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So /pol/, I have an interesting story for you today, straight out of New Hampshire (the live free or die state).

Today at the University of New Hampshire, a group of occupiers came from New York to teach students how to be a street medic during a protest. Their main focus was on how to teach people how to treat people injured or blinded by tear gas or pepper spray.

This went on for about 30 minutes. At the same time there was a block party along a row of frat houses about a quarter mile away. In addition, Vermin Supreme was sitting amongst the occupiers giving a separate session on de-escalating violence in protests.

Now, I am not an occupy supporter because the occupy group devolved into shit, but something very interesting. Right when the street medic workshop ended, a Special Operations police van pulled up in front of us, and a team of riot police jumped out in front of us and cordoned off the intersection.

It turned out that at the block party, police pulled up without warning and started firing bean bags, tear gas, paintballs, pepper spray, and rubber bullets to break up the block party.

Now, this was a very strange response, and literally never happens here. At the same time, about a dozen state trooper vehicles came blazing through to assist the municipal police here, for whatever reason.

Party girls were running as fast as they could out of the street crying and screaming "WE HAVE RIGHTS THEY CAN'T DO THIS!!" To my surprise, I heard kids calling this a Police State (I was surprised they would have the education to realize what this is).

Amongst the chaos, Vermin Supreme pulled out his microphone and started announcing "All citizens, please remain calm. This is only drill. Please go about your normal daily activities and pay no attention to the men with guns and riot gear. I repeat, this is only a drill, please remain calm."
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Then, the state troopers hit the streets. They had face guards and some riot gear too, but what was really weird was they brought in the dogs. Kids were coming out all around me complaining about being shot, which was an interesting complaint for me to hear.

Anyway, it was a massive waste of police resources, as the partiers were peaceful, and to direct police resources to send them to break up a party that has already been broken up is disgusting, as sending them from the state capital takes a full 30 minutes and most police were off duty today, so these guys all had to get called in from whatever they were doing AND get paid overtime.

But what really strikes me as odd, is how it is an extremely strange coincidence that the ONE time occupiers are here and giving a talk on how to treat people who have been tear gassed, students at the same university were getting tear gassed.

My question is this: Do you think the state knew occupiers were coming, and decided to send down riot police as a show of force to the occupiers so they could say that occupiers were causing trouble, even though they weren't involved with any form of protesting at all? This show of force is fairly unprecedented for these parts.
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Why did he say it was only a drill?
>>13410184 (OP)
That's....pretty fucking disgusting
Anymore pics?
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>But what really strikes me as odd, is how it is an extremely strange coincidence that the ONE time occupiers are here and giving a talk on how to treat people who have been tear gassed, students at the same university were getting tear gassed.

Best way to squash dissent is to oppress people before they can dissent.
Because he wasn't holding a hammer
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Only this. Ignore the faggot in the other 3 pics, the bottom right one is where you see the force of the state.
Shut this down guys
shut your mom down.
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50 bucks say OP is a lying faggot

captcha: ruse tree
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this is what makes me want to riot
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Lying about what?

Pic related what was in the paintballs they fired after people came back and picked these things up. (apparently that's pepper spray inside of the paintball).
Apparently muh big ass dik is in yo mommas old coochie
>>13410184 (OP)

>doesn't have video

I'm not the guy who wrote that, but I think you might be lying about who got raided. It was probably the occupiers or the medic guys.
A poll on msnbc said NH would vote for Hillary. Please secede. Thank you.
powder capsaicin inside paintballs. That's...kinda fucked up and cruel
Look at that debris.

And this: >>13410603

>drunk kids on the roof
>probable cause
>school property

Seems legit.
As a Jew Hampshire resident, people don't have the right to be dangerous jackholes on private property.
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There were very, very few occupiers, and the people running out of the party were all just freshman college kids. All of the occupiers were on the front lawn of the building I was at. The people raided were students simply enjoying themselves, all white, btw.
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Hush goyim, it's for the greater good
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Hope you paid attention to their training
I just got a fucking brilliant idea
>>probable cause
so disorderly conduct warrants riot gear and two different branches coming down with full force?
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It wasn't private property. It was a frat house and the owner was alright with it.
I bet those police managed to radicalize a bunch of people today.

Good jog faggots.
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>they lied to us
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You are a lying faggot, the police never fired on you....

2013 and no video? My 10 year old dipshit brother has a flipphone that can record video and every one of these fuckface college students had a phone to record this. Burden of proof is on you dickweed, if this actually happened, people would be going to a law office to get big $$$, but you are just another dumbass trying to drum up OMGPOLICESTATEBBQ in /pol/
>Garrison Avenue

Ben would be proud.
So if that happened, where's the outcry?

Where are the photos of injuries?

Where are the lawsuits?

Any statement from the school?

Where are the facebook photos, tweets, and blogs?
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I know there are videos out there, I saw one, and someone was supposed to email me it, but it never came. I'll be able to get it tomorrow, hopefully.


What is that?
If it just happened today you should expect liveleak videos to start appearing by tomorrow.

The outcry? A thousand college students complaining. What else do you want?

I spoke with dozens of kids walking out complaining of getting shot by something or tear gassed. They don't know their own rights. One of the occupiers tried filming and another student told them to stop because they were afraid filming the cops would agitate them and make them attack the students again.

Then the police started filming all of us. It was weird, I didn't like it. They had a nice, big camera with a big flash on it. I hid away while this officer did this.
I'm not seeing anything in the news. Possible these are pics are from after the boston bombing or something.
>police load cocaine/other drugs into paintballs
>police fire them into crowd
>crowd goes berserk in drug-addled rage
>police switch to lethal rounds

War for American Dependence, chaps.


No, they aren't. The OP pic is at the intersection of Main street and Garrison avenue if you want to look on google maps.

>>13410184 (OP)
>"All citizens, please remain calm. This is only drill. Please go about your normal daily activities and pay no attention to the men with guns and riot gear. I repeat, this is only a drill, please remain calm."
Vermin is my #1 hero.

>as sending them from the state capital takes a full 30 minutes and most police were off duty today, so these guys all had to get called in from whatever they were doing AND get paid overtime.
you're an ignorant child if you didn't know that this is standard operating procedure for all government agencies.

>This show of force is fairly unprecedented for these parts.
not really. it doesn't sound all THAT forceful.
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>They had a nice, big camera with a big flash on it.
in the middle of the day?

this story is getting fishier by the minute.

Maybe it's standard to do that, but it definitely isn't standard when it's completely unnecessary. They had dozens of these state troopers just walking around twiddling their thumbs because there was nothing to do. They thought there were riots and black-bloc anarchists running around. It turned out to just be normal college kids doing nothing.

And the dogs were absolutely ridiculous.

Okay retard. It had a gigantic flash bulb on it. It obviously wasn't going off, but it was attached to the camera and looked very expensive.
So if I strew about some broken plastic and metal bits, I can tie up the manpower and resources of several police precincts at once?

Holy shit, the applications of that knowledge...

>terrorist places false flag bombs at a dozen locations
>police go ape-shit and scatter to those places
>meanwhile, then enterprising terrorist blows away something else to devastating effect

Even if it doesn't lead to an actual attack, one guy could troll the police constantly for decades.
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Hey, it would justify police budgets for the next decade.

Also, just found a trove of better pictures. Hold your horses guys...
>/k/ has a New Hampshire meet up irl

>we all meet up at a /k/ommando a house, everything is great

>host of this /k/ meet up says there's some faggot kids having a block party in the city

>we all have our military dress-up kits with us

>host of the /k/ meet up knows a guy that has SWAT type vehicles

>we get in the vehicle and we look exactly like the local SWAT team

>lets roll

>20 minutes and we get to the Block party

>pulled up like the fucking inavasion of Normandy without warning and started firing bean bags, tear gas, paintballs, pepper spray, and rubber bullets.

>you should have seen the look on these kids faces

>one kid screams "police state"

>the /k/ommando closest to him sprays tear gas in his eyes and says "stop resisting"

>me and other channers collectively lose all our spaghetti

>simultaneously shit and piss myself

>tell the community with a blow horn that this is only a drill

>they actually believe it

>top fucking lel

>we get back into the SWAT vehicle and roll out with the wheels screeching like the Dukes of Hazard

>post my adventures on /k/ - glocknadeslol

We now go shooting every weekend
Turns out they were having a block party, and police came because they did not had a permit.

google: Fetterman Ave Tear Gas Incident
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searching the tear gas incident pulls up a shitton of vids, too.

So, I'll see you at PorcFest this year?
>they get a huge budget increase
>ties up EVEN MORE taxpayer cash in a dying economy
>still just hundreds of pudgy, middle-aged men with overinflated egos chasing ghosts and shadows
>ultimately only succeed in pissing off the civilian population

It's would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.

>fill plastic bottles with halfway with sugar, add some waste oil, sprinkle in some other random shit and top it with a rag
>place in a parking lot
>tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man hours wasted
>meanwhile, some guy is laughing his ass off as the police grind entire cities to a halt, FURTHER damaging economic activity

Properly executed, America could be quite literally trolled to death.
confirmed shill and plant

was this the incident? seemed this didn't happen today, but on the 20th?

OP here, I'm a free-stater too. Unfortunately I haven't gone to any events yet. I need to start building my community though. Want to meet up in Dover or Portsmouth?
So, I'll see YOU at PorcFest then? I'm in Dover, come to the Sea-Coast liberty stuff at La Festa.

No, the incident happened today.
i'll be there!!! not OP, but totally going!

Von Epic reporting in for Dirty Dover. You're in Durham then?

Yes, I am in Durham. If you know Alex, he lives right across the hall from me.
>What is that?
You'll have to wait and see!

June 21st?
op why don't you give us the address of the party so we could at least search for it you fucking liar nigger faggot

Alex...hmmm, I'll check. You know Nick Murray?

17th to 23rd. If we get enough folks, we can carpool.
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Yes as someone who directly fucked around with occutards from New York. Especially the hippy dippy type that jumps on the free busses everywhere most of them are private disinfo or cops.

next question.

I know people who know Nick Murray, he was the campaign coordinator for Gary Johnson here, but ask Alex if he knows Gabe.
>>13410184 (OP)

I think they only fucked with Import Occutards is because of the shitstorm that happened when our own local occutards tried to ostracize the Free Staters over the open carry shit, among other dramatastic bullshit, and so they made their move to flex their muscle. Typically bullshittery of Ayotte's puppet AG.

Who else do you know? Seth Cohn? Tuk? Antigone?
Op's gets redpilled about OWS

ows is much of a threat then right wingers who mostly bend down the knee and accept patriot act/tsa etc as long as they dont touch their guns

look at paramillitary groups who want more behind that fbi labels them as terrorists
same goes for ows

its just a powerplay
>Do not fuck with the state or else

you fags dont realize that another french/russian/orange revolution is possible hence elite is shit scared hence the brutality
That shield looks pretty awesome. Anyone got a render?
Fair, but riot police... Overkill much?
>Vermin Supreme
Is that like the Rat King?

I know Seth Cohn, friends with him on Facebook.

Saw him again today, actually. He was at UNH, had a good conversation with him.
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They're pepper balls.

>As a Jew Hampshire resident,

Strike 1

>people don't have the right to be dangerous jackholes on private property.

Uh, do you even Live Free or Die? Strike 2.

Shall we go for a third?
Ok, I'll ask Seth. And I sent a message to a Gabe, to see if it's who I'm looking for.
>Vermin Supreme
jpg compression motherfucker, do you know it???
Why does no one do anything? The police don't care about you; as a matter of fact they see you as a lesser being because you've gotten so used to them doing so.
do you know what the fuck capsaicin is fucking jew? Its the active component of peppeper / chilli that humans and other mammals react to.
Yes, I'm also a gay jewish black immigrant.

Do your worst, faggot.
Hang on, might have some footage for you cats, lemme ask if its up.
You seemed surprised that such a thing exists. It's been around for years, was my point.

That's strike three. Go to sleep, child.
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What is?
Oh, Rhode Island and.... I'll get it eventually

Are you still there Dover?

A quick look at a map guys

I don't know if Dover is still here, but Durham is.

yeah, I'm trolling facebook trying to get some info or footage. Apparently Vermin finished up his sermon right in time for the live demo from the fuzz
I know I can google, I've been trying to commit them to memory though, the northwest is probably my weakest area.
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Can you elaborate please? Pennsylfailia here
MAssholes tool the MA before MainE got it. Sad.

The Police have already gone round and round with local Occupiers, many of whom are Free Staters or just Libertarian in general, and so they messed with these guys because it was a different brand of occupier.
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they been doing this shit all around america...something bigs coming.
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Welcome to America

Where everyone loves to takes Police cock up the ass
what the fuck is that??
That's the Boston manhunt
seriously what the fuck is that
holy shit, i saw absolutely no threads on this
what the fu----
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There where several, but typical /pol/ went full authoritarian in support of it.
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god damn america...i have never been more fucking disappointed

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Yeah because forum sliding was in full over-drive mode.
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Only a matter of time, burgerclaps...
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You guys weren't here during the Boston manhunt?
The United States "Where freedom isn't free"
So the whole Afghanistan being a practice run for a police state in America thing... How close are we to that awkward moment when the tin-foilers were right?
that was depressing. what was the law he said it was?
that was the drill for the happening

Imagine that all over the US 24/7
Welcome to America,The show where everything’s made up and the rights don’t matter
I guess they weren't. Damn that was some fun shit. It was seriously happening for a while.
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We're way beyond that moment
i was at my buds house for the weekend.
i cant believe i missed this shit
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10/10 brah
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It was basically martial law. Citizens were told leave their homes at gunpoint so police could search for the 'terrorists'.


The thing was basically one big drill for when some sort of happening occurs.

You seriously haven't seen any of this?

Wow....you are very, very far behind. Check these videos out:


and then here's one of them forcing a family out at gun point:

>Anyway, it was a massive waste of police resources, as the partiers were peaceful, and to direct police resources to send them to break up a party that has already been broken up is disgusting
Police departments like to use joke protests like these to train.
Not defending that or anything, it's just something I've seen a lot.
I bet that's a special missile that makes only those hit by it be fabulous.
thanks, ima check these
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Except people who are found in some sort of 'wrong' will be rounded up and sent to FEMA camps to die. Any resistance will most likely be stopped with brute force such as black helicopters, drones, APCs, loads of police, federal agents, and national guard.
Five star post! Everyone gets 500 internets.
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Why is that guy taking off his fucking pants?
You don't know Posse Comitatus
I would really start learning legal terms and principles now. Even a single criminal justice course would be beneficial
wow that shit wasnt even right. there was nothing about that...that was right
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Remember, the National Guard can cordon your entire suburb detain you search your vehicle and your premises and that's totally legal because they've had a tip of a really bad guy to have been seen in your suburb.

I guess that slowly boiling frog analogy really works.
Explosions and shock make people do crazy shit, he was probably out of it.

>>13410184 (OP)
Wow OP, you're right. They do have bean bags, tear gas, paintballs, pepper spray, and rubber bullets!!!!
All you "freedom fighters" need to understand something. THERE IS NO FIGHT. The fight was lost before you were even born. Our parents in their greed and gullibility failed us. Deal with it.

There is nothing you can do to fight back. Peaceful protests will be swarmed with cops busting heads and shooting tear gas. This is the freedom they told us about in school.

We have the right to protest. they never mentioned anything about a right to protest without use of force from the state.

you were born a slave and you will live as a slave. if you fight the system trying to make it right, you'll die a terrorist. this is your reality, live with it or die a criminal.




Police Raid in Boston during the shitstorm.
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Martial law coming to a city near you. Also 9/11 was a false flag.
This is practice, i guess.

No. I can be a conscientious objector. I can capitalize on the anger and resent of others to turn them against the system which they do no realize has made them so angry in the first place.

I am not a slave. Freedom is won first in the mind, and then in the body.
Who is to say that you can't have some fun along the way?

We are not slaves in the traditional meaning of the noun. We can still purchase land, mate with a partner of our choosing, travel, post/lurk most of the internet, pursue a career of our choosing, and own a firearm.

It isn't the epitome of 'slave', but we are slaves in many ways yes. We are like worker ants.
Where's your guns now faggots?
the only freedom we do have IS in our mind. outside this you are property. you are owned. you were born as property of the corporation known as the Federal Government. there is no fight of freedom to be had that wont result in civilian failure.

You'd have more luck finding an Elephant.

That's why rights must be fought for. It is the only way.
what I hate is that we are trusting our freedums to some jerkass who puts his hat backwards. What a fucking douchebag.
Probably left with their 4th amendment rights.
>dat owl
is that a legit quote?
Probably locked away or out of sight. They were looking for the terrorists. If it was a firearms raid I am sure that they would immediately surrender their firearms.

Are you really going to take on 20+ police equipped with M4s, ballistic helmets, Level III/IV plates, and humvees with you 1911 or SKS? No way.
freedums don't exist

it's all a lie
Here's some video. Learn to Youtube.

lol. you dont get it. there is no fight. we the civillian population are out gunned, out trained, and out resourced.

also when you take into account the amount of us actually willing to take action, we are out numbered.

there is no fight that wont end in defeat. Your high and mighty ideals are just that, ideals, you'll still go to work and buy their products becuase in one way or another they tell you to. This dynamic is what needs to change. This dynamic of work/consume are the chains to our slavery.

We ALL have to be willing to live as savages to kill the beast. like I said, we are outnumbered.
>>Letting the pohpoh piss all over your rights and not putting up a fight despite having a gun

Yeah, we're screwed, this country will just go into the FEMA camps very happily like cattle.

what the fuck
that picture
It's a troll pic. Don't worry about it. CGI. There's lots of evidence that the Pentagon is bullshit, but that's not it.
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Google it.

P.S., if you google it you will be put on a watch list.
What do you expect? You would most likely do the same. I'm sure you're not a martyr.

We're all cattle in some sense. More like a worker bee.
If you download or mention the Anarchist Cookbook you're put on a watchlist too.
I'm sure being on 4chan and /pol/ puts you on a ton of watchlists including POTENTIAL DOMESTIC TERRORIST.
If I had something else other than a shitty handgun? Fuck yes.
agreed WTF? was this done from a mobile missile truck?
I knew the 747 line was BS, but from a fucking mobile on the highway next to it? NO ONE noticed?

im calling bullshit.
I'm just saying, at least they had some decorations hanging to brighten up the scene.
arent you forgetting body armor, and oh yeah! training???!?! also you'll need more than one dude. you'll need no less than 100k willing to go as far as you are. good luck organizing that without being raped by HLS.
>Seems like bullshit
>Look it up
>It's legitimate
>I'm now on a FBI watch-list
It's one thing to send a dozen "elite" MPs to search detain and disarm everyone in a city block. And a whole another to do that to a whole county district or borough. The manpower for the really outrageous stuff just isn't there.

Go to the right neighborhood in Texas and try it
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Your moist nugget/SKS isn't going to kill a man in level IV. I would suggest something with more of a bang if you know what I mean.
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I'm sure if they got SWATs in this right neighborhood at 4AM they would all surrender their firearms.
Hey, as long as we have our vidya.
>Implying this isn't true for at least half the population.
1984 my ass, this is Brave New World if I've ever seen it. At least that shit had a happy ending.

Dat Special Operations van.

Holy shit, the OP wasn't lying.
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Eat shit. The videos would be up in hours.

You're not fooling anybody.
fuck i did google it, jesus what the actual fuck, why is this not the first piece of evidence presented to prove America is becoming/ has finally become a police state?
More footage of frat party at UNH being busted up by out of control police:

How do I find out if I'm on a watchlist?
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Holy shit, I need to leave this country ;_;
If pigs were raiding my home, body armor or no body armor I'd shoot upon sight. That is if I didn't have a shitty handgun.

Sadly I don't have any ammo for my moist nugget, so I would pussy out. Fucking bullets are expensive for a poorfag like me. But you know what use is a gun if you don't practice with it.


>>13410184 (OP)
>thinking you're an educated intellectual in the first place for know what a police state is

Please fucking kill yourself, seriously.
Someone fucking kill that obnoxious bitch
Ease up. We need all the allies we can get in the coming war.
honestly its probably your best bet in the long run, soon enough itt will be full police state
my reply to all of you

You only assume because you visit websites or do things that do not fit the status quo.

See these:


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Lrn2 catalog and BUMP
Fuck the race, sex, pony threads.

Trust me Texans love their guns like their children and if someone dies trying to stop the police from having their guns, it will only start a revolution.
Then I am sure they'll try different methods such as influencing children that guns are bad. Eventually the gun nuts will die out.
Dude in the middle of the explosion stays on feet and run while guy next to him loses his legs.
>in b4 slider says lrn2shrapnel
Yea but those goat fuckers have generations of gorilla warfare experience in one of the hardest environments.
>>13410184 (OP)

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Anonymous JW
04/28/13(Sun)01:25 No.13415216
Anonymous JW 04/28/13(Sun)01:25 No.13415216
>>13410184 (OP)
>thinking you're an educated intellectual in the first place for know what a police state is

Please fucking kill yourself, seriously.