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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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What does /pol/ think of Quentin's Inglourious Basterds?

Are there people here that hate the movie completely because Brad Pitt kills Nazis? Are there people that think some Jews are half decent or all should be dead?
>>14421142 (OP)
Its clear cut anti-white revenge fantasy that glorifies jew on white violence murder.

Fuck you for even mentioning it. I hope you get burned alive in a tiny furnace over and over again for eternity in hell, you jewish enabling scum piece of shit faggot son of a kike camel fucking whore muslim commie homo bastard bitch!
>>14421142 (OP)

Meh, it was pretty bad cinematography. There was a lot of potential for a good movie, though, but Q is a bit hung up on pretending he's being 2deep4u by forcing B-movie directing where it's not necessary.
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this is exactly why I love coming to /pol/
At the very least it was better than Django Unchained.
The French Resistance was far more interesting than the other arcs. Brad Pitt was not very good. Glorified WWII, especially against Germans but because Jews were doing it we were meant to be OK with that.
>>14421142 (OP)

no, i hate the movie because it's a shitty fucking movie
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Question: Is Quentin a Jew?
Is the fucking sky blue?
>>14421142 (OP)
>Jews all dead
No, some are pretty smart. We could keep them to work in underground laboratories or something.
I saw this and everyone in the theater started clapping and cheering when they shot up Hitler. This was in the New England area too, which was surprising.
I have conflicted feels when I watched it. I liked the movie and Brad Pitt but I hate the fact that all jews are completely innocent angels in this movie.
>anti-white revenge fantasy

Which made enough money that he went out and made D'jango.

And it was mostly whites who pay to see this stuff.
I've got a point to make about Django. Before Quentin got Jamie Foxx, he wanted Will Smith to play Django. Will declined because Django doesn't get to kill Candie, Schultz does. So if Quentin gave us having the most bankable actor in all of Hollywood rather than change this one scene in the film, he had a damn good reason. That reason is Quentin wanted to make a point over how ridiculous liberal white guilt is. Watching Schultz refuse to just shake Candie's hand and get the fuck out was frustrating to the entire audience and I think that was intentional.
>that all jews are completely innocent angels in this movie

did we watch the same movie?
>>14421142 (OP)

I thought the movie was pretty good, like every other Tarantino movie.

You must be an autistic fuck if you hate the movie just because nazis were killed.
this movie opened a lot of old wounds in my family, we suffered greatly over my grandfathers death

he got drunk and fell out of the guard tower
I usually shut it off after the first 15 minutes.
The rest is unnecessary

Though I do get a kick mike meyer is in it
>I liked the movie and Brad Pitt but I hate the fact that all jews are completely innocent angels in this movie.

You mean the jews are deranged killers who beat people to deaths with baseball bats and scalp them? And likewise the audience cheers for people being burned alive in a movie theater? (It's bad when jews are burned alive, but it's fantastic when germans are!)

Meanwhile Hans Landa was pretty much the most cultured, sophisticated and intelligent character in the entire film?

QT trolled you all.
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>he got drunk and fell out of the guard tower
>/pol/ doesnt realize its a satire of WW2 movies by having the german soldiers be educated, and polite while the americans are loud mouth dumbasses

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