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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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Let us take a closer look at the Trayvon Martin cell phone pictures and texts that were released today.

I haven't looked at it all yet. Article has links:

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Looks like some codeine DRANK.

Same thing he was talking about on Facebook, and getting ingredients for the night he was shot.
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Any drugfags know what this is about?
>>14613627 (OP)

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This was also on his cell
Could be liquid methadone.
Loads of people take pictures of their drinks and food. Twitter is full of that shit. I read there are pictures that were extracted from his phone showing cannabis plants - that's something to go on.
>>14613627 (OP)
delete this thread you filthy racist
He's a real OG. That's why he got shot by the neighborhood watch.
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What kind of gun is this anyhow?
.40 calibre Smith & Wesson according to reports.
yet people seriously still think he was a good boy who didn do nuffin

What is racist about it?
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He din do nuffin
Looks like an S&W Sigma.
its the Smith & Wesson ripoff of a Glock

Looks like a sigma, a shitty glock copy.
I say this just about every thread. He was high as shit that night. I used to go out and get arizonas when I was high too back when I smoked
Who still even cares about this? Zimmerman is dead if he's found guilty or not.
/r/ing the picture where trayvon's body is being removed from the crime scene in the wheelbarrow. I know one of you have it.

Just someone being dumb with smoke, probably amazed that it stays in the glass.
facts are racist.
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you mean this one?

looks like a bag of skittles
Same with the "youth" who shot that woman's baby in the face. They were blaming the mother.
>not caring about an innocent man being put to jail or killed by vigilantes deliberately misled by the MSM...
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>I aint do ntn...call me

lol niggers
I pity the assholes who bought this nigger's skunk weed.
>Circuit Judge Debra Nelson allowed the defense to investigate Martin’s personal life and phone records, ruling the information could be relevant if it showed the teenager had a propensity for violence.

I'm guessing this counts >>14614114

>trigger discipline
Smith and Wesson sw40ve better known has a Sigma, it is a Glock clone with a shit trigger
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The only thing he did wrong was be black...all this other stuff...uh....it's not his fault cuz black people are poor and uneducated cuz of the white people, so nothing is his fault and every bad thing he did is not his fault. All white people's fault.
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does this picture exist?

I did hear there were also pictures released recently of the crime scene.
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>>14613627 (OP)
Tell me I'm wrong, democrats. No, that's right. Sit in the corner and think about what you have done.
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>those comments on the article
why would he be dead. he's a hero. travyon was a druggie that was going around stealing shit in his neighborhood
need to shoop in some skittles/tea and have one of them in the background shouting about how he din' do nuffin.
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thank you! That's the one I was looking for.

it does exist, see:

Nigger discipline.
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>tfw a violent nigger is on your back
Never said i didn't care about him getting killed when he gets let off.

/pol/ should organize a security contracting group to protect Zimmerman.
Now watch all of these be used in the trail as well as the texts that show Trayvon even trying to trade some firearms to a friend "You want a 22 revolver"

Long story short, how much of a "thug" Trayvon was will be the whole damage towards his defense and we will laugh as the liberals try to fix the damage control.
Zimmerman will be innocent. Hundreds of "he didn do nuthin" riots will come about and the race war will begin.

Let it happen /pol/!
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>that gif

God damn it America, what the fuck is wrong with your niggers

also there are texts talking about fighting. Trayvon is fucked..or wait..he's dead. His supporters are fucked.
That mattress. WTF?
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>Propensity for violence
>Picture of a gun his mom bought and doesn't let him hold onto

So what does riding a horse with a reeses shirt mean?

Maybe it was all a plan to become a real american cowboy?
Looks like Dextromethorphan or Diphenhydramine.
It says 9mm right on the gun. Seriously...
Not just democrats.. All lefties see the world that way.

We let them go
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>experienced chimp handler
I read it here;

Before I saw the pictures.

I don't get it. What do those "actual" photos show other than some kid who scowls?
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>import apes
>tell them to hate their masters
>free them
>tell them everything isn't their fault
>give them priority in everything
>free money
>wonder why they nig

can't hate a nigga for that, I'm about as close as you get to being a benadryl junkie without actually *being* a benadryl junkie. (I use it for sleep, not for lols though).

Report did say .40, in his defense, but yeah, it's a S&W or a knockoff, and clearly a 9mm.

Kid had skillz.

I agree, stay strong, we'll get these RACIST WEENIES shut down yet! Thread OVER, racism on 4chan is NOT ok!
It's a difference between a full grown chimp and a baby one learning to walk.

obama pls go
Nah. Stop trying to act like you know what you're talking about.
this gun goes like BRRRRRRRRTTTTT!

That is a hilarious photo
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fuck i hope so, i need muh HAPPENING fix its been like 3 days since the last one!
inb4 the weenie shitposter starts bombarding the thread.
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>tfw Zimmerman is acquitted
>tfw I can become a neighborhood watchman
>tfw I can stalk and bate any nigger into attacking me
>tfw I can put down a chimp in the street and be acquitted in court under self-defense

ah yiss
Niggers gonna nig!

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