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Former Christian here. Anyone know a way to be unbaptized?
>>17676988 (OP)
acid to your face.
Former jew here. Anyone know a way to be uncircumcised?
You don't need to.
It's really just a symbolic act, it's like if someone puts a voodoo curse on you & you just laugh it off as bullshit.
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send a picture with a dick in your mouth to the pope?
let cottage cheese sit in the sun for 3 weeks and apply it to the tip of your penis hourly
Everytime you have a bath it's literally the same thing.
>>17676988 (OP)

You replace the fedora of defiance with the fedora of change.
I just want to make a public gesture of freeing myself from the terrible symbolism that is Christianity
Former-former Christian here.
Nope, and you should be glad.
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become a satanist?

... i mean you're on pol so your already a statest
>public gesture

confirmed for attention whore
>>17676988 (OP)
Stop thinking that being dipped in water means anything.

It means nothing, it's just... water, not some divine liquid from gods pool.

Stick a banana in your ear. Stick a ripe banana right into your favorite ear.
Like I would take advice from a man so stupid as to buy back into the idea that magic is real
How about this for a serious answer. Christians say that there is one unforgivable sin. Blasphemy against the holy spirit. You can never be forgiven for this sin, so the moment you do it, there is no possible reason to return to christianity. Because if christianity was true, you'd already have doomed yourself and could never be forgiven.

That's the best meaningless gesture I can think of.
Kill yourself, it's the only way to be sure.

Fedora and a pin of some sort. And a banana.
Atheism is probably a useful phase to go through when you are young, but if you haven't outgrown it by 25 and built upon the shameful ruins of your past, you are without hope
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>former christian
>still thinking dipping your head means anything
>not just admitting that you came on /pol/ to be edgy

Kill yourself
>>17676988 (OP)

Buy a fedora with a pentagram on it?
>Christians say that there is one unforgivable sin. Blasphemy against the holy spirit.
Eh... Not quite.

Try committing a mortal sin.

Like suicide.
>Christians say that there is one unforgivable sin

Maybe you shouldn't research theology from five year-old youtube videos
Okay smart guy, explain to me how it's not water. Because it received some bullshit blessings from some priest? Give me a break. Water used to baptise is fucking tap water.
"I promise you that any of the sinful things you say or do can be forgiven, no matter how terrible those things are. But if you speak against the Holy Spirit, you can never be forgiven. That sin will be held against you forever." -Jesus (allegedly)

atheist pls
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Does anyone else wonder how atheists read novels, poetry, or anything with more depth than pop science articles they found on Reddit? Their lack of understanding subtlety is a little depressing.

So...if you become an Atheist, and openly renounce God...you can never be forgiven?

Even if you convert back?
Hey, if you disagree with Jesus, that's your own deal. I just copy pasted the words.
>believing magic water and magic words mean anything
>>17676988 (OP)
By wearing a fedora.

>Does anyone else wonder how atheists read novels, poetry, or anything with more depth than pop science articles they found on Reddit?

They don't?
>>17676988 (OP)
Bathing in Incubus cum
Cool responses, nothing to do with the debate at hand.

If you want to post reaction images or other stupid shit instead of posting a real argument because it's "le funny xd", then you should really fuck off back to /b/.

inb4 you respond with "u mad", because I know you faggots will.
The Holy Spirit is the living manifestation and personage of God within us all. To speak heresy against this is not simply saying "fuck the holy spirit yolo" in a video you post online.

The death and resurrection of God is literal and real.
Foregen. Google it.

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