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Whoever wins, everybody loses.
>Promises a billion dollar surplus
>Current figures at $12 billion below forecast

G... Guys, we need $300 from each of you for the NDIS...

Were constitutional republics run any better?
>Current figures at $12 billion below forecast

BoA Merrill Lynch economist Saul Eslake predicted an AU$20 billion deficit. Losing our AAA rating any time now.
Whoever wins, everybody still lives in the best country on earth.

Man fuck that.

I'm on 120k a year, I was q60k job before that.

I'm already getting taxed over 20k a year to support dole bludgers and coons.
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>Best performing 1st world economy
>Boo Hoo Muh $300
>Vote for proven retard Abbott
>Get shafted for corporate interests
>best country on earth.

I wish the best country on Earth didn't decide to steal ~$300 from me because they fucked up their economic forecast - and rather than restructure spending, they'd instead put their hand in my pocket to find cash.

Do what my wife does. She registered herself as a sole trader, and has her employer pay her ABN. She's able to claim almost everything on tax.

I'm pretty fucked regardless, I run my own company. Flat 30% of all my income goes to the government...
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MUH fwee hunjed dollah
Yea but imagine being America or somewhere in Europe where that $300 gets taken from you all the time while living in a shithole with no jobs or future.
>Best performing 1st world economy
Resource boom. Iron ore and coal had reached record highs, they're now, I believe they used the term "reatreating", due to falling demand.

>Boo Hoo Muh $300
You've never worked before, have you? You're free to give me $300, I'm certain my spending habits are more efficient than that of the government.

>Get shafted for corporate interests
Despite the obviously loaded die in that question, I don't have a problem with the market...
>>13719434 (OP)
The IWW was attacked under boyhood conscription.

Ming attacked the CPA.

Fuck off liar.
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>Moving to Australia

Not even once.
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>Yea but imagine being America or somewhere in Europe where that $300 gets taken from you all the time while living in a shithole with no jobs or future.

We shouldn't have to sink to their level at all though, that's the problem. Government needs to restructure their spending rather than falling on citizens to pay for their fuck ups.
>Never worked before have you?

I'm lucky enough to have a well paying job, and pay about $40k in taxes every year. I'm also happy to pay a whopping $300 for a system that will support people who genuinely need it.
>Pick Gillard
Lose what little freedoms we have.
Tax, tax, tax.

>Pick Abbott
Lose the NBN.
Liberal Riots.
>I'm also happy to pay a whopping $300 for a system that will support people who genuinely need it.

Do you do so currently, or require the government to first make it a mandatory contribution?

Of course you do it now, what kind of a liberal statist would you be if you need the government to force you to give things to 'people who genuinely need it'. You're a regular Chris Cringle, son.

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>Objectivist brain fart

Sometimes the state is better suited to certain functions. You'll figure that out after you get hair on your balls.
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Nice way to deflect the question (don't worry, we know you give to charity).

>Sometimes the state is better suited to certain functions
It's common for people like yourself to not be able to envision a private enterprise doing something the government has had a legal monopoly over for quite a long time... Then things like postal companies, waste management collection and facilities, military contractors and even prisons are started by private enterprise... And run wonderfully, without the country exploding.
You're probably to young to have either seen such a transition, or to imagine one yourself... Have fun with your Austudy.

The state is never better suited to handle functions of charity organizations and money flow. You'll figure that out after you get hair on your balls.

>tfw I'm not smart enough to imagine all those charitable gentle hearted people who suddenly, after tax burden has been lifted from them, decide to throw their tax savings on charities

>tfw I don't think retards, disabled and old people should have moral obligation to die so as to not consume public resources
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>>13719434 (OP)

Gillard is a decent Prime Minister, and is a lot better at the job than Rudd was.
Then why do we have a growing debit and budget deficit?

I agree, i really cannot understand why she is so unpopular. the only reason these idiots can come up with is we still don't like her because she took Rudds job?
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First point would be more along the lines of someone who currently spends money on charities can no longer afford to do so. Don't forget, a lot of charitable people don't make $200k starting like yourself, or have a set limit for donations a year they're able to afford, or no longer able in this case, in between the rising cost of electricity, and a new levy from the government, for instance.

Second point, pic related.

Gillard is a better PM than Rudd because:

- She knows how to manage people; Rudd didn't
- She delegates properly and doesn't feel the need to control every single policy and its formulation; unlike Rudd
- She attends to the day-to-day affairs of government; unlike Rudd who only gave a shit about looking good in the media
- She is a fantastic negotiator (why she became PM in the first place) and understands that being head of government involves compromise - once again, unlike Rudd.
>Implying the PM has largely any role rather than a face for the party.
OPs image would have likely been exactly the same regardless of Labors choice. I'd wager the image is there to let retards know just which exact government it's talking about, as it was the Gillard government that's introduced (or attempted to introduce) those policies.

>i really cannot understand why she is so unpopular.
Babbys first PM, you should probably read the image again... Unless you're all for what was mentioned, in which case, you're a whole other brand of crazy. Also, see above, I'm not attacking Gillard, but OPs image would have likely held true regardless of who was elected by the party.
>Implying the PM has largely any role rather than a face for the party.

Head of the ALP is not the same position as head of the Australian Government.

>OPs image would have likely held true

It's contentions are all based on News Limited spin. The government and other MPs had the guts to call News on its practice of knowingly publishing falsehoods about government policy, so News had a cry and played the censorship card.
>Head of the ALP is not the same position as head of the Australian Government.
What is a leadership push?

>It's contentions are all based on News Limited spin.
Ha, oh wow.
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>Temporary increase in Medicare levy

These people are the reason our politics is so mediocre.
>>13719434 (OP)

I can assure you that Abbots list of buttfuckery in the next few years will be much longer and much more terrifying than that
>News Limited spin.
Like the internet filter, or the attempted discrimination law reform... Right...?
>Not theft

These people are the reason our politics is so mediocre.

Trips of truth.

I will never forget how Abbott prostituted himself to a bunch of teashit wannabes who "marched on Canberra" demanding an election.
The only real thing I can see him being allowed by parliament to fuck up will be the NBN.

He doesn't have any hope of repealing no fault divorce, or any of his other wacky shit... He might get something through about immigration, but apart from that, I can't see parliament letting him fuck up too badly.
>Vote Liberal
>Have your home disconnected from NBN/Denied possibility of NBN
>Forced to pay $5000 to get it back.

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>Government forecast off by more than $12bn
>Temporary levy

There isn't a single MP who genuinely believes that taxation is theft. There probably hasn't ever been.

Probably because Australians know full well where their rebates and tax concessions come from.
>There isn't a single MP who genuinely believes that taxation is theft.

Was that supposed to surprise me?
as a blue mountains resident, why should i give a fuck about the NBN?
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It will ensure substantial long term growth in productivity and GNP for the rest of the 21st century, enable Australia to compete in trade and significantly reduce budget expenditure in areas such as health and education, which gives governments more wiggle room, possibly to invest in making places like the Blue Mountains non-faggoty places to reside.
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Because it will benefit the entire country.
Business' will be able to grow easier, people will have reasons to move to areas besides fucking mining....

It's like saying who the fuck cares about setting up a train network back in the day....transporting information > transporting bogans

The levy is for one policy, you obtuse faggot.

Of course, Gillard could do the right thing by YOU and tell the disabled and their families the new policy won't be a reality because she needs to present a positive figure on a piece of paper in order to please Joe Hockey. But that would make her a bad PM.
>>13719434 (OP)
>Shifting the burden of proof to the accused.
>Implying the legislative has the power to do such a thing

A little too biased for discussion.
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Not sure where to move anymore
I struggle to understand the point of your post.

It seems highly irrelevant; niggers/immigrants are proverbially known as criminals
>Ruining a great image
Original please?
Strawman, assuming I'm against the NDIS, or somehow the disabled.
Assuming the government has a right to more of your money, rather than restructuring current spending, which is typically what the government does when it wishes to purchase something... This isn't a new concept.
Assuming I'm for a surplus. While I'm not necessarily against it, a surplus, while nice, just means the government either hasn't used its capital to its full extent, or it's taking too much from the populace.

Nigger, you just went full statist.
>Implying the immigrant problem isn't rampant in Australia

What are you, a Tassie?
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>Liberal Riots.
>Lose NBN.

By the time NBN comes in it will be shit-tier anyway.
The Labor NBN has the right idea. Liberal NBN is ultimately kicking the can, and will cost us more over the long term...
>Implying the PM has largely any role rather than a face for the party.

Agreed, but why do people seem to despise her?
Sick of hearing
>Julia brang in the bloody carbon tax

Why would parties tarnish their image so heavily just to change leaders if it didn't matter?
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I've voted twice for Labour and once for the Liberals though this time all those people saying "both parties are the same" are probably more right than wrong.

So I'll vote for Katter in protest, he's got *some* decent ideas.

>inb4 somebody says ''just vote greens''

I watched Sarah Hanson Young in the senate for 2 hours once.......I thought I had died and gone to some kind of hell.
look at this faggot. He comes straight from Bolts blog to /pol/

>piss off, faggot
>why do people seem to despise her?
Seems kind of obvious. She was the face of a leadership spill, and the face of increasing tax, electricity costs, and other unpopular legislation.

It doesn't really matter whether you are or aren't solely responsible for x, but being the face or spokesman of x means you'll suffer the fallout for it.
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Bolt would like /pol/ at first then he'd see /pol/ hates Israel and News Limited.
>Taking ANY Greens voter seriously

A green party, that's anti-nuclear... They're the best example of cognitive dissonance I could ever dream of.

Vote nobody.

Nobody tells the truth.
Nobody does what they say.
Nobody has good policies.
Nobody delivers on electoral promises.

This September cast your vote for nobody.

But you're not upset that Howard signed onto the JSF dud-fighter?

How much of your tax is wasted on that. Atleast the disability fund will proctect us, from unforseen accidents.

The JSF will get blown outtta the sky by Indonesian Sukhois.
>Resource boom

Which accounts for under 10% of the economy. With related activities, 14% tops. You never economy, did you?

>I don't have a problem with the market..
Look at this corporate stooge.
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Yeah, that's one of the main reasons I think they're retards actually.

There are so many Nuclear reactors running well all over the place and the tech only improves as years pass. Chernobyl was soviets being retards (running test with safety off, dont tell next incoming shift....on the bright side we got the STALKER games) and Fukishima was an earthquake followed by a tsunami and work was being done at the time.

>mfw germany shut down its' nuclear reactors and then had to buy it's power from france....guess where france gets the power from
I'd vote for Nigel Farage and I have voted for Ron Paul.

I pretty much agree with you, but I think not voting isn't going to help either.
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>So I'll vote for Katter in protest, he's got *some* decent ideas.
That's good man. Did you do it?

Put her on a chubby girl next time, more like Gillards Jelly-Baby body. I'd like to fap to that...
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>But you're not upset that Howard signed onto the JSF dud-fighter?

I forgot about the levy we had to pay for the JSF, thanks for reminding me.
At least we're not scared to state that in our media, you retarded fucking goym.
>Which accounts for under 10% of the economy
Here come the service fags. Now, let's take a look at the export of services compared with that of resources... Oh look.

Sorry, but what exactly do you plan on servicing once the resources are gone? Manufacturing will come back at some point, undoubtedly, but for now, the service industry exists at the sole discretion of the resource industry.
>lose NBN
>implying that matters

By the time that shit is finished, it'll be fucking out dated and garbage. Not to mention we'd already have fucking quantum computers by then and some technology that lets internet speeds reach the speed of light. This shit's all making 10x more progress than our NBN.

Does that mean the LDP will legalise pedophile marriages and inter-species marriages?
haha. Bolts two important sources of funding.

>in the meantime here's some more shit internet while we siphon those funds to Telstra shareholders

Yeh no.
The JSF is paid with taxes, you dumb fuck.
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I was trolled into voting for the sex party once, yeah fool me once.

>read policy
>"we want more womyn in parliament, JUST CAUSE"
>"s-so are they qualif-"
How is taxation not theft? 40% of my salary is taxed. Are you telling me that's fair? I have no say in the matter. The government that I didn't even elect simply decides this.

I'm okay with some of my money going to help out Australians with stuff like improved education, infrastructure, healthcare, and hospitals, but why the fuck should I be taxed so highly because our government can't come up with a proper budget.

We pay billions in foreign aid. For what reason? Fuck them. Help them with disaster relief, but that's it. Same goes with wanting to increase taxes to help retarded people. We already have universal healthcare, why should I work my ass off and get nothing in return?

And let's not forget the fucking politicians spending my money on strippers, prostitutes and new utes. If you honestly think taxation isn't theft, you're out of your mind.
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>Fukishima was an earthquake followed by a tsunami
Don't forget the natural disasters took out all auxiliary power, damaged the reactor wall, and still 0 people died from radiation.

>by then and some technology that lets internet speeds reach the speed of light
Do you know what goes through a fiber cable...? I can't tell if you're retarded, or trolling.
>what exactly do you plan on servicing once the resources are gone?

Wealthy Chinese buying up real estate. Agriculture. Plenty of services... use your mind.
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OH! You mean the government made do with the taxes it already receives... It DIDN'T institute a JSF Levy?
Well fuck me...

(Please stop being a retard, it's painful to watch)
>600 boat people in the first 4 days of the month

Thanks, Julia.
>we want more womyn in parliament, JUST CAUSE

D... Does the LDP actually say this somewhere? I'm too scared to look now...
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Fucking amen.

And this shit:
>We pay billions in foreign aid.

We have poor people here, if the government wants to help people, start at home.
Move to another country with lower tax rates then instead of moaning about it. Or earn less than $18,000 a year.
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That could have better been spent on Hospitals, telling illegals to fuck off (or housing them in the homes of the slactivists who ask them to be let in), Education, making Anime real or building a giant cannon to fire Abbott into the sun with.
Why the fuck should I do that? I was born here, my family was born here. Why should I move because our government is fucking retarded. Why should my hard earned money go to fucking niggers and mudlims in third world countries? I can understand helping the Australian community, but billions in foreign aid, please.
The whole argument is about the government failing to properly structure its spending, so it's introducing a levy. Taxes are SUPPOSED to pay for this shit, we shouldn't need levies on top of it, idiot.
>Implying we don't just move our money overseas

See image; >>13719796

I'm all for paying tax to fund certain things the government wants to have a monopoly on, but when you start taxing almost half of the capital I've earned, you're going to start receiving a lot less tax than I'm actually liable to pay.
>sucking Lockheeds dick that hard

Kill yourself.
Do you think the government just couldn't think of anything better to do with that money or something? Assisting other countries strengthens our bonds with them and allows us to pursue free trade deals and the like. Do you want Australia to be a pariah state?
So, you're agreeing with everything I've been saying, namely the government shouldn't introduce a levy to fund it's fuck ups, but rather make do with what it already has? I'm just going to try and ignore you from here on out, because you've reached a whole new level of illiteracy I wasn't aware existed...

At no point did I condone the spending, I pointed out that fact that they didn't introduce a levy to fund it (unlike the NDIS)... Retards are out in force tonight, Australia.
The government should stop wasting money on Customs/border patrol. There's your Disabilty-fund without raising a levy.
Right, because spending millions building sand roads in some African country is really going to help us with free trade deals.
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"Do you want Australia to be a pariah state?"

>implying if we dont fork over the greenbacks to the third world we'll be a pariah state

Just how much of the electric green voter do you watch?
>The government should stop wasting money on Customs/border patrol.

We might not agree on what funding should be reduced to pay for the NDIS, but hopefully we can both agree that a levy is a fucking ridiculous way to go about it.
>free trade deals.

>implying free trade benefits Australia
Trade deals are one of many outcomes. Soft power is everything in developing countries, especially ones which might develop a radicalised youth due to religious reasons.

I think you meant >>13722109
I have no problem with Rudd's Mining Tax. So nope, i don't agree.

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