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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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>theist status :
getting pretty summer in here.
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>>14615063 (OP)
Did anyone see Dawkins tweets this morning, they were fucking hilarious.

He was like.. you just fucking knew exactly where he was going

"So this chap feels solidarity with afghanis and iraqis, despite living in britain.... hmmm.... WHY COULD THAT BE.... HMMMMM LETS HAVE A THINK... ANY SUGGESTIONS?"

Everyone fucking knew what he was thinking before he even said it.
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>>14615063 (OP)
Fair point Mr. Dawkins. Your cultural values don't violently harm any human being.
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Not intentionally
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Mmm. My apologies for not detecting sarcasm in the writ word. Carry on, my fine fellow.

Oh and OP: >>14615063 (OP)

Pic related. I can do this allll day.
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>extremism = throw acid and cut some heads.
Thanks mister Dawkins, you're so smart and cool and handsome.
LOL so funny i saw it on /r/atheism too xD
>muslim status:

I don't think so, Chink.

You derped pretty hard. Richard Dawkins wasn't saying atheists can't be extremist that do those thing, he was just saying he himself wasn't one of those extremists.
>implying belief in God has anything to do with organized religion
Liberal alert.
I think this sums up the whole
>hurr durr only religion does bad thing
argument. I'd like to also add, not that I give a shit about the silly atheism vs religion conflict, that religious organizations have done more charity than you can shake a stick at.
>Dawkins is right, again.

>Bunch of religious children start throwing a fit and throwing insults at everyone
No surprise here.
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huh, i never really cared for dawkins before but i kind of like the fact that he isnt the typical atheist that only cares about stopping white christians in america from saying merry christmas in public

most of those people are ironically the biggest muslim excuse flingers out there when something like this happens
>if you don't suck Dawkins's cock then you're a filthy theist

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DIDF pls. He's a hack with no true scientific merit.
You actually think this proves anything in argument?
You do know these two were against religion because it threatened their ability to control, right?
Being atheist had nothing to do with it, they wanted power and nothing else.

Fucking idiots.

Now, if since you DID start this little childish pissing game for the 300th time on /pol/, I would like to direct you to hitler, our favorite christian.
>anti multiculturalism
>anti islam, anti judaism, anti christianity
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He thinks Hitler was Christian!
Well, of course he doesn't primarily go against Christians: he's British; and they're experiencing a wave of Islamic influx. So, it's flexing more power.

Unlike in the states, where Christianity still reigns politically/socially.
atheism = removing competition and seizing power, confirmed for as bad if not worse than religion
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Reas a history book tard
But he IS right, stop acting like a child.

That is just hilarious.

You can not find a single quote made by hitler that is anti-christian. And he sure as hell said alot of pro-christian statements.
Let me guess, you are going to give me a quote from the ONE book, written by a third party, that has been proven to be mistranslated by a person with an agenda. Right?

That has nothing to do with atheism, that has everything to do with a dictatorship looking for more power.
Religions are population control tools, if you cannot take control of the religion yourself the only option is to destroy it if you want absolute power.
Oh I didn't realize you knew the personal motives of Stalin and Mao. I never argue with clairvoyants.
The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science.

Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble. All that's left is to prove that in nature there is no frontier between the organic and the inorganic.
When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity. -Adolf Hitler

Bet you think the holocaust was real too, you fucking worthless blue-pilled casual.


Hitler denounced christianity, saying it's a product of a sick mind. Hitler posed a catholic to catholics, and has posed as a protestant to the protestants. He also said he loves muslims. He said anything he could to get support.
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>You can not find a single quote made by hitler that is anti-christian.

Yes I can. You're an idiot for challenging us like this.
But brits are the ones leading the MIDF attacking people for being intolerant of muslim decapitation culture

quite the stretch there
Hitler was a German first an foremost, he supported anything that advanced the cause of Deutschland and her culture. He supported Christianity, new age paganism, and secularism.
>I am not and have never been a Christians. I hate Christians. I am an athiest, and as soon as my forces reach england I am going to comission a fedora from the greatest haberdasher on that pitiful island. - Adolf Hitler
Yeah, well, Brits are weird.
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wait, you actually think people are clinging to religion because they believe the fairy tales and not because of its moral framework?

Le summer time meme i get this reference XD
I don't even like Dawkins, but I fucking love his anti-islam stuff.
>>14615063 (OP)
When liberals talk about islamic extremism, why do they use words like "religious" or "fundamentalist" extremist, and not ISLAMIC extremist? Are their liberal minds so warped that islamic extremism = all forms of religion/fundamentalism?

Hey now, I'm a pro-life atheist. Not the only one.
>Satirically pointing out the flaw of an argument
>taking it seriously
I suggest you stand on your tip toes next time someone tells a joke, or else it should fly over your head.
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There is no logical reason for an atheist to exterminate religions, nothing compels people to do it just because they do not believe in a god. It is illogical to believe the lack of belief in a sky daddy caused the urge to destroy a religion.

On the other hand, a grasp for power as a dictator gives PLENTY of reason.

You forgot the
>Let me guess, you are going to give me a quote from the ONE book, written by a third party, that has been proven to be mistranslated by a person with an agenda. Right?
Your quotes are from a mistranslated book, the original one has no mention of these anti-christian quotes. Hitler never said them.
Even if the book WASN'T translated, it is ONE book, written by a third party that claims this. Every speech ever made by hitler, as well as every book, has him speaking pro-christian.

Your attempts are pathetic.

The above applies to you as well.

The above applies to you as well

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