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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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The US economy is broken.

Fortune 500 companies rake in billions of dollars per day in pure profit while paying millions of employees $7.25 per hour as compensation for keeping these companies afloat.

In most states, earning $7.25 an hour means that you have to work at least 70 hours a week to afford room, board, and basic amenities. The people earning this kind of money are the same people who not only prop up Fortune 500 companies, but also keep the country itself running.

On the record, handfuls of white collar executives rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to provide oversight. Off the record, these executives make millions on stock options, bonuses, and kickbacks while doing a fraction of the work that their underlings perform on a day-to-day basis.

The gap between the rich and the working poor has never been wider, and it threatens to swallow us all if action is not taken. Making the market free of regulation will not fix this, as free markets endorse the kind of rock-bottom wages and elitism that we see today.

Where do we go from here?
>>14616614 (OP)

Revolution or slavery. Your pick. Most of /pol/ has already chosen slavery.
>while doing a fraction of the work that their underlings perform on a day-to-day basis

Where did the idea that executives don't work hard come from? Do you think people get to these positions by not working hard?
lol feminism
lol boomers
By watching them. I see this all the time in my industry, when they say they work 18 hour days, they mean expensive dinners and corporate outings.
>Do you think people get to these positions by not working hard?
I do think that. I think they get to those positions by nepotism and connections. Witness the revolving door of guys that go out of the banking sector and into the government then back in the banking sector and so on forever.
I damn well know that my father and my uncle didn't. They just went through the motions, made the right friends in college, and worked for guys their father introduced them to. If I were to follow in my dad's footsteps, I'd be an unpaid intern at best, and a wageslave with no ability to advance at worst.
Your government is turning the entire world into China 2.0 by enforcing free trade with China.

End free trade, bring back tariffs and trade barriers. We had this until Clinton came along and lets face it: from the point where Clinton signed GATT and NAFTA, the US economy went downhill.

Only the top 10% income earners profit from globalization and free trade. The rest is impoverished, stripped of all human rights and worker's right.
>>14616614 (OP)
Don't forget that some people (IE third world country shit holes or china) likes to get less than $7.25 just to survive.
Collapse and rebuild.

Hopefully the trash will get taken out during the collapse.
This is also why immigration is being pushed on us. The more voters happy with their McJobs, the better for politicians.


Kids in sweatshops get pennies so that kids in prep schools can wear brands like Abercrombie & Fitch.

The world is a fucked up place.

the 2008 crash would have made this happen had the Fed not interfered

we're living on borrowed time is all
I hope it all burns down in a more painful and destructive manner than it was supposed to after the 2008 crash.
>>14616614 (OP)
You sound poor OP.

Why don't you stop buying these people's products if you don't like them?
2008 hit us hard, and tbh it would have put us under in any other situation, you have to see this as the Federal Reserve keeping the country on Life Support until they pull the plug at which point they've already secured any assets before hand.

We live now in the calm before the storm, both sides are being given the chance to prepare, and our side is doing horribly, as expected.

Things are going according to plan, though the unexpected can always happen. We can be the unexpected.
I just want to watch it all burn down

im sure you know where im coming from; im fed up
I see no problem with people at the top making more. They have to use their heads and when things go wrong they're the ones who take the fall. Its a stressful job. I saw my boss' desk the other day, it was covered in piles of paperwork. I wouldnt want to do that shit.

However, while it makes sense for bosses to earn more, there's no reason why laborers should get so little they have to worry if they will be able to get housing or medical care.
Whatever you do, just don't overthrow the government.

Generally more people die from the period after a government is overthrown than when the government is oppressive. (even very oppressive governments like Stalinist Russia)
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>whatever you do, just keep being a good goyim
I like this conversation. Please continue.
>I just want to watch it all burn down

DHS is way ahead of you.

They've got APCs and hollow-point ammunition. They've been training for this shit non-stop.

The crash is going to be frightening. It's going to make Boston's stint under martial law look like a debutante ball.

there's no "conversation". 'it's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here', and I just want it to come and watch it all burn down

its like Deus Ex but in real life! (the 2000 one, not the shitty DE:HR "prequel")
True. Whatever is to follow, it needs to be firmly in place before the current regime falls, whether peacefully or violently.
we tried the Hobbesian approach. it didn't work.

it's time to scrap everything and start anew.

Put the machines in charge.

This is the endgame.

We are unfit to govern ourselves.
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Yeah, I agree. My point is that it is very unlikely to happen overnight. The odds are good that just overthrowing government would result in something even more totalitarian.

That fucking game was ahead of its time.

It's true, though -- the machines will save us from ourselves.
Our quality of life was always an illusion hiding something very sick and decaying.

Christ is the answer.
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human beings define their reality through misery and suffering.
Having a machine god mommy or daddy will not help the human race at this point, what we need to do is get rid of all the children.

A dying god will not fix a dying system of governance.
the government is supposed to be in place for the good of the people and the welfare of the people. the US government (our gvt; unless you're not from the same country I am) hasn't been about that for at least 30 years now.

yeah it makes me sound like a "good goy" who's just wasting away doing ineffectual timewasting shit, but I keep playing that game more and more to put my mind off of the very real dystopia we live in.

I agree with the first part
I don't know about the second part; with everything I've learned and with everything that's been going on just in the western hemisphere over the past 50 years, it makes me wonder if there's a god at all.
americans think that labour unions are evil that is why u have no worker rights.
why dont u just move out of ur shit nation
nigger do you even Morpheus?

and your nation is bursting at the seams with immigrants (mudslimes and african niggers) that are getting free taxpayer money from your government while they turn around and bite the hand that feeds them to instigate riots and looting

not such a great planet, is it
>Having a machine god mommy or daddy will not help the human race at this point

You overestimate our ability act rationally. Humans are handicapped by primitive impulses and emotions -- things that machines lack.

When it comes to allocating resources and making decisions, machines do not let the fog of emotion or the haze of personal preference cloud their judgment; they act on cold, hard logic and utilitarianism every time, and they do it instantaneously.

Let the machines handle the allocation of resources, and the poverty issue will be solved overnight. At that point, we can move onto more important matters, or simply enjoy our lives of leisure and become masters of our own intellects.
>yeah it makes me sound like a "good goy" who's just wasting away doing ineffectual timewasting shit

Come on, bro.

You can play video games and enjoy them.

It's okay -- I promise.
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>Human need to be watched and understood was always filled by God
>Now we can do that with algorithms
Fuck that's disturbing
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yes I do "Morpheus", and it's a joke. such straights are in-desirable in the new age, unless you are a tyrant. man must make a choice between two paths.

the decision will be forced upon us all in short time.
nah its not okay when I play Deus Ex for 5-6 hours in one sitting multiple times a week. I just don't like living in this system anymore so any respite from it is welcome

whats more disturbing, that and the concept of a government run by AI?

or that (humans' need to be watched and understood) running in tandem with a government of corrupt, hedonistic egoists? Who also have the power to almost-omnisciently spy on you and everything you do, by the way
I'd rather choose neither at the risk of being shunned as a "dissident"

as I mentioned previously; the Hobbesian school of though has run its course and now we must try something new

"The individual desires judgment. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization."

It's been thirteen years since that game came out, and I can't find better quotes from any other game on the market today.

Hell, not even the old DOS games had writing this good.
>whats more disturbing
It's the combination of both that make it a completely legit future

if you look at today's society, we're headed straight into it
>>14616614 (OP)
The dream is over because Americans need to wake up
Still better than living in a communist state.

Doesn't mean I like it though.

which is why I proverbially keep my head in the sand by playing Deus Ex 5-6 hours a day sometimes and never leaving my house.

I'm getting sick of this system, to the point where I can barely passively take part in it anymore
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War can never die because death will never die.
Domination will never die because death will never die.
don't get lost in heaven, they got locks on the gate.
>man must make a choice between two paths.

Do you really think reality is black and white?

Let's stop kidding ourselves. The red and blue pills may exist on /pol/, but you and I know that the world is much more complex than some silly dichotomy.
>The red and blue pills may exist on /pol/, but you and I know that the world is much more complex than some silly dichotomy.

It is right now, but it will not be sooner than you think.

The masters will be clearly defined and united in their oppressive power. The slaves will be defined and united under surveillance and pain. And some people will try to fight it.
never thought about it that way
where are you getting this from, again?
Inevitability. It is far too dangerous for the super powers both corporate and martial, to wage war, especially with the tools they have now. To complex, as you said, and too messy. Dangerous.

So they will unite the only way they can as we are integrated into "one" and "made whole". They will unite against us.

Trust me. I know things.

Oh, I see. In terms of the power structure, you're right; it's definitely "us" versus "them."

Sometimes I wonder what the few who own legitimate shares of the world talk about. I wonder what gives them pleasure, and I wonder what they have planned for themselves and others.

I'm sure those things are worlds apart from the things that you and I think about.
I think the nazis were onto something.

Why don't we just tax the shit out of income that is not earned through labor. Banning it is too extreme but still.

The big problem that u see right now is having these high income taxes while at the same time having that 15% capital gains tax. You are basically punishing the doctors/engineers/managers etc. and rewarding the people just live on the enormous interest of their daddys fortune.
>I wonder what gives them pleasure, and I wonder what they have planned for themselves and others.

I could tell you... and you can imagine.
>Trust me. I know things.

so, humor a funemployed, college dropout, 20-something nobody for a couple minutes please:
>China & Russia making platitudes & concessions towards Iran, as well as China's massive stocks of gold
>You don't reckon China will initiate a move on the petrodollar within the year?

>BRICS and Venezuela: do you have an opinion on Chavez' "sudden" death in juxtaposition with one of his greatest allies (Putin/Russia) conceptualizing a large currency/trade-union?
>Why don't we just tax the shit out of income that is not earned through labor
Because then everyone leave for the nearest Tax heaven
I know for a verified fact that most of the people you're talking about/he's talking about when it comes to TPTB; they have a taste for the..."younger" flesh
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that's a perfect quote.
let it all crash and rebuild from scratch
>I could tell you

Tell us, then.
he's alluding to pedophilia (and the pedophocracy)
another wingnut ranting on the internet. why do i even bother?
I think china has large reservations, and while tempted to start throwing it's newly acquired weight around a little, I think they know better than to take unnecessary risks until it is an absolute certainty that America posses no threat.

If anything, the CEOs and share holders of the oil companies may simply go over to china once America has fallen prey to totalitarianism and the civilians no longer make good consumers.
>I think china has large reservations,

not reservations of oil, but reservations of taking action in a big way.
So no, no outright grabs for the petro dollar. All it's brought America is non-stop war fare to secure it's sources of fuel, a much better idea is a different fuel source one doesn't need to deploy out of country forces to secure.
and BRICS? (in relation to Venezuela/Chavez)

throw me a bone here pls
everybody has got a stick up their ass about giving things to the poor.
what I mean is what role do you (or the anon I was replying to) think Venezuela would have had in the new BRICS currency union if Chavez would still be alive?

Considering Venezuela is responsible for exporting a good bit of oil from their country, I'd imagine that Venezuela joining in the party would only strengthen the currency union. that is, until his "sudden" death
my guess?

"they" probably didn't want anymore competitors to get a leg up high enough that they might have to enter into a new arena of politicking. nothing too spectacular or devious.
Can't BRICS still render a new deal with the successor? Send him some assistance and let him think on it, I'm sure he would love such a powerful alliance if he felt secure.
>Can't BRICS still render a new deal with the successor

correct me if I'm wrong (as I haven't done any due diligence on the new guy) but I'm sure this new guy is just as much in the US' pocket as any other person we throw in a seat of power post-regime change in South America
maybe. i'm in america, so i have an interest in it staying afloat. so good for me i guess, if he is in their pocket.
>I have an interest in it staying afloat

I know you said you "know things" which means you're probably lodged right on that teat of gvt money

but I personally relish the day that the entire house of cards tumbles down
I mean staying afloat in that I don't want any one grabbing too much at America or it might lash out like a wounded animal. and then, war.
>>14616614 (OP)
AGAIN $7.25 * 70 * 52 = $26,390
thats WAY more than one "NEEDS" to afford room board blah blah blah
also, thats if your working shit high school jobs... get a real job with a real company and let those fuckers at wal-mart die off
yeah, well, that might be something we need
i dunno
>tfw never having worked for minimum wage because I'm not shit stupid
>>14616614 (OP)
The free market would fix this...

Just kidding, we're fucked.
im just relishing the day the house of cards collapses

because I'm getting sick of living as a slave with the illusion of freedom

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in my country there is problem
and that problem is the jew

That about sums it up.
<hide text>Slide successful</hide>

I wish Ben Bernanke would just come out and say this instead of beating around the bush.

Imagine that dude coming before Congress and saying, "Look, let's just cut to the fucking chase: I can't turn any more tricks with the US dollar. We're completely fucked, and I have a gased-up jet on standby to take me to Cuba. I suggest you fuckers lose your boners and sober up."

Why would this be a slide?

It's a legit thread.

>>14616614 (OP)

No, OP, a public education system and a culture of indolence and ignorance caused this crisis.
>>14616614 (OP)
>Making the market free of regulation will not fix this, as free markets endorse the kind of rock-bottom wages and elitism that we see today.

I suppose you think free markets are responsible for limited liability and corporate personhood??
I think it would be more likely that Bernanke would just appear on a tv while a white sand beach in the background and say that message.

ITT: People wishing/waiting for violence and death masking it with inevitability

Yawn, so many people there are who are right for the wrong reasons
>>14616614 (OP)
>billions of dollars in pure profit every day
I'm kind of upset the world is going to hell, I hope the singularity will save us.
what in the fuck does that mean?
A collapse would be ideal to return to an era of tariffs and small government that can't make promises too large to fulfill.
"the singularity" is a phenomenon technophiles (for lack of a better term) refer to as the point where technology and organic life (humans, in particular) becomes indiscernible
you mean to turn our minds into electrical electrons rather than be like cyborgs i assume?
>>14616614 (OP)
>Fortune 500 companies rake in billions of dollars per day in pure profit
Someone can't into math.

If that were true those companies alone would have 548 trillion dollars in profit a year.

THE WORLDS GDP IS 70 trillion.
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>>14616614 (OP)
It won't be long now...
>turn our minds into electrical electrons

biologically speaking thats redundant and what human brains already do

its referring to the actual integration of microcontrollers and other electrical circuitry to an otherwise biological circuit like a brain
yeah thats what i meant

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