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Anyone else notice all the propaganda in kid's shows these days? I watch tv with my son occasionally, and all I see is leftist indoctrination as far as the eye can see. Eventually, I just turned off all the modern kids shows, downloaded every looney toons cartoon from 50 years ago, and run them on a media server that he can watch when he wants. Anyone else notice this though?
>>13575980 (OP)

Care to explain what you mean by leftist indoctrination?
yes, the Sesame Street people admitted they did the show to indoctrinate children into leftist multicult
>>13575980 (OP)
Looney Toons cartoons also have leftist propaganda, you just don't notice it because it's so old.

Creative types tend to be liberal, just like stockbrokers tend to be conservatice.

For example, Shapiro quotes Mike Dann, one of Sesame Street’s founding executives, saying it “was not made for the sophisticated or the middle class.” Using the premise, the team worked in all sorts of messages, including Grover breaking bread with a hippie and Oscar the grouch who was supposed to address “conflicts arising from racial and ethnic diversity.” Dann also admitted he used the program in the wake of 9/11 to highlight peaceful alternatives to war.

“Sesame Street tried to tackle divorce, tackled ‘peaceful conflict resolution’ in the aftermath of 9/11 and had [gay actor] Neil Patrick Harris on the show playing the subtly-named ‘fairy shoeperson’,” writes Shapiro, according to THR.
>having children

I shig, then I digg.
>has to shield someone from media instead of letting them grow up and think for themselves

>implying that after you grow up watching all that shit, you're actually thinking for yourself. GTFO JIDF.
>Seasame Street pushed for peace and not meddling in foreign wars

>having children in this sick jewified society
Enjoy being paranoid for two.
Should have waiyed until after the revolution brother
Hare-Abian Nights - Bugs Bunny - 1959

That's not so bad.
>implying that after only watching things approved by your parents, you're thinking for yourself
>Not stereotyping other cultures
>"leftist indoctrination"
Looney Tunes - Ali-Baba Bound (1941).flv

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>Yes goyum don't have children, nothing good can ever come out of this.

>Don't forget to work hard and pay your taxes so we cna give Shani-qua more money to pop up niglets

The stereotypes aren't gone, they've just come full circle and paint the exact opposite picture. And stereotypes are rooted in truth to begin with.

Implying that he should be the one to instill values in his own child rather than your benevolent overlords in government.
Bugs Bunny Nips in the Nips WWII

I'm sorry that peace is a liberal value.
>watching classic nick channel
>kenan and kel, one of my favorite shows as a kid
>they are eating at a chinese restaurant
>chinese waiter comes up and asks kel what he wants to order
>kel says something like "ill take a hamburger, a hotdog, a slice of pizza, some fries, and a bottle of orange soda"
>waiter says "sir, this is a chinese restaurant"
>audience laughs and waiter walks off angrily
man i miss the 90s

>Liberal Value
>My Sides

The only true peace is peace through strength. Peace to a leftist is subservience. It's all about "muh feels" until one day, there's a boot on your kneck, and you can't for the life of you figure out how it got there because you were so tolerant.

So much this.

That shoving a flower in the barrel of a gun bullshit might work on national guardsmen, but an enemy will gun you down as soon as looking at you. Peace without the means to defend it is a fleeting thing.
The thing is that there's a place for both left and right ideals of peace.
"Peace through strength," could land you the role of the boot on the neck.
better that than the other way around

I'm not suggesting that we run rough shod over people who are not like us, but like the other guy said, peace without the means to defend it is meaningless. I'm speaking from a defensive perspective, not offensive.
>These days

There was always propaganda in cartoons, you just didn't notice it when you were younger.

Also, Looney Tunes has way more propaganda than anything on today.

At least that propaganda was nationalist and not feel good bullshit

Propaganda is propaganda, regardless. No form of propaganda is any better or worse than another.
You don't think nationalism is feel good bullshit?

What a lovely little gem of retardation. If one is a liberal, then liberal propaganda is better than conservative propaganda. The reverse is true as well.

I'd hardly consider all propaganda equal. The propaganda in the old toons was like propaganda lite. It served to unite the nation behind a purpose, unlike the propaganda of today which encourages us all to take a kebab in the rear.

Nationalism is what allowed the US to succeed, anti-white, anti-American globalism is what's killing us.

Don't try to reason with him. He honestly believes that patriotism is a right-wing value. He hates the United States and is disgusted when anything on TV doesn't shit on the US.

Ladies and gentleman, we have a winner.

[confetti cannons]
This is what Looney Toons looks like in 2013:

Fuck off, neckbeard.

What's wrong with a song about two best friends?

You neckbeards look for propaganda in places where there isn't any.

>mfw I am literally a neckbeard, because I haven't shaved in three days, (I took a week off of work and have been on a programming bender,) and I will still get more tail in a month than you'll get in your entire life.

Nice response, friend. It lets everybody know that you've lost and I don't have to spend more time trying to reason with a complete and utter retard.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>>13575980 (OP)
>Eventually, I just turned off all the modern kids shows, downloaded every looney toons cartoon from 50 years ago
That's exactly what I plan to do.
"Anti-white, anti-American globalism" just might be a factor to why we had a good break between 9/11 and the Boston incident. We're talking about abstract ideals somehow causing events as if one or the other is ever exclusive. If the pacifism form of peace is a liberal idea, then it's the peace through strength conservative idea that is the source of our problems. Don't the bad guys on the other side want to kill everyone who isn't like them to ensure that there is peace when there is only one religion?
It's not one extreme or the other, but both.

Used to be that the left, and the right could agree that America was great, but they had different ideas about how to keep it that way. Now, the left thinks that America is no better than a mud-hut filled shithole in africa,a nd all people will be nice to us if we just give them a chance. Those people will, of course, use that chance that we give them to slit our throats while we sleep.
>promoting extinction of your own people
>Nationalism is what keeps my nation on top
Thats what everybody thinks, and that's why theres always a need for nationalism. Its a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Stop being brainwashed into thinking you're any different because of the land that you happened to be born into. Borders are all made up shit by govs to enslave the people
Holy shit, that would never pass these days. Shit is getting bad. I just want Rocko's Modern Life back.

If you want your kid to watch garbage instead of quality programming, go right ahead.
my lord, what happened?

Yes, pretty much this.


>Don't the bad guys on the other side want to kill everyone who isn't like them to ensure that there is peace when there is only one religion?

This is precisely why the US can only survive as a strong, unified nation. By flooding the country with shitskins, denigrating our history in schools, and flooding television with lies and slander we have created a disunited country.
peace through strength does not necessitate being the world police. america can project strength without pissing of the rest of the world. blame the israeli lobby and their neo-con dogs for that one though.
what about the fact that there were very few (if none) major terrorist attacks before 9/11
>implying Looney Toons isn't god-tier child programming
What kind of plebshit vat were you spawned in?

Nationalist countries are not inherently enemies. They only become enemies when competing interests arise. Our interests align with the rest of the West, and the West is superior.

>Stop being brainwashed into thinking you're any different because of the land that you happened to be born into.

...but I am. We are who we are because, in large part, of the country and the people we belong to.

>Borders are all made up shit by govs to enslave the people


Yes, if only 50 million more hispanics would flood into our country we'd finally be free!

Towers in '93.

But honestly, countries used to respect and fear america's military might. Years of Clinton diddling interns and downsizing the military, and they lost that respect and decided that America was ripe for an attack.
nationalism doesn't have so much to do with a border, as the people residing in it. germans and french are very different people and they border each other.
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My brother has a 5 year old kid, I sometime see the shit that she watches and it makes me sick, I would have done just that, only allowed old cartoons.
Sesame Street executive 'admits' that the show tries to teach people to get along with people who are different from themselves

Wow. They hid it so well for so many years. Why are they revealing these secrets now, anons?

The jokes in Looney Tunes are dated and no longer funny.

This presumes that foreign policy causes terrorism. If that were the case, then it would be Latin American terrorists attack the US, not rich Saudi's.

Terrorism is the result of the dirty religion of Islam. Kikes simply exploit this, but it doesn't change the fact that mudshits are to blame for their own actions.


I've seen this before.

It still sounds so scary!

So much nostalgia

This wasn't a secret. It got criticism from southerners when it first came on the air for exactly that.
Who are you? Harry Wormwood? Quality programming my ass. Okay cartoons, shit tier laugh track kids shows, shit tier... Well reality TV everywhere
>dat into jab at Sesame Street
It's all relative. A child won't know the difference.
>Yes, if only 50 million more hispanics would flood into our country we'd finally be free!
It's not so much about our freedom as it is about their freedom. But fuck them, right? They should just become nationalists.
Oh I agree with all that completely, but neo-con meddling does agitate it though. Islam would be our enemy no matter what, however.
Just let them watch Ren & Stimpy show.
>actually trying to talk shit on looney tunes
My sides have begun a military coup.

Correct use of term. You win 1 internet.
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personally I'd rather see my kid ho through the leftist indoctrination and make his own decisions that it is garbage. just as we all have. you can't shield them from everything
children must be teached real values such as helping old people cross the street,not judging people because they look different.now the only thing i see is cheap moral agendas pushed to kids and seeing them being brainwashed
Time to go kill some hook-nosed dunmer. I'll catch you niggers on the flip side.


>My sides
They'd hate us less if we stopped blindly siding with Israel. One good thing to come out of Obama's presidency is the opportunity to show them that they need to stop being so aggressive.

Yes, fuck them. Nation states exists to advance the interests of its OWN citizens. That is what they are meant for, that is what they succeed in doing. They are the most successful form of large-scale political organisation.

Mexico is shit because Mexicans are shit. The United States developed because its people were hard-working and intelligent. If you mix the two the results are obvious.


One must put current conflicts in the context of human history. The West and Islam have been at war for 1400 years. Remember that the entirety of the Levant, North Africa, and Asia Minor used to be Greco-Roman and Christian until the 7th century.
i..uh...how uh... how old is that bitch?
damn i made myself look dumb over the internet
>being this retarded
If you want to fight for the freedom of shitskins so much, just go move to their country. Don't drag us into that mess.
I can tell you're not brainwashed because you type like shit.

This is fucking stupid, beta logic. The US should stop supporting Israel because it isn't in our interest, not because it makes mudshits mad.

The first foreign war the US fought was against Islamic North Africa in the 19th century. Why? They were enslaving our sailors, as they enslaved millions of other White Europeans. There was no Israel for them to blame then.

They will find another reason to hate us.
>If you mix the two the results are obvious.
Cheap food and low wages?
>actually calling for humanitarian immigration
Nothing would destroy a civilization faster. You really are a deluded fool.
9/11 happened because they just hate our freedom, right?
totally agree, after the clinton years we appear totally weak, indecisive, and stupid. Even after Vietnam we were still feared and respected.

He can't because of Mexico's strict immigration policy.
I guess that's why all the liberals who hate guns and love spics so much don't just move there. Darn.
Thank you sir, and yes I agree. Shit is fuck all retarded anymore. Open question to anyone actually, are there any guns depicted these days like the older cartoons or are they banned? All I see is happy faggoty sing alongs.
>>13575980 (OP)
>having kids
>letting them watch TV
>in 2013
pls dont do that
Thats my point....The people have been made different because of border (nationalism)

>Nationalist countries are not inherently enemies. They only become enemies when competing interests arise
Nobody on the other side of the world is my enemy. You and they both believe it because you are caught up in you national pride.

>Nationalist countries are not inherently enemies. They only become enemies when competing interests arise
I judge people off their accomplishments, not what they got in the genetic lottery. I am not an american, I am a person

>Yes, if only 50 million more hispanics would flood into our country we'd finally be free!
They are not free. And as I state earlier, borders are meaningless, therefore we (beaners included) are not free
Regular Show had a shootout.
you already know that question without having to look, anon. of course guns are gone.
Nationalism helps good countries and hinders bad countries.
>The people have been made different because of border (nationalism)
No, the people are different because they came from different cultures and have different genetics. If you actually believe the only thing separating the average African tribesman and the average Chinese rice farmer is their national indoctrination, i don't even know what to say.
The parent knows better.
You're not a paedo, are you? Check your goddamn privilege, creep.

When he was an infant/toddler, he gave 0 shits about TV. Now he's pushing 5 and he's started to take notice of the television. So I only now started to watch programs with him and noticed to content.
>>13575980 (OP)
My mom did daycare for almost 20 years. I've seen it first hand, and no one thinks twice about it. All parents care about is that their child is no longer running around and possibly causing trouble when they are in front of the TV.
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>MFW you've reached the power level of potato, and can no longer realize that Looney Toons was the exact opposite of Leftist Indoctrination.

9/11 happened because hardline Islams got buttmad that the US was "occupying" holy land. Even though the Saudi's asked us there in the first place to defend against Saddam during the Gulf War...


>You and they both believe it because you are caught up in you national pride.

I believe it because our interests run counter. It is in the interests of China to turn every country around it into a vassal state. It is in the interests of the US to prevent this.

>I am not an american, I am a person

Well, you are an American. The way you think, speak, and act is all a result of your upbringing in this country.

>They are not free. And as I state earlier, borders are meaningless, therefore we (beaners included) are not free

Borders are not meaningless. They are boundaries between differing peoples. When peoples mix, there is conflict.

>that's right goyim, peaceful-protest is the only legitamate protest, people don't respect you if you use violence

My comment was stating that it's the place of the parent to instill values.

It's right-wing indoctrination, which is no better.

Propaganda that you agree with isn't any better than propaganda you don't agree with. It's still brainwashing.
Borders are established because people are different- not the other way around. Otherwise, why establish arbitrary borders in the first place? Are you implying natural geographic borders like rivers or mountain ranges don't exist?

But you are apparently either an anarchist retard or a troll, so there's really no point in arguing with you. Good job derailing a thread about children's television into open-borders stupidity.
>tfw kids are so blind they don't see the obvious

But please, do explain how Looney Tunes wasn't leftist in it's day.
right wing indoctrination? top lel.
>hurr propaganda

Stop blaming the goddamn TV and get off your lazy ass and raise your child.

Children aren't affected in any way by television. It's just a convenient scapegoat.
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So wanting to raise your children to have the same morals as you is now suddenly wrong?
What the fuck are you talking about? That comment wasn't sarcastic. Peace without the strength to sustain it is a short-lived fallacy.
>The parent knows better.
You can believe that the parent should be the only figure molding the mind of the child, but this statement is ridiculous. Do you think that liberal hippie parents teaching kids to submit to any show of force really know better? Do Islamic parents teaching their kids to become suicide bombers know better?
>>13575980 (OP)

Yes, particularly on PBS. The Cat in the Hat show always places the black kid in the foreground and he's always in a leadership role; his blond girl companion is essentially dependent on him for guidance and explanation. There's another show which features a Mexican girl as a spelling champion superhero who's accompanied by a multicultural support cast in which every white is a cripple or a moron, and the perennial villains are a family of blond, blue-eyed whites who incessantly lie, cheat and steal to get ahead but are always thwarted by the valiant multicultural team.

I enjoy PBS on the whole; they were one of just two broadcast, cable or satellite networks to transmit "Mugabe and the White African" on television. But the children's programming, almost to a show, depicts all non-whites as heroic and capable and always casts whites in either demeaning support and lackey roles, as dolts, invalids or helpless victims, or as the primary antagonist who has the worst traits found in humankind.

No, but it is wrong to brainwash them instead of letting them decide for themselves.

No, but if we're not teaching our kids our values, then they're teaching them for us.
You need to assume that parents always have the best morals and values to assume that that's always right.
>"right-wing propaganda" from the 1940s
Oh yeah, that's really going to have a negative impact on our children 70 years in the future.
Implying that a child is capable of thinking for themselves, and isn't just a sponge soaking up information.
It's in their religion, though. I mean, it's right there in the book, all you need to do is read and you'll see that their goal is to kill everyone who isn't a muslim, unless they convert. It says it right fucking there, and they believe it in their hearts. They don't read it and go "what an amusing story, but I shall let my brain prevail in this matter", no, they believe it's the literal word of god. They are insane, like all religions.
>No, the people are different because they came from different cultures and have different genetics. If you actually believe the only thing separating the average African tribesman and the average Chinese rice farmer is their national indoctrination, i don't even know what to say.
I don't believe that, I believe that there are different races. But that has been exacerbated by nationalism. If those borders didn't exist, then people would have spread out and mated more making races much more similar.
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>>13575980 (OP)
>people want to feed my kid their bullshit
>I'll feed him my bullshit instead

Are you retarded?

Children aren't stupid. They can and do think for themselves.
But that's IMPOSSIBLE! Morals are developed based on the society you are in. If you don't express a set of morals to them, they will pick up morals from elsewhere.

You cannot just give them time and they'll develop their own independent of everyone around them; that's retarded.
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>Blackface - Stereotyping of blacks
> Prevalence of guns - Associating humor with guns to advocate gun culture
> Solve your problems by literally beating the shit out of each other.

I mean, I agree with these things entirely but you're either a full-blown retard, or a master ruseman for thinking its leftist.
no, only that on average the parent has better morals than the ones dictated by the government
you are an idiot.
modern TV includes lots of indoctrination, so its a good idea to shield impressionable children from it. Children cannot yet think for themselves.
Only if they grow up without indoctrination, will they be able to think for themselves later.
Its not like 60s cartoons have any sort of opposite right wing indoctrination, its just slapstick.
when half the country votes for obongo, that's hard to do.
Some kids aren't taught values by their parents and you're assuming kids can only be influenced by one entity.
But they can't and don't develop their own set of morals independent of the morals of those they are exposed to.
By your logic, telling them to not touch the stove is wrong. They should actually have to burn themselves so they can learn themselves.
My kid won't watch TV till they learn to torrent that shit, cause I'm not going to start paying for it now.
It almost sounds like you think the government is the source of evil.
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>children aren't affected by TV

By that logic, we shouldn't be sending children to school either. They should just figure everything out on their own.

There's a reason that older people develop different viewpoints from younger people, and it's not purely xenophobic as the media would have you believe. Anyone under the age of 20 doesn't have the life experience do form their own opinion, they are merely capable of regurgitating what's been fed to them.

That's completely different and you know it.

If you can't argue against me, then stop making retarded analogies and just shut the fuck up.

They, implying other people, and not the parents. Fuck how did you people not die from drinking chemicals under the sink being this plum fucking retarded.
'Sup, /pol/?

Arguing about stupid shit again?

Thanks for the laughs, I'm off to play muh vidya now.

In the defense of that viewpoint, if we tell a kid not to touch the stove, he will only want to touch it more. If we allow him to experience touching to stove, he will never touch it again.

Well, that's where you're wrong, because in all likelihood you don't understand what propaganda actually is. Refer to Lippmann, Chomsky, et al: propaganda is information, true or false, transmitted to a public in the interest of compelling them to belief and action, whether good or ill. If the propaganda is true, and the end it seeks is good, it is itself morally good. If it doesn't meet those conditions, then it isn't.
lib-tard multikult programming on PBS wouldn't fall under 'good'.
I wouldn't want to send my kid to public education.

Place rots your mind and spirit.
i lol'd
>>13575980 (OP)
i've noticed a reoccuring theme that black kids are always the nerdy/smart ones in kids shows and there is also mostly a little girl who is vastly superior to the older males
>think for yourself

Haha. You think that we actually have a free will.
>i'm a zombie
Cool. gtfo.

that's done for comedy, not "indoctrination"
Depends on the kids current relation with the parent. If the parent leads a nurturing and trusting environment, the kid will tend to believe the parents and not rebel.

Hell, I know some kids that would literally hold their face against the stove just to mentally injure their parents.
Not everyone is intelligent.
>I believe it because our interests run counter. It is in the interests of China to turn every country around it into a vassal state. It is in the interests of the US to prevent this.
That's just not true. China should want us to succeed because it means more trade for them. Ever hear of comparative advantage

>Well, you are an American. The way you think, speak, and act is all a result of your upbringing in this country.
I may be influenced and and nurtured by the people here, but that doesn't mean it was because of America. I interacted with people around me and learned from them; this would have happened irregardless of America. State =/= society

>They are not free. And as I state earlier, borders are meaningless, therefore we (beaners included) are not free
Border are meaningless. If you live 20 feet away from your neighbor but there is a state border between, then you are no more different. ND's people are no different than SD's. Also the stuff about conflict arising from differences is no longer accepted in academia. Ethnic conflict is due to institutionalism and instrumentalism, not real differences plan
>muh free will
>muh determinism
Don't start this shit. If you think you have free will, you have free will. This is irrelevant though because those posts weren't actually talking about free will in the sense you're implying anyway.
>your own people

>No, but if we're not teaching our kids our values, then they're teaching them for us.

>Some kids aren't taught values by their parents and you're assuming kids can only be influenced by one entity.

It means that you're assuming kids are either taught by their brilliant and perfect parents OR the college educated elite instead of both.
> mated more making races much more similar.
...and destroyed the unique beauty of each race forever. sounds terrible.
...and dumbed down the smarter races. sounds terrible.
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Analogies are a legitimate argument
They slightly exaggerate the terms in order to clarify a logical fallacy within the underlying reasoning, so long as both cases share said reasoning.

Telling me that I don't have a legitimate argument and that I should shut the fuck up...
On the other hand, that is not a legitimate argument.

Check. Mate.
So then the majority of parents are good?
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I dunno about childrens TV but I was watching some crappy MSM news show this morning and noticed it had a black dude and a white girl as anchors

Then it dawned on me that tons of news shows have the black dude/white girl anchor pairing and its rarely reversed

Kinda makes you think if there's really something to the mass media as propaganda theory
Borders exist because when states arise they must define borders. Why are some mountain ranges borders but not others? If there was a little isolated village in Argentina that was absurdly different from the rest of argentine. why would they be considered Argentinian when they are less similar than the people of Chile
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If I think that I am the best then I am the best.

No one magically thinks for himself. You pass all your thoughts through a filter that you aquired through education, parenting and your experiences with your enviroment.
9/11 happened because we trained people to fight for us and then we turned on them. The occupation didn't help.
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My kid is racist /pol/. And that's after watching those disgusting leftist cartoons. I left him to decide of course, but it's interesting. Kids intuitively know some shit.
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>>13575980 (OP)
My household has that one kid channel - Tiji, it's french.

It's FULL SCALE interracial propaganda with cartoons about blond girls with black boys wandering around in duo, feminine white kid characters, princess and superman negroid characters. Or female animal with blue eyes married to black eyed male animal. The only show with homogenously white skinned characters is about some disgusting pigs. It's in absolutely every show they have without exception.

I've never seen anything like that anywhere else, and it's for the little kids. Google images search doesn't show anything of what's actually happening there.

It's frightening how much lives can it alone ruin.

Please burn France. Please kill the French. Please!
>...and destroyed the unique beauty of each race forever. sounds terrible.
What about the beauty of the race that would be created by mixing. I don't see why either is more beautiful.
>and dumbed down the smarter races. sounds terrible.
Thats just wrong. Diversification increases the capacity of species. The more closely related a species is the more often it runs into problems, thats why incest spawns retards. Crossbreeding allows for more positive traits to be passed on
And why is this bad again?

Yeah, yeah, "JIDF PLS GO!" and all that bullshit.

I want to take /pol/ seriously, I really do, but you lot HAVE to learn to distinguish between accepting people and actually leftist indoctrination tactics.

Kids, yourselves included, were most likely raised to be good to each other and accept whoever.

This isn't leftist bullshit. Even Jesus taught that shit so even if you're a conservative Christian you should be able to support this shit.
Good argument, you got me there. I surrender to you immense undeniable reasoning capabilities

A mongrel is not a race. It is most often a creature with very few of the benefits of either of the contributing races.

No, you are a fucking retard. The US funded the Mujahadeen - not the Taliban, not Al Qaeda. Really, stop with this shit.

Also, what "occupation" are you referring to? Which Muslim country were we occupying pre-9/11. The only thing we did in the 90's was SAVE Muslims in Kosovo and Bosnia from genocide. And what did we get? Nothing but hate.
>implying antinatalism isn't the most logical reaction to existence.
If I think that I have one million dollars but I dont does that means one million dollars falls down from the sky for me

Trips for truth
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Mongrelized nation is a disaster. Mixing never made any tolerable society, but ruined many.

>“Let any one who doubts the evil of this mixture of races, and is inclined from mistaken philanthropy to break down all barriers between them, come to Brazil." --Louis Gassiz, naturalist
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>mfw someone else on /pol/ actually understand this for once

Seriously, if I hear "hurr durr we trained al qaida" one more time I'm gonna tie the fucking person down, insert an old glass thermometer up their urethra, and shatter it with a hammer so it cuts up the insides; the cuts never heal and burn horrifically every time they urinate for the rest of their life.

Fuckin sick of this shit.
As a public school graduate, I agree. The indoctrination is much worse nowadays than when we were in school as well.

If those people in that mountain village really considered themselves a different people, then it would be in their interest to declare independence. The USA declared independence from Great Britain because we considered ourselves our own people with our own interests after being separated by the Atlantic Ocean.
That's because racism is immature. When a kid only sees real life white people rarely and on those rare occasions they're juggalos, they're going to think that dressing like scary clowns is a thing white people do.
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>>13575980 (OP)

>looney toons

Do you hate your son? I mean, yeah it's a good show, I grew up on it but fuck man. Try some variety other than nonstop looney toons.

He-man, Transfromers, Thundercats, Voltron, Scooby Do, ect.
>>13575980 (OP)
It's been going on longer than you think.
I remember watching Sesame Street in the 80's with their "learn how to speak Spanish" bullshit.
What's wrong with learning spanish?
Funny you bring up dogs. Look at purebreeds, they have ridiculous amounts of problems. Mutts on the other hand tend to do much better.

Race isn't important. Why should you care what race you happened to be born as. Blacks might be genetically different, but why does that matter. The black race might have a higher proportion of people that you dislike, but you should judge each individual on how they act, not their amount of melanin or cranium size.

Looney toons was an example. I actually downloaded about two terabytes of various cartoons. Basically everything you mentioned and several others. Just so long as he isn't watching queer spongebob suck patrick's starfish cock.
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I know many will disagree with me, maybe consider me a barbarian or uncouth, uncivilized human for this statement, but the only real right in nature is force. More powerful species and members of those species' subjugate lesser species, and so goes natural selection.

To argue that this isn't the way it should be, or to attempt to thwart this process, is equivalent to saying that a less-adapted, less-capable species or member of a species should prosper; a notion which contradicts natural law. Humans cannot trump natural law. Force is natural and force shaped the last several billion years of evolutionary history on this planet, so we shouldn't scoff at it so disdainfully. We should embrace and accept that force is the natural way of the world.

Only because they are inbred by breeders. Look at natural breeds, in the wild. The wolf for instance, will fuck your shit up. What you have mentioned is the only situation where cross breeding relieves genetic strain, where the genome has been compromised through excessive inbreeding.

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