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I'm currently holding our third 4chan PMQ/Q&A session, where 4channers have the opportunity to ask me questions tar and feather me. The thread can be found here.

tl;dr: I am hanging out and answering questions (anything and everything) from 4channers for the next few hours. Don't know what a 4chan PMQ/Q&A session is? Learn more here.

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Back in my day kids ran around outside!
>build treehouse, cops come and tear it down and parents get talked to, get pulled over for riding bike without helmet, neighbours call cops for kids running around unattended

getting my drivers licence was easy! I paid 20$ and drove down a dirt road.
>study 250 page book. take test, if I pass I wait a year
>take road test after 60 hours of driving experience, if I pass I wait 2 more years with 1 passenger restriction and "novice driver" sticker on vehicle
>take another road test, if pass gain full drivers licence

You kids these days sure got it easy.
Be a drunken stoner listening to Janis Joplin, acdc, Boston, van Halen, deep purple and blue oyster cult.
>regulate everything so people can't make the same choices you made
You have the majority vote.
The drivers license stuff is serious bullshit.

Tests should be free and you should only have to demonstrate a few maneuvers on a populated track.

Now, if you fail one thing, like turning left too soon, you don't get a license, have to wait a month, pay $100, and try again.
>if I pass I wait 2 more years with 1 passenger restriction and "novice driver" sticker on vehicle


Baby boomer spew. No wonder their parents hated them and their children hate them
Welcome to Canada

Want to decrease your novice licence by 6 months? Give us some money!
I didn't get through the graduated system (ontario) before I went off to university where no car / family, and it eventually expired. Because I move around for work, often to different countries, it's impossible for me now to ever get a drivers license. Don't really care at this point, but it's annoying that it's not even a possibility vs. how trivial it would have been back in the day.
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What you whining bout junior?
Getting a drivers licence is easy!
Anyone older than 40 is shocked to learn that its not just a written test anymore.

>tfw 19 and don't have my G2 because I go to Toronto for school and never use a car when I'm in London
If you aren't middle class and 16, with parents willing to lend you their car and drive around with you, I don't see how you possibly can get it, short of shelling out thousands upon thousands of dollars for lessons over the course of years. The only other reasonable opportunity is if you marry someone who has a license and then you can start the years long process with their car / them driving around with you.

Don't know why nobody has denounces this as class discrimination. How the hell do all their immigrant cab drivers get a license anyway??
>Don't know why nobody has denounces this as class discrimination. How the hell do all their immigrant cab drivers get a license anyway??

Simple, just like insurance they don't have it
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Well, the roads are safer now that we voted for these regulations to be used for your safety.
Life sure was a lot harder when we were your age and had to drive around without regulations and seatbelt fines.
You should thank us you ungrateful brat.

Dude what? Driving a car is fucking childs play. So is the test, stop whining
their faces when we take their licenses away at the first sign of frailty and they're marooned in the suburbs to starve
Besides the tests not being easy (there are multiple spread over years, run by private companies with every incentive to fail you), it's a matter of logistics: you need to be going through this process with access to a car for years without being a fully licensed driver.

Who would ever buy a car they can only drive with a fully licensed driver in the passenger seat?? And if not - i.e. you're not getting the envisioned proactive with mom and dad (because you're no longer 16) - how is this a benefit?? It just means you have to wait years between tests without doing any driving at all which means you are doomed to fail them.
Fuck you old man, I got driven to school in my grandfather's construction van which consisted of a plastic white deck chair unsecured to anything and made it out alive.

I guarantee I was being driven less safe than you ever were.
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>they wonder why young people don't buy cars
I paid 2 grand for my parents old beat up astro van which I still drive.
I took lessons i paid 1000 bucks for during my hour lunch break while working 14 hour days
I had to send icbc an apology letter after yelling and threatening a course instructor after she laughed when I sped through a school zone which had been put in place an hour before.
>I still think she's an ugly fat disgusting cunt.

Wot? The tests are shit easy, if you dont have access to a friend with a car who'd let you practice in an isolated location thats your fault
"The fact is, today’s young people simply don’t drive like their predecessors did. In 2010, adults between the ages of 21 and 34 bought just 27 percent of all new vehicles sold in America, down from the peak of 38 percent in 1985. Miles driven are down, too. Even the proportion of teenagers with a license fell, by 28 percent, between 1998 and 2008."

Good riddance. I for one am glad to see the car culture in north america coming to an end.
lol if you are getting your drivers license in 2013 you deserve all the restrictions possible you dumbfucks. You have no responsibility or respect for anything. Just be glad mommy and daddy are paying for a roof over your head.

My brother is a good driver - he's currently a taxi driver and has driven tour busses in the past - but he failed his G2 exit twice. He only got his full licence by scamming it via a license swap in another province (convinced them he had his full license when he didn't).
>>14118989 (OP)

Have you seen all the retarded fucks with drivers licenses? Next time you are at the DMV just look around and realize all those drooling idiots passed the tests you are bitching about. Non-functional crackheads live in cars all over my city, they passed these tests. Asian women, can't even drive, they passed these tests. And of course the black community, dey all pass dat test. So shut the fuck up, you sound like a faggot.
It's like they're paying out the ass for the ability to obtain a licence, a car, insurance and gasoline.
Boomers were all grown adults and out of HS/college by the time AC/DC and Van Halen were around

Think more Rolling Stones and Who...
>Good riddance. I for one am glad to see the car culture in north america coming to an end.

Issue is the safest drivers are the ones not driving.

Now you've got a high percentage of elderly women so frail they can't even react fast enough to stop from killing pedestrians.

We make excuses for old people who are a danger to the road to be allowed to continue driving, yet we make it harder and harder for the youth who are the sharpest and fastest at reacting\decision-making to be able to have that same right.

Old people who never had to pass a driving test are now insisting on stricter tests, it's complete bullshit considering they never had to go through it themselves, why the fuck should they be allowed a vote?
>>14118989 (OP)
>neighbours call cops for kids running around unattended

butbutbut those evul pedophiles behind every bush
It's weird, a lot of the smartest people I know never got licenses, but all the dumbest ones did.

Then again, it's pretty much the same for having children too.

We're doomed I guess.
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I don't know we're your from, I'm just speaking from my personal experience which is within British Columbia, Canada.
Either you're from somewhere else or the people you mentioned are over 30.
Maybe both.
>butbutbut those evul pedophiles behind every bush

It's backwards in my mind.

The old creepy bastards (men and women) walking around leering at children should be the ones the cops are called on, yet this never happens.

We instead go after the children basically citing it's their fault for roaming around if they get molested\raped, and for their own safety they have to stay indoors.

Meanwhile pedo grandmas stroll by the house winking at the young kids on their power walk.
Don't worry though - car insurance companies have special discounts for the over 55s and charge more for those under 25!

>Hey Maud, get a load of this, Jimmy said he didn't want to buy a car until he was older because he says it's a waste of money! I don't understand how he's grown up to be so lazy and selfish, it must be those damn vidya games...
There has been no sudden magical increase in the amount of pedophiles between the 50s-60s and today, it's just that there was no Nancy Grace in 1961.
I dunno; Battlefield has some pretty frighteningly old people on it
IIRC in BC loads of Chinese had their licenses taken away when it came out that they faked their way through the tests: since all chinese look alike, they just paid someone else to take their tests
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muh opportunity
Also of course ignoring the fact that the vast majority of child molestation is committed by friends/family of the kid, not some guy in a van with a clown mask and free puppies.
where u from in bc?
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>If you want a job go to the nearest textile factory and talk to the foreman! I did, and managed to finance a house, two cars, a wife and children! It's that easy Anon, why don't you just do it?
>It's weird, a lot of the smartest people I know never got licenses, but all the dumbest ones did.

This is because now it has nothing to do with skill, it is all money based.

Before when insurance wasn't mandatory and no mandatory testing besides perhaps small paper test, people who got into collisions (bad drivers) had to pay hefty fines, and because of this the bad drivers stayed away from driving.

The best drivers are going to be the ones who do not take it for granted and who are aware of how important it is to drive safely.

Some rich 16 year old girl who was given multi thousand dollar driving lessons and always assumed cars were "her right" is going to be a bad driver, because she has no concept of why it is important to pay attention and avoid accidents, as daddy can just buy her way out of any accidents.

Meanwhile a poorer person who could only afford a clunker is going to be hyper aware of their driving, because if they even knick a pole their car could clunk out and never start again, losing basically their life savings.

Now with all the expensive costs it raises the bar for how rich you have to be in order to get a license, and it also lowers the bar for personal responsibility after the fact.
Babyboom ended 1964
Acdc formed 1973
Late boomers are age 9
Van Halen formed 1972
Late boomers age 8

How about you back your shit up before making assumptions, dickwad.
It's natural that young people from the 50s to the 80s wanted cars more; all was tied into a form of youth rebellion and the desire to break away from one's parents that doesn't exist among kids now.
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>Live in Surprise Arizona
>Right on the border of good old sun city (Retirment city have to be 55+)
>They have everything
>Still leak into surprise
>Have almost been killed multipe times from there shitty driving and them being allowed to drive golf carts on a busy fucking road
>There has been no sudden magical increase in the amount of pedophiles between the 50s-60s and today, it's just that there was no Nancy Grace in 1961.

I never said there was.

I just said it is unreasonable to call the cops on kids for being victims of pedophilia, regardless of how prevalent it is.
1957-64 are that void between boomers and Gen X (Generation Jones)

>Be a drunken stoner listening to Janis Joplin, acdc, Boston, van Halen, deep purple and blue oyster cult.
>regulate everything so people can't make the same choices you made

How else could they hold on to as much as they could while making sure the next few generations were stuck putting money into SS so they could retire after fucking around until they had to take the jobs their parents kept waiting for them? You ever see that video of the old people who live in 500k+ retirement homes and get medicare?
This, plus for someone coming out of high school, it's often the choice between owning a car and getting an education. The dumb and impulsive choose the former obviously.
Why are boomer's so bad?
>Heidi Klum was photographed on a topless beach with her 7 yo daughter
>people are like "Oh noes this is terrible that kid will see bewbs she'll be scarred for life also the girl isn't wearing a top either pedophiles will be masturbating to this picture fucking sick shit man."


>>Have almost been killed multipe times from there shitty driving and them being allowed to drive golf carts on a busy fucking road

One of these days someone is going to drive a car nuke into one of those cities a la school shooting style.

Won't be me but on that day no shits will be given.
1. They didn't save for retirement and spent themselves into massive debt on houses, vacations, and expensive toys
2. They take credit for other generations' accomplishments
3. They fucked Gen X up and ensured those guys would never have a chance at life
4. They complain about young people doing the very things they trained them to do
That's hilarious, I really hope it's true.
Same thing happens with the natives where I live
They use another natives id to buy booze
Course they're all related anyways.
I will say though, boomers aren't all bad because they put an end to the practice of mandatory nude male swimming in schools.
Was listening to a current affairs show here in Ontario about old people driving. Currently the test old folks take is basically a senility test; they ask them shit like what year is it, who's the prime minister, etc. But some elderly person advocate way saying this is discriminatory: that it doesn't matter if they've lost their minds so long as they retain the long-honed instinct for driving. Don't be suprised if this becomes the new standard: so long as you can still turn a wheel and press a pedal you are good to go, even if you forget where you're going en route.
>This, plus for someone coming out of high school, it's often the choice between owning a car and getting an education. The dumb and impulsive choose the former obviously.

I'd say both owning a car or getting education right now could be either positive or negative.

Personally I'm self employed, 21 years old and not taking any University.

I see people getting useless degrees just to flip burgers and it disgusts me.

I run several websites and I own a car because I need to pick up groceries, sometimes do cross State business (legal ofc) and I also love to fish while I work.

Of course buying an expensive car is impulsive and foolish in that I agree with you.

I just bought a 2006 used car for 2800$ and it's bin running like a dream for the past 4 years.

Best of luck with education though anon, it doesn't necessarily have to be a waste just choose the right degree.
That pics retarded.
I found the apartment my parents lived in when they were newlyweds. It's 400$ more a month and 30 years older than it was back then.
Gen X had is ultra easy. You had to be completely retarded and/or on heroine to not land any job you wanted in the 90s.
I bet if your penis was bigger than 5" you wouldn't care...

That's because disowning your parents is stupid if they aren't terrible in a real way like beating you or abusing you somehow. Why throw away a support system that has endured for our entire existence because some slut in a polka dot dress will think you're a square?
>people saying driving tests are too hard
Granted, it's been about a decade since I took it, but given the number of retards on the roads, wouldn't you have to be a complete fuck-up to not pass your driving test? Even blacks can drive cars, /pol/, why can't you?
>1. They didn't save for retirement and spent themselves into massive debt on houses, vacations, and expensive toys

Not to mention they now want us all to pay hefty taxes so they can cash out the social security gravy train before the entire economy collapses.

They spent all their money and now they want our money too, and if we say no we get accused of wanting our old Jewish grandmother to die, and she's not even Jewish!!!
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Guys don't even get me started on modern DUI penalties
You're underage, aren't you?

Protip: Boomers owned almost any good job back then. Gen X were the first generation who could expect to have less opportunity than their parents.
>Gen X had is ultra easy. You had to be completely retarded and/or on heroine to not land any job you wanted in the 90s.

Wait I thought Gen X was 1990+ birth date.

What generation is 1992?
But my cock is 8 inches, I would have gotten a couple of sissy fucktoys
If you ask my grandmother, she'd tell you drinking and driving should equate to attempted murder.
Gen X are people born in the 60s-70s. Gen Y were born in the 80s-90s.
I just got my lisence at age 24, I live in yrope so it cost me nearly 4000 USD.
And it took me 5months despite being a NEET.

Despite all that mandatory training there is still about 50% fail at the practical driving exam in my city.
I can't explain why.
Ah here it is

>Why throw away a support system that has endured for our entire existence because some slut in a polka dot dress will think you're a square?

There's no good reason to, you are right.

However a lot of the youth these days and even some of the boomer gen who had television\mass media were trained to believe almost anything was abuse.

The reason for this is divide and conquer.

When people are divided they spend more money, they become more consumerist. This is because they are lonely and they try to fill this void with meaningless spending.

So basically getting people to believe everyone else is abusing them is important to the commercial structure, as it increases profits vastly.
>I just got my lisence at age 24, I live in yrope so it cost me nearly 4000 USD.
>i live in yrope
Well there's your problem.

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