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Hey /pol/ we had an extremely productive money making thread yesterday night.

ITT: Post ways to help you fellow /pol/iticians gain some extra revenue.
Growing and selling your own weed is a good one. its simple be low key about it grow like 2-4 plants and sell it for DIRT cheap.

learn to garden and use compost and other resources like microbial tea.....you will basically spend no money on the plant. 100 investment at MOST.

you can turn this around and make 500+ easy.
>>17673730 (OP)
Saw the thread yesterday and the concept I liked the most was the dog breeding. Basically buy or adopt 2 pure bread (non-nuetered / different sex) dogs and have them mate. After a week or two of mating sell the male dog and keep the bitch for 6 weeks after the puppies are born. After puppies are 6 weeks old you can be looking at up to $500 per dog.
How about something legit?
Yes, sell weed goy. Bring in profit for the prisons

Craigslist jobs is pretty good for being in a tight spot
In some areas of california that would actually be very possible and you wouldn't be breaking an local and maybe state laws.
what do you mean legit? if you are talking about low key means to make a extra buck, this is it....if you know any stoner friends just grow the plant with out any one knowing it and sell it to them and only them for dirt cheap..
>>17673730 (OP)
Do you have a link to that thread?
Legit, as in legal.
come to colorado, its totally legit here.
Are you fucking retarded?
I build computers/repair for people for 100 a pop.

I have made about 3k this year so far doing it.
Another way to make a lot of money is by buying and re-selling giftcards. Usually around Christmas time or even after peoples birthdays they have unwanted gift cards they want to sell. Offer 60% of the gift cards worth to the person and re-sell it on ebay or buy goods from the store and re-sell them. Can make a lot of money doing this.
Sounds interesting. So buying during holiday season?

I do this with a friend.
He has a female shiba inu, I have a male.

Puppies are about £700. About $1000.
One way I make an easy grand a month is by selling my friends and relatives items on ebay. They always upgrade to the newest phones, laptops, cameras etc. and want to get rid of the old ones. I offer to sell it to them for a 10-15% commission. Very, Very easy way to make cash.
I own $HVPW, i expect 9% returns per year
So if you make 10% commission, you're selling $10,000 worth of goods a month... and you wonder why no one ever believes you.
Start a business that cleans out people's junk from their basements, garages, sheds, et cetera. Do not charge people for this service. Refurbish what you can and sell online/at flea markets and sell the rest for scrap. With steel prices as they are this can be a fast way to make extra cash on the weekends.

And it's a lot safer than ripping copper wire out of abandoned or foreclosed houses.
Are you? Ever heard of foolz? Ever heard of archives?
Is prostitute out of the question, OP?
Forgot to add: You buy the giftcards off craigslist.

Yea you can potentially make thousands of dollars after Christmas because so many have gifts they want to return and can only get a gift card back or get a gift card and dont want it. If the person is really desperate you can get them for like 50%.
/pol/ doesn't have an archive on foolz
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>>17673730 (OP)
Top 5 Automated Income Streams

So before I finish today I wanted to share with you my favourite five automated income streams of 2013. So that you can then look more closely at your automated income streams and think about where you want to be with your site.

#1. Sponsored Tweets – I love sponsored tweets and what it involves is for people to pay for advertising on your twitter account. They even put the tweet on for you and then you withdraw the money from your PayPal account.Simple and very good way to make money if you have a large Twitter following!

#2. Amazon Kindle – I am sure you are sick of reading about Amazon and how its one of my best income streams BUT it is. And the Amazon Kindle is my favourite part of it. I can load an ebook onto the Kindle and watch it grow and grow and grow. The sales keep coming and the only thing I hear from Amazon is the notification that a payment is on its way to my bank account.

#3. Amazon Associates Programme – Now carrying on with the Amazon theme you have to love the Amazon associates programme and the way you can make money as you sleep.

I will get first page SEO positions on Google then watch as my reviews of famous Amazon products make me money as I sleep.I have a whole variety of products that I promote your recipe books to kitchen appliances and all of them do well and add to my monthly income.Because you can set it up and forget it very much is an automated income stream.

#4. Recurring Products – As a product owner and as an affiliate I love a recurring product. The more the better and its so satisfying that a bit of work you did last year is still bringing in cash into your bank account.

When I am looking for affiliate products to promote I either go with ones that are a high ticket individual item or ones that are recurring.For me as an affiliate there is no in between!
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Loan people money with interest.
High frequency forex trading can be a fun way to make some cash.
My mistake then.
Some people still pay for porn. With some very basic coding skills you can sign up for a reseller account and then put the videos/images the companies give you on your website, then spam that link on all the "free daily porn" sites (like The Hun). Every sign up nets you 50% of their initial and 50% of their recurring. It adds up fast and each month you're making more money for essentially doing nothing.
invest in bitcoins
Selling $10k a month isn't hard at all. My mom's friends are rich as fuck and want to get rid of their mint condition purses which are worth like $3k ea. I only sell like a maximum of 15 items (most ive sold in a month) to reach the $10,000 goal.
To risky. You can record it call it porn though.
this shit is a step above working at mcdonalds mec
no hate, i got started with adsense
I used to buy weed in cali and sell in Vegas

it is the only product I can think of that sells for 300% value and LITERALLY sells itself. I have had pounds reserved for others before I even received them
>grow a plant
>sell it to peopley for cheaper than usual
i can't think of anything more legit. doesn't harm anybody, is easy, and you help your friends out while gaining some extra bucks

What do you mean load an ebook onto the kindle and make money?

Do you expect us to write a book?
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#5. The Sales Funnel – What is there not to love about a fully functioning sales funnel that affiliates drive traffic to and you make money while you are sleeping_ Well they are my favourite income stream by far and I am often building new sales funnels and improving the ones I have so that I can make the most out of them.

Just think about what you want the end result to be with your own mailing list and work with it!

Here are just a few examples and if you can just make one of them work for you then you will be onto a winner. Then the spare time you will have from being more passive can be put into more passive income streams. Or like I did yesterday have a day off and head to the beach.
why do you care? because police can break into your home whenever they feel like it?
but I don't wanna give away my puffies! Also it sucks when you have a puppy born that is deformed, no one wants it / has cancer. Then you have to put it down :C
Forex is kind of annoying to follow and the gains aren't that much. I only made like 3k during a summer investing a large amount of capital doing so, the risk wasn't worth the reward.
>selling/smoking the electric jew
Not without the appropriate licences you can't.
Yes he does. Smutty (fan)fiction ideally.
$3000 / 7 months = $428 per month not so good brah
Dude everyone loves puppies you can make a lot of money doing this.
It's more cost effective to make money legally.
Higher profit margin with lower risk.
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ponzi scheme
Computer repair is another one. Most people are complete morons when it comes to electronics, so you can overcharge them on anything. I did it last summer, and made >1200 $ a month with minimal experience. Find some small repair shop and ask if you can temp during the summer - if you're anywhere near competent, they'll hire you again, or you can fluff up a resume nicely with it.

Note: most of the money is not off commisions, rather reselling junk computers. Some old 2002 shitbox will be worthless to a law office, but dismantle it and between the CPU fan, the power supply and the HD (almost always in decent condition) you can make 100$ off a piece of junk no problem.

Also, beer sales to college kids if close to a major university. Go to their parties, learn their culture, and sell them cheap vodka + chasers for 2$ a cup at parties. Bang bitches and make cream.
>electric jew
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>making money
neet here, you people are fucking pieces of shit working for jews
Aren't there copyright issues with fanfiction?
It appears the Electrical fire occured in the Con Edison Room of the building.


It's a side job silly.

like a mobster owning a legitimate business
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>>17673730 (OP)
get a job perhaps
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woops wrong thread sorry guys.
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>working for the jewish jew
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With books you can always find the old classics that are no longer have exclusivity under a copy right, then either write your own foreword or find someone to do it for you.

I actually did this with Might is Right by Redbeard.
1) start puppy rental business
2) enforce terms of minimum 6 months
3) jack up price of dog at end of 6 months
4) profit
my friend did this nd i helped.

DO NOT DO THIS. it fucking sucks and people intentionally make a mess and leave food in the unplugged fridge to rot.

also one day we were doing this a BLACK couple got suspicious and thought we were stealing shit.

lol they asked to keep the safe we found.
work and die for israel
breed dogs it's easy!
>mfw I don't have enough living space to accommodate 2 dogs plus a bunch of puppies

use adsense/twitter/whatever! it's easy!
>mfw I don't have a website or a twitter

sell books on amazon it's easy!
>mfw i'm not going to write a fucking book

there isn't actually an easy way to make money, is there?
Oh God.

Are you Jewish?
People will actually pay for books that are freely available? Stupid goyim...

I presume you're talking about digital distribution via Amazon right?
Yeah, that's why you be more subtle about it and pass it off like something original (e.g. change names).
I'm a pretty experienced programmer (made backend for a social network app, have programmed robots, designed websites for relatives)

any good quick money gigs for developers
There are plenty of easy ways to make money. You just don't want to work
lemonade stand
Is there an archive of yesterday's thread? Would love to see it.
We're branching into the realm of the illegal here but since the Big Jew decided to shut down online gaming for the Vegas mafi.. I mean, "lobby" there are a lot of people out there starving for it. Start a sportsbook at your school/job/etc. It doesn't take long to set your lines (and you can cheat by setting them off the experts, just do it asap after they are released, they will adjust based on the money they bring it) and most people will piss money away.

Then start hosting your own parties. UFC watch parties go over great. When people start getting drunk they will make dumber and dumber bets. It's pretty hard to lose money like this. If you really want to be a pimp set up a blackjack table (be sure you can trust the dealer) and host poker games.

If you stay under 2k earnings in a day you have very little to fear in the ways of an investigation so stay low profile but it wouldn't hurt to have a few bros watching your back for cops.
im in south florida. if i was close to you i would love to talk.

i do good down here tho not selling or anything but i smoke for free
I'm thinking of buying things cheap (what people want, ie computers, new phone etc) and selling it for more on a trade website. Could possibly take a few minutes a day to do it
Hey, all this stuff is relatively easy. No one's going to pay you for sitting on your ass all day browsing 4chan. inb4 JIDF, MIDF
>not smoking your TV set
What are you, a fag?

Yes, and people will still pay for porn and a lot of other dumb shit.

Does this work with cats? I live in a flat so dogs are impractical.

Rule number four

Never get high on your own supply...

elance and odesk are your best bet

that goes for anyone with web development, graphic design, and/or writing experience
What kind of money is there in self-sucking videos? Just curious.
Hey Guys, i'm always glad to see these constructive finance threads. I think its time we start orienting ourselves more towards finance and less towards politics.

Post pics for our consideration.
Not much I would imagine since you can go to faproulette if you want to see guys masturbate.

LOL. They're races to the bottom thanks to Indian developers and cheapskates wanting to pay 2 bucks an hour.
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You could easily have a book made for you for only $40 dollars on fiverr.com

I'm hoping to wear a spiderman mask so it appeals to comic fans.
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>making money by separating a loving dog couple, and tearing their cute puppies away from their mother's breast and father's protection to live alone and be neglected, and to die never knowing the affection of their parents and siblings
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>Change the characters names
>Make billions
>all these posts
>no ones mentioned day trading
fellow self-sucker here, how easily can you do it?

i can get pretty deep in my mouth but my back hurts like hell during and after for about a day. totally not worth any pleasure i get out of it

Even better. Pics. Now.
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if you want to make serious amounts of cash you have to work hard regardless of how educated, lucky or cruel you are

those "evil" corporation people that liberals hate so god damn much? they all work 12 hours a day and spend their entire spare time reading economy related news

i work as a banker. i have clients with contracts worth billions, literally. i work average 10 hours daily if you include travel. i dont make that much because i just started, but most bottom level guys make around 100k, maybe a little less. i make about 70-80k

if youre not white and suck at math\computers then your best bet is drugs. buy a cheap as fuck motorcycle without registrating it. they cost way less if you buy them off the record. carry a revolver 24\7 and blow the cops head off if you ever get stopped. carry drugs with you and sell every type of drug you can get your hands on as a full time job without ever getting stoned or drunk yourself

the guys high up in drug cartles spend thousands of dollars just to afford enough rubber bands for their stacks of cash. they are so rich that they can lobby in politics (this has and does happen)
It's a fine line though isn't it?

I mean if I were to rewrite Twilight, change the characters' names and call it "Dusk" or something couldn't I get sued?
Dude if you're selling pedigree dogs for $300 you can be pretty sure they're going to good homes.
I thought about it...but I don't want to type out a bunch of shit, and I don't really feel like giving free advice I charge other people for...on this board anyways
Because you might as well go to the casino and put all your money on 21 black.

dont you need at least $10,000 to even consider it?

Hard work isn't correlated with high pay. High pay is determined by the scarcity of a particular skill set in a market. Sure you have to work hard but it needs to be the right kind of work.
Well obviously. You've got verbatim passages. If you write some shitty fanfiction and change the names you're pretty much good though.

Gambiling is a great earner.


Herers how the old Abos do it in my hometown.

House is set up for the game, a car on standby to shuttle players to any appointments they have while the game is on and a "crash" room with a bed or 2 set up.
Food is provided, cups of tea/coffee etc.
The players play and the "house' takes $10 from every 2nd pot.
They play for 2-3 days straight, usually the take is split between the house and the dealer (dealer doesnt bet).
Playing for 10-20 dollars a hand nets the organizers around $1500 for the session.

Remember when you are organizing the gambling you are taking a cut of other peoples money, not betting your own.

The main game played is a version of blackjack.
No. You can day trade with a small amount of money thanks to leverage.

He forgot to mention that it takes a few weeks/months of learning to get profitable.

Do you know any of those people you described in the second half of your post?
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>carry a revolver 24\7 and blow the cops head off if you ever get stopped.
Those guys high up in the cartels also get beheaded by their own men
dude, i never thought of that somehow

$1/1000 words is normal

come up with a nice picture and title and you've got money

shit, i might have to give this amazon thing a shot

This. If it comes down to the line, just call it a parody.

Try teacup dogs they are small as fuck and sell for soooo much. The downside is that they have lower birth rates (around 4-5 pups compared to a big dog which can have up to 10)

you dont become a lawyer over night

you dont become a programmer over night

getting a masters degree in anything is hard work, lots and lots and lots of reading. if it was easy everyone would have one
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>elance and odesk are your best bet
There are betting shops on every street in London. Too much competition...

OK then how do I get started? Can you point me in the direction of some good literature or videos? I have about $10000 in shares at the moment. Cheers.
>might is right
sorry they lost germany is now a peaceful prosperous nation that's actually quite left, as it should be.

>"So we just started writing like mad," Jasinda said. "And I think in like six months we put out 20 titles."

>"We decided we weren't gonna leave our house," she added. "I think we showered 3 times."

Desperation helps I suppose.

I don't understand. You're going to hire a couple of Indian guys who speak english as a third language to write you a book for $20 ?

Who the fuck is going to pay to read that book?
Like many things in life youtube has the answers. Watch plenty of tutorials and analysis videos, some are shit some less so, develop your own idea and strategy based on all viewpoints.

Please use a demo account until you get profitable

But you get a book for $20. What aren't you getting?
Anybody who wants to make money should own a pickup truck. If you are fit, willing to work, and have a pickup truck, you'll never go hungry.

Whenever I end up in "frugal" corners of the internet I'm amazed by all of the people that only look at frugality as NOT doing things. Sure, you can sit at home and never do anything, or you could just buy a garden tiller and spend 5 hours a week tilling gardens (advertise on craigslist). Make productive use of your time, it doesn't have to be a garden tiller but there are a million options.

I know people who started doing stuff like that for extra change and ended up going into business for themselves, and owning all manner of large equipment.

Which tutorials aren't shit? You can point out the usernames and I can find them myself.
Can you contact me? I'd love to hear more.

i know a few of them but none of them carry guns. they just walk from house to house and use bus\trains and run from cops

and no, they very rarily get shot by their own people. the jew produced action movies want you to think that the cartels are evil people who will kill anyone for more money, but it couldnt be further from the truth

if you work with someone for 10 years and speak to them almost every day, are you gonna suddenly shoot them to earn 5 million instead of 4 million a year? thats retarded sir
They can't read it until after they've paid. You just need a nice title, an attention-grabbing cover, and some fake reviews.

If you actually Redbeard you'd know he likely wouldn't of approved of the very socialist state of Hitler's Germany.

I don't get how a bunch of gibberish in a .pdf written by slumdogs is worth more than $20.
enjoy competing with illegals for piss poor fees
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You might think that, but seriously, gambling is a bottomless pit of money.

The people the organizers are taking money off are on the dole, so even the most bottom feeding game makes dough.

Ideally you will need a bouncer type though
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Write a book on how to make money.
Any specific names you can throw out there?

Also what software do you use?

Thank mate.
if you live in the south, old folks and rich people are willing to pay for that anglo-american work ethic and professionality
>using gmail to carry out your drug deals
hello mr fbi agent
Better yet:
>Write a book about how to get a girlfriend from a different race

>inb4 all publishers offer you a deal immediately.
Dog breeding is pretty profitable, it also causes a lot of liberal tears.

>break the law
>for little compensation

Fucking nigger tier idea. If I am breaking the law, then I want a serious return.
>release limited edition books and many sequels as well as a prequel
>>17673730 (OP)

make youtube videos and have an adsense account

For tutorials i honestly can't remember.
some names I recommend:
Gregory Mannarino (all polacks should watch this)
Thermal1 (analysis)
TradeSmartUniversity (plenty of great info and webinars, will try and jew you for subs)
Tradesight (plenty of analysis)

Just look for channels that regularly upload new videos and seem to get views etc.
not a liberal but making a living out of creating mouths to feed is pretty degenerate
Lol that's the most Jewish thing ever...

Do you even read the books you're selling?

Don't you receive any complaints?

The bad reviews must ad up after a while and it's not good to have your name associated with shit books...
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>write a book on how to write books to make money
They aren't a significant problem where I live. Besides, there is an almost insatiable lazyness in America today, the work is nearly bottomless. My area seems to be able to absorb an unlimited amount of lawn care crews for example. You'll be out in somebody's yard doing some easy ass work and around noon some neet will step out of the kitchen onto the back porch with a can of pop.

i'm skeptical about this shit too but obviously you use a pseudonym if you're peddling trash
>could anyone deny this wouldnt actually exist in a real free market praying on poor people
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hahaha fucking excellent!
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>copy paste how to make money threads from /pol/ into a .pdf and call it a book about how to make money
I don't see why. I'm a liberal and I don't have a problem with dog breeding. What's the big issue?
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>>17673730 (OP)

You could whore yourself out to fat chicks for $50 a pop.

Fat chicks need love to, but they gotta pay.
Not sustainable. You always have to keep coming up with a new gimmick that outdoes your competitors (which will number in the hundreds for any profitable niche).
The volatility in the forex market is way to small to make a living on it solely if you're not trading with an account that has at least hundreds of thousands of dollars in it to leverage.

How does day hire of equipment go?
Brush cutters/chainsaws and lawnmowers?
That seems pretty steady where I am.

Also here in Oz you pay enormous sums to have trees trimmed or removed, I was quoted over $2000 for a huge gumtree to be removed from my front yard.

Cost me $300 for a chainsaw and another $100 for a cherry picker hire and 1/4 of a days work to do it myself.

Is tree lopping a potential earner?
And that's why people with any sort of moral compass aren't libertarians.
Backyard breeders churn out unhealthy animals and over-breed leading to unwanted animals that are dumped, neglected, or sent to shelters to die.
Well it depends. You'd still be competing with breeders who wouldn't adopt such a business model. Who are the customers going to go to then?

Right, they just back totalitarian states that are run by the same people who would be exploiting isolated pockets of the market in a free economy but instead have their thumb over the entire fucking country. Makes total sense if you don't think about it.

>Isolating corruption is bad.
>Federalizing it is good.
>Statists are more dangerous than guns.

Enjoy getting raped in prison.
building comps is fun as shit and doesnt take long
repairing them is simple
3k isn't bad for a hobby
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What I did was go to a few Internet Marketing Sites and find some "money making methods"

I put together a book of these and called it the "BIG BOOK OF MONEY MAKING METHODS!"

I am about to publish it on amazon kindle.

Wish me luck.
That's a shame. But like I said earlier, if you're breeding pedigree animals and selling them for hundreds of dollars then you can be fairly certain that they're going to decent homes.

I would actually do this if I didn't live in a small flat.
Every "easy money" scheme is a small niche that's already been filled. Maybe 40 years ago these would work.

Fuck dog breeding, shit is too expensive. Vet bills take a hug chunk out of your profits. Breed snakes instead. You can get good money for small (king/corn) snakes and if you get creative with the breeding you can get some pretty impressive, inbred reptiles.

>Do it.
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captcha: the richoj
I'm sure I'll get called a loser for saying this, but I made just over 20 grand from when I was 15 to 19 with gold farming bots on Runescape. This was years back though, when 1M was 3-4 USD. No idea if this is still ok cash.
How about this. Downloading a "Website clone" out of rapidshare. Just uploading it on a server. Making cash on piracy? Surely this is as risky as it should be, while on the edge of legality?
Why do libertarians think that everyone is either:

a) a freedom loving anarcho capitalist
b) a totalitarian fascist commie
>implying /pol/acks would support an increase of the reptile population
i think im a pretty decent writer. I've even written some erotic lesbian fan fictions on fanfiction site

do you think there is any money to come from erotic lesbian stories? I know i would enjoy it, so it wouldnt feel like im doing any work
>No one's going to pay you for sitting on your ass all day browsing 4chan
Someone has to scan /b/ for cp.

The point is the same sociopaths are going to rise to positions of control in any system. No one can deny that their ability to rape is greatly increased by a centralized government.
I think Jagex came down on that. At least to the extent it's not nearly as profitable anymore. Valve seems to be where it's at for virtual item peddling now.
Oh another potential little earner is BBQ catering.

Get a decent BBQ setupand a few big eskied and spam you are available for catering for XX dollars a head. Offer basic, or quality packages. (sausages or T bone steaks)

Stock up on sauces and summer will be busy.
If you goto jail, you can't make more money.
The only way you're going to find out is by self-publishing it on Amazon. Give it a shot.
you're being handed nice shit, not everyone has that
>check ur privilege
WHat is a non-jewish jew?
The trick is not going to jail dingus.

I wouldn't run the risk myself since I was raised better but I recognize that crime is the easiest way to make money quickly with minimal effort and no qualifications/experience.
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New erotica is constantly in demand because people need new fixes.

I'm a pretty good artist, this was made for some "shitty ms paint" drawthread in about 5 minutes, if I was less principled I would crank out fetish porn comics in a minute.
Most of the posters in this thread.

1. Find and download The Elements of Style. If you're going to write, know the basics.

2. Keep fap stories between 5-10,000 words long. This is to avoid burnout and to pump them out quickly.

3. Charge a low rate for them. $1-3 per story seems about right.

4. Pump out stories like a madman. They're incredibly easy to do, and dumb people will pay money for them.

5. ????

6. Profit!
Go to /x/ and charge for "tarot readings".

that's cool.

I made about $800 on diablo3 when it was new and a few hundred off selling gold in WoW. I've sort of lost interest in gaming over the past few years but I'd be motivated to play a game that I knew I could make money in.

Anyone know what games you can make good money in these days?

What medium would you use to charge 1-3 dollars?
i think i will definitely try. Im just thinking of those late night softcore porn shows like Co-ed Confidential, where they have a bunch of characters and some shitty plot thrown in there to interweave them all.

Mine would be a story about some new girls joining a lesbian sorority.
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I am currently compounding the investment books of others and naming the book: "Investing Tips from Professionals"

I will sell this book to universities students by making agreements with the professors to use my book, and then will price the book a few hundred dollars.

Furthermore, every year I will 'update', said book so that they cannot be purchased used.

I am about halfway done now.
>Anyone know what games you can make good money in these days?

League of Legends

Amazon. I've never done it myself, but they'll probably take a percentage.

You're not looking to make a ton of money from a few sales, you're looking to make a ton of money from a bunch of sales.
Amazon, or apply to some online erotica syndicate.
I might try writing a crappy book myself and selling it on Amazon. Worth a shot.
make sure you focus on weird shit like furries or dragons or vampires or whatever.

people with fetishes will pay because they can't get their fix elsewhere.
kindle probably

What is there to sell ?

Or do you mean just playing the game and streaming w/ ads?
do an alternate history thing where hitler was a woman and he makes lesbo love to anne frank
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Heres a idea guys.

Large Media companies are trying to crack down on pirates.

So what you do is go around and ask people on the street "Have you ever pirated something on the internet?"

Many people will say yes or no, if they say yes ask them what was it.

They will probably give you a few things.

During this time your recorder should have been recording.

You now have evidence that could incur $500,000 and up fines on them.

Exploit this with blackmail or just send in the evidence to the company.
yeah if you wanna compete with indians and sandniggers working for pennies
>>check ur privilege
Stop saying this, please. It's annoying.

Amazon lets you sell fap stories? Learn something new every day.
What qualifications do you have exactly ?

I'm sorry, but what qualifications do you have ?

You can't just make up an investment book. You must have at least a PhD if you want a university professor to buy your book
Good luck but any success you have will be short lived. People who follow such things will notice you just regurgitated free info and they will post about you on forums and some jealous prick will do their best to bring you down with all sorts of attacks legal and illegal.

From everything I've seen online marketers take their shit very seriously and some are very mentally unstable.

Amazon lets you sell anything that's legal. So you can't do loli/shota stories.
That's about a 6'000'000'000'000/10 on the Jewish scale.
Lol that is such a stupid idea.
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But it would fucking work.
>Or do you mean just playing the game and streaming w/ ads?

Going to college and getting a job worked out pretty good for me
wage slave pls
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Organize your /pol/Jew/ folder, put it into a .zip and sell it to /pol/lacks for $1 each.

>btw you owe me $0.05 for viewing this post
I make $32 an hour and I'm 22 years old. And I don't do shit at work but play psvita and browse the internet.
Where do you work?
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psvita has no games
Buy stuff from thrift shops (mostly computers for me), clean/fix it up, then sell for huge profit
If true you'll probably get laid off when the markets finally crash sometime in the next couple of years.
A data/tech center for a fortune 50 company
>predicting crashes
A fellow Austrian, hello!
For the fags whining about going to school and shit, most of the people in this thread are looking for ways to make EXTRA money. Lrn2read.
So if Snowden is a high school drop out how did he end up running high end security for a company that was under contract with the NSA?
Good way to make cash if you have an international drivers license. Come to Western Australia and work in a mine 2 weeks on 1 week off for over 100 grand a year.
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>spending 4 years with a bunch of kids
>having to work anymore than 30 hours a week
>not working 15 hours a week and using your hobbies to make money

do you even live?
You can sell ISK in EVE. You can scam people IRL to pay you for ISK in eve. Or you can just play the game and sell it IRL without scamming.


My sides have reached Europa
The signs are everywhere.
Spend a few years reading documentation for operatings systems and servers and you can be like him.

The results are cool, but hacking these days is a bitch.
That's a good idea. I used to play quite a bit of EVE.

How would you go about selling the ISK though? Would you just auction off the account username/password on ebay?
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The power of fiverr
Once again pretty girls prove they can have anything they want without any real ability or talent
To give you an idea of google adsense revenue, approximately:

1000 views = £1.40/$2.14
1 million views = £1,400/$2,135
Wouldn't a lot of people cheating the system have the system realize it's being cheated?
Well, /pol/ does have its own section on chanarchive.org.
Go do the news papers, tell them you have a story , that you have slept with a famous politician.

Get 25 000 pounds (in the UK) for the story, bonuses excluded if there are pictures with you in bikini /undershorts.

People have actually succeeded doing this. There is a documentary on people doing this.
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Heres an idea.

>Get an Ewhore pack (with camwhore video)
>Go on fiverr and say you do "cam shows"

are there better sites?
So can men.

I mean look at the ideas in this thread. Breeding puppies? Selling erotic furry fanfiction? Selling videos of yourself sucking your own dick?
until Obongo sicks the DEA on you
Try writing a book and selling it on amazon.
Newspapers or tabloids?
That's what I'm trying to do currently.
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I agree with you. sincerely
Video prostitution, should it be legal?
That's a great idea, let me just immediately start to write an international best-seller.
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being a pretty girl guarantees you can get free money whenever you want
What if you get caught ?
Well I'm not exactly happy about it.
I wish I knew where to sell ISK safely. I'm not exactly space-rich but still.
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The problem doesn't lie with women. It lies with the fucking beta males who finance this kind of shit.

Watch the documentary called "Sex, Lies and Rinsing Guys". Rage warning.

As someone who's worked on odesk (developing) this makes me sad. Not because I'm doing badly but because I occasionally check writing and business jobs as well, and people in India with PhDs are going after $5/h jobs. Meanwhile people on fiver are asking for $5 for shit that takes about 10 minutes to do.
They ban you, you get a new ip and create a new account.
I hired a guy from odesk with a bacholers degree in accounting for $5 an hour.

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the doors of dispensaries open up january 1st to the general public. this shit is already an institution of the state, like whiskey and snow.

pic related

das fraud brah u go to jail for that
She got a lot prettier.
Would impregnate the new her.
The people that meet IRL on these "CCP" conventions might be some good victims. Just go to one of these, tell them that you have ISK to sell.
>I hired a guy from odesk with a bacholers degree in accounting for $5 an hour.

Job creators everyone.
>david goldberg
>omg y am i getting so many commercials
oh jude
That's easy just get a Phd in making money from the University of Southern Guatemala

I can understand that but how do you even convince a company that you have the knowledge or experience for a position like that with no education?

And no, I'm not interested in doing this myself. It's just something that puzzled me ever since the Snowden story broke.
Well they have to sue you first.
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>capitalizing on gender without sex
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What it means to be truly American ;_;7
not really
Create a translation website. Tell people you'll translate anything to any language with perfection.

Take fee per word.

Copy paste their text to some random elance translotor from india and pay him shitsalary.

Bah, it's not like I can suddenly afford to fly to Iceland or 'murrica just to get $5 for my space shekels.
I might try selling PLEXes to my corpies at a price slightly lower than what legit PLEX goes for. That way everybody wins.
Please don't hate on sociopaths

You'll need us soon enough
Do they have to be views from different IPs? Or could I just set up a script to hit the refresh button for a few hours?
I'm a spic. Can I translate English-Spanish to Spanish-English and charge idiots for the money?
Yes but it's still illegal under Federal law which means the DEA or FBI could come in and shut any dispensary down if they so choose
>learn basic civics
For what?
>you need a credit card to write stories for amazon


Any other sites to sell erotica?
I was assuming you'd enjoy going there as well. The selling would just be a bonus.

so jealous. fuck jew york. I get shit gun control AND no weed.
Google and adsense are very strict.

Be very careful. Ive been banned and they will never ad serve on my sites again.

Be warned.

Your CTR can't go over certain amount, I think it's 4 or 5% or they'll get suspicious and investigate if there are too many ad clicks.
>please respond
most low level earn 100k - but you earn 80.
>less than the lowest.
clients are worth billions
>just started
Doing what you aren't able to
Such as?


>carry a revolver 24\7 and blow the cops head off if you ever get stopped.

That will keep you in business long, especially riding around an unregistered motorcycle (to save what pitiful money that is worth).
>DEA or FBI could come in and shut any dispensary down if they so choose

but they won't. /pol/ raved that the alphabet soup was going to come crashing through denver before the governor could sign it into the state constitution. even after threats of withdrawal of federal funding from the state. still no G-men tossing grow rooms.
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>>17673730 (OP)
>ITT: Post ways to help you fellow /pol/iticians gain some extra revenue.

step 1: grab a USB drive that you don't need.
step 2: download one of these, based on what architecture your computer uses.

step 3: run it, click the little stick guy doing a kick, and use it to make a kickstart toolkit from this USB.

step 4: unplug and replug the USB. then, download this to the USB drive: http://live.vipreantivirus.com/Download2/

post on craigslist offering to remove viruses. when you get to their house, BOOT FROM THE USB to remove any rootkits, ransomware, etc from the computer.

Once that's done and over with, boot the computer the normal way and run the vipre tool. Once it's unzipped, you can remove your USB and leave, it's running on rails at that point. It will scan and quarantine any and all viruses and spyware on the computer.

boom, fast money without jewing someone.
Won't you run into copyright issues? Or are you talking about having people sign up for the porn company on your website?
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>1. Make mesh items
>2. Sell them on SL, Turbosquid & 3dstudio
>3. ???
>4. Profit

Fucking awesome

I commend this girl, if I was a girl, I would do the same fucking thing.
I know someone who does this.
"franbunny" is her/his ff13 name. Alienware fanboy, horrid non-passing laughable tranny, furry for their character.
You might be on to something, what should I look for?
Does anyone know of a place to sell PDF textbooks?

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