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> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2319205/In-gun-control-argument-Obama-blames-Americans-Mexican-deaths-Most-guns-used-commit-violence-Mexico-come-United-States.html?ICO=most_read_module

>No mention of F&F

Why is Holder apologizing?
>>13736427 (OP)
>blames violence in mexico on the American guns HE'S sending to help 'fight the war on drugs'
Obama was born in Mexico.
>>13736427 (OP)
but its true, most of the guns in Mexico came from the US illegally.
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Obama is master ruseman. Hiding his middle name, his past and its extremist Communist and muslim connections, causing chaos then playing the victim, it's almost like he was trained...

>implying the cartel don't own thr government and the police
>implying they don't arm them just as much as gun smugglers
The whole issue is caused by the FBI/CIA, not private gun owners.

Everyone knows that US government agencies pump narcotics into "the system" and encourage the manufacture of many opiates in "third world" countries.

So yes, the US is completely to blame for cartel violence. But personal gun owners? Nah kid.
>illegally stolen/bought by fucking mexiniggers.
Right gesture, wrong reasons. USA has been fucking up South America for a LOOONG time, assassinating political leaders, and using the CIA to try and force their own pet dictators into office. Honestly it's disgraceful and Americans should be ashamed of that.

riight, cause Venezuela is doing soo well free of American influence.

They're just third world scum, it's nobody's fault but nature's

inb4 buttblasted Ulf Swede I'm replying to calls me a racist
Also south americans are mostly descendant from Aztec and Spanish peoples. One was a pyramid building batshit insane astrology minded people, the other was a batshit insane christian imperial world power. These people are just as capable of civilisation as white people or asian people, they're not niggers for crying out loud?

PS: what's the name for someone who only hates niggers (excluding horn of africa, different people there)? Racist sounds too bland/generic.

>illegally bought

How do you illegally buy guns?

Fake checks?
Stolen CC's?

Especially in states like AZ/TX which have such stringent gun laws

>Free of US influence

Shit nigga what u smokin?


Oh I forgot, CIA/Mossad/whatever gave Chavez cancer. top lel

Do you honestly think there's no pressure from the US internationally to impair Venezuela's development and economy? Talk about being a conspiracy nut.
Why are we talking about a continent that no one cares about?

Let's talk about Mexico and Obummer being a fucking retard.

considering the Venezuelan state government has gas companies on our own fucking soil, no, I don't.
He's right, guns kill, not Mexicans

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