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>The real life Shameless: Crime's a way of life and one girl has FIVE children by three fathers. Why are middle-class viewers hooked on Channel 4's series about a sink estate in Scunthorpe?

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2334161/The-real-life-Shameless-Why-middle-class-viewers-hooked-Channel-4s-series-sink-estate-Scunthorpe.html#ixzz2UuzFAacd
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Britbong land should be gassed

WTF is this shit?
typical residents of burkabongland

>that forehead

she belongs on Code Lyoko
dat five head
Hahaah oh my fucking god. Lets get this shit started.


This shit makes Jersey Shore look like PBS programming.
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Welcome to Ancient Greece and Republican Rome.

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