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The Texas anti-abortion bill passed.

Your genocide of the unborn is that much closer to being over, you evil, godless, liberal scum.
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>implying the courts won't undo it before the end of the year
>>17563819 (OP)
Congratulations texas, I hope you like Niggers.
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Pro-life is codeword for anti-white.
I don't know mate, I mean I believe people should do whatever they need to do and I wouldn't even consider babies babies until they're at least 20 days old, but there is something really sickening about beasts killing off their own offspring, it just sounds twisted as hell.
Even niggers have to realize that they need to wear protection if they can't have abortions. Surely they aren't THAT dumb.
>using a 13 year old census
>>17563819 (OP)
>genocide of the unborn
>implying letting the unborn be born doesn't end the unborn
>implying killing the unborn doesn't forever make an unborn unborn
>implying breeders aren't committing the unborn genocide

so what you're saying is....

liberals are pushing abortions because they keep the spic and nigger populations down?

so once again, liberals are trying to enslave and kill the "lesser races?"

Don't redpill these faggots too hard.

Enjoy your crime texus.
>>17563819 (OP)
In Canada we have 0 abortion laws. As long as the baby hasn't fully come out yet you can stab the shit out of that fucker.
>based anon
I am now pro-choice.
>>17563819 (OP)
If someone wants to get an abortion they are people I don't want breeding anyway.
Nice work you Texas faggots. You pushed us back even further in the fight for male abortion rights.

Male abortion rights = pushing her down the stairs.
>Surely they aren't THAT dumb.

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>hurr anon lyfe is speshull ne can shit a baby fuck being successful and actually live well every sperm is sacred!
Actually it's masturbation. Every time you blow a load somewhere other than inside a fertile woman, you perform millions of abortions.
>getting niggers to wear condoms

The current one isn't that different.
are you daft? you do realize a sperm cell has no potential of becoming a child without an egg, right? that's like saying a bag of flour is a cake.
The ease of access to abortions in the 60's and 70's saw a drop in crime during the late 80's early 90's.

source: Freakonomics
Are you daft? Saying that abortion is murder because the zygote can become a person is like saying that destroying seeds is killing plants, or eating chicken eggs is like murdering a chicken.
>you do realize a sperm cell has no potential of becoming a child without an egg
Exactly, that's why shooting sperm anywhere other than inside a woman where they have a chance to fertilize an egg is abortion.
>>17563819 (OP)

What pisses me off is that America has the perfect setup for trying out shit like this but the fucking fed feels the need to step in on every goddamn issue and amend the constitution.

Imagine if in one state they make theft legal. Well shit, I don't like that, but for the first time in history a person can relatively easily move from one state to another. AND you can actually seek out a state with laws you like. Every state can be like it's own little experiment that tries out new laws and ideas. It's a fantastic idea for a country yet we don't let it happen because MUH RIGHTS! MUH FEELINGS!

Ya know if you don't like it you could always secede.. I'd be willing to bet that if Commiefornia stands this one out Texas could handle both sides solo.
neither of those are fertilized, like masturbation
eating a fertilized egg or destroying a sapling is more like abortion

>Confirmed for not knowing the definition of "abort"

You can't abort something that has not even begun retard. A military mission can't be "aborted" if it hasn't even left the drawing table.

By your logic choosing not to masturbate or have sex is abortion because those sperm could have been used to create a child. Is it a sin to just keep the sperm in my balls until they die?

You are a faggot and you know it.
Good, keep the babies pumping but don't bitch when your taxes feed the niggers and white trash on coupons, bitch.
I didn't realize neo-cons wanted to make more Obama voters.

... I could?

J-just me? As a single person I could secede from the United States?
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I don't have a problem with abortion, but at 20 weeks (5 goddamn months) you better have made your decision by then.
>>17563819 (OP)

What pisses me off is that the "conservative" groups want to illegalize abortion, not end or stop it.

Progressive groups are "pro choice" because they choose to side with the "grown adult" when in the quagmire of "mother vs baby".

More importantly, progressives want to end abortion. There are no "pro-abortion" progressives. We just want to end abortion through education and access to birth control.

You want Don't Ask Don't Fuck.
Removing lead from gasoline could have been the reason too. It happened at the same time.
Sure, but you're gonna need some nukes, remember: might makes right.
Grab some nukes, write your own constitution and be your own society.

>seeds of a plant

>not fertilized

0/10 biology fail. seeds can be fertilized and dormant.
>You can't abort something that has not even begun
The sperm have begun
Let me guess... homeschooled?
Why stop at 3 months? why not abort fetuses? or babies? or bad people?
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Sssshhh. Don't red pill them too hard, let them enjoy their MUH BABBIES victory.
Texas does abort bad people. Quite often, actually. So much so that Perry openly brags about it.
>>17563819 (OP)
>wants government out of personal affairs
>puts government up vaginas
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>>17563819 (OP)
Yes yes, we need to protect the sanctity of life and allow all those poor, oppressed minorities to freely breed! Let's end the evil, racist practice of abortion!
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>We just want to end abortion through education and access to birth control.

All paid for by the taxpayers. Fuck your shit, learn some self-control or buy the birth control yourself. How convenient that the attitude is "stay out my body!" until it benefits you financially.

If there is a legitimate medical reason to have birth control other than birth control (such as menstruation problems), then it should just be covered by your health insurance plan.
So does texas also support open welfare and stuff to take care of babies who would have otherwise been aborted due to financial issues?
Show this on rebbit or tumblr. It would make the SJW heads explode with them trying to square the circle of women's rights versus having more minority births
Prepare for massive amounts of child pornography to be "found" on your computer by the feds. How convenient......

You fucking pedophile scum

"warsawl from"
Good captcha
as soon as one of those unwanted kids rapes your son or shoots your daughter, you'll want them aborted
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Abortion has saved us billions in tax dollars.
There's only one place where these fetuses are going.
Stem cell research facilities?
>>17563819 (OP)
Speaking as a liberal, I'm glad. We have gone too far the other way. We've gone from allowing abortion because it was a undesirable necessity to women having abortions like they have sodas. It's a total massacre of innocents and for no good reason seeing as just being a little responsible with contraception will prevent pregnancy and have the side effect of lowering the rate of infection of STDs. Well done Texas.
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Not quite.
>for no good reason
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>mfw my gf said that if she gets pregnant when she's not ready to be a mother she'll get an abortion, even behind my back if I don't approve

I appreciated the brutal honesty, but I at least want to know when she's going to do it.
I like the way it is implied in this thread by liberal crazies that abortion=millions of births more. Contraception still exists. If we end affirmative action maybe african americans will pull their socks up too.

Grow some balls.
How early can a child be prematurely born and still be "normal"? I think right before that point is where I draw the line for when you can flush that shit out.
Actually there are people who are born despite attempted abortions.
this from the folks that can't imagine the public taking away their guns.
As a liberal I agree with some form of gun control.
I mean at one point is there absolutely no chance that the fetus will survive, and that's when you can abort it.
I agree that you should be fucked in the ass and brutally raped through your mouth till death, you disgusting gun grabber.
why do people all say fetuses are innocent when they are born with original sin?
The original sin was a sin because Eve fucked the serpent.
inb4 crime rates skyrocket when the unwanted dumpster babies start murdering all of you
If you're a responsible citizen you should be allowed to have a gun. You seem a little uptight but I know that in your heart you're an upstanding member of the community so I would probably let you have one.
here's how to finally abolish abortion
>instate institutional infanticide instead so the feminists can get their blood sacrifices

to get one you need to pass this simple process

you want abortion? why?
>don't want to carry it for nine months
government food stamps and allowances + free accommodation

>scared of pain
pain killers up the ass

>scared of responsibility
have a slap, then adoption

still want abortion?

wait until baby's born, then the mother has to kill it with her bare hands, no buckets of water of hammers or shit either. if she changes her mind she gets a free de-wombing for wasting my time.
Also the serpent was female (Tiamat) so it was twice the sin.
I'm surprised we didn't get smited then and there if things happened that way.
Because vaginas are sin-holes and passing through them infuses you with sin.
become an independent you sheeple
No, don't do it. Keep them ignorant so maybe we can keep the niggers down
Abortion Rate Among Black Women Far Exceeds Rate for Other Group

Blacks do, indeed, have much higher rates of abortions than whites or other minority groups. In 2000, while blacks made up 17 percent of live births, they made up more than twice that share of abortions (36 percent). If those aborted children had been born, the number of blacks born would have been slightly over 50 percent greater than it was.

The comparison with whites and other minorities is striking. Whites made up 78 percent of live births, but only 57 percent of abortions. Non-black minorities had 7 percent of live births and 5 percent of abortions. If the aborted children had been born for either group, the percentage increase in the number of children born to these groups would have been less than that for blacks: 16 and 32 percent, respectively.

If I became an independent I'd still want to see less guns around and less abortions too.
why is /pol/ so anti-abortion? Wouldn't there be fewer niggers and welfare queens if abortion and birth control were easily available?
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>Staying with a woman who openly told you she doesn't obey you

Just HOW beta could one cuckold be?
thats ok at least wake up
maybe shooting up churches that are full of these assholes will become a fad

I guess things could work out
23 weeks is the earliest as far as I know. The reasoning behind limiting it to 20 weeks is that even though the baby can't really live outside the womb at that point, it does have the capability to feel pain. Really there is no legitimate reason that someone should be waiting more than 20 weeks, even in cases of rape.
>implying out taxes should do that
Pro-life is anti-white.

Stricter abortion laws mean more Jamals and Jorges
>so I would probably let you have one.
Oh, you get to decide who has rights now? Go fuck yourself gun grabbing scum.
I bet he let her convince him that they should use her last name because of Patriarchy
>implying they shouldn't if you're concerned with the baby being born.

Be consistent, bigot, why do you care so much up to the point until the baby is born? Look, I'm not pro-choice either but it's sickening how people want to control things and ignore the entire picture so long their stupid-ass conscious is "clean", selfish pricks.
Why would you want a relationship with someone who unquestioningly obeys you? You could just keep them as a slave and find someone who isn't pathetic and weak to actually have a relationship with.
Actually spics aren't aborting at the same rate whites are... you might wanna check those catholics out.
What if the woman was raped?

SRS pls
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>Abortion outlawed
>Black mothers, #1. consumer of this service, start having the babies they would've aborted
>Black population, currently in decline, instead begins to skyrocket

Way to go OP, you fucking idiot.
Why wouldn't you want a slave mate? Just have her clean the house, give you sexy time, make your food and raise your children, ain't no one got time for that.
Some people have power fantasies and have to exert it through weak means.
>>17563819 (OP)
I support abortion
I acknowledge that killing a fetus is murder
But if there was a person growing in my ballsack... I'd kill it too
does your house nigger drink kool aid?
don't forget cletus and bubba
That's not true. Most abortions are brown.

Shit we aborted half the blacks and jailed the rest. Why do you think our cities are not currently burning?
Abortions kill more niggers and spics. Without it the nigger and beaner population would explode, why would you want that
What if she's white or at least not a hideous nigger?
Are 70% of the population and make up only about 1/3rd of abortions
Are about 15% of the population and make up about 20% of abortions
13% of the population and make up about 40% of abortions.

Pro-lifers=nigger/spic lovers
Do you have any idea how many minority babies are aborted?
A staggering amount. Especially black babies.

I would happily pay more tax dollars to give underprivileged, poor, and repressed minorities free abortions.
It also lowers the amount of single mothers, those that live off of wellfare, and will help increase the quality of life in city ghettos.
No, that's communism.
Aren't you afraid of going to hell, anon?
what if we had a libertarian president what would happen
No they are that stupid they don't have the intelligence to fuck using condoms they will say it feels bad and just skip using condoms
>there are over 50 million abortions a day

Holy fucking shit. 1/6th of the american population is getting an abortion a day?
>implying Catholics don't get abortions

They're just less likely to talk about it after. Ever been to a Catholic school? Those innocent little Catholic schoolgirls?

You know what sexual repression, sex being made into a 'forbidden fruit,' and being told to stay a virgin leads to?

A fuckton of anal sex.
muh fifty trillion
let me guess...dumb as a brick?

An eggs has no potency to become a person, neither does sperm. But the composite between them can and will become a person.

Abortion is murder because you are executing someone for no reason other than the inconvenience of another. By that logic you should be able to shoot up cars for driving slowly. Or abort you for being a moron.
It's not even about babies

or there'd be some evidence they cared about about children
>Implying my god doesn't reward abortion
She's letting you know ahead of time that she's cheating on you and plans on you raising her child.
>By that logic you should be able to shoot up cars for driving slowly

that would be nice. The ones driving 20 mph under the speed limit are on their deathbeds, anyways. Would cut down on the medicare strain, too
And every thread I keep mentioning this to the counter-culture, hipster manchildren fedora faggots that being anti-abortion under the guise of "muh degeneracy" will only speed up the process of us becoming minorities.
But woman eject the fertilized egg all the damn time, do you think we should condemn these woman for committing genocide?
>anal sex
This ? Why are republicans so stupid they are creating more democrat voters
Degeneracy is degeneracy, go back to reddit.

Pick one. Infanticide should be legal, but isn't because muh feelings.
Mexicans don't have the same religious furvor as whites, Mexicans vote socialism and are pro abortion in mexico
He'd buckle and kowtow to the corporations like almost every other leader did.
Only 1.1% of abortions occur after 20 weeks
>wanting more single parent niggers polluting the planet

nice one, repleblicans
>implying a zygote is a baby
>this is what liberals actually believe
>implying my taxes should be spent less effectively then me giving to charity or just volunteering.

Why should other people be forced to help through taxes when it's less effective than when people actually give a crap?
>>17563819 (OP)
That's right...bring more unwanted people into the world. There's already over 7 billion and counting. See where this gets you when the overpopulation crisis boils over.
They didn't have a choice in that, the body was doing what it was meant to do apparently.
When you're trying to paint your opponent as a retard, you probably shouldn't fuck it up and just look like an actual retard

She outright told him "I'm going to do this and I don't care what you think"

If anything she's the one who wants an unquestion slave.
>>17563819 (OP)

>removing peoples freedom

Nice work liberal fuckhead.
if you hate degeneracy so much, why are so many dicks in your mouth?
Told Status
>Stone Told Steve Austin
That's not what this bill was about. Perry is on record saying he wanted those clinics closed.
Didn't you fucking hear? 50 million abortions happen every day
are you fucking 13?

holy shit, please tell your mommy you've been a bad boy and to take away your computer privileges for a year.
He also wants to make teachers wages 30k a year
stop evolution being taught
close colleges
have bible study in every day class period

etc etc
Not really a valid comparison. Saying you're going to prevent another human from growing inside your body if the situation ever arises isn't really exerting any authority over the other person.
I've been a bad boy, tell your mom to spank me
if a liberal wanted to shut down a legit business, conservatives would be up in arms

I hate the double standards of this bullshit country.
So why does everyone here claim to be libertarian, yet is so zealous about what other people can, or can't do with their own bodies?
if a liberal wanted to shut down a legit buisness, they would succeed, the media would make it seem fine, and the only place you would hear about it would be on /pol/

nice try, cock smoker
because people are pick and choosers.

Talk to a devout christian
what's wrong with abortion?
Literally abortion is the one thing. because it isn't like smoking dope, shooting drugs, sucking cock, or taking it up the ass. You are fundamentally killing another person.

And if you are going to bring up gay marriage, it's because there shouldn't be government intervention in marriage in the first place. Gay marriage just creates a societal norm out of something that fundamentally does not make sense.

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