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ITT we discuss the artificial inflation of the necessity for a college education and the detrimental effect it is having on America

>You need to go to college to get a good job
Nobody is ever encouraged to start their own business, for which no schooling is inherently required.

Fishy, no?
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This is all the fault of having opened the whole "everybody is equal as long as they work hard" bullshit. Fact is NO. Some people are more intelligent than others and only a very small section of the population should actually be college educated. If we had a system like in Europe or anywhere else in the world where admission was competitive and based on entrance exams and only grades we wouldn't be having the clusterfuck we are now.

Disclaimer: I went to a private liberal arts school. But guess what, that's because my parents could pay full tuition every fucking semester. The number of poorfags I met who were graduating every years with 200k in loans with shitty degrees was fucking sad. Because face it, even with the school's name on their resume they were still FUCKED. ProTip: Next time go to public school.

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