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Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:29 No. 14996579 bumping for justice >>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:32 No. 14996662 >>14996535 (OP) >student loans ya dun goofed m8>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:32 No. 14996665 >>14996579 +10 for Intelligence!>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:32 No. 14996679 >being this much of a faggot i don't give a fuck about interest rates for student loans ... maybe these stupid niggers should've actually worked while in college to pay their tuition so they'd finish college with no loan debt.>tfw no loan debt because i worked through college to pay for school >>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:34 No. 14996710 >>14996679 Hey Boomer, what's up?>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:35 No. 14996741 >>14996679 >implying Obama's Chillren actually have to pay loans instead of free grants >implying it's not the white people who have to pay that extra difference for the free college ride for the oppressed who have to pay it back lel, but yeah..they're dumbasses too>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:35 No. 14996743 >>14996662 >education >goof enjoy slavery>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:35 No. 14996766 >>14996679 Whoa, dude, can't we all just get along?>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:35 No. 14996767 >>14996679 What the fuck are you talking about? No one wants to pay their loans for them, we just want to prevent them from becoming un-payable. The Debt from Studen loans is crushing America this affects every one.>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:36 No. 14996770 >>14996679 >>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:37 No. 14996804 >>14996535 (OP) >Student Loan Rates Set to Double to 7% (July 1, 2013) Good, maybe you chucklefucks will learn more about debt and easy loans.>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:39 No. 14996879 >>14996804 I take it you're one of the 1% who can take out a loan at nearly 0%, and lend money to the masses to buy homes that overvalued then expect to get bailed out, on the tax payer's dime, eh?>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:39 No. 14996887 >>14996804 >later, I will complain about how the U.S. is backwards in education, technology, and science >>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:39 No. 14996888 >2013 >going to college >going to college on a student loan the liberal king Obama nationalized the loan system in '08, tards short of having your parents pay for it, or actually getting a scholarship..don't do it. hey, the liberals that are "for the people!" keep you down whilst the boomers penetrate you. deal with it unless you're a minority of course, if you're white well then that's your fault.>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:41 No. 14996936 >>14996535 (OP) Long term solution for student loans would be to get rid of gubbmint backed student loans completely.>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:42 No. 14996958 >tfw the only loans I had to take out were for medical school as I staid instate for undergrad and worked on top of full-time enrollment >tfw the interest rate was 6.8% for the direct subsidized loans >tfw most of the loans were unsubsidized and at 7.4% or something to that effect Fuck these people and their 3%.>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:42 No. 14996960 >>14996888 Really now?>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:43 No. 14996969 >>14996743 sorry i actually work for my scholarships and grants enjoy being a useless sack of shit with loans that will follow you around for years>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:43 No. 14996975 >'Full time' student majoring in cultural studies >cries about student loan Get a fucking job like the rest of us>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:45 No. 14997041 >>14996958 I added conditions if the rate were at 3% as in the several States shall be given Authority to lessen the amount of a loan given to a student based upon one's cumulative GPA, attendence, and area of study. This would eventually, immediately albeit, lower the amount of people going to college. This would most certainly increase the funding for those who study math and science, they would naturally be given preference. I'm a math major.>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:45 No. 14997044 >>14996535 (OP) >1000$ more in interest >2013 >interest on student loans 'murca>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:50 No. 14997180 >>14996936 > This.>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:51 No. 14997209 >>14997180 > Boring...>>14997044 Murca?>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:55 No. 14997340 Seriously though, I am hoping that this issue might gain some attention on this board. Anybody willing to sign this petition? It's totally worth your time. When you sign the petition, all that is visible is your initials. >>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:57 No. 14997393 Just thought of sharing this, it fits the occasion. >>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:58 No. 14997433 >>14996936 Well that's a great idea and all. But the fact of the matter is that our job market doesn't have enough plant jobs or work like that for every one that doesn't go to school. Also, the middle class doesn't have the money to send all those kids off to school without those loans. Our job market depends on college graduates because someone has to be able to run the country.>>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:59 No. 14997445 >34,000 dollars in student loans >tell them to just take my income tax returns >have 50 dollars taken out each pay check >never worry about it and go about life with normal spending capital >>
Anonymous 06/01/13(Sat)14:59 No. 14997461 >Wahhh, I went tens of thousands of dollars into debt for nothing, you need to bail me out Yeah, nah, fuck these whiny cunts.- futaba + yotsuba - All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster. <div class="qcDiv"><img src="//" alt="Quantcast" class="qcImg"></div>