if not even more corrupt than the Bush Administration and he has delivered on hardly any of his promises of "change" that he talked about during his campaign. (Granted, I know virtually ALL politicians say shit and get only about half of their proposed ideas done once in office, but this guy has barely done anything yet he's already received a Nobel Peace Prize...)
>>15005293 (OP)
>A black man

Pick one. Obama is not black, he is MIXED.
>>15005293 (OP)

Having more economic growth than Europe is not much of an accomplishment.

A lot of hate of Obama stems from attacks on civil liberties, continued Bush policies, broken campaign promises and increased drone attacks. These are very legitimate complaints, simply yelling racism is not a legitimate counter.
If I recall he won that Nobel prize before he was even president. They just waited until after the election to give it to him. But to me, simply being a black president in such a racist country, is a step toward peace.

Which European country has better education than the US?
It was awarded after the "apology" tour, October 9, 2009.
>>15005293 (OP)
Europe is several countries with several governments.

US is one.
Bill Clinton? Oh, you have that Liberal internet skewed view of him.
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US is not a racist country at all. One of the least racist countries.
The EU monetary system wasn't set up right. That's why Europe is so fucked right now. It has nothing to do with Obama.
>>15005293 (OP)
Black Internet Defence Force detected
>this victim complex

Texan here, not 5 minutes ago a black older dude ridding a bicycle in my mostly white neighborhood just rode by. I don't really give a shit. No one really cares as much as you think.

White people aren't as racist as you think, not as racist as Asians or even other Africans and Indians
>India racist.

Yeah, I'd take that hit for my kids. Deal with it, faggot.
>>15005293 (OP)
Which is exactly what Obama is doing now. Interesting...?
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>Being this bamboozled by numbers.

Hi GDP growth sure means a lot when you're out on the street because your company decided it needed to cut costs.

I personally deplore obama for other reasons but believing the media for what constitutes progress is laughable.
This is how Boomer mentality develops.
>implying I wish ill will on my children.
Only a Boomer could think this way.
>Why do Burgerfriends hate Obama so much?

Because he wants to make the US like Europe and therefore shit in comparison like you have just demonstrated.
And you're proud that you didn't think any negative thoughts about the black man on a bike? At least 3/4 of the people I know personally are racist to some degree. Just because you didn't yell nigger out the window does not mean you are not racist. And that survey was self reported racism, and no one thinks they are racist, just like vast majority of drivers think they are better than average.
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>>15005293 (OP)
Yes OP, it's mostly racism from the southern states. They voted in a retarded white southerner two times and he wrecked the country. Then a black northern liberal fixed everything in his first term and is provably the best post war president (chart related). You would think these guys would have learned to deal with losing horribly by now, but sadly they havent
you're a moron and have no idea how economics works.

We could wake up one morning, and prices could double. We have 100 million americans on entitlements. How will that add up? People will be starving in the streets. This kind of economic chaos is just what democrats want. They wage war on our economy for political gain.
Reminds of the other day, I was going into a dollar store. As I parked a dirty nigger walked by my car and went in. I thought, "I bet that nigger is going to rob the place lel niggers", but then I was like "no, he's probably just dirty from his jo b and he's just a random black dude".
5 minutes later.... That exact nigger robbed the place.
Another one that doesn't understand the stock market.
> sales are shit - cut employees pay - cost down - profits up - stocks up.

Yay we poor now but Obama saved us by making lots of money for hedge fund managers and million/billionaire investors leading to a growing income disparity. But the Dow is up


How much did he get away with? A dollar plus tax?
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>shit unemployment
>slowest recovery since the Great Depression
>in debt over our heads
>credit rating downgraded
>more and more authoritarian policies (indefinite detention, we warzone now)
>drone strikes on American citizens without due process
>using federal departments to spy on people who oppose him
>telling me I don't need muh guns while the DHS buys 7000 full autos and 2400 MRAPs and over a billion rounds of hollow points
>dat class warfare tax da rich fair share bullshit
'bout three fiddy
>>15005293 (OP)
Only reason Europe get in a financial crisis is because US get into one. And some country actually benefited from EU going into a crisis
>muh excuses

Obama is an economic genius that saved this country from certain doom. Remember where we were in 2008: the country was ruined. Now we're roaring back and it's all thanks to him
Can't have it both ways. One, in 1950's America he would be viewed as a black man. Two, looking black is enough to be fully black.

>>One drop rule.
>>Pencil falling out of hair test.
> nigger logic
Rob a dollar store

>what is "white?"
It's cute how it's a social construct when it's working against you, and race when for you.
>India most racist of them all

Who knew
>>15005293 (OP)
the only thing america is better at is cooking the books.
> economic genius
Sides orbiting mars. I bet the rover can see them
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>>15005293 (OP)
What the fuck is a burgerfriend?
Just want a little clarification... To you, resigning the Patriot act, as well as signing in the NDAA doesn't make him a shit president? He's done more damage to our civil liberties than anyone else.

Also, the unemployment low is very deceptive. During the obama administration, the standards changed so that people without work who have given up looking are no longer "unemployed".

And the massive debt increase doesn't bother you? Or the rampant dishonesty? Or the promise and failure to deliver a "transparent administration?"
That is not a well reasoned argument
Economy = cyclical
> only every CEO I'm the country worked to correct the economic down turn. Obama just gave away money to the companies that gave his campaign money.
The patriot act was fixed long ago. It still isnt perfect but it's far from what it was in 2002
Roaring is quite an overstatement. Limping would be more apt
In 2002 the patriot act was used to spy on international calls.

Now all domestic calls, e-mail, internet traffic, etc. are intercepted and analyzed.

You consider this fixed?
>He thinks the unemployment rate isn't 15% or more already
Fucking idiot, they obviously lie about that
Christ, you missed the point. I don't want to say it's the white man's rule but that's the way it had always been. If you were half black you were black
I remember 2008. Things have gotten considerably better. Not that there isn't a long way to go
Requesting that .gif of Bernanke throwing money around as the Joker?

While it's true Europe is in a bad way, it's reluctant to turn on the printing presses. America is printing what? $85 billion a week/month? Europeans are a bit scared of printing money because of what happened before National Socialism in Germany..
>I'm really mad that white people have made progress when it comes to racism, especially if they point out a half-white president isn't "just black" so blacks can't take 100% credit.
If you really want, we can go back to those days, too, if you want to keep those standards. I wonder how many blacks would have to get lynched so you can be happy about hating the white man?
If by "not perfect", you mean "grievous assault on our rights." And what about the rest?

We have a very fictional "economic recovery", with billions being pumped into banks (raising their holdings of the GDP from 14% to near 65%), burgeoning inflation, and most of the jobs created are low paying service sector jobs. And let us not forget the coming student loan bubble, which will dump the economy in the tank again.
I don't like this talk of hate. I don't hate anyone. I think of your are black then it's perfectly fine to see the guy as the first black president.
Half-black, you mean. :)
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>be niggers
>rob dollar store with fake gun
>customer legally carrying kills one when he orders the to drop their gun, one doesnt and one does and runs away
>the one that ran away is charged with the murder of his friend


You both clearly know nothing about the law. The Patriot Act was fixed by the post-2006 democratic congress. There's no point in discussing this with you before you read up a bit
>roaring back

[Citation needed]

By all accounts and any measure, this is the slowest, moat painful recovery in American history.
It's unstable to overlook that very correct technicality. I don't see many white people claiming him so he goes black by default.
yurop please let me live in you
>>15005293 (OP)
>>Why do Burgerfriends hate Obama so much?
>place of birth has been disputed many times and more often than not, was proven that he was born an American; adamantly refuses to show birth certificate
>won the Nobel Peace prize for doing jackshit
>debt, debt, debt, debt and more debt
And that's not the end of it.
>law gets more oppressive

Also, my only point about the patriot act was that Obama renewed it. So you've really rather failed to address that point.

Patriot act aside, do you have anything to say about my other points?
He didnt renew Bush shitty law from 2002 was the point, it was a much better law by then
Obama is provably the best performing post war president
>slowest growth since the Great Depression
>roaring back
Freedom isn't free. It costs a buck o'five.
Except when I responded to the vacuous claims by that poster, he refused to relevantly respond to any of my points. So, no. Your circular argument is non-productive.
Performance of the stock exchange is not an accurate gauge of economic progress. Try again.

...and this is why nobody takes your ideology seriously.
Half black = 100% black
I'm racist but at least I'm consistent, I can't stand wafflers.
>portugal italy greece spain
yes it is
Dirty fucking indians, lol
>>15005293 (OP)
Because he's communist scum, and also a nigger.
No it isn't.
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>>15005293 (OP)
you're just patently wrong, all an-caps agree dont bother them about it
>Half-black, you mean. :)

He married black, he's black.
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A stunning reply, sir. Have a read.

>kike news network

please come back when you've read smith, hayek, mises and howell pleb
You've caught my grand deception! The economy is booming, which is why food stamp distribution is at a record high!


>dat booming economy
FYI the Republicans still want to start a full scale war in Iran if they get the chance it will make drone strikes look like a quaint memory
No, nigger. You come back when you've read them. You're adept at throwing names around but seem to be seriously lacking in the knowledge department.
[Citation needed]
Here's something I don't understand. What's wrong with using drones? It's cheaper and less risky for servicemen. Are you saying you'd rather we were conducting strikes with F-16s/15s and exposing pilots to AA fire or the vastly more expensive F-117s and B2s?
>credit rating downgraded

you realize Moodys placed the blame squarely on the obstructionist Repugs, don't you?
Republitard politicians are constantly shitting on their constituents' plate and telling them it's Obama's turds. Right now they're trying to Whitewater/Lewinsky him. Same dumb tricks every time, but since half the nation's IQ is below 100 they can always get at least 50% to buy it.
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>>15005293 (OP)

You're dumb as fuck OP.

Have some redpill:

Most of the reason I detest Repugs is their retarded economic/social/foreign/military policies, but I REALLY hate the retarded knuckledragging bible-thumping southerners who are their base. We should have let the fuckers secede, that would now be another State of Mexico.
>He cut taxes and increased government spending by a lot
>increased government spending by a lot

Who? You mean Obama? I mean he was only at 4 TRILLION in his first term.
What's really weird to me (and I know not everyone opposed to the strikes uses this) is that a lot of anti-drone people have this concept of "fairness" being violated

Like it's just too one-sided to be able to blow up someone without possible retaliation
>what is economic inertia
Not the same poster but you do realize that it usually takes years for a president's fiscal policy to make an impact, not including drastic actions like bailouts.

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