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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ will be held on /q/ at 8:00PM ET on Sunday, May 12th.

I'll be spending the night answering questions/listening to feedback this coming Sunday. Don't know what a PMQ is? It's detailed towards the end of this news post.
Simply, it's the opportunity to ask me any questions you'd like, provide feedback, complain, et cetera until I fall asleep or jump off a bridge.

If you can't make it Sunday night and have a question/comment, feel free to send it to moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT.

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1. Wake up
2. Go outside
3. See this
4. Wat do?
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Smile at socialism.
Go out and join in the cheering.
>tfw one grandpa was a nazi and the other had to flee from his sudentenland village to escape the nazis

and yet, their kids are my parents.. strange feels
First plane out, motherfuckers.

....see you!!!
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Wonder how the word life got superimposed onto my retina, and why it's mirrrored.
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The fucking jooz!
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>>14086556 (OP)
Healthy blue eyed w/ brown hair and white skin lad here

I'll miss my minority-friends dearly, but I'll get over it. Sieg Heil on my porch. Where do I sign
go on...
>>14086556 (OP)

sigh because obama was reelected for a third term
raise my right arm
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>>14086556 (OP)
Ask the LIFE photographer why he flipped the picture
Feel good, fell glad, raise arm, salute, smile, chat with folks.

Honestly the world would have been better than it is now if the Germans had remained in power. Things would have settled down with all the kill everyone stuff. Its not like the Germans could have taken over the U.S or all of Asia and Africa. Europe would be at the top of the world skyrocketing while the United States remained 3rd world. Soviets would have tried to ally with China. Eventually the Chinese would have adopted national socialism over communism/marxism
>>14086556 (OP)
Oh shit they're going to crash into my house!

Or open both your front and back door to allow them through
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top lel
sieg heil as hard as i can and immedietaly start singing this

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Good goy, go out and celebrate the Third Reich, the primary instrument used for our return to Israel
my grandpa met my grandma in russian war captivity - he was locked up in a tiny cage somewhere in siberia and she was a nurse there, giving out food and treating sick prisoners, she liked him and gave him a little more bread and water than the others. (she was a blonde blue eyed german girl, i never found out how she got there)

the other 2 met somewhere in the sudeten mountains towards the end of the war, he went on to become a pretty successful propaganda guy in the SED, got one of the old jewish properties to live in and was set for a peaceful retirement - but then some jewish community of heirs showed up, claimed the house, kicked them both out and now the house is slowly falling apart, because they didn't bother to use it for anything. he got alzheimers and parkinson and can't speak, walk or remember a goddamn thing from all those years. he just lays there and breathes.
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Go back inside
Go back to sleep
Hope I wake up in a better time
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God damn it.
Same here. My Grandad was a Ukrainian in Dachau for 4 years and my Grandma's brothers were all in the Hitler youth.
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1. Wake up
2. Go outside
3. See this
4. Hear this music http://youtu.be/U06jlgpMtQs
5. Wat do?
how did he survive dachau? (inb4 the holocaust never happened)
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>>14086556 (OP)

Ich schwöre bei Gott
diesen heiligen Eid,
daß ich dem Führer des Deutschen Reiches und Volkes,
Adolf Hitler, dem Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht,
unbedingten Gehorsam leisten
und als tapferer Soldat bereit sein will,
jederzeit für diesen Eid mein Leben einzusetzen.

I swear to God
This Holy oath,
that I the leader of the German Empire and nation,
Adolf Hitler, the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces,
make unconditional obedience
and as brave soldier wants to be ready.
at all times this pledge my life to use.
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>>14086556 (OP)
Join the Wehrmacht to "concentrate" homos and jews
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>I don't have blonde hair and blue eyes
>fear for my life as I will most likely be murdered soon
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>implying your hair and eye colour matter
Drop the myths, embrace the truth.
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Nice 8th grade social studies there bud,
Become scared because I have dark brown hair.
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>turkestan legion

good goy, turkic people are our allies. It is important that we keep letting turks immigrate to our country
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But nazis were not racist, they hated jews, but they dont count as human like you and me
This one
Complain about the lack of diversity in the parade.
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Don't worry, they even accepted mulattoes
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>implying juden aren't the ones flooding the west with scum
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Bad goy thread
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Flooding the west with hitler's allies is a good thing
>nazis were not racist
Are you retarded
Isn't it amazing how Hitler could walk among the masses without fear?

He was a beloved man, and it's a shame that his name is being tarnished by Jewish supremacists in ZOG America.
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Clapistanis only used blacks as mules and equipment in segregated units, the wehrmach fought shoulder to shoulder with africans, middle easterns and chinese soldiers
Post-war Germany hated him for bringing war, do you know anything about history at all?
Stop rationalizing your retarded beliefs by "THE JOOS", the Germans themselves suffered because of Hitler's actions in the long run.
Sure, nazism was still dominant in post-war Germany, but a huge portion of its society despised Hitler for waht he did.
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Weep for the death of Germania
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You got that right.
>slavs are dogs
>Jews are not human
>other races are inferior to aryan and germanic people
This is pretty much racism
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>Become scared because I have dark brown hair.

So did this guy
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Good goy, Hitler and the national socialist were a hate machine fueled by satan, 6 gorillions, remember
Go back home because i know that americlaps will be scared again and will do everything to get the world to fight "it" because it would mean the end for murrica.
Wave, just like everyone else is doing...
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I never said that, stop putting words in my mouth, racism being the foundation of Hitler's regime is undeniable.
I'm not even trashing Hitler, I'm just saying how it is.
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>>14086556 (OP)
Nice Beemer
She's adorable!
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I'm 6'3" 220 lb. weightlifter with 20" biceps, red hair and green eyes.

Would Hitler exterminate me too?
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Not true, Hitler's authoritarian economic policy and anti communist stance in a time of need was the foundation for his regime.
Sure race played a large part later on but you cant build a successful government solely on racism.
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I know. ;_;
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lol learn some non-indoctrinating bull shit.
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By what definition? They weren't anymore racist than the United States. If anything, exceptionally less so. "day were rayciss" is one of the dumbest fucking things anyone can criticize Germany for at the time.
he liked purity.... in all people.
Considering that they just lost the war and were officially subjugated to a narrative that wasn't their own, yeah, that would make sense.

Kill yourself.
>>14086556 (OP)
Get a rifle, some ammo...
Go to a roof and star taking these controlling freaks one by one, until either I get shot or run out of ammo
>>14086556 (OP)
Search my papers and try to enter in the army. for the Führer!
>>14086556 (OP)
Cry happily that I'm back where I belong.
Sign up for the SS with my Aryan type 1B(Highest 1A) features.
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I have my mütze ready, all i need to fight for the Führer
Whenever they recreate scenes like this for films, they make him look harsher.

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>Hitler will never pat shake your hand and pat your shoulder
I just realized.

A day or so ago, there was a thread asking about /pol/'s family life while growing up.

Essentially it boiled down to horrible, borderline negligent shit.

Is it any wonder then, why these people would be attracted to an authority figure who is willing to pat them on the shoulder and say "You're going to be alright, son"?

At last, I truly see.
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>Essentially it boiled down to horrible, borderline negligent shit

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