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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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>global warming isn't real

How dumb do you feel now?
Looks like poop streaks on the underwear of Earth
>>14465595 (OP)
>thinking global warming had anything to do with this
Stay blue OP. Stay blue.
>tornado hits a tornado prone area

>37 dead

What a pussy
>>14465595 (OP)
>All weather is the result of global warming.
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>implying global warming had anything to do with this
I'm amazed how fast global warming has progressed.

It was almost last week they were announcing that we were all going to die because CO2 was at such high levels.

And now we are all dying.
>>14465595 (OP)
>How dumb do you feel now?

>tornado's happen in an area even native Americans called their version of tornado ally

>most of the tornado season was light the last 5 years on average.

>people build standard homes instead of tornado resistant homes in a tornado zone

>blames global warming.

I hate the cult of global warming.

>implying emissions dont affect the weather at all

Keep straw manning OP. You're pretty good with making shit up on the fly.
>implying anyone was taking about emissions
But an emission is approaching, stalker.

Get to cover.
Scientists have warned years, YEARS ago that we'd be seeing the serious results of climate change around this time, mostly notably being severe weather. Not just tornadoes, and the regular hurricanes, during their seasons, but SEVERE forms of these things.

Like what happened today, so yes, we ARE seeing the effects of global warming happening right before us. Stop trying to dumb it down with your intellectually dishonest "it snowed in winter! a tornado hit a tornado prone area!" shitposts, you dolts.
Well, the zone grows up 5km every day, and that hazard isn't exactly what scientists refer to as global warming.
>>14465595 (OP)
oh god global warming?

al gore pls, its time to get off the internet
>implying this has anything to do with global warming
>implying we haven't seen larger tornadoes in the 1900s, 1800s

>Climate slowdown means extreme rates of warming 'not as likely'
>Since 1998, there has been an unexplained "standstill" in the heating of the Earth's atmosphere.
Every major disaster must have some ulterior cause. It must be the man behind the curtain. Things just can't happen otherwise.
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51 dead now. Death toll expected to rise.

You guys always claim your conspiracy to be true, but when conspiracy theorists have a word in, you immediately discredit them. The irony is not lost, and that is why so many people cannot take you seriously.
>>14465595 (OP)

>live in tornado ally
>expect the not have tornadoes

one thing is clear, we need to ban these assault winds and have background checks for anvil head clouds, think of the children!
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>>14465595 (OP)
Al Gore caused all this suffering...

and tornadoes are not a new occurrence.
>may 20 th 2013 200 MPH winds
must be global warming obviously getting worse

>may 3rd 1999 318 MPH winds same exact place
lel >implying
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No, scientist warned years ago of a coming ice age. It was on the fucking cover of time magazine. Then it switched to global warming and since neither of those scams panned out, they renamed it to "climate change". Of course the fucking climate will change.
Global warming didn't happen. Statistics happened.

Tornadoes have scoured the great plains for millions of years, and now that cities have built up over the last century, it's only a matter of time before they get hit

>i have no idea how climate change works

How did you get so ignorant? I'm honestly just curious, were you born that way or did you have to work at it?

>scoured the great plains for millions of years

i just had an image in my mind of dinosaurs being sucked up into tornadoes
Is that all you have? personal attacks? Im done here, enjoy being al gore's bitch.
i'm on your side but
>being done here
>37 dead
>No fucking way
>check NYTimes site
>mfw I have no face

That's fucking terrible.
>be concerned about global warming
>continue to live off of air conditioning and burning gasoline
>blame something you don't like for it

Humans, not even once.
Man, it's always easy to tell a HuffPo main headline when you see one.
>continue to live off of air conditioning

fuck you, it's hot and humid here
>look at picture
might be a good thread
>read text
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This is the tornado that hit them bro.

by the way....its 55 now...certain to rise and 24 children among the dead.


>global warming lel

i started todays happening thread and it was just going to be a really bad ass storm. we have had 2x as hardcore tornadoes as this. this one just hit the right spot
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dumping some of the pictures
this was when it first formed
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>global warming
>not Man's greatest accomplishment

IPPC AR4: 4.4.2 Deserts
>Elevated CO2 has been projected to have significant potential impacts on plant growth and productivity. . .In the south-western USA the total area covered by deserts may decline by up to 60%

>This desert-shrinking trend is supported by climate models, which predict a return to conditions that turned the Sahara into a lush savanna some 12,000 years ago. . ."Now you have people grazing their camels in areas which may not have been used for hundreds or even thousands of years. You see birds, ostriches, gazelles coming back, even sorts of amphibians coming back,"

IPPC AR4: 4.4.6 Tundra and Arctic/Antarctic ecosystems
>Climate regulation is likely to be dominated by positive feedbacks between climate and albedo changes through diminishing snow cover and, eventually, expanding forests
>Projections of vegetation changes in the northern Arctic suggest that by about 2080, 17.6% (range 14-23%) replacement of the current polar desert by tundra vegetation will have begun (Callaghan et al., 2005). An eventual replacement of dwarf shrub tundra by shrub tundra is projected for the Canadian Arctic by 2100 (Kaplan et al., 2003). Experimental manipulations of air temperature at eleven locations across the tundra also show that tundra plant communities change substantially through shifts in species dominance, canopy height and diversity
>. . .northern range expansions of more southern species are expected. . .such as presently-restricted populations of southern shrub species that are likely to spread in a warmer climate
>. . .Remote sensing already shows that tundra has greened over the past 20 years

cry moar, watermelons.
Right Wingers like to argue against climate change because it doesn't fit into their economic models, in fact, the entire Capitalist system has environmental destruction as something it celebrates.

Anyone that argues against human induced climate change is a fucking shill of the highest magnitute.

That being said, it's been proven through study that AnCaps/Lolbertarians are actually functionally retarded

>Our findings parallel those of previous work and show that endorsement of free-market economics predicted rejection of climate science. Endorsement of free markets also predicted the rejection of other established scientific findings, such as the facts that HIV causes AIDS and that smoking causes lung cancer.

>The prominence of conspiracist ideation in people who espouse climate denial is not entirely surprising because if an overwhelming scientific consensus cannot be accepted as the result of researchers independently converging on the same evidence-based view, then the very existence of the consensus calls for an alternative explanation.

Free market ideology is a very neat frame, nicely cutting anything that doesn't agree with itself out of the picture. Something doesn't fit? Must be the work of some parasite looter - it's your duty to ignore it.

It's a perfect theology for the simple-minded. Fourteen year old me loved it. It would be great to see more people grow out of it.
>>14465595 (OP)
Global warming is real, anyone who disagrees is an idiot. Manmade global warming however, is a liberal HURR DURR shitfest of non-scientific 'feels'.
>>14465595 (OP)
Ban tornadoes
is op's pic sim city 4 lol
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Soon after it formed
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>>14465595 (OP)
>Implying that it's not HAARP

Pro-tip, look at the rest of the effects before you spout human induced climate change is actually good.
>all this anal pain

Self identified idiot alert.

if you keep the thread alive for about 15 minutes i'll recreate that pic in simcity 5
>Manmade global warming however, is a liberal HURR DURR shitfest of non-scientific 'feels'.

Except every scientist on the world agrees with it and the only people pandering for "feels" are Conservatives who can't accept that their beloved materialistic society and right wing ideology is going to kill the planet.
Self identified kike alert.

Ad hom strawman general?
>>14465595 (OP)
OP, please explain, clearly, exactly how global warming effected the tornadoes.
>kill the planet
Looks like lebbit is out in full force tonight.
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The mid west woman that was impaled and saved by her stereotypical fatness
No, only ban the assault tornadoes.
There is a difference. Not all of them are bad.
>liberal logic

There was no weather during the ice age. Weather is a phenomenon of Global warming
The tornado is doing the earth a service.

IF you actually believe this, you are a god damn fucking retard.
>beloved materialistic society

unless you're at a public library I suggest jumping off the nearest bridge
An increase in the sea surface temperature of a source region (e.g. Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean Sea) increases atmospheric moisture content. Increased moisture can fuel an increase in severe weather and tornado activity, particularly in the cool season.
1st grade level shit.

Thunderstorms are created by warm, moist air.

Climate Change causes more humidity and higher temperatures, which allows thunderstorms to become bigger and grow far more rapidly.

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Start serious sounding online white house petitions DEMANDING legislation banning the formation of tornados larger than an F-1, and requiring background checks on all tornados before they're allowed to touch ground. Get /b/ to swarm them with thousands of signatures. Photoshop pro-gun-control Sandy Hook propaganda magazine covers and shit to call for the abolition of "sawed-off twisters" and "assault tornados" and "Oklahoma specials". Hack the newswires and insert phony stories of police conducting funnel cloud buyback programs for $500 WalMart gift cards. Plagiarize and spampost the New York Times' and Washington Post's militant anti-gun editorials by replacing every use of the word 'gun' with 'tornado'. DO IT NOW MOTHERFUCKERS, THE TIME IS PRIME.

Picture related.

It's pretty easy to do an experiment yourself to confirm that CO2 has a warming effect.
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>skepticalscience is more credible than the motherfucking IPCC
>>14465595 (OP)
This happened in the 90s you dolt
How happy is Obama about this tornado? Now he can act like a leader and be sad.

How will he tie Sandy Hook into this?
Upboating like a motherfucker
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Let's fucking do it.
This thread is just further evidence that Conservatives can only shitpost on /pol/ then cry about liberal oppression.

Holy fucking screencapping.
This isn't the election week, he can tone it down a bit.
But it will take a ton of heat off of BenghazIRSubpoena-gate

The fact is that thermodynamics proves that MAN MADE global warming is a natural consequence of the chemical imbalance that's being created in the atmosphere by over commercialization, industrialization and manufacturing technologies a billion times over.
Only idiot republicans who didn't have a proper scientific education and aren't capable of dealing with abstract math, chemistry etc. WILL NEVER be able to understand how a simple process like the ''greenhouse effect'' works. It's not over exaggeration, it's not a strawman because that's exactly what dumbfuck GOPtards/Randbots believe.

When I read your posts, I fear for humanity because if it was up to me, uneducated idiots such as yourselves would all be thrown into a fire. The world has enough dumbasses fucking each other in the butt everyday, we don't have any room for your unique form of candy ass idiocy.
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If god doesn't hate the red states, why does he keep sending tornadoes and hurricanes to wipe them out?
>>14465595 (OP)
ohmergerd! tornado in tornado alley! must be global warming!
weren't the ice caps supposed to melt in 2012?
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>>14465595 (OP)
yes go-guys!!! global warming did this! I can help you prevent this! we will have an emissions tax to offset all of the environmental damage you're doing! just give me your shek-money-er I mean donations to help stop this!

Now would you like to save the environment?
The chosen people always have it rough. Just look at the Jews.
So Edgy Mr. Blue Blood.
>>14465595 (OP)
Now the morons come out
Do you realize tornadoes happen every year? Practically weekly in 'tornado alley' but fucking morons like you spout buzzwords with no fucking clue what your spouting.

P.s. its climate change now cock sucker
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Leave it to the red state retards to settle in a place called "Tornado Alley".
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simcity edition of OP
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>2 mile wide tornado

Muh McMansions, they done got wiped out by that killer tornado! Why the fuck did we live in the tornado killing grounds in the first place? We should ban tornadoes, killing those poor kids. Aww fug id, lets just rebuild and do it again, just like those guys who get flooded out near rivers and build again, it'll never happen again.
derp derp warming global negar want some chicken?
Schools weren't hit until after it picked up some guns from a nearby home it destroyed and they made it hit the school
How does it work? How can there be an Ice Age if all the ice caps are melting?
There is no upward trend in tornado frequency or severity. AGW may or may not be real but on thing's for sure, citing this incident as evidence of it is downright retarded.

Watch as every major news source does it anyway though.
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When are you faggots (hillbillies and heebs) figure out that god's just not that into you?

What's it going to take?
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>50 Tornadoes in the past 3 days

Just your average 3 day weekend in Murrica.
The IPCC says that Global Warming is the greatest threat to mankind, Skeptical Science is run by scientists who are part of the IPCC.
Holy fucking shit.
*going to figure
>>14465595 (OP)
The tornado wasn't caused by global warming, it was because Republicans are against gun control.
>receive zero foreign aid
>will rebuild
>will continue life
>will still donate food/money to every other shit country with a problem
I just cut myself on all that edge.
Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a tornado.
>>14465595 (OP)
I think all the hot air you're spouting created those tornadoes OP. How does it feel to be a murderer?
Do nocturnal emissions affect the weather?

No one is denying the existence of the greenhouse effect. What sceptics are generally railing against is the over reliance on shoddy computer models predicting CAGW which have failed MISERABLY in their predictions for the past 20 years.

I am neither a Republican or a Randbot, and I have not ruled out the posibility of human actiity warming the planet. I do however take issue with retards like you attributing extreme weather events as being a sign of AGW when there is no trend whatsoever.
And by good guy I mean police officer of course.
Like an air cannon? Or high speed deployable assault fan?


guess how many people die from traffic accidents every day?
If global warming was real, the tornado would have been weaker as cold air is a necessity to generate enough wind shear for tornadoes.

Hey, that's Oklahoma's state motto!
If the atmospheric temperature rises one degree across te entire planet then that is a duck load more energy being stored in the atmosphere that manifests itself in extreme weather events.
>you attributing extreme weather events as being a sign of AGW when there is no trend whatsoever.

Yeah, except the computer models have been largely correct and there is a clear trend claimed by the IPCC and pretty much all climate scientists.
>entirely not understanding climate change
>I hate the cult of willful ignorance

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>MFW Libfags get destroyed once again are forced to resort to MAH FEELINGS
You have no understanding of tornadogenesis which is how tornadoes are formed.
thanx global warming...between that and school killings, my US Flag has been flying at half staff for 5 yrs now

( OP still butthurt that Mayans fucked him over on that whole Dec 21 total global destruction thingy )

too cold / too hot
too wet / too dry

Face it OP ...you live on a planet that only sustains life because of it's close general proximity to an active star. This star changes it's temperature. We had an Ice Age and yet life goes on....PS...the sun causes cancer

BTW ...do FEMA trailers have cable/ dish/ Internet access ?
>>14465595 (OP)
Not disagreeing about global warming, but... How is that picture proof of global temperature rise? Post hoc ergo proctor hoc.

Now don't we feel stupid.
The question is, "What are the Rocky Mountains?", Alex.
Global warming is the AVERAGE global temperature going up. This causes more extreme weather: larger hurricanes, larger storms, more extreme droughts, more extreme weather in general. Greater differences in temperature cause larger storms, which can in turn produce more powerful tornadoes.
inb4 small government conservatives suck the federal government cock dry for relief funds
Warmer temperatures over the Gulf means wetter air which creates stronger storms.
It's not rocket science, faggots.

Cool, show me the tornado trend that this one is presumably a part of. Should be pretty easy to find.
why do you build houses made of paper?
>wat is Joplin Missouri?
>2 elementary schools destroyed

Todays tornado was clocked at 300 knots, or 345 MPH.

>2 tornadoes
>a trend

Really faggot?
just read a news article about this
more than 90% of the comments were about politics and religion.
kids trapped under concrete
and people are arguing about which elected yaweh is best elected yaweh
>Tornado happens during tornado season
hahaha oh man you're gonna be salty in 2030. so salty. brush the salt off your shoulder.
>Then it switched to global warming
That was Republican't strategist Frank Luntz. FoxNews viewers and other idiots were scared of the term "global warming", so they decided to use a less threatening term for it.

Get a brain, morans.
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Have you actually READ the assessment report? Breathlessly going on about "oh nose, the Earth's improving!", but somehow we're supposed to view AGW as a detriment?

The SS logo pretty much sums up you and your ilks diseased thought process, Life Finding a Way: the stasis fetishists greatest fear.
>>14465595 (OP)

Anybody else feel like this sensationalist title is completely disrespectful to those affected? If I lived in the town hit, I wouldn't be comfortable with this.
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>murifats still live in wooden sheds
I guess they like building new houses every year.
It's pretty bad.
why does our enlightened, brilliant government consistently use my tax dollars to rebuild the homes of assholes who live in the areas of our country that are repeatedly destroyed by reoccurring natural disasters.
east coast hurricanes, tornado alley mobile homes, AIDS infected faggots living on the worlds largest fault line and the brilliant move of stockpiling low income niggers into a swampy oceanside shit bowl called NOLA...If you can afford to live in these garden spots of great nation, you should get plenty of insurance and REBUILD ON safer FUCKING GROUND !!!!
Oklahoma city resident here.

This tornado season was weak as fuck.. In fact the last few years have all been extremely weak. We are in the middle of a major drought because the lack of storms.

Tornados like this are commonplace here. This one just happened to hit a residential area.
>200 MPH tornado coming
>School officials didn't cancel school and left a whole class of kids to die

I guarantee you that these kids are dead because of government bureaucracy.

>muh required number of school days
The storm popped up in an hour. There was literally no time.

our prayers and thank you for teaching the ignorant that so9metimes bad shit happens....used to be called an act of God back in the days before Global Faggotry/ Warming
>This causes more extreme weather
Uh, no. Greenhouse Earth has less variation in climate between poles and equator than in Ice Ages, this produces LESS EXTREME WEATHER.

Glacial periods have more extreme weather than interglacials have more extreme weather than outside of Ice Ages.

Temperature doesn't cause extreme weather, temperature DIFFERENT causes extreme weather.

Well, shit.

Guess it couldn't be helped then. Blows that every time I turn on the news as of late I see that entire classes of 6 year old kids are dying horrible deaths (Well, this one was actually real)
>one hour
>no time

Also if there were tornado warnings in the area why would they go to school?
>>14465595 (OP)
Once again OP being extremely stupid.
>Implying tornadoes are the reason global warming exists
>Al Gore a meteorologist.
>>14469864 here

the houses leveled are made out of stucco and brick..

the elementary schools leveled were steel beam and cinder block buildings.

l2 320mph winds.

your taxes don't go to rebuilding homes you dumbshit that's what home owners insurance is for. the "emergency funding" federal tax money is EXTREMELY low compared to all the other shit you pay for like the broken education system for one

you do know there is a difference between federal taxes and state taxes (ei property tax, sales tax, et al). the federal government doesn't pay for this kind of thing top lel.

you can find "natural disasters" in just about ever single area of the united states. earthquakes, forest fires, coastal flooding to name a few for california.
>Tornado Hell: Town Leveled

It sound like a shitty video game.
The surviving chillens will have to make up that time in summer skule...

duck and cover drill didn't work either
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>live in tornado alley

people feel sorry for people that get hit by a FUCKING TORNADO!
>citing Time
Read a peer reviewed journal, fartknocker.
We just need a couple hundred more of these tornados and america will be a little more tolerable
the devils do not live in Oklahoma sadly
That actually could work. It's happened before. A large amount of northern ice melts and floods the North Atlantic with fresh water.

This could halt the thermo-haline cycle and cause the Northern Hemisphere to cool down rapidly. This was a partial cause of the Little Ice Age.
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Well, it's not like people are going to stop living in tornado alley.

The smart thing to do, if there will inevitably be people in the alley, would be to build houses that can survive tornadoes intact instead of more McMansions. Some kind of hobbit house is what I'm imagining, where it's mostly underground and thus well insulated from wind. Sort of like if you just made the entire house into a storm shelter, instead of having a regular house that has a storm shelter in/near it.

I think if federal dollars are going to pay for it, we should be able to decide how those houses will be built. If anyone wants to rebuild a generic burb-house, they can pay for it their own damn selves.

>Tornado coming
>Cancel school and kick all the kids outside
>Nearly all get sucked up into the tornado and your looking for where they landed for weeks.

Is this that Jurassic Park game?
>7 dead at the elementary school

Shit. They're still pulling bodies too.
20 - 30 still unaccounted for.
Many do.
That fucking ronald mcdonald McKids game gets a sequel now
Has Alex Jones stated that this was a staged Obama weather manipulation event yet, to deflect from his scandals?
Yeah cause all we need is more liberal idiots in government. They are just as bad as bible thumpers.
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It's proof that god hates christians that live in red states.
>"Oh no temperatures don't stay at the same levels forever!!! It must be our fault!!!"
No government at all you faggot

You meet your disinfo quota today yet, RNC shill?
>I think if federal dollars are going to pay for it

Is pol really this stupid?

federal funding does not pay for rebuilding homes. Have you ever heard of home owners insurance? You know that thing that is required by law to have on a mortgaged home?
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try not to underestimate how stupid people can be, they will surprise you.
yes /pol/ is that stupid, but federal funding certainly pays for some of the relief efforts. Even though this is true I don't think the federal government should stop doing that.
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>Blaming tornados on global warming
I never thought I'd see this kind of potato logic in my life.

I'm going to fucking call it, next big volcano that goes off is going to be blamed as a result of 'global warming'
Didn't the Joplin tornado kill 200 people?

That was just two years ago. 40 casualties is kinda smalltime.
his show doesnt come on until tomorrow
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>>14465595 (OP)
>Earth hasn't warmed for 15 years
>sandy and tornados

Just fucking kill yourself OP
You're a fucking idiot
too late. scroll down to the 'v's

Gag on that big oil cock faggot.
Maybe Jesus will return and fuck your sloppy hole if you pay him enough each sunday.
you're gonna be so fucking salty bro, so salty.
You sure told him
my fucking sides
Oil shill
This tornado was obviously staged. OP's picture doesn't even look like a town, and is obviously fake. And once again, they're hiring crisis actors all over the place to go on air, and give us crocodile tears with "muh house, muh kids."

Give me a fucking break, wake up sheeple.
Still doesn't explain your doublethink, warmfags.
the only double going on is you, nigger
quit trying to samefag
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>>14465595 (OP)
op's self-portrait.
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Son of a
>Gag on that big oil cock faggot.
>Maybe Jesus will return and fuck your sloppy hole if you pay him enough each sunday.
The thought process of someone without an argument is to insult them.
>/pol/ whatever the event
I want to see pictures of the dead body's of kids at sandy hoax. Or pictures of dead Bin laden. There are pictures of the tornadoes and wreckage, why can't we get pictures (read evidence) of all that other stuff?

reinforced CMU's with concrete fill and #5 rebar tied down to a 24"x24" footer won't stand up to 200mph winds. structural engineer here.

argument invalid britbottle, try again.
Tree hugger huehuehue
Fuck trees
>>14465595 (OP)
Thoust town hast too many gays, gunna have to smash yo city lol k thx
Love god
fuck oil
Your silly faggotry only vividly illustrates what a retarded nigger you are and how many cocks you have in every sloppy infected puss filled hole you kiss/shit on your mom with.
fuck oil trees
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>most of your shit is made of plastic
>plastic is a petroleum byproduct
at least 20 children are dead according CNN
The existence of climate change is virtually undisputed by all the world's leading scientists. The only people who mock it are fools who have been duped by the echo chamber created by junk science manufactured by oil companies and car manufacturers, in short, those who have a vested instrest in the status quo.

Only a complete retard or a goof would believe that climate change isn't occuring, or that "left wing" envirotards are part of some vast conspiracy to make-believe that we are in the midst of the sixth great extinction. What possible motive would these pinko commies have to pretend that the climate is changing? What benefit would such chicken little posturing have to them? The answer is no benefit whatsoever.

If you aren't sure whose motives are suspect, think of the old Roman proverb "look to see who benefits". Enviromentalists don't have some secret hidden agenda, they sincerly just want to live on a habitable planet. They don't make money from saving forests. Who makes money, the corporations, or the environmentalists?

Think about it, as a person who probably acts in their own rational self interest, who is more likely to lie and cheat, the party who stands to make or lose money? Or the poor buffoon who just wants to save some owls, and maybe breathe clean air?

Does anyone really honestly think their car exhaust dissapears?
20 less religious brainwash cases
>Because petroleum is the only oil on earth
>fuck the resource that powers most of the planet
Shut it fucking down, ban tornados.

20 is the magical number of dead children to demand a plan.

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