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Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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Ah ha... so...
I see here you have... No job history?... and... No references?

It says here you barely meet our minimum qualifications... so I'm just curious what exactly you think you can bring to the table, in terms of our company's well being?

What makes you think you're Taco Bell material exactly?
well sir I live down the block see, and you uh, had a sign on the window.... "help wanted"... so
I start Monday.
>>14334926 (OP)
gotta make sure youre not some kind of asshole
"Where do you see yourself in five years?"
Well sir, I'm a go-getter with a strong work ethic, and I think I have a lot I can bring to the Taco Bell family. I promise you that if you give me this 6 month unpaid internship, I won't let you down.
>>14334926 (OP)
No Mr Superman h-he no here.
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>What makes you think you're Taco Bell material exactly?
Because... Yo QUIERO Taco Bell!
>>14334926 (OP)
My shit looks just like taco bell meat.

"...We'll start you out tomorrow, minimum wage"
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>>14334926 (OP)

I can't work for less than a liveable wage, sir.

Good luck hiring the hispanic ilegal alien that the socialist fucking ape monkey nigger in the White House just gave amnesty to.
>>14334926 (OP)
I'm white.

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