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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

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How long before China rules the world?

>Send man into space - check
>Built one of the best infrastructures in the world - check
>On track to become the largest economy in the world by 2025 - check
>Building large navy - check
>Catching up rapidly in everything from semiconductor manufacturing to R&D

why aren't you learning Mandarin?
>>14252923 (OP)

>clear skies


shanghai actually has clear skies. Its much better than beijing. I don't know whats going on with beijing, there is not enough wind or something, maybe its the coal region and bad wind.
>>14252923 (OP)
>How long before China rules the world?

Economically: very soon

Militarily: will mainly be used to defend their economic interests. no point going to war with someone who buys all the crap you make.
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>Building massive cities that are ghosttowns - CHECK
>Housing Bubble so gigantic that it isn't even comparable to the 2008 Bubble - CHECK.
Just watch the most recent Vice episode about it. They will explode once they stop building and the happening will be glorious.
>mfw China in a decade
Maybe it's because they're the largest consumer of coal in the world by like a fucking mile?
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>>14252923 (OP)
>building navy
Yeah, gonna go ahead and dismiss this thread. Obviously OP doesn't understand what it takes to build a competing navy, or he is bending facts to fit his opinions.
Its anthropogenic pollution mixed with dust from the gobi desert,
Some of the highest aerosol PM reading in the world.
can china kill some mudslimes pl0x.
you guys can do it!
we are weak and fear being seen as a meany has crippled us. plese china they are eating us.
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I'll start learning Mandarin after I finish learning Japanese.
>>14252923 (OP)
Environmental scientist here.
India & China.
What they gain economically they will have to plunge back into spending due to the enormous environmental problems both countries face. Problems far far far larger than the USA's or EU's.

Environmental correction works like a Richter scale. Its doesnt go up by a factor of one but a compounded figure each step say a ratio of 10:1.

Where EU and USA, Australia, NZ, Japan, Canada have maintained their environments, commons and resources over a long period of time thus reducing expenditure on their maintenance, India and China will be stuck with huge remediation bills at some point in future than could cost 100s of times what they should have.
Air, water, soil quality in both countries is appalling.
It will take a huge amount of money spent to maintain a sustainable conditions for life in both countries.

So dont count your chickens yet.
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TIL By 2017, 7 of the 10 tallest buildings in the world will be in China. The 7 buildings are all currently under construction.

This is not including the Sky City which will be taller than the Burj and will be completed in 7 months
Because china is far worse off than America

>Chinese government spending makes the U.S. spending look small, and most of their spending is on useless shit.
>Government building ghost CITIES that nobody lives in
>Pollution can probably kill you, make the average 'dirty' American city look clean by comparison.
>Housing bubble is bubble.
>No regulations on production, everything that isn't shipped to America will be made with the cheapest materials possible. Including sewage as cooking oils, trash as pillows and sanitary pads.
>Rivers are constantly polluted by MASSES of waste so heavy that rivers regularly change colors.
>Laws for civilians are completely fucked up, they pretty much all force the Chinese to not care about those around them, because doing so can get you stuck with THEIR medical bills.
>Agriculture is dieing in the country, which is a bad thing when your population is exploding like theirs is.

Yeah, china is fucked.
The only thing they have ever had going for them is their masses of people.
>enormous environmental problems

>implying the chinese won't be living in sky cities and breathing filtered air



One Building, One City: World's tallest prefab, Sky City, is breaking ground in June

The Sky City concept significantly reduces the per capita use of land, and the CO2 emissions generated getting around. They call it "a way of development for higher life quality and lower impact on the environment" They see this as the future of Chinese city building: "Urbanization can not be materialized at the cost of land and environmental pollution."

By going up, hundreds of acres of land are saved from being turned into roads and parking lots. By using elevators instead of cars to get to schools, businesses and recreational facilities, thousands of cars are taken off the roads and thousands of hours of commuting time are saved. It makes sense; vertical distances between people are a whole lot shorter than the horizontal, and elevators are about the most energy efficient moving devices made. A resident of Sky City is using 1/100th the average land per person.
All that population.
All those services and category works to be supplied.
All that sewage to deal with.

China this century will not surprise us with military or economic achievements- it will be HOW they deal with population and anthropogenic waste that will be the true test of whether they will be an empire or a nail in the coffin of humanity.
If they fuck it up it will have an effect on all our futures.
CIDF pls go
Nobody cares about your tower, your entire failing country cannot be supported by your tower.
>not Google
Prepare yourself.
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>implying the piss poor chinese farmers and shoe-makers will have the money for that
>implying they won't die of famine and pollution once the happening happens
China is already the top tier nation in the world.

All the idiots arguing


are fucking idiots and don't understand what the Chinese government is really doing.
You should learn Mandarin too though.
Yes I read about Sky city last year. Its an interesting concept. They still run into the problem however of a) each resident still makes the same amount of waste- trash, sewage etc. b) Social impact of such living, if an economically sustainable lifestyle meaning capital growth on investment isnt maintained in such structure they could become giant ghettos.
and c) medical concerns- Vitamin D deficiency, etc.

But granted this is the future of the human race.
Pretty much. Not to mention they treat most of their population like shit and are constantly at odds with India.
Also you do realize that the technologies we were using in the 1940's were far more environmentally destructive than the modern technologies that the chinese are using today right? Like coal refinement and gasification!

The chinese aren't suffering from acid rain where peoples skin literally melt like during the industrial revolution

You do realize that Hiroshima was habitable after 30 years right?

The chinese will destroy the environment in exchange for being the #1 country in the world but the environment it will recover in 30 years, the environment is a renewable resource. And at the end of the 30 years China will still be #1 and have a good environment.

No great country has every gotten anywhere without destroying its environment, great britain, United States, Germany, Japan all destroyed their environments during their industrial revolutions. 50 years later Germany and Japan are still the most powerful and have cleaner environments than the countries that didn't pollute
>all of the moderately wealthy people living in sky cities
>all of the poor people stuck on the ground with pollution, radioactivity, crime, and death
Why can't I hold all this dystopia?
>Implying both of those are not problems
>Implying they do not have hundreds of other major problems

>are fucking idiots and don't understand what the Chinese government is really doing.
Building useless cities at a rate that cannot be supported by their country?
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>Nobody cares about your tower, your entire failing country cannot be supported by your tower.

Comfort of Skycity
• 100% fresh air, no mixed with return air, eliminate infection. 3-stage filtered fresh air , 99% nano-particulates be filtered. Indoor air is 20-100 times cleaner than outdoor air. Central vacuuming system keeps indoor air quality.
• Space blocks and all rooms remain at 20~27 ℃ all year round, glass wall enable
sunshine lighting up the streets.
• The clear height of residences and office is 2.8m, the clear height of space blocks are 5.6m, 9m, 12m respectively.
• Four 4meter wide streets start from the ground to the floor 121 at 400m, the total length of street is 12km, shops, agriculture markets, handcraft shops, restaurants, amusement parks, sports centers, natatorium, cinemas, opera houses, museums, libraries, training centers, schools, kindergartens, clinics, banks, police stations, etc. on both sides of street, same as city downtown. Botanical garden, natural parks, fishponds, waterfalls, sand beach can be found in some floors, same as the suburban.
• 16 large observation elevators and 31 high-speed elevators can serve 30,000 people every hour.

• Level 9 earthquake resistance, scale model will be tested by national authorized institution.
• BROAD unique technologies “diagonal bracing, light weight, factory-made” ensure the
highest earthquake resistance level with minimum materials.
• Trapezoidal construction structure corresponds the law of mechanics, which can withstand earthquake and storm.
• Sky gardens locate on floor 71, 121, 156, 176 and 191(12,000m2 in total), also function as the helipads, which are able to evacuate tens of thousand people during fire emergency, provide extra fire protection than conventional skyscrapers.

Energy Conservation
• 150mm exterior insulated walls, triple-paned windows, exterior solar shading, interior window insulation and heat recovery fresh air, 80% more energy efficient than conventional buildings.
• Adopting “distributed energy system”, turbines provide power independently, exhaust from turbines is the source for cooling, heating and sanitary hot water. 50% more energy efficient than the power grid.
• Indoor HVAC is controlled by occupancy sensor, fan speed will be automatically adjusted to the lowest load when people left.
• Elevator generates electricity when ascending unload and descending full load, also choose the floor outside the elevator, and other electricity saving methods can save 75% more electricity than conventional elevator.
• LED lamp, 90% more energy efficient than incandescent lamp and 50% more energy efficient than fluorescent lamp.
• Separated drainage system, rain water is used for plant irrigation, bathing water will be directly drained after settled, bathroom sewage and kitchen waste go to biogas tank, biogas is used as fuel for air conditioning, and solid wastes become organic fertilizers.

• Annual energy conservation 60,000 ton oil equivalent
• Saving 600,000 ton construction materials
• Saving 1.4 sq. kilometers land (volume ratio 50)
• On-site construction waste is less than 1% of the total weight
• Zero raise dust on-site
• Zero water consumption on-site
• Recycle processes of living garbage from the building
• All steel structure, reuse after abandoned
You know, I was initially joking about you being CIDF
But this shit is just obvious now.

Your city cannot support your failing country, no matter how shiny it is.
so... how do you type mandarin?
He's typing Japanese dude.
>What are extinction level cascade events?
>What is a unique ecosystem matrix?
>What is stating obvious points?

>And at the end of the 30 years China will still be #1 and have a good environment.
More to the point what are your sources?
I spend most of my days reading Scientific journals and they are all saying the exact opposite of what you just claimed.
Sources now.
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>Built one of the best infrastructures in the world - check
Yeah? Like their deathtrap bullet train that they just buried, bodies and all, to keep it hush-hush after it derailed shortly after opening?
That is Japanese.
And the same way you type that.
Sky City1, the first giant leap towards the Great Mega Cities
>all of the poor people stuck on the ground with pollution, radioactivity, crime, and death

>The building is to cost $628 million and have 11 million square feet of space inside, which is about $60 per square foot. A 1000 square foot apartment would cost the developer about $60,000 and might sell for about $100,000.

$60 per square foot, any chinese working minimum wage for a couple of months will be able to afford a livable apartment. Sky City will provide affordable housing to every chinese, filtered air, their entire lives will be in sky city no need for cars or trains, they will go to work and live inside the sky city.

It is farr easier to provide electricity and water to a single building than to drag electric lines and plumbing miles underground jsut to connect a few houses in the countryside.
Phonetically I think. That's how you do it in nihongo.
so what do I have to do as a white guy to live there
got to

>germany and japan

then disregarded all of your post
>they will go to work and live inside the sky city.

I just can't wait to see this fall on its ass. Good luck, China men.
>any chinese working minimum wage for a couple of months
>minimum wage

I'm going to let you think about what you just said for a second.
We willing to live in a country that is going to self destruct long before the U.S. does.
>Learn Chinese
>Get University Degree
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>Catching up rapidly in everything from semiconductor manufacturing to R&D

>>14252923 (OP)
And what happens when they die because they only have male babies.

a) each resident still makes the same amount of waste- trash, sewage etc.
b) Social impact of such living, if an economically sustainable lifestyle meaning capital growth on investment isnt maintained in such structure they could become giant ghettos.
c) medical concerns- Vitamin D deficiency, etc.

All the specifications still dont confront the points I raised.
There are problems to this project.
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China has developed technology to 3D print electronic circuits on paper!


Printing Electronics Just Got Easier
A new technique developed by researchers in China allows easier printing of electronic components onto paper.
Giant ghetto sounds cool. I totally go for that look.
I think he was just bewildered by my image.
>implying the whole thing wasn't just a marketing ploy
>implying it will ever be built
>implying if it did manage to get built it wouldn't just fall apart like everything in China does

Come the fuck on. I used to believe in China until I actually lived there. They won't be on level of civilized humans for another century.
I bet your black or a flip.
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>each resident still makes the same amount of waste- trash, sewage etc.

All sewage is recycled without billions of pipes running through the ground to make something similar to the NYC sewage system

>Separated drainage system, rain water is used for plant irrigation, bathing water will be directly drained after settled, bathroom sewage and kitchen waste go to biogas tank, biogas is used as fuel for air conditioning, and solid wastes become organic fertilizers.

>Social impact of such living, if an economically sustainable lifestyle meaning capital growth on investment isnt maintained in such structure they could become giant ghettos.

Food costs will plummet since a lot of farmland will be freed up so everyone will have enough to eat. Cheap electronics for everyone because China, living costs near non existent due to dirt cheap real estate.

>medical concerns- Vitamin D deficiency, etc.
Take a centrum derp,
I just appreciate rotting, poorly cared for infrastructure.
China is the most technologically advanced country in the world. Economic prosperity and technological dominance go hand in hand. There is no country in the world that is technologically dominant and is considered poor.


Zhejiang University team creates world's lightest material

Chinese scientists say they have developed the world's lightest material, which they expect to play an important role in tackling pollution.

With a density of just 0.16 milligrams per cubic centimeter, a sixth that of air, graphene aerogel - which is also known as carbon aerogel - has been developed by Professor Gao Chao from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou.

He said the most significant qualities of the new material are its ease of manufacture, and its strong oil-absorption.

The material is derived from a gel, with the liquid component replaced by a gas. It appears in solid state with extremely low density.
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Nigga they are gonna pollute themselves out of their own country. With their inferior lungs and malnutrition-ed bodies the glorious Democratic People's Republic of Korea can finally take over East-Asia
its like the dust bowl in the U.S. china lived for thousands of years without technology until now so its fucking up their air.
>>14252923 (OP)
>China is catching up to the U.S. circa 1960's this means they'll rule the world any day now!

Yeah, no. We're still the world largest producer by far, and our industrial output is increasing dramatically. We're literally decades ahead of them technologically, and theft doesn't truely allow them to catch up as we're the ones actually innovating and creating new technologies, and their entire navy could be taken our by one of our naval battlegroups.
China just surpassed the US in semiconductor manufacturing—and the trend is likely to accelerate

For the first time since the depths of the Great Recession, the the total value of materials consumed by all the world’s makers of microchips was down—2%, to $47.11 billion. But that’s just one of the stories told by data from the annual tabulation of the total value of materials consumed by all the world’s makers of microchips, compiled by industry association SEMI.

Assembling data from SEMI’s last four annual reports—which together cover the past 5 years, a number of trends are apparent.

China is now a bigger consumer of the raw materials used for making microchips than North America is.

This is a huge change from 2008, when China consumed only $3.57 billion of silicon ingots and the other materials used for semiconductor manufacture, compared to $4.99 billion consumed by North America. This means that the number and productivity of plants for making microchips—which are high-investment, high-tech, finished product type manufacturing operations requiring a high level of expertise—are expanding in China even as they decline in North America. Compared to 2008, consumption of semiconductor materials in North America is down $250 million to $4.74 billion, while in China consumption has shot up 42% to $5.07 billion.

The decline of the PC is probably to blame for the overall drop in consumption of microchip materials in 2012.

Production of microchips in Japan is declining rapidly.

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>those pedals

I wonder what they're for.
can't tell if retarded or trolling.

>farmland freed up
No one in China lives on arable land to begin with, as it's a scarce resource. Furthmore, Chinese cities are already sufficiently dense compare to the west. Nothing is getting >freed up
>vtiamin d
Needs sunlight to work shithead. That's the point being raised here.
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Does China have a stealth drone?
>Needs sunlight to work shithead

Well, shit.
>China is the most technologically advanced country in the world.
Yes, just pretend that Japan doesn´t exsisit.
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oh man id be down if it was japan or something but fuck im not learning their shitty ass moonspeak
>No one in China lives on arable land to begin with, as it's a scarce resource. Furthmore, Chinese cities are already sufficiently dense compare to the west. Nothing is getting >freed up

Nope most of the chinese cities are actually built on farmland, modern day chinese cities are the same ones that were there in the 1600's were people settled on arable land to farm and eventually they became cities

>Needs sunlight to work shithead. That's the point being raised here.

cool story bro

you can get it from food dumbass google vitamin d pills
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From the first link
> But most vitamin D – 80% to 90% of what the body gets – is obtained through exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D can also be made in the laboratory as medicine.

Gook pls
>Sewage is recycled without billions of pipes.
Either you have holding tanks with chemical or bacterial breakdown which take time and produce odour or you use technological methods for accelerated breakdown which consumes huge amounts of power.

Pipes are run with sewage for a reason. No one wants to live next to it. Its also dangerous to.
There is no magical treatment for sewage like a magic wand that makes it go away ANYWHERE ON EARTH.

These biogas tanks. There will be fields and fields and fields 100s of hectares of them. Forget farmland, you obviously dont realise how much waste the average person makes. The view from this tower will be one of tanks and pipes, all of which take time to break down contents into carbon and methane.

Im sorry but you don't understand Land economics.

Also vitamin D doesnt work like that. Enjoy your chronic depression.
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I am learning Mandarin, actually. I want to be able to negotiate the terms of surrender for the US before China ravages our buttholes.
>technologically advanced

You best be trolling nigger, China's the world leader in Quantum computing


China has initiated to launch a satellite for quantum information and technology experiments in 2016, a leading quantum physicist said here Thursday.

Prof. Pan Jianwei said, "We hope to establish a quantum communication network from Beijing to Vienna."


First Demonstration of A Quantum Router
Chinese physicists unveil a router that uses a quantum control signal to determine the path of a quantum data signal


Is this a record for a quantum computer? A group of physicists in China have used a process called adiabatic computing to find the prime factors of the number 143, beating the previous record for a quantum computer of 21.
china logic:
>have billions of people in population
>have jobs that pay less than dirt with no safety regulations
>build a shitload of cities and buildings hoping all the poor people will put themselves into debt to buy them all
>build biggest mall in the world hoping all their poor people will go into debt to buy all their crappy shit
>nothing they've envisioned have come true and end up with ghost cities and ghost mall.
>fuck it, build tallest skyscrapers to help economy and look awesome
>start building military based off stolen intellectual properties from biggest trade partner
>oh nah nigga, we invented this shit ourselves, it just looks similar.
>all these poor people will die for us when the economy fails in 2016
>feeling relevant in world after decades of falling behind.
How would you get the required sunlight if you live in a northern climate?
You are just a ill informed kid, probably a liberal Urban planning or Architecture student.
You are seriously ill informed.

Go learn about soil remediation. All of China's populated areas have soil as polluted as Gas station sites in the West.
>derp derp

Don't you feel stupid now?

>Vitamin D Sources and Function
Vitamin D is both a nutrient we eat and a hormone our bodies make. Few foods are naturally rich in vitamin D, so the biggest dietary sources of vitamin D are fortified foods and vitamin supplements. Good sources include dairy products and breakfast cereals (both of which are fortified with vitamin D), and fatty fish such as salmon and tuna.

>For most people, the best way to get enough vitamin D is taking a supplement, but the level in most multivitamins (400 IU) is too low. Encouragingly, some manufacturers have begun adding 800 or 1,000 IU of vitamin D to their standard multivitamin preparations. If the multivitamin you take does not have 1,000 IU of vitamin D, you may want to consider adding a separate vitamin D supplement, especially if you don’t spend much time in the sun. Talk to your healthcare provider.
>You best be trolling nigger, China's the world leader in Quantum computing

No Australia is. They invented the Quantum bit.
Nice try Gook.
We keep funneling billions into our severely bloated military, and giving out subsidies to corporations that pay essentially nothing back in taxes by abusing loopholes.

China is using that money and investing it all in infrastructure.

China is developing internet that is 4x faster on average.

We're pissing our money away paying twice as much for telecoms and their artificial data caps thanks to a government enforced oligopoly.

We spend billions on maintaining the largest naval fleet in the world.

China develops "carrier killer" missiles at a fraction of the cost, rendering our entire fleet useless.

We're pissing around debating trivial bullshit social issues while China is building high speed commercial railways.

If we keep on this path we won't be the world's greatest superpower for much longer. We will, however, house the world's most wealthiest elite.
Yet they still crap in the streets, smoke indoors in every office and gym, and scrape cooking oil out of the sewers to make an extra buck.

China is in the 19th century. Wait until capital flight really picks up--- you're already fucking screwed.
Sun boxes, light box therapy is used in Nordic countries.
Otherwise they stick to vodka to make them happy.
oh my god.

i've never encountered a level of retardation this extreme
>>14252923 (OP)
You know they've lied about their apparent high IQ's correct?

Not to mention even having a high IQ doesn't designate you're intelligent. In fact, the majority of China is uninhabited to the west, with small Islamic towns/villages leaking from Pakistan for example.

Hell, China has pretty high illiteracy rates considering the majority of their population is almost the equivalent of a nigger bumpkin in the woods. Everything else that 'sustains' their economy is the shit third world quality junk they chuck out into the US which no one outside of dumb beaners/niggers purchase their knock off toys, plates, foods and video game clones.

Their navy will never compare to Western Nations, and if you think that just because they're rapidly 'catching up' with R&D and simplistic semiconductor manufacturing at such a rate WITH quality you'd have to be smoking something, they're clearling sacrificing quality for quantity, which is essentially their entire impoverished country in a nutshell.

They'll never get far for they'll never understand the priciples of quality over quantity. Look at their population, the majority of them are illiterate and poor as shit, and the very few within cities live like rats in a cupboard.

I think you need to learn more about other countries outside of the shit you read in shitty American magazines/shit online articles.

China is only surviving due to the US, if we cut off trade with them, we'd be better off and they'd be doomed. We're the only country gullible enough to by their cheap lackluster wares. Not to mention the Chinese shit and piss in their streets in plain sight, even on their so called locomotive trains.

Economically they will fail, I suspect it to be very soon, they can't hold this facade much longer, their own kind have been caught cheating and getting far in life by means of handouts of western nations just for being chinks to begin with.

High Voltage Transmission. China has deployed the world's first Ultra High Voltage AC and DC lines -- including one capable of delivering 6.4 gigawatts to Shanghai from a hydroelectric plant nearly 1300 miles away in southwestern China. These lines are more efficient and carry much more power over longer distances than those in the United States.
• High-Speed Rail. In the span of six years, China has gone from importing this technology to exporting it, with the world's fastest train and the world's largest high-speed rail network, which will become larger than the rest of the world combined by the end of the decade. Some short distance plane routes have already been cancelled, and train travel from Beijing to Shanghai (roughly equivalent to New York to Chicago) has been cut from 11 hours to 4 hours.
• Advanced Coal Technologies. China is rapidly deploying supercritical and ultra-supercritical coal combustion plants, which have fewer emissions and are more efficient than conventional coal plants because they burn coal at much higher temperatures and pressures. Last month, Secretary Chu toured an ultra-supercritical plant in Shanghai which claims to be 45 to 48 percent efficient. The most efficient U.S. plants are about 40 percent efficient. China is also moving quickly to design and deploy technologies for Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) plants as well as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
• Nuclear Power. China has more than 30 nuclear power plants under construction, more than any other country in the world, and is actively researching fourth generation nuclear power technologies.
Is this true? Do the Chinese urinate so freely?
That was a long time ago kid, Come back when Australia has a working quantum computer that is smashing world records for finding prime factorizations.

Australia isn't even a competitor in the Quantum computing race. China has almost every Quantum record


>The method is a bit mind-bending, but still more impressive is the output: 300 megabits per second of random data, blowing a 100-megabit record set by American scientists using a different method earlier this month clean out of the water. Which means the U.S. will now have to top the Chinese to stay ahead in the encryption game, setting up a competitive back-and-forth that should make true Cold Warriors wistful for the good old days.


Chinese Physicists Smash Quantum Teleportation Record
carrier killers can be beat. china has fucking nothing on our military industrial complex and darpa. china cant even invent their own shit, they gotta steal our own or buy IPs from dumb ass greedy bastards.
Kids up to five years old wear pants with slits in the back so they can shit wherever they're at-- and they're parents don't even pick it up.... they just leave it on the sidewalk
>China is only surviving due to the US, if we cut off trade with them, we'd be better off and they'd be doomed.

Lol, no we wouldn't. It would be economically devastating to both of us. It's a symbiotic relationship.
>>14252923 (OP)
>why aren't you learning Mandarin?

A. China's current economic model is completely unsustainable
B. They're co-dependent upon the US economy which is heading for another great depression - only this time one with some 16 trillion more dollars in debt at the start.
C. They historically have been one of the most incompetent nations militarily when fighting Western powers
D. Their air force and infantry forces are a joke with the latter being so over-hyped because of imaginary numbers it isn't funny.
And E. While their navy is large it has absolutely no ability to move across oceans. It is purely made up of river based craft because China is cut in half by multiple rivers and if they can't control them they couldn't stop an invasion by fucking Mexico.

China is a paper tiger, a child who likes to pretend he has a voice alongside the adults of the world.
Yes its true.
I lived in Beijing for a year.
I cant attest its 100% correct.
Ive seen guys pissing in elevators, in airports just right there on the floor with a toilet only 100 meters away, and in streets everywhere.

Shanghai isnt as bad, but still when you have a place like Cambodia where they dont shit in their streets in the capital yet China you will see a guy squatting taking a steaming dump on the pavement in the middle of the day it makes you fucking wonder!

>dump derpmericans still think that america #1 when China has not only caught up to but has been stomping them technologically for the past 3 years and China is still not developed yet
>dump derpmericans still think that america #1 when China has not only caught up to but has been stomping them technologically for the past 3 years and China is still not developed yet

China is a fucking joke. Their technology isn't a fraction of the US' and the few areas they're close in is because the fucking kikes sold them US weapons which they copied and mass produced.
In the region South Korea's military is far more dangerous than China's.
It also has the USA at its back.
>china cant even invent their own shit, they gotta steal our own or buy IPs from dumb ass greedy bastards

Just because chinese hackers regularly HACK THE CRAP out of american companies and govt doesn't mean that they are stealing your worthless shit. They simply do it because they can.

American PHD's in computer science can't even beat a 18 year old chinese boy in NSA hacking competition!


China embarrasses US in NSA hacking contest

But the winner of the algorithm competition was an 18-year-old student from China, Bin Jin, who went by the handle “crazyb0y”. Chinese programmers have a history of doing very well in this contest.
A country like Scotland is far more inventive and innovative per capita than China.
I'm sorry son, you lose.

even the kikes don't have the quantum technologies that china is busting out, but keep hating

Scotland can't even send its own satellites into space, true story
>>14252923 (OP)
As soon as we can't replace what we destroy in war.
>Lol, no we wouldn't. It would be economically devastating to both of us. It's a symbiotic relationship.

You clearly have no faith within the US, neither would I. But we can live without trading with China. Like how the US would be better off closing immigration of those who hail from third world countries. Admission should be those of ethnically European descent and we wouldn't see so much bullshit occuring within our homelands, whether it be Canada, the US or Europe.

China is a sinking ship, they're rushing to reach first world status like a bunch of drones honestly, they're pretty much putting on a facade to the rest of the world, just like North Korea and South Korea. We'd be better off leaving S. Korea to the dogs, they're a shit lapdog to begin with and still hold communist views, it's embedded within their society and we'd be better off without Korean Immigrants coming to the US or Canada and taking over entire communities and kicking you out of their stores for being white or non-Korean. Yet a white man can't do that without being called racist. The US, Canada, and Europe would be better off closing off the boarders and fixing the problems within before trying to play world police.

Yes it's true, they're disgusting, no better then the mud chinks that live below them. They're all a bunch of short round pig faced chimps, not to mention just as brown as their SE counterparts. It's disgusting.
Southern shite please leave
Great, please explain how the ability to take down the Government's website will stop China from getting fucked up the ass by a nuclear barrage they can't retaliate, or how it'll help their terribly outmatched airforce/navy keep uncle sam from starving them to death, or even how it'll teach their uneducated peasant masses how to fight like proper infantry and not just charge MG positions and get cut down like sheep.

Better yet, why don't you come up for an answer as to being better at hacking will improve their economy when they're dead in the water the moment the US has the slightest hiccup in their's.
china invented the best fucking firewall in the world, of course they're gonna have some tech savey fucking twerps
they still can't afford proper R&D to compete militarily with russia or the U.S.
>>14252923 (OP)
>>Built one of the best infrastructures in the world - check
Deadly chemicals literally bubbling out from under streets due to horrible infrastructure and non-existent pollution laws - check
Forced to issue gas masks due to unbreathable air months - check
Several cities now having permanent toxic death clouds and haven't seen sunlight in years - check
>China is a sinking ship, they're rushing to reach first world status like a bunch of drones honestly, they're pretty much putting on a facade to the rest of the world,

Keep living in denial bro


China has overtaken America again. Its patent office received more applications than any other country’s in 2011. (The numbers were released in December.) But look closer, and the picture is murkier.

In America and Europe, roughly half of patent applications are lodged by foreigners. This used to be true in China, but in the past few years filings by locals have surged to three-quarters of the total (see chart 1). Is this because China has suddenly become more innovative? Or is it because government incentives have prompted people to file lots of iffy patent applications, which the local patent office has a tendency to approve?

>Great, please explain how the ability to take down the Government's website will stop China from getting fucked

Americans Press button to fire nuke, nothing happens

China counter retaliates and nukes the USA to kingdom come

World peace is achieved, other countries side with China since China fought back in self defense


U.S. Military Drones Infected With Mysterious Computer Virus


China May Have Hacked U.S. Satellites
its funny how americans are in denial, hows that slowly collapsing society due to multiculturalism going for you?

China has always been strong but its only fault was collapsing when the European powers are at their prime
We spend the most, but our budget isn't efficient at all. Instead of spending more money on R&D or NASA we're pissing it away on thousands more M1 Abrams that the Pentagon says it doesn't need, and the disastrous F-35.

Our budget no longer caters to the military, it caters to military contractors.

Patent applications are not typically a reliable indicator of economic growth.

China Has Hacked Our Electric Power Grid: Read About It In Screwed!

China has likely hacked into the United States electric grid, potentially giving it the ability to paralyze our economy and our nation by tapping a few keys on a computer.
>China has always been strong but its only fault was collapsing when the European powers are at their prime

lel okay

>got raped by mongols
>got raped by japanese
>got raped by opium

China has always been a bunch of tribalist states run by war lords
>Patent applications are not typically a reliable indicator of economic growth.

Name one historical instance were patents filed did not coincide with economic growth. Its no coincidence that the most powerful economies on earth japan/usa/china/germany get the lions share of patents
I honestly don't think you know anything about economics outside of whatever you learned in High School.

>ts patent office received more applications than any other country’s in 2011.

Companies create patents for over millions of things that never come to bloom, like video game companies for example, like Microsoft or Sony. Patents are created by many companies just to fill the void, to appear busy.

Only a few patents actually come to life, and end up being a shitty consumer product to begin with. I honestly don't think you know what patents are do you? China isn't becoming more innovative, the government is acting like a typical business, trying to cover all their bases at the same time wasting their resources.

You seem to forget China's main export nowadays is shitty rip off tech like shitty tablets and portable media players, and sweatshops to produce Apple products.

Again, I don't think you know anything about business or economy kid. One shitty article doesn't prove anything but your ignorance.

You're just as bad as the people thinking India and Brazil will become world powers. If anything, you can live in denial all you want. But a Third world country will always remain third world.
>Americans Press button to fire nuke, nothing happens
I fail to see how China is capable of hacking into a system which isn't connected to the internet. No access, no hack.
>China counter retaliates and nukes the USA to kingdom come
Missile shield, China's ICBMs are American missiles that Israel sold them. Not one Chinese nuke will land on American soil.

>Fox news
Great, collapse the American economy. China's utterly dependent on it and doing so would destroy them as a nation.
People who think China is going to rule anything have no real knowledge on international trade, economics, and the concept of government propaganda and instability.

Owning US debt doesn't make them own the US. in fact, if we ever defaulted they would suffer much more than we would because of it.

As stupid as the rest of the world likes to perceive Americans, other than the super extreme universities like Oxford are considered the same level as American Universities. A 4 year university in the United States has better credentials and recognition than anything from China, India, or any of those countries, which are hilariously corrupt.

Seriously, South Korea has better economic stability and prosperity than China, which is going to eventually have a depression on par or worse than the Great Depression.
Foreigners still file a quarter of China's patents.
China has a billion and a half people and maybe 2 million foreigners.
If we cut financial ties to China, not only would we unnecessarily slow our economic growth, but we would be setting the stage for another cold war. Face it, the more me trade, the more we have to lose if we go to war. We didn't have the same luxury with the U.S.S.R.

See >>14255346
You do realize that China was the worlds most powerful economy for 5000 years.

The chinese were fighting using poison gas, bombs, land mines, rockets, guns while the europeans were still dicking around with swords


>is a 14th century military treatise that was compiled and edited by Jiao Yu and Liu Ji of the early Ming Dynasty (1368–1644 AD) in China. It outlined the use of various 'fire–weapons' involving the use of gunpowder.
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I'm from the FUTURE.

You should GO TO CHINA.
Great, ~500 years ago they were advanced. Today they are not. They're still playing catchup after Europe beat them to the industrial revolution.
Why has every Anon here simply not raised the issue that China is one of the most corrupt and vilely nepotistic states on the planet.

Im sorry but I judge a nations success on it lack of corruption and transparency. China cant even protect the lives of its own citizens against the harsh brutality of the State itself.

Who in their right mind would call such an utter failure a success?

Trolls. Thats who.
Are you just saying Economy like it's an actual object that has defined power?

Do you...do you even know what an economy is?

Please, just go to sleep
>If we cut financial ties to China, not only would we unnecessarily slow our economic growth, but we would be setting the stage for another cold war. Face it, the more me trade, the more we have to lose if we go to war. We didn't have the same luxury with the U.S.S.R.

There are other countries to establish trade besides China. China produces lack luster products and resources. Not to mention their own social status as of now is disgusting.

Cutting financial ties to China would lead to the death of China and the start of healing our own Economy and our so called 'debt'. China leeches off of us, and we have the power to stop them, they have nothing else to do in retaliation because they rely on us. We shouldn't have bothered even stimulating their shit economy when they barely know anything about it just like you buddy.

Hell you honestly think we'd go into another cold war, with China? What fantasy world are you living in? Nowadays governments are too afraid to put their foot down and take care of such trivial problems, like China's existence for example.

I can only foresee the country going through balkanization at best. I think you need to pay for a better education then the one you currently have now. You have no idea about Economics or the International relations going on this very instant. I bet you think South Korea is going to be a world power too.
This is such a ridiculous generalisation its laughable.
- Khmer empire.
- Mali Empire.
- Italian City States.
- Prussia
- British Empire.
- French Empire.
- Indian Kingdoms.
- Mongolians.
- Islamic Empire. (Who also handed China their asses back)

Its fictional to say China was the worlds richest Country for 5000 years when so much of it was spent with a starving population wrecked by civil war.

Fuck off you Downes Syndrome victim
Yeah the sharp sword is a stealth drone.

America just tested the first drone capable of launching from a naval carrier. I mean the military ass whoopin is un-deniable these other drone programs are ass.

>gets proven wrong
>but muh now after fucking china up for nearly a few centuries
>China is still about to catch up

this is why /pol/ is forever a shit hole
People seem to have this assumption that we need china more than they need us, when it couldn't be further from the opposite.

The US has the resources and land to produce everything in the states if need be, with the only possible issue being labor (which wouldn't be bad, we'd see a resurgence of the middle class and unionization). and even if we didn't, you don't think that south america, india, or a group of african countries can't do what china does?

I bet you still think Russia is a super big world power too
>I fail to see how China is capable of hacking into a system which isn't connected to the internet. No access, no hack.

You don't need to connect to the internet to hack something.

Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones


These ICBM's are controlled by satellites which are connected to other military systems. All a chinese spy needs to do is stab a USB stick into one of these computers and then everything is disabled. They could have malware hidden right now preventing the nukes from working properly if they were activated.

Thats how they installed the malware in the USA electric grid someone managed to get physical access to one node in the network

Same thing with the missile shield, the missile shield works by having multiple radars sources that are all connected to each other to triangulate where the missile is coming from.
>Proven wrong
But I hadn't posted in the thread before replying to you.
>Foreigners still file a quarter of China's patents.

And foreigners filed 50% of americas patents
Roughly 25% of Americans are unemployed if you look at actual unemployment and not "Obamaployment" that only considers those unemployed less than six months.

I don't think labor would be an issue if there suddenly was a great demand for factory workers.
Again thats not a historical instance

Find me some African country that gets a shitload of patents but no economic growth since you insist that there is no correlation between patents and economic growth.

Theres been plenty of papers written showing the correlation between patents filed and economic growth
Yup. It's called Pinyin. I use a Windows language pack and type Nihao and it turns into: 你好.
I'm actually planning on moving to shanghai.

need to get my passport and a work visa, but as i understand things, it's super easy to get work in china if you are an americlap. you don't even need an education.
>Don't even need an education
That's because less than a third of the Chinese have an education. A high-school dropout in America will have more education than at least half of the Chinese.
And what of when you come back?
A friend of mine from Jersey worked there for two years. Married an Indian girl. They returned to Jersey and he cant get work. No one will hire him. And her being Indian is near useless.
He wished he stayed in Shanghai where he had a wage and was fucking the students.

No one wants to hire an ESL teacher in the USA.

nice delusion, HS in china as is hard or hardest than most U.S undergraduate curriculum.

Look at all your universities, you need Affirmative action just so your university isn't 80% chinese.

Why did he return to a dying country?

I never said there was no correlation between patents and economic growth. Can you read?

The are numerous problem with using patents as an indicator of future economic growth. First, many patents are filed for industries that ultimately see little innovation. Patent applications are more often associated with emergent capitalism than innovation. Second, patent statistics do not reveal anything about the usefulness of the patents.

Obviously strong patent laws can encourage innovation and inventiveness, and are important for fostering property rights and (sometimes) guaranteeing profits. But they are NOT a reliable indicator of economic growth.
You can teach mandarin on America, especially if you are a white guy, plenty of rich white people in the US are willing to pay someone to teach their kids mandarin
Asians TRAIN for taking tests but usually once in school (college) they have a harder time.
Learn how to argue kid

A million studies prove you wrong, the correlation between patents and economic growth is insanely strong.


You can't disprove my evidence just by spouting "derp some patents are worthless!"
Asians use Affirmative Action in the US which they all flock to abuse it, same with if they know a white person skilled in a certain field, they'll fucking suck dick to try and take your damn spot in said field.

Chinks are no better than grubby jews or filthy niggers. I'm starting to think you're Asian American kid who knows nothing about Economy or why China is basically the remains of communism and previous installments of shitty chink ethnics. I'll laugh when China is dissected and the majority of it's land is given to India and other small Islamic countries.

Seriously, if you view China to be such a power house, why don't you live there?
"derp some patents are worthless!" so theres no correlation between economic growth and patenting rate
Contracts ended and his wife wants citizenship.
He cant speak it well enough.
the Chinese are a self destructive species. Someone or something will shit in the bath water eventually because history repeats itself
>>14252923 (OP)
>ruling anything

Haha, wow. No.
The fear and butthurt Americans express when it comes to China is always somewhat entertaining.
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>Asians use Affirmative Action in the US which they all flock to abuse it,

LOL WUT? You seriously think asians benefit from affirmative action?
China will start having a massive labor shortage in the next ten years, and will reach catastrophic levels in fifteen years. That doe not bode well for an economy built on cheap labor.
They cheat and pay other chinks in China to do reports.

I've seen plenty of tiny little chinks getting A's on tests and papers written in perfect English with no grammatical errors yet the damn kids can't speak a lick of English correctly and everything they do in class is poor penmanship, filled with plenty of errors and basically proof they don't pay attention in class. Asian students are the worst.

Recently this shit has been uncovered in Australia/New Zealand and England but this shit has been going on longer in the US too. When an entire country needs to resort to making shitty knock offs of successful products that look nothing like what they're copying, when Chinese need to copy everything they do due to having no imagination or thought processes of their own.

It certainly says a lot about the ethnic group. Chinese are just as pitiful and dull minded as the rest of Asia. Absolutely disgusting.
So, you type roman characters or?

Do you really need me to post the 2008 pisa score showing americlaps to be retarded?

You have good universities, but your population is too retarded to do STEM subjects. That's why 2/3'ds of your PHDs are foreign born, all your profs in STEM foreign born, all grad students etc.

American schools aren't for Americans.
This is what happens when you make education an export industry.
What do you expect?
>His wife wants citizenship

Disgusting. I cant read this shit, the spics are bad enough. I'm going to bed.
Those scholarships are a form of AA just so you know.

Not to mention, >>14256378. I've seen plenty of Asians cheat on tests in my old high school.

I ratted them out and got them all expelled from the county. I figured you had to be a filthy chink. I'm sure you don't even know what an mcat is do you? Nor do you know what that graph means outside of the title.

Hell, you're even flaunting GPAs around like it actually means something outside of the real world kiddo. GPAs don't means shit when you don't actually have the skill to carry yourself whatsoever.

Your bias and ignorance is way too obvious just like the inferiority of asians to begin with.

I thought the slanties are the biggest losers from AA.
China doesn't even have a complete aircraft carrier.

America has 19.

They have a long way to go.
>Do you really need me to post the 2008 pisa score showing americlaps to be retarded?
If you divide by race, white americans are near the top.
They had zero metallurgical skill, though.

A thousand years after inventing gunpowder, still no guns.
>hurr durr china will rule world
>no it won't, due to (counter arguments with citation and analytical thinking)
>hurrr americlap is so afraid go eat cheeseburgers, so scared of china

oh wait, that's pretty much every thread people make involving america
North Korea has a higher literacy rate than India or China.
Fuckers couldnt even invent glass. Disgusting as they have coastline and desert.

okay, think whatever you like. I'm learning mandarin because most of my engineering class is chinese, also the prof is chinese/indian. The T.A is chinese too.
chinese train for school and passing, they do not perform better or more efficiently than Whites or other ethnic groups when in the work environment. In fact, most are dumb since they never actually retain knowledge.

Have you ever had a graduate student try to help you with some math stuff? It's pathetic, they will just write the answer and if you ask why or about the context they just draw a blank and point at what they wrote.

>denounces opponent as "kid"
>only argument is a link and an uncited claim that a correlation is "insanely strong"

I'm convinced you're either 1) an idiot or 2) a troll

Patents encourage R&D--there's no denying that. But this link that you claim is "insanely strong" is simply not. I'm not really sure why you have such a fetish for patents when there are much stronger indicators of growth.
>If you divide by race, white americans are near the top.

And if you divide further by race, you will see that east asian americans score even higher, its the south east asian niggers, middle eastern niggers, and shitskin indians that make up majority of "asians" drag down the scores of the east asians
You actually thinking STEM subjects are worth something?

Holy shit you're fucking stupid. You asians/punjabs over saturate the medical market to begin with, not to mention all the corrupt shit you do to get yourselves withing medical positions. Hell, you can become a doctor with just getting a 60 on your mcat, of which is fucking horrible.

Niggers get 60s on mcats, same with the vast majority of chinks. Of which they tend to not know what their doing out on the field and I end up having to correct their childish mistakes. I'm glad I was born with the skill not to rely on the handouts that your ethnic group thrives on to come here and attend schooling within the US.

Source: I'm a doctor and I also own a pharmacy. I've seen what you asians do and you can flash around you shit STEM subjects and the typical response of MUH FOREIGN STEMS.

You're only over saturating the market, hell all the Indians that come here to the US are only shipped here due to how cheap it is. No self respecting white man would bother having an ethnic doctor handle his life or his wife or child.

You're just as ignorant and delusional as the typical chink in med school, always grouping together and cheating, of which I do not tolerate.

Simply put, if you think you're so good for having a STEM related job, I hope you enjoy being in a cubicle for the majority of the day. Not to mention if being Chinese or whatever you are is so great, why don't I see plenty of ethnic whites flocking to escape to China for superior housing, education, etc.

>STEM jobs/subjects

You have no idea how hard I'm laughing right now.
>>14252923 (OP)
This thread should have contained 2 posts. Your OP and a 2nd one saying:

>get into a class
>if the teacher is a chink I fucking drop the class and get into a white professor class, or hell even Indian if I can understand them
>get into a class
>most of the students are Asian, white teacher
>know the professor is going to love me because I will actually answer the fucking questions and engage him/her as opposed to not saying a damn word all semester

College has actually made me hate asians more and latinos/indians less
2 billion people vs 300 billion americans... wonder why they need more fucking microchips? so they can all have iphones thier kids built dipshit
>300 billion Americans
They'll probably put cameras in every room and watch you jerk off and have sex.
Not the guy you are arguing, but I'm a white american but if you think STEM is worthless then stop using your STEM created computer and stop using STEM created internet.

Also all of the machines used by doctors to take xrays, perform surgery and perform other tests were all created by STEM

literally without STEM the USA would be Africa

>systematically require asians get higher scores than whities
>asians get better scores anyways
>"they're cheating and robotic!"
I like how you ignore other information put out in front of you that proves that Asian Americans use the same AA just like niggers and beaners do when it comes to ethnically centered scholarships. You have no shame when it comes to it and you certainly love to deny it when it's out in plain daylight buddy.

If asians were so superior, why do I see asians clamoring for such handouts? It's pathetic.

Which I know damn well asians fight for that bullshit. None of you asians have the skill to do the jobs your parents whip you to go for.

You have no skill, you have no creativity, it shows when you look at your homeland countries, the majority of rip off merchandise comes from Asian countries, and you take pride in doing so.

Asians are inferior and always will be. The only people who believe other wise are either asian or dumb enough to think they can escape their shitty social life by running away to Asia due to the fact their autistic pieces of shit.

>wonder why they need more fucking microchips? so they can all have iphones thier kids built dipshit

That has nothing to do with what I said, now you're changing the subject about the sweatshop products your country produces due to AMERICAN companies outsourcing to third world shitholes to begin with. Why? Because asians don't have a say if they'll get paid in peanuts or not. Asians are literally a joke. Nothing more, nothing less. Clearly you're scrapping the bottom barrel for rebuttals.

>300 billion Americans

Did you personally create those things? Are you the same people before hand that created what is STEM? No, you're not. You're as worthless as a STEM degree is today.

Go back to paying back the debt you owe to the shitty college you're attending.

It's been proven many times before, Asian countries are corrupt as shit.
FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!
TOWER OF /b/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>>14252923 (OP)
the chinese will never rule the world.

they are not creative enough. as soon as they quit stealing our ideas their technology will go to the shitter.

im an engineer, and i have worked with many asian engineers. they may be compitent with math stuff, but they have little problem solving abulity and absolutly no creative solutions.

just look at all that famous asian art...
>>14252923 (OP)

>an entire economy built on spying and intellectual thievery-check.
Corrupt foul shithole.

Undergraduate Science and Mathematics degrees are not hard to acquire. All you have to do is memorize and regurgitate and you can pass with a 3.5 GPA. Inventiveness is a much more useful trait, and it's hard to quantify.

I've worked with mainland Chinese and Indians in several molecular biology laboratories. They will completely trash a lab within a week. There is no respect for a tidy workplace or proper care of equipment. If it breaks, just throw it away and buy a new one. We must have gone through 3 top loading balances because they can't clean up their mess and whatever they were weighing gets into the instrument and gums it up.

On the other hand, males from Hong Kong and Japan are generally competent and think like whites.

>hard science
I agree. Lets ignore any racial thing here our society simply allows us to be more creative. Freedom allows people to be more creative.
One of our greatest advantages over China currently is the fact that we allow social networking.
My little nan's flowershop imploded with orders once I got her website online and started managing her social networking and she's changed many of her products based on what people have asked for. That kind of consumer power is something China does not have.
Also Singapore think like whites.
Uh, no, don't start adding your shitty ethnicity just because they're on the same status with China for being corrupt.

They rely on the same shitty exports like china, same with Hong Kong.

Asian countries are fucking filthy and foul to begin with.
Asian's always smell and are always gross, 100% of the time. they are rude, don't respect personal space, and are frankly stupid

Ask anyone, ANYONE, who had to share a dorm with a foreign Asian student.
Does trubnubs!
Fuck off!
We lead the world with our ability and creativity with water treatment sciences.

Your on the same level as niggers and spics, you need AA to keep asians out of your universities. That's fine and all, but don't start making retarded excuses like STEM is useless etc to make a point.

What? No wonder I have not heard anything new about their new marvel.
>im an engineer,

>im an engineer

>im an


No you aren't you stupid fuck
Yeah, keep your shitty bias about your shit ethnic group to yourself.

You're no better than the other mud chinks of which, you're just another fucking jungle monkey like the rest of them. Go back to climbing that coconut tree curious george maybe the man in the yellow hat won't jam your ass back in your chimp cage.

STEM is useless in this day in age if you wish to make actual money, not to mention STEM is filled with a bunch of dumb niggers and chinks. AA brings asians INTO universities and I don't think you're from the US to begin with. Asians need handouts to even become 'successful' within White countries, just like every other non-white. Hell I'm starting to think you're non-white yourself.

Please, I'm sure you're in as much debt as the other fool who chose STEM. Get back to community college. Get a real degree and a real job.
>Hell, you can become a doctor with just getting a 60 on your mcat, of which is fucking horrible.

But the max score is a 45.
>That anon used poor grammar on the internet!
>He is obviously a delinquent and it is quite clear that I am superior in terms of intelligence for I am enlightened by it
ur a phaggot m8

Are you trolling or just a really dumb americlap? Your putting a lot of effort into trolling if that is the case. I'm done here.
The graph isn't showing the Maximum score.

The maximum you can get on an mcat is 100, barely passing is 60. Which is unacceptable. I've seen many minorities who've passed with just 60s and I always have to clean up after them.
million, typo.
Actually, friend, I am learning Mandarin. In my experience, the only people who hate what China has become more than the Taiwanese are the Chinese. Why do you think so many of them come to America?
What's your ethnicity? Where are you from?

It doesn't matter, I don't care if you're some mud chimp from singapore or the chimpipines. You can get mad all you want and try to say I'm 'trolling' using internet memes as a means to appear that you're in the right.

You're not. Keep it up with the shitty debate skills that are as childish and primitive as the very 'trolling' you think someone is doing when you've been proven wrong.

Stay out of white business shit skin. Stick to your own kind and your own shitty third world country, you praise it so much, then live and die in it.
>Being this mad
>>14252923 (OP)
>why aren't you learning Mandarin?

because it's stupid fucking overly complex language with an writing system that's complicated for the sake of being complicated.

Even Chinese people suck at Chinese, next to no one notices though because pretty much nobody but the goddamn Chinese speaks the fucking language and they're too proud to admit the error of their ways to us gwailo.

> In fact, one of the most gratifying experiences a foreign student of Chinese can have is to see a native speaker come up a complete blank when called upon to write the characters for some relatively common word. You feel an enormous sense of vindication and relief to see a native speaker experience the exact same difficulty you experience every day.

>Lel u mad
Kill yourself.
No one's mad except the chimp getting upset that I called him out.

Like I said, stop spouting memes and answer me, what's your ethnicity, where are you from?

Is it too difficult for your tiny asian chimp mind?
I'm not the guy you were responding to, champ.
so... Why arent you playing Call of Duty with the other 12 year olds. Have you no friends?
The most powerful Navy in the world is the US Navy. The second most powerful Navy in the world is the US Airforce
Again, no one here plays video games and coming up with a childish rebuttal like that is just plain stupid.

I'm racist, yes that's a fact. Just because I insulted your ethnicity which can be compared to a fucking hairless ape, you think you can do the typical lel u mad, u hav no friends XD as if you're on reddit.

News flash, you're not on reddit and I don't like non-whites. Hell, you must be so insecure that you can't even answer what's you're ethnicity or where you're from. Clearly this is an anonymous board but I see you're the type that need to cry when someone tells the truth about your shitty ethnic group.

Not to mention you type like a child on le reddit, with the "..." pause, and mentioning some shitty video game.

I can tell you're afraid to answer the question because people are going to make fun of you for being a mud chimp chink I think you need to get off this board before you end up crying your eyes out.

>lel u mad?

Oh? Are you Icelandic or do you THINK you're Icelandic because you're currently in Iceland.

Not that it matters, you can take your shitty feminist government and go back to sucking Somali cock kid. You have to be autistic, look at how you're carrying yourself, you have to be some simple minded fool, if you're truly white you're a disgrace.

Keep your multicultural bullshit and your very apparent mental deficiency to yourself chimp lover.
Being this retarded.
Obviously both are trolling you.

I'm not the one who's too ashamed to say their ethnicity, I'm not the idiot who's a dumb chimp trying to defend the shit corrupt asian countries that only thrive on the scraps of the white man.

>le trooll u

You seem to be only capable of spiting out le maymays.

Again, the only person mad here is this guy, >>14257863.

Look at you, you're a non-white piece of shit hiding in Iceland thinking you're Icelandic because you were just born there? Seriously? You fucking non-white pieces of shit are just getting stupider and stupider by the day.

Keep it up chimp.
yeah, i'm not planning on returning to america, except to visit family. I am done. A big part of this is a desire to just leave our culture behind. it's exhausting.
They already pretty much own most Canada and Australia, but they have internal problems (fixable)
>>14252923 (OP)
>Built one of the best infrastructures in the world - check
>one of the best

Haha, just becouse they have a nice train doesn't mean their infastructure is actualyl one of the best.

>On track to become the largest economy in the world by 2025

Yeah, you wish. Becouse chineese will be forever content to work for 5 bucks a day and never retire.

>Building large navy - check

They have one aircraft carrier which they didn't even build but bought and refitted.

>Catching up rapidly in everything from semiconductor manufacturing to R&D

That's why mercedes closed a factory becouse after several years they were still not making products up to the quality demanded by the company
Daily reminder that they are small and weak, they only have numbers.

Daily reminder that Europeans already fucked them over once

Daily reminder that having twice the population of Europe is not enough,
Kill yourself.
why doesn't he go back then?
Have you visited China before?
>Has caught up to 21st century human rights standards - negative

The problem with the Chinese is that the acceptable time period for imperialist activities is long gone. They'll get this power, overstep their boundaries and get dickslapped by every other country in the world until they're back to living in rice paddies.
do you not find our culture to be... well... exhausting? i have been depressed and felt like shit since the week of the boston bombing. watching the mainstream culture surrender rights for security, clapping for martial law, all of it, man... i'm just tired. i want to see the world from a different perspective, and leave this one behind. maybe i'll gain new found appreciation for home? maybe i won't? but i am fucking miserable here and my life is going nowhere. i'm going to lie my ass off to some chinks as soon as my passport arrives and go see the other side of the planet.

and umm, ahem, kill yourself. also catch aids and on fire simultaneously.
I'm not that anon. He said his wife wanted citizenship.

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