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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

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/pol/ right as ever

/pol/ is never right always left
Looks like North-Africans.
>>12825622 (OP)

op sages his own thread


Fucking racist U.S. government makes me sick.

dat raysism

fuck off yuropoor
I'm not from Europistan you fucking Americunt.
>>12825622 (OP)
but but but the MIDF on /pol/ swore it wasn't them!!!!
It's a sand nigger mad that America is rightful is picking out these sand niggers

shut your ass up, dunecoon.
Nope I think it would be because they lost their bags.
Their clothing doesn't match the description
>FBI needs help identifying them
>/pol/ already has their facebook accounts

If those guys were white, the headlines would be "WHITE MALES"

But they are arab, so the headline is "MEN"
yeah it does, matches perfectly
How much you want to bet at least one is named Muhammad?
>4th post
>SRS lightspeed mode

how does this make you feel ?
Butthurt Ameritard detected.

Cry somewhere else.
I thought the media wasn't supposed to post the actual picture.
All night news with reporters saying they have seen the picture then go on for 5 minutes not explaining what they looked like.

Over on ribbit the faggots all circle jerking each other off hoping for a white guy.
I'd set the odds at a good 5-1, if you mean first or last names
Neither of them are names Muhammed.

One of them is Salim or something and the other one isn't a Muhammed. The one in blue is Moroccan. The one with the white cap has Osama links on his facebook.
MIDF dont you have to rape or blow something up?
This is what you call a witch hunt media, for god sake.
The two males we're talking about are the one in a black jumper/hoody with a white hat, and his friend in a blue track jacket. There are multiple news sites releasing their information and/or Facebook pages, this is disgusting and will not be tolerated here, no links to these stories are allowed.
Please report any posts regarding personal information on these two, they will be removed and the user will be permanently banned. All previous links to these two are being removed.
We are not waiting for them to be officially cleared, one of the men has contacted the police to try and clear his name. Please understand that the FBI now knows who they are, so our posts now have no purpose. If the situation changes then people can make new posts. It's not our job to keep their information out there, people are innocent until proven guilty - not the other way around.
FB link?
You're the one upset, just look at the thread.

>sage and still coming back to post.

LOL, you told me Achmed

I would say yes if it weren't for:

-the fact that they were literally right on top of where the explosive went off
-the guy with the white cap didn't appear to be missing a bag in all later images.

I think there was an image of the guy in the blue jacket helping people who were hurt though so I am still skeptical and would wait until a court hearing before I started making calls.
Boston Globe says one of the guys is gonna be deported
Take it easy Salim
>people are innocent until proven guilty
Only in the real world.

This isn't the real world. This is /pol/. Anyone even slightly brown is guilty of something and anyone not slightly brown is probably a Jew.
is this a post from red!t
I don't have it, but people had it in another thread.

I'm sure someone will post it in here.

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Blue track suit guy's facebook info got out. I won't post it but this guy is not the bomber. His latest facebook post shows him freaking out that he is on tv as the bomber. He said he was going to court to say he didnt do it. Also, he works at a running store which gives further credit to the theory about him having nice running shoes and just being there to spectate.

>people are innocent until proven guilty

It hasn't been that way in years! You are an absolute retard if you think that's how it works here now.

obviously a foreigner, why are you so concerned with it anyway?
>implying my name is Ahmed



Like I said, stay butthurt non-Muslim.
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MIDF pls
my name is Salim actually, but most of my friends call me Salimi
Good, the less credit 4chan gets, the less newfags will flock here.
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Found it.

Yes go after these people with no evidence and ruin their lives. One day they're gonna do the same to YOU for being anti-gov
I got the real bomber

Ahmad Foustok
ahmad.foustok on FB
streams games on twitch with the name pohx
kill yourself sand nigger
http://www.facebook com/yassine.zaimi

http://www.facebook com/salah.barhoum
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fuck off islamophobic tinfoil hat KIKES
After you, grassnigger.

Keep trying, you're getting warmer.
americans must hate muslims because the american döner is horrible

ribbit just wants it to be a white guy so bad they are frothing at the mouth
where did his bag go doe?
Chimping out something fierce. Have a felafel or something you crazy faggot
So do the MIDF on here, look how scared they are that their religion will be exposed.
dissapointed that it wasn't a crusty old white guy
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>However, CBS News correspondent Bob Orr reported Wednesday afternoon that authorities have identified at least one person they want to speak with, either as a witness or as a possible suspect, from surveillance video.

>The man sought as a possible suspect is a white male, wearing white baseball cap on backwards, a gray hoodie and a black jacket, according to CBS News.



>The Saudi “person of interest” suspected of being involved in the Boston Marathon bombings is being deported from the United States next week on “national security grounds,” according to a terrorism expert, who notes that the move is “very unusual,” especially given an unscheduled meeting yesterday between President Obama and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal.

dick van kike reporting in,

you muslim shits have it coming
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He has already talked with police and been RELEASED! He's a track-running boston-local who doesn't seem suspicious at all after looking at his profile on facebook. He posted about going to go speak with the officials last night, then he posted about it being fine before deleting a months worth of his posts because faggots from here had been spamming it with retarded hate messages.

You fucking idiots jumped on the first brown dudes that came close to the description, and you got it WRONG. Now stop trying to get us to harass them, this is old and you were WRONG.
Remember when Muslims blew up a building in Norway and massacred a bunch of kids on an island?

Oh wait.
It's down at his feet, which is proper backpack etiquette when in a crowd. Otherwise, he'd be smacking that woman behind him every time he moved.

Ever been in a crowd or on a bus or something with some asshole wearing a backpack nearby?
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>>12825622 (OP)
>implying the FBI's "thorough investigation" wasn't just browsing /pol/ until we cam up with suspects.

only cbs is calling them white
brown people as per usual
Well, all those threads that got deleted last night with these pics seems kind of overkill now that the same pics are on the cover of the New York Post, unblurred.

confirmed for ignorant ribbit
Why does he even need such a high-capacity assault backpack at a marathon?
>you idiots considered the same person the FBI considered as a possible suspect

Yeah, that's not really an idiotic thing.

/pol/ immediately thought it was Muslims who did the Norway shit.

How did it feel to know it was a white Christian?

Stay WRONG, faggot.

shit. i feel bad now for posting their shit for you fucking faggots

Talk to the jewyork post who are showing it is the picture of them that is being circulated

You are talking about the guy in blue, his friend in the white hat is the one who is apparently on video dropping his pack and running off minutes before the explosion. The same guy who has dozens of jihadi videos on his liked page on facebook. (it was all posted last night in the deleted threads)
NY Post is a tabloid.
They weren't "jihadi" videos, they were videos that had arabic script and you fags thought "FOREIGN LANGUAGE = TERRORIST!"
>taking the ny post seriously
>running off

yeah, i believe you

muslim apologist
The authorities listed them as suspects because they were the only apparent enemies.
He's not the one who had the assault backpack. That was the other guy. The one in kakhis and army boots.

White Hat guy had a normal hiker's backpack. Even had a nice tea and what looked like a deck of cards or possibly kleenex in a mesh pocket on the side.

I have a similar backpack myself because I like to go hiking.
I remember when they destroyed two towers in New York. And I remember all the other attempted bombings they tried to pull here and failed.
Confirmed for beta.

>Dear women, girls, girlies and ladies all around the world. Happy international women's day! Each of you is exquisite, special and extremely charming. I would like to wish you oceans of human happiness and joy, and all the galaxies of ardent love at that. Let every minute of your life be bright and exciting, let men always embrace you with care and loving tenderness, and their eyes shine at you with the never-ending admiring glance. May you stay amazingly attractive, healthy and wealthy forever and ever! You are really the meaning of our life. God bless you all, our dearest ladies!

No, half of them were videos of Osama, etc, had the Al-Queda flag on his facebook page, etc. You can whitewash it all you like but I saw the screencaps. Maybe someone will repost it, mods deleted all the threads that had the screencaps in them because they showed his real name.
Researched man has a grey hoodie
he doesn't have a grey hoodie on the picture
>not jihadist

Pick one
>three or four of the videos were Osama bin Laden
>they're just pretty Arabic songs, guise

That must be why ribbit was coming on themselves over the bearded white guy who didn't have a hoodie either
so? thats a post regarding women's day
You didn't include his posts before that, you beta faggot.
Jesus christ, I had no clue /pol/ had such a large sandnog contingent!
9/11 was an inside job.

Try again, faggot.
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>yeah, i believe you


>As the city turned its attention to healing, authorities investigating the attack on the Boston Marathon focused Thursday on finding a man who set down a black bag and dashed away just before the bombs went off.

They are talking about the guy in the white hat. They go into detail about it.

Nice try though I guess.
That's how muslims act around women. They act like they treat women like goddesses so women believe all those lies how muslims buy houses for their wives and worship them and not beat their assess
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>cops cleared a Brooklyn Heights bank over a report of a suspicious package, which turned out to be a cup of coffee.

Lol fucking americans.
Weather its those two or not, I only need to look at 4chan to know that bombing is justified.
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Heading to the Boston Marathon; It's going to be a blast.
In which case it is even LESS likely it is him. Why would a terrorist just link to terrorist videos on his facebook profile?
First it was a Saudi National arrested immediately after, then a greasy white middle aged neckbeard who was the suspect, then DARK SKINNED MALE, then someone else got arrested, then nobody was arrested, then two guys got arrested, then nobody arrested but two different suspects, then these suspects were Iranian, and now they're not supposed to be. I swear to god these journalists are just coming to /pol/ and using uncited troll threads as their sources at this rate.
It was an ASSAULT cup full of a BLACK liquid
wheres the video of him 'dashing away'. eat shit
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Either he's the stupidest terrorist on the planet or he's just an innocent kid who likes Arabic music.

I'm guessing the latter.
First day here?

At least 20% of /pol/ is MIDF. And that's just the obvious ones.

God, if this is true fuck all you people.

>Someone writes a manifest about the government and their cause
>Well I guess they didn't do it no one would be stupid enough to just DO that right?
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They are. The NYPost picked up this photo after infowars.com posted it after seeing 4chan posted it with those two guys marked, then we saw the NYPost and infowars images and said "SEE, WE WERE RIGHT"

It's a retarded circular which-hunt of the blind leading the blind.
>tfw a thread your participating in is stickied

This is why I love /pol/, the MIDF mod on /int/ would never allow this info to get out.
w00t we sticky now
i'm so proud, i've been posting in here before it became a sticky
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I am more interested in who hired Craft International as private security and who the grey haired man is between the two agents. Client maybe or supervisory agent for Craft maybe. I notice he also has a black bag sitting on the sidewalk. Chris Kyle rolling over in his fresh grave.
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look, you sand people can scream racism all you want but i SAW the guy and he's definitely a muslim.

I mean look at that hat, it just screams terrorist.
your only 'accomplishment' in life. kill yourself.

why us? This board is speculation. The FBI is probably doing the same shit we are looking at photos, this is a matter of brute forcing all the faces leading up to the event.

>implying P.O.I being question ruined their lives

MIDF leave.
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White hat favorited a group sharing Osama, Aw-Awlaki, and other Jihadi videos:


Add the facebook dot com dash to the front

Check your privilege she identifies as a female unicorn
>/pol/ is right
Sand niggers get arrested, more people redpilled
>/pol/ is wrong
Reddot gets blamed for racism, for suspecting the brown guy.

I dont really care if we are right or wrong at this point. Either result is good.
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So basically your logic goes like this;
>Doesn't link to any terrorist videos on his facebook
See! He's just a peaceful muslim. How dare you profile this man!
>Links to numerous terrorist videos on his facebook
See! Why would he link to terrorist videos if he was a terroris! This makes it even LESS likely that he is a terrorist! How dare you profile! etc

Funny, with your logic its not possible for a muslim to actually be a terrorist.

I'm sure you don't have any bias or anything though.
Maybe Boston engaged private security for the marathon

you must be new here
Remind me never to ask any one of you dumb mother fuckers to defend me in a court of law.

And god help us all if any of you actually manage to get on the Bench or elected to Congress.

Imagine you've been arrested and are taken to trial and the dude from /pol/ who SWEARS it was that innocent Moroccan that blew up Boston and refuses to acknowledge any evidence to the contrary is your Judge.
>>12825622 (OP)


If /pol/ was right they would be after the jews and the government. /pol/ just parroted what other people said then claimed it was them who said it.
>>12825622 (OP)
>/pol/ right as ever

I smell brown.
But those guys still had their backpacks after the explosion.
Still, lousy security.
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>the Al-Queda flag
I have video of this
the guys guilty he admitted it
His user pic even has him holding the bag with the bomb!!!

He's not even trying to hide it.
like 453k people
FBI agent here.

I thought we already made it clear that we got shit from here?

If not, well, thanks guys.
>Being this ignorant
Very possible that they were there as additional security due to a vague threat, but why hasn't the authorities published this information?
He's clearly a mudslime nigger and therefor guilty of something. Even if it wasn't the bombing he's a future dynamite jacket in the making like all camelfuckers.
because you're a fucking neckbeard
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>>12825622 (OP)

I want everyone to know..... we blew this shit wide open before the FBI

the false flag is falling apart
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>/pol/ immediately thought it was Muslims who did the Norway shit.

The entire fucking planet did.

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Yeah, that's one of the caps from last night. There is another one with a lot more of his videos, Osama speeches, jihadi videos, Al-Queda videos..
So, I take it you're in full support of the Government watching everything you do on the internet? Every page you visit, every email you send, every "Like" you click, just so they can keep a proper dossier on you?

Enjoy your black bag, fascist.

>explosive above peoples heads and probably facing upwards
>blowing off legs

Try again.
it's actually a site opposing al queda, faggot. disinfo pls go
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>thread pinned
>false flag

Ahmad Foustok
ahmad.foustok on FB
streams games on twitch with the name pohx
you are an idiot. You realize that if he had set up his facebook profile before every "liked" thing had a page, he may have had "islamic videos" as liked in his TV category. Then, when FB turned all liked things into pages, he now has a link to a page that he may well have never even looked at.

It's like you fags don't even know how facebook works. A terrorist wouldn't just link to "pro terrorism" shit.

Seriously, think before you post, retard.
I object to that post.
"Camel-fuckers" should be hyphenated
Ahmad Foustok
ahmad.foustok on FB
streams games on twitch with the name pohx
Ahmad Foustok
ahmad.foustok on FB
streams games on twitch with the name pohx
Ahmad Foustok
ahmad.foustok on FB
streams games on twitch with the name pohx
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Topic screencapped to make fun of /pol/ next week

see ya
So you are posting on /pol/, therefore you must be a white-supremicist, holocaust-denying, right-wing nutbag.
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>>12825622 (OP)
I thought there wasn't any moderation on /pol/?

What's with all the fucking stickies lately?
That's what MIDF always says when they get caught.
No Moderation != No Mods

from above?

what the fuck are you talking about
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It's not him. Mark my words
the three of them have bags, two agents have theirs on backs. the man with grey hair in the middle is standing next to his bag. I haven't seen a photo of the grey haired man after the explosion. He may have been a client they removed from the area afterwards. I still would like to know who he is.
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Obama has unscheduled meeting with Saudis right after bombing.

He could have just been a guy passing through. Still, person of interest at the moment.
Are those beaners?

It's days like this you really see them come out from behind the mask and realize how many there are on this board. It happens sometimes in the mohammad flame threads too when they lose their cool.

There a ton of MIDF here and always has been. IMO they start about 50% of the anti-jew threads while pretending to be stormfags. Real stormfags start the other 50% of course.

hurr durr eat cock

15 years old
track runner
perfectly normal that he would be at the Boston Marathon.
It's a false flag operation with crisis actors.
Even if the terrorist are muslims I don't think it's an international op. There is no claim of the attack.
It could just few isolated individuals who want to imitate Al Qaeda


Beat me to it. All he has to do is like a video from that page and i'm pretty sure the group shows up in his personal profile.
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this guy fits the description better with the cap
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Good goyim! Blame those filthy muslims! It's clearly their fault, just like always! You should retaliate with military force on their country of origin (which is probably Iran)! It'll be just as planned... hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe...
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Just like Bush did with the Saudis after 9/11.

I bet this will be followed by Saudi suspects being flown out of the country by our government, just like after 9/11.

They attack us again, we lick their ass and beg for more.
> believing the nypost again

I'm still holding out hope that it's a black. arabs/persians are some 24 cliche shit now
stickies because of the fucking HAPPENING this month.
>people don't think these duedes who have been cleared are the bombers
No i'm pretty sure that's exactly what it means.
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I miss the old /pol/
we would have been cheering on the carnage.

now everybody thinks they are a "junior g-man"

Fuck you people, i vote for CHAOS!
Don't discount the trolls, I'd say they start about 25% of the threads.

But it's pretty much Aussie Muslims on the dole who have all those giant "break in case of Jews" image folders they dump every day.

you were saying

Fuck off to reddit.

That bag is like 50+ feet away from the blast site, have you not seen any pictures or video of the event? Oh never mind, you're a "false flag" guy, can't expect you to be knowledgeable.
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>dat pic

At least Obama wasn't gay with their king.

only blue suit guy was cleared
old /po/ would have been /new/ since you don't seem to know that. I highly doubt you miss any "old" anything besides /b/
....geez, why am I not surprised?

I didn't expect to be proven right so quickly.
Look, even if it's neither of them, the fact that the feds decided to look them up should show you that /pol/'s deductive skills are as good as theirs, only that you guys are faster. I'd take it as a compliment.
well that first saudi national who was the first suspect has been deported to saudi arabia due to "national security" and diplomatic protection
>A terrorist wouldn't just link to "pro terrorism" shit.

Again, circular logic. "A terrorist wouldn't just link to "pro terrorism" videos" - "A muslim with no links to terrorism videos on his facebook is obviously peaceful!"

No true scotsman, etc.

Read a book sometime.
i too, vote for chaos
I'm surprised you're not trying to spin then as white, after Zimmerman and all.
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Agreed. However look at this sequence of images, specifically the very last one. He clearly doesn't have his bag on him anymore.


Before I saw that last image I had assumed he was holding the bag in front of his body. Now I'm left knowing he does not have possession of it and my views changed to reflect that.

Change my view, I challenge you. I don't give a shit who it was or what ethos they adhere to, so long as they are caught. So I have no vested interest in blaming this guy specifically because of his Faceb00k jihad video likes, brownish skin hue or Muslim religion.
we had less resources
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>kebab in sights

Color me fucking surprised. All you mudslime apologetics should be ashamed of yourselves
OR it shows you that the FBI uses our images as source material

OR (most likely) it shows you that some local law enforcement branch leaked the photos to the internet, /pol/ got them from somewhere and claimed they circled the faces (which we have no reason to think we did) and are now claiming "HEY LOOK, WE FOUND THEM INDEPENDENT OF THE FBI"

It's idiocy.
They looked at anyone considered suspicious in the pics
Post it so I can save it. I don't have any screencapping software installed currently.
And no one's paying us. I demand my shekels.
So we basically just shipped the bomber right back to the government that bombed us??

And we spend all day complaining about Israel????
what's george zimmerman doing with all those cats

>white arabs
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hahahaha faggots
been here a lot longer than you.

but who cares?

At least I'm not playing Nancy drew with this shit. You all think you're internet superheros. maybe you are
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pic unrealated dipship... putting together breakdowns as we speak.. those two guys are the handlers
We've covered this. see
Arabs are Semites, and Semites are Caucasian...
Anyone have the "Bigfoot did 4/15" picture?
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There are some strange people posting in this thread. Feels like lots of dual-citizens.
please, you faggots have just been stealing pics and info from /r/findbostonbombers and calling it your own. R3ddlt has been on the forefront finding these fuckers and all /pol/ has done is ride on their coat tails while claiming superiority. 4chan is no longer the center of the internet, r3ddlt stole that spot from it years ago.
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Don't blame us, blame the feds who browse 4chan and pick up troll threads as "intelligence sources". /pol/ is still right: the REAL culprit is the jews, this reeks of false flag hardcore.

the image circled a bag that is clearly above people, if that were the bomb you'd see more injuries of heads ripped open and full of nails, but you see legs turned into stripes because the bomb was on the floor.
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>trying to sage a sticky

Way to prove my point
Those guys were security professionals working the marathon, dipshit.
>the government that bombed us


they are undercover
>being relevant
>doing anything right
RIDF pls go.
Do you think they're citizens at all? MIDF could be posting directly from Saudi Arabia.
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never change /pol/
>>12825622 (OP)
Same news website that reported about Boston police taking the saudi guy as suspect, turns out they were bullshitting.

And they're bullshitting again.
I'm sure they're safely back home in a non-extradition treaty country.
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There was another one posted last night from a different angle that was really clear, and it was obvious, just like in this one, that he didn't have the pack anymore.

-Leaves his backpack at bomb site just before bombs go off.
-Likes jihadi and al-queda videos on facebook

Gee I wonder why they want to talk to this guy.

Oh please they spend all night trying to make it look like a white bearded guy and claiming these two guys were innocent stop racial profiling them
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I don't think that's where they're from.
>the REAL culprit is the jews,

>>trying to sage a sticky
Sage? where is there sage in my post faggot?

I think you may be confused about where you are.
And anyhow, Mom wants you to clean up your room so go.
I was in the thread yesterday when it was cracked... right here on /pol/

1/10 made me respond.
Yeah, you're probably right, they're probably all Assie and Brit Muzzies, like moot said.
>>12825622 (OP)
The one on the left looks like fucking Gaddafi
go back to /a/ faggot

you assburgers don't belong on /pol/
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>Muslim Israeli defence force

You retard....
those two agents are Craft International Security Professionals
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Australia has Muslims?
I checked the map and didn't see any?
press print screen
you must be new here. Back to /b/ with you, shoo.
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>Muslim Internet defense force

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No, you were in the thread yesterday when the images from their site were posted here first.
south park references
what are you, 12?
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>>12825622 (OP)

I want everyone to know we are literally making history right now... you may not understand right now... but you will when it all comes out.

We very well may be averting a civil war by fingering these people so they can't blame a "right wing extremist."

toasting in epic bread
when i told my dad that the bomber might be a white teabagger he flipped out on me and told me "those communist assholes are brainwashing you".

fuck you, /pol/
>>12825622 (OP)

>pieces of the shrapnel and twisted chunks of metal from the Fagor pressure cooker.


every brown person is a terrorist but all brown people are terrorists
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>>12825622 (OP)
>not white people like liberals, blacks, and Muslims wanted
>It's down at his feet

And you know this... how?

Oh right, you don't.

They even say in the news links in this thread that one of the men on the surveillance tape from that store that the bomb went off in front of left his pack there before the explosion. And they said that on the tape they got a clear shot of his face as well.

So I guess the truth will come out in the end wont it?

In my opion, the man in the white cap is the bomber. I don't think his friend in blue did anything wrong or even necessarily knew what was going on at all.
>when i told my dad that the bomber might be a white teabagger he flipped out on me and told me "those communist assholes are brainwashing you".

Your father was right, he should have gave you a backhand.
except he was innocent and got fucked up in the blast. I was watching hannity when it was announced and the first thing he said was, "so now we're deporting him instead of prosecuting him?" See that's what I hate about conservatives. It's not that they don't want a nanny state, they just want a police state. Where you're locked up for ever without a trial for not even being a suspect. Remember, if the government does it to them, they can do it to YOU.
>/pol/ did not endorse that message
>you are to blame
in other news, /pol/ is always right
Do you perspective, faggot? The bag is not above anyone!
Moroccan here.

Man fuck you people, these 2 guys are innocent.

Just because he's brown means he's a terrorist?

Racist assholes, you're a bunch of xenophobic cunts.
Anonymous confirmed for nancy drew internet superman
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>Internet defence

You're still retarded.
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mfw this sticky is just a containment zone for bombing shitposting
>The one in kakhis and army boots.
uh, I saw a picture from after the explosion that had those guys near the finish line & both had their bags & were still messing with their ear pieces.

Protip: terrorists aren't going to be in a crowd of people wearing tactical pants, combat boots and being all secret service with ear pieces. Those guys were obviously govt.
Eye witness said it was like a nuke


citation needed
Good point. The government would love to both cover up how our allies the Saudis attacked us again, and have an excuse to strip away more of our freedoms.

Blaming the bombing on a "gun nut" would accomplish both.
Potential suspects, if we're wrong, we're wrong. If we're right, what does that say about your feelings on the matter?
Are you trolling? You realise JIDF means Jewish Internet Defence League, right?
>getting upset over defense or defence

lel, faggot
>>12825622 (OP)
Make your mind dumbfuck.

Either Muslims blow themselves up or they blow others ? Pick one.

Seriously you guys, I would have much trouble believing these guys are terrorists by what they write on their facebook page seeing as they have lots of friends and care for stupid things like gangnam style and shit...

But of course it might be a facade... just doesn't fit the profile. The two guys are like... algerians... I think... it would be a huge stretch to link them to AQMI
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yeah, that's where it's headed.
what ever happened to the good old days...
I remeber when Gabby Giffords got shot, there was actually some interesting discussion and some good "BOOM HEADSHOT" jokes.
Now everyone is just a dumber version of Alex Jones......
Who would waste a perfectly good North Face backpack? Shame.
Tell us something we don't know.
Except if he was innocent he'd be in a hospital now, not on a plane on his way back to his handlers.
Well while they're here you'd think they'd clean up the shit.

At least get rid of the fucking spam threads.

Does no one find it odd that man is smiling right at the camera?
I think he's the terrorist.
they shut down a major road in New Orleans yesterday to clear a suspicious package at a post office. It contained trash.

Ga terug naar je grot, domme geitenneuker
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>uses lel
>implying Internet and defence go together

Be careful not to cut yourself with that edge.
>Just because he's brown means he's a terrorist?

No it's got nothing to do with him being brown.

Is it because he's a muslim though? Yeah, almost certainly.

every enemy of white people both despise /pol/ yet get get enough of the honest truth this board perpetuates. I lol when anon on other boards say back to >>>/pol/ because they most likely browse it too.
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Ya blew it.

copied from redbittitshit faggot
Ik neuk je kanker moeder.
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/pol/ mods aren't attention whores. They pretty much only sticky threads from time to time, and very, very rarely take part.
Only Fox news reports that

It could be wrong
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You're so new to /pol/ it hurts

Miami airport evacuated for a cigarette lighter


>This is "the flag of al-Qaeda in Iraq" (AQI). Please be sure to read the below description before considering including this image in any Wikipedia articles.
>This image shows a design for the w:jihadist black flag based on flags used by w:Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (JTJ) in Iraq during 2003-2004.

>The design uses the basic jihadist black flag.with the shahada inscribed in white, and adds a white or yellow circle surrounded by additional text. These flags were seen in various beheading videos published by terrorists in 2004, e.g. here, where the circle is surrounded by the text Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in yellow. See en:File:JackHensley.PNG.

>No flag with the design shown here has been spotted. The flags attested in videos in 2004 have the text Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad surrounding the circle. The circle does not occur on its own. >Also, this design including the circle is limited to the years 2003 and 2004. We have no evidence that it has been used either before or after that period, or outside of the Iraqi insurgence of that time.

>The "disk" design apeears to have been peculiar to the JTJ in 2004. 2004 videos by Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna show the same black flag with white shahada plus their group name but without the disk.
You muslim haters are funny.

extreme muslims are just like extreme christian.

These guys are not saudis, they are prolly algerians.

And I higly doubt they actually did it they seem friendly from their facebook actually, but it might be a front
shameful product placement
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I know too much.

Pic related

Do you know the difference between L and F ?
How new are you exactly?


>fucking military gear top to tails
Whelp my bad, I should probably try and concentrate better

>gets me everytime
I'd imagine most aspiring terrorists wouldn't have a FB, or wouldn't be doing much with it once they decided to kill.

But if this is a group and not just an individual, it could make sense. Keeping up appearances...
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After carefully studying the photographs I have come to the conclusion that the posters here are imbeciles who couldn't find their own asses with both hands and a hunting dog.

But enjoy playing Nancy Drew WhiteKnights.
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>runs out of things to say so resorts to new

Oh dear, I can feel your tears. Mmmmmm.
>extreme muslims are just like extreme christian.

Except there's a lot more of them who are willing and eager to blow people up.
>Jimmyrustling Israeli Defense Force
>Jobless Israeli Defense Force
>Jewish Israeli Defense Force
>Pick neither, lurk more.
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Too bad they follow a religion that is shitty in every way.

hello FBI.

this guy is most likely a terrorist sympathizer.

Boo hoo sandnigger. They shouldn't have been looking guilty in the glorious red white and blue USA.
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>seem friendly

First guy (in blue) seems friendly and normal.

White cap has likes to dozens of Jihadi, Osama, Al-Queda videos on his facebook.

I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem very friendly to me.
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Pic related it's you.
have you ever read anything about islam yourself?

It's just as stupid as every other religion but not more shit or extreme
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outb4 shitstorm

captcha: uraliedb incidentally
That image with the phrase "pol was right again" should be our logo.
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Actually I do, part of my job is know exactly how and where things go.
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oldest subreddit is like 21 hours old.
the thread yesterday on pol was happening before 9:30pm utc+10... thats the time I went to sleep over 25 hours ago.
I just got here in this thread, I'm not even the same person he replied to.
First guy is also a runner, second guy isn't.

Give it up, we know you're new, just lurk moar.
>implying stormfags can into science
don't waste your time
He might just find beards sexy
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>kebab in sights

Good luck catching them though.

People who support the American government are terrorist sympathizers.

fucking stupid.
>opposes NDAA 2013, SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, and every other internet monitoring Act of Congress.

>uses someone's internet activity to "prove" their guilt.

Stay classy, /pol/.
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America you need help to remove all that kebab?

>doesn't understand how people submitting their personal information voluntarily and the government forcing it is different.
>White cap has likes to dozens of Jihadi, Osama, Al-Queda videos on his facebook.
Or, he liked one video once which was posted by a page that now has other sketchy videos. He doesn't have multiple "likes" to specific videos, he has a single like reference to a page that has videos, some of which have that material. You reach too far.
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quickly, before kebab removes us
sage it some more mooslim faggots

>support freedom-fighters


it's only unfriendly if you support american military, since they are terrorists.

They are both runners.

It all came down out last night in all the threads that got deleted. Their names, their facebooks, where one of them works, where one of them goes to school, the fact that they are both runners. A ton of shit.

holyshit .. people using pic i modified with logos.
How many groups do have favorited on your facebook that have posted 5+ Bin Laden and Al-Awlaki videos in the past two days, along with other jihadist videos?

He only has a handful of favorited groups, his facebook page is his identity to the world, yet he kept this one.

If he accidentally liked it some time ago, why didn't he delete it?

If he didn't want to be associated with a group that regularly posts jihadi videos, why is it still a favorite of his now?
I don't think that all muslims are terrorists.
But I fail to see the benefit in not assuming that they all are.

I mean, what is lost by shunning them? They're dirty, annoying, and uninteresting.

You shouls assume that all Muslims are terrorists, because all of them aren't.
So much hurt from A-Rabs in here.
Why the fuck is this even a fucking sticky?! Nothing about it is accurate!

I'm disgusted that we somehow ended up with a 12 year old right-wing teafaggot mod.
was meant for
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We found the blue shirt guy's facebook last night, and he posted that he was going in to talk to the FBI. A few hours later he posted again that he had been released and everything was ok.

I don't think these are the guys.

Now the autist te-bagger survivalist /k/ommando in the red shirt carrying the grey-striped backpack that is obviously very heavy, he's a person of interest. Not saying he did it, but he's at least someone to talk to.
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It's funny because /pol/ likes to make fun of the "your logic ends where muh emotions begin" liberals.

But now you act like knee-jerk reactionaries.


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Stay mad kebob
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>still being this edgy so double posts

is that a man or no?
Just like the way all jews arent disgusting money stealing goyim murderers that would never do this kind if thing, right?

no even close it was a camera strap
looks more like an native high on lysol
>MUH 9/11
The picture set everyone has obsessively been analysing and circling black backpacks in, stops about an hour before the bomb, right?

So seriously, how likely is it that there is anything useful in those pictures?
Can we all at least agree that /pol/'s greatest achievement regarding the bombing was enhancing the ass of the century?
[9:28:58] <nickremoved> https://images.4chan.org/pol/src/1366196516403.jpg
[9:29:11] <nickremoved> https://images.4chan.org/pol/src/1366192740672.jpg
[9:29:25] <nickremoved> mfw 4chan has probably found the boston bombers
>saging a sticky
I don't think that all 4channers are disgusting neckbeards.
But I fail to see the benefit in not assuming that they all are.
I mean, what is lost by shunning them? They're dirty, annoying, and uninteresting.
You editors assume that all 4channers are disgusting necbeards, because all of them aren't.
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Holy moley now we're finally getting somewhere.

Why the fuck is everybody ignoring this post???
Oh fuck turn on CNN

I remember a business in Bongland being shut down because they found a .22 rimfire cartridge on the ground.

Don't worry, you have your own board now

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It's all we've got, doesn't hurt to look.
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Did you mourn the loss of your fellow human beings?
You GET it.

You should hate people from other cultures if you love your own.

Racism is a valid survival strategy.

camera blocked by arm strap still slightly visible under lapel
Reminder someone got paid $100,000+ for stealing your work
I wouldn't call him a sandnigger. Looks more like a Border Nigger.
Because it's the truth.
The FBI or the Illuminati blinds us from the truth, make us NOT see that post.
>immigrants hating on immigrants
I don't think all Catholics are pedophiles

But I fail to see the benefit in not assuming that they all are.

I mean, what is lost by shunning them? They're ugly, hypocrites, and perverted.

You should assume that all Catholics are pedophiles, because all of them aren't.
This, ignore the sand niggers they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now they're being targeted as the master minds behind this.
Craft international were the true culprits, they were hired by the US government to carry out this false flag operation.
>you were saying
Reggie Love won't stand for it.
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There are different kinds of immigrants you know.

>America is the opinion that matters in the world

At least you're honest.
>We found the blue shirt guy's facebook last night, and he posted that he was going in to talk to the FBI. A few hours later he posted again that he had been released and everything was ok.

No one is saying that's the guy.

It's his friend in the white cap. The one with the jihadi videos on his facebook. The one that all the news agencies are saying this morning the police are looking for.

That's the guy.

>man fuck this LSD is great. Great day. What is this a race? Wow man. Runners. Cool. [explosion] omfg man stay cool stay cool [explosion] fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
You're not an immigrant any more if you exterminate the native population.

That's what we did right and South Africa did wrong.
Holy hell, why is there so much assmad in this thread? Since when have we had qualms about fucking with people? SRS? Raddish? Summer come early?
any livestream in HD around?

That is quite bizarre, but I just can't believe they'd be stupid enough to leave that cap on if they were actually involved in the attack.
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What's with all the fucking Zionist-apologists in here?

When was the last time Muslims did a bombing in America/Europe? Several fucking years ago.

On the other hand, jizzskin snowniggers like Andre Breivik bombed a building and killed children.

Sane person would assume this one was also done by a jizzskin snownigger, but noooo it has to be the MUSLIMS who the last crime they had done was 12 FUCKING YEARS AGO
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So where is this camera that needs a strap in the second pic?
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sauce on blue guys release?
I know. Basically /pol/ is looking for men in backbags. Nodoby is looking for a woman.

>soe random photo taken of a disinterested person
>hurrr furrdurr he was teh terrorust

murica in a nutshell

Nobody's targeting anyone. We're just trying to identify suspicious people and find out more aobut them. Now that we've looked into morocco-nigger and friend, they seem less like the bombers. Next candidate should be the brony tea-bagger, followed by the nepalese guy in the white jacket.
Because you're MIDF lel
It isn't a detonator, it is a Radiation Alert INSPECTORXTREME Microprocessor-Based Ionizing Radiation Detector
>Breivik is bad

Careful, This is /pol/, this is their prophet you're talking about.
>Finally decide to get up and leave the house
>The Marathon is a great community event, I'm a part of the community, I will go this year
>Throw on my ill-fitting, five year old wal-mart hoodie knowing I have a snowball's chance in hell of meeting any women
>Walking around, social anxiety is subsiding
>Hey, this isn't so bad
>I'm actually enjoying myself. Even though I'm alone I feel a part of something special
>Oh shitwhatthefuck
>Where should I run?!!
>That way?!! No that way!!
>I'm alive! Thank god I'm still alive!
>Oh my god those poor people! I hope nobody was badly injured!
>I need to go home and look at what the internet has to say about this horribly sad incident which I experienced first-hand.
>"What about this sand nigger?"
>I don't even know why I left the house.
i love you
His facebook page last night, several of us saw it, but he deleted a month's worth of posts before anyone screencapped it.
he is a zionist puppet


I was not at all thinking false flag but now you got me.

God damn it.

If the FBI felt there was anything the least bit suspicious about his friend in the white hat, no way in hell blue-shirt would have been released.
Looks like the JIDF have successfully deflected blame of everyone onto the arabs then. Where are you dickheads invading next? Iran? Why not spice things up and bomb malaysia?

keep saging sticky retard
what's your face when you realize while looking at that pic that the white stuff is grease coagulated from the burned off flesh and fat of the people that were there?
Don't even say his name. He's a loser crybaby mommas-boy faggot.
What does that prove.
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Theraupy Dog Academy, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on stressed out offices, and I have over 300 confirmed contented sighs. I am trained in snuggle warfare and I’m the top nuzzler in the entire therapeutic forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will chill you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call "the blues". You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can calm you down in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my paws. Not only am I extensively trained in barking in a way that gets your attention in a friendly and not annoy or frigthening fashion, but I have access to over one thousand two hundred and twenty three different fetch, chew and squeaky dog toys and I will use them to their full extent to wipe the miserable look off your face, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit adorable all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking calm, kiddo.
>Go to facebook link posted
>see whose friends with
>weird muslim 4chan profile?

f book profile Da7k.Mgharba
I remember hearing that some type of agents were imediantly checking air quality after the blast, prob had tools like that in their backpack incase of a dirty bomb
>implying it was at that location when it went off
>prophet of /pol/

get the fuck out niggerfaggot. you don't seem you belong here
>>12825622 (OP)
>Falling for this
Really, you should be smarter than that.
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everyone fantasizing they're nancy drew and drawing circles on photos.

they don't want you to interfere with their beautiful fantasy.
You're focusing on race when the real issue here is CRAFT.

(hiding in plain sight)
Americans will do everything for hamburger payment and zionist loving yuropoors will do everything try circumcised penis for change.
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lol sure
Yup, looks like that dude really HATES al-queda!

He's probably some kind of terrorist hunter!

someone last night confirmed it was a air quality monitor

Not saying it must be, just that it probably is based on the type of attack.

If it were a school shooting I'd be betting on whitey believe me.
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Are you him?
only if they're white
Calm down I was only joking ! I don't want you to kill your fellow whites and blame it on the immigrants and multikulti.
that loser crybabay mommas boy faggot is still 100 times more of a man than you

some asshole posted that copypasta all over the internet.

Personally, they could have known about the bomb beforehand. Maybe they were making an attempt to try to stop it. Also, they could have been off duty and just wanted to go the fucking marathon like everyone else there.
muh 3 dead americans

muh holocaust
muh genocide
muh tragedy
muh massacre

Fuck off.

I'm actually suspecting it's more of a Unabomber type loner. The kind of ramshackle and underpowered bomb implies a somewhat unhinged person working alone.
The point is everyone is either looking at 1 guy or 2 guys as suspects there were 8 fucking bombs placed i think more were involved
>clearly can't read arabic
but it IS an anti-extremism page
/pol/ also believes Templars are kind of an anti-Muslim squad
What about older beard guy?

There were pictures of him at that spot with a bag and then more later with it missing.
I think everyone somehow forget that there were two explosions. If someone used his bag for the first, where did he get the second?
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yeah one guy carried 8 fucking bombs and placed them all without being noticed

I know I was most likely replying to an idiot.
Facts aren't tolerated on this board
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no not really
Hey idiot who doesn't keep up with the news: There were only 2 devices.

fuck the amricunts who think they are special over every other human. Until I see a tear shed over dead children overseas because of obama drones, I will continue to give no fucks of what "genocide" happens over here
I mourn the loss of my fellow countrymen.
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>he still thinks there were more than 2 bombs
Well you're looking in the wrong place.

Start here.

>firing on disarmed teenager leftists
>dropping weapon when police comes in order to
>sleep in free 5-star hotel for the rest of his life (that maximum jail time in Norway is a lie)

Yeah, no
Good job /pol/, lead the new world order!
>hey could have been off duty and just wanted to go the fucking marathon like everyone else there.

>off duty

>in fatigues

>with packs

>and earpieces
What happened to the explosion at the JFK Library?
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security personnel or false flag perpetrators???
>the MUSLIMS who the last SUCCESSFUL crime they had done was 12 FUCKING YEARS AGO


>muh sage in a sticky

Also you don't fucking understand why we are upset.

We are upset because this shit NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS IN THE US. Only in your backwater countries. Not here.

So when something like this happens, even small, we are all taken aback.

Salah Barhoum detected. You may have fooled the FBI but you can't fool 4chan.
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Has anyone read this article yet. Are any of these pictures from /pol/?
Ever wondered why this shit happens 90% in america?

because karma is a bitch, ameritards
that was just a fire
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Why the fuck are mudslimes allowed to visit let alone live in Anglo countries?
>because karma is a bitch, ameritards

Yeah, there's a secret magic that tallies every persons actions and then stores some magic energy in the area they did it in for an infinite amount of time until there is enough magic energy that starts to cause physical things to happen.

>implying you don't have a physical flaw with the organ you call a brain

Someone has to impregnate our women. Anglo men are too shy to do that.
muslim isn't a race you stupid fuck.

Wow, that is weird.

I'll be interested to see if the media picks up on this. We need to get Craft under pressure for answers. Even if they aren't the bombers, their presence needs to be explained.
Why the fuck would they wear shit that would id them?
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Bullshit, the Al-Awlaki video posted Tuesday on "Best Islamic Videos" is praising him as a martyr.

The Title is: In God's mercy and accepted in the martyrs

The video itself is just a prayer speech by Al-Awlaki, no commentary, no condemnation.

"Best Islamic Videos" shares pro-jihadist videos, including those made by Al-Qaeda.

>90% in america


niggers have more of a chance than you haji
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>PMCs commit a terrorist strike whilst wearing clothing with their logo on it.

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Hey, how about that exploding Texas?
Because this thread is currently being invaded by JIDF / FBI/CIA/HS
knew it
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I think I found the real guy
OMG saved
those eyes can't lie

...Or it's the punisher logo.
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>I'll be interested to see if the media picks up on this.
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wait...so after about a hour in a half of lrking this thread..was /pol/ right or not?? I see a lot of disinformation.

Did these two men already get checked and cleared?

Can anyone clarify what the fuck is going on?

Or are we all just circle jerking hard as fuck?
they are not guilty

>punisher logo

>two otherwise military dudes

>with gear

>ill just wear my favorite comic book hat to work
thank you based /pol/
Fuck ok

So are these kebabs in any way related to the Craft Merc guys?
/pol/ was not right but only lead by their prejudice.
Nothing has been proven yet and those guys are most likely not the culprits.

dudes with backpacks, everywhere. go figure.

>who is craft international

is the real question.

/pol/ doesn't raid fuck off
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/pol/ was far right, as usual.
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This Bin Laden video on "Best Islamic Videos" (the facebook group Yassine favorited) also posted on Tuesday is just a speech by Bin Laden about killing Americans, titled:

"Osama bin Laden: to consult anyone in killing Americans"

There is no commentary, no condemnation, just distribution of Al-Qaeda propaganda.

The facebook group Yassine favorited is an out-and-out jihadist page sharing videos of terrorists praising acts of terror.
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this is all it was

yes thats from POL lol
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>implying killing teenage liberals is manly
>implying doing it in norway is manlier
>implying not going an hero is after shooting is testosteronous
Kenny bin Loggins?

Highway to the Dangerzone, indeed!
Did you really think mods would stick this thread if these guys were guilty? You are being made fun of
Moot is a Jew, and so are mods
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>>12825622 (OP)


/pol/ discovers truth: >>12827274

Disinfo proceeds to spam the thread: >>12828331
etc. etc.

The guy in blue was identified and facebooked. He announced on his facebook that he had spoken to the FBI and had been cleared. If they were guilty they would have been picked up by now, since many of us most assuredly gave their names to the FBI.

I guess he just gave his pack to a friend to carry.
If >>12828003 is true then it was clearly another false flag to divert attention to the Boston incident while they decide who gets to be the fall guy.
My take there is a low level terrorist from Saudi Arabia being flown over to the USA as a fall guy in exchange for this other guy with important family ties. He will still be incarcerated in Saudi Arabia but under a different pretext so that Saudi Arabia elite is protected from international criticism.


Tamir, let us go out to the race today. I am sure that our american friends will welcome us with open arms. I am so happy to have fully emigrated to the US and to be working as a neurosurgeon.


autistic much?

Jesus fucking christ MODS please BAN this dude.
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ITT everyone ignoring the Craft private military presence and focusing on the 2 arab kids like good little goys

It wasn't that much really. We just noticed a couple of guys, one of whom seemed to be leaving without his backpack. We then put a bit of effort into putting names to their faces. We never claimed it WAS them, just that they were suspicious.
Why are you faggots straight sucking some terrible 17 yr old "rappers" cock all day everyday? You give him free marketing everytime you say "hurrr durrr baased." You're exactly what you seemingly rail against.
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guis.. i noticed this

Why is this stickied? Because of the nubs...? nice get
I've never seen that image here. And why would they blur the faces if these people are supposedly innocent? You can't really ID them from that angle anyway.
has nobody noticed THIS???
Liberals :(

im OP you retard

>implying I have ever heard a based god song

>implying I shop at the mall

>implying I watch the electric jew

>Best Islamic Videos"

That page just puts popular videos. There's a wide variety of vids. There's extremist stuff and there's nasheed (songs) about taking care of parents etc...
>>12825622 (OP)
Carlos did it, he wanted to be a hero and created a catastrophe to be one.
>ITT everyone ignoring the Craft private military presence and focusing on the 2 arab kids like good little goys

I saw it several times earlier. It's from here.
I'm europoor!

Free healthcare, non obese girlfriend, no jews, no gangs of niggers trying to kill me and rape my GF, not getting bombed at marathon, no planes flying into my office, not getting shot at the mall, not getting shot at the cinema, kids not getting shot at school, firemen not getting shot trying to save me, police arent trying to shoot me or beat me, not hated by the entire world.

Oh europoor are jelly alright.....
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loooong nessa looks horrible in the pic; maybe it's the makeup

she's gettin' old, too
He is a true patriot, 1776 !

And he went straight to court.

ribbit faggots were blurring faces in pictures
>And why would they blur the faces if these people are supposedly innocent?
BECAUSE they are innocent and don't get killed by some crazy lynch mob after being recognized on the street.
Several times huh?

So you'd have it saved then.
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!!! It's happening!
"not hated by entire world"
America IS the world, retard.
We just let you faggots live in the parts we don't want.

>no jews
How cute.
And what about everybody else in that image?

They're all suspects.

not that copy ribbit tards blurred the faces
Exactly, but only two people have a circle around their faces
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The juden mods want to disinfo
>only kikes hate muslims
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>>12828777 →
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>trolling athiests thread

Fuck off Chirstfag, we know religious fundies did this.
People ITT don't understand. It was those guys all along !
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why are there people in same uniforms gathering right after the blast? see pic

Cool not putting timestamps on any of those shots. For all we know they're just acting as security and holding walkie-talkies.
Terrorist detected.

A group that approvingly posts videos of Osama Bin Laden counseling people on killing Americans, amongst 5 other Bin Laden and Al-Awlaki videos, all posted straight after a terrorist attack, is a jihadist group distributing Al-Qaeda propaganda, and anybody who likes or supports it, or continues to like it, is a terrorist sympathizer.

No bullshit cop outs, if you like a group that approvingly posts Bin Laden and Al-Awlaki on committing terrorist acts, you are one.
America is like Arkham City, except your own chronic stupidity and laziness is the only walls needed to keep you where you belong.

We allow you to bomb brown babies in the middle east to satisfy your inherent racist bloodlust but other that that you are exactly where the world wants you.

That and supporting the Mujahideen in Afghanistan against the Soviets caused 9/11.

Mujahideen formed to combat the Soviet invaders.
Soviets left.
Mujahideen spoklit and becamy Al Queda.

Therefore Reagan is responsible tor 9/11.
They're professionals. Gathering after the blast seems like a reasonable thing to do.
What should be questioned is why these guys were even there to begin with.
no I was 2 out from own post
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you're digging in the wrong place.

Find the security cam footage.
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ah yurope.

every once in a while your cable cars almost cause an innocent marine jet to crash.

other than that you don't matter.
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Looks like a barcode scanner.
>What should be questioned is why these guys were even there to begin with.

Because when you've posted snipers on the rooftops, having some more guys on the ground observing would be pointless, right?

The only thing to question is why they failed so hard.
If the FBI are really egtting tips from here, murrica is fucked.

Conpiratards entertaining themselves with super secret James Bonds stories.
frank castle is my hero! unlike ironman he doesn't need some pussy ass power armor to kick ass.
How do you "find" it?

The FBI should be releasing it and letting us have a crack at it.
was it monstanto who had black water do it?

Germany's main export: scat films.

clearly scanning the barcodes on the brainchip RFIDs of people fleeing from the explosion.
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>>12825622 (OP)
yes goyim those are not the patsies told to bring a backpack and drop it at a selected point, as a part of a training exercise.
France's main export: The smell
more like surrendering faggots


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>thinks "edgy" is a "thing"
And of course england's main export: Muslims
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that theory is full of holes

1) where did bag go? - you simply can't see it from the angle the photo was taken. Speaker is blocking it.

2) holding a detonator?? - nope. Geiger counter. Checking to see if dirty bomb.

3) ear pieces - yeah well they have to coordinate. probably had spotters. remember roof guy?

4) gathering together - yeah cause you're gonna set your rally point 50 feet away & directly across the street from the target area while the place is swarming with cops

I don't know why Craft was there, maybe there was a known threat, maybe they were called in for some type of expertise the cops didn't have, maybe it's SOP to have guys like this around for large events, fuck if I know.

Just use logic & common sense you faggots.

>ignoring that 4chan has been credited by major news organizations for finding all of this evidence

FBI plz go
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why is this thread stickied when the kids in the photo have already spoken to the police, have public facebook pages and everyone knows who they are..

JIDF mods
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yes, those are the guys, they must be, they are clearly terrorist, we must close the country down.
We need guys like pic related to have bigger backpacks, and matching clothing to counteract these evil muslims
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/pol/ is always right, right /pol/?

read the rest of the thread faggot.
>I don't know why Craft was there
To build an alibi

>It was a drill
>Why would we be in plain sight if we had something to hide?

Stop breathing
1. Martin Luther King frequented Communist Meeting Halls in the 50's.
2. Martin Luther King's associate, advisor, and personal secretary was one Bayard Rustin, a known Communist.
3. Moot deletes /new/, the only board for legitimate political discussion on this socialist shithole of a site.

All of this points to one thing: moot is black. It's the only logical conclusion to draw. The whole "Christopher Poole" thing was a ruse, moot's real name in Lucius "Pedobear" Jackson, an inmate in Sing-Sing serving a 50 year sentence for molesting a white girl.
It's time the truth was told.
People took them, posted them online.
Why the fuck is this shit pinned when the actual suspect the FBI is looking for is a white male?
>I don't know why Craft was there

Assuming it's Craft and not just other dudes, at least one of whom likes Punisher caps.

FFS ppl there were snipers on the rooftops. Of course there were security guys on the ground.
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Thanks for that m9

because mainstream media cant keep up with us anymore
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>clearly scanning the barcodes on the brainchip RFIDs of people fleeing from the explosion.
I remeber some anon posted a pic of a hand held radiation detector that had same proportions/size and color.

Again i think they were deployed with snipers (see pic) and bomb dogs to try stop this attack under orders from someone. they expected something to happen and were there to stop it but failed.

It's being kept quiet. Imagine the outcry of not only failing but using mercenaries in any action on US soil. CIA would want to catch these people without interference if they were foreingers so they could move them straight to guantamo bay without any trials and get information from them.

Training exersize has a double bonus.
1. police will ignore them and it could be justified to use mercenary units for such.
2. barking bomb dogs would panic a crowd pretty fucking fast and cause injuries of people running thinking the dogs found a bomb. But if people belive it's an exersize they won't run and they can recover said bomb.

>replying to FBI
>>12825622 (OP)
fuck yeah, told you it was shitskin Arabs

Or they could TRY breathing for a change, give that old noggin of there's an oxygen or two.
>being this mad

No. Really. Take your meds.

>why the fuck didn't you read the thread before you posted?
In all this I can clearly see that more security =/= your safety STILL isn't guaranteed.
the news credited 4chan?
Because /pol/ knows the truth, even if the government is trying to cover it up to curry favor with their Saudi masters.

>both kids already cleared of wrongdoing

>didn't read thread

>racist and dumb
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>Lucius "Pedobear" Jackson
>Assuming it's Craft and not just other dudes, at least one of whom likes Punisher caps.

You can clearly see the crosshair in the eyeball in the highrez shot. Disinfo is spamming the Punisher bullshit.

>thinking I will reply to a tripfag
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>posted them online

You see, the internet uses these things called URLs (which are, in very simple terms, actually 'decoded' IP addresses). The URLs have a name, we call them Web sites.

the kid n blue claims to have spoken with police. However the other fellow is MIA; the one who is noted to be missing his backpack. Missing guy also has jihadist vids liked on his FB profile.

facebook com yassine.zaimi
>Coherent post with common sense
Your kind is not wanted on this board
i know alex jones already has
why are so many cops out and about in manhattan/new york today?

I'm seeing them on like every corner...

dude shut the fuck up and go the fuck to a different website.

4chan crowd sources everything.

>being this fucking new

>probably FBI
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So the dude who scanned my cock wasn't a race official?
>Alex Jones

You know the drill.


>keeps posting
Did you even read the rest of the post?
This is a good question.
Yeah, this makes sense
>You know the drill.
pass me the tinfoil
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time to slide


As a muslim I can tell you that this is fishy.

The Iranians are lazy as fuck and they don't even like the shitty government their in, if they are behind the attack its likely some kid who came to fuck shit up in the hopes that Iran will get blamed and then taken over.

Also, shia... jihadist?

nah, they should be more worried about us sunni's beheading them.

I mean the Iranians are batshit. legalizing prostitution under a theocracy...


yeah... I don't think so,

pretty sure the saudi's (kid's anyway, not the government) has jihadist who are buttmad at america, when in reality they may just be too pussy to go over to syria and fight the good fight, so they'll go and fuck up the US, just to seem cool and edgy.
>saging a sticky
>sliding a sticky
dat samefag
dat g-man
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>the deleted threads
you make it sound as if someone had deleted them to supress info when we all know that's not how it works

>telling the FBI where we found hi res pictures of their mercenary pets fucking up an op

>being this retarded



So where'd you get em?
/pol/,i am from yuropor,but let me get this straight

you spend massive amounts of money into security
massive amounts of money into military
you gave up parts of your own freedom for security(patriot act and w/e else you added/came up with)

some queers put up a FEW bombs in one of the most filmed,photographed,public events in the US and the world,exactly at the FINISH of the marathon,where ALL THE ATTENTION goes to
and your FBI can not fucking find at least a single man?

a)your security and fbi is useless cause you couldn't stop a few little bombs from exploding at a high security,world wide attention gathering event,in which many countries participated ,therefore some stole your money or are just incompetent
b)your FBI knew from the start and this "terrorist attack" wasn't done by foreign forces or a group of citizens,but by your own government

which sounds more plausible,americans?

your entire "armada" of security,police,intelligence gathering,CIA,FBI+your patriot act and HUGE investments and money you give to "security" having failed to protect people at a high security,very public with lots of attention from the US and every other countries,with people filming,making photos and videos everywhere=
this being orchestrated by those supposed to protect you

which sounds more realistic?
The internet
>dat pic

>ejaculate and urine dispenser
>sitting on a toilet with a bidet and automatic dryer

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Because like every internet forum or bbs in days of yesteryear, mods and admins are known for being five or six steps behind.
Which I always found strange because they all have jobs that require them to sit at a computer.
Not like they have anything better to do.
See attached - that was one of its downfalls.

is a series of tubes.....
has anyone given a thought to the fact that it's possible the US is under attack?
Think about it for a minute.

1. Boston bombings
2. senator poison letter
3. president poison letter
4. Waco fire/explosion
5. Oklahoma city explosion/fire
6. louisiana bomb found in wallmart and controlled detonated in parkinglot.

all within 48 hrs from begining to end. Keep an eye out for something easle happening. While it's possible that the oklahojma city thing is pure accident but 2 large accidents and the other attacks (poison letters/bombs) just seems to be more than a coincidence.
>tfw /sp/ found a way yet again
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>legalizing prostitution under a theocracy...

Source? I know the Iranian state pays for transfaggot surgery, but this...
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The US intelligence agencies outside the DoD are completely useless and cause more problems than they've ever solved: the FBI in particular has a long and storied history of being completely ineffective at its job and never accomplishing anything of note.

Nobody does anything about this because the intelligence community is staffed with vicious, paranoid, psychotics, who kill people on a semi-weekly basis and don't have any real loyalty to anyone but themselves.
also it's raining.
I blame the muslims
Oklahoma city was a small explosion caused by lightning. It only made local news and was quickly updated with that detail.
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Your entire armada couldn't help a shitload of Muslims chimpout.

THe next time they have a fit you'll wish you had a gun.
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1. muslims pray five times a day
2. lightening strikes America

if you can't see the connection then you're blind
Just learn to get over the fact that you will not be spoonfed.
Lurk more
shhh, u kn0w 3 much

People who wander in here and demand to be taught our ways and dances are almost always fucking feds anyway.
>go to /sp/
>we found him guys we did it
>go to /pol/
>we found him guys we did it
>go to /k/
>we found him guys we did it
>go to /redd!t/
>we found him guys we did it

Are your lives this pathetic that you have to claim everything as your success ?
C'mon FBI, you won't give us a source [spoiler]because you are the source[/spoiler].
Gb2 9fag

imgur, flickr, other poorly spelt image sights.


Cock scanning is a vital part of national defense and not something to be taken lightly citizen.


top one looks like an indian version of bumblerump crumplebatch, the bottom is a 8/10, would engage in horizontal conciousness raising with.

Shia islam has a long legal tradition of temporary marriages.

it is basically prostitution, but involves a marriage contract before, and divorce after, the deed.

Well know, look it up.

Also, not a peculiarity of the Iranian state. The religious rulings predate it.
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>every pic is from pol
>Leddit taking the credit
who would honestly attack the US.

Small rouge groups wouldn't make very effective terrorist...

sure they could do some damage

but unless military strikes were made, or actual officials were taken out/down

the point of being a terrorist is lost. The point should be to win a war with minimal casualties, maximum force and total precision. blowing up a race, sending letters that people know will get scanned/ caught in the mail, and and making vauge threats does nothing,

in reality the best terrorist would attack though the internet. Gather massive amounts of information make them public, transfer millions of dollars to alternate accounts, etc etc etc. Not target buildings in real life that only gost the state and federal government money that they'll just print up and cause a slight inconvenience to the civilians.
>implying I am from france
>implying this is about guns
I may be some frail,mortal yuropoor compared to you americans,but I never said guns should be baned anywhere
my life is worth protecting and so does everyone else have a right to protect their own,not to attack

this is about the HUGE amount of money you give to "security",patriot act violating aka raping your freedom and rights in the name of security
the endless checks at an airport when you come to murrika

and still,your government,your FBI,your patriot act,failed you miserably
humiliating if its the truth
which I doubt they failed
your government just knew about it
the single,logical explanation
the other would be to believe americans are incompetent(a strong,plausible one too)
Not a single photo has pin pointed the guy that lost both his legs.

It can't be that hard to find, he's next to two women and he is wearing a grey jumper.
>small rouge groups
>dat shade-of-red terror
let them take credit, /pol/ cares not for such things.
>>12825622 (OP)

Simple solution: Deport all a-rabs and jews.
because he doesn't exist, its all cgi
I'm surprised they let him out so early. Must be FBI covering for him as they torture him to death.

>replying to FBI

You mean me? I was the one that posted all this and I work for the FBI on online domestic terrorism surveillance.

The pictures I posted were from the distributed case file from work.
>The US intelligence agencies outside the DoD are completely useless

Meanwhile at the DoD

>We're checking out these CP videos because terrorist have... uh, placed secret audio files on them, and we're decoding them right now... please leave us alone as our work is critical to saving america,
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mfw Muslims work hard to cover their brethrens' acts

Taqiyya at its best my friends, unfortunately I am, including the rest of the sane people here, immune to this.
Man who gives a shit? We don't want to have to deal with celebrity anyway. We've already got at least a dozen disinfo agents from probably even the NSA rolling around here right now. Do we want more?
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you right?
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Going to bed now /pol/, I expect you to have found the culprit or culprits involved by the time I wake up so get to work xoxo
>Small rouge groups wouldn't make very effective terrorist...

>rouge groups

fucking random makeup attacks

jocks made to look like drag queens

followed up by random wig attacks

the wig + rouge + lipstick combos

american masculinity in crisis

islamists just walk in while GI Joe flounces in a tutu

let them. we don't want a rush of newfags from CNN
That's exactly what is good for 4chan.
The less publicity the better.
THe community is doing shitty/alright as it is
I heard about this, it's also beginning to get common in Tunisia
>Small rouge groups
Hello, FBI

not too sure how this site works do you
Stop responding to disinfo.
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There is always hope.

Rand Paul 2016.

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