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Looking for the guy making those awesome "Merchant's Guild of /pol/" pictures. You have any more? Dumping what I have.
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>>18151186 (OP)
lol JIDF
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Nope, this is all inhouse, friend.
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you out there merchantbro?`
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Actually the Merchant's Guild is not affiliated with the JIDF. The Jew was chosen as the symbol of its opposition of the presence of Swarmfront.
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yes, this man speaks for all Jews everywhere, just like Pat Robertson speaks for all christians and whites everywhere
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The Bill Gates of Porn

Jews and Porn

Jews in Porn

Jews and Pornography

The Jewish Masters of Porn

The Jewish Mentality of Al Goldstein 'Pioneer Pornographer'

Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography Used as a Weapon Against Gentiles

Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American Porn Industry
A Malicious Duo - Two Laws that Destroyed America's Culture

A Malicious Duo: Part Two - Two More Laws that Destroyed America's Culture

And the Walls Came Tumbling Down: How the Jews Opened America's Borders

Anetta Kahane

Barbara Spectre

Jews Unite Behind Push for Immigration Reform

Jewish Groups Praise Immigration Reform Proposals

The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography
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That guy isn't even Jewish you nimrod.
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Whats the image supposed to be trying to say?

The creator of the original macro just paraphrased the quotes so that it was smaller, rather than quoting an entire paragraph. The meanings are still the same for most of them.
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you shitting me bro?
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This is the first I've heard of him, and he is seriously one of my favourite people already.

/pol/ constantly states its ideology is based on 'the facts', which actually means 'facts out of context' or 'citationless bullshit'

Keep fighting the good fight, Merchan's Guild of /pol/. You have my full support
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Kike shills, they need so many organizations just for damage control. What a pitiful parasitic race, no wonder they were purged from all the lands they've ever inhabited but the inbredness and psychopathy of the jude were simply too much.
Wow, that articles sure isn't biased.
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Paraphrase my ass. They are blatantly made up. Hell, half of the "books" don't even exist.
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>intention to murder every sailor on board and blame it on Egypt

Prove it faggot.
Do Jews Run Hollywood?

Jews Do Control the Media

The Jews Who Rule Media
Helen Thomas Tells Playboy 'Jews Control the White House'

Obama and the Jews

Rabbis Changed Prayers to Make Barack Obama's Inaugural Service 'Jew-ier'

Who are the Top Five Donors to the Obama, Romney Campaigns?

Who Controls the White House

Who Runs the Obama White House
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>Merchant Guild theme song
Barbara Boxer, AIPAC seek to codify Israel's right to discriminate against Americans

California Passes Resolution Defining Criticism of Israel as Anti-Semitism

Here's How Much America REALLY Spends on Israel's Defense

Jewish Faces in the Government

Jewish Groups Grab Huge Share of Grants

Rep Engel: AIPAC is Most Effective Lobby on Capitol Hill, Bar None

When Victims Rule - A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America

Who Controls America
Your stormfag picture collages are the equivalent of the room in a schizo's house with newspaper clippings proving he's being hunted by the fbi
American Jews Delighted by U.S. Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling

Barney Frank

Biden: "Jewish Leaders Drove Gay Marriage Changes"

Harvey Milk

Gay Marriage's Jewish Pioneer

Gay Activist Masha Gessen Speech for Viral "Gay Marriage is a Lie" and Calls for End to "Marriage"

Leading Gay Activist Frank Kameny Says: "Bestiality OK 'as Long as the Animal Doesn't Mind"

Jews Should Support Gay Marriage

Jewish Group Backs RI Gay Marriage Bill

Jewish Groups Back Obama on Gay Marriage

Jewish Lesbian Widow Edith Windsor Revels in Win on Gay Marriage

Jewish Scouting Leaders Vocal on Gay Inclusion

Judaism & Homosexuality: A Marriage Made in Hell

Supreme Court's Gay Marriage Agenda

US Jews Among the Most Supportive of Gay Marriage

Why Jews Push Gay Marriage
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Oh YES, I remember that from the last thread!
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>he thinks he debunked it

Fuck I'm dying here.
well what other ngo's are going to be targeted by terrorists?
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Could you Gish Gallop any harder?
>>18151186 (OP)
Why would you want fallacy-ridden shill infographics, OP?
English, can you do it?
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Keep lying idiot...
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thats the best picture. if i owned 4chan instead of that tranny moot, that image would be stickied on every board
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>if I use big logical terms and write "lies" real big that means I debunked it
>says the rat-faced kike whose turd graphics fail at simple logic.
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The hero /pol/ deserves. Keep fighting the good fight, bro.
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You know, arguments from authority are completely acceptable when used for inductive reasoning.
Uhh you do know that the 'argument from authority' fallacy doesn't apply when the authority is a recognised expert right?

I mean, you're not stupid are you?
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Air Photo Evidence

Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust

Historical Revisionism

Holocaust Revisionism Books

Holocaust Denier

Holocaust Handbooks & Movies

The Holocaust Historiography Project

Institute for Historical Review

Nazi Gassings

Real Open Debate on the Holocaust


Shoah Blogger

Spielberg's Hoax

someone post the '6 million number in the new york times long before WW2' image

thatll really shut these circumkiked yids up
Auschwitz - Why the Gas Chambers are a Myth

Buchenwald a Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil

Ernst Zundel - Holocaust Debunked

Zundel vs. Zionist - Truth vs. Lies

The Holocaust Big Lie

The Holocaust Lie by David Irving

The Holocaust Testimonies You Didn't Hear

Holocaust Hoax Exposed!

The Montel Williams Show - David Cole and Mark Weber

Nazi Shrunken Heads

One-Third of the Holocaust

Six Million Jews 1915-1938

Spielberg's Hoax - The Last Days of the Big Lie

The Phil Donahue Show - Holocaust Denial - Part One

The Phil Donahue Show - Holocaust Denial - Part Two

The Phil Donahue Show - Holocaust Denial - Part Three

The Phil Donahue Show - Holocaust Denial - Part Four

The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz

Understanding the Holocaust as a Legend
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I don't care about Jews anymore, they're getting sacrificed in the next Tetrad blood moon. I'm gonna buy champagne for it.


your dedebunking is the worst of all time
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Oh look, THEM again.

Israeli students to get $2,000 to spread state propaganda on Facebook
Israelis taking courses on how to plant Zionist propaganda on Wikipedia:


Virtually all Jews are Pro-Israel/Zionists:

The kikes are generally the same. Only very rarely will you get a gem like Robert or Brother Nathaniel.
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$1,000,000,000 Fund to Rebuild Jewry - Oct 18, 1918

6,000,000 Jews Dead - Jan 8, 1945

Americans Appeal for Jewish Refuge - May 31, 1936

Appeal for Aid for Jews - Dec 2, 1914

Begs America Save 6,000,000 in Russia - Jul 20, 1921

Dr. Paul Nathan's View of Russian Massacre - Mar 25, 1906

End of Zionism, Maybe - Jan 29, 1905

German Poet is Safe - Jun 1, 1933

Jewish Tragedy Pictured - Feb 23, 1938

Macedonian Massacres, The - Sept 16, 1903

More Details of the Kishineff Massacre - May 16, 1903

Nation is Warned of Anti-Semitism - May 2, 1938

Rabbi Wise Address - Jun 11, 1900

Tells Sad Plight of Jews - Nov 12, 1919

Yom Kippur Ends in Plea for Peace - Oct 2, 1941
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What? Do you mean this one stormfaggot?
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Should make a collage of subhuman heeb yid faggotry.
long since debunked you retard.
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Go on, show us.
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Any historian that doesn't agree with /stormfront/ must be paid off by the JIDF, whilst those who agree with /stormfront/ are completly unbiased and objective researchers because white supremacy and Nazi special interest groups don't fund people ever, silly.
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Here :)
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lol for all their crying of stormfront, they sure hate us but fuck those old as fuck dudes. They can't even pill well or at all even. It's like they're controlled opposition or something.
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I lel'd. That doesn't debunk anything, bro.
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It applies...
Person A introduces argument 1
Person A is an expert in subject 2
Subject 2 is related to argument 1
Therefore argument 1 is TRUE.

We APPEAL to his AUTHORITY for the truth of the argument, we do not discuss the argument itself or what makes it true, we have to believe Person A because he is an 'authority'....

Logic applies, you are defeated.
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The Jewish Path to Success: Nepotism
yeah sure kike, some jew hating time traveller must journeyed1 back in time and wrote all those articles in the new york times

stupid yid
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i just have this image

how do i get in touch with this shadowy organization

i am not a merchant but i stand for reason and responsibility, can i join?
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Uhh nope, there are two conditions that are required to be met for a reasonable apply to authority

1) the authority is a recognised expert


2) The expert must have consensus with other experts


Better luck next time :D
Hello mr ad hominem.

Can't refute the data, so instead attack the source. Nice job.
I posted the debunking of it you blind faggot
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I am a merchant and seriously want to join. It's the best thing to ever happen to /pol/.
Yes it does, it shows that the number 6 million doesn't mean anything.

to be fair anyone that has taken a stat course realizes how silly it is to post 12 instances of the phrase "6 million jews" being used as evidence of a jew conspiracy when there were hundreds of newspapers that published tens of thousands of editions during the decades prior to WW2

in all likelihood you would find just as many instances of 5 million or 7 million

this makes sense to you right? i am never sure if people are actually unaware of basic shit like this or if they are just trolling
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....What are you debunking?

It's hard to 'categorize' Jews?
The sources are wrong?

What about other articles that talk about X million?

What about the other 232 articles that warn of X million jews in danger of being killed?

Technically you didn't debunk anything, you're just adding Red Herrings...

>Muh 6 Million
Was the original image implying that Muslims don't dress up in balaclavas and march through the streets with guns?
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Christ, Ford was so right about these kikes and so are all the documentaries about israel lobbies and shill organizations like the ADL. There's literally thousands of organizations that shill for kikes, all for the purpose of damage control. The reasoning is kikes truly and honestly believe that they can do no wrong and they're willing to shill MILLIONS just to make sure they do it.
>hurr durr fucking goyim. i said it was debunked therefore it's debunked. now give israel money or we'll claim you're trying to holocaust us!
>posts in a dump thread
>complains about dumping
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>maybe if I post another 100 youtube videos he'll go away

all the talk of JIDF/SRS invasions makes me think it would be fun to actually have some sort of counter group go to war with /pol/
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lol the best way to do research on this is go into the news archives and search for it.

The kikes cannot hide and they do this red herring crap all day long.

The kikes cannot stand to be wrong, that's why they try so fucking hard just to shill about how right they are.
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>my sides

sort of sad someone had to make that pie chart

should be totally obvious to anyone how bullshit those stormfaggot news clippings are
Care to address the point, faggot?

As per OP, this was set up to be an info dump thread, not a discussion thread. So quit complaining about dumps and accusing people of Gish Galloping.
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It's eerie how that description applies equally to stormfaggots. Doesn't matter if you debunk all their terrible arguments, they just post them all again the next day.
>Only zionist sources are valid data! Anything else is a second holocaust!
Where is the real citation?

Jewish communism? Nazi propaganda. Most Bolsheviks weren't Jews. Lead Bolsheviks were raised Russian Orthodox
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Remember, if you work in the food industry and you know your are serving Jews, rub some pork grease in their food.

Jews, like the gentiles, need to get out of their comfort zone and try something new! If they must help us with multiculturalism and diversity, we must help them in a similiar way.

Remember, Turnabout is fair play, and the Jews are all about fairness.
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Oh shit Goebbels said that? My entire worldview is challenged!
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You'd think a race that was kicked out everywhere would learn how bad and unwanted they were by now.

Even today, israel is pretty much near the bottom in all global approval ratings.
>thinks anything that isn't from davidduke.com or stormfront is a "zionist source"
>>my sides
Yes, indeed. At the very least you can make an attempt to show why it's wrong. Or failing that, provide counter information.
>thinks anything that isn't from the ADL the SPLC or the JIDF isn't a valid source
This is correct. Despite stormfags going on about how bolsheviks were Jews, they comprised only a tiny percentage of the bolshevik leadership.
Not a reputable source

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Wow Goebbels is so inciteful. If I hadn't known him to be a reasonable, thoughful, and trustworthy individual I might not have earnestly considered his statement.
>Implying we're trying to awaken a bunch of kikes.
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Don't admonish someone for arguing like a Jew, its anti-semitic!
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>Schuyler made a point of the heavy Jewish involvement in the Communist revolution. Schuyler wrote that "It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning guided and controlled but Russians Jews of the greasiest type.." and went on to point out that of the total 384 commissars running the Soviet Union, more than 300 were Jews."

>In his 1920 essay “Zionism vs. Bolshevism: The Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,” Winston Churchill made the statement that Bolshevism both ideologically and politically “gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads”[2] and slowly led them to the slaughter house, where more than ten million innocent peasants eventually lost their precious lives in less than five years.[3]


>The Bolshevik Revolution and some of its aftermath represented, from one perspective, Jewish revenge. During the heyday of the Cold War, American Jewish publicists spent a lot of time denying that—as 1930s anti-Semites claimed—Jews played a disproportionately important role in Soviet and world Communism. The truth is until the early 1950s Jews did play such a role, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. In time Jews will learn to take pride in the record of the Jewish Communists in the Soviet Union and elsewhere. It was a species of striking back. ”

>—Norman Cantor,✡ The Jewish Experience, 1996.[3]
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Incorrect, your form is exactly that of Non-Deductive reasoning.

If we follow wikipedia, then an 'Appeal to Authority' can take *different forms*....

The argument from authority can take several forms. As a statistical syllogism, the argument has the following basic structure:[1]

Most of what authority A has to say on subject matter S is correct.
A says P about subject matter S.
Therefore, P is correct.

The strength of this authoritative argument depends upon two factors:[1][2]

The authority is a legitimate expert on the subject.
There exists consensus among legitimate experts in the subject matter under discussion.

The two factors — legitimate expertise and expert consensus — can be incorporated to the structure of the statistical syllogism, in which case, the argument from authority can be structured thus:

X holds that A is true.
X is a legitimate expert on the subject matter.
The consensus of subject-matter experts agrees with X.
Therefore, there exists a presumption that A is true.

>le source
>Gensler, Harry J. (2003). Introduction to Logic. New York, NY: Routedge. pp. 333–4.

You failed twice...
>This is correct. Despite stormfags going on about how bolsheviks were Jews, they comprised only a tiny percentage of the bolshevik leadership.

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Based Merchant's Guild.
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Battle of Stalingrad

>Over 300,000 German, Croatian, Romanian, Hungarian and Italian soldiers, including some 35,000 Soviet volunteers fighting the Communists had been surrounded.
>Over 11,000 soldiers would refuse to lay down their arms at the official surrender, preferring instead to fight to the death with the Bolsheviks.
>By early March, 1943, all pockets of resistance had been wiped out.
>Many of the remaining prisoners will freeze and die on the forced death march. Others will die from disease, mistreatment, or worked to death in the Gulag concentration camps.
>Later, historians discovered that of 11,237 letters sent by soldiers inside of Stalingrad to their families, between… 20 December 1942 and 16 January 1943,
>Almost every letter expressed their willingness to fight Communism and die for National Socialism and their Fuhrer… Adolf Hitler.

“In fifteen years that have followed this resolve, he has succeeded in restoring Germany to the most powerful position in Europe, and not only has he restored the position of his country, but he has even, to a very great extent, reversed the results of the Great War…. The vanquished are in the process of becoming the victors and the victors the vanquished…. Whatever else might be thought about these exploits they are certainly among the most remarkable in the whole history of the world.”

– Winston Churchill, 1935.
For every great cataclysmic even in history, there will be people that will lie about their involvement in them for attention. It happens with everything. I've heard testimonials of GIs that swear they pulled a dagger that they now own out of the corpse of Mussolini the day he died. Its bullshit. He's bullshit. That doesn't do anything to damage the credibility of the existence of Mussolini's lynching or world war 2, or anything else.
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/r/ing this original picture without the text
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Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany Tribute

Adolf Hitler and the Atom Bomb

Adolf Hitler: Closing Speech in Triumph of the Will

Adolf Hitler Explains Reasons for Invading Poland - Part One

Adolf Hitler Explains Reasons for Invading Poland - Part Two

Adolf Hitler: Judaism is a Satanic Power

Adolf Hitler - My Religion - My God!

Adolf Hitler: See the Glory

Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told!

Adolf Hitler - The Ladies Man

Adolf Hitler: The Man Against Time

Adolf Hitler: The Man they Call the Devil

Adolf Hitler - The Man Who Walked in Truth

Adolf Hitler: They Called Him Herr Wolf

Adolf Hitler Explains His Reasons for Invading Soviet Union

Adolf Hitler's Political Testament

Adolf Hitler's Speech on the Role of Women

Adolf Hitler's Struggle for Peace

Amazing Adolf Hitler Speech - Our Enemies Today Face the Entire German Volk!

Best Hitler Speech
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The Holodomor?
Pre-Holocaust, many Europeans suffered under the Soviet Union, particularly in the Gulag concentration camps. A deliberate famine was inflicted upon the Ukrainians by the Jewish-led Bolsheviks. Is it any surprise that they, along with hundreds of thousands of other Europeans, welcomed their Nazi liberators fought with them to the death against Communism?

Winston Churchill, for one, warned in an article published in the February 8, 1920, issue of the London Illustrated Sunday Herald that Bolshevism is a “worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality.”

“There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate, Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek — all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combatting Counter-Revolution [the Cheka] has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.”

- Winston Churchill, February 8, 1920.
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How many orthodox Christians were there behind Stalin?
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Jews and Communism
Winston Churchill: Zionism versus Bolshevism
Stalin's Jews:
Jews in Communist China's government:
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yes they do, are you serious?
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>without the text
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Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew)

+ Die Besten Soldaten Der Welt +

¤ Die Flut Kommt ¤ (The Tide Comes)

Die Rothschilds Aktien auf Waterloo (The Rothschilds' Shares in Waterloo)

Epic - The Story of the Waffen SS - Leon Degrelle

The Fable of the Ducks & the Hens

God & Hitler

Hitler Explains His Reasons for War with USA - Part One

Hitler Explains His Reasons for War with USA - Part Two

Hitler Explains His Reasons for War with USA - Part Three

Hitler's Reply to U.S. President F.D.R.

Hitler Responds to Churchill's Decision to Target Civilians

The Hitler Speech They Don't Want You to Hear

Hitler Speech - Jews and Freemasons

Hitler's War

Hitler's War: What the Historians Neglect to Mention

How Hitler Tackled Unemployment and Revived Germany's Economy

If the Germans Won World War II
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Gravity does not bend light.
I'm an authority on Gravity and Physics.
The consensus of other experts in my field is the same.

Therefore, Gravity does not bend light.....
Thought you meant without the kike added text.
>>18151186 (OP)
The "Anti Christian" ones are generally fake.
I took a look at one of those "refutations" randomly and it's bullshit. >Revelation 2:8-10 - I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.
There is no evidence that Montgomery Schuyler existed. The only Montgomery Schuyler listed is a architect who died in 1914.

The second source provides no actual information, just a general overview with no real facts in it at all.

Trotsky was the only prominent Bolshevik Jew, and he was driven out.
oops http://winstonsmithministryoftruth.blogspot.ca/2012/07/the-libbre-david-37-quote.html?zx=5c5b4336da42d5f
Will someone help me understand the positions of the Merchant Guild?

What is the purpose of the Merchant Guild?
What makes the Merchant Guild different than the JIDF?
Are they sympathetic to the JIDF and Israel?
How does the Merchant Guild uphold the freedom of speech on /pol/ compared to the JIDF?
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you know there are other jewish holy books besides the torah and talmud, right?
I know what this is about.

Jewish hostility to Christians: the prejudice no one ever writes about

How the Jews Treat Christians in Israel - It's Serious!
How the Jews Treat Christians in Israel?

Growing Jewish anti-Christian hatred in Israel

Insulting Jesus on Israeli TV - צליבת ישו - The Crucifixion of "Yeshu"

Orthodox Jews harassing Christians outside a Christian shop

Jew: We killed Jesus, we're proud of it
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>Trotsky was the only prominent Bolshevik Jew, and he was driven out.
JIDF disinfo goy haters.
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Jud Süß (Jew Süss)

Judea Declares War on Germany

J.F.K. Praises Adolf Hitler

National Socialism Explained #1

National Socialism Explained #2

National Socialism Explained #3

The National Socialism Revolution

Nazi Shrunken Heads

Off Your Knees Germany (Ernst Zundel 1983-2003)

Paintings by Adolf Hitler

The Ten Principles of National Socialist Thought

This is National Socialism!

Through the Thick and Thin With the Führer

Titanic (1943)

Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will)

The True Reason Why Germany Invaded Poland

The Twenty-Five Demands of National Socialism Explained

Was Adolf Hitler the Bad Guy?

Will of the Youth
IN THE FOREGOING, several examples of the rabbinical attitudes to these two religions were given in passing. But it will be useful to summarize these attitudes here.

Judaism is imbued with a very deep hatred towards Christianity, combined with ignorance about it. This attitude was clearly aggravated by the Christian persecutions of Jews, but is largely independent of them. In fact, it dates from the time when Christianity was still weak and persecuted (not least by Jews), and it was shared by Jews who had never been persecuted by Christians or who were even helped by them. Thus, Maimonides was subjected to Muslim persecutions by the regime of the Almohads and escaped from them first to the crusaders' Kingdom of Jerusalem, but this did not change his views in the least. This deeply negative attitude is based on two main elements.

First, on hatred and malicious slanders against Jesus. The traditional view of Judaism on Jesus must of course be sharply distinguished from the nonsensical controversy between antisemites and Jewish apologists concerning the 'responsibility' for his execution. Most modern scholars of that period admit that due to the lack of original and contemporary accounts, the late composition of the Gospels and the contradictions between them, accurate historical knowledge of the circumstances of Jesus' execution is not available. In any case, the notion of collective and inherited guilt is both wicked and absurd. However, what is at issue here is not the actual facts about Jesus, but the inaccurate and even slanderous reports in the Talmud and post-talmudic literature - which is what Jews believed until the 19th century and many, especially in Israel, still believe. For these reports certainly played an important role in forming the Jewish attitude to Christianity.
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I thought they were a joke. They're real?
>What is the purpose of the Merchant Guild?
Fact-checking propaganda.
>What makes the Merchant Guild different than the JIDF?
They actually are an existing force on /pol/.
>Are they sympathetic to the JIDF and Israel?
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According to the Talmud, Jesus was executed by a proper rabbinical court for idolatry, inciting other Jews to idolatry, and contempt of rabbinical authority. All classical Jewish sources which mention his execution are quite happy to take responsibility for it; in the talmudic account the Romans are not even mentioned.

The more popular accounts - which were nevertheless taken quite seriously - such as the notorious Toldot Yesbu are even worse, for in addition to the above crimes they accuse him of witchcraft. The very name 'Jesus' was for Jews a symbol of all that is abominable, and this popular tradition still persists.70 The Gospels are equally detested, and they are not allowed to be quoted (let alone taught) even in modern Israeli Jewish schools.

Secondly, for theological reasons, mostly rooted in ignorance, Christianity as a religion is classed by rabbinical teaching as idolatry. This is based on a crude interpretation of the Christian doctrines on the Trinity and Incarnation. All the Christian emblems and pictorial representations are regarded as 'idols' - even by those Jews who literally worship scrolls, stones or personal belongings of 'Holy Men'.
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>All those Aryan faces.
actually it makes more countries hostile to islam, since the countries being flooded are ones that were initially against the war of terror, you fucking merchant dirtbag
The attitude of Judaism towards Islam is, in contrast, relatively mild. Although the stock epithet given to Muhammad is 'madman' ('meshugga'), this was not nearly as offensive as it may sound now, and in any case it pales before the abusive terms applied to Jesus. Similarly, the Qur'an - unlike the New Testament - is not condemned to burning. It is not honored in the same way as Islamic law honors the Jewish sacred scrolls, but is treated as an ordinary book. Most rabbinical authorities agree that Islam is not idolatry (although some leaders of Gush Emunim now choose to ignore this). Therefore the Halakhah decrees that Muslims should not be treated by Jews any worse than 'ordinary' Gentiles. But also no better. Again, Maimonides can serve as an illustration. He explicitly states that Islam is not idolatry, and in his philosophical works he quotes, with great respect, many Islamic philosophical authorities. He was, as I have mentioned before, personal physician to Saladin and his family, and by Saladin's order he was appointed Chief over all Egypt's Jews. Yet, the rules he lays down against saving a Gentile's life (except in order to avert danger to Jews) apply equally to Muslims. jewhist5.htm
It's true. There were others, but none of them were practicing.

Practicing a minority religion in Soviet Russia 1918 to 1953 wasn't a good idea.
>I know what this is about.
Is that a response? I don't understand. Do you speak English? You seem to speak primarily in stale copypasta links.
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This is what the Jews fear above all. The White race united under one, pro-White banner.

That is why they hate the White race. This means their utter removal from power.
>It's true. There were others, but none of them were practicing.
>Practicing a minority religion in Soviet Russia 1918 to 1953 wasn't a good idea.

I think you don't quite get the issue. The Jews are an ethnoreligious group, not just a religion. Atheist Jews still identify as Jewish.
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they bombed them for half an hour, ignorant SOS calls and American flags on board... then machine gunned the survivors on life rafts.. you sack of leperous pus jew
It's hilarious how far kikes will go to deny their crimes and failures, isn't it?

Here's a history on how hard the ADL tried to suppress the fact of extensive jewish involvement in communism

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Not all of them. That's a sweeping statement.

I'm what you would call an atheist Jew, but I denounce being Jewish because of my opposition to organised religion in general, and staunch opposition to the illegal occupation of Palestinian land.
ITT: The JIDF gets owned.
Chairman: V. I. Lenin - 1/4 Russian, Tatar, German, Jewish
Commissar of Agriculture: V. P. Milyutin - Russian
Army and Navy: V. A. Ovseyenko, N. V. Krylenko, P. V. Dybenko - Russians
Commerce and Industry: V. P. Nogin - Russian
Education: A. V. Lunacharsky - Ukrainian
Food: I. A. Teodorovich - Polish
Foreign Affairs: L. D. Trotsky - Jewish
Interior: A. I. Rykov - Russian
Justice: G. I. Oppokov - Russian
Labour: A. G. Shlyapnikov - Russian
Nationality Affairs: I. V. Stalin - Georgian
Post and Telegraphs: N. P. Avilov - Russian
Treasury: I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov - Russian
State Property - Karelin V.A., Russian
Local Government: Trutovsky V.E., Russian

>Look at all those jews in charge of the bolshevik government
USS Liberty - Israeli Pilot Speaks Up
>It's hilarious how far kikes will go to deny their crimes and failures, isn't it?

Indeed. At the same time, they like to claim credit for stuff that they believe is going to be seen in a good light.
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It's so annoying how these parasites refuse to fuck off no matter how many times we try. The white race is the only ones who can stop them but cultural marxists are ruining everything.
Was there ever any doubt?

Remember...never get into a debate with the Juden. Simply counter their lies with the truth.

Save all the anti-Jew information in this thread to use it against them again and again when the time comes.
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>that video

I watch it twice a day. When I first wake up and right before I go to bed.
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A precaution to the Merchant Guild. Learn from Pedowood's mistakes and make these threads with a considerable interval to avoid seeming like spam among /pol/. A month in between Merchant Guild information dumps should be efficient.
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>There weren't even six million jews in Europe they said
In addition to almost 7 years as a confessed white nationalist, I have moderated the largest white nationalist forum on the Internet (at over 2 million subscribers) for over a year. You think I don't know jews? In that time I have removed over 400posts for not following rules. In addition to my moderation responsibilities I am one of the most active writers on stormfront.org. You think I don't know jews? Then how do I write articles about them on a site called stormfront? Several mainstream blogs have contacted me to ask about the recent jew phenomenon and each has been thankful and enlightened with what I had to tell them. It's not just limited to blogs though. Several companies have asked me to review their jewish ads to avoid a failure like Toyota's goyim commercial. Just last week a major food company contacted me with a paid offer to help them on a new ad campaign. I declined when I researched the company and saw that they had contributed money to socially conservative groups.

It's safe to say that I am one of the world's foremost experts on jews and in fact there is no one I can think of that has a jew resume as impressive as mine. So please tell me, what are your qualifications to say that I don't know what a jew is?"
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The Juden are a virus. The cure is National Socialism.
>Not all of them. That's a sweeping statement.
No, it's a general statement. General statements still have validity even though they don't have universal application. In particular, this specific general statement is highly relevant since it allows us to see that, yes, there were many Jews in the Bolshevik party upper ranks.

>I'm what you would call an atheist Jew, but I denounce being Jewish because of my opposition to organised religion in general, and staunch opposition to the illegal occupation of Palestinian land.
And yet, here you are, apologizing for Jews. Seems you're not as disinterested as you want to believe. You're only fooling yourself.

You're defending your tribe. I can relate to that. But the deceptions aren't doing you favors.
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>They only executed partisans they said.
Hating Jews, while funny, is propped up by some seriously pathetic "facts". Most of the infographics that get posted over an over are filled with incorrect information and faulty logic. /pol/ should at its heart be committed to intellectual honesty, and lies should never be tolerated.
Is that a list of all the non Jews in the Bolshevik party. That's a nice list, you shitty Jew.
>spam propaganda
>claim victory when the opposition has to go over it all

Yeah, totally not a scumbag here.
>then machine gunned the survivors on life rafts.
Never happened stormfaggot.
>Implying it isn't the bolshevik government.
>thinking anyone here is falling for your dirty jew tactics
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>in fact, there were exactly six million Jews in Europe.
11,000,000...minus the 5,000,000 of russia is 6,000,000 for the whole of europe...

so every last jew in europe was killed?
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>The ovens could only fit a single corpse they said.
>Implying the Nazis didn't invade Russia
Nazi pls
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http://www.davidduke.com/?p=40049 Putin: “80% of First Soviet Government was Jewish”
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>The doors wasn't even gas tight they said.
That's the Bolshevik political leadership you nigger.
Just found my new wallpaper

Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime, The

Jews and Communism - The South African Experience

Lenin's Jewish Roots Displayed In Moscow Museum

Stalin's Jews

Vladimir Lenin Was Part Jewish, Say Declassified KGB Files

Zionism versus Bolshevism
>Posts all the leaders of the first bolshevik government with their ethnicity as well as their role in the government
>No but listen, look at this white supremacists website and see here instead.
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Don't fall for their bullshit, the guise of jewish logic is all propaganda to protect their shitty little inbred tribe. There's a reason they're the most psychopathic population genetically on earth. The samson option should be enough proof of their insanity.
It doesn't allow us to see anything, since there is no factual proof for it. An image of a list of high ranking Bolshevik party members, complete with their religion would allow us to see that, but you don't have that, because it isn't true.

I'm not apologising for Jews. I'm just going against anti-semitism and lies, like I go against homophobia without being gay, and pro-lifers without being a pregnant woman.
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>Ad Hominem
Show us the peer-reviewed article by Birmingham that shows they've "UNCOVERED" graves....

Go ahead... I'll wait... Oh they didn't? They only used ground penetrating radar? That's a LIE then....

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>Send all the invalids to the Auschwitz work camp they said.
stop lying



I'm not implying anything. I'm just asking how many orthodox Christians were in soviet Russia. I'd imagine there were quite a few.
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You're welcome friend.
The bottom right isn't a gas chamber door.

David Cole said so.
It was said by Putin, at a Jewish rally. That was just the first link that showed up.
>It doesn't allow us to see anything, since there is no factual proof for it. An image of a list of high ranking Bolshevik party members, complete with their religion would allow us to see that, but you don't have that, because it isn't true.
There are several posts with information links in the thread which show that the Jewish presence among the Bolsheviks was anything but minor.

As an aside, I can't honestly say that I blame them, given how the Tzar's government had treated Jews in the past, but nonetheless, the reality is what it is.
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>seven million Jews were killed in Auschwitz! Believe this or be an antisemitc holocaust denier!
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OH.... Oops... Did I break your argument?
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>The red cross said the holocaust never happened they said.
Deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.
conclude - deduce - gather - imply - induce
Two of your sources conflict, saying he was involved in South American affairs whilst he was apparently in Russia?
Refer to this, please

You were saying?
>hypocrite much?
So little nazi boy.

How many kikes did the nazis estimate lived in Ukraine?

Right, and who controlled Ukraine from 1941-1944?
implying he cant goto one place and then another in the same lifetime.......no one has ever travelled from south america to russia, ever!
1.) I'm not that anon.
2.) There's a massive difference between cooked, prepared infographics and raw archival documents.
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>They only shot partisans they said
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Just look at how much space there is!
>also semantics between 'oven' and 'muffle'
There is no information in that source listing that he was in Russia on behalf of the American military.

That is a full record of his activity in the military, and it says he was NOT in Russia.
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Which they opened 3-5 minutes after gassing according to this confession....
I do love how they stopped posting those photoshop images after the Guild debunked those a week ago.
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Quote Mining....
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>There are no traces of Zyklon B in the gas chambers they said.

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