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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ will be held on /q/ at 8:00PM ET on Sunday, May 12th.

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Perfect world thread.
>Unite all of humanity under one government.
>Through war or peace.
>No socialism (It never worked.) but not extreme capitalism.
>Start to feed people science via media so religion will die
>Don't outlaw it immediately because that will create more resistance.
>Once it is consider taboo then outlaw it.(It is a crime against humanity since it slows scientific advancement and promotes false beliefs so people can be manipulated .)
>Use force if required to take down religious organizations
>Create a monolithic society that works for the advancement of the human race.
>Emphasize that the community is more important than the individual.
So become bees and be susceptible to CCD? No thanx. Individualism is our greatest strength.
>>14058103 (OP)
>Unite all of humanity under one government.
Then all it takes is one government to go corrupt for the world to be completely fucked.
A world state would be rife with corruption. Giving people all that power over nation states (or would you get rid of those)

>>14058103 (OP)
Define goverment.
Only idiots jump onto sound bites.
Don't be that guy.
No independent states, just one species. Requirements for a position in the government would be brutal as fuck. Plus if you do do something corrupt you get executed for crimes against humanity.
>you get executed

Why not? Let me guess, "muh feelings and morality".
If you do anything to thwart the advancement of the species you deserve death.
>Perfect world thread.
>No socialism (It never worked.)
>(It never worked.)

This is just silly. You're misrepresenting this idea. Are you trying to have a truly "perfect world" or are you just making shit up? This is as perfect as it gets, realistically. It comes down to idealism vs realism and you can't quite decide which one you're talking about.
Because under fear people have poor results.
You just think killing is an easy way to get rid of problems, but in reality it creates even more.
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>>14058103 (OP)
>Unite all of humanity under one government
fucked up in the first idea.
great job!
Also forgot to mention eugenics, and other things
>Have IQ tests, genetic tests required for a breeding license.
>Allow the populace to bear arms as long as they promise to use them righteously and strike down tyrants who wish to hinder manifest destiny.
>Also require mental checks and IQ tests to own a firearm.
Not really. Look at history. The only way to deal with tyrants is bullets.
>you deserve death
no, you're not the one to decide that

what if your brain capacity is a thread to mankind? chances are you really shouldn't reproduce
should you be kill too?
is this how civilized people solve problems?

thank god we DON'T live in a real democracy, i've heard too many people speaking for death penalties already
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>no socialism
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>Thinks we will survive if divided.
>Thinks we won't blast ourselves into oblivion.
>Thinks nationalism is good.
>Thinks independent nations are good.
We won't advance if divided. Please remove your genitals for the good of the species.
I never worked. So no. Controlled capitalism is the best.
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hold on there little lady.
i never said any of those things.
here's a pic to give you the idea of what i meant.
It will be a democratic society.
Granted it needs tweaking but its still better in the long run.
Then its doomed to fail.
so the smart few are ruled by the general consensus of the retarded masses.
>something bad happens under a socialist economic system


>something bad happens under a capitalist economic system

Well, accidents happen you know. We can't blame this entirely on capitalism, there are more factors to consider, the situation is more complex than that. We certainly can't abandon capitalism entirely I mean it's the best system we've got (according to my american public school teacher). Let's just try to fix the problem as best we can to make sure this bad thing doesn't happen again.
The only choices aren't militarized nation states and one world government you know...
Bullets make martyrs. It also seems hypocritical to execute for crimes against humanity.
OP is 12.
But million of people have died under socialism. Death tools have never been that high under capitalism.
I think the skepticism of socialism and communism comes from the fact that every single time it was tried it ended up in brutal purges and totalitarian dictatorship.
>we vote today to legally exterminate group X.
>group X is 1.5% of the planet and everyone hates them
>yay, democracy
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>perfect world thread

have a genie
Exile is a much better punishment
military industrial complex
If humanity is to achieve manifest destiny then we need to be united as a whole.

Anon is a nationalist republican.
just make all the offenders live with jews.
oh wait.
Millions die of starvation every year under capitalism.
>Put them all in one place so they can form their own state instead of disposing of them.
for us to achieve destiny we all must shed all forms of government and live under the idea of "to each his own."
the weak will perish and humanity will become either perfect or extinct.
uniting everybody only assures that we're all catering to the weakest link.
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>Group x is holding back the species
>Let them hold back the species
because they're lazy.
I lel'd, it'll never work in a million years. You ever see an unattended kindergarten class with no teacher in sight? That's anarchy in a nutshell.
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>It is a crime against humanity

yea it sure was a damn shame when the church taught all those people to read and write, established hospitals, fed the poor, and united a continent

oh i forgot you're from rebbit so you never acknowledge any of the good things its done cause they're all >anti-science bigot homophobes who are stupid and won't do anything i say and see the world differently than i do
>>14058103 (OP)
>Unite all of humanity under one government.
>No socialism (It never worked.) but not extreme capitalism.
>Use force if required to take down religious organizations
>Emphasize that the community is more important than the individual.


Perfectly retarded post
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"Stop starving yourself to death! Stop starving yourself to death! Stop starving yourself to death!"
Show me statistics.
Define 'weak'
No, I don't think we need all of humanity under one bureaucracy to get off this planet.
>it never worked
>implying capitalism "works"

You poor, poor boy..
anarchy is a form of economics, not government.
economics 101.
nature defines weak.
So you are as smart as a six year old?
>a heterogeneous world is not better
>It sure was good when they wanted evolution banned from schools.
>It sure was nice when they protested gay rights.
>It sure is a good thing they are against live saving stem cell research.
I really don't follow, are you proposing we have some kind of mass survival game or something?
Did I say bureaucracy?
It's a lack of government.
>>14058103 (OP)
>>14058103 (OP)
>>14058103 (OP)
>one world
>use force


1. How can you believe your interpretation of the good life is the one, true and absolute interpretation
2. How can you be such a cultural bigot to not allow people to pursue the good life in a way that speaks to their own experiences and exchanges
Why bother? You're too lazy to look them up on your own. And you'll denounce any statistics that don't fit your preconceived ideas as being exaggerated, biased, based on false data, obtained by questionable methods. You want to believe it's not true that millions of people die of hunger and easily preventable/treatable diseases every year under capitalism, so you'll disregard any information to the contrary.

If you're interested in being intellectually honest, you'll make use of the vast library of easily searchable info at your fingertips.

>inb4 "lol u don't really have any statistics!"
>No stealing of wealth
So it isn't socialist. Just because I think the species is more important than one person doesn't mean I'm communist. People would be allowed to climb the ladder of wealth.
that is what wwiii will be.
the world of man have never seen a war.
for the first real war it ever sees, will be it's last.
>>14058103 (OP)
you sounds just like rothschild.
Unless the government is monarchy with immortal man on top I'd take our chances with nations.

>its not perfect so we should get rid of it

whoops by that logic government is out the window too. Please keep proving how much of an idiot you are
only around 200 people die in America because of starvation. That's a lot better than China or North Korea.
Thats true, although the way weapons are becoming more indiscriminate its probable that many would be killed simply chance. Not too say however that the more astute will know which places are more safer than others.
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>>14058103 (OP)
That's what Democracy is for. So you can get rid of people you don't like. Religion holds us back and thwarts scientific advancement. Halting scientific advancement is one of the worst crimes against humanity.
>by that logic government is out the window too
are you saying it shouldn't be?
that would be illogical.

it's best to live like this:
if it's not permanent, make it permanent.
if it cannot be made permanent, it is a waste of time.
if it can be made permanent, but makes you temporary, destroy the thing to be made permanent.
>>14058103 (OP)
> 2013
> not realizing despotism is the only viable government
The majority of people are stupid, everyone agreea on that. When you allow a bunch of stupid peopke the ability to control a country it fails, see America.
Terrible Idea
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>America is the only capitalist nation on Earth
>China is socialist

I agree North Korea is fucked, but it has problems way beyond its economic structure.

pick both.
>>14058103 (OP)
You're a fucking idiot and should be assassinated the second you get anywhere close to political power.
That sounds very communistic. How would that be good at all?
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>posting in a summer thread
summer doesn't start for the chilluns until the second week of june.
>a nation
That's why you would have to take an IQ test in order to vote.

> Religion holds us back and thwarts scientific advancement
>this is what 12 year old rebbitors actually believe

I'm a scientist (biologist and biochemist) and I know several religious scientists that are doing great work

hell, the chief scientist of the CDC is a Catholic
Edgy atheists like the OP don't let facts get in the way of their Christian hatred.
You know we were both referring to the U.S. you fucking pedant
The top scientists are atheist. Also religion can be used to manipulate the people.
>>14058103 (OP)
Who decides what the goals of your perfect world going forward after it is established ?
And since this is 4chan I won't believe any career claims unless you confirm those 300 kills.
>the closest we'll ever get to uniting the world under one government collapsed 100 years ago
we were 25% of the way there
why did WW2 have to happen
The people.
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Oh, hi there.
>The top scientists are atheist
oh really?
define "top scientist".

your personal faves don't count, nigger.
>The top scientists are atheist.
So that's all the matters? The "top" scientists?
How exactly does one become a "top" scientist?
Is there a "Top Scientist Organization"?

>Also religion can be used to manipulate the people.
Everything can be used to manipulate the people. Religion. Science. Television. Radio. Books People....
Better outlaw everything then.
But how many people have to die to decide who is weak and who is not. It would be much better to simply have the weak serve and if they rebel then and only then should they be slaughtered for wanting to rebel instead of trying to better themselves. For example, In the UK we have too many people who are nothing but scum, they detest learning and the only meaningful contribution they make to society is if their in some menial job (providing they have one). If he thinks he is deserving of life even though he has chosen to do nothing with it then he should be put down if he dares cause trouble for honest hard working folk.
>Also religion can be used to manipulate the people.
How is this a bad thing? Uniting the planet under one government would only work with a great deal of manipulation.
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Got another for you as well.
OK the people just decided your ideas are stupid, you are sentenced to death for the crime of attempting to corrupt the good citizens or our great society.


>The top scientists are atheist
>I define "top" as being people who affirm the point I'm trying to make

there are many well renowned scientists who range from atheist to agnostic to devoutly religious

>Also religion can be used to manipulate the people

so can government. Should we do away with all of that?
until it balances. that's how many.
if you need weaker ones to serve you, you're just as weak as they are.
for without them, you die.
That's because none of there work contradicted their religion. Now once you get into things like physics, biology then you have stuff that will conflict with religion.
>Also religion can be used to manipulate the people.
Yeah cause telling everyone "Be nice to everyone" is so evil.
The person who came up with the Big Bang Theory was a Christian.
>Now once you get into things like physics, biology then you have stuff that will conflict with religion.
So where does "Religion" conflict with "physics" and "biology"?

And why must "physics" and "biology" never, ever be questioned or disagreed with?
Yeah the crusades was a giant let's be friends party between the Christians and Muslims
(Different Guy) I think the problem is that science isn't absolute, and should never be taken as such. But religions can be pretty dogmatic at times, of course that does depend on how closely you follow the sacred texts. People should let God rule there lives, but we shouldn't dismiss the idea of a creator altogether.
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>so can government. Should we do away with all of that?
Yes. Atheists are just interested in rebelling against easy targets.

my claim that I'm a scientist wasn't crucial to the point i was making. That point being that there are many religious scientists. Not believing my claim doesn't refute my argument
>>14058103 (OP)
>Unite all of humanity under one government.


sage sage sage

fuck off nwoidf
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>>14058103 (OP)
>Unite all of humanity under one government
because the redshields wanted more money and power
Christianity has been so successful and has so many denominations because you can very easily justify most things by just looking in the Bible. That's how the Popes managed to justify the deaths of Muslims and Jews in the Crusades and the Inquisition, but also how Christian individuals can come up with a theory and find a line in the Bible that they think justifies it.

Also, the Church actively pushed scientific advancement in what people think of as the Dark Ages - which didn't actually occur - and was the main reason science kept alive back then.
>Yeah the crusades was a giant let's be friends party between the Christians and Muslims
Where in the Bible are the actions of the crusades condoned, supported or endorsed?

Also, when did the Crusades happen?
there are no jus lellelelelelelelllelelelelel
more like
>group x is the smartest 1.4% of the population
>retarded masses hate them for this
>hurr durr nerds
>today we vote to legally exterminate group x...
We don't need the weaker ones, but id rather give them a chance to prove that they can become better people rather than simply casting them aside.
I think it was because of WW1 and the damage to the economy and stability of the British Empire that led to its decline and eventual collapse, not the Rothschild family. I mean, even though they are sneaky Jews, they knew how to handle money.
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>>14058103 (OP)
>Unite all of humanity under one government.
Stopped reading there.
Isaac Newton, the father of physics, was a fanatic anglican.
No, the New Testament is crystal clear in its message of peace, poverty and humility. People can cherrypick any source to justify pre-existing beliefs, but that doesn't mean that's what the source was saying.
>>14058103 (OP)
OP, you are a fucking moron.

There is no such thing as a "perfect" government - different forms of governance all have their appropriate setting, people aren't static stagnant things - they are organic and our society is made of people - it too is organic.

The perfect would (continually progressing at the fastest pace possible and expanding outward to the stars) can only consist of many small forms of government - the diversity inherent in many different forms of government competing with oneanother is what drives us - setting up a single system just results in a lack of outward competition and the rise of inward competition leading to a two-class system in which the people running things are going to be a far smaller percentage of the population (and a different subset of it) than those capable of progressing things - complacency in the upper class would reach such a crippling level as to strangle the entire species.

You can't feed the masses science and make them interested in it, people need to be capable of failing or achieving - when you make intelligence "cool" you just get a bunch of hipsters fucks spouting nonsense to boost their ego and fit in (see Leddit).

You CANNOT regulate morality or the right choices away, the individuals engaging in poor choices need to be capable of making them and failing because of them or the set of poor choices will simply shift while remaining just as poor.
Nationalist mericunts detected.
>Globalist, atheist communist detected
If I was a Christian, desperately looking for justification in an act of violence I just committed, and found the line; ''Jesus made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables'' - then I would have found justification in violence.

On the other hand, if I had just come up with a theory that I thought was contradictory to the Bible, and found a line that subjectively backed up my theory, I would've found justification in my theory from the Bible as well.
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doesn't a nationalist like government


ITT: OP showcases a shitty idea and gets ass mad when he's told how terrible it is.
I'm for free and autonomous people.
>>14060922 They like the idea of independent nations, which will result in the death of the species.
Yeah, but that's just twisting the Bible to say what you want. Jesus was clear against the use of violence, as were the apostles in action and word. Find me where it says he hit money changers. Cords are used on animals, which Jesus drove out as well.
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>If I was a Christian, desperately looking for justification in an act of violence I just committed, and found the line; ''Jesus made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables'' - then I would have found justification in violence.
Sorry, only atheists take individual quotes from the bible out of context like that.
Yo guys this is what I'm gonna do after I seize control over the world that will search a new way to function following its collapse. Bear with me. The rules every control organisation MUST adhere to are:
a) Universal love and positive oppotunities for everyone,
b) Respect of free will for every individual,
c) Measures to protect the free will of others in accordance with rule a, eg. breivik strikes again, he managed to kill a few people, we violate his free will by disabling or preferably not killing him, but proceed to rehabilitate him and the victims/families as much as we can. This will look better than you think, i'll explain.)
With the internets and the technology of today in mind, a central government will be established asap to address the global issues, and local governments will be also formed anew to serve the new system better as the restructuring takes place. Changes will be gradual so as not to disturb the pace of the world, but some things will go down the drain tomorrow.

1. Most of the worldly military is disbanded and the remnants are fused with the police, creating a better equipped, better trained response force for emergency situations. The resources and production capabilities of all legal militaries from the world are IMMENSE seeing as the remnants of NATO + Russia + China + everything else's best military divisions and intelligence will be more than enough to deal with and mafia or paramilitaries in say, africa or middle east (>implying they will still function after they see the new truly free world).

2. Wall street ponzi schemes and companies' quarterly reports are laughed at as all the factories and assets that were controlled privately now go into our hands. Rule a applies because every CEO and goyim can spare 2-3 most visited villas and all his cars, as well as not needing to worry about his company anymore. Everyone is loved and cared for, even those that don't deserve it in your opinion.
"And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them"
That's my point. People have historically looked to the Bible, and other Holy Books, to find justification for their actions. Yes, people generally do only see what they want themselves to see, but that's why Christianity has been so successful and also why Christianity has done so much good and also a lot of bad.
>No socialism (It never worked.)

>mfw Swedish
>mfw this is what Americans actually believe

Wow you guys are brainwashed. Come home white man.
A global community would result in the death of a species. There's a reason why all vastly multicultural societies have collapsed - and will collapse - throughout history.
>Unite all of humanity under one government.
>Through war or peace.
>Create a monolithic society that works for the advancement of the human race.
>Emphasize that the community is more important than the individual.

Sooo... establish a religion?
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>which will result in the death of the species
It's a frozen hellhole. A disgusting mire of rapist monkey-people and extortionately high taxes.
America is still going strong while homogenous nations are now small and weak.
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lel this guy
america is relying on the destruction of the dollar to prop up corporate conglomerates in order to make stockholders happy; it's an incredibly reliant form of trickle down at best
What does Elisha have to do with Christianity? Why didn't you mention that that was from 2 Kings?

>27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

>32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
Luke 6:27-36
Oh and did you not read the monolithic culture part? And no race =/= culture. A uni racial society lacks hybrid vigor and will die out from inbreeding.
Hitler used the theory of evolution to justify barbarism. I guess that makes Darwin wrong?
That's another thing that diss proves the bible. So many contradictions.
I don't remember him mentioning evolution.
Just because you haven't read it doesn't mean it contradicts itself.

>We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away.
2 Corinthians 3:14
>Implying science and religion can't co-exist
OP dun goof'd
>Unite all of humanity under one government.
What do you think eugenics is based on?
isolated groups of humans limited by borders, having their own governments give place to speciation

Yes it will destroy the species

And that is good. You dont wanna remain a mediocre homo sapiens forever do yoU?
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>Human race surviving while divided into large tribes.
Yeah not going to happen
How about no. How about we have the countries unified but autonomous. Coming together to work on new technologies, medical advancements and scientific breakthroughs, creating a spirit of camaraderie, but separate to promote healthy competition. I guess like a competent version of the UN, which will keep out of conflicts unless they become serious (chemical weapons is serious, the threat of nuclear warfare is serious, a genocide is serious) and all countries are on equal footing. Every country is governed through a meritocracy, if you are the most capable to run the economy you run it.
Don't target religion, because why? Atheists can be manipulated and your arrogance in assuming you can't be just shows how vulnerable to manipulation you are, there's also plenty of religious scientists. However science will be promoted amongst the people and saying the earth is a few thousand years old will probably get you mocked on a wider scale than ever before. Also, no using force to take down religions, don't be a cunt.
Why unite the planet?

How would anyone benefit?
Governments don't unite people, they divide them.
Yeah, I mean, it's not like we've managed to survive for 200,000 years like this.
A good government enforces laws and regulations and tries to help people.
>large tribes living on separate plots of land and coexisting with other tribes via beneficial trade

sounds wonderful
If intentions mattered prohibition would have ended alcoholism.
Contradictions in the Bible are a positive thing, not a negative thing. If it said ''THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO LIVE DOING ANYTHING ELSE IS WRONG'', Christianity would be like Islam is. And Europe would be like the Middle-East is as a result.
>No nuclear weapons
Even if the species doesn't an hero we wouldn't be able to work together and get off of this rock and expand into the cosmos.
>no socialism

how is my baby supposed to eat if I can't feed it?
JIDF pls.
No, it doesn't. I am a supporter of Christianity. I would prefer it if everyone was a Christian. I don't see your point. Mine was simply that Christianity has been so successful because the Bible is a subjective book and therefore allows people to be Christians and have widely varying beliefs on things - all justified by the same book.
But it does say that. Murder is wrong, and society is better for acknowledging it. Removing that option opens the door to a thousand more.
if someone acts on intention alone you can bet your ass they have an alternate motive

3. With all these resources not going into waste with military bickering or economic wastefulness, we focus on sustainability, rationalization, benevolence - all things not possible in the current capitalism. As the money is in our hands now, for starters we'll hand out as much benefits as we can to the people around, with unemployment checks (or free food/water/stuff if the monetary system is fried) getting to 10/10 bretty cool levels as you don't need separate banking, government, over 9000 political shit and charity at the every corner of the world. Different local governments will cater to different needs of people with their control and adhesion to the a b c rules of cool ruling - overpopulated uneducated india =/= high tech japan, and the central government will get the requested building materials/available manpower from place X to place Y for the local governments to manage further, you get the point.

5. Mechanization needs not to be fought as all unnecessary worforce such as most bankers, economists, labourers, private shop owners etc. can lay at home and receive free benefits as they are replaced by more efficient machines and organizations. R&D of the world is united to help facilitate this. Solar panels and wind turbines as well as geothermal energy will replace all other environmentally destructive power sources.

4. Mass media and TV will focus on true freedom, with removal of all commercials and advertisments and being replaced with something education and adhering to common sense, with heavy warnings and explanation of various bullshit people will take time to get rid of (junk food sucks, go out in nature, get away from violence and acquire tolerance, rules a, b, c at home etc). Also what do these rules a, b and c referenced in the previous post remind you of? That's right, common ground of every fucking religion on the planet.
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>>14058103 (OP)
are you ready for the happening?
Agnostic Jew.
>I would prefer it if everyone was christian.
That's exactly what I'm afraid of. People slaying and brainwashing their fellow man in order to make the world christian.
Sagan was amazing
I don't think any western nation is homogeneous. Homogeneous nations that aren't doing well outside of the western world aren't doing well for other reasons, nothing to do with how they're not multicultural.

Also, when the cultures are compatible with each other, multiculturalism is a great thing. That's why the multicultural mosaic of America works fine; because when people of similar genetics, of similar religion and of similar viewpoints mix together, there's no reason things would go badly.

However, in a unified nation that spans the world, the thousands of different cultures would not be compatible with each other. You'd have to restrict immigration all over the place to avoid people mixing where they can't, and you can't do that in your own nation.
I'm going to disregard your post as trolling. You honestly believe that a uni-racial society, like most of Europe has been for dozens of millennia, will suddenly die out from inbreeding? Just every baby has two heads all of a sudden?
Morality can't be imposed, only accepted. People won't do things they don't believe in.
That wouldn't make everyone Christian though. People wouldn't slaughter people to make everyone Christian because that wouldn't make everyone Christian.
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there are some jews who were pro-humanity
Europe isn't 100% white anymore. In Iceland they have breeding laws to prevent people from accidentally fucking their cousins.
The Bible has scripture that encourages violence, even murder. Yes, it's under certain historical contexts, yes, it may be metaphorical - but that's irrelevant. People could still use those scriptures to justify their acts.
People who tried to do it would also lose their Christian status, therefor it would be self defeating.
But it doesn't say that anywhere in the New Testament, and there isn't any justification for violent action. Any.
>Europe isn't 100% white anymore. In Iceland they have breeding laws to prevent people from accidentally fucking their cousins.
Are those two sentences unrelated? I'm confused. What's your point?
That Iceland is a perfect example of why homogenous societies don't work out in the long run.
I pick up a Bible.

I look in the Bible.

I see a piece of scripture.

I read it.

"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives."

I go out and kill a homosexual.

The Bible has just justified violence to me.

6. Most convicts will be released and the more dangerous ones tracked 24/7 with the military remnants' intelligence. Every weapon sold will be tracked 24/7 with RFID and whatnot surveillance available today. Non registered weapons will be taken away and replaced with a tracked version (rule c guys) to statisfy both gun owners and gun haters. Every other form of benevolent privacy will be respected.

7. Information will flow freely as cyber warfare is not neccessary and government gently pushes google's fiber to upgrade the Internet. Which will happen anyways as IT people, no longer bound by corporate laws, remove the obsolete spyware and spam. Various freedom loving hacker groups take residence in the Pentagon to help preserve the benevolence of the service (which is now hard to violate considering all software is free and source codes are released, programmers can be more creative and not basement bound as they are supported by the government just like every other being on the planet.)

8. As the world now has all the predispositions to become the next garden of eden, I can only assume the next steps in our evolution, probably moving all the heavy industry to the moon to flourish, drilling and raping the lifeless ball until we possibly construct space ships. I haven't even tackled at what technologies and knowledges lie supressed today.

This sounds pretty great in my vision. Anyone that has actually read it, please respond.
You could also pick up a copy of The Catcher in the Rye and do the same thig. That doesn't mean anything.

>8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
Romans 13:8-10
First of all, Iceland is one of the best nations in the world in terms of solidarity, how developed it is, and how productive it is. That doesn't sound like an example of how bad homogeneous nations are.

Second, it's not homogeneous. 6% of its population belongs to a minority group, mainly the Polish.

Third, I'd like to see a citation for that whole ''laws to prevent you from fucking your cousin by accident'' thing.

Fourth and finally, the population of Iceland is the lowest in Europe. It's not a good example of a homogeneous nation failing due to inbreeding if the population is 300,000.
You're missing my point. All I'm saying is that justification for violence is in the Bible. Yes, it's universally subjective and virtually always in the Old Testament, but it's still there. I do not disagree that the Bible generally encourages positive things, but given how it is a subjective book with contradicting scripture - given how it was written by dozens of different people - it does have some eyebrow-raising text.
>>14058103 (OP)
OP, you're a faggot. Your government system is built on a system of oppression and thoughtcrime. Fuck off.

Here's a "perfect" government
>SpaceX takes off. Brings in Asteroids, makes buckets of money.
>Spends money on research and expansion.
>Eventually discover economical space travel.
>Decide to launch private colony. What the fuck is any government on earth gonna do about it?
>Private Colony is huge success
>More private colonies take off as more habitable planets are discovered.
>Eventually terraforming is made economical.
>SpaceX begins setting up even more colonies, and groups of citizens begin buying terraforming services to set up their own.
>no citizenship in space, only paying customers
>People are free to do whatever they want, establish whatever governments they want on the planets outside of the colonies.
>Humanity spreads to the stars
>Government becomes impracticable as the lightyears between empires increase.
>All I'm saying is that justification for violence is in the Bible.
It isn't in the New Testament, and its solutions aren't subjective. If everyone murdered, society wouldn't exist. If having a society is a criteria, the are objective rights and wrongs that either move you towards or away from that goal.
The MAD scenario will ensure that nuclear weapons are not fired upon an enemy nation that also possesses nuclear weapons, or have allies that do. Basically, the MAD scenario won't be played out because of the MAD scenario's possibility of being played out if nuclear weapons are used.

Also, what's to stop me, an extravagantly rich billionaire, from funding colonisation on Mars? What's to stop any random individual nation from doing the exact same thing?
lol nobody likes solutions xDD
>>14058103 (OP)
>>Unite all of humanity under one government.

ho boy. 250+ different cultures all being told to act the same way.
You would be better off just killing all 7 billion people to avoid the forever war.

>>Government becomes impracticable as the lightyears between empires increase.

except government will ban space travel once they see the potential for an exodus of tax payers off the planet.
3rd-cousin relationships are actually the Goldilocks zone for breeding.

That law, if it exists, is stupid.
I don't understand what you're saying. You seem to have an idealistic view of human nature, a view that a psychopath seeking to justify his actions by looking at scripture that advocates murdering homosexuals would be like ''Oh, well, it's in the Old Testament. I won't do it now!'' when that obviously wouldn't happen.
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>>14058103 (OP)
>>Emphasize that the community is more important than the individual.
Emperor of Mankind, pls go.
Or they could have something like the UNSC to stop planets from seceding.
you could of just said the venus project
I'm just idealizing anything. Crazy people could also do that with any book, that doesn't mean anything about the book.
I'm not* idealizing anything.
>>14058103 (OP)
>>Emphasize that the community is more important than the individual.

except humans are not built this way.
humans are by their nature, greedy, and self centered.
i mean fuck, even look at Mother Teresa, the supposed end all be all of self sacrifice. That bitch even put herself first over her "patients" in her "hospital"
They have a website in Iceland to tell if your partner is a blood relative of yours.
Democratically imposed authoritarianism is no more just than arbitrarily imposed authoritarianism. Also, by making this one-world government worldwide you give people no option but to toe your line or die. There is no room for alternate paths, no sandboxes of government. Your peace is the peace of the grave!
But that scripture that openly says to murder homosexuals is in the Bible. You can find it in your own, if you wish. Are certain parts of the Bible not actually parts of the Bible, just because you say so? I can find a verse that advocates violence in the New Testament if you wish. Again, I don't think that's what the Bible is about or what it encourages, but people could and have gotten justification for bad things from the Bible because the Bible does have bad things in it. You have to remember, it was written by dozens of people, all with different viewpoints.
Not really. Everyone who has lived more than a century has parents that are not related.
I don't see the problem with individual nations colonising planets. Why unite this planet to do that?
>I can find a verse that advocates violence in the New Testament if you wish.
Do. A non-cherry picked one.

>wants him to cherry pick a non-cherry picked verse.

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"Never perfect.
Perfection goal that changes.
Never stops moving.
Can chase.
Cannot catch."
8/10 would laugh again.
A verse that actually calls for violence, not some parable where the landowner kills a servant, which I've seen before.
Every government would have to do it, and it would literally cause riots, banning something like that.

Plus, what are they gonna do to the people who actually make it off planet? Mail them a bill for unpaid taxes?
Yes, letting in waves of low-IQ third worlders will make the West thrive. Certainly. What a fucking utter moron with a destructive and horrific dogma.
>thinking any of this supports a greater point.
>mfw "Group X" is Jews
OP: how does it feel to be a faggot with an IQ of 85?

probably brand them as traitors and declare war as a feel good measure.
>>14058103 (OP)
>>Start to feed people science via media so religion will die
like this will solve anything.
''Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children.''
>>14058103 (OP)
Isaiah, the Old Testament, which also says about the Messiah:

>He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
Isaiah 2:4
What's your point?
I wouldn't know.
How does it feel to be a nationalist with the cognitive ability of an insect?
Getting rid of religion would make the world a better place.

They do so to troll Christians. Because you can't debate with a Christian about Religion/Science/Morality. It's actually like debating with a kid about incoherence in an Iron Man movie. You'll just get angry and it's your own fault for analyzing a book written by some people that never imagined that it would have caused such a shitstorm.

But often atheist are so convinced that they are so smarts because they know from nobody knows who that there is no higher being. This is why they will always be fucking loud about the "NO GOD HUR DUR" and they will always feel the need to rub it in the face of people who believe in something.

They are AS annoying as fucking Jehovah witnesses, but Christians deserved to be trolled.

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