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The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is telling universities to institute speech codes.

Under these speech codes, universities would be required to prohibit students from, for instance,

>saying “unwelcome” “sexual or dirty jokes”
>spreading “unwelcome” “sexual rumors” (without any limitation to false rumors”
>engaging in “unwelcome” “circulating or showing e-mails of Web sites of a sexual nature”
>engaging in “unwelcome” “display or distributiion of sexually explicit drawings, pictures or written materials
>making “unwelcome” sexual invitations.

If this doesn't concern you, it should.
What sayeth Chief Nigger on this?
so if a rank hamplanet started spreading the rumor that you gave her a rimjob and swallowed her shit pebbles, that would be cool with you?
This is not limited to material that a reasonable person would find offensive. Nor is limited to material that, put together, creates a “hostile, abusive, or offensive educational environment.” (I think even speech codes that would have these requirements are unconstitutional, but the speech codes that the government is urging would in any event not have these requirements.) Every instance of such material of a “sexual nature,” under the government’s approach, would be “sexual harassment” and would need to be banned.
That has little to do with whether the Federal government should require every university in the US to adopt speech codes for students that violate the First Amendment.
>>14177999 (OP)
links please
>Trying to legislate porn on the internet
>Trying to legislate nigger behaviour
>Trying to legislate sex at all

Ahahahahah what a bunch of faggots.Don't they realize they'll never get anywhere with this ?
Man, I just told my dirtiest anal sex joke to a girl dating a guy in the Navy too.

I liked that joke.
If universities wish to receive federal funding and federally backed student loans they will have to comply.
I guess I take issue with this on a fundamental level, but realistically, this won't have much of an effect. Only an idiot would let any of those things see the public eye in the first place.
>>14177999 (OP)
Don't touch my 1st amendment or my second amendment will ..... double check and mate mother fuckers
Thank you! Including in the first post next time.
Here's the letter from DOJ.


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