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It's funny to me that its mostly NRA redneck types who whine about needing guns for protection, since they THEMSELVES are the ones that we really need protection against.

That's why we should have guns be illegal, so first of all the redneck gun nuts wont be able to kill gay people and unarmed black kids, but also so they dont try to rebel against the government. Until they get taken out by drones, that is! Hahaha So I guess you could say its for your own protection that you shouldnt be allowed to have guns.

If there was a legitimate reason to have a gun for protection, a one shot gun should be the maximum. If you need to shoot more than one person in your home, them the people coming into your house are probably police anyhow and you shouldnt have a gun in the first place.

It's common sense that nobody needs fully automatic assault weapons for protection or for hunting. The kind of firepower would blow a deer apart and if you think you need a machine gun to defend your house then you need to seek help.

Everyone knows that you gun nuts are crazy and have no reasonable argument, but that the NRA stuffs money into republican pockets to make sure the gun companies can keep making money off of the death of the innocent. Why the hell do you NRA gun suckers get off on keeping the country full of death machines? Are you that scared of black people? Or are you just trying to prove that you are a man, and have no other way to do it?

See ya later, compensators. I hope your buddies mistake you for a deer when youre out killing for fun.
>>15655508 (OP)
>It's funny to me that its mostly NRA redneck types
>NRA redneck types

Stopped reading there. Yu couldn't do 1 sentence without insulting someone with a different opinion than you.

Fuck off bigot.
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>gun owning rednecks
>gun crime

Pick one.


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