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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ will be held on /q/ at 8:00PM ET on Sunday, May 12th.

I'll be spending the night answering questions/listening to feedback this coming Sunday. Don't know what a PMQ is? It's detailed towards the end of this news post.
Simply, it's the opportunity to ask me any questions you'd like, provide feedback, complain, et cetera until I fall asleep or jump off a bridge.

If you can't make it Sunday night and have a question/comment, feel free to send it to moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT.

4chan Pass Sale ends in 24 hours

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It's the month of May, which is traditionally devoted to Our Lady, the Virgin Mary. Have you prayed with your rosary recently?

Obligatory FAQ for filthy heretics and heathens:

>The Catechism of the Catholic Church

Everything in there is to be treated as fact, unlike most out of context Biblical passages.

>The Offical Catholic Bible of the U.S.

>Do Catholics worship idols?

>And what about Mary?

>Why don't you follow *insert outdated Leviticus verse*?
Hebrews 7 "If perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood, why was there still need for another priest to come? ... For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also. ... Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant."

>Sounds great! So how do I join the Catholic Church?
For new believers: http://www.ourcatholicfaith.org/rcia.html
For the already baptised: http://www.catholic.com/quickquestions/must-i-go-through-rcia-to-join-the-church-if-i-am-already-baptized

>Can I post if I'm not a Catholic?
Of course! We welcome all of our brothers, whatever faith (if any) they belong to. Any posts that aim to intentionally derail or troll the thread will simply be ignored.
BRB, watching Father Ted
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Forgot my image.
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Daily reminder to simply ignore people who don't actually want to engage.
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On the off chance that one of 4chan's resident priests sees this: what's the seminary like? Are there exams? How is one's spiritual and pastoral development judged?
Always feel like the last catholic on the internet.
None of you have still said if baptism is a reforming experience, gawd

See >>14018126
>>14020445 (OP)
Italian (and christian) music for you, OP: lyrics in english are just under the video


Wasn't eating solids when I had it. Confirmation was pretty intense though.
Good man, thank you.

Thank you very much, sir.

It reminds me of Celtic folk music.
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Reposting a neat question an anon had.

>Christians, why does the word used for hell translate in Hebrew as Gehenna? Does Jesus' view of death similar to that of Judaism's?


I know nothing on the matter but I do know the Hebrew word for Hell is 'sheol'. I'm curious what you all have to say.
So fellow Catholic bros, how often do you fast? I know followers Eastern Orthodoxy fast quite often (on Wednesdays and Fridays, I think) yet I rarely see a fellow Catholic fast (especially if the Happening occurs soon and food supplies run low).

On another topic, the Divine Comedy is a personal favorite of mine, is there similar literature that incorporates Catholicism/Christianity like Dante did?
Why were the gnostic gospels dismissed?
Branduardi is one of the last living minstrels...and a lot of his songs are about christian messages. Too bad he only sings in italian, but i'm glad you enjoyed it.

Jesus talks quite a lot of Hell, which is why I find it so surprising when Christians suggest that it's scripturally accurate to assume there is no Hell. "Near Death Experiences" do often feature a void, but there are also traditional Hellish experiences too.

I am not as up-to-date on the Jewish view of hell as I'd like to be, but Jesus spoke of a lake of fire, eternal fire, etc., and as something that people are very much able to find themselves condemned to.
Why reverence anything? each day is a day of what happens.
stupid fucking catholics. how can anyone actually believe the shit they say?

im an edgy atheist but if i was forced to be a member of a christian religion i'd belong to a protestant denomination not some fucking pedophile cult.
>is there similar literature that incorporates Catholicism/Christianity like Dante did?
Not quite; but: Pinocchio (by Collodi), even if written by an atheist, has a lot of christian messages in it. The father Brown's books are another great series (by Chesterton) and (if you can read italian) the whole "Mondo piccolo" by Guareschi is one fo the best example of modern christian message (the daily life in a small italian town, with half of the city that is christian and the other half made by communists that, in the end, bear an honest respect for God, after all...).
You can find movieversions of both Chesterton's books and Guareschi's books.
>So fellow Catholic bros, how often do you fast? I know followers Eastern Orthodoxy fast quite often (on Wednesdays and Fridays, I think) yet I rarely see a fellow Catholic fast (especially if the Happening occurs soon and food supplies run low).

I abstain from meat on Fridays, and of course fasting on Lent, and at least an hour before Mass (usually more).

>On another topic, the Divine Comedy is a personal favorite of mine, is there similar literature that incorporates Catholicism/Christianity like Dante did?

Most Middle Ages literature had Christian influences, for obvious reasons, even Paganistic pieces such as The Faerie Queene and Arthurian legend - I enjoy Sir Gawain and the Greene Knight and Paradise Lost, which I'm sure you've read. Faust is another good one, and if you're into literature, Pilgrim's Progress, The Canterbury Tales and The Booke of Margery Kempe might be interesting to get through.

They were not legitimate for various reasons, and were written later than almost all of the canonical books.
>You will go to hell if you eat meat on fridays!

>It's ok to eat meat on fridays.

pick one faggots.

I am not going to respond to any other similar posts in this thread, but I'd just like to say:

>falling for the lies of the Electric Jew

For someone who probably claims to be redpilled, you like falling for anti-Catholic propaganda.
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In that case, the sin is more "doing what you think to be a sin". It also used to be the case that women were required by canon law to cover their heads, but that was changed because it was seen to have no place in canon law.

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it - simply that it isn't required.
It's not sinto have meat on friday; but for sure it's the rightthing to do during lent.
Also: if we want to, we can still avoid meat during the rest of the year on fridays, and offer this small act as a simple offering to God, showing that for His love we're ready to resist something here (even without forcing our body int osuffering: eat less is good, don't eat enough is not good).
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Sexbots have been a thing of talk on the chans as of late.

Will the church allow for one to marry their robo-wife?
Oh shit it's the kid fucking club, you pedo priests still get hard ons for little boys?

I'm 32 years old, I guess that's like over twenty years past the cut off to be joing a Catholic church as an alter boy and having to smell the priests nut suck on my chin.

Don't you guys have a record of like 10,000 molested kids this past 50 years with their lives ruined because you tried really hard to make a man of the cloth be celebate and inhumanly unsexual, to never act on his natural urges and feelings?

Oh well, sky daddy wills it, let's collect money from everyone and keep this pedophilia club going!

>Jesus spoke of a lake of fire
Really now? I know know that from Relevations.

The Judaic view of death is similar to that of purgatory. Gehenna is used to describe it often times since it was a place where burning sacrifices were made but the idea was that a person can be reformed there through that anguish and once reformed, saved, if they do reform altogether.

Honestly, it's a less hellenistic way of looking at it and it poses an interesting question if the original text says that Jesus used the word 'gehenna'.

Atheist here. Why in the world is Revelations accepted as canon?
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Satan sure is angry about Christ's Church that he can't prevail against.
Nope, that's for sure: that's not another real body of the opposite sex wich will be bound to yours in one flesh for all this life, so it doesn't count as a real wife.
Noncathfag here. Could I still go to confession and talk to a priest about my problems? Or is that the worst idea I've ever had?
>Canterbury Tales
>Paradise Lost
Totally forgot about these but I did enjoy them. I'll look into Sir Gawain and the Green Knight along with Pilgrim's Progress and The Booke of Margery Kempe, thanks.

The latter sounds more interesting than the former.

I also remember seeing in a local library a series of books written by two Protestants in regards to what happens to those left on Earth after the Rapture. Has anyone read them?

Sorry to sort of derail the thread but if I would go to /lit/, the thread would likely die off due or become "lol christfag" due to the recent influx of Redditors onto 4chan, SRS to be precise.
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true dat
And to mention, Gehenna is an actual place in the world. The word is only used as reference to the concept and not "you are going to this mountainside outside ancient jerusalem"
Yes. He's probably going to recommend becoming Catholic, though.

All those molested and abused children were just anti- Catholic propaganda? Shame on you, the Catholic church should be disbanded and all assets sold to feed the poor the world over and the rest go to charities!
>Atheist here. Why in the world is Revelations accepted as canon?

I'm not certain of the reasoning, but presumably they accepted the author's claim that his vision was legitimate (as they did with even recent visions, such as those of St Bernadette), and it confirms and expands upon Christian theology.
Go ahead and confess, but if you wish to remain nondenominational than so be it. As long you follow the word of the Christ.
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I'll have to look into that.

How long do you fast before you fuck a prepubescent boy? Does he have to fast so you don't get shit on your dick and robe?
>implying Catholic Church isn't the largest charity organization in the world
>Selling historical artifacts given to the Church as gifts to rich Jews who would likely have it rot in their manor basements
>Give a man a fish, feed him for the day. Teach a man to fish, and feed him for the rest of his life

I'm afraid you can't receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation - if you believe in confession to a priest, perhaps you should consider becoming Catholic, in which case you can go to Confession, once you decide to convert.

If you ask the priest, he will probably still let you confess, though of course, he can't offer you absolution in the Church.
>Why in the world is Revelations accepted as canon?
Becouse the vision was truly inspired by God, and it talks about the eucaristic mysteries, not the end of the world as it will be (like many, believers or not, think)

>Could I still go to confession and talk to a priest about my problems?
Sure; you can't receive the sacrament, but a priest will listen to you, and maybe even suggests something to help.
I'm new to the faith, and I've been looking into 'heretical' Lutheranism. Under what basis should I become Catholic? Doctrine and scriptually speaking. Thank you. I always enjoy these threads, keep them up guys.
>Becouse the vision was truly inspired by God,
With all the talk over the centuries about if this is canon or not there is a lot of doubt about it.
>and it talks about the eucaristic mysteries
Can you explain this to me.
>>14020445 (OP)
Orthodox here
How has may been for everyone?
Easter was 5 days ago for us.
Catholicism is the one that actually follows the Bible, if that's what you mean by "doctrine"

The Catechism provided in the OP provides references and justification for its teachings
>that feel when the gospel of thomas is pretty good
The vision is about what happens during the communion for us catholics: the priest offers the bread and the wine to the throne of God and they become (for real) the body and the blood of the resurrected body of jesus. The baquet of the revelation is the eternal banquet of Heaven, that will then become even more amazing and delightful for us when there will be the resurrection of the bodies and they will rejoining the souls.
I'm sorry, I can't explain it very well...

Op posted everything you need to understand the catholic point of view and its doctrine: you have a lot of good material there. I think you don't need anything more, at least for your first steps.
A question if you will,

All my friends, family, people I respect, musicians I like, artists I have admired, great warriors I have read about, scientists I've been enlightened by, most beautiful women I have seen, comedians that have made me laugh and guy that serves me my beer at the bar occasionally will ALL be in hell, convince me why heaven would be better when hell sounds like the greatest after life. I imagine it being really hot but if you never die so it's like the boiling frog effect where you become used to the heat and it's an eternal jacuzzi.

Sounds great to me in comparison to heaven that will have the most boring people, crusty old nuns, pedophile priests and a bunch of others that always skipped the party and went to bed early. The music will suck, no rock and roll, the jokes will be tamer then Jay Leno and I bet the Jews will still run everything in Heaven since they are the chosen people.

Or I could just decompose in the ground and my mind be in the same state it was as the time before I was born, blissful slumber if I can recall correctly and not waste my life jumping through hoops for a made up desert God and a book written by ancient men.
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Disobeying the Bible usually feels that way
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Nigga dis a serious question?
Okay, my mistake. Thank you both. God bless
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It's really sad 99% of Catholics don't know anything about the military order that overthrew their church 200 years ago almost to the day, but that's mind control and the occult for you!

In 1814, Dominus ac Redemptor was annulled after they murdered 2 Popes and tortured the 3rd in prison for 6 years until he agreed to overturn it, and the rest is history...

>“When the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually.” — George Mason of Virginia, 1788.

>"...if you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits] are one and the same person." – James Parton (American historian)

>"Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection." (1987) J.E.C. Shepherd (Canadian historian)

And many more...
This is interesting.
Where is it said that hell is eternal? Who says you can't be redeems through this all?
No problem, anon.

>I imagine it being really hot but if you never die so it's like the boiling frog effect
Well, the image of hell like that is just...an image: the three children from Fatima saw hell and (they said) if not for the presence of the Virgin Mary, they would have died of fear and terror. Hell is the true meaning of pain, and not only "human" pain: it's the total loss of God, the total separation from His love, and without that everything is hate, hate against God that becomes pain for us...a pain that is much more painful than even the worste tortures of this world.
And btw: in Heaven, our joy will be total, complete, no more "human" as we live it here, but fulfilled by our presence in front of God, the source of all that is joy and love, true joy and true love (not like we most of the time think of them on this earth).
Go away, Dan Brown
>Easter was 5 days ago for us.

I've wondered, how does that work, considering it starts at the same time (I think)?

I had to miss Mass on Ascension Day this Thursday, sadly; had an exam. I didn't have to be faithful in order to prefer to be at Mass, let me tell you.

Of course it's serious, how can Heaven be better if all the cool and sexy people are in Hell partying it up?
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>I imagine it being really hot but if you never die so it's like the boiling frog effect where you become used to the heat and it's an eternal jacuzzi.

Hell is the purifying flame that utterly destroys all sin and evil.

That's why, as Christians, we should strive to save as many people as we can. Someone who says "I hope you go to Hell" seriously, to anyone, or who laughs at people who want to bring a person who disbelieves in God to salvation, is a fool.
Becouse Hell is after the ultimate judgement: if you avoid it, you are safe forever, but if you did bad things and never ask forgiveness or repaired for your mistakes (and God is very generous: a single good action can repair up to one hundred vicious acts, sais Manzoni, a converted christian writer), then God can't save you, becouse you refused Him every time He offered you His hand to restart and rebuild your house not on the (quick)sand of vice and sin but on His rock.

Good night, anon :3
The cool and the sexy will be no more in Hell becouse there will be only pain, while in Heaven there will be no need for them becouse God will be enough for us to feel even better than here on earth with all the possible prigileges of this world.
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>if that were actually somebody's room
So why do people still believe the Pope has some connection to God when kings (who were believed to have the same connection) don't?
So what makes you believe your religion is the true religion when there are hundreds if not thousands of other religions out there?
>Have you prayed with your rosary recently?

I tried but the beads are too small. There is simply no pleasure in it.
So why do adults still believe in fairy tales in this day and age? Bit childish, isn't it?
>implying we don't prefer monarchy

All people have a connection to God, through prayer and the Holy Spirit.
So how do you choose which Christian denomination you want to be brainwashed into? There are so many, after all.
>>14020445 (OP)
>Have you prayed with your rosary recently?

Come to think of it, I don't actually own one at the moment.
Those bedsheets are pretty damn nice.
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And yet only one is correct.

It is a bit ironic that someone who attended american public school would call a Catholic brainwashed, though.
So why were all the greatest thinkers of the last few centuries been atheist but there are still people who subscribe to religion?
>not having the tier chart printed out, laminated and hung on your wall
Are you even catholic?
>[citation needed]

I don't know anymore, hell sounds too good to pass up, how can I completely insure I go there. I don't believe in God already, can I shit on the bible and photoshop some pictures of Jesus being shishkabobed by two dicks and give it to a clergy man? What's some sound proof ways of getting into the best party in the world?
>tfw there's even an online version you can even tick the beads off of



Who linked to this thread on /r/atheism?
The tier chart is BS. It should say "correct tier: Catholicism" and then not list any other religion
Trolling used to mean something.
So why do Christians never offer real rebuttals to attacks against their faith but instead rely on insults (hurr >>>/r/atheism fgt)?

It's even the "absolutely bananas" version. Surely, this is to the greater glory of God.
So why is it okay to believe in magical sky fairies but not bearded old men who deliver presents to children? There is equal evidence to both existing, after all.
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Nigga do you even read these threads?

At this point, the only time I'd expect an atheist inquiry to go unanswered/insulted is if they quote some copy-pasted garbage that has been refuted 15 times in a Catholic General alone, not to mention by the most basic of Google searches.

If you think you've got something new, let's hear it.
So how does it feel to worship a 2000 year old dead kike and forgo the ways of your ancestors?

What if I like pain, maybe a sexy BDSM nun in hell will spank me while I fuck her sister.
>that feel when Santa Claus was actually a real person
>that feel when Jesus was too
>that feel when this is "magic" to an atheist

Don't even bother replying to him.
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>>14020445 (OP)
shit nigga are those fucking Key Blades?
Ah yes, I think we're all interested in the "real rebuttal" to >>14022838
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>>that feel when Santa Claus was actually a real person
>yfw he punched Arius in the face
Hope he gave that heretic a black eye
So why has the Catholic church changed almost beyond recognition since its inception? Doesn't this invalidate many of its practices?
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Damn, this is fucking awesome.
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What else would they be?
>wife and wifes family is catholic
>they don't attend church every week, but often enough
>found out my wife has been sleeping with another man

What is the catholic churches views on adultery?
What level of hell does she go to for adultery?
>So why has the Catholic church changed almost beyond recognition since its inception?
>the Pope has some connection to God when kings (who were believed to have the same connection) don't?
Kings still have a "special gift" from God: their power is gven by God; about the Pope: he's a "major inter pares", he's a man like us but with a special call from God: be the one that "builds bridges between men and God" (from latin pontifex, the one who lead the construction of bridges, if I remember right).

The fact that the christian God has the right answers even for those times and that the Chruch is still alive even if many of the men inside it, in all the years of this living, did dispeakable things: this is becouse it's not only made by humans, but also held by God. But I guess this is something that not everyone will agree. After all the free will is a gift that God give us to be able to go against Him, or else we will be not free.

Even if half troll, I'll answer: I joined the Roman Church becouse it's the only christian denomination that is so heavily hated, and it's the only one that spoke out all its mistakes, asking forgiveness in front of the men and God.
But this is just a personal opinion of a former atheist.
Why do you willingly submit yourself to a Semitic god?
So what makes one person's beliefs better than another's?
I've heard numerous things about the bible, it was written by jews with the intent of controlling the masses into behaving like little slaves, would you explain how this is not the case?

2nd, I wouldn't mind a christian, but a catholic? the whole vatican is a total joke, scum of the earth and controlled by jews.

If Im wrong please explain
catholicism is a fucking joke, i am surprised there are so many threads on /pol/ about it.

Don't reply to trolls, brother, not even when they include what seems like genuine questions among his spamming; do not cast "pearls before swine", and for the rest of it, if Jesus himself could accept the humiliation of the Roman soldiers prior to his crucifixion, we can accept mocking too.
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>and forgo the ways of your ancestors
>What is the catholic churches views on adultery?

Massive blasphemy, stoning or some shit

>What level of hell does she go to for adultery?

Levels of hell with ironic punishments are from dantes inferno, a work of fiction, not biblical gospel

When I still prayed to Santa years ago I got what I wanted under the tree, when I prayed to God recently nothing happened and I was disappointed.

Maybe the Catholic faith is only magic when you are a little boy, priests seem to find the magic in little boys, they try to scoop it put with their dicks.

I'm sorry to hear that, anon. It doesn't sound like she's a very good Catholic at all, for... well. Any of the reasons you listed.
>hurf durf troll
Mortal sin. There are no levels of hell.
So why are you still religious when any other form of brainwashing can be accessed via the Internet?
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>try to scoop it put with their dicks
>scoop it put with their dicks
>scoop it put with
>scoop it put
Dont know much about the other, but the buttsex is delicious.
>>14020445 (OP)
>It's the month of May, which is traditionally devoted to Our Lady, the Virgin Mary. Have you prayed with your rosary recently?

The rosary is so great.
>>14020445 (OP)
>the Virgin Mary
Why do you call her the 'virgin' Mary when it's been proven she was a prostitute?
>[citation needed]

I notice it is generally the atheist who arrives in this thread spouting fairy tales without any proof, and expecting us to address him cordially.

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>implying the Jews weren't responsible for Christ's crucifixion
>implying Christianity didn't keep the Jewish threat down for well over a thousand years
>implying Christian civilization didn't keep the Muslim hordes at bay until the Jews infiltrated Europe in more recent times
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>I've heard numerous things about the bible, it was written by jews with the intent of controlling the masses into behaving like little slaves, would you explain how this is not the case?

Yes, many of the early Christians were Jewish, but the Jews utterly despise Christianity: it preaches, for one thing, that all races are equal and worthy (Jesus told the apostles to give up on the Jews if they did not convert, which they didn't, and move onto the gentiles to establish the Kingdom of God on earth without the "chosen people") - in the Talmud, one of the Jewish sacred texts, the Jews blaspheme Jesus and his followers.


>2nd, I wouldn't mind a christian, but a catholic?

The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus himself, through Peter; Jesus promised to be with us through until the end of time, and also promised that his Church would not fall.

>the whole vatican is a total joke, scum of the earth and controlled by jews.

That's just your opinion based on the Jewish-run media; if you're so sceptical of the presented way of the world on everything else, why is it the lies about the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church alone that you accept? Yes, there are flawed men, certainly, in the Church, but that doesn't invalidate the institution - like all Christianity, don't you wonder why it is being attacked so viciously by the Jews and the Jewish Atheism+? See the sorts of accusations made against it - most of the time, nonsense or strawmen. Isn't that similar to how other good things are also attacked?

>implying Christianity didn't keep the Jewish threat down for well over a thousand years

What good is that? The catholic clerics did everything the Jews were accused of doing except orders of magnitude worst.
What is with the keys, btw?
>implying becouse I have faith in Christ I forgot the ways of my ancestors
I still know most part of my past even thanks to the christians that took records of them, and I see that a lot of local (ligurian, italian, etc...) feasts under the "control" of the Church (which means with the protection of God with the aid of a saint) are ancient pagan rites that were transfered into the christian faith.

>What is the catholic churches views on adultery?
It's an horrible sin, becouse she goes against God and you, the man who devoted his life to her. I think you must talk to her and make it clear; don't leave her or things like that: even the mother of st. Augustin had an unfaithful partner, but she prayed for him while she also tried to explain why it was bad for the both of them that he was unfaithful. Try to do the same with her...
>What level of hell does she go to for adultery?
If she does not repent, for Dante's classification of sins, she will end in the second circle of Hell, the one made for the lustful souls.

>would you explain how this is not the case?
The NT is about a man that was God on earth and that was killed by the jews for that; so it's not something that zionist jews would like.

>he whole vatican is a total joke
Call it whatever you want, the Vatican is still the root that keep Italy and most of the catholic Countries together, thanks to its teachings and the moral values that, in name of God, it brought to the western civilization.

Are you Jewish or something? No-one from a Christian culture would make this much of a ridiculous error.
>in the Talmud, one of the Jewish sacred texts, the Jews blaspheme Jesus and his followers.

Hell, I'm pretty sure the Pharisees blasphemed Jesus in the actual Bible. They were the ones that got him to make that statement about the "unforgivable sin"
Does the bible say anything regarding the duration of "the human world"?
Sometimes i think we're just getting started, and maybe humanity will last 2,000 other years, but sometimes i think we screwed up too much and have few time left
Atheist here.

Keep it up, Catholics. These threads are usually among the best on /pol/, even with all the shitposting. As my home country is Lutheran, my exposure to Catholicism has always been through a Protestant lens. It's refreshing to get information on Catholicism from actual Catholics. I even borrowed the Catechism from the library to read. (Still don't agree on the whole God exists thing, but the morality part is solid.)


They are the keys of Heaven. That's why St Peter is usually portrayed as literally standing at the gates of Heaven, letting people in or turning them away.
I'm sure there are some Protestants who believe it does, but the Catholic Church does not.

>Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.
>Hell, I'm pretty sure the Pharisees blasphemed Jesus in the actual Bible. They were the ones that got him to make that statement about the "unforgivable sin"

The Pharisees are a great set of villains, as is Judas, who's even a bit of an antagonist earlier on (he prompts Jesus to say that the expensive oil can be used on him rather than sold and the money donated to the poor).
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>These threads are usually among the best on /pol/, even with all the shitposting.

I envisioned these threads to be a bastion of philosophy, intellectualism, and conservatism on the once-great /pol/. Every other thread has become SRS/Stormfront drivel, and they are even trying to ruin this one.

The Catholic Church does not bend.
>trying this hard to differentiate yourself from fedora wearing r/atheists
Is it not a sin to view explicit images?
Porn and other forms of nudity are posted quite often here, is that not a problem for you guys?
I'll try to explain: in the middle-eastern world of the past (but even now there is a reminescence of that), the key was given to the housekeeper by the master as a sign of approval and special honors/duties to the housekeeper. When jesus gave the keys of Heaven to Peter, He made him responsable of the christians, not the leader of them but the man in charge while the master was away (and one day He'll be back, asking for everything He left). Why others after Peter? Becouse someone needed to control the house of God and His sheeps while the Lord was away.
this thread is disgusting

go kill yourself worthless christfaggot

No, nothing at all.

I wonder if there might simply be a complete dying-out of Christianity eventually, and then all souls after that may even be lost forever, rather than an actual End-Times.
That's an important verse of the Bible, because Catholics use it to justify building cathedrals in God's honor
Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood 12 has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, 13 and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. 14 Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

My personal belief is that Christianity will die out, at which point Jesus will return.
>I even borrowed the Catechism from the library to read.

That's pretty cool. I might follow your example and visit my university's library to get out some books on Catholicism tomorrow.
Ah, that's great. Another case of Catholicism preserving tradition down to the letter.

>Is it not a sin to view explicit images?

Yes, it is a sin, though if you aren't looking for them, it is not (in a similar way, a Christian can watch television, and if some nudity comes up on the screen, it isn't a sin since they didn't choose to see it).

I just hide pornographic images. There shouldn't be any porn on /pol/, anyway, and the other boards I browse are worksafe.
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>mfw all these christfags
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This will be my last post on 4chan.

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>>14020445 (OP)
I think geo-politics should be taken into account. i think the US empire will fall, maybe china will take it's place, but capitalism as it exists now will cease to be.
or maybe not
Dawkins is such a tryhard.

Faith is insurmountable, but thankfully, it has nothing to do with science. The Catholic Church is one of the strongest proponents of scientific research in the world.
>That's an important verse of the Bible, because Catholics use it to justify building cathedrals in God's honor

There isn't anything wrong with building cathedrals in God's honour, though.


I like that the verse that can be used to justify praying to Mary can also be used to justify Confession - in other words, Protestants threw the entire verse out.
>yfw you google the quote

"A good atheist is always better then a bad christian" (Chesterton)

About the time, not even Jesus was aware of it: only the father who's in the Heavens knows it. And when it will come, no one will be aware even a second before. This is why we must be always ready: becousethe Lord will be back "like a thief in the night", when we don't know and when we're not aware of that.

If I see them without the desire to see them, and when I face them I keep my mind and my body under control, this is not a sin. Sure, the risk is high, but those kind of sins are not the worse.
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Why do your religious leaders fuck kids?
I'm leaving today to follow Christ.

As in, leaving everything.
>inb4 not your last post anymore
This is an extension of that post, so it's still my last post techinically.
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Greeting fellow Roman Catholics of /pol/!

Seminarian here, I am hoping you enjoyed the feast of Our Lord's Ascension yesterday, as I know I did. Keep up the good work /pol/ at keeping a strong and dignified Catholicism alive in our world.

May the Western culture reign forever under the glorious Cross of Jesus Christ!
why the fuck would you choose to be a Catholic?

at least Protestantism is remotely realistic
why can't people be redeemed in the fires of hell?

Why is the Vatican dick shaped?

ask bernini you faggot
I prefer Soloviev belief about the end of the wrold: christians will be a minority, they will forge a new catholic Church (orthodoxes and protestans will rejoin the catholics) and they will wait for the return of God in a desert, praying for the souls of the good men...and even some jews will be saved in the end (only those who will fight against the antichrist).
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If you are still here, could you answer >>14020784 by any chance? I'm simply curious.

Have a good day, sir.
I actually own a fedora. Never been to r/atheism though.

It's quite a big book compared to Luther's small catechism. I like it that there's a thorough explanation of faith in one book. Luther's small cathecism is, well, too small.
Judeo Atheist please go away, you're boring

There has to be some cut-off point, I suppose. That said, with God all things are possible. We simply have to go by what Jesus said on the matter which is recorded in the Bible; God has the final word though, but we have to go based on this.
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I think you mean "self-serving" and "contrary to God's word"

If following Christ's teachings makes you "normal," you have done something wrong
I hope you will travel safe with Him, man!

Good work too!

Becouse it's after the final gudjement, and that means we already wasted all the times that God was there to change us, to make us clean again.

Not dick-shaped: it's shaped as a pair of arms, not closed but open to a grat hug to all the believers who are in the plaza in front of the Basilica of St. Peter.
>judaism says you can be saved in the fire
>jesus comes in preaching forgiveness
>changes the rules so they can't be saved
nice, great trade off
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the christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting but found difficult and left untried

Sure thing anon


The seminary is a complex and often difficult environment, but if you have a vocation its very much worth all the bullshit. Seminary life is very ordered and structured, but it gives you a good foundation in prayer and also gives you a taste of life working for the Catholic Church will be like.

What do you mean by exams? We have typical college exams like any other university (mostly because until we enter major seminary, we attend normal universities) but we don't have exams to prove you're fit for the job or whatever. There is something called the PFP (priestly formation program) which sets requirments needed to get ordained, but those aren't exams.

You are judged both officially through a series of self evaluations and unofficially by the formation staff observing you throughout the seminary year.

Hope that helped anon!
the king of one-liners

One of the kings, for sure.

>The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.

Fucking hilarious, Heaven sounds like a shithole.
>I hope you will travel safe with Him, man!
I will, I'm seeking baptism to receive His Holy Spirit, through that I will be with Him always.
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Cool. Thank you for your answer.
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Guess you won't find out
That's what I call a dick move.
I came to this thread expecting to see trolling and anger but instead I see well written and intelligent responses from people who understand what they are talking about, what has /pol/ come to?

>implying heaven is anything more than the beatific vision and unification with God
Is it a sin to smoke weed?
i wanted to smoke at least once in my life to see what's it like.
>>14020445 (OP)

I'm glad that I became a christian, before nothing made sense to me and I had a really difficult time at school. I never been able to get good grades but Catholicism just makes sense to me, gives my life meaning and makes everything easier.
Now I don't worry about any of my problems or try to help others overcome theirs because I know that God is watching over me and has a plan. I feel sad for anyone that depends on technology or science, all I have faith in is God.

Exactly. Even fucking mudslime heaven sounds better.
There is nothing wrong with this post, funnily enough.
can you be with your loved ones too?
can you "do things", perform actions you love doing, like playing an instrument or a sport?
Also i think heaven is for souls but the kingdom will be of people with the "glorious bodies" which never die.

If there are laws against it in your country, you should obey the law. In the spirit of the Bible, I would say that it is probably a sin, for various reasons:

- Alcohol is allowed, but that also quenches thirst; drinking to get drunk is not allowed
- It abuses your body, which is a temple of the Lord
- It alters your state of mind and potentially causes to take leave of your senses

Friends tell me that smoking weed is usually just like getting drunk but slightly different to that, so nothing special, anyway.
The Catechism instructs against taking mind-altering drugs except for medical purposes.
Except the fact that he likes Catholicism.
>tough love
>I know that God is watching over me and has a plan.
He has a plan for all of us, frater.
Have you tried Buddhism? it doesn't believe in any gods, basically
some meditation would surely help you
well, that's better i suppose
>MFW a grocery store near my house sells meth at night

Did I do a good job impersonating the average religious person?

Well, the Jews clearly weren't getting it

I liked the "I never been able to get good grades but Catholicism just makes sense to me" part, however unrealistic it was - even highly-educated people find it difficult to wrap their heads around certain articles of our faith.

I don't have such needs.
>even highly-educated people find it difficult to wrap their heads around certain articles of our faith.

I wonder why.

The mystery of faith.
is Israel, the current nation, the same Israel of the bible?
i seriously hope not, it would many moral implications
>>14020445 (OP)

I have one really strict Catholic friend who wants to partake in fun times but is held back by strange concerns about morality/Catholic teachings.

Is it permissible, according to the Catechism, for an individual to ingest psychedelic mushrooms? I can't imagine why it wouldn't be, but this guy seems pretty held back by the unclear answer to this question.

Personally don't care either way as it won't affect my behaviour, but it's an interesting question nonetheless.
Hey, get up, stand up, stand up for your rights Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight
Preacher man, don't tell me, Heaven is under the earth
I know you don't know, what life is really worth
It's not all that glitter is gold,
half the story has never been told
And now you see the light, you stand up for your right
you see, most people think great God will come from the sky
Take away everything and make everybody feel high
But if you know what life is worth,
you would look for yours on earth
Now you see the light, stand up for your right
Sick and tired of a the ism-skism
game Dyin' n' goin' to Heaven in a Jesus name,
Lord We know when we understand,
Almighty God is a living man
You can fool some people sometimes
But you couldn't fool all the people all the time And now you see the light,
stand up for your right
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right

I was reading something about that earlier: http://catholicknight.SPOTBLOG.co.uk/2011/01/catholic-church-is-israel.html

Jesus fulfilled the old covenant; Judaism, technically, no longer exists. "Israel" as far as the "chosen people" go, so to speak, expanded to include the whole world, and is found within the Church. Birthright is not a guarantee of, or requirement for, the new covenant.



As those can surely be applied to mushrooms as well.
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St. Thomas to Jesus: "Just lemme get this straight..."

"Doubting Thomas" was a brave man, I'd be grossed out.
so Zionists or the state israel itself is sinful, right?
mainly the attacking Palestine thing, also US-israel economic terrorism

Yes, I think any reasonable person can see that Israel is a sinful nation, though of course that doesn't mean they haven't fought for the right to exist as a state. It's a difficult situation and it would have been better if the state had never been formed to start with, if you ask me.

Another article from the same blog: http://catholicknight.SPOTBLOG.co.uk/2011/05/israeli-palestinian-conflict.html
>>14020445 (OP)
>everything here is to be taken as fact

Top lel, OP confirmed for not knowing what a fact is.
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Right away, you're confusing Israel with Judah,
and you're confusing Judah with Khazars

Anon confirmed for shit-tier reading comprehension.
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FRA FILIPPO LIPPI in the thread, people!

make some noise!
>I feel sad for anyone that depends on technology or science, all I have faith in is God.

This. While technology and science are important things that can and do assist us and benefit our lives, they aren't the 'be-all-and-end-all' of existence. Humans are interesting creatures, and our materialistic ventures can't fully satisfy us and can't enable us to have fulfilling lives, strictly speaking. In my opinion.
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O Saint Zita, patroness of housework, pray for us while I try to clean all my shit up before my landlord visits tomorrow morning...

Il cazzo mi riempie di gioia, veramente eh.
Where have all the women like this gone?
Thank you for your ignorance. Now get the fuck out of my government before I have to take it back for myself.
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We got a Giotto here...
the Putti are doin backflips over this one, people.

Lemme see those tears -- don't hold it back!
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Are we in your government? Every major policy recently has been a Catholic loss. Gay rights, abortion, what have you.

And the country will be in ruins by the time the liberals are done "taking it back"

I'm almost certainly not in your government, sir. With that said, if you'd prefer a non-Christian candidate in your government, feel free not to vote for one.
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"Blessed are you among women,
and Blessed is the fruit of your womb!"

Get those Mother's Day gifts now.
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Can someone remind me in what world it is that Catholics are the brainwashed ones?

This world; the one that Satan is the prince of, of course.

>Get those Mother's Day gifts now.

It's Mother's Day in the US? But it's Friday/Saturday.
Ruins? Explain. You're rout leads to communism and that will only work with DNA and stem cell research. After that habitual technology will result nationalism. Then we will probably discover a cure to aging and fascism will rule. Or we can all be fucking retarded and start over again. You can't convince people misery is good.
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That is not what Catholic Social Teaching instructs.

"Misery"? Really? What do you think Obama's welfare and healthcare system are doing?
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Daily reminder of who the last good church is.


Thanks WBCIDF, I enjoy your heretical church's parodies, like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znz-yp5jH6w
new thread anyone?
>That ending

Yeah I know the Catholic social teachings dont teach honest logic. I just dont like governed marriages and restricted scientific research. You can believe whatever you want I wont stop you as I'm agnostic.

I honestly dont know too much about Obamacare. Im fairly healthy, but Ill read up on it now. I do generally like the Canadian health system though.

The bump limit is 300.
>I just dont like governed marriages and restricted scientific research

Well congratulations, to whatever extent you think marriages are "governed," it isn't happening. And you can enjoy that skyrocketing divorce rate.

The Catholic Church doesn't restrict any scientific research except embryonic stem cell research.
Hey, OP,shouldn't we read the Roman Cathecism instead of the Cathecism of the Catholic Church to substract the II Vatican Concile's influence?
What's wrong with the Gospel of Thomas? Some of its records trace back to the first century

Radtrad, please.

You can't pretend Vatican II didn't happen.

No, they don't; you mean the second century.
I'm not. But the Roman Cathecism has an overall aura of criticism of modernity that pretty much faded after Vatican II. I think there's power in that message in these decadent times.
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A heckler asked Bishop Sheen a question about someone who had died. The Bishop replied, "I will ask him when I get to heaven." The heckler replied, "What if he isn't in Heaven?"
The Bishop replied, "Well then you ask him

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