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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ will be held on /q/ at 8:00PM ET on Sunday, May 12th.

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>hiring a millennial
not even once
>>14064711 (OP)
I was a teachers assistant for a while when getting my masters for chemistry

I closed the door which locked itself after 15 minutes if the students didn't show up, 15 minutes grace is bountiful, I had some teachers who closed it right when the clock said it was time for class right on the hour
I'm a hiring manager in a small IT shop, I can confirm and "kids these days" have no idea how to act in a professional environment. Until that changes, I'm unlikely to hire college grads.
Why the fuck should I wear a tie to my interview if i'm NEVER going to wear a tie on a job?
But would you hire me? I am a college dropout who has been gainfully employed for upwards of a decade, I show up on time, and I work hard.
Respect for the employer.
>>14064711 (OP)
>show up 20 minutes late to work
>"Yeah, boss, I was late. I'll do clean up before we close up shop."
Sure, if you're qualified. The college degree doesn't really matter once you've got a few years under your belt.
That doesn't require your employer to work 20 minutes longer than he intended to, unlike the professor in OP's article.
Yeah, right.

Ties are for spaghetti beta faggots. I've never hired anybody just because they wore a tie, nor not hired anybody because they didn't.

Usually, the professor is just sitting there reading anyway.
fuck yeah i should go into an interview with dreads and a pizza stained shirt 420blzaeit
>implying the professor doesn't want to return home so he can shitpost on 4chan
>actually defending piece of shit millennials
So you'd hire someone who showed up in a BBQ stained t-shirt and blue sweatpants, if they had the right skills? It's about common sense, and you don't show up to an interview looking like a putz.
Nice false dilemma, bro.
>hurr u shud respek me cuz i'm giving you money in return 4 ur labor
Maybe if you were giving away free money to charity in return for me dressing nice.
Fuck you, we are exchanging labor for a wage. That's all it is. We don't even have to like each other for that agreement to work.
propaganda trash
You realize forever 90% of people didn't know how to act professionally. The main difference is that today we're forcing those fucks to go to college rather than drop out in the 9th grade to be a mechanic or something.
All the stupid boomers are still around bro, they just didn't go to college and sure as hell didn't even look at a computer till their grandson bought them an ipad
That's what the interview is for, retard. To determine whether or not you're worth working with.
It's a job shortage, not a skills shortage. Wages are down across the board except at the top, so people cut back on spending. Looted pension plans keep boomers in the workforce longer.

In a different economy, with a government which gave a shit, employers would hire even the guy who shows up late, because they'd need the labor.
Protip: If I don't think I'd like to have a beer with you, there's a pretty good chance I'm not going to hire you. Social skills are half of the job.
>>14064711 (OP)
Meh, I don't care I don't fit in with the stereotype, if the professor gives me more time I take it, if he doesn't I suck it up. Whenever I go to interviews for undergrad research jobs I dress how I always do since I'm always semiformal anyhow.
>whether or not you're worth working with

Isn't that discrimination?
I remember my job last summer, some kid walked into an interview wearing nothing but a tank top. They actually offered him a job too, except he turned it down because it wasn't good enough for him.

Some kids are arrogant pricks.
>>14064711 (OP)
>The class fuckup fucks up
Never hire a Gen-Xer folks.
Thankfully being an asshole isn't a protected class.
This. If people are cool, they seem to be able to retain their job regardless of skill.

Sorry asspies.
>Some kids are arrogant pricks.

It's arrogant now to turn down a job if an employer doesn't meet your standards?
How does it feel to know that kid is probably making twice as much as you right now?
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I've seen people bring their baby to job interview
>Protip: If I don't think I'd like to have a beer with you, there's a pretty good chance I'm not going to hire you.

The cancer that is killing the economy.
Some people are just shit cunts, that kid is one of them.
That just screams "available on evenings and weekends".
Extroverts are ruining the world.

>I only care if I like you, not if you're a productive worker
>disregard resumes
>begin search for new brofriend

I bet your company is shit.
Yeah it is, especially when you show up in a wifebeater.
1990 masterrace

stay mad, boomers and GenX fags
>hiring a millennial
>not even once

i was never in my life late.

i have never missed a single hour in school, save for doctor visits or when i was ill.
>employer won't hire me because he doesn't like me
>the whole economy's fucked because of him
Way to blow everything out of proportion, aspie.
>he doesn't even into social norms

Sorry, this world is meant for normalfags. You'll be a great success here on 4chan though.
>applying for jobs

good goyim
>Implying college teachers deserve respect

Maybe if you stop collaborating with jewish college textbook publishers and forcing us to buy books even more expensive than the class you "teach" all authored by yourself and won't allow people to buy previous old versions of your books for your class, I'd respect you.
I did this for a job at Foot Locker because I wasn't actually serious about working there, but they offered me a job and I took it. Worst job ever.
>>14064711 (OP)
I like how the guy essentially went on a rant based solely on a false equivocation. College is a service, the student is paying. Work pays, and the employee is the service. Saying that people would perceive some shitty class which requires students to write essays in class is much different than how they would perceive something is actually fulfilling.
>being a goyim

Aw, that's too bad.
>he goes to a McCollege!
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>tfw forgot to turn off cell phone on my last interview
>>hiring people on how much you like him not because you think he is competent enough to actually do the job

What the fuck are you even doing you damn niggers?
>show up looking like a fuck
>get job anyway

I guarantee you this kid already had another job lined up and was only coming in out of common courtesy.
You're just jealous some kid is more successful than you.
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>a goyim
>Protip: If I don't think I'd like to have a beer with you, there's a pretty good chance I'm not going to hire you.

Why our government is so shit these days.

We vote in people who know how to party but can't run a country if their life depended on it.
Retarded employers are a big part of the problem, yes.
If i have to work with someone every day, you're god damn right the social aspect of my hiring decision is going to come into play.

>not leaving your cellphone in the car

what the fuck is wrong with you people
Deciding whether or not I employ you is nothing to do with government

Stay mad that you have no social skills, aspie. Why the fuck should I hire someone who can't go a sentence without fiddling with his hands and stuttering?
>muh meritocracy
never going to happen.
It shouldn't it's a fucking workplace not a fucking playground or daycare.
Personal story to add to this thread.

Had a millenial come in this week for a job interview at the therapy clinic I work in.

I asked the clinic manager how it went and she said that she had to end the interview early because the girl she was interviewing was actually texting during the interview. Her resume look great though, but the girl had no professionalism and the doctor honestly couldn't figure out how the girl got through school because she seemed "kinda slow"
I can show with every previous employer that I have excellent work ethic, and will show up on time (or perhaps even early) consistently. In a way, I'm kind of hoping more people will start to fuck up like this because it means it'll become easier for me to out-compete others for jobs, but in a way, I'm hoping this shit stops because I'll still have to be working with a couple of these shitheads.
Yeah, nah. My boss who interviewed him called him arrogant as well. You're just grasping for straws attacking me while defending some dickhead you don't even know.
>>14064711 (OP)
>acting as if you even had the slightest influence on who get hired at your job
>>14064711 (OP)
>Mark Weightman Bauerlein is an English professor at Emory University

Maybe if he improved his fucking pedagogical techniques and left the 1950s behind he could set assessment tasks appropriate to his field and expect students to treat him with respect.
>tfw I throw happy hours and everyone shows up

Up the ladder I go!
Listen retard, you can't prove yourself to be great at anything in a one hour interview, regardless of what the job. He can ask all the programming and technical questions he wants, but until you get on that desk and start working you're just another name on a resume. Everyone prospective candidate is a fucking gamble, might as well hire the one you'll enjoy talking to at lunch.
When I first read op's text I thought it said "hitting a millennial", because his post had an aura of privilege.
>mfw one of my professors is writing his own book
>mfw I hope he finishes it because the guy is a genius and it has to be better than the current literature (fuck you, Boas)

If he publishes, I'll but it for sure.
>h-hey give j-job please good w-worker money make a-a lot p-please
Why would I hire you?
>nah man I'm holding
Are you looking for any policy work?

Former code monkey, IT Security, Privacy, PKI, PMP cert here
>My boss who interviewed him called him arrogant as well
You mean the boss who GAVE HIM A JOB.
Sounds like your boss is just butthurt the kid told him to fuck off and turned down the job
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>Job market being a popularity contest
>Seeing nothing wrong with that

Also, I actually have a job. I'm just calling out stupid hiring practices. Of course, that's assuming you were actually an employer, and not a troll in his mom's basement.
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>the girl she was interviewing was actually texting during the interview

i hear this often but i refuse to believe it has ever actually happened
i once had an interview for a job over the phone.... while i was in my car driving to a real job interview.

>anxiously sweating.jpg
College teachers care more about their research than their students.

All my college teachers were aspies with horrible speaking skills and they just delegated all the work to shitty foreign grad students with bad English accents.

I have yet to meet any teacher as passionate about teaching as my economics teacher back in highschool. He was also bro as fuck and during break, he'd bring out his Nintendo DS and I'd bring out mine, and we play Mario Kart with other people in the class through wi-fi. Good times.
IT geek and PMP cert? You should have no problem finding a job. If you're in CT, I'll post more info.

>Texting your dumbass friend about "we r is getin fucked up this weekend XD" during an interview

Wage slave millenial detected

Not at all. If you can't get along with your coworkers, you're obviously going to be less productive overall, thereby negating any other usefulness your resume might show about you.
Do they tell you what time they will interview you over the phone or is it just completely random when they do phone interviews?
>College teachers care more about their research than their students.
>I have yet to meet any teacher as passionate about teaching as my economics teacher back in highschool.
We're not hired to wipe your arses. We're hired to conduct research and incidentally teach. You're like that "one little job" your boss asks you to do five minutes before quitting time.

>Economies function on bros going out for beers and writing it off as a business expense.

>Aspies that can sit in a room for days at a time working on obscure math problems that allow all of my modern appliances and new innovations don't do anything for the economy.

>These over-educated Millennials think they deserve a job on a space station or something. THEIR EXPECTATIONS ARE TOO HIGH!
>le projecting face
And no, not a popularity contest - Just expecting you to actually be a decent person and handle yourself properly around other people (Which you will be when working)
complete random.

an employer expects you to suck his dick and say thank you.
>>14064711 (OP)
Get with the times, grandpa.

In modern companies you can start and end work whenever you please.
Getting the task done is what counts, not clocking in at a given time.
>We're hired to conduct research and incidentally teach. You're like that "one little job" your boss asks you to do five minutes before quitting time.
You never actually finished school did you? What another 5 years before you get your phd son?

It's probably way over blown in the news, and that is the first time I've seen it, but it actually does happen.

Our other manager actually throws out resumes on the spot if they have retarded names or inappropriate emails.

One girl actually used "badassbarbie4573@aol.com" as her email on the resume.

We get people with names like "shawquaietia", "laytoyaniqita" and "Precious" applying for the lower level jobs all the time. We didn't used to immediately trash those, but they've proven to always be horrible employes.
Too bad grandpa is still the one doing the hiring or what you're saying might matter. Even then, probably not though.
If you don't want to teach, don't fucking teach, you prick.

Not calling JIDF, but good christ you sound jewish as fuck.

>Oy vey, this putz tried to get a job without pressed pants! Is he meshugge?
I'll let you set your own schedule once you prove yourself. Until then, show some respect.
it is not /r9k/ but whatever
>already graduated one year ago
>living in third world, but on STEM in my country best engineering institute (even it is considered 100 best engineering school in the world by some rankings)
>have a so-so grade
>already aplied hundreds of jobs, only interviewed on 10-15 from that
>jobless now
>parents already didnt send money
>living in friends house temporarily
>already thinking working unskilled labor such as washing dishes or cleaning service
>already thinking suicide

shit /pol/, why the world is so harsh, i dont think i'm doing anything really bad in this world, it's not like i'm killing/raping somebody. fuck this world
Is it just fro 9 am to 5pm though? Or will you actually get calls in the early morning or late at night?
Nah outside of DC. I'm trying to go out on my own as a consultant. Lots of small IT companies don't have enough work for a full time policy person, so I'm looking for hours to fill out my revenue forecast.
Graduate students teach for a salary to be able to do research, their real job. They don't do it by choice, but because it's the only job they can do while conducting full time research.
Do you really not see an issue with hiring autists with zero social skills into a workplace with other people?
yeah, during working hours.

here in europe it's from 6 to 6.
Is that an excuse to be a lazy piece of shit at it?

el oh el

Please tell me which companies are doing this with their work hours besides those shitty government "jobs" such as Diversity Coordinator?

Every real job uses banker's hours
The way you present yourself is very telling about your character. If you don't feel like getting cleaned up for your first impression, I can only imagine how much you would slack off if you a full time employee.
>That feel when employers want there to always be office drama and politics when they choose personality as a hiring point instead of a quiet, chill office filled with the sounds of typing of a computer keyboard.
Yes, it's not the job they signed up to do, but the ones they were forced into. Just like the black slaves who would purposely be slow to fuck over their owners.
Nigga I live in the first world and washed dishes before
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So if the employer decides from a very short interview that they don't like you, they won't hire you?
So much for that "meritocracy".
copy some first world website ideas and apply them locally
Didn't realize they were forced into their graduate position knowing full well they would have to teach.
Veblen on the function of the University.

You don't seem to understand wage labour, maybe like the fish you are oblivious to that in which you are immersed.

Getting the task done by the deadline is what's fucking important. You know what sucks? Vaporware. It's where a company promises to release a product by a certain due date, then extends that due date several times until the eventually just abandon the project. It could have been a really cool product too, but when shitheads don't manage their fucking time well, then project doesn't get completed and the product is never released.

It's the people who don't stick to their fucking schedule that make things like the promised port of Unreal Tournament 3 to Mac OS X and Linux never actually happen, and eventually both get fucking canceled.

Here's where you messed up

>Going to school in another country
>Majoring in Engineering (horrible field for newer grads because it is rapidly becoming over saturated)
>Debt for school
>So-so grades
>Zero experience during school
Meritocracy is the employer giving you a chance to present yourself. Shitting yourself at the interview is your own prerogative.
It is more that the entire faculty of every University is in a dispute with the employers over what constitutes "appropriate" teaching. Almost all academics stand for a quality of teaching that they believe to be minimal, and employers refuse to staff or supply to allow such teaching to occur.

So instead two things happen:
1) Academics provide overtime to provide minimally quality teaching
2) Academics like OP simply fuck students.

I'm with option 2, because, fuck unpaid overtime.
Honestly don't give two fucks about undergrads. I get paid the same whether or not they pass. And that pay is already below minimal wage.
If you gave two fucks you'd be up on conduct charges. ha ha ha.
Good God, man. Most of the time these people aren't actually autists, the employer just decides they are using some arbitrary standard.

>He's fiddling his fingers! That must mean this guy is a lazy piece of shit rapist criminal! Le trashman face!

>tfw you know a precious
>shes qt3.14 black girl 6/10
>hates black people more then I do

When does this ever actually happen outside of hypothetical situations.

As long as you're not dropping spaghetti or you have a woman/minority (not discounting this though) doing your interview, you will never get turned away just because someone doesn't like you
I had a classmate whose name was Sparkle. She was nice and did good work for our group, but I can see that happening for her resumes. My point is they're not all like that, sometimes its just their parents being pants-on-head retarded with naming their kid.
How's being unemployed and living at home working out for you?
the world is dying

thanks to you
...you were an undergrad
The self entitlement in this thread is astounding
Can't wait to send these boomers to retirement homes staffed only by unfeeling robots.

Have fun talking to a moving block with a painted smile on it.
Pay me penalty rates for overtime and watch my demeanour change.
>Getting the task done by the deadline is what's fucking important.

Which is EXACTLY why the 9 to 5 mentality is bad.

I will work 12 hours on one day if there is an emergency.
Just take a half day off later in the week.

Also, meeting deadlines is a matter of planning.
They hardly ever arrive at the last minute, you normally have weeks to work towards them and smart people schedule spare days in case of problems.
>be at work
>two new interns are fired
>have meeting
>they are playing on their smart phones the whole time
>they get called out on it by the boss
>next meeting
>they are playing on their smart phones again
I have a small business, I mostly hire for labor and require specific experience for the most part unless we need some helpers/cleaners for awhile...when I DO hire for the office I hire based on what an applicant knows about our industry and if they seem well versed then I parse them based on what they know about my company specifically.

If somebody has not taken the time to research us then I can't be confident that they'll keep abreast of our clients and because we are small, anybody in the office could end up involved in sales.

Other then that I generally give people the benefit of the doubt and give em enough rope to weave a ladder or a noose.

Although I have some exceptions. Like hiring people from this site. Never again. My god.
How dare some of us think that people that take jobs as teachers should actually teach well.
One of the largest companies in America (top 50 by market capitalization)
Undergraduate is like live electrified child-on-bull-mastiff fighting in the favela. If you really want to get out of the slum, you'll learn.

And no, your "masters" degree is basically just more years of undergraduate studies.
maybe if they were getting paid they'd give more of a fuck

LOL you have to work 10 years for free and then we might consider giving you a job
Which a tie by itself has nothing to do with.
>hiring people from this site. Never again
Story please. And from which board?
Stop being a nigger and teach yourself

No one is going to hold your fucking hand and wipe your ass because you think you deserve it
And who trained and teached these kids?

Yea lemme guess...
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>that feel when college doesn't matter at all, all you need are connections, and you were tricked by the boomers into massive debt
Punctuality has nothing to do with professionalism. Professionalism is acting like a good little robot and following your programming
At what point does "competency in teaching" transition to "wipe your ass."

What is the point of universities, in your world?
>LOL you have to work 10 years for free and then we might consider giving you a job
Typical retarded millennial (720p).mkv
>I have to pay people to not play on their smartphones during a meeting
Entitled millenials general.
>Like hiring people from this site. Never again. My god.
sounds like a story. do tell.
>College teachers care more about their research than their students.

Because state universities are about 95% research/publications, 5% teaching accomplishments when they consider handing out tenure.

Go to a smaller, undergraduate-focused school if you want better teachers.

Universities don't have to teach well because of false demand by the you need university mindset, as well as the idea that you should pay money to listen to a guy blabber and that's whats to be expected and therefor you should study on your own.

There's personal research, and then there is teachers so god damn wrong that you want to drop the course.

People that are trying to teach algebra, by teaching calculus.
You know the real entitlement problem? Companies that need college graduates for jobs, then when they get the college graduates they don't want to hire them because they have to pay a decent salary.

Basically, companies are too cheap to hire college grads that they ask for. Yet we love to blame the victim to avoid taking responsibility.
You don;t have to like me for me to hire you, but I sure as hell have to like you or...

Some forced meme about going into the trash.
A tie, no. Business casual attire -- that's fine.
To teach you how to teach yourself

Go ahead and keep asking questions junior that's how you learn.
>not taking advantage of the various company outreach programs the school offers

this is why so many of you fail
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Fucking babby boomers.
They were paid interns.
>>14064711 (OP)
Justin Bieber makes 400 thousand dollars per concert and you expect millenials to give a shit about their job when they make astronomically smaller sums per hour?

How about some fucking incentive past paying lunch money.
Who raised the millennial?

Oh, wait, the same dipshits who don't hire them.
Yeah, see the conditions of my employment. Academics aren't teachers. University isn't high school, our purpose in relation to undergraduates is to supply the conditions where students may excel and implicate them in disciplinary practices to prepare them for research.

The kind of "teaching" you're talking about is arse-wiping at a University.
>Justin Bieber
Stopped reading there. What are you, 12?
>because they have to pay a decent salary

They pay them whatever the market demands.

>Basically, companies are too cheap to hire college grads that they ask for.

So ask for less.
Universities are for storing excess knowledge.

When I went to college, I knew that I knew everything. When I left, I knew how little I really knew. All that extra knowledge is stored a the college.
>I don't have to pay people to work for me
Entitled boomer general
>I will only work for $400k a day

If you'd actually taken a history of industrial relations course you wouldn't be suggesting such a specious deterministic response. There's plenty of literature on deskilling and proletarianisation. Braverman for a start.

To teach you how to teach yourself.

alright and I will tell you why that entire concept is full of shit.

It's the prussian school of education, where the teachers are babysitters and let you work at it on your own because if they actually truely educated you, you'd read too many books and call them out on their bullshit.

So therefor, it's a way to limit the students ability to achieve by allowing him to teach himself, thereby causing him to never become truely smart because he'd call the professor a fucking crackpipe idiot.
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This word "implicate..."
who the fuck told you to wear a tie. You dress appropriate to the job you're applying for.
Years back, my buddy had a 20 min phone interview when we were out in the woods fishing. The interview was scheduled ahead of time. When the time came, he fucked off for 20 minutes. Aced the phone interview, had a real interview, got the job, worked there for a good 5+ years.
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Oy vey, how dare you criticize us job creators! You should be grateful that we let you even intern for us, you entitled goy!
What a Holocaust!
This ladies and gentleman, embodies the entitled generation, summed up in one terrible example
I actually knew a guy named Sue. His initials spelled sob and we called him sonny. A very hard worker.

His parents were surprisingly normal, I guess they just had a silly sense of humor, named his sister after a song too (Camarillo. They literally named their daughter after a slutty witch).

He totally did not deserve being cursed with a novelty name.

His sister did tho.
It's true.

I've got this process that requires some human intervention. We have college interns doing it. But they won't stop playing Farmville and looking at Facebook, so they keep fucking it up. Typing is too much for them.

They keep begging me to automate it more and more. Dropdowns instead of typing. Little emails and chat messages to tell you when it is done. A checklist to complete. And that's still too much attention for them. It used to be a job where one unit of work took about an hour's worth of attention. It's down to about ... two minutes of attention now, and they still won't stop paying as little attention as possible.

The next version is almost completely human-free. Kids have whined their way out of a job.
> ladies and gentleman
>implying there are girls on the Internet

These kid stars don't really count.

Any kid star you've seen in the past (even in different gens) has fucked up.

Olsen twins
That kid from terminator 2
Home Alone kid
>not wearing a tie to work everyday regardless of you job

It is almost like you want to work as a dish washer the rest of your life
Been unemployed since i was 23, now 28 got a job as a prison warden.

Search for jobs no one wants to do in your country.
I'm perfectly happy with my use of implicate. I treat students as if they could, should, ought to and do possess disciplinarity, even as they don't.
>So you'd hire someone who showed up in a BBQ stained t-shirt and blue sweatpants, if they had the right skills? It's about common sense, and you don't show up to an interview looking like a putz.

Sure I would, because what you look like has nothing to do with your skills. Then again I work in a skilled trades industry so what you look like matters about zero.
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Isn't that the head of the prison?

Depends on your job

If it's white collar, you should always wear a tie.

Wear a bowtie if you want to be some faggot hipster to be hit on but be considered obnoxious by your boss and any reasonable person.
>Wear a bowtie if you want to work at Starbucks
no one should pay you a dime, scum

My argument is not for the 9 to 5 mentality. My argument is for showing up on time. To get something to reach that deadline you HAVE to have everyone working at more or less the same time. People have to show up to the meeting to do the planning and have to come into the office when it's time to start building. There might be some flexibility in when those hours happen to come about, but the point is that you have to get everyone there nonetheless.

If a professor tells everyone there's going to be a test on some day x, at time y, it is expected that every student is going to show up on day x and time y. The professor probably has something better to do with his time when the test ends at time y+n, and if you want to pass his class you should expect yourself to be working around his schedule.

Similarly, consider an employer. He has a shitload of work to be doing, and when he holds a meeting, you need to be there at the specified day x and time y, otherwise you're going to be wasting his time and everyone else's, and holding back the group's productivity. Ultimately, you'll end up delaying the project further than it needs to, and it is possible that you'll force the deadline to go further and further back.
Im sorry prison guard or whatever you call it.
>a guy who can't even be bothered to press a shirt and tie a tie for a job interview is probably going to be a dedicated and hard worker

Sure, there are exceptions, but statistically, that is probably false.
>alright and I will tell you why that entire concept is full of shit.

stopped reading there...good luck in your job search
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>getting a job
Why not just homestead?
Yeah, it isn't legal tender here, and moreover, my pay is better than US pay and the exchange rate and cost of living is further in my favour.

Have fun with your failing labour market, Amerifriend.

I can see why you'd wear a tie to an interview, but why wear it to work?
>If it's white collar, you should always wear a tie.

What century are you in?

You should dress smart, but a tie is just an optional accessory anno 2013.

i like my internet to fap to 2d anime girls
>my employer is being a cunt
>let's be a cunt to the people I teach to!
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Nothing to see here.
Unless you work in IT, always a tie

LOL! 10/10

I can't believe that illiterate nigger is talking about teaching.
You should wear a tie to every job that doesn't otherwise have a set uniform. Period.

If you work fucking construction, you wear a dress shirt and a tie, even if you have to put 8-year old muddy overalls over it. This is the fastest way to move up.

I started as a chemistry intern with about 4 other people. I wore a shirt and tie every single day, and even though my co-workers (often times in casual polos) made fun of me, I was offered a full position after only a month, well before any of them.

Now I'm a T.A. in graduate school, and I always wear a tie when TAing, despite the fact that my co-eds all where t-shirts. I am the won who recieves the TA fellowships and awards everytime, even though there are several more dedicated TAs who teach much better than me.

>humanities academic

top lels, get fucked nigger


Full retard.
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I'm going to tap into my inner jew.

I don't give a SINGLE GODDAMN FUCK if I hire an employee who isn't sociable. I don't pay people to talk. I pay people to make me money.

I'd rather hire an entire fucking team of autistics because no matter how bad they reek, they'll get the fucking work done.

Businesses are about making money. Not making friends.
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>mfw I share a board with imbeciles who don't even want to know how to take care of themselves

Dilbert pls go.
All you unemployed /pol/acks should just move to a country that has non-police-state drug laws and make a living being a dealer. Fuck working some shitty job that barely pays enough for you to live.
This is class and capitalism, not old people. Myths like the skills gap are really about ideological absolution for business and markets - blame for the jobs crisis (among other problems) gets shifted away from capital and towards those lazy, ignorant unemployed parasites who just can't get their shit together.
It's not coming from demographic prejudices. I'm sure you could find plenty of young CEOs and multimillionaires spouting the same stuff. The main political shill for H1B visas ('American tech workers are just so incompetent and unemployable!') right now, Mark Zuckerberg, is exactly the sort of douchebag caricature of millennials (skinny jeans, grey hoodies, smartphone, etc.) you'd expect to see on the cover of Time.
Also not sure why you think the problem is a dinosaur leadership. The USA isn't so much run by Old White Men anymore - it's run by fresh, racially diverse, educated and 'progressive' mouthpieces for business and Wall Street (aka Democrats). Haven't you noticed the current head of the (fanatically pro-business) American government is a hip, basketball playing black guy with a foreign name who listens to Jay Z and does Reddit AMAs (in between ordering drone strikes on Pakistani kids)? Times have changed.
Pretty obvious you've never hired anyone.
20k savings @5% = plenty for internet + occasional PC upgrades
r9k. I do high end renovations and some real estate and this fellow took it upon himself to keep telling people who had been working longer then he had been alive how they should go about doing things, even though his position had NOTHING to do with their job...he basically just talked to talk and kept choosing the worst possible way to go about it.

He agitated everybody in the company by being smug (with nothing to even back it up) and also did dumb shit with our network that nobody told him to do (he did not know what the fuck he was doing there either, nor was it related to his job which was supposed to be phone/managing some property boards).

Kept arguing with our lawyer too. Again, same thing, no clue, just words words words. And he happened to do it right near the re-negotiation of his contract...I basically still pay for it to this day which is the only reason I'm saying anything specific on a board he probably visits.
I happen to work in IT.

But really: most people I know only put a tie on when they have a meeting with a client, not when they are working at their desk.
And about half doesn't wear a tie ever.
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Why? Because I'm not a manchild looking for a new play mate?
>This is the fastest way to move up.
Maybe if you have no actual skills to set you apart.
When you've climbed a writhing pile of bodies using only research publications, to secure a 6ft by 9ft office, get back to me.

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>If you work fucking construction, you wear a dress shirt and a tie, even if you have to put 8-year old muddy overalls over it
Well, chap, do you propose we let the post-modernists teach them in topical and transdisciplinary ways? Are you contributing to the downfall of Literary Criticism, History, Geography, Philosophy and Anthropology by supporting an absence of discipline?
No, because you think that you'd be OK with employing socially retarded people. Unless they work remote, and you only communicate via requirements for your next project, they will drive you up the wall.
Sure thing blockhead, do that overtime for free.
Don't work to rule, work to the real needs of the job, for no pay of course.

Scabs like you is why we can't hire enough faculty to do the job properly.
Oswald Mosley is the GOAT politician
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>oh yes, thank you, THANK YOU Mr. Walmart, I am truly blessed to have been enriched by your establishment and am looking forward to my lucrative career pushing carts

said no one ever
Kennedy was once "hip" friend. The factory is still owned by the boss class.
Go the fuck away reddit.
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It appears, almost an hour later, that this is the only guy who got it.

/pol/ I am disappoint.

Do you REALLY think this shit didn't happen 20 years ago? Christ. Look at the boomers. Those guys were total fucking losers. They spent their prime time in drug addled decadence which exceeds ours. The worst part is, once they were done fucking things up in the 70's they just returned to work because our economy wasn't gutted by NAFTA and GATT yet.

Stop blaming each other and start blaming the oligarchs and boomers that got us here you faggots
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>not wearing a tie to work everyday regardless of you job
>It is almost like you want to work as a dish washer the rest of your life

Not all jobs are safe with stuff hanging off your neck.

MFW the first lathe I find in google is the model I use...
>Minimum wage prevents millenials from getting jobs as teenagers
>Boomers are shocked when they don't have any work experience

>Full retards propose raising the minimum wage even more
>applying for a job at walmart
It suits you.
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>he thinks millenials are even close to being as bad as boomers

boomer detected

Leftard professors fucking up the education system, Frankfurt school style, for cynical erosion to get an hopeful eventual turn to marxism.

Certainly, not all of them, but a good 33%, enough to fuck it up.
My ridiculous starting salaries wish to disagree

uh you think employers don't have a boss? If you constantly hire shit employed and not the best candidate then you will get fired.

In a field in which there is no real growth in over 30 years while supply of jobs has increased a shit ton.
>wearing a tie
>having anything to do with personability
>implying the bullshit board room yuppie questions most companies ask have anything to do with personality
It has nothing to do with NAFTA or GATT, but the US mediocre k-12 public education system, and the hit and miss college system, getting worse with "liberal studies" type majors being overused and overrated.
>no real growth

>being this deluded
I don't wan't equal distribution, I just want either guaranteed employment or a basic income. Without one or the other, a society can't really call itself civilized.

Allowing people to fail is one thing; allowing them to suffer and die is another.
lol this sounds straight of the boomer handbook

>the only reason you aren't getting a job is because you aren't weaing a tie
>put on a tie and shake the booses hand, instant job
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ITT red goats
>I am the won

Yes, yes you are.
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>every employer hires based on "likebility"
>likeable idiots take all the jobs and do shitty work
>skilled weirdos rot at home
>everyone worse off for if

It's like you're trying to prove OP correct.
To bad the welfare industrial complex is not concerned about poverty, but about self preservation, hence the resistance to a negative income tax.
>programming class and shit
>people browsing facebook and shit
>exam 1
>almost everyone went bad except a minority(5 people, me included)
>the "99%" complains
I hate people of my generation(born in 93).
Everyone is retard, hedonist and ignorant.
I'm no genius, but seriously.
People of my generation thinks only about the party they plan to go in the weekend.

>but muh red pill, muh red pill!
The article was about professionalism and being on time, responding to directions, actually doing productive work...the tie is less important.

What real growth has there been in the engineering field?

Population increases, and the demand increases in direction relation to the population so the amount of engineers previously attending increases to match

But now, supply of engineers has increased five fold at the very least, and that growth has not stopped

To the point where the market is over saturated, but companies still import labor because of the shitty ethic of those engineers who have been conditioned that they never aspire to a masters or a PHD which the market still requires.
>not seeing the need to wear a tie for an interview that won't even provide a living wage
so why are you complaining about your pay in the first place ffs
>he thinks state universities are not exactly the same way
Most jobs provide a living wage though. Why do you focus on the shit jobs? Is it your goal to work at Walmart?
>haha i'm only 15 and i listen to good rock like led zeppelin instead of justin bieber like my friends xD
This is what you sound like to me.
This. Millenials may be lazy and may not show much ambition, but this is because there is hardly any opportunity. What you see is a form of despair. Boomers were lazy because they had so much. Its very different, and boomers have no place criticizing their children in these times. I don't know if our generation can pull ourselves out of this hole, I think many of us don't even see the point. Many just want the system to crash sooner rather than try to save it. Then we can finally rebuild anew. This is where the "Happening" belief comes from I think.
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>Honestly don't give two fucks about undergrads.

Yeah, and neither does anyone else in the faculty of most of these overpriced, overrated institutions. With any luck a day will come when people look back on the modern employment-rite-of-passage status and laugh about the fact that people ever did that.


>Pay me penalty rates for overtime and watch my demeanour change.

We already pay tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars a piece to allow you and your colleagues to make a living out of research that will never even turn a profit. You should be more appreciative of our sponsorship, you insufferable, self-entitled twat.

THIS is the problem with modern academia. The status of these institutions has become so entrenched that the majority of professors, removed entirely from crude and practical reality by the bubble of the university, are free to simply accept the flow of resources into their work as a given. There is simply NO sense of accountability to the student, at least not with respect to the non-academic future most students are hoping to be prepared for. There's really nothing at all surprising about the fact that these professors simply aren't preparing students for the real world in a meaningful way.
I'm in finance. We were ties everyday except Friday. There are rumors of a casual summer
not with all these kike and kikelover normalfags afoot

>gas the normalfags
Welfare can provide a good standard of living, there's no incentive for an average person too seek employment
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YES Goyim! It's ALL the poor education system. We must give further control to the federal gov't. Keep exporting your jobs! It just increases productivity levels! Look at your S&P 500. Cheap imports are the new normal
I have a shit job as a supervisor and my fucking management always gives retired Boomers preference over work-starved Millennials. AND THE BOOMERS CAN'T EVEN WORK A FUCKING COMPUTER! They struggle to learn anything new, they never miss a break, they always have to use the restroom and never do it on their breaks, they spend the last half-hour "cleaning up" and taking it easy instead of working, and they're always creating workplace drama with all their fucking gossip.

I would rather have a half-dozen Millennials who show up 10 minutes late and work than a baker's dozen Boomers who show up on time, spend it complaining, and don't do shit.
We need a Sarbanes Oxley for Universities, not because it is a good law, but because it will have the effect of fucking them professors over, and no do much good, but spite them for their elitist, protectionist, and socialist tendencies.
>implying anyone making less than six figures isn't a wage slave
>complaining about your pay
Because unpaid overtime.

None of my posts have complained about the amount of pay (which is average in my society). So I'm heartily impressed with your reading comprehension.

My posts have complained about quality reduction, speed up, job control and unpaid overtime.

We aren't ever accountable to the student. We're accountable to funding agencies, none of whom specify the student as they are, but specify commodity units. And, as I noted, see Veblen on the function of the University: it isn't teaching.

Regarding unpaid overtime: do you think that working a 70 hour week is sensible or reasonable. I'd remind you that I live in a society with a mandated 40 hour week.
I'm for the abolition of the department of education, legislation removing special privileges for public sector unions, and vouchers....WHAT are you talking about!!
>I'm in finance. We were ties everyday except Friday.

Were you exempted from basic English classes?

yeah...you're sort of right...depending on the job...but, supply and demand, son....there are far more people out looking for good jobs than there are good jobs to be had...best dress up and play asking with the formality, if you want that job

whether you're intellectually correct or not doesn't matter...you have to live in subjective reality
Well, on principle, I'm for removing almost all forms of subsidies and special privilege legislation, the bulk of federal legislation, historically.
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>someone who will do the work and do it well but has no social skills is worse than an outgoing person who drags down the other workers

does it hurt to be such a nigger?
No, it's because they think they know everything. Other generations thought they knew everything too...but no other generation previously has grown up with the assumption that since all data is available, all date is objectively true and hence they truly DO know everything.

Look at the replies in this thread. They live in a completely different world than the people hiring them and expect the hiring people to do the bridging. Stupid.
This x1000
I can't reject my generation?
This is more complex than just opinions.
It's the culture of the millennials, being lazy as fuck, not studying, unemployed, thinking only about things that gives pleasure and shit.
My peers think they will succeed without doing shit, that's the fucking problem of the millennials.
I do live in subjective reality. I am Zarcon, bear emissary of the bearonauts from System 72b. My people have come to picnic hardily. Beware.
>tfw totally normal name and email and still no interviews

I bet if I had a vagina I'd be getting calls like mad
>sound career advice
I'm a millennial, and the core problem is the outdated US public education system.
The education is not meeting demands, due to teacher's unions, and administrative inertia of public monopolies.
beautiful image, that.
I'm a millennial, so hear me out.
I hear lots of people complaining it's hard to get jobs and shit.
Okay, it is.
But seriously, some millennials don't even try to get a job.
Nope. I don't get any calls either.
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>tfw you have twice the workload as other coworkers because they stand around and talk all day
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>I am the won

die screaming

oh...we'll that answers it...should have said so earlier...obviously you can't find a tie big enough for your giant bear neck
When there are fewer jobs than job seekers, the search becomes increasingly futile and disheartening. I don't blame anyone for withdrawing. No one should have to justify their existence.
I was in the same boat, it paid off eventually.

forgive my ignorance but what the fuck is a policy person?
No you do not understand. Its fucking boomer logic to simplify a complex and universal problem to something so simple as wearing a tie or not.
its like you don't even realize that the boomers ruined everything and that this is an objective fact

babby booms pls go
Saved. I plan to make a similar graphic.
Do yourself a fuckin favor and go to youtube and watch the Walmart movie (inb4 old: its only 6 years old) or watch a movie on fucking NAFTA.

Our jobs base (Which has always been the base of our economy) is gone. It no longer exists. Automation and exportation of manufacturing jobs have removed all of our jobs.
>its like you don't even realize that the boomers ruined everything and that this is an objective fact
So you are saying trade protectionism works?
>implying everyone has a choice

never worked a day in his life detected
So get into automation.
It is just one piece of advice.

And in something like a job interview, it can really count against you. Really really count against you.
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>implying drugs have value when legal

it would be stupid to take or even hold drugs in such a country, then you're just inhaling life-ruining powder

I'll tell you a secret...I'm a partner in a small engineering firm...I most likely would not hire a woman, unless I needed a bookkeeper or a receptionist...and even then I'd be careful...too much liability...I'm not getting my business taken away from me or sued into bankruptcy because some bitch overheard a joke I made to another dude in the office....or worse, chick flirts, we're there late, this and that...blackmail...fuck that noise...no hiring hot chicks
I'm 34, I've been working for 18 years.
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>tfw running your own business
>tfw you don't have to answer to some worthless baby boomer with a superiority complex
>tfw you are a free man
>force infantile kitsch shit down their throats growing up
>send them to university and college while you ship jobs overseas
>when they're prepped for the workforce, there aren't any suitable jobs, meaning they either get a McJob or lounge about and waste away
Boomers' response:
>lol y they so entitled and unprofessional?
An ellipsis is not a substitute for a period.
green goats are good goyim
>typical red goat response
thanks for proving my point
Okay, I am fucking sick and fucking tired of these fucking threads about rape! RAPE IS NOT FUCKING FUNNY! Joke about anything else you want, /b/...
Joke about cp, joke about loli, joke about murder, joke about drugs, but DON'T FUCKING JOKE ABOUT RAPE! Rape DESTROYS a woman, it STRIPS HER OF HUMANITY! It is disgusting, inhumane, regressive and insane. RAPE IS OFF THE FUCKING TABLE, /b/, NOT EVEN YOU FUCKING VIRGIN ASSHOLES CAN BE SUCH FUCKHOLES THAT YOU JOKE ABOUT A WOMAN'S WOMANHOOD BEING VIOLATED!
And no, I am not some lesbian dyke cunt, I am a woman. I was raped. My virginity taken from me, I can never give it to a man I love. I was raped again and again and again and again and again by a random stranger when I was 15, And between you and me something amazing happened...and now I can talk to animals! Its really cool! But totally a secret. And you know what? Life's never been the same.
>ruined everything

well get off your ass and fix it if you think it's fucking broken you participation-ribbon-wearing-helicopter-parent-having-entitlement-skinnypants-faggot

>hurr durr, I'll just complain and invent stupid shit instead like non-gender-specific restrooms... hurr...

Gen Y, millenials... get to fucking work, gen X isn't going to give 2 fucks about you and laughs at you while your face is buried in your idroidberry
I never understood the knee jerk opposition to private discrimination. If you are not shitting, you are the example of leftard unintended consequences.

In order to "protect" women, protectionist laws have in fact harmed them.
>>14064711 (OP)
I was always 20 minutes early to my exams
Still had a hard time finding a job
This is generationism - waiting for the student load bubble
>workplace drama with all their fucking gossip.

This was my primary experience working with boomers. My manager was less professional than the high school kids she hired on.
I am a Mexican. How do minority quotas work? How can I get on dat sweet dole?
student loan bubble is peanuts compared to everything else. you're going to have to pay them back, sorry.
just to give all you /pol/ guys hope, i run a small advertising business and if i get the feeling that somebody is actually lazy and unskilled but is attempting to suck up to me i just fire immediately.
if you are a completely aspie you will probably not get hired, but i hate people who try to get by on charisma.
i also refuse to hire anyone above 35.
future boomer fuck off
Work for the government.
Here where i live, you only get gov jobs if you pass a exam(don't know how it's in USA).
If you got the degree necessary and pass the job exam, you will get hired.
Pure meritocracy.
A judge here earns the equivalent of 321k USD/Year.
All the green goats have been ascribed tradtionally good religious values, such as turning the other cheek, being humble, and being quiet. Essentially good unobtrusive folk, that are easily controlled. Sometimes you have to stand up and get angry with the world, because people ARE fucking you over, and to be quiet and let them do it is weak
It's exam based in the US, and you are somewhat naive if you think there aren't ways to cheat the exam, or study copies ahead of time, anywhere. However, there racial discrimination, ie "affirmative action."
The best thing gens Y and Z can do, is absolutely nothing. Starve the beast. Pull out of the system entirely. Don't take a single rein into your hand. Changing the system from within would only be sound advice if the system were worth changing. It's not. There's nothing salvageable.

The burgeoning elderly won't have any money to squeeze from me, nor the children I don't intend to have.

Let the barbarous sack them all, and pray they live to see everything they have taken away from them or obliterated.
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So why don't you aspie super genius millenials stop whining and use your amazing intelligence and work ethic to start your own businesses? If someone is too lazy to learn how to interact with other people and too lazy to tuck in their shirt what does that tell you about how hard they will work? Also the way you all bitch about how no job pays enough to deserve you. LOL thanks for proving us right.
This is only true when there's a shortage of labour that can perform certain tasks. Meritocracy is a response to a labour supply issue. As soon as your country pulls its finger out in terms of running a half competent University system, that Meritocracy will be smashed by neoliberal NPM strategies in order to proletarianise public jobs. (Source: Collapse of the United Kingdom's post-war examination based meritocracy)

So your children are likely to be fucked.
You've never worked a day in your life, have you?
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As a millennial with professionalism, my competition gets easier everyday.
>Sometimes you have to stand up and get angry with the world
Do that in your spare time, not with a future potential employer.
you've described some universities, but you've also described every public school.

teachers don't need to teach because they're tenured. paychecks come once standardized test scores are in. too many students failing? lower the standard.
You can start your own business.

I'm dead serious...a really hot chick would be bad for office morale....she would likely either be a distraction or invite weird drama...it would be bad for my business...plus I have to send my employees out to construction sites to work over plans with contractors...those guys would never take a woman seriously...I'm not putting everything that I've worked so hard for at risk for that...besides, I've never actually met a hot chick working in a similar job function to myself anyways, I doubt there are that many of them...women are common in architecture though, and predominant in interior design
Here we don't have affirmative action in gov jobs exam, YET.
I hope this doesn't change.
An ellipsis is not a substitute for a period.
that's what i did, for exactly those reasons. who would have thought that social retardation and spite could be so useful in putting together a business?
That's perfectly fine, what I mean, if you stated that publicly, I bet there is some federal law you can get sued for, despite private property rights.
Visigoths Incorporated.

Civilization overly decadent? Deep desire to be humbled? Act now, and we'll humiliate posthaste.
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Those poor poor employers must be so disgusted when a candidate comes to interview without a silk suit and tie to work min wage, 10 years of experience required and masters degree.
>I'm dead serious...a really hot chick would be bad for office morale....she would likely either be a distraction or invite weird drama...it would be bad for my business...plus I have to send my employees out to construction sites to work over plans with contractors...those guys would never take a woman seriously...I'm not putting everything that I've worked so hard for at risk for that...besides, I've never actually met a hot chick working in a similar job function to myself anyways, I doubt there are that many of them...women are common in architecture though, and predominant in interior design...I was raped again and again and again and again and again by a random stranger when I was 15, And between you and me something amazing happened...and now I can talk to animals! Its really cool! But totally a secret. And you know what? Life's never been the same.
Yes,there's ways of cheating, but at least it's not a biased and somewhat unfair job selection.
Guess I don't get all the boomer hate. Every company I've worked for is full of people 20-40, except for very senior management. Frankly there's shitloads of ageism going on.
You have obviously never run a business, let alone a successful one, and ESPECIALLY then, were you will be ripe for the suing.

Fuck off SRS. This thread is about class warfare. Go back to masturbating to the kyriarchy
OP here. You millennial are alright, we actually hire 50 of you from college every year. I just wanted to shake up your jimmies a little bit.

Don't worry bros, it's going to be OK. Try to have some sense of humility though, it's important.
>talks with my father about me working and shit
>no, son, finish your studies first
Not even kidding.

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