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Give one good reason why you are not living in Toronto

>good ethnic restaurants
>beautiful girls
>top universities
>top hospitals
>top jobs

What's your excuse for NOT living in Toronto ?
Because it's a multicultural shithole.
Those first two things
>mfw all the kids are staring at that one tall Aryan dude on the right

It's like they've never seen someone like him before.

Answered your own question
>Multicultural shithole

Why exactly ?


Seriously motherfucker ?
>>15965331 (OP)

Caught you schlomo
What's wrong with multiculturalism ?
All canadian political parties support it
>Why exactly ?

The crime for one. The stink for two.
yes because I want to live with people of my own kind. But apparently it's not allowed if you are white
>argumentum ad populum

Is this nigger serious?
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Crime have been declining for more than 10 years

>the stink

bitch please
>New York-lite

How does it feel always being #2, Canada?
I want to live with people of my own kinds

People who live in Toronto aren't of your own kind ? you racist ?
what is required for an American to move to Canada?
do you need a degree and $5k as I have read?
Multi-Culturalism is bad because it defeats the purpose of having countries at all. Countries fought for their independence as a way to free themselves from foreign influences, so that they can freely practice their culture and religion without worrying about what other ethnic groups want or approve of. Having Separated Countries is the best way to assure that every single ethnic group in the world gets self-determination and freedom without fear of being overrun or oppressed by larger groups that can simply force their way by the use of the majority rule of Democracy. It will allow us to preserve all the diversity and cultures of the world that would eventually be blended out of existence and absorbed by the larger groups
>>15965331 (OP)

>top jobs

Another fucking easterner that's completely oblivious to how much better it is elsewhere.

I make an easy 100K a year and don't have to live in a socialist "ethnically diverse" cesspool like Toronto.

Classic stupid response. Hurr durr you don't agree with me therefore you're handicapped.

There's a difference between multiracialism and multiculturalism. Different races are fine. Different beliefs are stupid and inferior. Want to mutilate your kids genitals? Inferior. Want to arrange your child's marriage? Inferior. Want to punish apostasy with death? Inferior.

Get that through your heads, liberals. White people aren't the only ones you should shit on all day.

>you racist?

Ah "racism", the battle cry of the lefties when someone disagrees with their agenda.
Then why does Toronto have an excellent quality of life ?
>Crime have been declining for more than 10 years
Doesn't mean it's not still high.
Who prevents you for practicing what you want in Toronto fagget ?

You DO REALIZE that all the CEOs of Canadian companies that are white live in Toronto ?

>Want to mutilate your kids genitals? Inferior.
Well, it definitely stops girls from whoring around, that's for sure.

>Want to arrange your child's marriage? Inferior.
See above. Also, it allows socially awkward guys to pass on their high IQ genes who wouldn't have been able to reproduce otherwise.

>Want to punish apostasy with death? Inferior.
Ok, I suppose that is true
>top hospitals
>top jobs

Source? Last time I heard, all the best jobs are in the petroleum industry and Alberta has better healthcare than Ontario. Also, Alberta doesn't have PST. I will, however, give you the U of T. Great university. Why would you want to live with a bunch of Muslims and blacks though?
>Then why does Toronto have an excellent quality of life ?

It doesn't. Way below a lot of other less multicultural cities in Canada.
Complete and utter bullshit.
The Leafs will never win another cup. Ever.

Regards; Montreal.
>Also, it allows socially awkward guys to pass on their high IQ genes who wouldn't have been able to reproduce otherwise.

...Why have I not considered this point before?
And I thought Vancouver was bad.

Thank God I don't live in Toronto.
Alberta is boring AND full of rednecks

Toronto is alive
It's pretty simple, I don't like large cities.
Dear Montreal,

420blaze it faggot 360noasians xxxAIRCARExxx

Regards; "Upper Fraser Valley
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>fan broken
>nearby stores closed
Jesus christ just kill me now.
Describe Vancouver to us who have never been there

Everything my friend, everything. John A. MacDonald, despite being a drunk, had the right idea.

"In 1885, John A. Macdonald told the House of Commons that, if the Chinese were not excluded from Canada, “the Aryan character of the future of British America should be destroyed …” This was the precise moment in the histories of Canada and the British Dominions when Macdonald personally introduced race as a defining legal principle of the state…"
>blacks and muslims

So ? Did they do something to you ? They are immigrants, just like you man
>>15965331 (OP)
>Give one good reason why you are not living in Toronto

you already gave me one
Kenya-tier East Hastings

Tourist-tier Granville Street

Hong Kong-tier Richmond

"Skytrain" system that is largely underground
I went to Toronto when I was young, pretty place.

University of Toronto and all the shit we have seen come from there is more than enough to keep me away.
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That's... wow.

I hope you're not OP because your argument had some credibility before this.
>So ? Did they do something to you ? They are immigrants, just like you man

I've never immigrated anywhere.
Toronto is what UK was 20 years ago, just wait
You forgot happy merchant tier Oak street.
>the Aryan character of Canada

Really ? The chinese are hard working, they are the ones making Canada great (Toronto, Vancouver, etc..)

All the students bodies from the best canadian universities have many chinese
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>>15965331 (OP)

Give one good reason why you are not living in Toronto


Stopped reading there. No thanks.

Don't worry though, The Commander will be released when the Happening occurs to fix that little problem you've got.
>"Skytrain" system that is largely underground

Factually false. It's mostly above ground, and unlike light rail above grade.
>>15965331 (OP)

overpriced housing and lots of spoiled yuppie children
India-tier Surrey
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>toronto mapple waffles
Yup. They're professional heart breakers.
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Japs and Koreans =! Chinese
>>15965331 (OP)

crack smoking crazy bastard mayor
>University of Toronto and all the shit we have seen come from there is more than enough to keep me away.

Why ? Why exactly ? I bet you can't complain.
The university of toronto is considered one of the best in the world, maybe it's you who have a problem
To quote Anthony Cumia
"I hate diversity!"
In Vancouver proper it's all underground.
Because I live in Toronto and it's shit
>too much multiculti
>little assimilation
>shit mayor
>shit public transit
>shit white people
>shit job prospects
>shit weather
>shit waterfront
>shit homeless problems

Going to move to the US where having a science degree is worth something.
>crack smoking crazy bastard mayor
I put that in the pro side of Toronto.

Ford is the best thing about the place.
Good landscape, 8/10

Some multikulti, but not so bad if you stay out of East Hastings, Richmond, Surrey, and South Van

Hipsters, sushi, and bike lanes.
Yes, but at least I have the decency to respect European culture and realize that this land and the descendants of its founders are not rightfully mine. If blacks and muslims did the same instead of exploiting the government's foolish generosity, I would have no problem with them.
>>15965331 (OP)

Because it's full people just like you.

>Toronto is alive


Just annex the GTA please, USA. These faggots aren't Canadian.
>>15965331 (OP)
To name a few...

>retardedly cold in the winter
>yet unbearable hot in the summer
>bitchy and unapproachable women
>housing crashing incoming

Seriously stay away from here if you know what's good for you. OP's delusional.

How quickly do we forget?

Well for one, they're black, and secondly, they're muslims.

The only worse thing than those two, are Jews.
Oh, and if you wander into Surrey. SIKHS. SIKHS EVERYWHERE. They're pretty cool dudes but jesus their children are fucking devils.
Could we trade the GTA for all lands north and west of the Columbia river?
Toronto Jews aren't too bad, you hardly notice they even exist. It's the somalis and jamaicans that are the problem. The Chinese would be more tolerable if they spoke the fucking language, but at least their food is good.

are you able to read because immigration to canada is a little more difficult than that

you need to be trained for a highly skilled job or have experience in a specialized job or marry a canadian
Black people from Toronto don't exploit shit, most of the immigrants are very very hard working, they were selected to come to Canada because of their talents

it actually has one of the highest qualities of life in all of north America (and the world)
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Or be a refugee.
Free pass right there.
>Top universities

If you like riots, rape, and crime lmao. Toronto is shit. Ottawa is the best city in Ontario.

Best idea yet.
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>In Vancouver proper it's all underground.
No it isn't. Only at the end in the downtown is it underground.

Stop lying.
No they come to Canada as refugees and then never leave.
Have you met Toronto's blacks? The vast majority are the kind you'd find in the US, lazy and crime prone. Yes there are some who are educated and useful and a pleasure to be around but most of the ones downtown aren't.
How is it shit ?

>too much multiculti

How is that bad ?

>little assimilation

How are they not assimilated ? They don't wear clothes? They don't pay their bills ? They don't have cars ? They don't eat food ?

>shit public transport

Like almost everywhere in Canada

>shit white people

Like everywhere

>shit job prospects

Like everywhere except Alberta (muh OIL)

>shit homeless problems

Like everywhere
Yeah, Sikhs tend to be good tier.

In Toronto ? Really ? The universities are very safe, the university of toronto have police forces, you are safe cracka
Of course most of them are hardworking, they have to make money for their families don't they? The point is that they're using Canada as a tool for achieving their own monetary goals, while completely ignoring the culture and displacing the natives.

forgot that this gem was from there too.


Glad I'm not the only one who caught that.

Ha, i've heard canadians complain about public transit before... they have never been to america and if they have only NYC

move to the west or south of america you'll find out how awesome a bus only transit system is
Why am I so surprised the one espousing the "benefits" of Multikulti on the internet is a nigger.
could ya'll stop bashing for a fucking minute and answer my question

what is required to move to Canada from the U.S. ?

we are about to have a Mexican invasion down here!!
Asian detected
>The point is that they're using Canada as a tool for achieving their own monetary goals

Isn't Canada doing the same thing to them?

Our problem isn't with the black because we just don't have a big enough population of them. When blacks gather they have a synergistic effect on each other, making them more violent and prone to chimp outs. If we ever get a critical mass of them, we'd be in the exact same shitty situation as America so don't speak of it like it's someone else's problem. This could be coming to our country soon. For the most part our issue is with the damn feather Indians who are lazy fucks who sits on their reserve and gets high all day but still demands more entitlements.
Not since the early 1900s.
Check the federal government's website. We are very accommodating towards Americans.
>eyes not look directly at white man but at something or someone at the distance.
>How is that bad?
They don't speak the goddamn language
>How are they not assimilated?
They don't identify as Canadians, they identify as some other country. Try talking to them sometime and then talk to an actual Canadian, guess which one says "I'm a Canadian"?
>public transport
Have you ever ridden the TTC? It's constantly breaking down, constantly delayed and always packed full and yet the TTC is always asking for more money. Nearly every TTC employee is retarded. Fuck even the streetcars are crowded every hour of the day.
>shit white people
Maybe. But the hipster shit has gone too far.
>shit job prospects
Except Toronto is supposed to be Canada's economic capital. It has little outside of money-based jobs.
Well. Yeah. Except ours are a little violent if you don't give them money. Maybe it's because I work near a mental health clinic so I get the fucking crazy homeless.
the worst thing about Toronto is the hipster ass white kids.

there is nothing more annoying than a trust fund baby hipster

toronto is like a bad version of brooklyn
>they were selected to come to Canada because of their talents

Oh man that's some funny shit.
you need to be non-white. everything else is optional.
>When blacks gather they have a synergistic effect on each other, making them more violent and prone to chimp outs. If we ever get a critical mass of them, we'd be in the exact same shitty situation as America so don't speak of it like it's someone else's problem

Award winning thesis right there. Apt observation. Also, I agree that Indians are another major problem.
Toronto is a major city though. You'd expect it to have more than two lines of subway.

sorry....missed this answer

IT admin with U.S. military....skilled enough?
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Diversity is death.

Toronto is a shithole. Quality of life goes down each year.

you don't realize how good you have it.

Try crossing the border into Buffalo the bus comes once an hour and all public transit stops after 1 AM. Not to mention You can't walk anywhere in Buffalo because there aren't even fucking sidewalks in the suburbs
>Yeah, Sikhs tend to be good tier.

No, no they are not. They are wanabe niggers but rather than having honmies they have their cousin.
Public transit stops in Toronto at 1am as well...
All the whites moved to North Vancouver and West Vancouver.

East Van is a real shithole. It's literally 50/50 Asians. Richmond alone is all Chinese.
>Ha, i've heard canadians complain about public transit before
It's only the poor that use it anyway, Fuck'em I say.
But brown person parties are God tier. Have you ever even hung out with them?
Toronto is a shithole

No. What are your arguments ?

"I saw that indian guy in the subway"

>>15965331 (OP)
>>good ethnic restaurants
>>beautiful girls
>>top universities
>>top hospitals
>>top jobs
All of those could describe Jew York Shitty, LA and Chimpcongo, all of which are shit cities.
Sikhs are ok, the ones I know are hard working and very respectful.
Asians could learn a thing from them, they are hard working but like 50/50 on respectful and just shit. Elderly Asians need to be shot.

Phoenix is one of the largest cities in North America you'd expect it to have more than 1 shitty light rail line.

Same goes for Denver. Same goes for Dallas. The list goes on in America.

2 lines in a major city is shit compared to NYC, Moscow, Barcelona, but if you compare it the public transit offered in America it is fucking amazing.

it just has to do with perspective. In most american cities you are fucked if you don't have a car in Toronto you can still get around in a somewhat reasonable fashion
>Sikhs are ok, the ones I know are hard working and very respectful.

Must have never met any of their children or young adults.

Curry niggers the lot of them.

links or it didn't happen

I went back to Richmond a few months ago after being away for 5 years.

Hopefully the next earthquake sends it into the ocean, because there's nothing of value left there.

no i'm pretty sure you have blue lines and buses that run all night.

the subway stops but the buses don't and the queen street car is 24 hours
Maybe not their children but a lot of the adults I meet I find I have nothing to complain about.

But you'll have to elaborate.
Not really. most everyone is someone on their way to work. Don't get me wrong there are proportionally more fucktard welfare queens on the ttc than drive around but its nowhere as bad as chimpcago or jew york.

not in toronto middle class people use public transit, because it isn't that bad
>Sikhs are ok, the ones I know are hard working and very respectful.
They think they are part of a warrior race, with a deep history and culture of their warrior honor.

But in the end all they are is smelly East Indians, with a tendency towards terrorism, and treating women like property.

hey, I've had to put up with your plump white asses wearing Speedos invading Florida every winter, ya'll can deal with me

>shootings every other day, immigrant rapists roaming universities, faggot parades, feminist hordes, slutwalks, social tension due to nobody speaking english, becoming a minority in your own city

need I go on?
>>15965331 (OP)
But I do
Richmond is already underwater... Well Richmond mortgages are anyways. Home price assessments and sales took a beating this year. I told everyone I know not to invest there but no one listened. Now I get to rub it in their faces. I told them Dichmond is shit.
>Phoenix is one of the largest cities in North America
1.5 million is large now?


Do you believe in freedom or don't you? You have to have freedom for everyone, not just for you while other people have their bodies mutilated and get sold off to other families for marriage.

Ask yourself how you would feel. Everyone live your own fucking life and FUCK OFF.
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I'm thanking the Lord that mine is still working.
>Canadians leaving during the winter
faggots, they probably aren't even really Canadian


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