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>yfw Zimmerman walks
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>>16749872 (OP)
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can that amerifat even walk without his scooter?
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>Fire Lo
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This garbage is worse than the OJ trial
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<awaiting chimpstorm>
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It's fucking comedy gold you faggot
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ALthough I will be sad that it will be the last time I ever see my courtfu again...
Honestly I am starting to believe he won't walk. The judge is a fucking cunt. The jury is made of middle aged women, most probably feminists. Likely to lean towards liberals and thus niggers. "muh emotions"
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Why was everyone laughing?
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Why would he walk?
He shot that kid, he even admitted to it, he's lucky if he doesn't get the death penalty
There's ample grounds for mistrial or appeal, but based O'Mara is confident

At the Prosecution's ineptitude
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>mfw nobody actually bothered to prove or disprove Zimmerman shooting Trayvon
>mfw they throw a Hail Mary and say Zimmerman didn't shoot him after the prosecution has rested
Don West:You don’t have to wait until you’re almost dead until you can defend yourself?

Criminal justice professor [state's witness]: No, I would advise you probably don’t do that.
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Goddamnit that image.
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>Dr Phil: Was Trayvon Martin still alive?
>Jackie Chan: Yes, in my opinion he was still arive
>Dr Phil: But could he do jumping jacks?
>Everyone's face
pls go
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>>16749872 (OP)
>>yfw Zimmerman walks
Appearing confident is his job.
The prosecutor's start witness told him that it was inadvisable to wait until after one was dead to defend oneself.

Until /pol/ told me that this was the prosecution's turn and that the defense was starting tom/a few days from now, I thought all witnesses had been called by the defense.

jesus christ
Jurors have fallen in love with O'Mara the same way we have. They probably hate the judge for being so rude to their qt.
So is getting Zimmerman off the hook.
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top lels
Do you not know how emotional seeing Zimmerman's mom, and Uncle is? Not to mention if the closing argument O'Mara gives is half as good as the one when he motioned for dismissal he will probably fuck all 6 of those jurors
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To be fair he needs to be more concise and cite less case law when talking to the Jury.
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>>16749872 (OP)
>having faith in the US justice system

mfw Zimmerman is convicted to life in prison for 2nd degree murder
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>mfw chimpout
The woman jury will find him guilty because they FEEL he's guilty.
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His closing arguments will make those ladies panties nice and creamy.
To be fair, most those women probably sit around all day watching Law and Order, and probably have a better understanding of the law than you think.
about 27 times this
To be fair you sound retarded when you respond to a statement opened with "to be fair", with statement opened with "to be fair".
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>>16749872 (OP)
Do you even watch 48!?!?!??!
To be fair you sound retarded when you respond to a statement opened with "to be fair", with statement opened with "to be fair".
He was citing cases because it was the judge, who should (I doubt she does) know law, and has studied it.
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I'm gonna miss Lunch.

Actually I'm gonna miss the whole thing, maybe we can keep track of West and O'mara's law firm and see what they get up to after this?
>To be fair you sound retarded when you respond to a statement opened with "to be fair", with statement opened with "to be fair".

To be fair you sound retarded when you respond to a statement opened with "to be fair", with statement opened with "to be fair" to a statement opened with "to be fair", with statement opened with "to be fair".
They're not feminists. One of them is a CCW permit holder and another one predicted the race war would happen after this case.
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>/pol/ - tautology
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Make me faggot
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I'm gonna miss the qts. Holy shit this case is loaded
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Everyone knows he shot Trayvon you fucking moron.
At least they got the Spic part right.

anybody have a link?

Dat ass. Too bad she's a lesbian IRL.
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>MFW /pol/ is part of the jury
what if the jury doesn't
>>16749872 (OP)
/r/ing Zimmys face over the face of the the main guy in this video.

your doing it wrong you fucking cancer
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[citation needed]
>has kids
>Is a lesbian
She's probably bisexual, and I imagine her roomie turned her. She looks like she can eat some box
/k/ and /pol/ are both on the jury. the odds of him getting convicted are 0%. At worst he'll get a mistrial and have to go through this shit again unless someone kills Angela Corey.

I really wish that she had waited until after the trial to post this.
>>16750780 plz see above >>16750777
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>mfw not amerifat so riots don't fuck up my country/stuff.
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Why is globalgrind so overrun with stupid niggers?

/pol/ is right once again.
He isn't going to go free. Give up this delusional shit about him walking out of that court room as a free man. It isn't going to happen. This entire court proceeding has been nothing short of a show with a mask of legitimacy to make it appear as legit, and that Georgy really had a chance to make it. It was decided he would be found guilty before the trial even started to keep some level of peace in society. He is just the sacrificial lamb. The sooner you accept this, the better off you'll be.
It was during voir dire. One of the women jurors serving said she was extremely worried about being on the jury because she might be killed in the race war that will ensue no matter what happens after this case.
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My nigga. Who you voting for in September?
The worst actually is a manslaughter charge. Which carries less weight than 3rd degree murder even. It's like a slap on the wrist saying stop killing niggers plz!
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not what I asked


a simple link would be fine
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Who is your courtfu, /pol/?

This never gets old.
I love how you can see O'Mara's grin.


O'mara's? Is that correct? Two stratospheres? What the fuck Ireland, get it together.

A few months to go yet, mate. Plenty of time to have my mind changed
No, if even one of the jurors is a holdout he's getting a mistrial. Right now it's not looking like any of them will vote to convict; the "black hispanic" member of the jury refused to even look at Jabba the Slut while it was in the courtroom and she probably finds niggers in general disgusting so she's not going to vote to convict either. Yet another juror is the wife of a sheriff's deputy who has a sizable arsenal and enjoys gun use. So that's now 4/6 jurors who are very unlikely to convict.
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Don't care wtf you asked. I'm telling you the way it is nigger.

Only if they got Tray Tray to call
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So how long do you guys think is left until we find out if Zimmerman walks or not?
You say that like its a bad thing.

Any more pics? For um historical archival purposes of course.
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I fantasise about this guy getting up and slapping Dr Phil's shit.
I agree with absolutely everything you just said. It's over. It was Over when Corey charged him with murder 2. Father of a magistrate Judge or not he's done. At the very least hell her manslaughter which carries a minimum of 25 years.
You're doing English wrong you fucking Libra.
One to two weeks.
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I hope they give the verdict on a Monday, would probably be better to not have a weekend chimpout.
they don't work anyways
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It'll be over by next friday and the jury will deliberate over the weekend then acquittal on monday.

Then the Nig-cle-ar Chimpocalypse beginneth.
The only reason this made it to trail is because of a nigger president and black people in general have turned racist as fuck.

If you so much as criticize a nigger you're called a racist.

Pretty soon the nigger word will be so desensitized by niggers. It wont even matter anymore lulz
Pretty soon there won't be any niggers to complain.
It was such short notice unfortunately.
More standard service are on duty during the week. Police, fire, ems, power grid repair etc...
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Got an associates in a very high demand field (Nursing) all online in 14 weeks from ITT Tech.

I'm really afraid that they are going to pin manslaughter on him. An ignorant jury might think "Well, this 'middle' option exists between conviction for murder 2 and innocence so it must be right"

people do this all the time, its a massive blunder of logic. They assume that an option that lies between two extremes is 'best' because it must be 'reasonable/moderate'

I have a sinking feeling that the judge is going to push the jury hard for this option when she gives them their final instructions for the verdict
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ITTIDF detected

Niggers logic = niggers burning the light extra bright thinking it'll last twice as long. However it's only going to last half as much!
Some anon posted a really compelling piece as to why he can't legally be up on Manslaughter. I wish I capped it because I forgot about it entirely.

don't respond to my post, idiot faggot if you aren't actually responding to my post

you can shit post without linking
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>mfw I know this in my heart to be true
I remember when the newspaper discussed these women's careers. One was a realtor another one made a living renting out an apartment complex's units.

These are jobs that are redpilled as fuck. Few other career paths make a person so aware of the hazards of a negro infestation.
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no shills on /pol/ they said

you're crazy they said
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So I've been watching the trial on and off and, correct me if I'm wrong, the prosecutions only points for their case is

>MUH FEELINGS (Zimmerman killed Trayvon
>No DNA on the trigger (yet they won't say how Zimmerman's DNA also wasn't on it)
>Trayvon's Mom and brother say it was him screaming (The defense just had Zim's family say it was Zim to ruin that point)
>and that Zimmerman wanted to be a cop so he could clean the streets (which they make it sound like he's racist)

Is that a fair assessment?
Niggers. Ignores all facts presented and only supports POOR BABY TRAY TRAY because he is black and Zimmy is not.

Also I fantasize of the two hot secretaries in the trial grinding against my dick. Chocolate and meringue with my special vanilla frosting sealing in between. Sounds delicious.
The only lesbians that don't suck dick are the butch dykes. Because no guy would fuck them.
But the hot "lesbians" suck mean dick. they liked getting fucked by guys

but he is doe


it's this or acquittal

i can't see murder 2
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>Listening to day 9
>Trayvon's mom says her son is up in Heaven
And we all know the that cunts a Jewdge.
Some times...
Some crimes...
Go slipping through the cracks, but...
These two, gum shoes, are picking up the slack!
There's no case too big, no case too small!
If you need help, just call;
He actually can be up for Manslaughter, regardless of that anon.
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>>16749872 (OP)

Top lel
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report this shit and move on

16751117 here. I believe one argument is that the same defense that protects him from murder 2 protects him from manslaughter: that he acted in self defense. If they cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he acted in self defense then he can be guilty of neither crime.

But that doesn't dissuade my fear, because its a jury that is making the call
Yeah. Just read that in FL they can do that. I still am curious if they'd be able to convict him.
The defense wont bring up manslaughter because then the jury might be inclined to let him off on the lesser charge
Their case is that he used harsh language. Calling someone an asshole and a punk is now grounds for second degree murder
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Americans will burn America down to the fucking ground before niggers will ever be allowed full control of America!

And the majority of the world will help the Americans burn it down to the ground!
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My sister is a psycho trial junkie. She's also well versed in law. Manslaughter is absolutely on the table according to her. It's entirely up to the jury. Apparently after the court proceedings end they'll be sequestered and given a list of charges he can be tried for. Manslaughter us definitely in of them.
O'Mara will make it clear to them that if you see it as self defense, you have to apply it against both murder and manslaughter. He might even go into great American patriot mode and say that a conviction in this case, even if just for manslaughter, will endanger the lives of all Good Americans by rendering self-defense meaningless.
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>>16749872 (OP)

>mfw not 5 mins after he walks a nigger pulls a gun and shoots him, starting the Race War at long last.
Can be, but as long as one juror believe he was acting in self defense, it flushes the manslaughter. I think this is where the woman with the CCW permit would be thinking "If I used my gun to protect my life, would I want to be convicted of manslaughter?"
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Even if zim got convicted. Treys parents would be killed like the niggers they are!

Win win every which way you go!
Then who would get the $1M they got from the lawsuit?
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Also. Who would be the one to even bring up Manslaughter in the trial?
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Hoping for riots in the hopes that the police actually do their job this time and a lot of rioters get shot
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everybody dies

life, death, and resurrection

>A nursing degree
>In 14 weeks
>Without meeting a single patient

Does not appear to be legitimate.
So has Zimmerman been in jail since all this started? If he has how the hell did he gain so much weight? I thought jail food sucked
lol, they're "preparing" now, which means they're getting entrenched and "warning" innocent white people

when the time comes I bet they just set up a bunch of road blocks and do literally nothing else, fucking retards
the prosecution

they want zimzim in prison
He's been out on bail.
>associates in Nursing

Sadly, no one hires RNs with associate degrees anymore, at leat in my state (NY). Everyone wants a BSRN.
You mean zoo keepers equipped to capture large amounts of escaped animals.
That boils my blood. His parents are such trash.
Can they do so having already rested?
I don't know much about this as you can see

How does this work? So if he wanted, he could go see a movie or something?
The prosecution mentioned it. Also under Florida law, the judge can instruct the jury to consider it, as it is part of the 2nd degree murder. The part the news never mentions is, Florida has a justification of lethal force type law, and if George reasonable felt he was going to die or suffer great bodily harm (getting punched, head going into concrete) he can use lethal force in self defense and not be convicted of manslaughter.
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>live in Chicago
>niggas killing each other all day every day
>no marches, protests, candle light vigils
>1 nigga is killed by a non-nigga
>suddenly every nigga in America is heavily emotionally invested in this nigga's death
Yeah pretty much
He can't leave the state (county maybe), purchase firearms, and some other shit

I know that O'Mara will do a great job of tying both charges together as incompatible with self defense. My fear is not that the logic doesn't work. My fear is that the jury won't be able to sniff out the logical argument with all the bullshit in the air, and of course judge's instructions will seek to intentionally muddle the jury's minds
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How great would it be to see this guy again?

If you root my riquor store you mentarry retard, have machine gun for you rittle brack boys
Yes. Maybe he got super fluffy so no one would recognize him. Seriously, he probably was too afraid to go out since his family was getting so many death threats, so he just stayed at home and ate.
You'd think Zimmerman would have bulked up incase of prison, instead of looking like a chubby prison bitch.
>black people in general have turned racist as fuck.
It's always been this way anon. They were always just as racist as white people through the 60's. Not necessarily a bad thing when your society is stratified and people keep to their own . But since the 60's, the media has been trying it's damnedest to demonize and remove racism in the white population, while ignoring it in all others. Since blacks have started assuming more power, they feel comfortable becoming even more racist.

This can only end tragically.

God damn that must suck, he probably has to stay locked in his house all day every day
Exactly, if the media or these community organizers actually cared, they would be trying to clean up Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, etc...
Instead, they stick to the only thing they know how to do, play the race card.

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