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We have no freedom here in england

>No guns
>On site random searches
>Most of the population dont want to aid syria, coalition do it anyway
>Government adding LAWS on how to raise your child

You know the western revolution will start here
>>17246671 (OP)

At least no nigger president.
No one here gives a fuck though.
At least the rampant CCTV catches bike stealing niggers.
> recent article about random stop and searches
> read comments
> majority in favor

I hate this country sometimes
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The police only stop and search niggers and ethnic minorities.
Not knowing that random searches laws were actually made stricter after a police inquest discovered that 75% were illegal searches.

Pay attention to Terresa May
Bump for sage
that doesn't make it ok

i support minorities over pathetic beta authority glorifiers anyday
>>17246671 (OP)

If any country needs the 3D printed plastic pistol, it's Britain. The original Liberator worked in Nazi occupied France. Hopefully it's successor will work in muslim occupied Britain.

It is far past time for Brits to arm themselves and take back their country. If it's not already too late.

Liberator - Dawn of the Wiki Weapons

>>17246671 (OP)

>No guns
I have no desire to own one

>On site random searches
I've never been searched.

>Most of the population dont want to aid syria, coalition do it anyway
Doesn't affect me

>Government adding LAWS on how to raise your child
Doesn't affect me

Well, that was drama-free. I'm living quite well without these 'freedoms'.
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>No guns
>No freedom
basically OP is buttangry that he's not allowed to shoot people
That's great and all but what are you going to fire with it? Printed bullets?


bretty gud
Why are you against police searches?

>I have no desire to own one
Fair enough, but the fact we are not aloud them is bullshit

>On site searches
Happens alot in poor parts of cities

>Doest affect me
It does, YOUR money is going to another country to fund could be terrorists

>Doesnt affect me
Fair enough, but parents being fined £60 for not sending your child to school is bullshit
>>17246671 (OP)
>You know the western revolution will start here


It's habbening, when one of these attacks works, things will escalate and the budget stricken police nor the incompetent private security firms will be able to control it.

infringing on human rights

if I haven't done anything wrong no one has the right to lay a finger on me
60 pounds, really? 16 times less than a bus fine?

>parents being fined £60 for not sending your child to school is bullshit

No it's not, they're disadvantaging their child by not doing so.

this is what will actually happen

>''the EDL is obviously a terrorist organisation''
>EDL outlawed
>they're butmad
>nobody ever hears anything of it ever again
>Ignoring my post
Lel you yuropoors are hilarious!
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> tfw you want a gun now
> tfw can't get one
Exactly. Do we want more fucktards than we already have?
come to the colonies, Britbro. Just avoid NY/LA/Chicago and you'll be ok.

>urinate tenderly

^^oddest captia ever
In the UK you actually have a right by law to own a shotgun. You cannot be denied a permit for a shotgun if you don't have a criminal record and you do not need to give a reason for wanting a shotgun (they'll probably ask anyway though). Just get a proper gun safe, fill out the application form, wait a couple weeks for the firearms officer to visit, if it goes well, then you get given a permit.

You also don't need a permit to have shotgun shells (you need one to buy em from a shop, but someone can purchase them and then give them to you) so you can make your own zip gun to fire them if you want.
>Government adding LAWS on how to raise your child

Like what?
>>17246844 (You)
Are you fukken faggot britbottles seriously not going to respond to this?

like ''send them to school'' and ''don't abuse them''
I can't, the tears in my eyes makes it too had to type.
We gotta stack chips, and that's the way it is, yo.
Living in the city is turning Billy schizo-
Phrenic, it's a blood-money epidemic,
Kids rock Akademiks but they're not academic.
Better stop for a second, take a look around you,
Demons surround you, evil is all powerful.
Love is up against the ropes, it's God's downfall.
Lucifer reigns - the future remains doubtful.
The gloves are off - bare knuckle for the last round,
Listen to the war drum, hear how my heart sounds.
My fists pound the asphalt, as the living dead inhale the crack smoke.
Squeeze blood out a stone just to make cash flow - streets retarded,
The daily news is too much for the weak hearted.
Deeply depressed artistic arsonist, sparkin spliffs,
Addicts jack the pharmacist's.
The devil lives in the Houses of Parliament,
Devil worship or rebel disarmament,
Is the main agenda for the parliamentary member.
Send in the Toxic Avenger!
Mutant anti-hero, stack de-niro,
Move with a band of bandoleros at sub-zero
Temperature - New clothes for the Emperoror,
Watch how you walk, these kids will put an end to ya.
The cross-country adventurer,
Ventin' the pent up aggression, when I enter the session.
Adolescents hold weapons, and shut down your pantomime,
Draw heat - 9 milli degrees Fahrenheit.
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I do agree with OP about Syria. If the FSA win, which is very unlikely now that they lost some Al Queda funding, then they will be carrying out state sponsored acts of terrorism against the western world in 10 years. The politicians in this country are too weak and just follow America. UKIP won't save you, Green Party are faggots, Conservatives can't stop the decline, Liberal democrats are sucking conservative dick and I don't think the country could survive another New Labour rape fest. Britain is done. Leave now.
They have to make them wash their teeth.

1) We don't drink americum, it has too much saturated fat in it, ruining our godly bodily figures
2) We are whiter than America
3) There are no Shariah controlled zones
4) That outfit is so last month
Where the smackheads jackin up,
Crackheads crackin up,
You're back up or backin up?
You'll leave with your hands cuffed,
Po-po bustin blocks, Old folk punchin clocks,
Yo it don't fuckin stop.
Police stoppin me with the P.O.T.
Race hate is growin so their votin for the BNP.
Brits in Guantanamo, dreamin of bein free,
Fuck this country, it ain't doin shit for me!
Look at the history books, peep the bloodshed,
Karma is coming, you'll see the streets run red.
RedRum! That's the way that the money's made,
The Church of England invested in the slave-trade.
Trace it back to the bank where you put your wage,
Built on the blood of slaves and stolen sugar cane.

And there'll be toil for the royal blood,
Spillin on the soil, where they're drillin for the oil.
Got us killin for the buck - but we don't give a fuck.
Nobody wanna work, we just wanna live it up.
Bring a cup, fill it up,
With the blood sweat and tears too.
>>17246671 (OP)
>>Government adding LAWS on how to raise your child

I'm a britbong and I'm not aware of this
Omg but isn't that discriminating against the immigrant minorities?
>Voting UKIP
Could you specify which right is being infringed?
Dear England, please confess your sins now,
I see police tape, when I'm takin my bins out.
A dead baby got dropped down the rubbish chute,
Please don't bum me out, cause I just bunned a zuut.
Don't look at me funny blood, it's the fuckin truth!
You don't believe me, I guess it's too much for you.
A girl got abducted, and chopped up in Catford.
Racists with ice-picks? That shit is backward.

The news is confusin - it's all manufactured,
Pop-propoganda - political actors.
Political factions and critical factors,
Get kidnapped and sympathise with your captors.
Trapped in the capital, death before dishonour,
Troops terrorised by suicide bombers.
And I wanna vomit, cause they're blowin up buses.
It's rough in the streets, kids growing up cussin.
Get crushed in the rush hour.
Police have got too much power, now they move like a menace.
Ask Jean Charles De Menezes, in the heavens.
They put seven in his head and sent him back to the essence.
They got us living in fear,
You get treated like a criminal if you're Muslim with a beard.
Enjoy sucking that nigger cock, faggot lib?
nhs tho
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Our country is really fucking up hard in a lot of areas.
>please respond
24 hour drinkin, I'm sippin a beer,
But some don't know their limits, it's a little severe.
The liquor is here, the drugs are here,
The football thugs are here, you could get mugged in here.
So plug your ear if you don't wanna hear the screams,
From the dungeon to the Huddersfield of dreams.
I feel the heat of Big Brother's eyes on my back,
He's watchin how I move and the way that I act.
He's watching what I read and the products that I buy.
My bank balance? That's the price of the property-rise.
My political allegiance? I'm angry!
I didn't register my Oyster Card - you can't track me.
ID's compulsory - they got a back door,
You're forced to apply when you renew your passport.
It's hardcore, but that's life in England,
And it goes for the whole United Kingdom.

And I still got love for the place where I'm livin,
But right now they're ain't nothin great about Britain.
You mean "send 'em to OUR 'schools'" and "don't spank 'em".
You read it. Hoooray! :)

You are aware that you're allowed to homeshcool your children in the UK yes?
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That's because OP made it up, unfortunately.
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I just found out that in Northern Ireland, where I live, we are allowed to own and open-carry firearms, pistols and semi-automatic rifles at a .22 calibre and shotguns. Pistols and Rifles have no magazine limit, shotguns are at 2 shells.

Need to apply for a licence to purchase and own a firearm, need to have a good excuse to own one and a good referee. Don't need a license to carry it in the open, need one for concealed. Well what in the fuck, I thought we weren't allowed to own firearms, I'm gonna go get me one, just incase some romanian fuck tries to get into my house.
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Skim read.
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revolutionary tune
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You might wanna check what you're allowed to do if someone breaks into your house as well.
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anddd I'm out.
We are allowed them moron I can buy an AR-15 in the UK if I wanted with a license.
Then why did you say otherwise?

I didn't

It's not my fault you make baseless assumptions and then presume them to be fact, the fact nobody bothered to point out you were wrong doesn't mean they mislead you.
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Just give me a pointy stick and I'll at least try a coup against this government. If there was anyway I could go back to 1980s and kill Neil kinnock and Blair I would. They fucked up Britain. BRITAIN IS LOST. BACK TO THE KEEP.

Fuck what I'm allowed to do, I won't shoot them anyways, I wouldn't want to kill someone, fuck knows why they're robbing me in the first place, probably came from some shithole third world country and need money to stay here. I'd just point the gun at them and watch them panic and wait for the police to arrive and hand me my smile.

What did Neil Kinnock do? He was never elected
shit i'm an NI bro too, this is news to me. I might get a gun incase these loyalist fucks attempt anything nearby. I live in ardoyne.
British politicians need their heads stuck on a spike. Governing a country isn't a day job.
>being fined £60 for not sending your child to school is bullshit
This is bad? and £60 is nothing
>can't drink alcohol until you're twenty fucking one
>can't freely gamble
>not allowed to fuck a 16 year old

top lel
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>>17246671 (OP)
He was actually very close to winning. He began the rise of new labour.

You're more likely to be shat on by a whale than a loyalist break into your house, they'd be too afraid of the RA, and everyone knows it, but getting a firearm is fun, we could all go and make our own firing ranges and whatnot, maybe form a neighborhood watch type thing going to get rid of paramilitaries, I know they don't train too effectively and they wouldn't stand to shit against a military style militia.
It's not my fault your mother constantly violates you pet iguana with a cabbage.
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Just got this letter
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>>17246671 (OP)
>>17246671 (OP)

>Government adding LAWS on how to raise your child

Bitch please, look at your new britfag generation. Their IQ could be compared to a 13 year old child. They can hardly speak proper English, which by surprise is the ''ONLY'' language they can speak.
Look at all of those ugly british whores that use make-up more than clowns. They look hideous with and without make-up.
Not to mention, that you'r ''adult'' age seems to be 16 and because of that, all the degenerate sluts get pregnant when they're 15 and get free housing benefits from the country.

Bring me every single britfag teen that can survive 2 days without entering facebook and shitposting there. Do it.

Clearly, the way you raise your children can only be related to your own retardness. Since your government seem to be retarded as well, I don't expect a change in that really. Nothing less expected from a shit country that made scissor purchasing illegal without ID.

captcha: elliepo them
Wrong. I have family in law enforcement and they're told not to stop search groups of black or minority people because it's 'racist' and they kick off. You're also told not to stop any Muslims during prayer times in the morning.
>They can hardly speak proper English
>that you are "adult" age seems to be 16
>>17246671 (OP)

Get a European Human Rights lawyer OP

Take your fight to Strasbourg where you can affect change
>sweatshirts are confusing
>food kids enjoy is banned
>we are too incompetent to run proper exams

>british schooling

Thank you anon. I will most definitely remember to put ''you're'' next time
I really hope these aren't actually true.
You're welcome :3

Ya'll wish you were this dystopian.
>>17246671 (OP)

nothing is going to happen in the UK.
Every other nation has some sort of revolution or revolt still fresh in the blood of its citizens.
The last revolution we had was industrial.
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Always skip articles online or threads on /pol/ about UK turning to shit, I can't face it, but I suppose if everyone is thinking this way nothing will get done. Not hiding from it or ignoring it anymore - something really needs to be done.
What do you want us to do though? I just can't stand all the scroungers, PC nonsense and politicians that don't think more than 2 years into the fucking future. No party can save us. Farage is fucking retarded, Labour fucked up last time, conservatives can't stop the decline, lib dems are sucking dick etc. the only thing that can save this country is the people and they're all to happy living off of MUH benefits to do anything. Fuck this lazy cunt country.
>What do you want us to do though?
Stop reading the daily mail online. Turn your computer off. Go outside and be around real people.
>>17246671 (OP)

I hear you, I've no idea what can be done, but if more people turn from being uninterested to wanting things to change then something may be born from that. I won't hold my breath though.
I don't read the daily mail. As I said above, it's not a race thing you fucking moron. It's a laziness thing. Whites,blacks etc can all be lazy. The thing is nobody wants to work because they get benefits. A guy on my street gave up working so he could just live on benefits. He gets more money and just does fuck all. Tell me that this ain't a broken country.
all the radical brave british people moved to the colonies a long time ago...
I just want a country with an emphasis on work, military and a few other things. It's just a lazy fuckers paradise now. We need another Thatcher. She promoted work for reward. You have to earn what you get. Goddamnit this thread ruined my Sunday. So much anger.
Britain has been a police state ever since billy the bastard and his smelly frogs invaded.

Move along, nothing to see here.
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>not sure if I want to emigrate to straya or murica
most people on benefits work. period. the economy is severely depressed and pay is not keeping up with rising living costs.

Benefit fraud is a very low percent of the total benefit claimant count. If you don't like people legitimately claiming benefit you don't blame them you sort the system out.
Britain is pretty swell IRL. Don't give up on it.
Uh, parents in the U.S. get sent to jail if they don't send their child to school.
Only if they aren't being home schooled or otherwise meeting their educational requirements.
People come to our country for the benefits though. If we cut the benefits hugely then we'd have less people on welfare so we could use the extra money to fund something useful. I don't know much about economics though. The only stuff I know is the bare basics from my history GCSE, a levels and pre U stuff. I haven't tried to learn any economics because I'm interested in war.
Good luck fixing this shit hole, people know i'ts fucked but they don't care and are way too lazy.

Moving to Texas to live in the middle of a desert and fire an assault rifle.
I'm thinking of going to NZ for a bit next year, but I'll return to UK at some point, not giving up just yet.

I thinks it more the mentality of the Brits that needs to change, not necessarily the systems, although I think the benefits system needs a revamp regardless. How to change the mentality I have no idea, but can start by raising a hard working family which will lower the amount of scratters if only by a handful.
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I was thinking about doing this. Good food, good gun laws, hot, casual racism(us Brits love this) etc. sounds pretty god tier to me.
a total myth. on the whole immigrants actually add LESS than the average British person to the benefit bill. It's actually quite hard to get many benefits in this country believe it or not.

They also do not just take muh jawbs. They create jobs also. And also largely spend in thee economy. And also purchase goods produced here.

Daily mail arse dribble the lot if it

>How to change the mentality I have no idea

Protip, you can't. Thatcher tried, it didn't work.
Yes she did. Thatcher fundamentally shifted British politics towards free market economics. That's pretty indisputable.

Whether you like it or not, ''scroungers and PC nonsense'' aren''t threatening to most people. Nobody is going to rebel, because there's nothing to rebel about.

What do you expect us to rise up en masse and go ''we want other people to be homeless'', wont happen.
I had plans for NZ and Texas but being 17 I am not far into the plan yet. A boy can dream.

Yeah the only way I can do my part is if I raise my family with hard working values. Just need a society where you are judged on your work.

yeah but she didn't change the mindset of most Brits

I'm not saying its just immigrants though! If you cut welfare down to its bare minimum then people will eventually have to work! Possibly stop giving welfare after they have 2+ kids during their time on the dole. If they lose their job and have 3 kids then its fine. Just if you have 2 kids WHILE on benefits. It's the lazy society. It's not the immigrants fault at all. Poles work extremely hard. You misunderstood my points but its probably how I worded it. Apologies.
She promoted a do it yourself attitude.

And it didn't work
I know. It's not bad enough to cause a revolution but its bad enough to be noticed. I think it's getting to a point where people are getting fed up. More EDL marches, UKIP on the rise(even though they will make the country worse), stories of children being refused water during Ramadan.
She tried. If you don't try then you don't succeed 100% of the time

It's not a problem that most people care about, someone else being on benefits doesn't negatively effect me.

As for the water story, most of us don't read the Daily Mail either

yeah I wasn't saying that she didn't try, I was just saying that trying to change the mindset of the British has been tried before and it didn't really work
>>17246671 (OP)
>No guns

Except that's wrong you fucking turd. I live in the UK and have a shotgun, what's your excuse?
the rise of populist, extremist elements is largely predictable and usually follows economic depression because it makes life hard for people and people look for a scapegoat and the dark skinned 'others' are as good as any.

People are equally fed up from the left, with record turn out against changes to state institutions such as the NHS.

stories about scary foreigners and their evil ways are what sells newspapers and that's why they're printed in such large font and grab so much attention.

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