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...a fatherly, married black male in his 50s.
...not an obnoxious nutball like Alan West.
...not incompetent like Herman Cain.
...not tepid like Barack Obama.
...pro-gun in an "I protect my family" sort of way.
...pro-choice in a Susan B. Anthony sort of way.
...pro-protectionism in a "Let's look out for America first" sort of way.
...pro-gay in a "Let's focus on bigger issues" sort of way.
...religious, but mindful of other faiths, and pro-science.
...not obscenely wealthy, and able to relate to the middle class, unlike Mitt Romney.
...pro-military, but against spending on more foreign wars.
...for states' rights over federal legislation.
...not afraid to put Congress in its place in an "I work for the people" sort of way.


Any such candidate would be primaried by the Koch brothers.

Sanity and rational positions hold no sway in the GOP, it's a party by and for crazies.
>black male

I have green eyes am I black /pol/?
>>13773868 (OP)
Walter E. Williams or Thomas Sowell

Both come to mind, however they do not match exactly the description.

It's a shame that Koch will only field a guy that is programmed to suck banker cock.

1st amendment applies to the Kochs too, they're free to use their considerable resources to advocate their positions in the primaries in any way they can.

Koch isn't using the 1st Amendment.

Koch is using obscene amounts of money to monopolize American politics.

There's a difference between a guy standing on a soapbox and discussing his views and a guy who was groomed, trained, and paid for by an international cartel of bankers and executives to marginalize every other person out there and tip the scales in favor of the elites.
>Koch is using obscene amounts of money to monopolize American politics.
They don't spend nearly as much as the Unions do.
>Top 20 political donors
>14 Democrat
>5 Neutral
>1 Republican

Muh Kochs, Muh NRA
I'd rather make it rain with Herman "Sugar" Cain
>>13773868 (OP)
>...pro-choice in a Susan B. Anthony sort of way.

Hahahaha, no. What are you, an idiot?

>...pro-gay in a "Let's focus on bigger issues" sort of way.

He needs to defer to states rights, always. Never say a single pro-gay word.

But we're not talking about unions.

Way to move the goalpost, kiddo.

>Never say a single pro-gay word.

Because that worked out so well for Mittens, eh?

Face the facts: the GOP has to evolve or die.
>>13773868 (OP)
>...a fatherly, married black male in his 50s.

>not being a cuckold nation
>>13773868 (OP)
>...a fatherly, married black male in his 50s.


Republicans will never win over blacks. Hispanics is the way forward.
You were talking about monopolization of politics by the Koch brothers.

What they spend pales in comparison to what Dems receive in contributions.

What you said is emphatically false, kiddo, and more a product of MSNBC/Huffington Post editorials rather than anything resembling reality.

>Because that worked out so well for Mittens, eh?
Mitt Romney lost because America has become a country of non-white benefit scroungers. Republicans will likely never take the White House as long as this is the case.
>Hispanics is the way forward.
>Around 75% of Hispanics voted for Obama despite him deporting a record number of illegals
>California is blue despite Reagan bringing in millions of illegals
Make no mistake - Hispanics will never swing red. They are benefits-scroungers and will always remain as such.

If you think this is a party-oriented issue, then you should probably go back to finishing your coloring book and watching cartoons.
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>>13773868 (OP)

>implying anyone but 3 lying whores could have ever stopped the cain train

>y-you p-p-probably watch librul n-news

Your butthurt is showing.
>koch is using obscene amounts of free speech to monopolize american politics


If that dude got felled by three women, then a fucking summer breeze would've pushed his ass over.

Can you say, "Incompetent?"
>If you think this is a party-oriented issue
Campaign contribution figures seem to imply that it is.

>Tossing out unoriginal 4chan insults rather than addressing the points I made
I will interpret this as concession of defeat.
>>13773868 (OP)
>voting gop or democrats
>XXI century
And exactly how would you have countered a false accusation?

>Mitt Romney lost because America has become a country of non-white benefit scroungers.

Lulz. America has a white majority.

You're living in a fantasy world.
>pro choice
>Lulz. America has a white majority.
Romney won the white vote but still lost the election. This is the first time in history this has happened. America's white majority is broken.



If you're that obsessed with "winning" an online argument, then you definitely have no chance of ever getting laid.

Better luck next time, sweetie.

>blame the blacks!

Man, you guys sound like a broken record.

Your candidate lost because he sucked. Get over it.
Haha, what? Whites are a plurality. America is majority nonwhite. Whites are just the single biggest group. Add all the nonwhites together and they outnumber whites.
>If you're that obsessed with "winning" an online argument, then you definitely have no chance of ever getting laid.

Yeah, I'm not even the person you were arguing against but you jumped on the ad hominem train pretty quick. It's obvious you've lost your ground and are stumbling for something to say. Thus the "you ain't gonna get laid!1!!1!11 lel!!!" comment.

Go back to reddit.
>>13773868 (OP)

You're crossing over into libertarianism.

America would call this man a RINO.
>America is majority nonwhite

Are you retarded?
>>13773868 (OP)

Sounds pretty good OP, we could've just voted Buchanan in '96 though.


Did Koch even give to anyone in the primary?

>Sanity and rational positions hold no sway in the GOP,

Dems are still worse in this regard.

You reaaly have no idea what you're talking about, whites are 60-70% aka a majority.

The only place that is true is NM I think.
>Yeah, I'm not even the person you were arguing against

Whoa, here come the cheerleaders.

The only thing more pathetic than a kid with talking points that don't make any sense is a kid who is willing to come in out of nowhere and fellatiate that same idiot while yelling "Reddit!"
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whites are starting to sound like redguards of the past.

"whenever i fail, it is cause of deh niggers!"

fucking take responsibility already
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>>13773868 (OP)
That's everything wrong with a candidate.

If the GOP wants to win, they have to go after new markets, while recognizing that they're base will vote for whatever has the R next to their name, since the poor who vote republican aren't voting in their own interests anyway, its obvious that they've just grown up checking boxes with 'R's' next to their names.

No, a real perfect GOP candidate
>motherly, married transsexual native american in his early 40's
>pro legalization of recreational drug use
>pro-anti-isolationism - Will be willing to get his hands dirty in all sorts of humanitarian missions, that amount to little more than occupations of war torn areas
>pro-abortion, eg. mandatory abortions
>states rights
>not afraid to abuse the shit out of the victim card
>pro-guns - e'erybody gets one and a banjo for free

This way you get the tumblr generation and the grand ole party generation all at once.
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Well, it will be by 2050.

>Mitt Romney lost because America has >become a country of non-white benefit >scroungers.

Romney lost because he had no way to connect with the disenfranchised, & dissatisfied.
(Which is the real majority)

The Democrats rule the politics of separation by race, class, or another other number of divisions.


>believing hypothetical projections

Man, no wonder you guys were disappointed on election day.

I guess stupid is as stupid does, because you just don't learn.
>fucking take responsibility already
And how does one "take responsibility" in the face of growing minority voting blocs who will vote Democrat no matter what?

All you have done in this thread is make ad hominem after ad hominem and fail to address anything that has been said. You're either a troll or a retard.

>Romney lost because he had no way to connect with the disenfranchised, & dissatisfied.
According to MSNBC, perhaps.
This. Hispanics secretly want USA to fail so mexico can recede parts they lost. They would never vote for a pro america party
They actually just vote for whoever is the most catholic.

They're a simple people really.

Republicans are least likely compared to Dems to just vote the party ticket, quite a few either stay home or third party whereas Dems just vote for the guy who'll gibe monies.

This is seen with Romney where poorer white voters didn't go to the polls.
What? Those are actual statistics. The only way for whites to remain a majority by 2050 is if immigration severely slows down
>They actually just vote for whoever is the most catholic.
[citation needed]

I guess that's why they vote for the pro-abortion party.
>...religious, but mindful of other faiths, and pro-science.

Only in America would this have to be a condition when considering the acceptance of a candidate.
>This is seen with Romney where poorer white voters didn't go to the polls.

That's because Romney ripped on medicinal herb.

White trash love their dro.
democrats do a huge amount of pandering to the "social justice" catholics
>All you have done in this thread

Hey, thanks for that analysis, professor.

You sound a bit mad, though. Tell me when you have office hours, and I'll drop by with a tube of Preparation H.
>>13773868 (OP)

>black male

No. White male president, black male VP.

>GOP is party for crazies
Seriously, those lunatics abolished slavery! Crazy bastards!

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