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Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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People want a fucking resume for a minimum wage job at a fucking restaurant or a janitor, or at a fucking grocery store, are these people fucking insane?
whatever happened to going out and looking for a job and there was one?
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They want a credit check and a drug test for those shit jobs too now.

Welcome to 2013.

Within ten years you'll have to get used to your daily body cavity search to keep your job too.

But don't worry, the Libertarians tell me this is a free exchange of labor for capital, so it's all good.
Whoever doesn't know how to make something as simple as a resume doesn't deserved to be employed
fuck off
You could start selling drugs OP
As long as people are willing to roll their sleeves up & work they should be applauded.

The attitude of "hurr durr lol minumum wage" is exactly what contributes to worker apathy, why even start to climb the ladder if you're just going to get insulted? Might as well just spat at for being on welfare.
Every person I know getting out of college can't find jobs for shit, and the ones that do, are all making military or chemical shit, and they only get paid around 40$ an hour and the minimum wage for the country should be at least 20.

Everyone, I mean Everyone that I know lives in group housing now.
>credit check

no they dont.
>dis-connected form reality
welcome to the internet.
As well as a cover letter, then the personality questionnaire and a 20 question job-related quiz. Then you can come along for a weeks induction till they eventually get rid of you because they can hire a teenager for less.
>Everyone, I mean Everyone that I know lives in group housing now.

This is becoming a HUGE trend recently, pretty much baby boomers are living in the outskirts in suburbs way outside of cities, while more and more houses are being filled with people renting rooms. And the group home demographic is growing rapidly.
>bunch of poor people
>grouped together in homes
>can't find jobs
>nothing to do all day

This isn't a recipe for total disaster.
>>14326819 (OP)
not to mention 2 years of experience minimum

fucking hell, I do not need two years of experience to say "Welcome to 7/11! Do you want a slushie?"
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Looking for an experienced server for trendy and very popular restaurant.
Please send resume and a professional photo to masa@labreadining.com
In email please write your availability.
Please, if possible, don't attach resume or picture, just include them in the body of the email.

Thanks so much,



No professional photo?
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Maintains a current ServSafe® certificate (food services sanitation certificate) or able to participate in the food services sanitation training to become ServSafe® certified
One (1) year job related experience including food preparation, full-line menu items and therapeutic diets
A culinary apprenticeship or training is preferred.
A high School diploma or GED accepted.
To be successful you will need to have the ability to handle multiple priorities, possess written and verbal skills for effective communication, be competent in organizational, time management skills and demonstrate good judgment, problem solving and decision making skills .
You will also need to demonstrate your ability to serve seniors in a team environment.


And after all that you can still cook, you're hired! oh, I meant fired.


fuck these people are crazy
Um yes more and more companies are doing them...

I knew should have gone for that Burger King apprenticeship.
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Growing window company is looking for a qualified, experienced retro-fit window and door installer with 3-5 yrs of experience$16-20/hr


Are you fucking kidding me? Do I have to go to school for 3 years to put in windows to get paid what should be minimum wage?

I didn't even look these over before I went on here, but it;s like this on the job section in every state in the country.

Any jobs for SMASHING windows.

Keynesian economics is great.
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sloppily installed windows will fuck your house up permanently and you'll have to bring someone else in to redo it

it's a reasonable thing
No, smashing windows is job CREATION, you don't get paid for that.
>the more windows you smash and graffiti you tag, the more people get hired to clean it.

If I was a smart guy with smart friends, I'd smash windows and then get paid to fix them, maybe.
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The people who repair damage like that get paid around 20-30 $ straight out of the states pocket.
>2013 the year of our lord
> not having a PhD in floor mopping ideology

nigga wut
>You're not worthy to survive because the free market says so

I can't believe humanity has descended into this state of thinking.
Only something like 3% of people work minimum wage, mostly black highschool dropouts. Are you a black highschool dropout?

Fuck off.

Economy got you down? You must not be working in Solar! (Woodland Hills)

Oh that's right. I forgot /pol/ is a racist shithole.
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LOL wow, sure.

Nah, the way I see it, every major city in the USA is going to have debt riots in less than 3 years.
If breaking glass is a job creator I don't see why not.
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Just don't forget to bring your resume.
That's what happens when people with college degrees are working minimum wage jobs because that's all they can find. We've got four of them at our office.
>>14326819 (OP)
I just turned in a resume with my application to a minimum wage job. I've been doing everything I can but the lack of experience is what keeps stopping me from getting jobs. Fucking hell, I don't need two years experience to flip god damn burgers
It's like a literal bomb, all it takes is time and pressure.
One day someone is going to say "this sucks, I'm going no where" and all hell will break lose.
>applying for a minimum wage job

im still not sure why anyone outside of high school does this. You cant survive on that shit unless you spend all your waking hours at work.
It's also easier living with no job on assistance than minimum wage anyway.
This, minimum wage is a fucking joke, you get around a thousand a month full time after taxes, and renting a one room apartment in most places is like 750-1000$.

Like I said, everyone I know lives in a group home and they do literally nothing all day long.
and by nothing I mean play vidya or go to other peoples house and play vidya. And they aren't neckbeards or anything.
23 yr/old here, I have always had a very strong revulsion of mooching off the state or having myself declared "legally disabled" (pride thing) but I've been considering becoming a NEET a lot lately.
It's racist to state published facts and refer to black people as black now?
It's a sin to lie.
How old are you?

stay pleb, pleb. If you can only get a job doing min wage, you're pathetic and jesus hates you for it.
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The median income is lower today at 50,054 than in 1989 at 50,624. This is one when you take inflation into account.

>tfw they told you the wealth would trickle down
10/10 would cry again
He's lying, he's a college student worried about his future.
I got a job at Target a few years ago and I didnt have to provide a resume.

I only did so I could have an answer when people ask "what have you been up to?" and to keep my parents from cutting me off for being a NEET.
>>14326819 (OP)
I dunno about you, but one of the classes i took in college required me to make a resume. all i have to do is update it every once in a while. but i get your point, jobs that dont require anything above a highschool education shouldn't require a resume.
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>tfw 21 years old and making more than the medium
Threads theme song:

>and the minimum wage for the country should be at least 20.


I think I know why you're unemployed. You come off as mentally retarded
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>tfw illiterate shits make more money than you
>have too much anxiety to follow simple orders

how do i live off welfare please

i dont think theyd give a shit about me and my mental problems
>tfw I start my first internship on Monday and ill be making $30/hr
And you chumps told me not to go to school.
ever hang a door?

>>14326819 (OP)

Blame regulations making companies invest so much money into a low-tier employee.
What on Earth do you put on a resume when you've been a jobless NEET for half your life?

>skills include:
>ability to find sauce on any image
>in-depth knowledge of over 300 chinese cartoons
>10 years masturbation experience

You think I can get hired with this?
yeah, and it didn't take me three years of experience to do it either.
>Talking shit about Libertarians
the problem here is actually too much regulation.
if there were more businesses that could start up without too much regulation they wouldn't care as much about who they are employing which is something that our regulated society has prevented. thus libertarianism would fix this whole thing.
>get phone interview for unpaid internship

>guy keeps asking why my only job lasted 3 months

>accidentally end up explaining i get anxiety around people

>long pause

>interview ends quickly, never get a call back

Congrats on your STEM degree.
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I can feel it
It depends. I've done construction on some pretty high end properties. One of them was a church taht a couple had bought to use a residence. They spent 60K on some windows and entry doors. The manufacturer sent people from the design team to put them in. They spent two days hanging the front door alone.
>>14326819 (OP)

Another interesting point is even if you do hand in a resume, they still want you to fill out an application with all the same fucking info on it.
Thanks, two more years and it's mine!

Go volunteer at something that makes you look like a good person. Community center, food kitchen, etc.
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>Another interesting point is even if you do hand in a resume, they still want you to fill out an application with all the same fucking info on it.

D-D-d-d-desu Anon! I-I-I-i-i think this is how you're supposed to hire people!!
I-I-i just get so worried I'm not being a resposbale employer in todays highspeed high competion M-m-market DESU!
the problem is automation. there aren't enough jobs to go around because a machine is better than you.

soon we will have to just pay everyone a living wage and then jobs will be worth something because most people are happy not working.
yes, there is a huge difference between hanging an interior door in a building or house just built, and hanging a door in an old building where not a goddamn thing is level, or in a situation where you have to rebuild the entire frame from scratch. it isn't something most people can do because they hung a few $30 doors they bought at home depot over the weekend.

Its hard to install windows and doors.

Sure if you are working in a McMansion it could be easy. Assuming the drunk framers did it right.

But most openings for doors are askew. Most window openings are rombuses. Try installing shit in a 100-200 year old house. Level and plumb looks retarded. It takes a master to do it right.

Any bum can install shit when its easy. It takes a master to figure it out when its all sorts of fucked up.

If you are only paying 16 an hour you should at least be willing to teach someone how its done. Nobody with experience will accept those wages and nobody who would accept those wages has experience.
shut the fuck up, we all know most of the work that goes into a job is making everybody think nobody can do it but you, when that's bullshit. That's why we have all these dumbass certifications anyway.
It would be nice if they pushed education in mechanical engineering and computer programing for automated machines. It is inevitable.

When I have kids I will tell them I wont love them unless they build me a robot. Years later they will tell me they love me.
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>go on craigslist
>dishwashing job
>must have at least one reference + previous experience
>to wash fucking dishes

mother fucker you kidding me nigger?
>or automated machines. It is inevitable.

no, riots of fire engulfing whole cities across this nation and then the world is what's inevitable.

Only? Thats good pay now. Mexicants and spics are undercutting us.

^ this faggot obviously has never looked for a job. leave the basement sometime faggot.

think he meant background check. and yeah they do it.
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Applying for my first job soon. I'm open to anything at the moment. Any tips guys?
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So, what do you know about making drones and other war machines?
While we are on the subject, how are at repairing machines? Oiling machines? lubricating them?
Have you ever had experience sucking one off?
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>fill out 10 applications in a week for a third job
>finally get a call back
>it's an automated call
>busy taking exam
>call asks if now is a good time or not
>say no
>gives me code to use when i can call back at a good time
>call back later
>company no longer looking to fill positions for the job i applied to
suck their dicks.
Lex talionis: Generation Y edition.
Prepare your asses, boomer and X-scum.
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They have to pay your medical bills, this isn't the 30's where they can just hire anybody and pay them a small amount until they prove themselves. They need to hire somebody that will be a long term investment because of lawsuits, unions all sorts of red tape like that.

>taking a call while in an exam
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>Sorry, we're only looking for people willing to break their backs for our amusement doing menial labor, that or program machines that do all the real work for fuck knows what reason since none of us are really doing anything anyway.
I just filed an I-9 form today (proof of residence for work) and that motherfucker was 9 pages. They used to be 1 not that long ago.
>dishwashing job
>a restaurant, clearly
>health insurance
Extra registration is a common sign of tyranny/fascism and coming strife.
dems fightin words

What the fuck makes you think some mystical force named "regulations" forces businesses to perform background checks or drug tests?

In my state any employer over 40 employees needs to pay health insurance.
>volunteer at some christian place helping feed obese black people for 6 months

>apply for unpaid internship

>never get a call back
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I know that a time of remarkable class mobility had very little regulation.

Did you stop trying after that?
It's all from our litigious society. If you think an employer is doing that for shits and giggles rather than trying to cover their asses from lawsuits made availible by shitty laws I don't know what to tell you. Also, see >>14329674
all those people walking freely through the streets.

no cameras anywhere, all that public transportation, and it's clean, but still, people like walking.

the only thing it's missing is a few nature preserves to hang out in.

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>entry level position
>must have 3 years experience
The advertisements sucks and there isn't enough nature. but at least the buildings aren't fucking huge and make you feel like you're trapped.
Really? Because I don't.
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I applied to one today.

I got an email 2 minutes later

>"Normal wait time for a response is around 8-12 weeks."
>8-12 weeks

Are they fucking insane?
Yes, fuck them, fuck them all

If you're smart and competent you should be afraid of an atmosphere with few regulations.

It's easier to just go on the fucking dole.
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Fucking this.

>To get a job into a career, you must have already had a job in the career

This is the shit that makes the younger generations want to sit on their ass and do nothing, because there is nothing available for them to do.
poor frog, it's got a parasite in it's eye.
I'm angry all the time now.
My biggest hate are those online tests.

>applied for UNPAID internship at a Law firm
>already have a full time job (2 years employment) but want to change careers
>get through to next stage based on CV
>fill in one half of test, aced it
>fill in another half of test 1 hour before deadline half asleep due to working 9am till 6pm
>automatically filtered due to answers in a multiple choice question based on sequence of patterns of shapes

>judging someone's ability to work with 2 years full time employment, a 2.1 degree and who is a balancing full time work with post-graduate degree based on their ability to recognise a pattern sequences of shapes
>wake up

>immediately think about killing myself

>for hours

>or have uncontrollable rage

>or smoke weed

at this point, all i can do is get swole or kill myself
>if you arent a good obedient mindless little worker drone you are stupid and/or incompetent!
top fucking lel, i actually feel bad for you bro
what state are you in?
>multiple choice question based on sequence of patterns of shapes


fucking really?

you're joking right?
>not using family connections to get in the door
>not having friends who can be connections if you were born into a shit family
have you tried selling weed?
I have family connections, But I didn't realize how bad the economy was before I cut ties with them because of how shit they treated their employees.

Why should they hire you, with no experience or references when they can hire someone who has experience AND references?

The supposed "ease" of the job is negligible. Someone is better "qualified" than you.

No I am not joking.

Big firms in UK have a verbal reasoning test and a inductive reasoning tests to screen applicants pre-interview.

Even if you have an epic CV, work experience and qualifications required for a job, if you are shortlisted and some cunt scores higher on you at recognising patterns in sequences of shapes, then they get an interview and you don't.

Oh and disabled cunts get guaranteed interviews.

So you best hope a sperger with skills in pattern recognition doesn't apply for your job.
>the only way to get a job is through breaking company policy before you even join

you can only sell weed if you know people, and people who know people dont have a problem getting jerbs
2.1 better not be your GPA, you'll never get hired.

ohhhhhhh ok
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You kids are just entitled and lazy! I got a job no problem!
>hey, my X is a good worker and you should give him an interview
>breaking policy

Friend, family, past coworker. All the same. I never said it was the only way, just easier if you don't want to deal with bullshit

>worker drone maaahn

Sorry 15 year old communist, you don't get a free ride in any political system. You always have to work.
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In the UK the end result of your degree is less important than where you studied.

3rd from Oxbridge > 1st from Shitsville Nohope university.

I went to a Russell Group m8
We need professional stockers and burger flippers! Now go to a 4 year college and don't question the system!
>only get paid around 40$ an hour

Fuck, are you kidding me? Where can I sign up for that kind of cushy job.
The regulations are indeed what are screwing the world.

Just imagine trying to start your own business.
My older cousin owns a bakery that he started 2 years ago.
Relatively successful, he makes a profit and does alot of event work.
Do you know how fucking long it took him to start, because he was fined for starting outside of his home?
6 fucking months of tests, regulations, certifications, exams and inspections on his building. Then, 1.5 years of waiting for everything to go through, just to open a business. around 20K in overall costs. Fuck California.
Wat do /pol/?

I live the good life by getting unemployment benifit here in Europe. I live with my parents, I pay them €40 out of the €100 a week I get. For that money I get everything. as much food as I want, unlimited internet, my own room etc.

Its extremely unlikely I'll be able to live like this until I die though, I don't really want to anyway. But what are my alternatives?

>Scoure the earth for a minimum wage job

>Take a course at a community college to study something I don't really care about to get a qualification that MIGHT get me a job

>Join the military

"Apathy" is the one word I would choose to describe my current view on the world and my future.
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>resources have been declining since the 50s, even more so since late 90s
>industrial output stagnating
>population increasing dramatically since the 50s
>billions of young brown hands snapping up resources and manufacturing jobs
>live in an increasingly globalized economy where American jobs are exposed to foreign competition
>think that Reagans policies are the reason there aren't any burger flipping jobs paying 10$/hour
Libertardian pls go
>can't get job without experience
>can't get experience without job
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It would be funny if it weren't for the accuracy.
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>PhD in Dishwashing Studies from MIT
>Published 10 textbooks on Dishwashing Theory
>Editor-in-Chief of National Dishwashing Foundation Magazine
>30 years of Apprentice Dishwashing experience under my belt
>Apply for a job at McDonald's
>Penn Jillette gives me unpaid internship
>0k starting
>making up a bunch of shit that has no relation to the post you quoted
>attaching it to libertarianism
The only thing you've accomplished in your post is demonstrating your own bias and ignorance.
how the fuck are you getting money from the gov't when you live with your parents?
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You should work out and train yourself into an assassin and blow up your central banks.
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>go to backpage to look for work
>fat girl looking for a boyfriend
>she's hideous and grotesque
>says she'll pay for everything
>answer the ad
>going through the screening process right now, going to interview with her in a couple days

I'm just a man trying to make my way in the universe, and it's come down to this.
>no degree
>work shit tier jobs
>learn shit on the side
>get internship
>promoted to full time after 3 months
>50k/year, starting
>potential to double that in 3-4 years

Are you cunts even trying?

What's the lowest GPA I can get before I'm automatically trashed and forced as a NEET the rest of my life?
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>y-y-yes sir!
this sounds like an underexageration. I see so many old people working minimum wage.
In my country, once you reach 18 and you're not in work you can apply for all sorts of benifits.

The only one I can get is unemployment benifit. Its a fucking joke, I don't even put effort into finding a job because I live like a fucking king comparitive to everyone else. They don't even bother checking up on you.

>no degree

What retarded country did you originate from? I want to know where to send the body.
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I have nothing else going for me right now
What would that accomplish?

Besides being fun.
>>14326819 (OP)

And 5+ years experience for min. wage entry level positions...
Engineering ranges from a 2.8 to a 3.2. Everything else better be above that because you'll either need graduate school or its so easy that you would have to be a bag of rocks to not get easy 4.0's
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>>making up a bunch of shit that has no relation to the post you quoted
Pic related, oops.
>>attaching it to libertarianism
MUH DIDN'T TRICKLE DOWN and MUH REAGAN WAS WRONG are classic libertard/gold standard/austrian school bitching
True, I dont work directly in STEM, but rather support. It's still a job most people get after their bachelor's though.
>programming for STEM dept. at a company
>u mad?
>STEM dept.


you are the cancer that is killing europe. Join the army so you arent totally usless
You could light a fire, or smash some glass.
Make the world pay for your problems.
I'd rather rob a supermarket than resort to fucking fat, ugly chicks to get by in life.
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>tfw the only solution is to eradicate the boomers to free up housing. Might as well do the ethnics while were at it
If you want to make those bankers pay, you gotta make em pay.

Are you Irish?

Get in the fields you fucking potato nigger Mick cunt
believe what you want, I'm just happy that I sort of made it. Havent signed the contract yet.
I'm tired of being poor, tired of wearing cold cloths in the winter and not eating enough.

Finally got my break.
you mean join the army so you can be even more useless?
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I don't think it will be too bad.
Hey, don't get me wrong, if you offered me a job tomorrow carrying heavy stuff or doing data entry or whatever I'd do it.

But its all the fucking hoops you have to jump through, the way you have to practically beg for such shit jobs that just fills me with "why bother?".
>tired of wearing cold cloths in the winter and not eating enough. That's what people typically do when they're cold.

then light a fire.
my parents aren't strict enough, but I kinda blame myself
damn you're one sad ass nigger
Yes, I'm Irish.

And unless you know someone in the farming business you aint getting a job in the farming business.

These days Ireland is big into IT.

I just want to become a Japanese rich farmer already in Hokkaido. Just give me my plot of land and a cottage. Fuck the world.
you gotta do what you gotta do ya know
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>tfw you realized the only solution is to cull shitskin populations to decrease demand and competition for resources
i think im going to refill my ADHD prescription for amphetamine and get a degree in EE

i might kill myself from psychosis or the extreme highs and lows caused by a normal dose of this "medicine" but god dammit i have no other option
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>boomers talking about the good old days when you could just walk into a store, ask for a job and get one (so long as you were presentable and not a complete retard)
>they think we're the lazy ones because we have to go to 4-5 years of college and go through a bunch of red tape just to even fill out an application
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you could smash things
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What if we paid people to smash things and then hired other people to fix them?
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actually, now that im in college theres a good chance they wont give it to me because they think college kids just want to sell it or take it to get high

yet they have no problem putting my 9 year old ass on an adult dose, making me want to tear my fucking skin off my face for years

fuck i hate america
Brilliant idea.
But smashing pays for itself in time
I had to wait more than a year for a job. That being said, I love it and the wait was totally worth it.
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>giving jews shekels for phony disorder medication
>don't have the mental capacity to complete a degree without help from amphetamines
>doesn't use capital letters or simple punctuation in non-green text posts
Gentiles will be gentiles....
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or maybe a resort for bodyguards
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I was talking to this South American lady the other day:

>Me: Yea it's fucking impossible to find a job and if you have no college degree you're super fucked
>She says: Oh but my relatives went to USA and worked odd jobs cleaning and mowing lawns etc. and after 3 years they made $300,000
>My jaw drops
>Anger escalates
>I demand to know where and what year
>New jersey in 2005

I called bullshit, who the fuck will do that for the rest of their lives? They worked from dawn to dusk, and they received money from their family back home so they didn't spend what they earned. She thought she had me. Bull FUCKING shit.

2005. Please.
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lel xD kurgman is stoopid :DD bring back gold standard :DD war doesn't reduce unemployment :DD ron paul 20122!!111!!
your first job will determine your solidified "skill set". Sense apparently that's how the human brain works.
i grew up ODing on it, my brains is fucked in all kinds of ways
Why cant we deploy to brown areas and just start gunning them down? make the survivors work in factories or something, i dunno.

Then massive white immigration.
Probably meant 300,000 pesos or something, given the exchange rate.
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>>14326819 (OP)
some companies require a degree for a janitor job
no shit

glorious capitalism
Because the libtards want abdullah and jerome to earn decent wages and have an equal standard of living.
There is only enough resources for one of us to have an american standard of living, and i choose us.
>capitalism caring about all these requirements for no-skill jobs

>>14326819 (OP)
Top lel fag
no capitalism gives CEO the power to do whatever to jobslaves, retard
Illegal immigrants and fat black women get priority.
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Most employers don't seem to care about the resume. I find if you talk to the manager in person and are charismatic and eager to work, you'll get hired.

Holy shit, I was THERE in that thread on KC /int/. WOAHHHHHHwoaaHHH
People complaining about required experience need to learn to work the system. Lets say you want an entry level IT job but they want experience. Build your own PC? Count that. Program as a hobby? Count it. Graduated from a technical program? Count it. Shit counts as experience in most cases, and if not, they weren't really offering an entry level position
Why don't employers set several universal resume hand in points based on the difficulty of the job (ie the harder the job is the more perilous the journey. You could have a managerial positions require you to climb into the crater of an active volcano)? That way we would all be almost guaranteed a job if we handed in our resume and employers are guaranteed a hard working soldier.
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top lel
we must enforce this.
Much of fascism is who you know, what religion you subscribe to.

I've landed good jobs simply by applying with a resume and cover letter but let's get real here, those days are going the way of the dodo bird. They want your DNA, anal cavity search, drug testing, credit background checks, triple reference checks...bottom line is its an employers market and up to the employer how much they want to check you out.

If the job ends up in the classifieds it's there for a good reason, they have nobody else to go with, absolutely no one. Sometimes it's just there for legal reasons and they rehire formers...people who shit out a 100 resumes and compain they are not getting a callback are doing it wrong and you got a point, you got to put your game face on and go right in there, into the place you intend on working and find out wtf is going on and demand a good reason for them not to hire you. You have to want IT, not a 'job'.
look man, im in college and i just want a part time job in the summer so i can eat better food and get better gains. i want to make it bro. but i cant get gains on a carb-only diet
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>To get a job into a career, you must have already had a job in the career

So, how do they even get hired in the first place?
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please enlighten me
>'paying $20 for someone to take a call for me'
>'hey man, pretend i worked for you from 20xx to 2012.'
>apply for job
>reference them
>get hired
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but thats dishonest

I rather be unemployed than lie like that

Plus, if you get caught you will get HR blacklisted
>it's dishonest
Really really? You're on /pol/. I think you have bigger flaws.
what's wrong with being on /pol/?
oh wow, its real, we need to put every child who has this on enough amphetamine to make him twitch and pull his hair out
>Talked with recruiter
>Cover letter
>College transcript
>Masters thesis
>Psychological profiling test
>Drug test
>Criminal background check
>Credit history check
>Facebook check
>Googled my name
>Phone interview
>Physical interview with HR rep
>Hiring committee interview
>Office interview with assistant hiring manager
>Final interview with senior hiring manager

Good thing I managed to pass them all. I'm so glad that I finally got my first unpaid internship. Wish me luck!
It's 10pm this is now a bill mahr thread
Dubs dun lie
I'm ok with a resume, but a cover letter just takes shit to the extreme.

>shit job
>wants a cover letter
It hurts to live.
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Actually, physiotherapy is a lot more effective for children than adults.

So, if the diagnosis is made early enough, there will be no need for medication

3-5 years of experience in installing windows, not school you fucking mongoloid
Well I don't know about you, but I could not enjoy my job if it meant cheating someone else whom was actually qualified for the job
>HR blacklisted

do you actually think this is a thing? where competing companies all have secret meetings where they tell eachother about who are the shit employees. why would they waste their time informing the competition about bad workers?
nigger what the fucking fuck is physiotherapy

they put me on the maximum adult dose at like age 9 and wouldnt let me stop taking it for 5 years despite all the horrible painful side effects
>>14326819 (OP)
and i wasnt even fucking diagnosed

Yes it is very real

but even if it did not exist I still would not lie on my resume
Employers don't want antisocial losers like you guys working for them. Every job requires you to work with people, if you think you should only be hired based on merit and not sociability as well you're an autistic neckbeard.
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It means physical discipline
its a database just type in an applicant's name and it says weather or not to hire them.

that's depressing. you don't have any mates that would have done it for you?
I was blacklisted by wawa for someone who pumped their own gas on my pumps while I was on break and drove away with 50$ worth. you cant shut off the pumps without turning them all off, so it was basically unpreventable. depending on the company, yes its possible
this is why ive thought of killing myself every day for years

i cant fucking function with people i dont know very well
So this is why my department at boeing is filled with loud mouth women who don't know shit about engineering... fucking HR.
when I was 14 I applied at a regional grocery store and got an interview but didn't do that great
when I was 16 I applied at a public library and got that
when I started college I told my parents that I wanted more time to study (I'm in engineering so it's honest enough) and now I don't work anymore
go apply at a library
the fuck is wawa?

why does everyone love it so much?
>complaining about women existing in the engineering field
This is why we can't have nice things.
It should be a balance between the two but in your case aren't all engineers losers?
dude what

>mind is completely blank from paralyzing anxiety

>they notice, do everything possible to avoid me

this is how it is in the real world
relax, this is just how we get rid of the niggers
why is this thing asking for my social security number just to sign up? Who do they think they are?
its a gas station/convenience store that apparently has really good sandwiches and coffee
it's basically a 7/11 that was mom and pop but became corporate. its basically ran by boomers. its nothing good, their deli sandwhiches are only 2 slices of meat now, their coffee is sub par, their gas is 15% ethanol at least and ruins any marine engine or gas powered tools, the people who work there are miserable
yet everyone in my family loves it
i worked there for 2 years on and off and frankly i am done with it.
also last month they phased out their deli slicer and scales, so you can't even get deli meat anymore, forcing you to buy a shitty $5.50 sandwhich with nothing on it but lettuce
Most people are social animals. I'm here to enjoy myself, like by making quality posts on /pol/.
or hire them for no reason.
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Worked at Target for temporary seasonal hire.

Had to fill out a 100 question psychological examination covering topics such as theft, finances, political views covering firearms/weapons, respect for authority, sexuality, social statuses.

Had to do a credit check.

Had to do a criminal history check.

Had to do a military service records check.

Had to provide copies of my drivers license, two bills from my home address.

For a temporary seasonal Christmas job moving packages off a truck onto pallets.

Pay was $9.25 an hour.

I quit when they changed the hours to have to come in at 3 a.m. and the extra hour for shift differential was being removed and the salary dropped to $8.25 an hour.

I am currently unemployed.

I am not even bothering to look for work.

I just do not care anymore.
youll look back on these days and wish you killed yourself sooner.
>yet everyone in my family loves it


so its the walmart of gas stations?

how fucking retarded can boomers possibly be
BestBuy is even worse. I worked for several companies before, but their god damn employee evaluation test was fucking impossible. but then it was the only BestBuy in like 120 miles and was always getting applications
srsly guise

wat do
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truly a question with no defined answer

Bro, I know that feel.
Every woman on HR are fucking retarded apes. I'm getting tired of this situation. Really, men need to rise above those feminist and equality related shit from baby boomers faggots and start to do the real magic.
For fucking science, just take a look GE these days... is a shitty place, full of women who cares everything but engineering
How the fuck weren't the pumps secured? Don't you have to pay before you pump...or is this old?
shut your god damn mouth and do your job
your work is your own. if you are worrying about someone else at your job, that is in no way related to your task at hand, you need to get some GOD DAMN DISCIPLINE. I am a labor foreman now and if I catch you standing around looking at someone else wondering "hey whats he doing over there" you are going to have a good 5 minutes of looking like a total shitter infront of the people actually working
>so its the walmart of gas stations?
no, walmart has value because everything there is cheap as fuck and much cheaper than pretty much anywhere else, wawa isnt particularly cheap

Beta fag detected.

>Implying women are inventors
>Implying we love pink shit
>Implying we men wouldn't love pussy, a nice meal and sex at the end of the day.
get diagnosed with the autism, sign up for obamabucks and become a shutin
or kill yourself
your choice depending which sounds worse
in new jersey you can literally pull up to a wawa pump, hit the button between the "Credit button" and the "Debit button" (it's not a labeled button, but it's there...) and it'll preompy you to enter "cash amount" if you hit yes while it says 0.00 it puts it in as fill er up and you can pump until the damn wawa is dry. i still pump my gas every time i go, i havent worked there for 10 years and the new people there always try to tell me, but after like the 3rd time they get the idea to leave me alone
you are right too, wawa has actually become far more expensive, and their quality has dropped enormously
>no one will hire you because of crippling social anxiety
>"Stop worrying what other people think and just do your job!"
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm trying to do and I would have no problem at all doing that except no one will hire me for a fucking job in the first place
what the fuck are you talking about

is this copy pasta?

this is completely irrelevant, i never worried about anyone else... the fuck
revolution soon kisnmen
feels good not living in the US
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it's like they said in medical tech school when i went for free because it kept my unemployment benefits extended and i was working under the table to whole time
"you can't help everyone. oh the fuck well."
>"Implying we men wouldn't love pussy, a nice
meal and sex at the end of the day."

>implying the pussy isn't right in front of you everyday
>implying your friend Vu Le wouldn't be the closest thing to pussy in the vicinity in any other engineering job
>implying their shitty innovation won't automatically make you top dog versus competitive ass azns
>implying we don't love pink shit
I LOVE pink, pussy pink is my favorite color..I hope I'm not alone here
I remember when I got a night job at UPS sorting boxes on a conveyer belt.

They actually wanted a resume for it. I just typed up a page with nothing except "high school diploma" and three references, one was my mom and the other was my dad. I was a college freshman at the time

They hired me. It made me think "Did they really need a resume if that's all they wanted.
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>>14326819 (OP)
>have shit job
>demand higher minimum wage
>government increases minimum wage
>minimum wage is too high for your skills
>get fired

I'm not making up this shit, this is what actually happens in the real world.

Want to increase employment rate and the cost of life? Decrease minimum wage.
I don't really have many goals or aspirations, and once I'm done with this semester I probably won't have any inclination to go back to school

The rat race of mainstream society simply holds no sway to me, I have no incentive to go with the river

It's tempting to simply spend the next two years honing myself into a weapon for the sake of lynching the corrupt shadow masters of our society

I probably won't though, simply because I wouldn't be the only target of retaliation; every family member or friend I've ever had would be hounded by the predatory media and their lives would be forever blighted
do you not get it?
by making a resume, even if its sparse as fuck, you are going beyond the normal "application" most niggers would do. and you stand out. make sense? you beat out the other 10 assholes who just put in their name address and base wage desired because you took some extra time

Beta being beta as fuck.
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This isn't a universal trend though. That's just LA. I remember seeing a news story about this a decade ago. Apparently LA is filled with so many wannabe actors that everybody has a head shot almost.
10k keystrokes? in what? an hour?
>tfw living in the US


one of these days im going to buy a gun, get really hammered and shoot myself in the back of the mouth, right into the brain stem
who doesn't put in there resume? You only have to make it once.
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>live in an increasingly globalized economy where American jobs are exposed to foreign competition
Someone else has a better offer, that's how competition works. You either undercut them while increasing the quality of your shit or you're fucked, deal with it.
take some HR managers with you
ms word. that weeds out aalllll the people who haven't used that.
>Want to increase the cost of life?

personally i've avoided doing it several times, but those were walk in interviews twice and i knew the guy the other time so it was just a formaility
but yea like i said the deadbeats just wont make one. weird isn't it? no its not you. its them.
>>14326819 (OP)
Then fucking fill one out you whiny bitch.
The Free Market would actually fix this one.

Gubmint is forcing them to do this shit with all the regulations.

Thanks Obama.
>Bawwww people want to choose people that are better than me to work for them!
Fuck off faggot.
the only thing the govt wants is your address and social security number to tie the income to you to tax you
you can be a drug dealer making 190k a year doing coke sales and 22k a year flipping frys, if you claim that income somehow, the gov t does not care
the police might if they find you with all that cash though
I think your missing the experience conundrum..
I'm pretty sure most people have used Word in their lifetime kind anon.
>and decrease the cost of life

Obvious typo.
>alpha is not taking advantage of women in the workplace
>alpha is not easing you're way to the top over inferior competition
>alpha is preferring to be stuck in a sausagefest cubicle farm
Are you serious?
>3 yr experience for entry level positions
>minimum wage
>12 hours
>3 days a week
I know that's why I said aaalllll long. It was sarcastic.
That's not at all a problem of the system; that's a personal problem; the fact that you can't compete.

Why would you rationally hire someone with no experience when there's a large pool of people with experience to choose from?
Nah. There's a "demand" for labor just like there's a demand for goods. Right now, many employers/entrepreneurs are encountering barriers to hire/start up a business due to increasing regulations. One recent example of this would be healthcare reform... nobody is sure what happens with a small business of 50+ employees. Will they have to provide insurance or not? This is just one of the many frustrations of the bureaucratic government intervention.
If this system is allowed to run for long enough there will be a shortage of experienced people. Unless they expect someone who started working in fast food to see it as there life's calling.
yeah I remember when i went to my first interview which was for working at Target. I went in regular clothes, nothing stupid just jeans and a sweater. I figured "hey Im just applying for crappy job Im sure ill get." The type of job that would still leave me in the streets if I had to survive on my own without my parents because rent is so damn high. The person looked at me funny expecting a suit and tie. I didnt expect them to be so nazi for the lowest piss shit entry level job. Yeah I still dont have a good paying job. People that have money are like fucking wizards to me.
no you are missing the other end of the problem
why would you hire someone who has done this job their whole life and knows everything, somethings that are not even relevant anymore or in the position they will be doing, yet demand a far higher% pay than a fresh prospect out of college, maybe even with some experience.
3-5 years is a sweet spot
>29 years old
>Every single job I've ever gotten was from a friend or a friend of a friend
>Never had to write a resume in my life
>Walk in, make eye contact, shake a guy by the hand
>Informal chat for 5 minutes
>"You're hired."

Try having social skills and a life, this is how getting ahead works in the real world. They're making you jump through hoops because you're so off the radar they can't simply ask somebody they trust if you're alright. Why do you think you see guys who never even finished high school in jobs where the ad insisted "College degree REQUIRED!"? They're normal, well-adjusted people who make friends and move up the ladder.
In which case they will draw from the pool of inexperienced. What happens when you run out of $5 oranges to buy? You buy the $7 ones.

But as of now, and into the foreseeable future, there is a plentiful pool of experienced people to draw from.
Deal with it.
Abstract reasoning is often cited as the purest form of fluid intelligence. People who do well on those pattern recognition tests learn unfamiliar things quicker than others.
Not the same dude and I don't even live in 'Murica but
that's just dumb. Job opportunities have substantially gone down in the past decades. You shouldn't need 4 years experience for an entry level job.

The fact that you people put up with this shit...
Yeah, I don't think you understand how things work in the workplace. A real hunter (what you term "alpha") doesn't need to hunt within the workplace. He can easily get women elsewhere.

There are too many complications with fucking around in the workplace, and a true "alpha" won't risk livelihood/stability of income for a mere broad.
Put up with what? People choosing the better qualified person for a job?

It's like you want to destroy the meritocracy and institute an idiocracy. Experience? That should never be a factor in the hiring process, everyone is equal!

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