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>Tfw LGBT reprobates such as George Takei can't stop getting mad at Russia
>Tfw Russia doesn't give a shit

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we need this in america
>>17820754 (OP)
Funny how they're all butthurt about Russia but when a gay parade in south east europe or Poland gets crashed (happens yearly) noone cares
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Surely the gays must realise that the recently passed laws were for their own good as well as the good of the community?
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>>17820754 (OP)

My Liberal friends are getting intensely butthurt over this.


What a bunch of fucking babies. Remember everyone, modern-day Liberals are the biggest statists in town.

The freemasons and babalonian jews so mad at russia
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>>17820754 (OP)
it puts tears to my eyes, its so beautiful.

>statists and batshit crazy christfags go out and attack people for no reason

daily reminder tolerance=/= support
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>for no reason
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Caption this /pol/
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>hey look i posted it again
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>>17820754 (OP)
Finally people start to resist

>Buttmad fag detected
That's a funny comic.
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lol at those riot cops
>mfw Putin makes it a crime to offend religion
>mfw Putin makes it a crime to think about gays
>mfw muslims are the leading immigrant group to russia
>mfw they're allowed in the army
>mfw emigration in Russia is currently higher than during the Red War
>mfw Islam is slated to be the dominant religion in Russia by 2050


I never thought I'd see so many pro-sharia people here on /pol/.
>>17820754 (OP)
Shouldn't George Takei get back to jacking off men on the Howard Stern show?
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>you will never be a riot cop in Moscow and beat up fags all day long
This kind of shit is why nobody takes you seriously /pol/
I wish I lived in russia.
Why not? It's not like you need any qualifications

Multiples times in /v/ at least... Why people pust that gif over there everytime? is disgusting
>being gay
>being lgbt at all

why do you do this
france? right?

>cap - FRIED joingis
I wonder how that gay Russian on /int/ survives. He said that he had a boyfriend, but keeps it secret
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>fuck god
>fuck church
Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
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>live in russia
I don't meet the prerequisites
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More like "I'll never get to handle a KS-23."
Shut up schlomo

This world needs to rise up and destroy the fags and degenerates.
Since the kikes are perpetuating these degenerates to be acceptable then we might as well enlist the help of shia muslims which dont arent extremists.
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Someone please post the gif. What an absolute reprobate; isn't Takei supposed to be married? I guess gays really can't into monogamy.
more pics here
21. The activists were protesting a new “gay propaganda” law. The law would introduce steep fines and jail terms for people who promote homosexual “propaganda” to minors.

>cannot sexualize children
>claim your rights are being violated
I hope these kinds of people are murdered in russian gulags.
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>Russia's face

> enlist the help of shia muslims which dont arent extremists.

>muslims which dont arent extremists.

>which dont arent

Bretty gud Reb Bill.


If fags want to be taken seriously, maybe they should conduct themselves in a civilized manor, not making themselves look like the retarded handicaps they are.
You answered your own question. If you keep it to yourself no one really gives a shit, if you run around in the streets like a huge faggot wearing a tutu you're going to get your ass beat.
>wah wah waaaah muh feels

Cry more you fucking baby,
>not just sneaking over Russia's extremely loose north coast border patrols
I was typing 80mph
what a faggot
and not because he's gay. but because he's being gay about being gay
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>Article being angled towards pro-leftism.
>implying i will ever read buzzfeed again.
>not dying in Siberia
>>17820754 (OP)
>>Tfw Russia doesn't give a shit
>>ignoring the thousands of protesters, and people being beaten and bloodied in the streets

Are you retarded OP?
31. Meanwhile, Russian lawmakers passed a bill barring same-sex foreign couples from adopting Russian children.

>russia protecting its children from deluded disgusting fucking western pedophiles
>what an outrage
fuck these fucking faggots seriously what the fuck.
>That pic

But this IS actually the reason as to why everybody thinks you are a joke, it has nothing to do with feelings
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thanks for the info, I crack a few skulls open for you
>>17820754 (OP)
Look Closer Lenny!!
Hard to know whether to feel bad about this or not...

I mean, LGBT is godawful fucking disgusting but it looks like they're being pretty fucking cruel to them
op is an edgy kid who just found out about RT recently and he thinks hes on the same side with putin, bush, etc because the nonbigoted kids wouldnt accept him into their clique
Who thinks we are a joke? lol ;D
Why doesn't Russia put the Double Headed Eagle back on their flag?
I think they've earned it.
nobody right xDD
I'm excited to see Russia acting like this, just because it means they're going back to being a totalitarian shitpile, which means they're eventually going to try and start shit, which means we will finally have a chance to eradicate the slavic menace once and for all.
Cruelty would be someone tossing a grenade into one of thier protests.

This isnt that bad, they know they arent liked and they still do it, so fuck them.

>implying his "smile" isn't warped and put there via photoshop liquify function to make him look like a bully.

>implying leftists favourite strategy isn't deciet

>being beaten and bloodied in the streets
>small face-slap.
He probably gets more bloodied fucking a horse or whatever they like to take up the arse.
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>thousands of protesters

Go back to bed Grandpa.
>Better for children to rot in a Soviet era orphanage then be adopted by a loving homosexual couple

This is what Putinistas really believe
>If you don't like gay marriage just don't get married to a gay person.
If you don't like what Russia is doing just don't go there.
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Come and try us faggot
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>marching naked in the streets, with nun headscarves on and "fuck church", "fuck god" written on their bare chests.
>looks like they're being pretty fucking cruel to them

>>if you don't like gays in russia, move out of russia
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Losing the argument, are we?
The minority is the first one to leave

Seriously, just think for a moment, which board in 4chan do you think is more populated by underage angsty teens? Fucking /vp/ is more mature
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oh fuck i enjoy this, based russia
>these facebook comments at the bottom
Or maybe if people really care that much about kids they can put some serious effort into breaking with their degenerate lifestyle.
>I don't know what a demonstration consists of

Oh god think about those broken FEELINGS, someone out there had to see a naked woman with the words "fuck god", this will probably take years to heal
>>17820754 (OP)
in the 50s being gay was a mental illness and gays were detained, but they fought and fought and finally got the rights to party, why these russian faggots such pussies?
>>17820754 (OP)

I am sick of fucking gays trying to bully everyone into bowing down to them. THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE DO NOT WANT IT SO GET THE FUCK OVER IT AND LEAVE THEMM ALONE!

Holy shit gays act like they're the only ones who are allowed to be happy and if you don't give in to them they're attacking

Stop this fucking bullshit of trying to socially-re-engineer other people's countries and societies to comply with degenerate gay leftism. They're only pissing people off, and those people will only tolerate so much bullying before they get fed up and start hitting back.
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Yeah, gay parenting works out just fine.

Progressives are clearly the majority.
LGBT faggots are a plague on morals and society, you wouldn't let an open cut get infected would you? So then why do you expect the Russians to let this disease spread, I for one commend the Russians and would very much like to shake Putin's hand.
How about you turn gay, then turn back to being hetero so you can show them how its done.

Think about all the people you would help anon, think about the social change
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>>17820754 (OP)
wowowow... wait a minute, this guy doesnt have a white pride cross on his arm?

>A gay rights supporter is beaten to the ground
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I'm mostly against gays because it's turned into a "leftist thing".
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>a demonstration consists of running around naked screaming insulting and offensive shit
liberals, ladies and gentleman
Kids could see them you fucking idiot so you think it's normal to pull out your dick in front of a kid?
I've seen pictures of it to,but I didn't save them if someone has them please post
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it has to do with
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>mockinng and insulting the beliefs of others

>expecting people to tolerate your beleifs and change their ways to impose your beleifs on a antion hat's made it clear they don't want it


In before they call themselves the victims of the shit they're antagonizing to rape a country of its standards to impose their will on the country
And what about Baby P?
If only Russia had more lax gun laws, then I'd consider moving there instead of the Czech Republic.
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>tell me this thing isn't infested with AIDS spreading it's disease upon the world
Oh snap!
liberal media does it again!

Another example at 2:05 of this video
is this real?
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>wear nun clothes while writing "fuck God" on their bodies to be antagoniatic and confrontational

>batshit crazy christfags go out and attack people for no reason

lemme guess: you're also a Trayvon supporter who thinks he's the victim
>Kids could see them you fucking idiot so you think it's normal to pull out your dick in front of a kid?

Ok, say a kid is with his parents or whatever and this kind of demonstration happens, the kid sees a bunch of people flapping their genitals.

What is the worse that can possibly happen to the kid
What the fuck is the difference between pansexual and bisexual?
What a shithole, I don't even like faggots, but they should be able to assemble and protest in public.

Putin is pushing that shit because he knows that Russia is full of MUH FEELS authoritarians (like the ones in this thread).

Funny how most /pol/ users complain about the government "stepping on the freedoms of people" practically everyday, while they are support the restriction of freedom as long as it caters to their feels. Russia is a shithole, enjoy getting stabbed in broad daylight.
Russian protests/counter-protests aren't normal...but on krokodil and vodka they are

Slavshit...not even once
Bisexual was getting too mainstream.
Actually this is a fascist place, with libertarian hangers-on.
Why do faggots think we want to know they're faggots?

the problem with tolerating sexual deviants is that pretty soon they're demanding rights
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>Putin is pushing that shit because he knows that Russia is full of MUH FEELS authoritarians (like the ones in this thread).

Look around, do you honestly expect them to notice?

Do you know of any worse place in 4chan to discuss politics than /pol/?
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It's ok when Muslim and African countries do it though (to most libs, not all of course) because tolerance/their cultural is beautiful/etc
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>pro-gay marriage supporters start a fight with some Christians carrying obnoxious signs and wearing obnoxious T-Shirts
>/pol/ thinks it's an outrage, talks about free speech being violated etc.
>gay people get attacked in Russia
>/pol/ applauds, says this is what they deserve

I suppose free speech only applies to people you agree with.
>>17820754 (OP)

>21. The activists were protesting a new “gay propaganda” law. The law would introduce steep fines and jail terms for people who promote homosexual “propaganda” to minors.

What's wrong with this law, exactly?

If a kid's gay, he'll be gay. Homosexuality is not something that should be pushed on a child.
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> I have zero concept of board topicality or actually want to go to /b/ for some reason
What you just said doesn't justify it at all.
Because there is no justificition for the degeneracy of gay prides
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I don't get it, they have the same rights and equal opportunity has everyone else, they're asking for special treatment, to be above everyone else.

Quit parading your damn fetishes down the middle of the street, it's disgusting and no one cares.
Pansexuals will fuck ANYTHING. Men, women, hermaphrodites, canines, washing machines, etc.
no shit
Even pans?
I remember there was this one Simpson's episode where Grandpa decides to get put down and as he's getting gassed they play a video of cops beating up hippies.

I had the same reaction to these pictures.
>Quit parading your damn fetishes down the middle of the street
source on this picture
Did you guys not get the memo that there's probably more fascists in here than libertarians?
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what was the music again,I want to watch french femen bitches get beat up while listening to it
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He's protecting his country from this.

Can't blame him.

Based Putin for president of the world
Some big band music. Probably something by....that one guy who got shot down over France in WWII who's name I forget.
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Feminists protestors.

There's also these handy buttons, you should try them.
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>tfw in tolerant kannuk edmonton
>gays everywhere.
>cross dressers everywhere
>everyone gives them dirty looks
Fucking disgusting I tell ya
>walking downtown (where I work)
>see the most disgusting site ever
>a grown man with lipstick and makeup wearing a dress and high heels
>not too far behind is a swarm I repeat A SWARM

This is where they belong
> pic related
Especially pans.
> I have zero concept of board topicality or actually want to go to /b/ for some reason

Jesus no, but in all seriousness, /b/ is the most similar board in the whole site to /pol/ when it comes to discussing politics, every single other board I've seen actually argues their points without using more fallacies than actual arguments and tend to discuss thing instead of shitposting 99% of the time [spoiler]aside from the fact that taking into account these discussions don't happen in /pol/ they are automatically off-topic and thus shitposting but you get my point[/spoiler]
Russia is a sovereign country, and they've passed laws some people don't like. The rest need to keep their noses out of it.

>Allowing people to assemble and protest in public will give the Jews more control
yes!! letting the government decide what types of public speech are legal =/= letting the jews win

the government could never use this against the public

why are stormfags such shitposters?
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>this thread

The top is just laughing that the 99% is kicking each others face in.
At this and a thousand other opportunities...
Nice ad hominem

He's protecting his country because his people have spoken and don't want western liberal degeneracy shoved down their throats, and liberals find that unacceptable and are hell-bent on keeping antagonizing and taking a shit all over the Russian people and their beleifs until they bully people into submission

Then they'll say "NO H8 WHO YOU HATIN TWO PEOPLE JUST TRYING TO LOVE EACH OTHER" and expect people to peacefully accept all this shit they've done to crap all over everyone like the nuns and being disrespectful to Christians they're doing
you missed the rest of my post stormie
>using the word bigot unironically
Top lel. You butt lovers and your mental illneses are not put up with by the russian goverment nor its people, deal with it.
And make no mistake, i it wasnt illegal to hurt people's precious feelings in ametica the result would be the same, everybody hate you gang of degenerate faggots and dykes.
The definition with "homosexual propaganda" is

>Be gay! it's cool!

Wrong and despicable

>Gay people are still people

Decent message, would still get you jail time in Russia.

It's incredibly amusing how people around here can consider that the jews controls the USA from the shadows yet they believe anything from fucking RUSSIA
Thanks found it!
I've never actually seen Stormfags on this board except people screaming the name whenever something pops up they don't like. Similar to /pol/ screaming degeneracy.
>implying that ad hominem doesn't render the rest of the post irrelevant
Someone doesn't know the rules of mature debate
>I suppose free speech only applies to people you agree with.
this, almost always.
the majority of people, regardless of their beliefs, are too stupid and self-congratulatory to understand true freedom of speech.
oops forgot the other video

skip to 1:05
Are you by any chance clinically blind?
>Putin rules in favour of his people really he cares about them

My goddamned sides
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Based fucking Russia
are we talking people who have opinions to that of a stormfag or a legit poster hailing from the Stormfront.
Now that they have a neckbeard's blessing, they surerly will.
I approve this post

She is that whore who said she wants to destroy marriage.
Oh, and she's jewish too. What a coincedence.
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I lold at this one.

Fucking faggot.
Thank you Based Putin. You can fuck my bitch.
Those people screaming 'degeneracy' are stormfag types, 'degeneracy' might be anything from video games, race mixing, certain works of 'degenerate' art, homosexuality, cartoons like MLP, etc. Not everyone supports government intervention to minimize the amount of 'degeneracy' in society, but I can assure you that the majority of those screaming it pol/ do. I wouldn't be surprised if I found out that this 'degeneracy' meme was fabricated in the stormfront forums or it's some kind of SRS spam
>being okay with violently exposing a young child to such a sexualized display at such a young age

I bet your support pedophilia too, you disgusting piece of leftist shit

Except if you want free speech 'degenerate' things such as homosexuality are allowed. People on this board also celebrated when some gay guy was punched when he was going to try to fight the new law in Russia. People in this thread are also saying it's good that those women with 'fuck god' and 'fuck church' written on them topless are being attacked by other citizens.

I'm not saying either is good or bad, just pointing out that /pol/ are total hypocrites when it comes to this sort of thing. There were several threads about those pro-gay people 'chimping out' after it happened and free speech was constantly mentioned, but as soon as people /pol/ disagrees with are attacked it's OK.

All part of the Christian persecution complex likely.

If you had anything above high school education, you'd know what degeneracy means and is.
>sexualized display

if genitals are a sexualized display by default then maybe we should hide our kids genitals from themselves.

The american obsession and paranoia with sex is retarded
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He cares more for his people than you modern nazi democrats trying to engage in social engineering to fuck up everything to engineer your ideal society with nore gard for anyone but yourselves do
do you think religion is degenerate?
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>the kid sees a bunch of people flapping their genitals

Although the thought makes me laugh my ass off I still wouldn't want my kid exposed to that. Not on my merry trip to downtown. No sir.
And I'd believe most average parents would agree with me.
This is also why you are not taken seriously

>He criticized Putin, he is a nazi democrat!
Those people show how society has gone to shit in the last decade,liberals, gays and femen "activists", that's why they deserve it.

I think stormfront is as degenerate as homosexuals are.

So no.
>>17820754 (OP)
>And I'd believe most average parents would agree with me.

Can you please rationalize this so it makes sense?

What is so wrong about a, say, 5-7 year old kid seeing a dick?
I think that Russia has more important problems than a fag wearing plastic dicks.
Only Europe is a hugely sex positive place, actually most nations aside from the US are more sexually conservative than us.

If you antagonize people to push them around, you're no victim when they respond.

Seriously I can't understand how you can rationalize those bitches as victims when it's clear as daylight they antagonized the responses they got.

You don't take a shit on people like that and expect them to be cool with it.
Fuck off commie, don't make me 1% all over you
hooray for putin good thing most of russia is red pilled on fags.
why is every gay parade like a display of every Homo fetish, only it's piled into one small area.

Do homos actually support that shit?
What's wrong with it?
Wow I can't believe how this is even a question these days.
Would you like if someone let's say in the bus went up to you pulled down his pants,revealing his cock and starts flapping it up and down in front of you while screaming GAY RIGHTS FUCK YEAH!
I bet you'd enjoy it you fucking faggot

bwahahah, oh wow
>red pilled on fags

Being red pilled means letting consenting adults do whatever the fuck they want with their genitalia. You're being a fascist
>not getting it
Either you're a massive faggot with loose understanding of morals, a mentaly handicapped perso with loose understanding of reality or an american liberal, in wich case you have a loose understanding of morals and reality.
That doesn't fucking happen and you sound like an immature child when you make baseless conjecture-driven accusations
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Seriously? Really? Huh wait what where who.
How many parents do you know of would be comfortable driving through a parade of guys helo-whipping their dicks/balls in public with their children in tow?
Come on now.
they are still allowed to be faggots just not push their fag agenda.
>Not wanting your kids to see some random guys dick makes you paranoid about sex
Do you even have a bit of dignity?
Do you enjoy running around naked in the park and always ask yourself "hmm why don't they enjoy looking at my dick as much as I do"
Fuck off nudist

Hitler through Goebbels used social engineering to produce his model society and nation.

They used the news network to feed the people biased bullshit and attacked any news outlet thaty did not comply with party ideology. They used schools to brainwash the children on party ideology. They used the entertainment industry to brainwash the masses into party ideology.

And they took to the streets to attack the opposition and hold rallies intended to stir up hatred of anyone not on their side.

Guess what democrats today are doing?

You fuckers are the new nazis. EVERYTHING you're doing now was done by the Nazis and you're using their playbook on social engineering to control the people to produce your ideal society like they did.

Deal with it.
Why isn't religion degenerate? To survive in today's world we rely have to rely on facts and most religions, if not all, do not favor critical thinking. Is this not degenerate? Why do you encourage non-critical thinking?

This is why 'degeneracy' is just another way of saying "list of things I don't like"
What i'm about to say will sound stupid as fuck but i don't give a fuck.
In my opinion this kind of things are not bad, i mean i don't mind homosexuals, i don't mind gay marriage BUT after being redpilled a little you can realize the world is turning into a queer muh feelings society so a little balance here and there is not a bad thing.
Oh so you think that doesn't happen?
Try searching for "flashing" on a porn site.
There you go! About a thousand videos of people flashing their dicks are random people in public.
Isn't religion about love and compassion?
Religion really does kill.

>seeking to impose your will on the majority and not even remotely giving a fuck about democracy while you act like nazis with social engineering and blatantly take a shit on other people's beliefs to antagonize

>call other people fascist

yeah just go ahead and shut the fuck up please.
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People constantly using the word "degenerate" are degenerates themselves
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from the comments of OP's article
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You obviously don't know anything about religion.
Someone must've hit the air raid alarm at /lgbt/.
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>Isn't religion about love and compassion?

Love and compassion for people taking a shit all over them to bully them around in an effort to essentially hijack the country, put it in minority rule where leftist deviants decide what's legal and show no compassion or love for anyone not like them?


>Religion really does kill.

So does atheism
Yeah, remove any reason we had to not just kill you all.
Why would fags worry about getting killed if they have no interest in passing their genes anyway?

They're genetic cul-de-sacs. A dead end's a dead end.
I bet you don't support Islam.
ruskies dont put up with this faggot shit
Not pro gay but we don't die after sex like salmon because the new generation must be taught.
Based fucking Belgium. Anyone who kills more people than his country has(minus colonies) deserves a prize
you obviously don't know anything about degeneracy


u gonna refute me or you're going to keep posting epic reaction memes

These guys who wrecked Femen are members of Paris Saint Germain support group.
Must be the beer. Amazing stuff.
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>in legal trouble for being gay

Oh Christ.

Fucker's as delusional as the Trayvon supporters saying he was shot because he was black.

So dressing up as nuns while writing "fuck God" to deliberatly antagonize a Christian crowd makes them victims?

Why should those Christians respect fucking degenerate pigs who have no respect for them and want to turn them into a powerless majority in their own country so liberal degeneracy can rule?

And I can't help but to notice these leftards never have the balls to do this shit in a Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, or some other belief's country, and it's ALWAYS the Christians they fuck with while ignoring that in muslim nations they'd have hell of a lot less freedoms and even wodl be dead for doing this shit. Fucking pussies.

I do. I'm a fucking crossdresser, and I literally just act like a normal person. I'm employed in a warehouse (they give me girls jobs, but I decline since the most heavy lifting can done by a women, its all about technique not physical strength), yes, I am a faggot, but I dn't demand people call me "xir" or whatever, just call me a male, and I live a normal barring I look a girl. But these stupid fags keep trying to convince you you're oppressed, and to some people the attention get from it is just addictive. I don't know about America, but there is no gay oppression in Europe. Gay marriage shouldn't legal anyway. I wish I could shoot these faggots, since they ruin it for everyone else.
>let's change the scenario to something not even comparable

>Muh feelings

>Muh feelings

So no, you guys have absolutely no reasons.

It's a dick, a penis, it's literally a part in the body of about 50% of the population, you are reacting to a social taboo and nothing more, there is nothing wrong about a kid seeing a dick, a boob, a cunt or whatever, nothing wrong is going to happen because of that
>implying you have any chance to pass your genes either.
This is the non-sequitur of the fucking century, congrats
>a scenario to something not even comperable
I think a guy flashing his dick at someone is damn well comparable to a guy flashing his dick at a lot of people

Fuck you stupid faggot. Stop ruining it for everyone else who's bi or gay but isn't an attention seeker. When you're in public, that is a space shared by everyone, and there are rules to follow you fucking nigger.
>In Russia where they speak RUSSIAN

>all the writing on their bodies is in english

nah this isn't George Soros and other foreign leftists invading another sovereign nation to socially engineer it for leftism.
I felt some sympathy for the protestors until /lgbt/ jumped in the thread.
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>not been a fascist
About as comparable as carrying a stick and walking to someone and waggling that stick around him, the problem is not about seeing the stick/dick, the problem is in the invasion of personal space and that you might feel threatened.


Demonstrations ARE about seeking attention in the first place, that's why big groups of people are made, that's why things are chanted, that's why the demonstration starts in the very first place
>hey guys if I run around naked it totally isn't a problem because it's just a social taboo and if I don't think it's bad,noone else should think it is
I see people with english writing on pieces of cardboard all the time, if you know the event will be seen on the Internet, why not use English?

Hmm, no, I guess it's George Soros and the international Jew conspirators using their secret lgbt weapons of mass destruction to achieve white geNOcide!

>being this deluded

>muh rules

>muh structure

>Seeing two women holding hands INFURIATES me
Uh, are you sure that you are talking about the article OP posted ?
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sup /pol/
Still waiting for those reasons
Probably not. More likely Jeunesses Nationalistes.
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Wouldn't it be easier to scream "Get some morals and responsibilities", to the LGBT community louder than they'll scream "Bigot" when ever they speak up in the special snowflake manner, since it stems away from appearing as though your banning "what's thought to be immoral"?

Yes, but that stops once you disturb the peace or break the law. Half of the gay "protests" are just get-togethers, and an excuse to have a mass party in the street, which isn't acceptable.

They don't even know what the fuck they're protesting for half the time.

"Excuse Mr. Smith, but are you demonstrating for?"

"Um... like... we just wannntt, like um, gay rights and stuuuuuuf... um...um and like... to legali-"

And then some faggot cuts half way through to rub his cock on the reporters face.
Approximately, how many lives would something like this break?

>Picking one situation where it doesn't work.
>Not providing statistics, just cherry picking
You're right, it never works.
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Faggots actually think that their fucktarded theories are logical.
No wonder people think homo sexuality is a mental illness.
People with a mentall illness don't know they have it, and no matter how many times we tell you what the problem is you won't get it.
How can you possibly think that flashing your dick in public is normal?
I guess you just don't know any better
But free speech DOES only apply to people you agree with.
they are the good guys this time, schlomo
You said it yourself,it's a social taboo and it should stay that way.

No man I've read in the comments section that PSG's Boulogne Boys admitted that it was their making. Based soccer fans
I take you have never, ever, in your entire life been or seen a demonstration for gay rights.

Barely anyone goes dressed in pink with signs of "I SUCK DICKS" but guess what, some of them doing so gets them public coverage


>Yes, but that stops once you disturb the peace or break the law.

Demonstrations are done to disturb the peace, breaking the law is sometimes a necessary evil and won't be condemned with anyone with half a brain as long as it isn't wrong
Agreed. That only works for people if they're Muslim.
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did someone say george takei


>wanting to over-throw democracy where the people have spoken to turn the majority into a powerless second class under leftist rule so that minority can re-shape a country to comply with its social and political goals

>accuse them of being the totalitarian ones

Only a liberal can be so fucking retarded to think they make countries better by fucking voer and suppressing the majority.
Ignoring the stupid doge, this post x1000

the cognitive dissonance is insane

the media loves to cover the most controversial part of an issue, it gets them hits
It being a social taboo is the reason it's done in the first place.

Also "It's something seen as wrong, so it's wrong" is literal retard level of logic

Whatever happened to liberal "YOU CAN'T YELL FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER" bullshit?

Seems funny how the left is only for free speech when they're the ones doing the offending, and otherwise bully everyone into silence ont he grounds of "MUH FEELINGS."

So you can't call a fag a fag but you can do that shit to shit on Christians.

Gee for hating faggots so much you guys sure are getting your anuses completely ravaged by a dick
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>mfw i'm blonde haired, blue eyed aryan
>mfw bisexual faggot
>mfw act almost entirely opposite of all you neck beard shut ins think 90% of gays do
>mfw you still persecute me

The pride parade in chicago was great. I went in my bi ex girlfriends navy coat and got a ton of respect when I was asked my story. She died defending your right to hate.
Same reason jacking off in public is wrong, just obscene bullshit liberals just want to regress civilization back into savagery.
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You can call a fag a fag. You can't then physically assault them for it.
I can call a christian a retard but I can't physically assault him either.

Just ignore them. That's what most of us on 4chan do. The rest get tired of their cross board raids and complain on /q/. Otherwise, let them have their silly teenage fantasies about global genocide.

Remember, freedom is now code for anti-white.

>all you do is antagonize and bully people into complying with your standards while showing nothing but hate in return.

>you even invade separate sovereign countries to impose your standards ont hem

>Accuse others of being hateful

I guess your groups have colluded and decided to label anyone against you as "hateful" to depict your cause as "good versus evil," but that bullshit's not flying as we watch you people shit all over everyone else to get what you want.
Wow, you look alot like me, holy shit.

I even have the same hair, with the part going the same way
It's actually not the same reason, I trust your great intellect now to find out the reason for both and compare them
What exactly is wrong with fascism?
> the reason it's done in the first place.
Ah so they want to stir up shit and cry about getting beat up for it afterwards! Wow the gay mind at work,always producing the best of ideas.
I can't believe we are seriously debating about if flashing your dick in public is normal, It shouldn't even be a question.
No it's not OK,it's not just a social taboo,it's also a crime.
There is your reason, if you flash your dick at random people at a parade, you are a criminal.
I can. You might think i shouldn´t but i can.
>implying he's not you

What are you talking about? They're always out to cause a scene and cause trouble. No, I haven't, because the gay movement should be over where I live.

Demonstrations are not done to disturb the peace because don't. They're a legal activity designed to make a show of numbers and have your voice heard. Disturbing the peace is illegal. So there's obviously a difference, however arbitrary. Breaking the law is never a necessary evil, unless under extreme circumstances where peoples lives are being threatened.
>fighting for zog

into the hellfire she goes!
Heterosexual's colors are black, white, purple grey? What cunt decided that?
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well yeah, physically you can, that's not the point, dipshit
>implying I or my girlfriend ever did that
>implying she wasn't invading a country filled with people who thrive off hate based on their religion
>yes, I am

It's not "good vs evil", its letting other people live their life. Me being a faggot doesn't affect you in any way. The only reason you see pride parades in this day and age is because of the amount of hate shown for faggots.
What is so wrong about jacking off in public then, you "progressive" liberal savage? After all, sexual opression is just a result of outdated puritan values right?

come at me faggot.
I have a chiseled jaw and a cleft chin, I'm way manlier than that faggot.
It's not normal, nobody argued for it to be normal in the first place.

>No it's not OK,it's not just a social taboo,it's also a crime.
>There is your reason, if you flash your dick at random people at a parade, you are a criminal.

Again, it's not "flashing people", also, "it's wrong because it's illegal" is just circular logic, because it's meant to be illegal because it's wrong, and that my friend is an obvious logical fallacy.

Also, from your logic, if it was legal then it would be alright, so I guess that flapping dicks in international waters is alright but as soon as you enter the territory of a land in which it's illegal it's wrong, hm.
another constructive conversation on 4chan's /pol/ board!
Is that why this law was passed?
I'm not going to make your argument for you.

This bit though

>After all, sexual opression is just a result of outdated puritan values right?

Is misled, it's not about puritan values, it has more to do with how society sex within it work
>You can't then physically assault them for it.

Don't act like the victim. You know damn well they antagnoized it with the nun hats and the "fuck God" shit.

>I can call a christian a retard but I can't physically assault him either.

That's because even though they may complain but on average they only complain, which is why you pussies only push around Christians and not real threats to rights like Muslims.

What you're doing is akin to someone walking through a black neighborhood in a KKK outfit and calling himself the victim of a nigga beatdown. You deliberately antagonize to shit all over other people, take your beating like a man.

.......BUT WAIT! That was the goal all along, wasn't it? Get shown on TV all banged up by a mob so you could attack their "hate" while only telling your side of the story, and using that as justification for why democracy needs to be suppressed and why the majority needs to be rendered powerless without a vote in their government. and doing it while knowing the news networks are most likely to bulr out the breasts, which happens to be where the offensive shit is written so people aren't likely to read it to see for themselves how shit came to pass out in TV land.

Ever been to Stormfront. They know that /pol/ exists, speak about it with adulation, and have posted about migrating here.

SRS and JIDF infiltration? Pffft pretty pathetic considering how the board's culture has changed so dramatically since its inception in SF's image.
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Oh yeah George, stroke that sexy neckbeard cock. You know you're giving it to a /pol/ack with some hot sexy fantasies mmmpph!
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>>17820754 (OP)
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You can't kill love :3
Your arguement was that a penis was just a result of thousands of years of evolution and thus seeing them in public should not be considered taboo,

So if a guy jacks off in public, what exactly is the problem? He's not hurting anyone, orgasms and masturbation have been around since the dawn of humanity, so why stop it?
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>Get shown on TV all banged up by a mob so you could attack their "hate" while only telling your side of the story, and using that as justification for why democracy needs to be suppressed and why the majority needs to be rendered powerless without a vote in their government. and doing it while knowing the news networks are most likely to bulr out the breasts, which happens to be where the offensive shit is written so people aren't likely to read it to see for themselves how shit came to pass out in TV land.

Reminds me of Northern Irish rioters who would deliberately start fights with police so the people watching the news could see them all bloody and say "aww poor victims"

It IS a strategy people like that have used in the past, and it's probably what we see here.
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This is too good.
>You know damn well they antagnoized it with the nun hats and the "fuck God" shit.
>you know damn well Zimmerman antagonized Trayvon, etc etc

>which is why you pussies only push around Christians and not real threats to rights like Muslims.
Who do you think you're talking to? I bitch about mudslime far more than christfags, they're worse.

>What you're doing is akin to someone walking through a black neighborhood in a KKK outfit and calling himself the victim of a nigga beatdown.
Yeah, and I didn't say it wasn't stupid to antagonize in that matter. But that doesn't make the actions of the reactionary dipshits morally right.

Not him, but it's unsanitary.
>Again, it's not "flashing people"
>Hey it's not flashing if we do it ,it's a protest!
Yes it is,noone in the crowd asked you to show them your dick, so it's flashing. It being a "protest" doesn't make your crimes legal.

You wanted reasons why flashing your dick in public is bad, I said that it's a social taboo and you didn't accept that because apparently social taboos don't apply to gays.
It's illegal because it's a social taboo and a social taboo is wrong, we are civilised and civilised people don't run around naked.
Even asking why flashing your dick at someone is bad is like asking why shitting in public is bad and looking for a reason why we don't like watching people shit in public.

From your logic we should all be allowed to run around naked,sucking each other off and shit on the floor because hey there is no reason it's bad it's just a social taboo but that doesn't apply to me!11!!

By god, if the French aren't the most deplorable people endemic to Europe, then I don't know who is
>Your arguement was that a penis was just a result of thousands of years of evolution and thus seeing them in public should not be considered taboo,

I didn't state that at any point, in fact I've said multiple times that it is a taboo and didn't mention that it shouldn't be one, the only thing I said is that it has no pernicious effects on the viewer.

>So if a guy jacks off in public, what exactly is the problem? He's not hurting anyone, orgasms and masturbation have been around since the dawn of humanity, so why stop it?

I feel you would find anthropology a very interesting subject
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>mfw no response
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>LGBT rights
>bls respond ;_;
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>i have no way of countering what you said
>bls respond ;_;
>Yes it is,noone in the crowd asked you to show them your dick, so it's flashing. It being a "protest" doesn't make your crimes legal.

Flashing includes walking to someone, we can most probably agree that walking down the street and walking to someone isn't the same thing.

>You wanted reasons why flashing your dick in public is bad, I said that it's a social taboo and you didn't accept that because apparently social taboos don't apply to gays.

No, they apply to gays, same as everybody, what I said is that it being a taboo is the very reason it's done, I asked from the very start for the damages such action would make, I'm still waiting

>It's illegal because it's a social taboo and a social taboo is wrong

No it's not illegal because it's a social taboo, sexual fetishes such as S&M are social taboos too and they aren't illegal.

>we are civilised and civilised people don't run around naked.

Which is why nudist spaces don't exist

>Even asking why flashing your dick at someone is bad is like asking why shitting in public is bad and looking for a reason why we don't like watching people shit in public.

It's not, shitting in public is unhygienic as fuck

>From your logic we should all be allowed to run around naked,sucking each other off and shit on the floor because hey there is no reason it's bad it's just a social taboo but that doesn't apply to me!11!!

It's actually funny because since you cannot find reasons from YOUR logic that's alright
FEMEN are paid whores from all over the Europe.
There were even some proofs.
>and it's ALWAYS the Christians they fuck with
Paid for by an american jew
I fucking gave you reasons but you don't accept them as reasons!
Go to a street and ask someone if they think it's okay that people at a gay pride walk around naked in public, would you seriously expect them to say "yeah no problem"?
Walking around naked is not justified because it's a protest, you can talk how doing it is cool all you want it's not the opinion of the general public, you being a special little snowflake doesn't justify your crimes and degeneracy in the slightest.
I had enough of this shit.

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