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File: 1372032380093.jpg-(20 KB, 491x600, german-soldier-wwii3.jpg)
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I have seen this picture many times but I always wondered what the backstory behind it was anyone care to fill me in?
analyzing the picture....

the soldier appears to be german by his and the other person in the background's helmet. He has something wrapping his ears, so i imagine it's bitterly cold. it looks like he's carrying a lot of shit and his demeanor isnt too happy. so i guess it shows the hardship of war with russia i think
Thats my Uncle,His unit was the 1st Reiter Rgt Insterburg from East Prussia.
In June 1942 his unit was part of the campaign against the Don and Stalingrad and conquered in July the city of Woronesh and went on via kalatsch to Stalingrad, On 14th of september they arrived at the Wolga river after heavy fights with the 244th rifle division, the 10th Rifle brigade and the 6th tank brigade. From there they attacked the Southern station, which they conquered on sept. 15th after heavy fighting
>>15962647 (OP)



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