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Has anyone ever met or even seen a respectable gypsy?

I was thinking about this a few days ago when i was walking around town. Living in Europe, there are a truckload of gypsies that come every summer to harass people begging for money. The one and only time i actually gave some spare change the bitch complained that i didn't give more.

Now, i've met nice and respectable muslims, niggers etc. but never EVER seen the same example with a gypsy.

>>18409011 (OP)
I live in Romania. I don't know where to start
>>18409011 (OP)

Never. I've lived in both Europe (UK, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland) and the US. They are total scum. At least some American niggers work and are good people, compared to European gypsies who are nothing but leeches and thieves.
All roma gypsies are fucking scum.

Source: I used to work in a hotel with 9 Romanians, every single one of them hated gypsies and wished they could exterminate them.
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Ghettos blacks, at least stay in their communities.
Gypsies just travel from town to town.
>>18409011 (OP)

Apparently my grandpa was a gypsy that married a British girl and moved to Connecticut, where his son fucked an Irish girl and then I was born.

I like to think I'm a decent person, even though I spend most of my time fapping and shitposting on /v/.
That one czech gipsy band

why don't you arrest them and take away custody of their children? It would essentially solve the problem.
>>18409011 (OP)

No. European bro here.
Clapper here, everytime I go to Europe I give them charity because it's my Christian duty.

eat shit fags, maybe if you euros were a bit nicer and more charitable they wouldn't have to resort to thievery
My company has a manager who is a gypsy and good at his job.

But a gypsy middle manager prob makes im the einstein of his race. I have nothing but bad vibes from everyone else.

Because "das racis".

Recently, Portuguese police was advised by an European "human rights organization" to hire gypsies to "increase relations" since the police is racist and uses excessive force against gypsies according to "reports".
you just have no clue
they are given official protection flats, really nice flats. they don't give a shit, in 2 months they have sold all the pipes, fridge, wc, and they have a donkey inside the house
they just don't want to integrate themselves, and they don't want to work, is not that a lot of people have not made a great effort to help them doing that, because they have
Which country are you living in where this happens?
>>18409011 (OP)
>Has anyone ever met or even seen a respectable gypsy?

Yeah, there's one in my neighborhood. He hangs out with his buds, the white-skinned negro, the non-alcoholic aborigine and the generous Jew.
>>18409011 (OP)
>respectable gypsy

Oxymoron. Doesn't exist. Their entire culture revolves around not being respectable.
Only met one real gypsy and that was in college. Here's the story.

>class discussing Holocaust
>professor asks us for groups besides Jews persecuted
>i answer with Catholics, homosexuals, political dissidents
>hear girl in the back of the room screaming in some foreign language
>turn around and she is calling me "mutter fuck'r" in broken English
>raise eyebrows, look to professor
>he asks her why she is upset
>she says, "mutter fuck'r ignore the gypsies! Dey suffer too!"
>shrug to professor
>he shrugs back
>friend of gypsy drags her out to bathroom to change her tampon
Because racism. Countries have offered to pay for their schooling, and some have gone as far to give them books. They sold them or tossed them. It's against their beliefs to stay in one place therefore they don't care about becoming educated.
every gypsy everywhere in Europe.
The ones who made it too America are the smart ones, because real gypsies don't abandon their 50+ family
Hitler had the right idea. Gypsies should be fucking wiped off the face of the planet. Most selfish, disgusting cunts i've ever met.
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>romanticized gypsies
Media for some reason likes to do that.

From animu (Fullmetal Alchemist), to Disney (Hunchback).
Genocide them all
They are the worst fucking people on earth and deserve to be treated as less than human

>friend of the gypsy
beware the friend of the gypsy, for he is as vile as the gypsy itself.
In my country gypsies don't allow women to study.
I know there was a case when they kidnapped one that tried to study.
They are locusts, with no use for us.

Give me one reason not to exterminate them that isn't "muh feelings".
>>18409011 (OP)

>you will never ride in the back of a coach with a group of attractive amiable gypsy women

das raciss
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but delicious brown
Google "General Gypsy thread" if you Americlaps want to discover why gypsies are so, so hated.
>culture unplugged

Sounds legit.
>Has anyone ever met or even seen a respectable gypsy?



honestly, that's never gonna happen
And furthermore, they always portray them as the most overblown lifestyle ever.

>we go where the wind takes us
>you need to learn to relax
>no government wants us/can control us
>we are free
>>18409011 (OP)
Do what the Australians did with the aboriginals.

>claim child abuse (shouldn't be hard, abos were raping their children and still do to this day, gypsies seem to teach them to be criminals)
>put them in homes
>feed them, cloth them, educate them
>send them to jobs when they're rehabilitated
>3 generations later... no gypsies!
The trick to making this work is to NEVER back down and never stop. Australians pussied out after only one generation.
>sides holocausted, I'll PM you the address where you can sent reparations.
I'll steal that.
I don't care about the romanticism, I'm more baffled why some of the governments in Europe actively protect them. They make blacks in sub-Saharan Africa look civilized. They make Abos look sober.
>for some reason
The Japanese haven't gotten any Gypsies, meanwhile Disney is run by jews and cannot state something as politically incorrect as the truth.
gypsies are the real plague of the earth. I don't even want to imagine what would happen if tehy keep breeding at this rate.

In my country they've took over a major and respectable city, now the centre of that city in largely gypsy-owned. They made money from stealing cars and then selling them or simply from stealing goods. Some gypsies from that "rich" family that took over the city even filmed themselves as they took an innocent 9 years old kid and throw him in the trash can, head first.

Sieg heil my friends, and remember, always crush the gypsies, don't EVER give ANYTHING to them.
If you want a brown girl who's not going to stab you in your sleep, why don't you just find yourself a nice Indian girl? Genetically they're a very similar people. If need be, they can get pretty westernized.
I'm actually not all too racist outside of /pol/, I eat kebab now and then and have no beef with my Bosnian muslim neighbors.

But gypsies need to be exterminated mercilessly, the skulls of their babies have to be crushed under the heels of our jackboots.
Well... Thanks for making me spit my coffee.
Protip: Real female gypsies are less attractive than male abbos.
You're a retard.
There was a gypsy wedding party in a bar across the road from my house one summer. I saw the bride and she had a bright neon pink wedding dress and her bridesmaids had neon yellow dresses. I was walking on the other side of the street from the bar and a gypsy tried to pick a fight with me but I was like 15 at the time so I walked away quickly. Also I saw some of the gypsy kids in the chip shop, they were throwing chips and shit, such little pricks. I don't think a good gypsy exists, their culture teaches them to be thieving scum.
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That rustled the fuck out of my jimmies.
ughh, I wish they continued. Doing things half heartedly wasa terrible idea
I am from Bulgaria. We have many gypsies. They always cause problem, harass people, beg, steal etc. I have never seen a respectable one either. I wish we could kill all of them.
>>18409011 (OP)

They pretended they were going to use the zebra cross, the dude in the car stopped so they could cross the road, then they started running to the car, got him out and taunted him. This happens a lot. Ask any portuguese who lives in a town with gypsies.


Multiculturalism at its best.

They're the worst. If you try to defend yourself from one of them attacking you, they come in packs of 12 to beat you up and the police CAN'T DO NOTHING. A friend of mine was spanked less than two months ago by two drunk gypsies and a romanian dude and they went to court and nothing happened.

They're the worst really:

East European fag here.
Incorrect. Gypsy women are attractive(well some are) in their 16-19s, maybe up till 22-23. Later they get incredibly fat.
City, country? I know that if you're a quarter gypsy you can be reasonably not-so-disgusting, but real gypsies are always fucking hideous as shit.
that was in Spain
Yeah, no.

They're always dirty as fuck and smell. They don't wash themselves often.
Jeez, I feel awful but they're already too broken to fix. You generally can't save people when they start pimping and gangbanging before they're even in the double-digits.
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Gypsies have a very strict clan hierarchy(almost racial). You probably didn't meet the ones at the very top.
Ausfag here.
I've lived next to abos.
I've lived next to radical Somalian muslims.
And this still couldn't prepare me for dealing with the Roma that lived near my aunt in England.

Genocide them all.
>>18409011 (OP)
I would do both of them
Just google Lunik IX or Lunik 9, you'll be redpilled in an instant.
Yeah, that's not a gypsy, that's a white dressed up like a gypsy. Effort went into shit though, they only dress up like that in Disney movies.
Take it from a Romanian, there are no good ones. The more "educated" ones don't give a shit about school, jobs, whathave you, all they care about is fucking bitches and playing football, then living off their dads inheritance before going back to the caravan.

Gypsies took our reputation of being skilled thieves and fucking ramped it up, removing any finesse and not being subtle about it..
Gypsies are brown. When put next to White people, brown people have to resort to crime to achieve some small part of White economic success. Brownness is part and parcel poverty. Though the Gyppos are certainly worse than the average brown people.
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>>18409011 (OP)
where are you in romania?
Wow, I hate them already.


They don't look like gypsies at all.
wantto meet up?
LOL.I live in city with large Roma population and they do dress like that for cultural events and concerts.
Also yes they do like that (girls), although not all.

>implying gypsies don't breed like crazy

Depends how much booze you're willing to bring.
That's a screenshot from a movie.
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I dated a Romanian girl, she was pretty cute. 2nd from left
Movie pikeys and pikeys in general != gypsies.
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>>18409011 (OP)
We have them in Mexico too. They're all homeless and like to scam people for money.
Europe, pls take back your niggers.
depends, can you still suck cock while drunk?
'manian here also,
Only one gyppo I knew was a decent guy,last time I've seen him we were 17.
Even though both his parents were brown and his brother acted like a complete nigger he looked whitewith a bit of a tan and also had light brown hair and eyes,as opposed to the blackness of the rest of them.The guy was bro as fuck,doing well in school,/fit/ to the max and a great football player(because of the gyppo genes probably)
But yeah,I remember people were shocked when they found out he was a gyppo,decent guy.
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GIDF detected, here's a real fullblood gypsy.
I bet you had 5some with the others also
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Another one

Puke might be a problem.
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>muh discrimination

>muh racism

My grandfather had a big vine and all summers as a child I went there to work with him for two weeks, helping him and the others catch the grapes. They always said that vine would someday be mine and they said I needed to learn the skills. I kinda enjoyed it, listening to the old people telling their stories.

When the two gypsies started to show up looking for work that's when the problems started. They walked up to my grandpa and asked him for job. He wasn't looking for help but they told him a sob story about how they needed money to feed the children and my grandpa was like "OK, you can work here!".

First day, they didn't do shit. They were complaining all the time. One of them almost started a fight with another helper because he didn't want to carry the boxes on his shoulders, like we all did (even the women). At the end of the day they walked up to my grandfather and said "Ok, pay us!" and my grandpa said "I pay everybody in the end of the week!" (Which is what everybody does around here). "No, we want the money now!". My grandfather was like "Fuck it! Here's the money! Don't bother showing up tomorrow, you bums!".

The morning after, the gypsies showed up again, both of them. They wanted to work but my grandpa sent them away. They threatened him "This shit won't end like this! You'll see! You treat us like that because we're gypsies!".

My grandpa didn't bother with them for the rest of the day. At least that's what I thought when I was a kid. Now I recall the look of concern in his face all day that day. And with good reason. The next morning we arrived at the vine and what did we find?

All the grapes were robbed. All of them. There were marks of a vehicle in the sand. The gypsies, during the night, robbed all the grapes in my grandpa's vine. It was done in one night, it was at least a job for at least 15 people.

Fuck gypsies.
mmm probaly
how about weed? but fuck 60 lei per gram?
gtfo you dumb cunt. ROMANIANS AREN'T GYPSIES!!!
>dem sores
[vomiting intensifies]
Holy fuck! Where do you live?
lol romanians get so buthurt when they are called gypsies

There's a reason I don't touch that stuff man, shti is overpriced to hell and back. If I wanted to see pink ponies I'd just drink down 3 cans of Stejar mixed with some random energy drink in a few minutes.
Movie gypsies.
Although, they are the Irish traveller type, not general gypsies as discussed in this thread.
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gypsies lrn2 supermarket, pics ensue
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>The trick to making this work is to NEVER back down and never stop.


Allow me to introduce the American Black. Cradle to grave welfare for generations.
Holy shit, how did they get out of here? They're spreading?
don't know that shit

but iarba should be cheaper, considering the price of the electricity here and that the only consequence can be a romanian jail, and who doesnt like anal
>not making your own moonshine and wine
I have enough moonshine that's also strong enough to get everyone on this board right now completely fucked up in just 3 shots.
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romanian here;
yeah, we get fucking mad when we get called gipsy, calling someone a gipsy is a heavy insult
also, we tried to get rid of them, we tried
lmao wat
they tried before, it didn't work
Why would you compare respectable white people with the scum of the earth? Most romanians I know are hard-working people, people that left their country looking for a better life. You are only shaming yourself calling romanians gypsies, as it shows that you have no idea about history/demographics/genetic whatsoever. Gtfo you edgy faggot.
If Hitler had destroyed only gypsies, even bluepills could only love him.

Even liberals hate gypsies, that's how hated they are.

>Dosn't know about Stejar

Go away Juden, and never come back with your lies.


Well why aren't you sharing it then you cunt.

my romanian friend hates gypsies more than anybody
I am sharing it,whenever someone comes to visit I get him a drink,it's common fucking courtesy.
I live in romania faggot, and I didn't even compare them, learn to fucking read
I just stated a fact
I'm offended, I googled it and I know the fucking tree, but I don't drink that where I am from

I just know tuica


How's it nowadays, I havn't had a glass for almost a decade.
lol I just read your second line
bitch please, kill yourself
u so old?
Everyone in Romania hates them, I mean literally everyone, even libtards are trying to change the subject when you bring up gypsy problem, or they start white the bullshit that even they don't belive: "they were slaves and muh eduaction and muh...".

>Gypsies are also called roma
>Gets mad when people think all romanians are roma

Go put them in camps and massacre them if you want people to realize not all romanians are roma.

How shitty race do you have to be that even cultural marxist of the worst degree hate you?
I think they exist, but only because they've left the gypsy community and integrated into society in general.
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One day, one day people will tire of the gypo filth and cancer. Hopefully there are still heroes left in mankind willing to do what is right.
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i hate jews more than everything, then niggers, muslims, indians and finally gypsies, you see, gypsies are the most subhuman fuckers in existence but you can get rid of them very quicly, unlike other parasites
Got a gypsy story for you

>At a festival with a few friends
>Sitting in a park eating pizza
>Gypsy family of 7 sits down a few meters from us
>Me and my friends dont care, just keep eating pizza and talking to each other
>Suddenly a toddler, just barely able to walk comes up to us with outstretched hand
>Gypsy family all stare us down until we give the toddler a small amount of money

>Later talk to friend who worked with a promotional event for a soft drink
>They were giving out free samples
>Gypsies would come by, grab as many as they possibly could, empty them on the ground and then go recycle them to get money

Scum, let me tell you
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>implying we didn't and then got fucked hard for it
wow you so smart, wow you so edgy, wow you so fun
dumb faggot.
These sound like Mexican women
rachiu de prune si vin acru din strugurii din gradina; best drinks ever

We really need to pcik our sides better. First time we got left to hang due to LOLREVOLUTION, second time the King fucked us over by beng a whiny, impatient little cunt.
you are definitely retarded
Thing is, they stop being gypsies after a generation of employment
>strugurii din gradina
serios? nobody has that in their gradina
should i say dute en pula mea just in case some barkeeper looks at me with that weird look as when I ask for fanta lamuie?
>muh hooman rites
I mean, I don't know if you are kidding me frate
>I've lived next to radical Somalian muslims.

I don't know why, but that sounds kinda badass
Mexican women are indefinitely better looking and have better personalities.

You will bring ultimate shame and disgrace upon your family and your entire bloodline if you mix with gypsies.
My Dad owns seven caravan sites.

2 acres of my house's land has been turned into a caravan site. In all the years of living in this house, not once have I met an honest, trustworthy or pleasant gypsy, however, I have met many respectable gypsies.

The way that they settle disputes through their brawls and then leave them settled is so damn respectable. It's the way that things should be.

Like it or not, they settle things like men, just like we used to be able to many years ago.
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>>18409011 (OP)
>graduate high school
>travel to yurop for vacation
>see a bunch of gypsies everywhere
>walk out of a shop
>cut roma teen appears out of fucking nowhere and starts begging me for money
>ask her if she'll give me anything for the money
>never seen someone's eyes get that wide
>she runs down the street to a roma couple that might have been her parents and yells some gibberish
>they start coming toward me yelling
>get the fuck out of there

Really? I could understand giving them money for a service. A crackhead would give me a blowjob for some cash, but a gypsy thinks that a little prostitution is offensive as opposed to getting something for nothing?
at least you're not stealing and shitting on the street
>nobody has that in their gradina
that's because you don't live on countryside, enjoy your city infested with gypsies
>a little prostitution
I lolel
As a relatively social liberal person (although not insufferable American liberal tier,) I can vouch that yes, even with all my humanist tendencies, I, too, fucking hate the Gypsies.
What about the general indigenous people aren't they kind of like gypsies?
then it's more than a garden, and yes
where do you live?
I seriously hope you have a twisted sense of humor and would not actually let a gypsy touch you.
oh, but they are hot
'Murican here.
I don't get it.
my grandmother had a gipsy lastname, she was white as milk with green light eyes, not sure what to think
when they go to a supermarket or just about any shop, they have one cashier following them all the time

actually they kind of do the same with the romanians in spain, but it's because of the gypsies
Aren't there groups like "irish travelers" which are also gypsies? or are they merely "gypsie-like"?

Many (almost all) gypsy girls are virginal until marriage.

It's safer than fucking a white degenerate.
Hahaha, phew, I was worried for a while there.
in a small forgotten mountain village
I'm not the one who asked a gypsy for a little prostitution

but why do you say that?

can I fuck you?
>>18409011 (OP)
I have never. Gypies are garbage. It was the only thing Hitler was right about.
>>18409011 (OP)
I have met quite a few respectable gipsies. They were pretty westernized, though
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>hot gypsis
Muh sides.
That's just pathetic. Not even niggers get that treatment, except for the occasional watchful eye. Of course I suppose that would be the proper response after generations of pure scum-like behavior from all members of your group.
not fucking those
Travellers live like roma gypsies but they aren't anywhere near as parasitic.
They were probably banished from their gangs, mixed and hunted by bonafide gypsies.
yepp, that should be enough to reconsider the behavior of your race, but they dont
Travellers aren't real gypsies bro.
>It was the only thing Hitler was right about.
jew-niggeridf, pls go
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only if you're white femanon
>tfw partying with your friends in an open field in thye middle of a forest with a big fire at night
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>filthy disgusting subhuman scum gypo trash
You don't really know much about gipsies, do you ?
>thinking there are girls on the internet
>being this new
>Cork, Ireland
>older bro in 6th class(11-13)
>gypsy boy in his class, taller than everyone
>next year I'm in 6th class, he's still there, notice he only shows up half the time, often disappears after lunch
>4-5 years later
>see him begging on one of the footbridges leading into town
>talk to him
>he's on welfare, has a flat, etc.
>I'm still in school and have a part-time job
some of them are hot
anyway, none are hotter than romanian guys
Begging is for lazy folks.
People advertising work for pay or food are awesome and actually trying to turn their lives around.
Gypsies will seriously steal everything unless you watch them. Germanfag here, they will literally try to steal even if you follow them and it is obvious you can very clearly see them shoving stuff into their pockets. I've heard rumors of stores going bankrupt because of gypsies.

Hitler was right. Come hell and Secret Service, I'm ready.
bitch, please
>being this new
> -.-
the japanese language is too hard for the gypsy tongue to grasp

I'd still fuck you frate, I'll make like I didn't see that
in romania gypsyies even steal the little fences they put to separate directions in a road

pic related, the little fence on the left, most of the time when you drive a long way, between cities more than half of that is gone, gypsies steal that shit, melt it and make something like a few dollars per KG of metal
Gypsies can't even properly speak the language of their host nation even if they had lived there for hundreds of years. No matter where they live, they've got a retarded accent.
I'm Portuguese, and I wish we started sterilizing those thieving scum here. No one likes them.
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you are the real faggots, emoticons were nice and still are, but then all the yolokids used them everywere so nobody liked them anymore, go fuck yourself
they make a few lei, faggot
>state gives free housing to gypsies
>they steal the copperwires and move to their old pile of shit
There's no hope for them, only zyklon.
stay away from me frate, i don't like fags
YES!!!! THIS FUCKING HAPPENS IN THE UK! But not for romani gypsies. For those fucking pikeys. All the same shit to be honest.
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pic related
am uitat
also for those who didn't know 1lei=about 0.3$
>emoticons still are (nice)
>nobody liked them anymore
choose one
then go fuck yourself
Yeah, but they get married at 11, remember?
And sell blowjobs at 7.
oh true, this is /pol/ I almost forgot
vrei pula coaie? I'm sure you do like cock
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e37_1368627575 dirty fooking Gippos. If they paid tax and stopped robbing people at cashpoints maybe they wouldn't be so hated.Had my card cloned at Tesco by some of these fucks
>Begging is for lazy folks
I don't think you quite grasp what a roma gypsy is.
They have 2 modes of operation, stealing and begging.
>not living in a small village
>not getting all the villagers with furci, coase si topoare to attack gypsies who tries to settle nearby
you're like asking for it
Gypsies look like something between an abbo and a kike, and have the intelligence of an abbo and the loyalty and honor of a kike.
nope, go listen to manele faggot
I got no problem with them, but the fact that you're on an imageboard pretty much makes the use of them null and void. Even if you don't have a reaction folder (like me) you can still convey your emotions through simple text quite easily.
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One on far left looks like a young Ann Coulter.
Well I'm just speaking in general homelessness.
They're not homeless
i do have one, didn't want to search for it
I'm not talking about gypsies. I'm talking about homeless people.
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What's wrong with gypsies?
Read the thread.
You're in the wrong thread then. We're talking about gypsies here, particularly the roma variety
>we shouldn't give homes to homeless people, they're lazy and dirty, we should give homes to gypsies and niggers, because we persecuted them in the history and muh slaves and white guilt and and...
librul logic
I know. I just made a comment on homeless people.
>we shouldn't give homes to homeless people, they're lazy and dirty, we should give homes to gypsies and niggers, because we persecuted them in the history and muh slaves and white guilt and and...
Where in you ass did you just pull this from?
My favorite part of the whole gypsy shtick is when they try to curse you.

if you say to them "i'm romani too, you ass" they stop and get all disappointed.
it happened schlomo, homeless native people didn't received homes because they gave it to giypsies
>implying gypsies don't hate each other as well
>Go to Italy, landing in Rome
>Guy at customs tells me to watch out for Gypsies
>I ask why
>He says they're all scum, like your blacks
>I laugh and say thanks, don't really believe him
>Get out into the center of city
>Wtf why are there Pakistani people everywhere?
>They stink like high heaven, they're harassing tourists left and right
>Over hear some other tourists say these are gypsies
>Get harassed every so often for money by ugly gypsy sows with unibrows and babies with unibrows strapped to their bodies
>Group of Gypsies approach me and surround me
>Cop happens to pop out of a resturaunt and they run away
>Cop comes up to me and says if he had a machine gun, he'd murder every single Gypsy
I've met a decent, hard working gypsy.
He was a taxi driver. Sure, he had a fuckload of kids, but they were all hard working and honest. Socially, they didnt fit in always, but they were happy to help out .

Too bad they were the minority of gypsies I've met.
everyone hates gypsies, if the political corectness shit no longer existed the gypsies will be the first to die
Gypsies truly are the greatest argument against nurture > nature. In every country they behave equally shitty and no matter where you're from, if you've got gypsies, you hate them. Even if they had lived in the country for hundreds of years, they're still intolerable subhumans.
Ah caralho pa! Os ciganos la em portugal sao uma merda. A minha familia sempre da dinheira a ciganada nos parques de carros. Se nao, os ciganos riscam os nossos carros. Se fosse comigo, acabava com esta raca de merda.

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