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they make sandwiches for the male soldiers
They'll also cry and whine about the killings and stuff.
the male soldiers make sandwiches out of them
Either lesbians or whores, most of them not too beatiful.
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>>13781418 (OP)
why is /pol/ so sexist
that pussy has got to smell
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Welfare queen dykes.
Well said
I have no doubt that women can fight as well as men. I do not however support them being in the military. Their comparative advantage is needed elsewhere.
If they can meet the established standards for a GI and can deal with the fact they'll be raped if they're ever captured, then by all means be a soldier.
>>13781418 (OP)
They get special privileges and don't actually fight.
rape fodder
I go not agree with women being soldiers. There are other ways to change the world. Blowing off peoples legs and arms isn't an answer.
>I have no doubt that women can fight as well as men.
You should, because testosterone is a major advantage.
Women are allowed into combat now, thanks to a Senate Defense bill that passed. Anyone have any reasons as to WHY this is a good idea? Or is it just in the name of equality?
They'll just get raped, by their fellow male soldiers.
They are citizens, so they should serve equally with a man in support of their country.

i think female soldiers are essential to allowing everyone to express their national pride to the fullest extent.
>>13781418 (OP)
>What does /pol/ think of


/^One day when I was 7 I was walking home from school/
/^What does \/pol\/ think of/i;op:yes
As long as they don't get special rights, then I'm fine with it.
If they want to die, then let them die.
Every thread on /pol/ is an infogathering shitpost then...
> female soldiers
you mean hookers?
that's so sexist man, respect the women
look at this faggot. i bet he thinks flowers and beads solve geo-political disagreements too.

fucking hippie.
Some faggots posting this on every board
>>13781418 (OP)
Women do not make good soldiers. They do, however, make excellent executioners. Give them a reason to fear for their safety or the safety of their children, give them guns, ship them to the warzone and watch as they exterminate the enemy without hesitation, mercy or remorse.

It's in their nature.
Females are slower, weaker, and they prevent men(the ones who do the actual hard work) from working in a cohesive manner, men aren't allowed to act or say the things that guys do in tough situations to bond to ensure that they will do whatever it takes for their brothers in arms
>>13781418 (OP)
No. Nothing wrong with training women to be warriors, but soldiers they are not.

I propose a "federal service" (like Heinlein suggested) that is a period of enlistement in which they learn to fight, operate systems essential to the military (from missile launchers to washing dishes) and fulfill duties that would free up men for combat.

Keeping our women out of the worst of harm's way (i.e., the enemy) is a virtue to a society.

The same thing I think about female cops
>>13781418 (OP)
Stupid. They'll get raped and deserve it. The military isn't a joke, or a girl's club to feel empowered. It's life or death.
If what I've heard is true, they're massive sluts
no. not even that other anon.

there are threads that are legitiately from third parties to gather information about our disposition.
>>13781418 (OP)
More people willing to kill sand-niggers and possibly die?

Sounds good to me.
I don't like the idea of them being on the frontline.
I think a man would be more suited to the task of dragging my leggless body to cover.
Also loads'a rape when captured would send western media into a frenzy and make the 1 female soldier seem more important than the hundreds of men.
I don't care at all because it's they're life that they're risking, so it doesn't matter to us men.
If they feel good about dying, then let them die and feel good about it.
holy shit
send them to war so that females will stop enlisting making the military a better place.
Holy shit
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theyre a waste of time and money, same as female cops, firefighters, etc.
similar to this

i liked the old guy that walks up after the shooter is dead. "ive got a pistol". he was trying to help.
Its for the sake of equality.
but im convinced obama wants to destroy our military by allowing women to be special forces and then shrinking the military.
top lel
we need more women in the military, no matter their skill or what the expenses will be! such a disgusting male monopoly business
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Female soldiers aren't actually soldiers.

If you want to find actual female fighters you have to look at terrorist organizations or revolutionary movements like the kurds or leftist guerrillas.

>tfw qt1.34 communist guerilla terrorist will never kiss your neck and whisper in your ear as she slits your throat from behind
>>13781418 (OP)
A bunch of macho lesbians going to war? Good I won't have to see their ugly ugly faces and bodies as much
>>13781418 (OP)
My rage meter is over infinity.
watching this and listening to this
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This, and congrats on the double dubs
women != feminists
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>tfw qt1.34 communist guerilla terrorist will never kiss your neck and whisper in your ear as she slits your throat from behind

i shouldnt want this...
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Women make incredibly effective prison guards in gulags.
>video games always make women wear skimpy outfits because they're sexist! Why wouldn't they be wearing full armour!?
>doesn't wear full armour
LOL feminism you so cray
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Except it's not similar at all.

some crazy asshole with a rifle who got shot to death isn't comparable to a crazy vietnam veteran who used cover fire, advanced quickly, acquired his target and took him down like an operator.
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I think it's hot
>Dat poorly made flag
what nation has such little pride?
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its not similar at all huh?

so in both instances 2 men didnt exit their vehicles and begin shooting at police?

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ADSAHAHahahaAHasdFDGF check your privilege.
I think one should be assigned to every unit to fuck and suck her male comrades. Armies run on their dicks, according to a prominant Israeli Rabbi-Officer.
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dey aight, be getin dem periods n shit
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I think 'fan service' is seriously a foreign concept to feminists. If they weren't so goddamned uptight, they could just enjoy the game anyways, and accept that video game women sometimes wont be wearing much, though still be an awesome character.
Other than the beautiful face, that uniform is just, Jesus Christ, horrifying.
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I think a male comrade would rather save me than some a woman.

If women want to work in offices ,they can do all day,altough they do some stupid shit on facebook and don't work at all.

But in the military or police force their stupid shit will cost human lives.

Le strong female soldier

Fuck this society
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There's a good reason most fantasy style RTS games have females in supportive roles (sorceress / cleric / archer, etc.). Women should not be allowed anywhere near the front line and do better as support roles.

No, it's not because hurr durr womenz r important men r expendable. They have no place in the thick of the front line. If a handful of them want to try their luck and risk capture and gangrape, not to mention a few broken fingernails and split ends, then let them.
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pigs get theys money and takes they chances
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>Other than the beautiful face

Poor taste, mate.
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i wut

be a nigger elswhere
The IDF just has female soldiers to make them marry male soldiers to produce more military-friendly babies
>all those missed shots
>all those shots after hitting him
this is why there shouldn't be any female cops
fucking whores can't even aim
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looool never change, /pol/
She's cute, would fuck if I wasn't scared of the herp.
I dunno, from the front I think her face could look pretty hot
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She's the same colour as my glans
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>all these people saying the women would get raped
>implying they would even make it that far
Most women in the military intentionally get themselves knocked up when it's their turn for deployment. Any of them who actually made it into combat would probably throw their rifles down and run away screaming at the first sight of an enemy.
That is true though.
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>If you want to find actual female fighters you have to look at terrorist organizations or revolutionary movements like the kurds or leftist guerrillas.

I don't think they do any actual fighting there either.

Just pose for publicity/propaganda and whore themselves out to male soldiers.
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Do these bitches actually fight?
As soon as photos of the first female soldier blown into pieces makes it to the media, it will be all over.
JIDF, pls go
My recruiter was smoking hot, that's a good place for them.
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Window dressing indeed

This is so true.
they are young goats

young goats

>Most women in the military intentionally get themselves knocked up when it's their turn for deployment.
Maybe they should get dishonorable discharge for that. Cumdumpters have no place in the military. She-hulks might.
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She removes kebab.
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A better question - why is it being considered/already put into effect measures to lower admission standards into the armed forces so more women can join?

Those triceps

One on the left could probably kick my ass
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>tfw no qt3.14 czech master race gf that enjoys shooting

Why haven't women been forced to sign up for the draft?
They should be given birth control shots as a condition of their enlistment.
>>13781418 (OP)
I support female soldiers. The victors should have more rewards than just their pay, for risking their lives. Blowing your load in a defeated woman soldier while putting a gun to her head must feel pretty good after a tough battle.
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Filthy tar lung, sure make yourself unfit that's totally not you planing a quick way out
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Women make good pilots. Soldiers, no, too much heavy shit to haul among many other reasons why only males should do it
>b-b-but muh equal opportunity employment
Try not to rage:

Yes those mittens are so operative, she can´t even handle the rifle with those on.
It makes women eligible for the draft.
Her arm looks fucked up though
>>13781418 (OP)

They are retarded immoral scum like most soldiers.

Tax dollaroonies well spent as always.

Aah Feminism~
They shouldn't allow them to be getting knocked up. That's presumably not why they're in the military.
>women make good pilots
Have you seen women drivers?
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How much collective societal butthurt will there be when we see a photo like this, except it was all females?
>>13781418 (OP)

I don't see why women who are capable of serving as soldiers shouldn't be allowed to become soldiers.
I don't know. Their tears will be kinda delicious.
>>13781418 (OP)
Just look at those WAR KILLING MACHINES, OP.
You already know the answer deep within your heart.
There's a little more leniency in 3 dimensions. Plus women are smaller, which means the plane can carry more bombs.
And the females in the Vietcong suffered 8 times higher rates of attrition and they eventually discontinued the practice of putting them on the front lines.
Bitches not gonna stop my platoon just so he can swap her tampon

>30% body fat
Yeah, real good use of resources.
>women are smaller, which means the plane can carry more bombs
Why are there bombs in the cockpit?
Usually ugly, usually sluts. And if not either then they're likely to get raped by their fellow soldiers. The whole thing just gets swept under. It's quite abysmal.

Hopefully this is just army tropes. Dunno about Air Force or the Navy.
Everyone who thinks women should be soldiers have been brainwashed by liberal agenda and lacks the necessary intelligence/reason to know this. Plain and simple

>Dat ass on the short one



woman sitting on it

Is having a smaller body an advantage as a fighter pilot i.e can you handle g-forces better?

She can set it on her lap and toss it out the window onto a target like they did in the old days in WW1
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>implying you can surpass the pristine beauty of our female soldiers

Stay mad, fags

Yeah, less distance for the heart to pump blood, keeps you awake longer.
The funny thing is, they'd probably be stupid enough to do this
a target is a target, no matter the gender, age or whatever
The same color as the slit on the tip of your dick?
rape teim is whats gonna happen
I don't like it
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Guy in drag on the far right.
Oh yeah, you can strap an extra 10 kg bomb on there. What a great advantage.
why do they always shoop their photos
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Holy shit guys they have Ninjas now.
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>THE Royal Australian Navy is paying for women sailors to have breast enlargements for purely cosmetic reasons, at a cost to taxpayers of $10,000 an operation.


Female soldiers will never see direct combat, they're just there to appease femicunts and look pretty in pictures for you waifu faggots.
>women drivers are worse then men
Right, that's why they get cheaper car insurance.
Ninjas didn't wear black, it was considered dishonourable.
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Yeeeah, about that....

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>>13781418 (OP)
Wherever I am, I must also rape
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sauce on pic?

Which one of you retards are trying to greentext on the comments for that video right now?
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Theoretically yes. In reality, the only limiting factor on height is the space in the cockpit.

The same thing applies to short people; if you're too short, you can't be a pilot.
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They're in there for the welfare benefits and miles of dick.

Seriously, ask /k/ for a military women greentext thread, and you'll get plenty of gangbang stories.
Women have more accidents numerically, men have less but they are usually more expensive per accident. Also it's the same as a sale, they still get charged out the ass but they think that because it's cheaper for them they're getting a good deal so more of them sign up, simple kike business practice.
>>13781418 (OP)

They are either dykes or attentionwhores.

Then they get raped and cry about the "patriarchy" on tumblr or whatever.
There are no statistics showing that women have fewer accidents than men. The reason men have to pay more for insurance is because men are more likely to litigate.
Hey if chicks want to fight and die for Israeli interests, let them - I'm sure not going to.
They are sluts,
they're lazy
And usually ugly

That's an insiders view, take it for what it is
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Flying is much more difficult.

Men drive more miles than women, as they usually work more. More men on the road, will lead to more accidents and make it appear like they can't drive.
That's a picture of a Serbian pop star that was visiting troops during the war, USO style. She's not a soldier
bullshit, women have more accidents
Actually, this is somewhat true. Countries like Israel, China, Korea, etc. that have conscription for women do it to put national pride in them, kinda like Girl Scouts. They don't actually expect women to do any fighting.
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>tfw live in desert
>tfw i will never enjoy arctic warfare

Driving ability has nothing to do with car insurance rates.

Women statistically get into more accidents than men do, but they usually result in a repair + body shop visit, as opposed to accidents with males that tend to result in the insurance having to shell out money for a brand new vehicle.

Also, males are MUCH more likely to get pulled over for speeding, reckless driving, etc. than females, which causes insurances to deem us "unsafe" drivers and the rates to be higher as a result.
I'd remove kebab with her.

Hey shitface, I don't want to be drafted into war. Wrap that around your bloated little peabrain head of yours before I shove my hippie beads down your throat. Aren't your glad I am not a soldier? Imagine what raging PMS and a gun can do!

What are females trying to prove? How does this help anyone? I guess we aren't breeding so lets go blow away some poor people who live in a mudhut.
I'd put my kebab in her ;P ;P xxxx pls respond
The first properly formed, and worn beret I've seen in this entire thread. Kudos to this sexy bitch
sent :)
>dat jew
There are exactly three types:

>The dykes who are practically men anyway
>The slut who is there to fuck ALLOT of dudes
>The extremely rare competent type who I would actually follow into battle
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>>13781418 (OP)
They should stay the fuck off the battlefield.
>>13781418 (OP)
>female soldiers
e.excuse me d.do y.yo you wanna s.share my mre???
>le epic le kichen le sanwich le i hate le wimmins

make sure you remember to make that >tfw no gf thread later goy

I know a girl wanting to join the RAF

>The slut who is there to fuck ALLOT of dudes

Seriously, shes had more men than I've had hot dinners, and I'm white and lower middle class.
>>13781418 (OP)
>What does /pol/ think of female soldiers?

The same thing I think about all soldiers, welfare queens with inflated egos who think they're protecting from threats when all the real threats are much closer to home and in positions of power.
so x>200 then?
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I wasn't even implying that.
Think about it when a guy is captured by the enemy there torture is limited, but when a female is captured the possibilities are endless.
Like everything else feminism has introduced, it's a nice politically correct fiction that a society can maintain so long as no actual stress is being placed on that society.

Get in a real war. See if female soldiers, with all their attendant tactical risks and problems, stick around.
>>13781418 (OP)

"walking mattresses" that's what marines say about female marines

women have no place in the military
>>13781418 (OP)
It's fine. Women can keep up its just our societies retarded standards of what women are supposed to look like that makes them frail and weak.
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>>13781418 (OP)
Like anyone, if they do their duty and are loyal to their nation, that is enough.

There are obvious differences between a man and woman, such as combat prowess for example, but a job done is a job done. Nothing else should matter
>he thinks male POWs don't get raped
hurr what is weight balance?

women weighs 40-50 lbs less than man...are they really going to load a 40 lb bomb? fucking moran
cockpit not cuntpit...valid argument
>raping men
Maybe shoved something in their ass but not dicks.
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>hurr what is weight balance?
oh you sweet naive child
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>believing car insurance commercials
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Alright then go find me some fucking proof of some sandniggers raping a male POW.
Is it wrong that I find her dress really awesome and cool?
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gtfo MIDF
would nips or gooks suffice? or do you think that all wars will be with the silicone dioxide negros forever and ever in the future?

just wondering how much effort I need to expend here
I thought there was only one reason that women soldiers were put in the field, and that was to perform searches of female civilians or enemy females.
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I asked for proof of sandnigger sticking their dicks into the ass of a male POW. Not a shitty video I have already seen or asking someone about there effort. Now go find me some fucking rock solid proof.
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Would capture and brutally rape until they become willing sex slaves.

As for Op's question, who gives a shit, it's going to be an all drone army soon enough.
Only way you'll get effective woman solider is desperate situations like WW2 USSR, North Vietnam or Iran during the Iran-Iraq war.

Although I see no reason whether a fat drone jockey sitting on his ass in New Mexico is a chick or not matters.
How degenerate. Is there nothing a woman can join just to kill people, with no expectation of sex?
>>13781418 (OP)
Half as strong as male counterparts.
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>>13781418 (OP)
If they're good enough to serve on the USS Enterprise, they're good enough to serve in our military.
If I were the enemy, I would take them alive and do things.. horrible things.
That's just pressing buttons. And that dyke who was the security officer in TNG got herself killed in one of the early seasons.
The funny thing about this is the military should be only for men and very manly bulldykes.
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>runaway from a shitty world full of rape-gangs
>try to be a tough chick in the Fed
>sent back in time to die fighting
>get captured, raped and force to become alien sex slave
>pretend to enjoy it, raise rape baby
>get killed trying to escape
Ban women, pls.
They revived her only to have her enslaved/raped/give birth to herself.
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>let chick become captain
>destroy franchise
top lel.
5/10 (and below) beta females
+ abundant access to alpha males
+ eventual scorning when it's time for alphas to go home and pick up 8/10 (and above) females
= false rape accusations

I don't think it's a good idea, given that the genders are as antagonistic toward each other as they are. There's a built-in division within the ranks.

You understand the lightest bomb the US uses weighs in at 500 pounds right?
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>>13781418 (OP)
Female soldiers you say?
Infantry? Big mistake, a women is not as physically capable as a man plus they'll experience far worse if they're captured by enemies.

Non-infantry? As long as they can work as well as a man can, I don't care.
Notice the ship gets lost when a woman is in charge?
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>implying there hasn't and always shall be star trek
Is that Jessica Lynch?
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>NEVER let them take you off that ship. Because, while you're there, you can make a difference!
Next movie:
>sup? I'm an Admiral now and I love being your boss, Picard.
Jew Jew Abrams presents Star Wars Trek.
I suffered though all of Voyager w/o losing it... after all ST has its ups and downs, but that scene, SO MUCH NERD RAGE.

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yes join females we need moar!
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Send them over, need more fair skinned harem girls.
Wasn't femshep confirmed canon lesbian in Mass Effect 3? Cause that might explain things, too
Wow, why is USA is such a shithole...
Barely above sandniggers they are trying to kill.
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>tfw gangraping with your friends freedum fighters
>implying female soldiers don't have drunken consensual sex with other soldiers and then lie about rape to get discharged with full benefits after 2 years or less
500,000 women raped in all of military history? thats nothing
Define sexual assault. A slap on the ass can be seen as sexual assault. A comment on someones appearance can even be viewed as sexual assault.
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>Wasn't femshep confirmed canon lesbian in Mass Effect 3?
>confirmed canon lesbian in Mass Effect
>Mass Effect

>get impregnated by tough-ass tall soldier boy
>get sent home, find a beta to raise your genetically superior kid and shower you with money
>reputation as "tough" because you were in the Army six weeks, you can play this up for a decade at least

holy shit it's brilliant
Stuff like that makes it even a bigger shithole...
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>tfw watching Starship Troopers
>tfw the shower scene
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I don't remember a shower scene, but I remember the hot chick gettin fuckt
Boot camp would be terrible, you would get a huge boner because you can't masturbate and you would get your ass ITed or thrown the fuck out.
Female soldiers are alright, just don't let those 13 year olds on the left join. Unisex showers and all that.

You get in trouble for having a boner?
Isn't a female soldier getting hit by enemy fire something that almost never happens?
Its boot camp, you can get in trouble for anything, I would most likely believe that this would be a big liability no no. Sexual harassment is already a huge deal in the military.
Both the male and female soldiers shower together.

I discovered a new fetish the first time I watched that movie
As long as training standards aren't lowered and they have to meet the same physical requirements I am fine with it

but seeing as how that is impossible libfag PC world they can fuckoff

The only thing that will stop the libfags pushing for female soldiers is when one of them is captured, raped, tortured, and then beheaded on camera

and the libfags will be completely silent when it happens
so vote for the party that wants a smaller state, not the party that hates the military. Faggot.
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Superior version
Here in Greece we had a civil war between Commies and Monarchists.

Commies had a lot of women in their ranks, so when monarchists caught a female commie they would usally do some really sadistic stuff to her, like shoving bottles into their vagainas or jumping on their breasts.
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>shoving bottles into their vagainas

why wouldn't they shove their dicks into their vaginas? seems like a wasted opportunity
Greeks are always classy, it's their 2500 years of cultural heritage.
You's get contaminated by their red subversion.
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Most female soldiers I've met are a little aggressive if they're interested. Which hits some of my favorite buttons.

Too bad I don't have it in me to commit to a long-distance relationship. I would not be able to hold anything together while she's on deployment, so I don't bother pursuing anything more than a night.

Dat hair. Think of the shine risks! She doesn't know the first thing about camouflage!

Look at this faggot
Because bottles break inside the vaginas.
And you can still buttfuck them
I remmber this picture. Was looking for it
Nah she joined the army it was part of the job. I'm a libfag and ex military.
We had worse during the war of indepence

Like there is a guy who wrote how he saw his fellow greeks capturing a muslim woman and they cut her limbs ofg and insert a animal head between her legs before the eyes of her familiy.
>>13781418 (OP)

If statistic are anything, 1/3 have been raped or will be raped.
God Damn Greeks are freaks.
The animal head thing happens before the limb cutting.
Training standards will be different if we let girls in. I think we should change the system. I don't think it was good anyway. You cannot hold the same standard to a 5"3 man to a 6"5 giant as you can to a girl and a guy. Girls should lift 1.5 times their body weight and Guys should lift twice their own weight. The mile run should be 5:30 seconds for either gender.
It lessens the amount of dumb ignorant pussy I can bang, so no, I don't like it
We are bitter over 1453.
Interview with female combat vet who doesn't think women should necessarily serve in combat:

Capt. Katie Petronio served as a combat engineer officer on deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, and in her last deployment with a Female Engagement Team (FET) attached to the infantry, she gained insight into what it may be like. In the Marine Corps Gazette, she writes:
"...some of these [female] Marines may feel qualified for the chance of taking on the role of 0302 [Infantry Officer]. In the end, my main concern is not whether women are capable of conducting combat operations, as we have already proven that we can hold our own in some very difficult combat situations; instead, my main concern is a question of longevity. Can women endure the physical and physiological rigors of sustained combat operations, and are we willing to accept the attrition and medical issues that go along with integration?"

The once-star college athlete, at the peak of physical condition before deploying, then goes on to write about her issues after return:
"Five years later, I am physically not the woman I once was and my views have greatly changed on the possibility of women having successful long careers while serving in the infantry. I can say from firsthand experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, and not just emotion, that we haven’t even begun to analyze and comprehend the gender-specific medical issues and overall physical toll continuous combat operations will have on females."

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Everyone involved is long dead.

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