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Anonymous 06/04/13(Tue)21:28 No. 15138491 there are also communists in the game and they serve as the main antagonists, but as being a good little /pol/tard you fixate on nazis >>
Anonymous 06/04/13(Tue)21:29 No. 15138539 Did you even play metro 2033? >>
Anonymous 06/04/13(Tue)21:30 No. 15138586 >video games Get a life or get back to /v/ you gigantic loser.>>
Anonymous 06/04/13(Tue)21:30 No. 15138591 >Because there have obviously been no other warlords, genocides or forms of faschism in the last 70 years BR? br? U GIb MONI? HEUEHEUEHEUHEUEHEUEHUEHEUEHEUHEU>>
Anonymous 06/04/13(Tue)21:31 No. 15138605 >>15138432 (OP) >>people living in extreme poverty, dispirited, and corrupted >>NOT gravitating towards extremist groups Are you retarded OP?>>
Ambrose !!uGczQF3+p58 06/04/13(Tue)21:31 No. 15138638 Did you play Metro 2033? >>
Anonymous 06/04/13(Tue)21:33 No. 15138695 >>15138432 (OP) >Germans The Nazis are also Russians. Everyone in Metro are Russians. Retard>>
Anonymous 06/04/13(Tue)21:33 No. 15138704 >>15138432 (OP) the Fascists aren't even the main enemies, the Communists are. Stop being so butthurt over your precious nazis.- futaba + yotsuba - All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster. <div class="qcDiv"><img src="//" alt="Quantcast" class="qcImg"></div>