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The year is 2035

>Be white cis male living in the subterranean slums of Tolerance Zone 77-A (formally known as New York City)
>White cis people were forced underground during the Obama Wars
>The cis are not allowed on the surface world for this is our punishment for a history of oppression.
>The surface dwellers known as the ETPA (Equality, Tolerance, and Privilege Authority) are constantly raiding into the Under-City to stop us white cis people oppressing them with out existence
>After years of scavenging I was finally able to construct a primitive system comparable to the computers from the before time.
>"Finally! Maybe I can contact other clusters of cis people, maybe there is even a resistance in Europe!"
>Manage to get on the internet (to my surprise the ETPA kept it intact)
>Go to check /pol/ (surely if there were other cis people left this would be their last bastion)
>Click the link
>Suddenly screen starts flashing red, my device starts smoking
>Bold text appears saying WE FOUND YOU CIS SCUM
>"Oh shi-"
>Suddenly a colossal drill bursts through the rocky ceiling
>Shit what have I done! they've found us!
>Shouting for my family to run
>It's too late, a Privilege-Pod has crashed through the rocky crust protecting out community from the ETPA
>From the pod emerge 10 heavily armed Deci-sexual trans-ethnic Bi-Navajo wymyn riding War-Bovines who self identify as Paleolithic Mastodons of an indiscriminate sex and gender.
>They run me down and beat me with non phallic clubs of tolerance and place a Cis Correction Collar around my neck which leaves me immobile and docile.
>As a take a last look at the scene unfolding around me before they inject me with Walrus Estrogen I see my city in flames as more Pods break through the rock ceiling and my cis family being taken away in shackles
>A single tear rolls down by cheek as the reality sets in that I caused all this
Nice pasta
>>17191082 (OP)
it was my privilege
no pasta
>>17191082 (OP)

Im not a redpill faggot, but that was hilarious.

If only it really happened

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