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>military drill sargents call recruits faggots
>libs get anally devastated

Welp. Looks like the pussification train has no breaks.

RIP in peace America


they even brought this exact fucking scenario up in an episode of Arrested Development. The one where Buster goes to boot camp "for Army" and the nigger from Reno 911 is his drill sergeant.
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>being this new

you will be the one pointed at and laughed at anon, just wait
No, because i'm not a libtard that argues semantics instead of discussing the actual issue.
Fuck off.
>>14703906 (OP)

The drill instructors don't call recruits nigger or spic so why should they get a pass with calling people faggots?

That's right, they shouldn't. If they can't do their job without resorting to offensive slurs, they need to find a different job.

go back to /an/, weeaboo.
>calling recruits faggots
>US Army/Marines
dishonorable discharge for the sergeant and criminal charges.
That was the joke. get out newfag.
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How do you think people would react if he called black recruits the n word? I think there would be a shit ton of lawsuits and riots.

And rightfully so. There's no need to be hateful in teaching young people discipline. It sets a bad example, and it's plain wrong. If you don't like it, leave America.
I'm guessing this faggot was too busy sucking cocks to graduate boot camp.

well someone is new

Seriously. Kill yourself.

If the men we task with fighting fucking wars can't handle words because muh feels then they need to go back to civilian life or join the air force.
Yeah, getting called a faggot by a guy isn't even that insulting though. Guys jokingly call each other gay or faggots all the time.

They only freak out when girls call them gay because they don't want to be denied pussy.
Progressive here.

Soldiers need a safe and nurturing place where they can foster their military skills. All calling them derogatory slurs like "faggot" is doing is creating a hostile work environment, especially for the brave women soldiers. Instead of putting that military budget towards weapons, we should be creating community centers at military bases where soldiers can feel comfortable sharing their feelings with their squadron.
incoming anal pain

>u..us oldfags

fuck off
I went through BCT during a test run of a "no cursing" rule. It's absolutely hilarious when a 6'8", manly drill sergeant who can chew through steel calls you "dumb dumb"

nope. YOU deal with it! You're in the minority now, white boy! LOL
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>The drill instructors don't call recruits nigger or spic

They used to.
They generally insulted you for whatever ethnicity you were. It was to break you down in order to build the new you: resistant to petty words.

>Mfw my grandpa was a drill instructor during Korea and used to call people faggots, hicks, hillbillies, micks, krauts, mooliano (for sicilian-americans), etc

>offensive slurs

Oh no, someone call the police. :(

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>>14703906 (OP)

>mfw libs cried and made it mandatory for recruits to be issued "back off cards" that they can flash at the drill instructor when they're being too mean.

Goddamn disgrace. Why didn't that faggot just flash his card?
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>>14703906 (OP)

gosh my older brother only got his nose broken by his DI
>sure was a lot tougher back in the day

nb4 USMC begins giving 'time outs' to trainees
ITT: poor little white guys
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>oh shit i was retarded, better tell them to fuck off!

>recruits to be issued "back off cards" that they can flash at the drill instructor when they're being too mean

Please tell me you're trolling.
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Fuck off you pussy whipped faggot.

When I was in boot camp for the army, my drill sargent called us faggots, pussys, nigger lovers, and little bitches. No one from my squad complained. The people in other squads who complained, didnt even pass basic training because they had to of been little cunts and didnt deserve to be in the military

Pic very related... This is what faggot nigger loving liberals want.
>offensive slurs
This is what happens when you allow faggots in the military: they think their feelings matter.

maybe that sort of treatment in boot camp has something to do with you amerifats losing every war you ever get in. just a thought
butthurt samefag is butthurt samefag
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
>the n word
Get bent SRS.

maybe you liked being called a faggot by a bigger man. you know, nostalgia and all that.

Trolled hard, you despicable faggot.
>doesn't know "RIP in peace"/"diamond dozen"/"doggy dog world"/etc.
>calls others summerfag

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>Drill Instructors are not even allowed to "drop f-bombs," according to Ulsh

Cocksucker in my platoon called "blush" always got meat moto in the showers, always in the showers. Also when everyone is butt to nut waiting for whatever stupid shitshow were were going to be a part of. When the DIs saw this they just call the recruit in front and behind him a faggot. This continued for 2 months until he finally got used to showering with 50 cocks and asses around him. Only the niggers and some stupid fucking chink hated him. Everyone else including the DI knew it was hilarious and an endless source of jokes.

People should stop being offended by meaningless words.
>>14703906 (OP)
Yea people in boot get called ever curse word and directory thing there is, great place to learn a few new insults too. Dont like it dont join, not like it stops at basic when people still talk shit in the military after.
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>>14703906 (OP)

>meat moto

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so mad
>doesn't know we don't really give a shit about gay ass memes here

why don't you an hero huehue hue hue hue


not even that fag, you are both fags, fags.
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>>14703906 (OP)
I'd love to see these faggots watch to Generation Kill.

i've been told that drill instructors have been like this for years now. they try to be mean still but use works like "stupid" and "idiot" as opposed to faggot nigger etc

Just let it go dude. You were wrong on the Internet, big deal, no need to be all butthurt.
>The drill instructors don't call recruits nigger or spic

I think you're just mad that 90% of this thread is literally made up of everyone laughing at how retarded you are

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So mad.
Yea they teach you to understand it does not matter if you are black white or even Asian, the message is you are not special you are part of a team and in war the enemy could care less of who or what you are except a enemy.
>Getting upset about being called a faggot in a camp designed to build psychological resilence.

Welp, america's never gonna win a classical formation conventional war again, let alone a real one.
You mean playing call of duty and shit right? Already have a place for people liek that.
>Recruits get shot at and bombed on the battlefield
"W-w-well that's okay.."
>Recruits get called faggots by instructors

This is a fucking joke.
Marine here.
It's not the drill sergeants who you should fear. It's the older guys who haze the shit out of you.
The weakest link will get everyone killed. The weakest guys at boot camp are targeted and hazed. They either man up or drop out. Either way, we weed out the pussies.

Fun hazing activities include:
Doing pushups on the bathroom floor while they pour bleach on the floor and blast hot water
Running laps with a gas mask full of beer
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Um, aren't our soldiers supposed to be able to withstand enemy interrogation?

If they can't stand middle school insults how are they going to stand against Ackbar breaking their fingers with a hammer?

>america's never gonna win a classical formation conventional war again

at what point did you amerifats ever 'win' a war?
>DI calling someone a faggot makes the news
When I was in boot camp in 07 I had a DI called Sgt Gay. This was every day life.
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mad samefag is mad samefag

the sad part is that if you're using 4chanX then you know that it's multiple anons that are reiterating to you how retarded you are and nobody's samefagging here except you

im kind of embarrassed for you, which is why I mentioned in my first post >>14703967 "just wait"

and now you delete your post like a faggot

Yeah, that's true.

Also, officers in the field will even go on about PC, if they hear their troops making racist jokes or what have you.
Hes not they started doing that around 2008 and above, when i was in they could not hit you but "motivate you" with their boot if you need help doing pushups sit ups in a "lifting fashion" No one cared since we knew what we were in for only people who bitched were the people about to wash out and looking for a free pass. Modern troops from basic are a joke now.

I can't be arsed to even find the picture. Just leave.
>safe and nurturing

Ok, I know this is a troll post, but just in case;

If it were up to me, I'd upgrade boot camp to include resistance to interrogation techniques, brutal death marches, and force them to watch the fucked videos showing beheadings and mass executions on liveleak.

Protip: The world isn't a soccer mom suburb.

>guaranteed replies
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>Marine here.
>It's not the drill sergeants
>calling a USMC trainee a faggot is bad and should be banned
>but it's fun to imply other anons are fags

It's like you cunts never heard about hypocrisy
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you an example of autism in action.


That n-word you stupid liberal faggot?
dude, just let it go

you were wrong on the internet; quit being so mad

Fuck off. Please turn that right side up.
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>mfw America has technically never lost a war, and every American military fuckup, even Vietnam, is just an "Overseas conflict" lacking a declaration of war
...I was assuming the post looked ridiculous enough for people to take it as a joke...
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>>14703906 (OP)
lol@the idiot yelling in the picture. Those guys only make themselves look retarded, I don't know why the recruits don't just laugh at them. I guess it's because only faggots join the military.
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>>14703906 (OP)
Drilling instructors will call

Whites=Crackers(black instructor)
Christians=Christ Fuckers


They do this not to hurt you, but to make you stronger.
Marine Here, inactive since 2009

If you even give a single word being thrown at you a second thought, then leave. It doesn't matter if it's faggot, cunt, fuck, nigger, bitch, kike. Anything

If it even irks you at all, then leave. Not one person in my company would have ever blinked twice at any word. Words are so weak compared to what you will be doing for the next few years.
...is this a problem...?

My country has had gay soldiers in the military for decades and our instructors still talk shit like this...that's their job.

They're supposed to be dicks. Its called breaking down ego.
If Johny Fudgepacker got his little feelings hurt, good, that means the instructor is doing his job.
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>be deployed
>working night guard with my black friend
>start taking sniper fire
>he blames me for being white and noticeable at night
>i blame him for smiling too much
>many laughs are had as the sniper misses
>mfw our 1sgt overhears it and files a eo complaint against both of us.

Yea we realized pc is killing everything he was offended by both of us because hes black and white.

Dude, quit doing that.
sup g uys. Racism is strictly against the UCMJ. So is hate speech of any kind. The UCMJ hasn't been changed to catch up with the possibility of LGBT to openly serve, yet.
why u mad tho
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great debating skills
You tried your best to troll, but I'm afraid a 3/10 is the best I can do.

Better luck next time.
Are you the same person who posted that picture after I called you out about organizing your summerfag pics by number? (summer1.jpg, summer2.jpg, etc)

Oh look...

I've asked you nicely to please stop purposely shit posting yet you continue. You leave me no other choice but to report you to the moderators.

May God have mercy on your soul.
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>talks about reporting when rules state do not say you are reporting
Enjoy the ban
i still don't get why you mad tho bro

why u mad
>American army
In a couple of years it will be nothing but fat fucks, militant bronies, weeaboos fighting for their waifus, women who didn't go through any training at all other than how to use a gun since everything else is sexist, no brutality or hardening at all, everyone is a major pussy and will start screaming at everything.
reading comments on the huffington post makes me fucking sick to my stomach
$5 says he's also the same idiot who posted that comment


in that monsanto thread that got the same number of "are you fucking serious" replies until anon deleted it himself
>north korea invades the US
>Korean soldiers march in through Alaska
>approach fortified position along Canadian border
>American soldiers ready to fire at any moment if given provocation, holed in deep
>Koreans set up amplifiers and a microphone
>Americans start trembling
>drop their guns
>tears well up in their eyes
>soon the whole position is crying in fetal position
>a few of the strongest soldiers went outside to explain that such language was hurtful to some and got shot
>Korea steamrolls through US plowing through resistance by yelling racial slurs and homophobic insults
Oh god, I just got flashbacks of basic....
I honestly would have preferred having slurs thrown at me, I would have had an easier time not laughing.
butbutbut muh liberal LGBTBBQXXX politically correct agenda
What's an eo complaint?
Alright, here's some more truth.
These "back off cards" is a joke that's persisted for over 20 years. I'd say I created it back when I joined up after the gulf war, but I heard it from my drill sergeant, who got it from his.
>doesn't know we don't really give a shit about gay ass memes here
You do realize you're the one that gives a shit about memes, right? The rest of us just ignore RIP in peace because we've seen it on every board, for ages.
Also, it's funny because the sentence that comes after is literally filled with memes
>an hero
So, in this thread, you're the one that keeps using memes over and over. Hell, not one of your post has anything original, every insult and accusation you bring up is literally a buzzword you've read last week. Pathetic.

>sage for irrelevant post
My brother did a military co-op(canada) for highschool and those drill Sargents are awesome. Shouting at 16 year olds calling them pussy faggots, "don't be a faggot", "man the fuck up homo", "you fucking queers are pathetic"

get it together america

Also, I did a student driver course... the instructor was a womanizer and fucking cracked jokes about women and asians and gays driving. The whole class loved him and he is still in business.

his wife comes in, hands him some paper and mentions a call, walks out and shuts the door, "bitch". Whole class dies laughing.
"I dunno what's worse, homos or women behind the wheel", "okay class, lets look at asians dying and russians dying so you know that driving is dangers; they come to canada you know", "to all the women in the class, don't do anything in the car except drive; you all scare the shit out of me"

No complaints, no crying, just laughs and a good time.

Good for you canada!
Still doesn't change shit.

You're a libtard faggot.
Hey crazy? please say you are joking...
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>Dem comments

Hoooooooooooooooooly SHIT
Equal opportunity complaint.
again, it's kinda sad that you're trying so hard to pretend to not be mad, but you're backpedaling so hard that you're literally deleting all of your posts

I can't wait until the f-word is made illegal and you edgy bigots cry yourselves to sleep knowing you'll never be able to degrade anyone ever again.
Ahahahahahaha, he really cares so much that he actually deletes the posts. Oh wow, Anonymous on the Internet and he still takes it so personal that he has to delete the posts.

Thank you for making my night, butthurt Anon.
>the n word
Get the fuck out.
I would say a janitor is cleaning his shitposting up.

Make me you little bigot.
Nope. Those were in the navy, too.
They say things to make you laugh, and if you crack a smile, you're ass is getting beat.
eightcounts, dozens of them
Oh, you don't want to run until you can't stand anymore? Too fucking bad.


You must be new here. That faggotry doesn't even rate a 3 out of 10 on the shitpost scale.
You should have both saluted him right there and then, giving the sniper a visible officer as a new target
>cleaning up shitposts
Then it's a first, perhaps it's still you trying to make yourself look better?
>hurrdurr I didn't delete my posts, it's a janitor.
Except he has touched any other shitposting in the thread.

>getting someone killed because muh feels

You're no better than libs.
I highly doubt it; the other thread I mentioned (>>14703785 →) has the same thing in it

>some idiot makes a post that makes himself look like an uneducated dolt, in this case it was
>>hurr whats the big deal about killing bees its not like theyre locusts or anything
>deletes his own post after half of the thread calls him a fucking retard

I bring up that post and that thread in here, and someone replies to me about it, and then what do they do?

they delete their post.
You dont get it do you, drop the tough guy act, pussy, and realize life isnt a call of duty videogame, words mean something. Go tell a black guy hes a nigger and try to explain words dont matter. good luck.
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US Army = fag army. If it wasn't for their technology, even the NorKos could kick their ass.
Hell they smoked us just for the hell of it. No one escaped the wrath in basic. Even if you were a model soldier you got beat even worse..having them curse made it all the better in the end. Best shit was a guy tried to kill himself eating aspirin...funniest day ever.
>>14703906 (OP)
are they allowed to call black folk niggers? Really though, what if the dude was gay? Meh, whatever. You can come up with better insults than that.
Its like I am back in 2008.

like what? JIDF?
Oh no harsh language. Jesus titty fucking christ if they can't handle that what are they going to do when hakmed starts yelling allah ackbar and firing an ak-47 at them
>words mean something
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.

Are you seriously saying I could literally harm you for life if I said the right things here and now?
>You cockgubbling, ass-sniffing, jew-loving, nigger-cock-in-your-throat piece of human waste disposal. I hope you rot in hell and that your entire family gets cancer, all while you have to witness a nigger with AIDS raping your sister.
Did I make you cry now, faggot?
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>Expected to go to war
>(not call of duty FUCKING REAL LIFE WAR)
>can't handle being called a name

In case you don't know, this is what war looks like liberals. Its not that sanitized shit you see on TV

This is the job they are expected to do. Not in shifts. TWENTY FOUR HOURS A DAY FOR
And you are telling me these prospective recruits can't handle being CUSSED AT?

What the fuck has my beloved country become...
I think I'm going to move to Eastern Europe
ITT: po' wittle white boys cryin their wittle eyes out
we dont salut sgts best way to get a fist in the voice box. We were having a good time since the sniper was a shit shot anyway and we only had a month lef tto go. They threw the complaint out the window anyway since racism is non exsistent in our unit. No one gets offended by words that are pointless and dont even know the actual implications of it. Hell he even got offended when some one was telling a story involving a helicopter with the wop wop wop sound effects. He screams oh and was the little blade saying gunni gunni gunni!? Spoiler alert he was a legit faggot. Sad too because before dont ask dont tell he was a great nco..after it was removed he went full retarded.
>Expect to handle being fired upon by shitskins
>Cannot handle a drill instructor saying "faggot"

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>newfag detected
I'm a jew though
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Reported for being an obvious summerfag and edgy to boot.
>getting butthurt for a joke.

Neither are you.
>drill sgt to gay recruit
>what are you a straight asshole? DO SOME PUSH UPS STRAIGHTY!
no anon, he deleted all of his own posts

mostly because he was getting tired of defending himself and hiding all of his butthurt
Did you really just quote to a post that was long since deleted?
You do realize what faggotry it is to quote a post that's already deleted?
It's one thing to quote it and laugh at him when it happens, but you haven't even seen his post.

>hurrdurr 4chanX
Yes, but you just entered the thread faggot.

How many years until "straight" is used as an insult?
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Soon my friend.
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Part of me wants to do marine OCS, become Zyzz /fit/ before so, and tell the drill instructor to fuck off to see what happens.
Its already HAPPENING
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>deletes newfag embarrassment post
>more newfag than has ever been seen before
top lel
Announcing your reports is also against the rules.
>this fucking thread
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This is fucking gold, thank you for making my night.
Let me guess, you're 17 years old, a faggot, secretly in love with your best friend and you're afraid to come clean about it, so instead you bottle up all that emotion inside you which causes you to have outbursts like this, and the only place you feel like you can vent is here, because here you don't have to look people in the eye.

I mean shit, you report me for saying a few bad words, on a website with literally no rules against it, and you're calling me a summerfag?
Well after all this bs i would say soon. Hell i would say in 2 years straight people will be hated more just cause fags and libs wanna destroy whats different than them. Traditional marriage is already attacked all the time so give them time and they will want to redefine everything to their needs and opinions.
don't use the b word without a trigger warning please
>fuck off drill sgt!
>umm..ok dont wanna offended you ill go bother some one else.
I heard drill sergeants attempt to grind down the officer candidates even more than the enlisted folk. Can a marine confirm this?
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>good, good, let the butthurt flow through you.png
Conservishit logic:
>whats wrong with calling someone a faggot?

No. I don't think you get it you sheltered little liberal cocksucker.

The enemy doesn't give a shit if your feelings are hurt, the enemy doesn't give a shit if you come from a "disadvantaged community", the enemy wants to kill you, they want to capture you and possibly torture you. Drill Sergeants have a responsibility to weed out the non-hackers, the weaklings (like you), who don't have the character to serve.

Let me give you a real world example to put your pea brain at rest:

The enemy hurls insults at your unit in order to provoke you into exposing your position. One of the insults include "nigger". Now in your world where recruits aren't exposed to the psychological rigors of basic training, one of the black soldiers might take offense and expose himself to the enemy in a fit of emotion. Whereas in reality that particular soldier would have been weeded out as unfit to serve, not costing the lives of him and his fellows on the battlefield.

Let me ask you; Do you want soldiers fighting your wars, or emotional little fuckbags who get everyone killed?
You wouldn't live long
Yea officers get it the worst since they are in charge of peoples lives. The ones from college are seen as jokes for years. Ones who get promoted in service are respected more sine they have on hands experience and earned the rank. Most of our officers from college are full blown retarded and get in the way for the first year.

Holy shit dude, it was a joke. You're so pent up you're looking for any excuse to pounce on someone.
I bet hes the same fag that got so told that he deleted his own post
To be fair, I didn't actually catch that. You know the whole sarcasm in written text and all, and considering the idiot early on in the thread I didn't really take it as a joke.
He can call the pope a faggot all he wants I don't care.
This is what happens when you let faggots into the military.
>deleting posts on an anonymous board

That's how you detect the redditfags trying to bring their SRS in here
>it was merely a ruse
Being that the faggots in the military are probably tougher than this pussy drill sargeant, this is irony at its most delicious.

You know how pussy drill sargeants are? The little twerpy guy on "Get Smart" was one. They yell to compensate for their small penis size, and desire to get reamed with a big, black cock.
>guy comes out of the closet
>we point out we alreayd knew he was a butt pirate
>expects us to give him praise for saying so
>we carry on since big deal
>gets offended when no one cares
They already use "breeders"
Fuck off you're probably some fat nigger fuck with no life, the drill sergeants had to go through this too plus they're not doing it just for the sake of doing it, they're being assholes for a purpose.
>hurr they have small penies and i want everyone to be addicted to black cock just like me!
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>no one on 4chan acts retarded for shits and giggles and to get a reaction out of people

it's going to be a long time until september
srs plz
heh, I'm not inclined to disagree with you
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>Marine here.
>It's not the drill sergeants

Never go full poobrain son.
btw, almost all liberals dont loose sleep over this

calling someone a faggot in boot camp is the last thing on the list of priorities
You do realize only summerfags feel the need to defend themselves?
You're perpetuating the cycle here. Just keep deleting your post until you run out of giving a shit about it and go to sleep
You do realize that DIs go to DI school and get "smoked" for fucking months harder and longer than any recruit ever will right?

They know what they are dishing out.
That's because you probably get liberal arts majors. I'm sure I wouldn't get too much shit when I have my degree in chemistry, which at least proves that i'm not incompetent.

That being said the best way to be an officer in the lower division is to be very hands-off and basically give the NCO's the reins of the unit unless they fuck up dramatically and there are disciplinary problems.

That being said, going into logistics I wouldn't expect too much shit because the job is fairly cerebral and not many people can do it effectively.
You want special treatment and to be taken serious just because you are black? YOU TRAINEE ARE A DOUBLE NIGGER!
Everyone laughed so hard at this even the dude admitted to being a dumbass and pulling the racist card.

Then why are you replying?

If a soldier cannot handle a few bad words they don't belong there, because if they can't handle that, how the hell will they handle the stress of being under fire?

If anything people that sensitive in the ranks would only serve as a liability to the unit, and likely get someone killed.
Is there a list of rules you can't do or else be called a summerfag?
>implying I'm defending myself.
What do I have to defend? You're the one that made a shitty "joke".

I'm not that person you're replying to.
Soldiers should be able to stay frosty even when they called nigger and they're black.

If you can't then you are a serious liability when there's a 100 guys with guns trying to murder your ass.
Well im from artillery, officers tend to listen to the lower ranks and ncos since we have our shit pretty squared away. They get all happy when they get to help on the gun line never seen a grown man so excited to run rounds. Guess it sucks when they are stuck doing desk work all day. Think we had one liberal arts guy...he lasted a week before putting in for a transfer.
JIDF here.

Looks like I found the perfect way to derail threads.
Actually I was a different fag. But I don't delete my posts because that is just retarded. I didn't realize the meme was in Op's post. Now I see how truely faggy and retarded that anon was. Anyways go fuck yourself.
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No they are called ''Drill Instructors''
Bootcamp washout here, feels badman. But I at least made it 3 months.

Honestly though I wouldn't had made it very far, seeing how I took these fucking shots and they made my heart act. I was a normal healthy kid till they injected me with this new green shit they were trying out. Now my heart rate goes crazy when I sleep and even if I get tried from a workout, I never lose my breathe, but my heart can only take so much.

[spoiler]I can also lower my Heart Rate to make people think I'm dead or dying.
Nah, it's mostly that people who have been here for a while stop giving a fuck. Hell, the fact that he still doesn't understand that the best way to deal with summerfags is to just ignore them kind of shows that he hasn't been here many summers.
How many shekels did you get for derailing this thread?
Dude im white and i get called nigger by the black guys...fuck logic right? So i call them cracker and that offends some people haha.
>Anyways go fuck yourself

at least you don't hide your butthurt and delete your own posts

>ignoring shitposters

You really are summer.
The fact that the huffpost comment guys actually exist is the single saddest thing imaginable.


If that doesn't make you sick to your stomach nothing will.

I'm salaried.
Woah what the fuck holy shit what did they inject you with?
>>14703906 (OP)

OP is a fag?
>>14703906 (OP)

>implying they'll enforce it

hear no evil
see no evil
speak no evil
Dude sounds like you have major circulation problems..might wanna check for a clogged artery.
That green shit was prolly draino..happens more than you think.
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Bob Ross was a DI.

You gonna call Bob Ross a faggot, faggot?
oh look at that the nigger deleted his posts
>responding to trolls/shitposters
Wow, just wow. But I guess since I'm doing it right now I can't really complain. But seriously, just report and move on.
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The way I see, so long as they don't actually hit the recruits, you ought to be fine.

who is this and why should i care?
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>trips of truth
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Mr rogers was a sniper too, always makes me smile think of him saying hey there neighbor right before popping some dude in the head.
Thats what the redman suits are for.
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Is memorial day weekend the pinnacle of shitposting on 4chan?
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That might be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

I'll never be able to degrade anyone ever again if a word is made illegal.

So many >>implications
in that motherfucker that I don't give enough of a fuck to point them out.
>Mr rogers was a sniper
Haha oh god holy shit

>posts shitty keep calm tumblr meme
>calls others shitposters

fuck off newfag
you are truly a faggot amongst faggots

Does /pol/ have any drawfags? Cause someone needs to make this happen.
You're a stupid nigger. You don't belong here.

/lgbt/ was made for you.

That sounds hilarious.

You poopoo heads better drop and give me twenty or I'll make sure that you won't get any desert tonight!
when I was in the army the drill sergeants hit some trainees

>it's technically illegal

it's not a big deal really. I was at fort Jackson and I know at fort Benning they call the privates faggots.

>soldiers are getting trained to kill people
>I'm offended when they say faggot!

There is no need to be screaming and carrying on like a chimp to try to train people.

It is wrong and should be stopped.

It has no training value and in no way prepares you to deal with stress any better than repetition.
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I have no idea man, I got checked out but the Doc's always said everything is fine, but it's not.

They are times where my heart won't beat right, and it will feel like I'm really gonna bite it. But when I go get an EKG it fucking acts normal like some sort of fucking criminal before a parole judge.

Shit really sucks man, watch out with what they stick you man, I never had any health problems ever before that shot. And I always took care of myself.
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Oh god he's serious?

Oh dear god.

pick one and only one you fucking samefag
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that's because lower ranked officer job's suck.

The enlisted branch totally fucking hates you because they think you get more respect, and earn a bit more money than someone whose the same age that's enlisted. Then you deal with the administrative bullshit from up above.
Man I went through Air Force BMT and they claimed they were supposed to say fuck but that was my MTI's favorite word.
Goddamn. If I were moot and I stumbled across this thread, I'd shut down the entire sight until October.
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Remember when the United States won wars?
Remember when our military took on the two most powerful military forces to ever walk the face of Earth, at the same time, on the other side of the planet, at the same time? And we won?

Yeah me too. Before open homosexuality, feminism, rampant liberalism, political correctness, drug use, and other degeneracy.
Liberals are faggots.
>hey there neighbor right before popping some dude in the head.

Fuck that made me laugh

So not only are you a shitposter extraordinaire, but you're also underaged. Go sound yourself with barbed wire.
Equal Opportunity Complaint

Basically you can't be racist, sexist, ageist and so on.
always quality discussion on 4chan, anon
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>post with a picture on an imageboard
oh my father has the same problem, heartbeat goes out of sinc its something to do with the muscles tightening near the heart. Shit wont kill you just piss you off and annoy you.

Apparently that's the reason why he was so calm. He'd taken out all of his anger and wanted there to be another way.
minimum trolling

>summerfag trying too hard to fit in

why would you delete your posts? we have no names.. lol fucking newfags.

Why do you keep assuming there's only one shitposter here?
exactly. he just let his mad get the best of him

Yeah, people were conscripted and trained.

Not yelled at by some punk DI who is only getting his own back because HE was yelled at.

There is no benefit to it.
Oh wait shit, I royaly fucked that up. Was meant to link >>14706204
Boy do I feel stupid now. I'm gonna blame the jews.
>airforce basic
>6 weeks
>my sides
no anon, it is you who are the summer
ty for wasting my tax dollars
At least it'd give you time to open a dictionary.
>ITT: Newfags and summerfags calling eachother newfags and summerfags

>There is no benefit to it.

This is what liberals actually believe.
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>doesn't know tumblr is hated on 4chan

I love that factoid. "Yup shouted enough in my lifetime. Time to paint happy trees."
>>14703906 (OP)
I am gay.
I have never been in the military.
If one of them called me a faggot.
I would have absolutely no problem with it.
They are there to toughen us up. They call everyone shit to get a rise out of them. They are building an army of tough men not politically correct pussies.

More like summer is here early.
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>being rused this easily

wooboy, definately summer
Because you're so fucking young you don't know about subtlety.
>he still thinks people give a shit about tumblr
Oh wow...

And how do you even know that it's a "tumblr" meme? I mean, I've seen pictures like it every now and then, but I wouldn't for the love of anything related it to tumblr, in fact the only time I even remember that site exists is when people have snatched pictures from google to post.
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I like you. You get it.
How in the fuck are you expected to fire your rifle in combat when hand grenades are going off in your face and your best friends are dying horrific deaths when you can't even handle being yelled at?

I'm 26, faggot.
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Who else is just enjoying summer?

It also serves usefulness in resisting psychological warfare by the enemy.

Because if the enemy knows calling you a faggot gets a rise out of you for instance, they'll do it relentlessly in hopes you'll lose your composure, make a stupid move and bang, you're dead.
>in fact the only time I even remember that site exists is when people have snatched pictures from google to post.
Oh, I forgot. I also remember it exists when people like you bring it up, for no apperant reason.

It's fall.
>keeps posting these "summer themed" images
>is the only person doing it

dude, are you still mad?
get over it

straylacunts plz go
Yeah, you will be in 13 years.
He actually wasn't.

That's a common urban legend. Look it up, there's no time at all during his career he would've had a chance to do such a thing. He basically was in television constantly forever, especially when he was of that age.
>>14703906 (OP)
I wouldn't make homophobic threads on 4chan. 4chan records all threads and sells them to the FBI/CIA for datamining purposes. They could easily use this info against you.

the repeating numbers at the end of your post also give credence to your statement
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Moron, read up on psychological warfare.

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