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Ok /pol/. It's getting ridiculous. First was the multiculturalism push. Good goys mixing races while Jews stay within their's.
Now, TIME magazine is sporting 2 white people on the cover. Encouraging the idea of not having children.
'stop having kids!' is only ever aimed at well-off, white adults
>wanting to bring kids into this world
Makes sense since only white people are stupid enough to follow the advice.
And the Chinese. Also Indians. And Africans, if it weren't for the Church.
>>18337076 (OP)
The first time I saw idiocracy I thought it was nonsense.

The second time I saw idiocracy I felt the world was doomed.
>>18337076 (OP)
>paying for magazine subscriptions


you deserve to have propaganda mailed to you
>>18337076 (OP)
Look at that guy's nipples...
time's readership is mostly white people, likley upperclass since broke motherfuckers don't buy magazine subscriptions

they sure can sell em though
Not actually mine. It's my roommates. But yes, it's not a good deal.
Sadly they are right. There are a lot of benefits to remaining child free.

Most people will breed because it's a biological drive, but people are quickly realizing it's not some magical life fulfilling obligation, it's hard fucking work for possible little to no personal reward.
>By Lauren Sandler
>>18337076 (OP)
This is a blatant war against whites.

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No argument from me
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/pol/ is always right.
>nigqueenda gets to shart out niglets and get paid obamabux
>you don't
The author is a Jew:


>I was raised as a secular feminist in a liberal Jewish tradition that I value and want to pass down
And people tell me I'm a tinfoiler.

It's happening.
this is so fucking obvious. It's like the Jews aren't even trying anymore. She's the anti-/pol/ we've all been waiting for.
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>Lauren Sandler
>works for The Jewish Week in New York
>wrote a book called "One and Only" about families (only white families) should have one child because kids with grow up with lots of brothers or sisters get more sad depressed as adults

Anyone genuinely thinking this is STILL tinfoil material needs to be checked for signs of life, nevermind intelligence.
Live without a host to feed off.

have compassion for the goyim

Be a good person
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>>18337076 (OP)

Think that money isn't the most important thing in the world

>wrote a book called "One and Only" about families (only white families) should have one child because kids with grow up with lots of brothers or sisters get more sad depressed as adults

I can't imagine a more pitiful life of that of a single child. I have two brothers, and although we don't always get along or like each other it's great to be able to talk to someone you know so well and if anything were to happen I'd know they'd back me 100%.
You want to know why people don't want to have children? Because of the economic condition of the country. Not the jews, but basic economics: They can't afford children.

Jews caused the economic condition of this country
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Be without goyim blood for their matzos.

Admit that the Holohoax was a fraud
commie detected
And who controls those conditions? Jews.

Agreed. I have 8 siblings and can't imagine growing up in a small family.
Jews have always waged economic wars.
>own major banking system
>Create massive levels of inflation
>now more expensive than ever to have children=morally responsible white people don't spend while blacks will still spew out children
It's obvious by now. We're fucked.
>People should not be allowed to publish materials which discuss alternative ways of living which I do not approve of, because those belonging to my master white race cannot think rationally and make decisions for themselves.

Look, if all it takes to destroy your "master white race" is a bunch publications discussing the potential benefits of a lifestyle change or a completely alternative lifestyle, you and your moronic people need to be destroyed.

So either you admit that you belong to a weak minded race of morons, which therefore cannot be a "master" race, or it's time to admit that discussing alternative lifestyles has nothing to do with propaganda or brainwashing and, in our free market, is exclusively published because it SELLS.

You really think a magazine like TIME doesn't research meticulously which kind of front page topics are likely to SELL magazines? Do you really think tis is about anything other than MONEY?

And don't forget, these master whites that are supposedly being brainwashed are the ones who make the decision to buy this media.
>the economic condition is something magical, like a thing on its own not engineered at all

I propose your ilk be rounded up and executed.

Yes we can. We're just so accustomed to really convenient luxuries that it'd be hard to have those things and kids.

Not hard, but harder than we lazy fucks want to deal with.
It is a redistributio of wealth.

Your tax money goes to foreigners so they can outbreed you. You're working for the demise of your own race.
>your own race
>vs humanity as a whole

More divisive bullshit designed to keep us fighting among ourselves and easy to contorl
>the potential benefits of a lifestyle change

In an environment architectured by a desert race hell-bent on destroying ours.

What the fuck are you even doing here. It's long since been established that jews are doing all they can to pelt whites with psychological warfare.

>World economy known so well that it can be 'engineered'

Yeah no.

Unity = strength. Not diversity.

If you want cooperation with all of humanity then all the different races of humanity need a place and identity for themselves.

2/10, shitty attempt.
>what is a credit crunch?
>what is speculation?
>what is foreknowledge
>what is monopoly on a country's currency?

Kill yourself you fucking retard.
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Good thing I had no intent of having children, yeah?
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>your "master white race"
Strange that it's only the people that make more money that even consider not having children...
>It's long since been established that jews are doing all they can to pelt whites with psychological warfare.

That inane idea is no more "established" than any other conspiracy theory. It's a combination of speculation, cherry picking, and confirmation bias.

Regardless of whether or not that's true you haven't actually presented an argument against my post.

>hurr durr it's true because everyone here has known that it's true for a long time now!
>implying a single twitter troll and a blog with 8 comments are indicative of a global conspiracy to suppress websites like /pol/

>implying JIDF doesn't walk among us. And their verified twitter page of over 50,000 follows doesn't tweet to infiltrate /pol/

Just saying 'engineered' is a retarded word to use, given its implications.
Sometime I wonder if Im just paranoid and my hate for jews is irrational...

But then stuff like this happens.

shlomo goldbergstein is truly our greatest ally...
neoliberalism you dumbass. Read a history book.
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Europe is not gonna be the monolithic society they were in the last century
Jews will be in the center of that as a leading role
it MUST take place
a founding director of Paideia, The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[36]
>Leader of Shas
Originally a small ethnic political group, Shas is currently Israel's fourth largest party in the Knesset, and, according to The Jewish Daily Forward, "the unchallenged kingmaker of Israeli politics".[3]
fourth largest party inb4 irrelevant
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>"there's a secret Jewish multicultural conspiracy! They're trying to kill off white people!"

>white people have the most money, the most political power, the most military power, and are the most successful race on the planet. White people pretty much control the earth.

How does this make sense? Why do you all believe that everything that ever happens is an attack on white people?
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Everything is just made up. Jews are our friends.
JIDF detected
>>18337076 (OP)
thanks for the red pill OP
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Its not Jews overall who are the problem, its the ones that subscribe to the left-wing bullshit.

Jews are better at doing pretty much anything but their effects are more noticable when its the bad Jews who are harming society.

What needs to be done is not an attack on all Jews, as doing so would alienate the good one, but rather an effort to get the good Jews to fight the bad ones and alienate them.

Jews, by their heritage and culture, are predisposed to be international. The good ones are those who see freedom, capitalism, and negative liberty as essential. These people exist and have a profound impact on the health of the society. There are also, however, ones who benefit from internationalism and show distain towards liberty and capitalism. It is the evil ones who become more powerful when you attack ALL Jews. They use that to make the Good Jews work with them against everyone.

If you want to save the nation, Unite with those who's interests are similar and divide the opposition. Turn the Good Jews against the Bad ones and use the tool of Inclusive Nationalism to justify this strategy.
jews are genetically predisposed to sociopathy

there are not many talented ones, but there are many thieves who convince the gullible that they were talented
David Schwarz is a Swedish social commentator and editor. He was born in Poland in 1928 to Jewish parents.
Over time the immigration issue at the center of his life, an issue whereby Schwarz came to have a significant influence on the Swedish society. As avid debater in the newspapers and the editor of the journal Immigrants and Minorities , he has since the 1960s been deeply involved in the Swedish immigration policy. [1]
On October 21, 1964 David Schwarz published an article in the Daily News , entitled Immigration problem in Sweden . It was the beginning of a major debate in Sweden about immigrants' conditions and how they are assimilated into the Swedish society.

Good post broski.
>a good jew
the only good jew is a dead jew
I gotta tap out.

ready to throw my computer
Come on man, you can't seriously be this delusional.

When some retarded white politician says something stupid, does he speak for all whites?

When some retarded white Christian leader says something stupid, does he speak for all Christians?

Even this inane association you white niggers have between multiculturalism and the destruction of the white race is completely contrived. Immigration != interbreeding, encouragement (if it even exists) != forcing.

Your paranoid victim mentality is pitiful.

Also, did you ever stop to think about the sheer volume of WHITE people pushing all of this liberal, multicultural bullshit that you hate so much?
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JIDF please


Full House!
Good point, I'll stop posting now.
>waking up whenever i feel like it on the weekends
>going out for drinks/dinner on weekdays without having to worry about a sitter
>sex with the wife in any room at any time of day
>enough money to travel, buy the newest electronic toys, go see films/concerts, etc.
>plenty left over to save for a very comfortable retirement
>get to play with my nieces and nephews, know that our family name and genes will live on regardless

what's the problem here? i can't see any.
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Get treatment please and don't come back until then.
>white people have the most money
>the most political power
>the most military power
>and are the most successful race on the planet
>White people pretty much control the earth.
My sides.
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I just don't understand this "Jewish multicultural conspiracy" nonsense. If the Jews had all of this power and they were trying to kill off white people, why wouldn't they just round up every white person, put them in a camp and kill them off now? Wouldn't that be quicker an more effective? Why do it "subliminally" through the media? What's the point?

Do you really believe that all Jews are secretly conspiring to kill off white people and take over the world? Do you honestly have any evidence to back that up other than random bullshit you make up in your minds and racist political cartoons? I've been here for years and I've yet to see true evidence that this conspiracy is occurring.

>inb4 JIDF

Answer my questions.
Are you saying our fate is decided by whoever has the most jews?

Well, it might work out better than trying to build the most missiles.
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Read before you post.
>hurr durr jidf

It's easier than coming up with an actual response. This is why no one takes you trash seriously
I'm no fucking victim you obvious kike.

But if your masters don't stop this shit you and they shall become the victims.
The countries with the most money, political and military power are white (or Asian, they've been catching up but they lack influence like white cultures have).

Prove me wrong.

You're not going to get anywhere. Jews are to /pol/ as whites are to blacks.
>When some retarded white politician says something stupid, does he speak for all whites?
>When some retarded white Christian leader says something stupid, does he speak for all Christians?
According to liberals, yes. When one white Christian Republican says something stupid, they blame all whites, Christians, and Republicans for it. This was an issue in the last election.

>Also, did you ever stop to think about the sheer volume of WHITE people pushing all of this liberal, multicultural bullshit that you hate so much?
You're asking why someone would worry about a problem that has already become widespread and urgent? The sheer volume of them is exactly why this is a crisis. You sound like a Nazi apologist using the sheer volume of people supporting Hitler to claim that genocide is a good thing.
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If the jews dont do it by subliminal messages and secrecy, the majority of people will wake up and we will holocaust their asses

Question answered.

No I will proceed to call you JUDE
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I'd like a big family, but I have no money and I'm too ugly to get a decent woman. My fate is doomed.
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>/pol/ knows the harsh realities of life
>wants more innocents to brought into this mess
A handful of powerful Jews speaking against what you believe in is not indicative of a conspiracy.

You are speculating. You have no evidence of any kind of conspiracy.

Please die. Or better yet, go fuck a nigger and hasten the conspiracy you're so eager to advertise.
>boo huu muh white race
>muh conspiracy
>dem whites tryin to destroy muh proud race

>I'm no fucking victin

Were you the one who posted a link to cognitive dissonance? Consider checking it out yourself.

>you obvious kike
That's code for
>I'm losing the argument
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If you don't have kids it won't stop other people from having kids. In fact everyone would be better off if intelligent people had more kids.
Obviously if you had any talent you could tell from the ips
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How much do the euro-socialists pay you faggots to keep up the Divide and Conquer shit? Is it per post or per hour?
>According to liberals, yes
>Well if liberals do it, then obviously it's correct for us to do it as well when it furthers our inane agenda!

>You're asking why someone would worry about a problem that has already become widespread and urgent? The sheer volume of them is exactly why this is a crisis. You sound like a Nazi apologist using the sheer volume of people supporting Hitler to claim that genocide is a good thing.

No, I'm asking why someone would blame the Jews for something what more WHITE people are involved in.
>In fact everyone would be better off if intelligent people had more kids.

except for those "intelligent" kids that are born into this fucking mess.
Only you loser scripts think that the world is falling apart because you guys have not made anything for yourselves. Most of us are doing just fine.
Holy shit the chick on that cover is fucking hot
So your argument now boils down to "you're a newfag!"

Good one there, schlomo. Clearly you've earned one more point for your master white race today.

Protip: if you can't rationally defend your argument, it's probably wrong.
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For all you left-wing europhiles, I'll post an image you don't want to admit you hate.
I was agreeing you butthole, why'd you lump me in with the other two?
Also, only literally 2% of America is mixed
If you "know the harsh realities of life" than you know the root of the problem is third world chaff out breeding and overtaking the people that built western society. By not having at least 2 kids you are letting the enemy win. Fuck off loser.
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What's good for the GOY is NOT good for the "Chosen People"
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Idiocracy would be scary. Imagine Liberal running countries forever.
>>18337076 (OP)
>whites only picture
>only ever when the message is "not breeding is good"
Reproducing is wrong.
Start sterilizing Africans then. They're the primary offenders.
Believe me if I could I would.
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you're ass stiff as i am?
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Liberal Jew: Hmmm If I fuck these people over and do everything I can to make them hate Jews, I can divide the non-socialists against eachother
Liberal: Thank you my servant. Now help me write anti-Semitic shit on the internet to alienate the capitalist Jews from the capitalist whites.
Liberal Jew: Yes, my master
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>those covers

So why DOES Germany need to save the Euro in order to save itself?

Hell, since when does Germany need saving in the first place?

Once you start noticing the ethnicity of the people writing this shit there is NO turning back.
By accident. Clicked on the wrong one + going to fast.
>should have one child because kids with grow up with lots of brothers or sisters get more sad depressed as adults
This isn't even true, what the fuck?
It's a multiple scientific proven fact that single kids are more likely to be obese / egoistic / sad
Who even gives a shit you faggot attention whore, the concern is whites not meeting replacement rates.
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>going to fast
>concern is whites
>more whites live in America than any other country in the history of human civilization
I can make up shit too. Did you know 50% of the American population is autistic? Yeah, no citation needed bro.
>not meeting replacement rates

>Once you start ignoring the ethnicity of the people writing this shit unless they're Jewish, there is NO turning back


>what is cherry picking
what the fuck are you talking about?
If I wanted a child, I'd just stab myself in the ear with an ice-pick while burning a pile of money and I'll have about the same experience.
>On the 2010 US census, approximately 9 million individuals, or 2.9% of the population, self-identified as multiracial


>I only believe what I want to believe!
>muh jew conspiracy
>cherry picking

I wish.
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Well there has to be SOME kind of evidence seeing as how this is such a massive conspiracy.

>If the jews dont do it by subliminal messages and secrecy, the majority of people will wake up and we will holocaust their asses

What the fuck are you even talking about? You don't have ANY evidence for "JEWS RUNNING THE WORLD". You didn't answer any of my questions whatsoever.

>No I will proceed to call you JUDE

Because that's all you can do, right?

>"You don't have any evidence for that."

The cognitive dissonance on this board is astounding.

>actually thinks we likely won't get a surge of Russians coming here in the foreseeable future for some reason or the other
>A handful of powerful Jews speaking against what you believe in is not indicative of a conspiracy.

>handful of powerful jews

>not a conspiracy

Ok then, Schlomo Rabinowitzstein


If you're ugly you don't deserve to have standards.
>If the Jews had all of this power and they were trying to kill off white people, why wouldn't they just round up every white person, put them in a camp and kill them off now? Wouldn't that be quicker an more effective? Why do it "subliminally" through the media? What's the point?
Is this a serious question? I'll answer seriously anyway. Did you watch game of thrones?

Do you remember the dwarf? The part about who has the power: the king, the priest, the merchant, or the swordsman?

Your question implies that you thought the swordsman had all the power. Yet, in practice, the swordsman is a slave who takes orders and never realizes his potential. Despite his military strength, he obeys the king, reveres the priest, and works for the merchant. His sword serves whichever of the three casts the greatest shadow. The Jews know this, and achieve their power by casting shadows to control the swordsmen. Subliminal control is the source of their power, and they use it to manipulate the mainstream into doing their work for them.

>Do you really believe that all Jews are secretly conspiring to kill off white people and take over the world?
No, it's only their leaders. Many individual Jews are unwitting.

>Do you honestly have any evidence to back that up other than random bullshit you make up in your minds and racist political cartoons? I've been here for years and I've yet to see true evidence that this conspiracy is occurring.
Go look up the people in top executive positions in the media and politics. Count the number of Jews. Even if you believe that there's no Jewish conspiracy and the Jews are not colluding, there's enough that you can use "Jews" as a shorthand for "the media elite." Referring to them as "the Jews" is much more entertaining, too.
>self-identified as
Statistic invalidated
How else do you propose to fix anything without reversing the current dysgenic trend? Europeans in the age of ancient Rome had things way worse off.
Watch next issues cover be a blonde, blue-eyed white woman and a black man with text that says something like "WHY YOU SHOULD GO BLACK"
That's how literally all racial stats are

Just don't. Trying to teach reality to conspiritards is like trying to do the same for religitards.

Oddly enough, conspiracy theorists are often the secular side to fundamentalist religious idiots: separated from reality, belief that they have somehow come upon The Answer, inability to admit fault in their pet theories/beliefs, and the paradoxical strengthening of belief in the face of controverting evidence.
Jews represent a fairly grossly disproportionate number of people leading various left-wing movements.

Do you really believe this isn't something we should talk about? Jews themselves acknowledge it.
"God spare us all from tikkun olam Jews. The rural white poor in this country, they despise. They no longer particularly like blacks because their self-loathing love was not requited. Right now they think they can patronize hispanics.

"Jews are disproportionately involved in every kind of insanity."

- Stephen Seinleight.
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They're just yuropoors butthurt that America's problem isn't as big as they want to believe it is

Them focusing on our problems and not theirs is EXACTLY why the EU has a 12.2% unemployment rate
There are plenty of racial statistics based on genetic analysis.
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Do you realize that the only way to "Save the Euro" is to get more Oil sold in euros? Doing so would Kill America far quicker than Americans 'not reporducing'

Holy Fuck! Time magazine is aiding the enemy. What's the email address of those Benedict Arnolds.

The EU must be destroyed and Berlin must burn and TIME must pay

Pic is OC

>A quote from some random person = concrete scientific evidence of a Jewish conspiracy.

pretty sure all census reports are self-reported

[citation needed]
dont give them ideas
I would only have kids if we would live solely off the grid, away from the doomed destruction of technoindustrial civilization.
Nearly every cover is different in America because they found that sensationalist headlines sell better than real news a long while back. When some huge shit went down (maybe Fukushima, I can't remember) every other version of Time was covering that, while America got a cover about fucking KITTENS!
It's not conspiratorial. Jews are reflexively cosmopolitan and always have been, combine this with a tendency to see themselves as a perennial outgroup and you end up with things like the insanely disproportionate number of Jews on the Communist Party's Central Committee in its vanguard days.


>hurr all people in the world are completely interchangeable and there's nothing behaviorally distinguishable about different ethnic groups at all!

Right libby?
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>Is this a serious question? I'll answer seriously anyway. Did you watch game of thrones?

You do realize comparing real life to a fictional tevelvision show based on a fictional novel is pretty retarded right?

Especially a fictional novel based on a fucking fantasy universe.

>No, it's only their leaders. Many individual Jews are unwitting.

Do you have any real, factual evidence for this? And who are these Jewish leaders? Random irrelevant Jews that say stupid shit that fits into your narrative?

>Go look up the people in top executive positions in the media and politics. Count the number of Jews.

What does it matter if Jews are successful? And before you pull out "hurr jews are only 2% of the population but they have a lot of power" aren't there MORE WHITE people that have power in the media than Jews? Why would these white people go along with this Jewish conspiracy to kill off their own race?

And couldn't you just chalk this Jewish success to the way their culture works and how much they value education?

>Referring to them as "the Jews" is much more entertaining, too.

It also much more retarded and shows that you're really just a bigot.

There are many things I like being stuffed in my mouth.

Words aren't one of them.
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>Them focusing on our problems and not theirs is EXACTLY why the EU has a 12.2% unemployment rate
NO, Them trying to fuck us over by trying to get oil sold in EUROS then, after that was 9/11'd, them trying to ruin our nation via propaganda is NOT in our best interest or an effort to "Focus on our problems".

Those fuckers tried to get oil sold in EUROS when they knew it would Kill the United States. They have the 12% unemployment because they failed at trying to give America 80% unemployment.

Germany is our enemy for the THIRD FUCKING TIME. Those assholes should be bombed back to the stone age and we shouldn't make the mistake of letting them rebuild like the last 2 times.

The EU must be destroyed and Berlin must burn!
Anyone have that picture that has all the anti-white magazine covers?

it includes the "is your baby racist?" one. someone get that and add this pic to it.

>Oh my god I love cherries I just have to pick them all day.
>No, I'm asking why someone would blame the Jews for something what more WHITE people are involved in.
The leaders are the driving force behind a movement. Almost all of the white people trying to destroy themselves are doing so because decades of media campaigns, political activism, and infiltration of educational and legal institutions told them to. Do you blame Hitler, or all Germans for the holocaust?
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>there's nothing behaviorally distinguishable about different ethnic groups at all!

Do you have any scientific studies that prove that?

Or are you just making shit up and making assumptions?

Or is science just "liberal bullshit"?
>What does it matter if Jews are successful?

Because Jews wield influence over US foreign policy and their interests generally don't correspond with the interests of ordinary white americans.

>And couldn't you just chalk this Jewish success to the way their culture works and how much they value education?

The fuck? Whenever there's an even slight hint of some kind of WASPish overrepresentation anyway it becomes the eye of a storm about "white privilege", yet 2% of the population quite literally controlling most of the news and entertainment media somehow isn't noteworthy?

Do Jews not have Jewish interests? Are they just naturally altruistic and impartial? Does AIPAC play no role in shaping US foreign policy?

[citation needed]

Documented, scientific evidence please.
Breathe Zyklon B gas
I mean...I'm not saying I agree with your post, but it was outed that Germany was by FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR the country that the NSA spied on the most, in the most aggressive way
>Do you have any scientific studies that prove that?

I was being satirical nigger, of course there's behavioral differences between racial groups on an average level.

>When a member of X race does or promotes something I don't like, it's indicative of the behavior of all members of X race.

>When a member of X race does or promotes something I like, it's an exception to the rule.

Racist logic.
>Because Jews wield influence over US foreign policy and their interests

Yes...Yes...Good goy..Keep thinking it's bad to fuck up non-white countries. Keep thinking it's bad that Whitey flexes his muscles for more influence around the world at the expense of non-whites...all according to the plan..
>Nearly every cover is different in America

There's a graphic of that that circulates /pol/. Hopefully some anon will post.
Not him, but how about you provide documented scientific evidence for the past 50 years of liberal claims about:

- "the gay gene"
- Intelligence being primarily environmental
- Poverty being the primary cause of crime.
- Low negro educational attainment being due to slavery.

etc. All naked assertions. All repeated by leftists ad nauseum with zero proof behind them.
The stormfags regurgitate Jesuit hate propaganda.

Holy Wood is in fact the Jesuit theater and underestimating the effect the box has on the mind of the plebs is dangerous. Much predictive programming is pushed through it. The program guide spells out the future to many, making the ridiculous seem normal. Common themes of course are aliens, terror and police state today. I'm seeing a future with a UN alien advisory board ruling the planet like a police state with carbon credits some day.
Alright guys let's cut the bullshit

we all know that it is kind of exhilerating to watch a white as hell chick getting absolutely IMPALED by a BBC from time to time

>shifting the burden of proof.

Thanks for proving the idiocy of you claims.
Was that magazine made in the future? It says August 12 2013.

It is completely against the interests of the United States to alienate states that would most likely have no issues handing over economic concessions in the form of energy investment if we opened up trade and diplomatic relations with them. The only one who benefits is Israel. Literally.

The sad thing is, you think you're being smart, but up until the 1960s, it was fairly common practice even for philosemitic intellectuals like Churchill to talk about the Jewish role in Communism, and even Jewish Historians themselves like Roth.
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Made it look a little better and more accurate
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Again, I'm not the person you were replying to.

Just highlighting a few of the more egregious naked assertions libtards often repeat without proof and assume are axiomatic by default, doubtlessly you believe in at least a couple.
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>>18337076 (OP)
>Lauren Sandler
Because Jews wield influence over US foreign policy and their interests generally don't correspond with the interests of ordinary white americans.

Which interests don't correspond with the interests of white Americans?

Or are you just making shit up again?

No you fucking idiot, I'm asking if you have any actual scientific evidence that there are behavioral differences between different races on a genetic level.

Actually, don't respond I know you don't.

>Argument from Authority
>Argument from History.

When they don't have arguments, they resort to logical fallacies.

It's sad, really.
>single kids are more likely to be obese / egoistic / sad

It's true.
I'm all of those things.
reported. Get your cuck shit out of here schlomo
>I am a jew browsing /pol/ for the first time
>why do you hate us?
>Argument from History

No shit lib, we're talking about a historical topic.

>Which interests don't correspond with the interests of white Americans?

Complete and total support for Israel is perhaps the most important.
>I mean...I'm not saying I agree with your post, but it was outed that Germany was by FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR the country that the NSA spied on the most, in the most aggressive way

I didn't know that. Hmm, seems I might be onto something. Years from now /pol/iticians will look back during WW3 and say "should have listened to that crazy fucker"
I'd like to have a son and a daughter.

But I don't think I could bare having a daughter and watching her grow up in this day and age.
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When does the ride sotp??? I want to get off!!! I want to be stupid and happy and blue-pilled again!!!
>believes different groups with cosmetically obvious divergent evolution do not have behavioral differences


We already have genetic explanations for why blacks are more violent than other races.

For example - At one end of the androgen receptor gene, which is alternatively labeled AR or NR3C4, there are varying amounts of the trinucleotide repeats CAG and GGC. Blacks possess less of these CAG repeats.

Fewer CAG repeats causes increased transactivation of the receptor (meaning that the receptor became more activated to increase gene expression), see the research here:


Cortisol responses are another area that highlight racial differences in behavior. a new study by Way and Taylor has found that the short allele of 5-HTTLPR causes increased cortisol responses to a perceived social threat provided by the Trier Social Stress Test.


Also, a new study by Armbruster et al found that the 7R allele of DRD4 causes lower cortisol responses and that this allele interacted with the long allele of 5-HTTLPR to lower cortisol response to social stress.


Beaver et al determined that African-Americans have significantly more 7R alleles than whites. The possibility that low cortisol levels in African Americans could be partly genetic has important implications for research on the genetics of violence.


Indeed, in 2008 Rajender et al determined that male control subjects average 21.19 repeats, rapists average 18.44 repeats, murderers average 17.59 repeats, and men who murder after they finish raping average 17.31 repeats.

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>Defending your logical fallacies.

Jesus, you just don't know when you're defeated.

It's over. Racist ideologies are finished. It's a matter of fact, not a matter of opinion.
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When will we finally just exterminate these kikes?
The shortest repeat lengths are associated with a higher degree of violence, earlier criminal records, verbal aggression, assertive personalities, extraversion, neuroticism, and self-transcendence (mystical tendencies).


Sjoberg et al proved that higher testosterone levels increased aggressive tendencies in males with the 3R allele that is the most common MAOA allele in black people but did not increase aggression in males with the 4R allele that is the most common MAOA allele in whites.


To summarize, African Americans have fewer CAG repeats in the androgen receptor gene, which somehow increases testosterone spikes. Higher testosterone decreases MAOA enzyme levels in those with the 3-repeat allele. Plus, androgen receptor alleles with fewer CAG repeats beget more androgen receptor activity. These receptors translocate to the cell nucleus and down-regulate the MAOA gene. African Americans likely have a significant genetic component to their lower baseline cortisol levels and lower cortisol spikes in response to threats. This further allows higher testosterone levels and decreases MAOA levels directly.
>Racist ideologies are finished.

Yes, I'm sure your rainbow coalition will be bombing China any day now. lel.
Seven billion is too many.

China's one-child policy should be a model for the world.

So if they can't help their behavior, what justice can come from blaming/punishing them for it?

Your arguments defeat themselves.
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I see you're new at your job, left-wing agitator
That's propensity towards something, not complete predestination you fucking dumbass.

And punishing them serves the utilitarian value of preventing recidivism in the case of death.
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lead by example: kill yourself
They're really giving humanity no other choice. At least 2000 years of conniving subterfuge and nation wrecking and it still hasn't gotten out of their system.
>>18337076 (OP)
It'd be racist if they tried to encourage youths to not have 3 kids with different people before graduating high school.
>He actually believes the West has any real authority anymore

Yes, racism is finished. That's why a highly racially conscious nationalist technocracy is due to become the world's next superpower, lel.

I'm doing my part by not having kids. You should too.

We had 3 billion people in 1960. Global population has more than doubled in my parents' lifetime.

Again, that doesn't justify blaming them for their behavior. It's like blaming someone with light skin for getting sunburned too easily.

It also doesn't justify hating them. If they can't help it, why hate them?

Again, your own arguments defeat themselves.
Only child here, you're right, it's a shitty existence and I'm determined not to give it to my kids. We're only in our early twenties at the moment but my wife and I are pretty dead set on having 4 kids, possibly more.
>Complete and total support for Israel is perhaps the most important.


"According to a 2013 BBC World Service Poll, the United States is the only Western country surveyed holding favorable views of Israel, and the only country in the survey with a majority of positive ratings, with 51% of Americans viewing Israel's influence positively and 32% expressing a negative view."

Half of the country supports Israel in a country that is fucking 70% white. Which means a lot of White people in America support Israel.

All you can do is make up bullshit. Next you'll be telling me that all of these people are being brainwashed by the evil Jewish media, right?

Except in their case, it was justified.

Western countries and white people have LOW birthrates, not high.

>China becoming the next superpower.

Lel. I've been hearing that for 15 years.

Still waiting.
I don't understand. Why is /pol/ always right?
That's a value judgment based on the assumption that innate proclivity towards something somehow lessens the moral degree to which they are culpable. There's nothing objective about it.

>If they can't help it, why hate them?

I don't hate them. I just want them out of my country. My approach is utilitarian. Hatred for particularly awful criminals is more reflexive than anything else.
>Still falling for the ol' Malthusian bullshit
>You do realize comparing real life to a fictional tevelvision show based on a fictional novel is pretty retarded right?
It wasn't even a comparison. You didn't even read it, and just stopped when you saw the show title, right?

I used that example because it's something that the average dumbass can relate to. You, apparently, are below average.

>Do you have any real, factual evidence for this? And who are these Jewish leaders?
If you're arguing that it's all Jews and not just their leaders, I'm not going to contest your assertion. The leaders are the ones who hold positions of great power in corporate, political, educational, and legal institutions, obviously. That's self-evident.

>Go look up the people in top executive positions in the media and politics. Count the number of Jews.
>What does it matter if Jews are successful?
You're aware that the entire liberal narrative is that the proof whites are oppressing others is that they're successful, aren't you? If you're claiming it doesn't matter whether Jews are successful, you're claiming that liberals are blatantly racist against whites and sexist against men, and the law is discriminating unfairly against those groups.
>aren't there MORE WHITE people that have power in the media than Jews? Why would these white people go along with this Jewish conspiracy to kill off their own race?
First, count them and post the statistics. Second, it's because the elites profit from the decline, like a CEO driving his company into the ground to collect a golden parachute. The Jews are just the ringleaders.

>And couldn't you just chalk this Jewish success to the way their culture works and how much they value education?
So you're saying that women, blacks, and hispanics are less successful because they're lazy?

>It also much more retarded and shows that you're really just a bigot.
How does that show bigotry? Do you know what "bigot" means? I'm using evidence and rational arguments.
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The west should use their influence over the third world to push anti-natal policies abroad; they already do a decent job of pushing them at home. Still, the fertility rate could stand to drop more, even in the west.

>muh economy

What good are pensions against resource depletion? This population isn't sustainable.
>It's never going to happen guys! China is finished! Property bubble! Lack of LGBTBBQ rights will implode their economy!

I love the desperation.

>"It won't happen because it has been predicted to happen at points in the past!"

Hahahahaha. Just like Singapore is going to become a liberal democracy with fag pride shit right libby?

But innate proclivity towards something does lessen moral culpability.

Do you even know what you're talking about? This has been used a legal defense for years.

>I don't hate them, I just want them out of my country.

For your negative feelings towards them. Call it 'utilitarian', call it 'reflexive', dress it up however you like. You hate them. Just come out and say it. Be honest.
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>Half of the country supports Israel in a country that is fucking 70% white. Which means a lot of White people in America support Israel.

And where do you suppose these white people get most of their views on Israel from fucktard?

Still waaaaaiiittiiiiiiiinnngggg.
Well, you have 4 children then.
Do your duty or whatever.
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Jesus, we're really desperate now, aren't we?


It's like your arguments get worse the more obviously wrong you are.
That's some blatant shit right there.
>But innate proclivity towards something does lessen moral culpability.
>Do you even know what you're talking about? This has been used a legal defense for years.

Are you really using an argument from legal precedent/legislation in what is ultimately a debate about ethical philosophy?

>"It existed on the statute books at some point in Western History, therefore it's ethically sound as a concept!"

Top fucking lel. You are so bad at semantic distractions and purposeful obfuscation. Try again.

>For your negative feelings towards them. Call it 'utilitarian', call it 'reflexive', dress it up however you like. You hate them. Just come out and say it. Be honest.

LOL yes, just like anyone who disagrees with fag marriage is closeted amirite? Spare me the pop psychology hipster, you're getting desperate.
>And where do you suppose these white people get most of their views on Israel from fucktard?
I'm White, I support Israel, and I'm here all the time.
I'd like to hug you, but we are too fat to hug.

Why do you think the legal precedent is there and has been upheld so often? Because it's part of the ethical philosophy that we, as a society, hold to be true: if you're more inclined to be violent through no fault of your own, any violent acts committed by you are less of your own fault than those committed by someone with that disability.

This is kindergarten-level stuff.

>Deflecting this bad.

Just admit you hate black people. You'll feel better if you do, trust me.
If you're actually serious, you are aware most estimates 10 years ago put China overtaking America at somewhere around 2030, right? In terms of GDP.

So why are you acting like this hasn't been fulfilled? Who estimate China would overtake the US in aggregate wealth by 2013, 15 years ago? Can you name even 1 example? I thought not.

China isn't going to stop posting large growth rates just because you don't like the fact they're a racially conscious nationalist state.

*without that disability.
Faggots from stormfront.org invaded us.
Then shitcunts from srs invaded us.
Now we are in an ocean of shit and piss.

> citation for that research needed

the only thing I can think of is only children are used to being lonely.


Amirite or amirite?


There was no argument from authority and using history was not a fallacy. You don't even understand what fallacies are. You have no argument and have embarrassed yourself.

Like most liberals, you don't understand anything and fall back to shouting buzzwords whenever you're confronted with an argument.
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SRS and Stormfront are on the same side. They're both a bunch of left-wing agitators
>It's a matter of fact, not a matter of opinion.
Logical fallacy.

>Drop Churchill's name.
>Not an Argument from Authority.

Lol, okay.
>Why do you think the legal precedent is there and has been upheld so often?

I'm not sure, common law precedent upheld the existence of witches for centuries too, as well as correct procedure for dealing with them legally. Do witches exist?

>Because it's part of the ethical philosophy that we, as a society, hold to be true

No, it's part of what you happen to believe to be true at any given time, the fact it has no principled underpinning or constancy means it isn't ethical philosophy. Ethical philosophy isn't disrupted by the passage of time.

>This is kindergarten-level stuff.

Well yeah, it's law, it's not like there's any actual intellectual rigor to it like with mathematics.

>Just admit you hate black people. You'll feel better if you do, trust me.

I'm already feeling pretty good getting these sorts of hysterical, Al Sharpton-esque demands from you.

Aren't they way below the replacement rate, though?

nothing has changed then.

Go outside and say 'I hate kikes' and see the reaction.

You'll see the reality of the situation soon enough, little racist.
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>We pretend to believe their holocaust lies and we give them their own country.
>We saved their asses when they were being attacked by all of their Arab neighbors.
>We constantly give their country massive amounts of money.
>We defend them against "antisemitism"
>We go to wars for them.

We do all of this for them and they repay us by unleashing the floodgates so that immigrants can swarm our nations, controlling our money, and brainwashing the youth and controlling the media in an attempt to wipe out our race and cultures.

What more do these people want? Is there ANY peaceful solution to the jew problem?
Right, now who have been the ones predicting an impending Chinese economic collapse ever since the mid 1990s that has never come to fruition?

China's growth is built upon actually building up domestic industry and manufacturing and building a middle class that you can see with your own two eyes in any major Chinese city.

>Insanity defense.
>Not underpinned by any principled thought.

Yeah, okay.
Well off white adults are the only ones who can enjoy not having kids. Shanqiua and Tyrone don't get to enjoy having more money if they don't reproduce - welfare is paying for all of their childcare expenses.
Han are, East Asian minorities aren't.

The West is not the entire world. How many times must we explain this to you idiots?
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Are you sure about that, newgger, or are you parroting something you heard? Otherwise it seems like you're the disinfo kike here.
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It wasn't even a comparison. You didn't even read it, and just stopped when you saw the show title, right?

No, I read it. It's just that it's irrelevant because you have no evidence for Jews controlling the world.

>I used that example because it's something that the average dumbass can relate to. You, apparently, are below average.

The average dumbass can relate because what you posted was simplistic and retarded. You are a dumbass though, so I'm not surprised.

>The leaders are the ones who hold positions of great power in corporate, political, educational, and legal institutions, obviously. That's self-evident.

Name some of these Jewish leaders and post factual evidence of how they're secretly conspiring to kill off white people and take over the world.

>If you're claiming it doesn't matter whether Jews are successful, you're claiming that liberals are blatantly racist against whites and sexist against men, and the law is discriminating unfairly against those groups.

We're talking about Jews here buddy, not liberals. I think liberals are annoying, but I don't believe Jews are secretly conspiring to kill all white people because that's fucking retarded.

>The Jews are just the ringleaders.

Do you have proof? No? Ok.

>So you're saying that women, blacks, and hispanics are less successful because they're lazy?

It depends. I'd say most are, but a lot of it has to do with how they're raised and their culture. I love how you automatically assume I'm a liberal because I don't think Jews are trying to kill all white people.

>I'm using evidence and rational arguments.


You've posted literally NO evidence to back up your argument.

Your idea of a "rational argument" is "Look at these powerful Jews! THEY'RE CLEARLY TRYING TO KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE! IT'S A SECRET THOUGH THAT ONLY I KNOW ABOUT!"

Holy shit, once again, the cognitive dissonance on this board is ASTOUNDING. There should be studies written on it.
>>18337076 (OP)

Their tax monies will help pay for nigglets.


And there's an article on /pol/ right now about the manufacturing jobs LEAVING China as their wages rise.

Do you want to admit you're wrong or shall you continue embarrassing yourself?
Well then: what's the actual ethical principle you're getting at here? Dispense with the legal window dressing and let's have a debate about ethical philosophy.
>And there's an article on /pol/ right now about the manufacturing jobs LEAVING China as their wages rise.

Yes, and going to Southeast Asia to largely make goods for Chinese and Taiwanese firms.

>Rising wages

Oh no! China is doomed! If only they had followed India's example!
>It's like blaming someone with light skin for getting sunburned too easily.
If someone is prone to being sunburnt and fails to wear sunscreen, they are to blame.

>It also doesn't justify hating them. If they can't help it, why hate them?
You're the one who's hating them. You're claiming that they're subhuman animals that can't resist their genetic tendencies. We're claiming that action can be taken to counter those tendencies.

You're also promoting crime by implying that a genetic tendency makes it OK to commit crimes.

Actually they're going to South America.

Try again.
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>Next you'll be telling me that all of these people are being brainwashed by the evil Jewish media, right?


You guys are so predictable.
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Serves you right...

...you trusted a Jew!
That feel, it hurts.

I'm using their arguments to show their racist ideologies as the frauds they are. They espouse personal responsibility but then turn around and show us research that shows evidence that mitigates personal responsibility...thus destroying their original arguments for personal responsibility in the first place.
>Tee-hee! I'm so smart! There's no way a small ethnoreligious outgroup with a clannish mentality could have any kind of group-level interests that they'd naturally advance using what resources they had available! Dumbass anti-semite racists!
>What do you mean you don't believe in white privilege? It's all around you, you don't need facts to see what's observable!


And he's lost.

Another victory for reality.
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>not enjoying having kids

What are you, a child?
Argument by popularity. Logical fallacy.

Go to Iran and defend Jews there. See what happens.

Fallacy fallacy.
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More accurate cover. Sorry the "g" got cut off. I think TIME should go with this one
Well it's all of them really, but Vietnam is benefitting most.

>They espouse personal responsibility but then turn around and show us research that shows evidence that mitigates personal responsibility

Are you sure this isn't a strawman?

Anyway, no amount of genetic predisposition to something ameloriates the personal responsibility from upholding the law, since the law is paramount before all individuals, regardless of material or genetic circumstances and there is no deterministic compulsion involved here, only predisposition, which means it is still within the mindset of the reasonable man to expect such a person to exercise self-restraint, the degree to which he is required to exercise it on a personal level is irrelevant. What's relevant is the fact he -can- exercise it.
Yes, another victory for your sinking ship that hemorrhages more and more debt by the day and can't even win a proxy war against a tiny little Near Eastern state.

gg faggot.
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>that pic
My God
I knew there were a lot of Jews in the media, but I didn't know there were that many
Is there anyone we can trust anymore?
haha. Fox News non jew all the way through!
What? I'm agreeing with you. Jews are so morally superior as a group that in spite of tremendously disproportionate wealth and power, they never use this wealth and power to advance their own group interests. Cubans do it, Blacks do it, Mexicans do it. But never Jews. Strange eh?
Really. Trying to write off media manipulation as something that isn't a big deal?

I have a question: were you dropped on your head or were you always this retarded? Or even better: is all the blood rushing to your nose causing you to have a brainfart?
If I was really fucking rich I'd have at least 5 kids. I might wait until I was 30 but I would marry a girl 5 years younger than me.

Before that though I'll have a shit load of degenerate fun.

This is what's so funny about it. The stormfag argument basically boils down to: Jews wield a lot of power in the US and they use it to advance what they see as Jewish interests.

Cubans also advance Cuban interests. See any number of lobby groups in FL. The difference is one of scale. Cubans do not own entire media conglomerates outright.
fox news
He's being politically correct is all.
Everyone except their VP has connection to the Jews
And you forget that they always defend Israel
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>Is there anyone we can trust anymore?
I'm sure PressTV would gladly welcome a new viewer
Mudslime propaganda unfortunately.
You failed pretty badly at using the quote function. You can't even format your post properly?

Next you have an incorrect naked assertion, proof that you continue to fail to understand what was written, and you try to say we're not talking about liberalism when the entire subject is how Jews are manipulating liberals into destroying society.

>Name some of these Jewish leaders and post factual evidence of how they're secretly conspiring to kill off white people and take over the world.
>Do you have proof? No? Ok.
>You've posted literally NO evidence to back up your argument.

>Holy shit, once again, the cognitive dissonance on this board is ASTOUNDING. There should be studies written on it.
You just wrote a post consisting of nothing but baseless denial, dodging the subject, and nonsense. You've failed to collect any evidence of your own, and you've based your arguments on nothing more than "just because." If there's any solid proof that the claims about the Jews are true, it's your complete inability to debunk them and your laughable panic and lashing out when confronted with reality.

Jews win if we do & if we dont

the game is rigged!
>>18337076 (OP)
why the fuck did you buy that

Unless /pol/ is so warped by selective distortion that every Jewish orchestrator is concluded to have been complicit despite the natural overabundance of Jews in prominent positions.
You know I respect some Jews, but shit like this being fed to me makes it hard to do so.
Note how he follows the pattern of "must include obligatory laughing face reaction image in my posts to make it look like I am not taking any of this too seriously".

These people are ALWAYS the most emotionally invested, hence the retarded attempt to feign disinterest when their position is even more libtarded than usual ("No! Jews don't hold any disproportionate power and they don't ever use any of their power to advance their interests as a group!")
>prominent liberal positions

>natural overabundance of Jews
It isn't natural when they get into those positions with hard work but will choose a Jew that works hard than a goyim that works harder.
Jews have their own families preventing them from taking this shit as fact.
The west should just reenslave that shit hole continent. Clearly the people there are too fucking stupid to govern themselves.
No, you're baselessly claiming that predispositions cannot be resisted. You're arguing against the basic principles of free will and human rights. You're also making false assumptions that your opponents disagree with. Your argument has collapsed entirely, and you've proven the race realists right from an ethical point of view.
>Look, if all it takes to destroy your "master white race" is a bunch publications discussing the potential benefits of a lifestyle change or a completely alternative lifestyle

Understatement of the fucking century. You have to out of your fucking mind if you can't see the entertainment media pushes hedonism and carpe diem shit near incessently.

Fuck you lib and fuck the fedora/pony you rode in on.
Nepotism. They practise it big time.
I hate the way you fucking racists always "win" these arguments. You just wear us down with the genetic racism shit and philosophy. I know what my feelings tell me to be true about racists, I don't need fucking evidence. Die.
>>18337076 (OP)
>Make a law what forces persons to have one child.
>Make "Send to adoption" as option for this law.

Problem solved.
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>>18337076 (OP)
>Wanting to have shit covered fleshy money pits
>I know what my feelings tell me
>I don't need fucking evidence.
At least you're able to admit opposition to racism is based on emotion, not evidence.
>being completely unable to take responsibility for anything

Maybe it is based on feelings/emotion, but that doesn't mean it's wrong.

My heart tells me that deporting people and other kinds of racism is wrong.
>Deporting people is racism
You should have seen how the kikes celebrated because the white population is shrinking. Anti white bigotry is in their DNA an integral part of their culture. I hate those parasites so much.
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Resourves are getting more abundant every passing year you dumb misanthropic scum
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>>18337076 (OP)

>implying fucking and rearing offspring is the be-all end-all in life

/pol/ pls...
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Fuck off kike
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>mfw white
>mfw half-jewish
>mfw not going to have kids

Good kikes have a very low fertility rate and a very high intermarriage rate. They are literally going extinct.

Oh and btw kikes are not white both genetically and culturally
Claiming that only countries run by whites can have high standards of living would be racist, so if you're not racist, you must at least admit places like Mexico and Africa can be fixed and reach the standards of living found in the US and Europe. Instead of draining away their best and brightest, sabotaging their efforts at recovery by pulling their people away, shouldn't we be solving the problems at their sources: the bad governments of the countries sending all those immigrants?

If your emotions tell you to do something that will cause suffering, is that right?

How is it ethical to screw over other countries, condemn them to poverty, and create minorities that will be doomed to face racial tension in their new countries? Mass immigration and resistance to deportation only perpetuate suffering in the rest of the world.

Only my dad is jewish.

And he's from based russia.
Children are the cancer of the world, we need no more of them, white people and people of all other races need to be sterilized.

Yeah, liberals are going to come out and tell blacks not to have kids...

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