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Who would have guessed that Juden was behind this video?

Proof? Just look at other videos on MEMRITV youtube channel.
"PA Broadcasts ANTI-SEMITC cartoon" Its full of shit like that.

Who is behind MEMRI TV? Thats right.

"MEMRI was co-founded in 1998 by Yigal Carmon, a former colonel in the Israeli military intelligence and Meyrav Wurmser, an Israeli-born, American political scientist"

>>17825805 (OP)
Yeah we know.
It doesn't matter who is behind the video, it still shows how retarded muslims and islam is.
would wife
>>17825805 (OP)
Is /pol/ in love with this loli or something? She has been popping up everywhere.
>>17825805 (OP)
me, after 30 seconds
Who's the shitskin in the video?
a kike
>>17825805 (OP)

>translated by

what matters is who filmed it
>It doesn't matter who is behind the video

It doesn't matter that the makers of the video had a clear agenda and are trying to influence you trough a pretty and innocent looking girl reciting a script?

You only care about your hurr kill mudslimes confirmation bias
Of course it ignores the child molestation that goes around in Jewish circles. That organization is now confirmed for propaganda machine.
>>17825805 (OP)
doesn't change the reality of islamic culture though does it?
MIDF pls go
Your muslim brain really can't think any further than blaming the jews, your religion sucks, accept it
Stay butthurt, kike.
When I am elected president all non-whites will get the death penalty, including the kike pictured in OP. VOTE FOR ME.
Muslims and jews are both pretty bad.
Jews exposing muslims is not really a problem.
this would never happen in israel or in close-knit jewish circles

slide it
Nope, it doesn't. However considering the West is getting really ansy about Iran, it's nice to paint your enemy a demon before going in and slaying it.
That's funny because Shias really aren't Muslims
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you're just proving my point
>>17825805 (OP)
Needs the brazzers mark.
Most of Memri videos are based on mainstream arab media footage.
>Shias aren't Muslim.
Kinda like how Protestants aren't Christians?
Besides, the West won't see the difference, just another sand nigger.
can't we just all get along why do you have to use offensive labels such as kike and shitskin
It's all the same to Americans and Israelis.
>Kinda like how Protestants aren't Christians?
No, Shiites actually believe in the Christian Trinity

The average American can not tell the difference between a Hindu and a Muslim, let alone a Sunni and a Shi'ite.
I wouldn't trust the translations, just look at what Israel did when Ahmadinejad gave a speech.
Welcome to /pol/, I'm a shitskin, white's are cumskins, and OP is a fag (this applies to all of 4chan though)

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