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Genuine question. Does anyone here actually hate Jews and niggers and gays and such?
My estimate is that maybe 5% genuinely do, and the other 95% just do it to seem cool on 4chan.
The political ones. So a lot of them.
To be honest?
Not really. I mean, I hate niggers and fags (note: not blacks and gays) just as much as anyone should, but that's because those particular people are annoying cunts. I don't have much personal experience with Jews.

It's all just a big joke in my eyes. But it's fun to pretend.
I'm Jewish and I post regularly in jew-bashing threads, it's a little bit of fun
Kill yourself.
>>17201881 (OP)
Greedy kikes?
flamers and the televised?

I guess you could say I don't hate the people per se, more so their attitudes.
Jews, yes of course you faggot. There is more than enough reason to keep an eye on their evil.

Niggers not as much; don't mind hard working ones who don't act like niggers.

Vocal faggots yes. Other ones not as much.

Also fuck your jidf thread.
>Greedy kikes?
Well is that really exclusive to Jews?
Anyone can be greedy.
Only ones who think they are superior to non-jews
Only ones who are trashy and bad people
Only the ones who make a big deal out of their sexuality.

Most of them




I don't hate any of them. Emotion has nothing to do with the fact they don't belong in my country.

For gays on the other hand I really don't care. As long as they don't do the gay pride shit they don't matter.
I hate individual people, not groups.
If a Jew is a cunt then he's scum, if a nigger is a cunt then he's scum. Doesn't mean all Jews or niggers are scum.
>>17201881 (OP)
> Jews
> niggers
> gays
Hasidic Jew here, I hate lots of people but don't base that distinction on race
>they don't belong in my country.
Which are you talking about here?
Niggers, yes. Not black people though. Hoodrats, welfare abusing shitstains with attitude were meant to be hated, but contributing members to society should not be.
I hate all 3
That's what is was getting at. I don't really hate jews and niggers and the politicized gays. I hate their greed, laziness, anger, stupidity, short sightedness, and all their other bad qualities. I just realized that when I thought about OP's question.
You're worse than the worst of the jews and blacks combined.
>>17201881 (OP)
only the power-hungry ones
only the chimp ones
only the annoying, faggy ones
>I own this country now.
>>17201881 (OP)
>its a joke
fuck off reported
I don't like the really snobby ones
>>17201881 (OP)
With all my heart
Feel bad for everyone with a mental disorder. But no hate.

Anti-semitism and racism wards away the mainstream.
>>17201881 (OP)
basically none in my country, but they clearly cause trouble in other
Homosexual black ex-Jew here, I fucking hate Jews
>>17201881 (OP)
stfu and go to a zimmerman thread
i don't hate anyone based on their race or sexual orientation

just as long as they believe the same things as me, we're cool
>hating people based on their race or sexuality
I never understood that.
I hate some niggers and jews and gays, but not because of what they are. It's what they do that matters, and it's hate on an individual basis.

I really don't get why anyone would hate something for what it was.
With a passion
There are some good ones
Spread aids and make everyone else pay for it? Yeah, they can go get gassed with the kikes.
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I don't hate the evil doers, I just know that they exist.
I only hate niggers, dislike Jews, and am annoyed by gays.
yep, the flamboyant faggots who try to shove their lifestyle in everyones face and into the school system disgust me

and even the 'normal' homosexuals fucking disgust me
>>17201881 (OP)
I hate niggers and fags, note that they are different from blacks and gays I have no problem with them and have black friends.
>Blacks(See how i din't use the N-word)
Only the ones who want full acceptance instead of tolerance.
I think there's a few important distinctions to be made here.
Kikes =/= Jews
Niggers =/= blacks
Faggots =/= gays
>>17201881 (OP)
Excommunicated tranny giganigga rabbi here.

They can all rot in hell for all I care
I fucking
>>17201881 (OP)
I would have them all killed immediately
I used to not, then I started working with them.
Somebody who likes dick is fine, somebody who goes to gay parade needs to be hang.
Yes, keep in mind though, not all black people are niggers
The flamboyant obnoxious pride parade gays, yes
>>17201881 (OP)
How DARE you say that about /pol/acks. You ignorant son of a bitch. Im sure if someone told you they make cheese out of cow shit you would believe them. You fucking cunt insulting me like that, I'll kill you m8. You're lucky you aren't near me because I would come at you straight up like the weak shit you are.
>>17201881 (OP)
I'll bite. I'm 23, white and male, and grew up in and around europe. I spent a brief amount of time in America and south africa.

I hate blacks because they really aren't anything like us. When I went to south africa I saw a corrupt black government that doesn't even try to seem believably with their lies that steals and cheats the black people into a quality of life worse than the slavery era. I see forests and rivers vandalized and desecrated because white people planted them. I mean burned husks of trees clogging up rivers and causing disasters. I see buildings and whole areas ransacked and vandalized for no good reason, only for the blacks to turn around and beg the white man to come back because suddenly no money is coming in.

But most of all, I hate blacks because they have no value of life. If you don't believe it I want you to book a plane ticket to South Africa and drive through a place called Alexandria township near Johanessburg. If you make it out alive I'll take you seriously. Joburg is murder and rape capitol of the world, and most of those murders and rape are black on black crime.

And then we get to jews. My experiences are limited but I've never met a jew who didn't bitch, whine and moan for special treatment or for pity and sympathy against even the slightest of accidental missigvings, only to turn around and abuse all power and authority they have and commit crime against others.

Fuck niggers.
Fuck jews.
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>>17201881 (OP)
>Wall St. bankers
>Black People
>Flaming faggots
>Savage Kebab

Basically it's all about character. I don't care what you are, what I care about is what you have done and what you have achieved in your life.
E.g. I don't want you deported because you're muslim, or because you're middle-eastern or have a funny sounding name. I want you out of here because you cut off an innocent person's head for superficial reasons, an act of savagery that makes you a threat to public safety and therefore must be removed.

>this post
>on /pol/
God no. Jews are pretty swell. A disproportionate number of my idols are Jewish.
Depends on the person. As a demographic they commit a shitload of crime, but there are definitely cool black individuals.
Most gays are /lgbt/ tier - that is, they're generally normal people who happen to fuck dudes in the butt. I'm okay with them.

The whole /pol/ culture is just hilarious, which is the main reason I play along. There are a few who take it seriously though.
No. Nothing wrong with ambition, and I'd probably be just as greedy if I had the means to be
Well, the kind that rape and steal and kill for fun, but that's not really exclusive to blacks
Rot in hell. Those filthy degenerates don't deserve the air we breathe.
>>17201881 (OP)
I'm not racist towards them, but I believe the stereotypes (big nose and alot of money).
I'm half black. I'm good with them. I hate niggers though. You know the ones who break the law and talk like they have no teeth. I think I just described my brother.
I'm good with them and I want them to get married. I hate the gayfags though. They are so annoying.
With that being said I would give anyone a chance to be friends.
What's wrong with my post?
Show me the logic behind hating something purely because it comes from a different country.

Judge a person on their actions, anon.
Jews: Yes, evil bastards
Niggers: No, most of them (read: most of them that aren't living in the USA) are just regular people, but stupid.
Gays: No, would you hate someone with down syndrome too? Or someone who got maimed by his parents?
Down syndrome people annoy me.
>Judge a person on their actions, anon.
>in a reply to a post where I say exactly that

Pls read my posts next time. I was just pointing out the absurdity of someone being astounded by/being against racism on /pol/ of all places.
I don't know how new you are, but I really shouldn't have to spell this out for you.
>>17201881 (OP)
Not really
Yes, they are labelled empowered and culturally diverse for preferring their own race but if a white man does it, he is literally the next Hitler.
I have no issue with gay people as long as they aren't all in my face about it.
Does it really matter?
Where did I say I was astounded?
I'm not surprised people hate each other for dumb things, I just don't understand why they should.
We got one of these self-hating Jews.
>>17201881 (OP)

Some people take the shit that is said seriously
jews: no
niggers: yes
gays: no

yes I am a white supremacist. I don't hate all other races, but I do hate black culture, both african and african american.
>>17201881 (OP)
Only if you're zionist.

There's a big difference between "nigger" and "black man".

Only if you're a faggot.
>Self hating jew
Those are the best kind of Jew.
>>17201881 (OP)

That's a misleading question.

If by "Jews", you mean "Zionists"... then yes, I do hate them.

If by "niggers", you actually mean "people who act like niggers", and not just "people with skin"... then yes, I hate niggers.

If by "gays", you mean the people who actually think "Pride Parades" are anything other than ruining the public's impression of homosexuality... then yes, I hate them too, and I'm gay myself.
What's wrong with hating Jews?
We don't need your degeneracy on /pol/. Why don't you go cry about having a penis for a while and leave the normal people to discuss politics.
Agreed, whats wrong with hating jews?
I do, but I never used 4chan until I heard of /pol/ and I still don't spend much time on here.

Oh, and it's the only section I browse. You 4channers are sick fucks.
>>17201881 (OP)
Do I hate Jews, niggers and gays?

Not exactly. But I hate many aspects of their respective cultures. For example, Jewish cultural manipulations and greed. Not all Jews live up to those cultural aspects, of course and many who are not Jews do so. But they're more industrious at it than others. Stereotypes do sometimes exist for a reason.

Rinse repeat for the others too.

PS: cultures others than these three also have negative aspects, mind you.
>>17201881 (OP)
>lumping Jews in with blacks and gays
>trying to create a narrative of /pol/
>samefagging thread

You must be new here.
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I don't hate Jews. I hate Zionists and people who think the rules do not apply to them. The juifs petits are unobjectionable.

Niggers gotta die.

Gays are shit and everything with HIV should be exterminated.
You're always such a ray of sunshine, Fire Lord Azula.
nope not at all

I do like to make leftist mad though
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No. Pretend bigotry was really fun when I started posting in '04 on /b/ and later on /n/ews, /new/ and /pol/. And it still is. All the Jew bashing that has emerged the past few years has been even more hilarious and shows that there's plenty of creativity on 4chan. That's one of the reasons I still use this website.
>>17201881 (OP)
No, I'm a Jew myself


Don't reply to tripfags pls
You still hate blacks despite how many times your stormfront ass has been handed to you by real science?

>Fire Lo
No, but I do hate Israel.
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>>17201881 (OP)
I hate all religions not just the jews.

I hate being around niggers but understand that they are a cultural byproduct and blacks can be civil if educated and treated civilly.

As for the gays why the fuck would i care? Personally i think it is dumb to hate people for things they do not control.
We don't hate gays, I bet a lot of us are gay.

There's a few WN who are gay.

We do hate niggers and jews though.
>racist and homophobic

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If you're implying that I have been bested in an argument involving science you must have been dealing with someone else using this trip since I gave it out last year.
Niggers: Yes
Gays: Yes
Jews: A few years ago, I would have said no, but after /pol/, I'm starting to.
You're worse than all of them combined you commie cuntrag.
>>17201881 (OP)

not really, most jews are pretty cool (except for the Hasidic ones, they can burn) and most blacks are pretty cool as well

liberals, on the other hand, need to be purged
>Jews of all kinds
You bet your ass.
Not entirely
I am gay
All of my hate.
yes on all
No to all.
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>>17201881 (OP)
>literally any entire group

There are plenty of individuals I can't stand, but hating an entire demographic is certifiably retarded.
What is it with racist people?
Did your parents beat you when you brought home a black friend one day in elementary school?





read em and weep
Gays are the single biggest threat to America at the moment.
I don't understand why we don't just wipe them out. They don't even breed, how the fuck are there so many of the filthy degenerates?
selective, but 95% yes
not really, just the political ones
i see too many edgy dumb fuck kids on here saying shit like "not all blacks are niggers!" for me to believe there are many genuine white nationalists here.
Exactly what argument are you using these as the basis for?
>and niggers
Yes, on the grounds that they are interbreeding
> and gays
no i dont mind or care about them
There is nothing wrong with gays. What people do in private is there own problem. Now fags. That is a different story....
Hey, he's not self hating. I'm jewish too and I love to samefag in anti-semetic/anti-zionist threads. it's probably my second favorite pastime.
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if someone wants to take it up the butt who am I to say no
Fuck off back to Tumblr you filthy cunt.
Gays are a disease upon America.
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I hope not. I'm black.
>>17201881 (OP)

No, I don't hate "niggers" and "Jews".

But I'll call any of them out who I feel deserve it, and not worry about appearing "racist". I also think that black culture has become toxic due to it's lack of acceptance of criticism.
Is your name Schneer per chance?
The entire racist argument is that other "races" are dumb/more prone to violence entirely because of genetics. aka differences in populations is entirely due to genetics with no environmental input.

the truth is humans are the least genetically diverse organisms on the planet, and we are very related. if the genetics of intelligence and behavior is anything like the overall studies we've seen in genetics so far, we are all very related with little differences in polymorphism. the differences are mostly due to culture. almost entirely. the research also shows that when you consider human genetics as a whole, such categories as "race" become meaningless
I find racist jokes and the like funny, but I'm not actually racist. As a matter of fact I have quite a few black friends who are good people (they were raised in my hometown which has been predominately white since its inception, so they don't 'act black' really)
I don't like niggers and fags (not to be confused with blacks and gays), and I have never known a Jew in my life, so no opinion.
how were they in your workplace?
I don't hate blacks.
I do hate Jews a little.
I don't care about gays.
I do however hate niggers.
So it's OK to murder if it's in the privacy of your own home?
It's OK to molest children if it's in the privacy of your own home?
It's OK to spread disease and degeneracy if it's in the privacy of your own home?
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Right; well; that is not MY argument; and until you familiarize yourself with MY argument you will refrain from claiming it to have been defeated at any time.
Jews - No
Niggers - Ones who complain
Gays - Yes
>>17201881 (OP)
Posters who are anti-semitic or racist to seem cool are /b/ tier retarded.
>and gays
apathetic if they keep it behind closed doors.
Same. A metric fuck ton of other blacks browse this board specifically, just for the laughs
I'm 25 % jew, but the jews despise me for being poor.
Absouletely, they're actively ruining the (once) most beautiful country on Earth, the US, not to mention the great African continent.
Nah, as long as they don't want to marry.
Marriage is done for some benefits that are clearly for creating a family, so I think that it should be considered "per-case"
So if some faggots can adopt a kid then they get those benefits, if they only want to ravage their ass and leech off fuck them.
That's a big if.
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Is that even a question? Of course.
Not really, they can be pretty retarded but Dorner is a god among men and I had a black friend in hs
One of my good friends is gay and I jack off to traps
Without those arguments, racism is pointless.
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>>17201881 (OP)
a couple
not individually
gay !== faggot
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>It's OK to spread disease and degeneracy if it's in the privacy of your own home?
>in the privacy of your home

That's an oxymoron anon.
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>Posters who are anti-semitic or racist to seem cool are /b/ tier retarded.

Correlation is not causation.

These are only social issues.

There is no evidence to link them to genetics.
Straight and I agree
I don't think you even know what that word means if you're using it as a pejorative.
Honeypot detected
>being a retard
If you fuck a stranger in the diseased asshole you are spreading diseases. Doesn't matter where you do it you filth.
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It's not a big if at all. We have does extensive studies in the population and evolutionary genetics of human beings.
The minnesota study never stated the results were due to genetics, nor can it without genetic study.
Why do you idiots hate Jews? They are the number 1 ally of whites AND Christianity.

You're all delusional. Jews are not evil masterminds, they are just misunderstood whites.
me too

the science is overwhelmingly in favor of the hereditarian hypothesis man. sorry.
I hate radical Muslims not Jews

Niggers, yes
Black people, no

Only the flamboyant ones who don't keep it to themselves
>black kid with white parents all turn out stupid
>i-it's not genetics!!!

It can only be genetics.
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you do realize the genes can be inferred to exist and they don't actually have to be found right?
>>17201881 (OP)
Not really.
Yes, they literally turned my grandparents town into a mini detroit with their mere presence. They need to be exterminated.
I don't care unless you're being a flaming faggot.
I love blacks and Jews, so long as they're good people. Gay, on the other hand, is more like a fashion statement that you can't really judge as a group. It's more of an individual thing. Some people look good in hats, while others simply don't.
Jews: No, I do hate ultra orthodox jews who attack Palestinians, and I hate a lot of the policies of Israel

Blacks: No, I hate dumb gangbangers

Gays: No, I hate people who go out looking for attention. This applies to all sexual orientations and races
not really
I just feel sorry for them. Hated for something they can't control, and now a certain group of them is ruining it for the rest by being faggy cunts. Why is it always that the worst of a group are the ones that represent that group?

Sorry, but bad science. People like Rushton, Murray, Jensen, and Sailer were all psychologists with no education in biology, let alone genetics.

>real human genetics say say race is irrelevant
>stormfront cries about political correctness for liberal sciences

>liberal science claims racism is ok
>and I hate a lot of the policies of Israel

Israel deserves to exist. Go fuck yourself.
Palestinians are scum anyway. Why do you care?
I hate extremists, the only group I dislike as a unit is probably Jews just because their religion exists hand-in-hand with racism and hate and most Jews are pretty secular.
>>17201881 (OP)
jews not really
niggers yes
black people no
Because the worst parts of the group are usually the most visible and the most vocal.
You don't see 'gays' because they don't make themselves obvious. You see 'faggots' from a mile away, though.
>Y-you're wrong anon because i said so and muh science
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Of course not, OP. Racism is a crime and crime is for niggers.
>were all psychologists with no education in biology, let alone genetics.
irrelevant. you don't need a background in genetics.

>real human genetics say say race is irrelevant
no it doesn't. it may nitpick the definition or classification of race though.
I wish I could see a faggot from a mile away. It'd make getting dates easier.
no. psychologist studies always default to not accounting for other factors, rather than making assumptions. you can never fully account for environmental factors in social sciences.

without genetic study, nothing can be infered at all, and as I already pointed out, so far the studies into genetics show that even the concept of race is meaningless
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I don't hate the people i don't see.
But knowing that an african american may be more prone to crime than an european-american? That's not an unkind thing, as long as you don't use it to claim that this makes you superior.
Homosexuals? I guess i dislike them, yet androphiles on the other hand, those i support.
Jews? They may be evil hate-mongerers for all i care, there is still a big percentage of them that are just hard-working humans and following a less idiotic political mindset, as long as these are alive, i can't bring myself to hate all of them.
>so far the studies into genetics show that even the concept of race is meaningless
No, they don't.
see my previous post

>you don't need a degree in genetics
to understand genetics and to be able to properly conduct tests in genetics that worthy of peer review, yes you do.
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>default to not accounting for other factors
find enough evidence that these factors are not confounders.

>without genetic study, nothing can be infered at all
yes it can.

no, again. you don't need to find the genes. they can be inferred.
Not hate. I have an abundance of caution around these groups more than others. But they can prove themselves.
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mite i ask what these mystical gay-only diseases are and why you would care about them if they are gay-only?
> Jews
No, not one bit.

> Niggers
Yes, absolutely. They are the most homophobic group on Earth, yet they have their freaky downlow sex while pretending to be totally straight.

> Gays
I'm gay and often hate other gay people. I reject most of the gay culture and politics, and hate the gay people who accept them. I want to live quietly in a monogamous relationship that involves little alcohol and no drugs, and today, I find other gay people, not lack of acceptance from straight people, is the biggest impediment to that.

There is less than a .3 correlation coefficient between any physical brain metric and measured intelligence like IQ
>all of those studies using lewontin's fallacy

how does it feel knowing that you're clueless about this topic?

rises to .5 if you control for race.
>that disproven bullshit
Hey look, I can examine a handful of loci and say my argument is supported!

Of course, go past a few hundred (out of the thousands upon thousands of loci) and I'll get disproven, but lets not talk about that okay? Your "science" is literally a joke not taken seriously by anyone.
.3 is actually reasonable.
>>17201881 (OP)
I don't hate niggers. I am suspicious of Jews. I despise 90% of gays.

* Protip: I am gay. I hate all gays who march in parades and try to force society to affirm them.
don't like them
don't have a problem with them
Don't get him started please. The last thread went on for hundreds of posts where he refused to read any counter-factual information and /pol/ still kept replying to him.

He's using a more advanced version of 'i know a smart black guy' fallacy and is just as retarded. Ignore him and move on.
>lewontins fallacy
You idiots don't even know what the concept means.

His study also predates modern genetic analysis methods. When you start looking at large amounts of loci and the polymorphism of those loci, there is no fallacy
Yes, they consolidate their wealthy and use it to cause discourse throughout the world, and then when they get their asses kicked for fucking with people they play the victim and run away crying to everyone else for sympathy.
Is that a question?
[citation needed]
It is pro-racist studies that try to reduce the number of loci in studies.

When you go past a few hundred loci, there is no such thing as race.
Do you even know how correlation coefficients work? You could put random numbers of a plot and get .2-.3
The Jew hating meme is a joke. Nobody here actually hates Jews.
I'm fine with them. I really am. I have Jewish friends who, hilariously, detest most Jews. At least in a religious sense. They're also unafraid to crack jokes about anything Jewish. They have made numerous Holocaust jokes. One even asked me for a quarter so he could buy a soda and said "good goy" when I loaned it to him. They also browse /pol/ occasionally.

My God. My GOD.

I wasn't raised to be a bigot. I really wasn't. But after attending college where there are niggers everywhere...I have become uite educated about them. And in that time, I have grown to detest them. African-Americans? they're fine. They're cool. Niggers? Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope.

As a fairly conservative Christian, I disapprove of homosexuality. that being said, I know a ton of gays and lesbians who are awesome people. In essence, so long as they don't shove it down my damned throat and keep it in the bedroom, or at least fairly low-key, I'm fine with them.
> entirely because of genetics
Ah, this stupid strawman. It's not ENTIRELY, moron. Just mostly. Like 70-80% mostly. Different groups of people have different mental capabilities. Crazy huh?
>the infinite excuses at the disposal of the liberal creationist to rationalize his ludicrous dogma.
>>17201881 (OP)
Kinda, some jewish doctrines are really enlightening, just like Buddhism.
Not hate, just disgust.

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