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Black anon here and I need your help /pol/. I was just called a house nigger and traitor to my race by my family for being conservative with libertarian views.

How do I change their views /pol/? Let me add in I get called white for my STEM field choice also.

Do we get rid of the NAACP and Sharpton?

>Pic unrelated
Self bump
Oh wow, you should just leave the house man. You got called a house nigger presumably by a nigger and there's no changing those niggers.

Don't waste your time.
Tell them the media takes advantage of chimping out. They say shit all the time just to make blacks chimp out and whites feel sorry so they can make money(leave out the part about the Jews for now). Tell them you don't want to be a beta nigger who is so easy to get riled up.
I wouldn't bother trying to change them. Most people (of any ethnicity) can't be convinced by logic (Muh feelings).I'm a white nationalist. Most white folks have a bad opinion of white nationalism and give me grief about it. I'd say pursue your interests and fuck em if they don't like your politics.
Don't waste your time with them. You can't change what's engrained in their minds already. Just find a way out and help yourself.
Thanks anon. I had a feeling this was the answer I would get. I guess it's okay to assume they are beyond teaching.
You sound like a massive uncle Tom. Stick up for your own race, faggot.
What's funny is I do stick up for my race by telling them how it is. Been trying to find a nice black girl to be with but nearly all are ghetto as shit.
>>18204233 (OP)
>trying to reason with niggers
How is telling someone letting his fellow blacks no how fucked up their race is not sticking up for them? I have all the respect in the world for black conservatives. It's a hard life.
>>18204233 (OP)

>How do I change their views /pol/?

Kill them. Anyone as enlightened as you are should understand that your genetic background is a dead end and you shouldn't propagate your race.
You can't save them, they'll always be stuck in their ways (this applies to every race, fyi). You need to focus on future generations. Never compromise with them.
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Why are you guys falling for this
It truly is very hard for us. I laugh when my family praises the NAACP but doesn't realize they knock down black conservatives.
are they implying that the only 2 choices are
1. house
2. field
I'm going to go ahead and pretend there's is a black guy on /pol/ and it's OP

You're so dumb. He's already sticking up for his race by not being a stereotypical black person

Black people hate seeing one of their own being different and normal so like you they call people like OP a traitor and uncle Tom

Kind of a damned if you do damned if you don't thing
>newfags don't ask for timestamps
>nigger on /pol/ pffft.
I don't think you're doing that, though. I think you're acclimating aspects of a dominant culture that would allow you to assimilate more readily, which is admirable; but not happening. I honestly doubt your 'intellect' led you to being a libertarian and anti-Sharpton/etc.; most jews are HIGHLY intelligent and are leftists who are pro-Sharpton. Your beliefs are the complex result of social and personal pressures.

At the end of the day, you should be adopting any ideology that subverts enemies of your race and empowers your own race. If you view Europeans/whites as the enemy of your race, and think African-Americans running America would be more prosperous for your people, then I would encourage you to support means to that end. This is the realpolitik that jews and other groups are magnetized to; self-serving policies.

I mean, really. Do you honestly think those libertarians/conservatives are your friends? I'm a conservative and I genuinely think blacks are genetically inferior to whites, but I constantly mask this and prop up black 'conservatives' to undermine them and empower my own group. The mainstream conservative media does the same. There is a fundamental disconnect between what you want for your people and the mainstream (but underground) belief of the conservative group; they believe blacks are GENETICALLY INFERIOR AND THUS POLICY WOULD HAVE NO POSITIVE EFFECT ON BLACKS.

Conservatives aren't your friends. That's all I can say.
That's general the assumption. They also imply Uncle Tom wasn't the most upstanding African-American ever written into a novel and that making it the "right way" is making it the "white way".
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You're family is scared you'll succeed.

There's nothing you can do to change them, because really, they don't believe their own bullshit either, they just want to keep everyone down with them, and that's all they ultimately care about.

Give them a reason to be scared OP, you sound smart as fuck.

Go to the UK. Most of our black guys are pretty chill, successful and articulate.
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>>18204233 (OP)
You know you're family best. Think of a way to explain to them, but get facts from internet and shit.
>>18204233 (OP)
Its easy. Kill the blakman
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*Your family

Jesus, opening the post with a typo.

that's the thing i we need to find a way to get across to more black americans... we conservative/libertarians are routinely stereotyped as racist, anti-black/brown etc, but the irony is that many of us are anti-leftism precisely because we want better loves for black americans, all americans really.

look how leftism has destroyed the black family in america... go back 75 years, before black americans migrated to the democratic party -- MORE black children were born into married, stable homes than white children...
>If you view Europeans/whites as the enemy of your race
The people propagating race relations as a zero sum game are so small of the population your point is basically moot.
>>18204233 (OP)
a trained chimp is still a chimp

Yeah, yeah, dig up the crazy ones. I've met annoying black guys too, but about 70% are chill.
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OP here and thanks for the thoughts guys. I am pretty much done reasoning with them. Some members have been supportive while others have just been no help at all.

However when I present facts to them they say stuff like "how do you support them white boy. "

I honestly don't know if I would want my future children by them. I feel as though it would be negative to them as well.
You can find chill black people in the US. Why would he need to move?
OP, pkease describe to us your family talks about Baby TrayTray.

I'll patiently await your response.
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>being educated is looked down upon in black culture

OP you can't get a donkey to walk across a river no matter how much to push and pull it.
call them racists
because that is what they are
Another black conservative here. Removing yourself from your family entirely isn't the answer, nor is removing your children. You can stay as being relatives and friends with these people, just don't bring politics into the discussion. They don't agree with your political views sure, but you've still known them most of your lives. But if someone does challenge your political views, don't shy away. Even if they don't agree with you, they should still respect your opinion. At least that's what happens with me.
>>18204233 (OP)

Show them this, now:

It makes me mad, man. What kind of horrible lowlifes shit on their own family for pursuing STEM, for fucks sake?

I dunno. I just assume all blacks in the US are ghetto dwellers, and that those who aren't read Ralph Ellison like he's a good author.
They do. I was saying for weeks that Zimmerman would be found not guilty and they just laughed at me for it. Once the verdict was read I got called uncle tom, house nigga, and was told to bleach my skin white. Hell my uncle told me not to walk around with a hoodie anymore.

This was all at the time I was looking to buy a Smith and Wesson M&P 15. Got knocked down for that too.
>This was all at the time I was looking to buy a Smith and Wesson M&P 15. Got knocked down for that too.

What the hell, why?
And the niggers blame the white man for keeping them down.
>they need any help
Let me tell you OP, even as a white nationalist, I can respect what you're doing. I respect black people, not niggers, but you. Just as I respect whites, not white trash, and Nazi's, not Neo-nazi trash. Your best goal is to gain notable reputation and spread your opinions, as the rational and realistic person you may be. You can't reason with your family or those rooted in their beliefs, however ignorant they may be. Destroy the NAACP, Al sharpton, and promote organized culture and success among your people. I wish you good luck my black friend, there is a future for you yet.
Damn that sucks man. I explained to my family the law and although they didn't agree with the decision, they understood it. Where do you live?
hate to break it to you, but your family is a bunch of chimps.

most of your race will remain subhuman as long as people like you are in the minority and we are not allowed to exterminate the idiots and encourage only the civilized ones to breed.

I'm afraid until people like you start advocating for eugenics there's really no hope
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>>18204233 (OP)
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Fucking awful.

I'm proud of you OP for sticking up for what you believe in in moments like these, I don't know if I could keep my energy or courage for very long.
They are super liberal and hate guns period. Yet their own sons have them illegally. They basically don't like me taking the right process of getting one. They also believe in getting rid of stand your ground laws.
>>18204233 (OP)
Just don't discuss politics with them. STEM is for faggots.
because it's "Eurocentirc."
You're learning "the white man's education."
I actually heard this shit come out of other peoples mouths.
>>18204233 (OP)

Don't. Call them a bunch of ghetto ass niggers who ain't gonna amount to nothing and suck the white man's cock harder than any field slave ever did.

Then run.
The problem is that the niggers breed like crazy and the intelligent blacks are breeding less frequently and there's a rather large portion of that group that is race-mixing. The talented tenth is dwindling to twentieth, fiftieth, hundredth.
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Show them this OP. Ironically, they are the niggers, they don't even know what that word means. You are a black man. Don't let them get you twisted.
>inb4 they call him a house nigger too

Why hate STEM?
>>18204233 (OP)
It's 2013. Why aren't you a social conservative, fiscal liberal?
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He's just jelly no one wants his shitty womyns studies degree
I've been meaning to visit but I dislike the nanny state its going towards.
>social conservative, fiscal liberal

nigga you just went full statist

i eagerly await the day of rope
>>18204233 (OP)
tell em nigga u ain gun be cald no nigga an dat dey da real niggas real talk nigga
>>18204233 (OP)
>not living in squalor and poverty makes you a "house nigger"
Just don't ever talk to them about it again and don't let them pull you into a self-destructive cycle. Their time is over, but you've learned to play the game.
Are you me?
Do you meet the criteria in the original post?
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alright nigger, here is what you do. Go to pof.com or any other matchmaking site and search for black women who have a minimum of associates degrees.

Now stop whining.
Stop making me hate the English language
>not masters
I will do knowing it will be a slim pickings. If not I will be like my cousin and find a nice Filipino girl.
I wonder what Chinese or French ebonics sounds like.
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>implying black women have masters degrees

>implying black women have any college at all.

Try it nigger.
>not white
You can't even cornball correctly. Damn you're a failure of a human being.
>>18204233 (OP)
you can't save everyone. You could try to redpill them but they sound stuck in their ways. Build your own family with a female of your choice and raise your children with your values.

You can sacrifice your own potential for them or you can surpass them and help advance your people through your own success.

The choice is yours.
They do. I know one that's a CPA
Why does it matter if she's white or not? As long as she is intelligent, willing to share ideals, and wanting to raise a child together.
>>18204233 (OP)
Here you go my friend. This guy is hilarious and explains how to be a successful black conservative well.
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Yea I am poised for a good career. So I believe I will do what makes me happy and not to impress them.
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Oh shit yes. This guy is Reverend Uncle Ruckus incarnate.

OP here and this Pastor Manning starting following me on twitter. I feel like I have attracted someone useful. He hates Obama more than me.
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That's hilarious
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You lucky SOB. I'm watching the first vid, and it's just at the part where he's flipping his shit about that long-legged mack-daddy Obama. It's glorious and spectacularly crazy.

I guess I can find you in the people he's following, now.
Yea I think its one of his colleagues running it though. Either way it is pretty funny.
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>Pastor Manning
This pastor manning?!?!?!?
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>>18204233 (OP)
Niggers are niggers. Just get out of there, nigger.
Yea that guy. Like I said I don't think its really him. Although it has a lot of followers. Either way its the same agenda.
> I just assume all blacks in the US are ghetto dwellers

Yeah, about 90% of them are.

Mexicans are the worst though.
>no "that um" stuck in the third panel before "jews did 9/11"

Could've been so much better
I didn't make it but I agree with you.

Maybe I'll make my own version.

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