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love, —mootykins

EDIT: It's hard to keep up with lots of IMs. Feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org if you don't get a response or I'm not online.

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Ok /b/rothers, how are you this fine day?

I hope you are all well. I come to ask a favor of you. (TL;DR at the bottom)

I don't know if you are aware of the situation in Venezuela. I'll make things short.

Venezuela celebrated presidential elections yesterday between Nicolas Maduro and Henrique Capriles Radónski.

After 4 hours of waiting, we got the results from the CNE (Consejo Nacional Electoral) which is the organism in charge of counting the votes of Venezuelans.

The results were:

Maduro - 7.505.338 votes - 50,66%

Capriles, 7.270.403 votes - 49,07%

Sure enough, at first sight it looks like a win for the current government. It isn't.

I will post pictures of what has been going on with all the votes of the people, how they have been burning them and getting rid of them so fast that it will be impossible for the opposition to count them.

Yesterday night, Maduro clearly stated he was in favor of the audit, recounting 100% of the votes MANUALLY before he could accept the Presidency. Today he cllaed for his followers to watch him receive the Presidency at 4pm.

Fraud is clear, Comando Simon Bolivar is on it (the guys behind Capriles) and they have the numbers saying otherwise, however, the CNE is who has the last word-in.

The President of CNE, Tibisai Lucena, is clearly Chavista, in favor of the current government, which is something that should NOT be accepted as the CNE should be impartial to any candidate.

TL;DR (start)

Venezuelan elections are over and the elected president won by FRAUD and are REFUSING to count 100% of the votes MANUALLY, something they already agreed to not a day ago.

TL;DR (end)


" /b/rothers "

like /pol/ cares about third world hellholes. especially while people are exploding in boston
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(this is a quote of the White House petition)

"Call upon the International Community to urge that a full recount of votes be done in Venezuela's presidential elections
The events that transpired on April 14th in Venezuela are alarming. The current government has developed a need for survival so large, that it fails to accept the will of the Venezuelan people. This translated into over three thousand documented occasions of voting irregularities, inhibiting the people from exercising their inalienable right to vote.

In a democratic state, there is no reason why the government should refuse to do a recount when such a large portion of the population demands it. That is why I urge the Obama Administration to refuse to accept the results of the Venezuelan presidential elections up until there has been a full recount. I furthermore urge it to refuse to recognize the legitimacy of any government until there is no doubt that the democratic process was honored."



This is a copy-paste from the thread in /b/, so ofcourse I'm reffering to you /pol/ititians here, honest mistake.
/b/ is this way>>>>
Non op bump.
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>Pidiendo ayuda en 4chan
Vamos pana esto es pa otras paginas

en otros sitios de esta pagina he recibido algunos votos, ESTE es de los mejores y espero recibir mas aqui.
Ya perdió su perro judío, escualidos de mierda. Acéptenlo.
>>12686785 (OP)
omfg I don't even know where the fuck to begin...
Why do people like you find the whole Boston Maraton Bombing something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible event like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you? This issue is very serious, yet crazy assfucks like you are throwing shit jokes about it. Sick fuck, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about situations like this? Let me tell you, you are fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now. You are such a disgusting bully. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you really find funny about it? Stupid fucker I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours. Sick fuck. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about the bombings. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

I'd go on about how fucked up you are, but I'll restrain myself right now.

Just hope one day that you will never have a hard life even nearly as the many who have ever since the Boston bombings.

Puedes llamarnos lo que tu quieras, pero localidades como PETARE son CAPRILISTAS.

La verdad te DUELE pero TU te la tiras del SOCIALISTA y todo lo que tu quieras, pero siempre que el gobierno sea el que es, TU SEGUIRAS SIENDO POBRE.

Ah, y yo se que obviamente eres IDIOTA, pero Capriles es Christiano Católico Apostólico y Romano. Eres tan IMBECIL que decidiste votar por un candidato que habla con pajaritos.

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>election was so close
>refusing to do a recount
Nigga what. Why wouldn't you recount it?
Suspicious as fuck.
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fuck off, socialist scum.
half-Venezuelan, full venezuelan citizen here

this is the last straw for chavistas
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Arde el culo, escualidito?

Y no, nunca he sido pobre gracia al dulce, dulce nepotismo sindical.

Llora mas.
Espero que tengas algunos pero no va a servir de nada, no sirvio con el referendum revocatorio, no sirvio con el cambio constitucional, no sirvio con el cambio de directivos de energia nacional en Falcon
Los rojos van a seguir dandole, la unica solucion es VOTA PIEDRA CONDE DEL GUACHARO 2012
Fuera de broma la unica solucion es conflicto civil terciario (cacerolazos diarios [muy dificil], bombas en edificios gubernamentales como los de PDVSA, cagar a piedras a los cubanos, envenenar el agua, quemar campos petroleros]
Es una locura pero la verdad es que no hay de otra, para tener futuro tienes que sacrificar el presente, lo digo muy facil y comodo pero verga andar en la calle con sicarios en motos, cubanos con rifles checando a la poblacion, policias ejecutando gente sospechosa, malandros robando hasta los pantalones y para joder todo, no hay mujeres, todas se estan llendo a Colombia, no hay cuchara ya en el pais puro marico rojo y cubanos
>>12686785 (OP)

Have some violent confrontation happen already?
>The guy I voted for didn't get elected

Why are all third world countries doing this now? Is it just because they think it's cool now?
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Because some third world countries have corrupt leaders and the people wont take it anymore.

Third World countries are in Africa...

The majority of SA stays in the category od Developing Country
Because the popular parties are not parties that edgy faggot teenager righty wannabes like.
>>12686785 (OP)
Cry more you filthy JEW lover. Viva la patria grande!!
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>he doesn't know what "third-world" means


Capriles is Christian-Catholic Apostolic.
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Good goy
He's almost right.
Yes, he is not a Jew, goy. Listen to us, we are right!

Pay no mind to his Jewish ancestry.
Seeing this is kinda ugly for the cops' side
They are just following orders and probably agree 100% with the protest but they can't quit because they need the money to help their families
Lot of those cops are poor bastards and some even are sentient beings that know shit is fucked up
This is really a case of "Don't blame the one who hits you, blame the guy who send him"
Aww~ ya no te van a comprar el nuevo blackberry tus papás turquito?
>Voting for a totalitarian madman
>Voting for a jew
There's no hope
Que no los ricos son los portugueses e italianos?
Los turcos son los obreros y comerciantes pelabola en mi ex-localidad
O es esto propaganda roja?
I hope Maduro lays down the law and hangs opposition pigs.


for those of you claiming that CAPRILES IS JEWISH.

Maduro maneja una camioneta de 2.500 millones de Bolivares, yo trabajo para mantener a mi hermano menor, no tengo por que estar pidiendo nada de nadie.

Lo que molesta es que a los trabajaores como yo no se le "regala" una vivienda "digna" pero a un mamahuevo que roba en la calle a punta de pistola si se lo dan y no lo meten preso por delitos.
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>"yo soy cristiano católico"
>white house

Yes, the white house is going to force Venezuela to do a recount. What's the matter OP, don't want a bus driver as your president?
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>>12686785 (OP)
>the organism in charge of counting the votes
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care to explain?
Es una opcion de ser mantenido forzado o ser trabajador digno pero pelabola
Mantienes a los 2 ocupados, uno por la ladilla de no trabajar y tener pension y otro por tener que trabajar
Los rojos son unos hijos de la gran puta pero son unos genios la verdad
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Que negro mas imbécil
>maduro campaign burns fake ballots

Fucking Jews, I swear.
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Son, those are from the last election, you know, the one that happened in October?
>/pol/ supporting communism.
Hitler is disappointed.
Why are you trying so hard to make people support your Jew?

Care to link me to the oldest version or sighting of that picture?
>mexican politics
lel, who gives a shit?
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capriles sera cristiano pero es una puta mas de israel y obama a donde te vienes a parar con tu propaganda de ultraderecha? pobre imbecil

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fair enough.. this one?


y maduro no es la puta de Cuba y los Castro? Por algo les esta regalando 3.2Mil Millones de dolares anuales.
I hear Maduro tried to blame the death of Chavez on the CIA... not sure I respect a man who kneejerks like that.

As you can see, I made a mistake, that photo, along with all the others that are currently circulating, are even older.
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What's really happening: Maduro really won, but the US backed Caprilles wants a coup, so tries to start shitstorm.

For those not similar with the story, CIA tried to start a coup already, but failed miserably. US wants Venezuelan oil, it's that simple.

The treasonous opposition should shut the fuck up and thank their gods that the socialists didn't ban their lying corporate media.


Viva la revolucion! Solidarity from Europe!

(pic related: Chavez took power in 1999)

If this were true, why is it that MADURO stated yesterday that he would comply and count the votes, 100% of them but not TODAY?
it wouldn't be their first
>cant spell venezuela
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I lol'd
>using quotation marks

I need the source, I'd be easier to search.
que sera peor el perro ligado por los mismos que instauraron e instauran dictaduras en venezuela y en todo el continente, en todo el mundo, o el perro ligado por una pequeña isla del caribe? tu no eres venezolano quieres que entregarle tu pais a los gringos para mantener tus privilegios te importa una mierda venezuela
hell yeah!
omfg I don't even know where the fuck to begin...
Why do people like you find the whole Boston Maraton Bombing something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible event like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you? This issue is very serious, yet crazy assfucks like you are throwing shit jokes about it. Sick fuck, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about situations like this? Let me tell you, you are fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now. You are such a disgusting bully. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you really find funny about it? Stupid fucker I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours. Sick fuck. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about the bombings. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

I'd go on about how fucked up you are, but I'll restrain myself right now.

Just hope one day that you will never have a hard life even nearly as the many who have ever since the Boston bombings.
>>12686785 (OP)
Screw you, fucking jew scum. Madero is what the people want and need, Capriles is a fucking US cocksucking jew.
OP you are a flaming faggot, a nigger and JIDF.

A uno que este ligado con el compromiso de seguridad fisica y economica de mi pais, a coste 0 de las vdas de los venezolanos.

y.. tu? Ese es el problema de los Chavistas. Sus problemas son la CIA, el Imperio, la inoculacion del cancer, que el capitalismo elimino a las civilizaciones de marte, etc etc.

Abran los ojos, vayan al mercado, que hasta los productos nacionales estan por las nubes de lo caro.

Si uds no les gusta el imperio, por que USA es el comprados numero 1 de Venezuela?


por que todo se importa a base de dolares? por que?
Maybe, just maybe, he doesn't want to legitimize your side's already fraudulent attempt to relativize his objective victory. You rich kids from Venezuela are the cock sucking puppets of the US. How does it feel to betray your own country?
>CIA in charge of April 13th
No, Chavez did the coup, a false flag attempt to hit himself, he did that to make some high-ranking military members that didn't like him to go out and try to take the power void, apart from sending him to exile and all
He even recorded himself with his loyal men trying to act like he was really shocked
It worked, the generals went outside throwing shit at him and calling the moment a new era for the country even when they acknowledged they had little involvement
When they reached Miraflores (the presidential place) a commando ambushed them and threw them to some torture jail, some others went to exile and some others got killed.
It was brilliant move, that's why no one in the military has reacted bad against Chavez, they were purged.

go call the people of PETARE rich kids, they support Capriles.

Oh.. wait, they aren0t rich, and wont be and have gotten poorer and more violent thanks to these useless 14 years.

Also, I'm not a kid.
Maduro was raised as a Roman Catholic, and his paternal family ancestry is of Sephardic Jewish origin.[8][9][10][11][12] He has also been associated with the Sathya Sai Baba movement and a devotee of Satya Sai Baba.[1]
>Madero is what the people want and need
Francisco I. Madero?
Lol actually typo is because I'm writing an essay on him.


>clearly collegue student

and you think you have a valid opinion on what is going on in Venezuela.

>disregard facts
>disregard CIA coup
>disregard GDP growth
>disregard US interests
>spread propaganda proven to be factually incorrect
Stay classy, traitor.
Where the fuck is Capriles anyway? He told his followers to fuck shit up, and they're actually wrecking buildings and hurting people, and the fucker just disappeared.
of course it was a false fucking flag our beloved USA would never organize a coup in lati america

that shit in paraguay and honduras were just false flags that went reeeally wrong amirite?

tell me im right you little mossad bitch

There is no one in the opposition fucking anything up.

inform yourself.


lol... read up. Quick question, what hit the pentagon on 9/11?
>College student
>Any valid opinion on a country you don't live in
I invite you to come and see Maturin so you can have a valid opinion about the country
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>Quick question, what hit the pentagon on 9/11?
You mothers fat asscheeks.

Do you even television?

There are images and videos of protests going on right now, who else could it be?
u wot m8
The monkey is looking at the camera, not his own eyes. That's how mirror's work

Watching both Globovision and VTV, if anything, VTV would be showing it and what's on is LA HOJILLA, directed by Mario Silva.
>>12686785 (OP)
why should I give a crap about a 3rd world country?
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simply look.
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So, did you just turn it on?

No, been looking at the news all day.
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we're here to stay.
la revolución no se va!!
the recent coups organized by USA that succeded in Honduras and Paraguay... unlike the coups in bolivia and venezuela wich failed... usual M.O. of israelmerican imperialism in latin america since the 50s... starting with Gaytan in Colombia
I'm really happy for you guys. Do something with your idiotic students. They are heavily influenced by US propaganda.

Also, lowering crime-levels wouldn't hurt.
They're both fucking kikes bro. One is called Rodonski and the other one has direct Sephardim Jewish lineage (Maduro).

At least I'd rather choose the kike that isn't blatantly in favor of promoting more Jewish communism. Moreso if he can promote Jewish libertarianism (Freedman and Chicago Boys) so we get another Chile.
>mfw he thinks venezuela is a socialist paradise


just compare it to american "puppets" like columbia, chile, uruguay, and panama, see which one you'd rather live in.
Take some whiskey, you seem more paranoid than the rest of the place
I think USA puts their pork hands in the place, but not in that degree
Chile? yeah I would like to be right there http://youtu.be/MUd6STzd6F0
you dont even need to see a video about what happens in colombia youd shit yourself while running to your mommy and Uruguay isnt a puppet in the sense colombia chile or mexico are
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Guess what, even what's happening in Columbia is fucking nothing to what's going in Venezuela. Fuck, I bet Columbia during the FARC-era 20 years ago was safer than Venezuela now. Iraq and Afghanistan are safer than Venezuela nowadays and they're dealing with a all out war alongside sectarian violence from different tribes/religious sects.

I'm surprised Puerto Rico polled that high though.
>and they're dealing with a all out war alongside sectarian violence from different tribes/religious sects
It's going to happen in Venezuela too, after all it was a country build by immigrants trying to create a second home
Oposicion fighting with Italians/Portuguese/Spaniards along with Arabs/Ottomans against Cubans and Chavistas
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>>12686785 (OP)
>No quiere un gobierno chavista.
Fuck Hugo Chavez and his successor I say you people follow suit of the mudslimes and riot. Fuck that shit
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overkill but worth it
>election fraud in south america
What else is new?
>implying /pol/ cares about anything that happens in Mexico
Puerto Rico's going through a rough patch. No anti-crime strategy has worked for the past 8+ years. It's mostly gang related like the rest of South America. I remember that for a while Puerto Rico had a higher homicide rate than all of US's cities.
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We're not brothers you're just a shitskin half indian half nigger half bastardized hispanic
So, it's a commie against a jew, /pol/. which one do you preffer?
Are we due for where some valiant Colonel fights against the oppression, makes himself a generalisimo , and then becomes fat, corrupt and opresses the people?
>Puerto Rico not in sudaca
I'm Iberian, I guess.

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