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Previous thread. New one because other one derailed.


Basically, Akon ended up posting on Twitter that all niggers should return to Africa, so /pol/ decided to roll with the idea to possibly make some niggers buttmad and even get some sent to Africa if we can. We set up a petition to get the government to help fund a free trip back to Africa, so that we might be able to get the niggers to stay there.

Facebook group here.

We already have some twitter accounts set up, post yours in the thread.
I'm trying to legitimize my FB and Twitter accounts right now.
> only 31 signatures
That's pretty sad, OP, learn to sockpuppet.

we're working on it
It's only just begun
Just saying
We aren't asking everyone to just vote, that will get us nowhere
We are trying to make blacks start signing it, so pretend to be black on twitter and post with #justice4trayvon and #africafreedomplan
It's time...to go back where you come from, nigger.
The idea is to get blacks to sign it themselves, we've barely began
>>17284630 (OP)
You should make a 'like' page not a group
More exposure
Start posting shit like 'like and share if trayvon is innocent'
Call the page 'Africa freedom plan' as well so it links with the twitter
Come now, my black brother, and live in prosperity and equality. There are no white men keeping us down, there are no huge corporations keeping us unemployed. Come to Africa, where hope, and a new life awaits you.
>>17284630 (OP)
Facebook 'groups' don't gain enough attention, you have to make a page on facebook then whore for likes on justice for trayvon pages, it's simple though because as soon as niggers start to 'like' the page you can post shit and basically say 'share this photo if trayvon is innocent' and more and more will like it
>>17284630 (OP)
Africa for Africans!
> The religious practices, social customs and cultural standards of the Americo-Liberians had their roots in the antebellum American South. The settlers wore top hat and tails and modeled their homes on those of Southern slaveowners.[94] Most Americo-Liberian men were members of the Masonic Order of Liberia, which became heavily involved in the nation's politics.[95]

> yfw you're sending them to be inducted as foot soldiers for the black illuminati
I made a twitter account, what do now?
Wow already up to 34? Way to go.
Black africans for a brighter tomorrow!
Post things like 'so sick of racism' then hashtag it with justice4trayvon and africafreedomplan and link the petition
Just tell people to sign it
Signing. Should I post it on a black "culture" facebook page like rapstar or something?
#AmericaForRacists #AfricaForAfricans #JusticeForTrayvon
Post it everywhere.
Whoever made the facebook group make a like page m8
Niggers will probably sign this thinking it says reparation instead of repatriation. Well played.
>>17284630 (OP)
Make sure to cross link this with his twitter.
Share your twottas and we'll follow you. Also, don't follow more than maybe 10 people or so on your account's first day or the system will autosuspend it.
>end womens suffrage
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4chan, for some reason, won't let me type in the link no matter what characters i replace or put in. sorry bros

here's the page
I want The Man Show back
start it with 'fb.com' in place of the name of the site, it still works
the more you kno
i like the idea but it's going to take a lot more effort
We are starting slowly, don't want to rush it and fuck it up
Follow and whatever: https://twitter.com/ta_varius
Do you guys really think this will work... that congress will actually consider this?

Normally, I'd say no. But if we put a twist on it, like we ourselves pretend to want this, then it's going to make them look bad denying blacks the right to go back to Africa if they see we really want this.
Blacks are way too comfortable here in the U.S., this petition is retarded.
Can we make a shortened URL please? fb.com/africafreedomplan or whatever?

Hahaha no. If we can get a statement, then that's a win
Cross pollinate the people who follow you

This will make life easier
If they don't accuse them of being sharecroppers and trying to keep us black brothas down so their white greed corporations can continue to prosper from our intelligence and work ethic.

If Obama is a true proud black brotha he will join us in our struggle.

Also try to mix this in with the traytray shit. In their impotent rage they may agree to it.
GUYS! GUYS! GUYS! We need Akon, the man who started this, to be informed about this petition. Then we need him to post a link to the petition or retweet the official back to africa twitter. He has thousands of followers which will give us huge exposure.

>tfw /pol/ is a marketing genius.
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>mfw /pol/ will actually try send niggers back to africa
>mfw they succeed
>mfw the africans end up making a huge prosperous country that is richer than the USA.
Yes yes! #AmericaForRacists is a great tag. It will lure out more leftists.
This, you all need to start tweeting at Akon fast
>>17284630 (OP)
>maliciously shown how important
should be 'unimportant,' right?
What are we calling this operation

Operation Utopia
their main exports will include slaves
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>You must log in to see this page

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>mfw invading american niggers and african niggers kill each other off and Africa becomes a continental nature reserve and Eden.
Akon must know and retweet this.
Operation Racist Honey Pot
JohnMajestros on twitter... spreading the word.....add me so i can look more legit
Why don't you make it 36, and you can say you we're an early adopter!
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>that pic
>you will never live off welfare while making six-figures.
Are you seriously a single guy trying to pretend we are all being racist for saying people who want to return to their homeland should do so?
If anything we are helping blacks
Akon has 4 million fucking followers. 4 000 000! He wants this and it should be reasonable to get him to link to the petition. It will bring huge exposure.
This is hilarious, because it if gets big enough the government will have to do something, and if they deny it they'll be branded racist by their own retarded politically correct mores.
>>17284630 (OP)
i am tweeting this to everyone that agreed with akon as well
No, I'm saying that if it ever came out that this was a petition created by /pol/ to get niggers out of the US, they would then have everyone's name and state.

Exactly. If we can get this big enough, it's win-win.
just lie about your info
Excellent work anon
Yeah, Akon is #2 priority at the moment, #1 is getting a facebook page up and running and creating accounts

Hilarious, isn't it?

Doesn't matter, the point is we are getting blacks to sign it themselves, we have little to do with it other than raise awareness

except we're going to make the blacks want it too

we'll try and make it big enough that it won't matter because they genuinely feel that way
Operation remigration
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We can do this /pol/.
Fuck off, SRS
need to make sure to draw parallels between this and the creation of the israeli state; if a homeland can be created for the jewish boeble after 1000 years in the lands of their forefathers to escape persecution that african americans should be treated with the same dignity and respect etc. etc.
>>17284630 (OP)

> New one because other one derailed.

There is a reason it derailed, you faggot.
It still isn't working. Are you trolling or what? Because the long FB URL works fine.

I need a working short FB URL, please.
Liberia was created by freed American slaves
not all of us on /pol/ are white. I am a member of the new black panthers and i fully support this plan. Whitey gets his land and we get a chance to start a society that won't hold us down.
Akon is one person, do you guys honestly think black people will want to leave the U.S.?
And look at it now
Trying to help people who want to go back to their homeland isn't racist

i'm black and actually want to go back to africa
I genuinely believe that some will want to.
They will if their rap idols make it popular
African-American average IQ- 85 (from white admixture and better nutrition)
African average IQ- 70

This could actually improve Liberia very substantially if they adopt a very hierarchical society and let the smart blacks run things completely.
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>we get a chance to start a society
Wellp. You had 100,000+ years to do that and you still couldn't
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Plan of operations:

>1)Get accounts, fb page and twitter page up and running

>2)Get Akon to tweet about the petition

>3)After enough exposure and signatures, inform media


>5)Live in a peaceful society were you can raise an aryan family in a safe enviroment
I just used #Swag and a shit ton other # and it jumped by ten
Blacks have everything they need in this country, they know damn well what would happen if they left the U.S. for Africa.
Black people blindly follow the blackest person with the shiniest bling. So I'm pretty sure if Akon gets moving, a majority of the rest will do the same.
it doesn't help that yall held us down with that malt liquor and menthol's.
Why Liberia though, there are better countries not bordered by the clusterfucks that are Sierra Leon and the Ivory Coast.
That's true. I'm sorry about that.
Black anon here, fuck that.

I was born in this country, this is my country.

then tell them to shut the fuck up and get a job
>Sierra Leon
Hahaha, oh wow. American detected. That's not even a real country, retard.

you don't have to go

then get off the teet, nigger
Come home to the motherland, fellow negro. Were waiting for you here. let the whiteys shine they own shoe and wash they own dishes.
It's alright white oppressor, just gimme dat reparations and we jive
>>17284630 (OP)
I wouldn't make racist threads on 4chan if I were you. 4chan records all threads and sends them to the FBI/NSA for datamining. They could easily use this information against you.


We're not doing anything illegal.
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>>17284630 (OP)
we need to file that petition in cursive!
pls go
We're law-abiding social justice activists, moron. You're the racist for wanting Blacks to stay oppressed.
i get worried when i go too long on /pol/ without seeing a post like this
im pretty sure the govt would love what were doing.
> I wouldn't make racist threads on 4chan if I were you.
Yeah, I don't know what /pol/ is either.

It's not like they've just started doing this kind of shit yesterday, if what you say is true, 95% of the people here would be on some sort of list.
Not sure how they'd get my name considering I'm using someone else's wifi and computer.
Yeah keep thinking that
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No, the point is we are trying to get blacks to sign it
Nigga, I'm on pretty much all the lists already, except for maybe kiddie porn.
You are now, now that you mentioned it.
Sending American niggers to Africa would raise the average IQs of both places.
This will better humanity. It's also a win win

Get's me everytime, take away her little tail up top, and she would look like a medieval monastery monk.
We are 4 away from being 1/5th away from being seen on the front page
u wot
Pretty sure they were not black, or that fat.
I wonder if this would speed up with some threads on the other boards?
Doubt, especially if someone mentions /pol/, it's over.

And no one tells /b/
44 votes

rounding up we need 200 more votes to be seen by everyone
And this is the reason this idea will explode in the hangar. There's no way to keep it quiet, not here.
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I think he was picking up on the fact that I forgot the 'e'.
I'm telling >>>/b/ right now and I'm mentioning >>>/pol/
It doesn't need to be quiet. We aren't going HURR KILL ALL LE NIGGERS it's a solid plan, similar to what happens with Jews and Israel
Please do it.

Petition: http://wh.gov/laRb1
FB: http://fb.com/pages/Africa-Freedom-Plan/ Tag: #AfricaFreedomPlan

I'm not sure if that FB link works yet.
fb link not working
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>>17284630 (OP)
We could only hope that their would be a renewed emphasis on completing Lincoln's plan to return the African population in this country to their native claims. Shame it will never happen.
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Oh no, don't tattle anon! Please!
Just the fact that it started on /pol/ or even 4chan will be enough to kill it. As soon as people learn that it's all over.

lol whats wrong with that?

I would actually be really happy for all the blacks then.
This is copypasta. I got the same exact response in a feminism thread yesterday except about making "sexist" threads instead of "racist" ones.
It didn't it started on twitter
>>17284630 (OP)
Guys, 100,000 is a stretch. We're going to need the power of all 4chan boards to even make a dent in that. I don't know if they check how they are signed but i have about 10 emails to go through if they will all be valid.

We can do this, niggers. For TRAYVON!
Start making threads bro.
The point is to make fake twitter accounts and spread it through black twitter
OP completely forgot to mention that
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Banana man might help us, I doubt it though.

don't forget to link us and we'll power your threads with bumps

i would but i'm currently posting the petition all over different sites
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I'm thinking something like this. Thoughts?
Start making fake twitters and posting under #justice4trayvon and posting links on pages with lots of black visitors
Dude, they'll know its a scam if just us white Americans do it. The point is to get ACTUAL BLACKS to sign it
They don't want countryside, they want urban sprawl.
Now let's make one for the homos.
Send those faggots back to France.
Stop right there faggot, the point is to make blacks sign it, we will never get 100,000 if its just us
No, we need older pictures of SA. Get me some HQ pics and I can do the rest.
He's too intelligent, he'll see through the ruse immediately.
Yes, it starts with that A-guy on twitt calling for all blacks (his own people) to go back to Africa.

We are just helping, or trying to. Guess there aren't quite as many people on 4chan who want to help their fellow man go to their homeland.

Pitty. Bet the British would have a few more signatures by now if all the Pakistanis decided to go back to their homeland.

Maybe they will help. Why not? They should be awake in a few hours.
We've hit 50 signatures exactly.
... I AM black.
He might pretend not to, just for lulz.
these are some of the worst state names i''ve ever seen
lol, there aren't any black people on /pol/
We will never have 4 homogeneous societies, diversity is strength.
... don't think that'll do much. Banana hasn't made a huge issue of blacks outside of GZ and TM.
so much progress
>implying over half of them arent from /pol/ ;_;
These things take a while.
Somebody making threads on some other boards? I think I'm going to post the petition link on some relevant Youtube videos.
>>17284630 (OP)
Get the fuck off of /d/, I thought I told you faggots to stay off our board you shitposting asswhipes.
Do it
Don't post on other boards
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>is from /d/
>calls us faggots

anyways good job on the 50 votes, we can do this
just posted on anime boards and /b/

i bumped the /b/ thread
>/b/ is mine and you cant do what I dont like
give us some bumps

don't do this
abandon the /b/ thread and delete it
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Buy banners.
i think we need another thread on /pol/
Just keep this bumped
Focus on twitter and facebook
Any ideas for youtube?
>TFW NSA is recording me

I need facebook link

comments won't let you post links so that's not really good, unless a black anon on here feels like making a video about this, might help us out
RIP trayvon videos mostly
Theres an anon in here who made it
Anon, are you here? we need the link

Please let all the niggers go back to africa..
In their defense it was the natives of the area that ruined, not the freed slaves who actually ran the country fairly well until. Then the Natives took over and everything went to shit.

guys, pls no history lessons

this is how the last thread derailed
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That country was built by whites.
they don't know that.
All of Africa was built by whites or sand niggers
>>17284630 (OP)
>We set up a petition to get the government to help fund a free trip back to Africa, so that we might be able to get the niggers to stay there.

instead you should just cut funding for free aids meds, then they'll have to move there or die and will take the fags with them
Sssshh, it's still in Africa.
nice, added it to facebook page
Whoa shit. Where is that, and how little did blacks have to do with building it?
53 signatures
Don't worry about that too much, try to get into black twitter

South Africa and they didn't build it at all
Where in SA?
If you want to get more followers on Twitter to make you account look legitimate, search "follow back" and follow those people.
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i dont know how to get past the 4chan spam filter so you'll just have to get it from this

Now I talkin like dem niggas

That's Cape Town
If we could somehow get Akon's help this would take off.
In other words one of the whitest parts of SA.
What if we all tweet it at the same time? Like get into an IRC room, and just all decide to tweet the petition to him at the same time
it doesn't really matter. It's still part of South Africa.
Can't get to it at all
I literally can't find the page. It's not in the search results

Can you screencap what you're getting? If you typed in that full link you shouldn't have any trouble.
The number at the end of the url is 642 553 462 421 736.
here go to this page and try to copy it from there
Put the link on >>>/k/
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/pol/ is surprisingly full of retarded racist white people. Makes me kind of sad that I used to like this board sometimes.

All republicans are overfed white bigots.
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North and south america are the same type of isotopic reaction as europe and africa.

The debt of the isotopes shrunk europe and mated it to asia and floated the uranic core under africa, bloating it's isomers under the nuclear methyl reaction of its jungles just like south america.

Next time, don't let the finn ankhs send unrecoverable nuclear reacted satellites out of the solar system, like voyager. Then the tyranny that sours us race won't build tyranosaurs out of our rapture us raptors with oversized plutonium cancers in their one track brains, unlike our nine hearts of multi-timbral thoth that raised us in their well.
We should make a trade South Africa. All our blacks for all their whites.
great now gtfo
www.fb.com/pages/Africa-Freedom-Plan/ 64255 3462421736

while i'd love to do that supposedly their mod is a nigger loving little bitch and won't allow anything slightly off topic that's not about weapons
No u faget
>south africa

uhhhh why?
>full of retarded racist white people
>All republicans are overfed white bigots
Yeah, I personally hate people who make large sweeping generalizations about groups of people too...
>Doesnt like /pol/ because it generalizes people based on race
>Proceeds to generalize based on race

You are an idiot
Start spreading this around twitter
Whoever made it, when you hit a certain amount of real people, post a 'like if trayvon is innocent' photo and the likes will fly in
Has anyone tried the stormfolk?

Or the New Panthers?
But wat if we send ten /pol/iticians to post the link
>>17284630 (OP)

>Masks with hoods
>confirmed happening
The idea is to make fake accounts, spread it around and get blacks to sign it

Either would be actually a good place to put this.

Stormfront because they hate niggers and would like to see them go.

Panther Party because some might feel what we're going for here.

Thank you!
Keep spreading
bumping for justice4traytray
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You boys are naughty, I like it.
In a 30 minute period, only 4 new votes.

Are we even trying /pol/?
Getting a bit sidetracked, NY is almost rioting they've started attacking police

shit, please post stream link anon?
After the riots, the black community will become even more disenfranchised with the US gov. and will sign this. just let IT HAPPEN.
It can only help our cause
there are various websites doing reports of Akon's comment about blacks going back to Africa, just search for "Akon suggests that blacks move to africa" and go to the comment sections and tell them about the petition and facebook page
also i forgot to add, use 10minutemail.com to sign up for various websites to post, its extremely fast
Top lel, only 55 sigs.
>tfw i actually have family protesting
kill me now /pol/
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Salam Alaikum my brothas, this took 1000 Hours in MSPaint but I think it turned out ok.

What's a movement without propaganda images?

I don't have a Facebook but could someone add it to the page?
Piss off nigger.
i think that will hurt the cause more than help it
On stream:

That bearded guy is a faggot.
this is really good. keep up the good work
go home black man
Yeah Africans aren't actually that interested in nature and I'm pretty sure most of them would rather eat the Mcdonalds.
It's good. Too good for what we're trying to do. We want the city-living, McDonald's eating, hip-hop culture nigger to go back to Africa.
Good work, but needs some improvements based on the input above. We need to make it negro utopia.
>>17284630 (OP)
bumpin for utopia
south african front.
should we do a new thread?
where did everyone go? are people watching those shitty protests?
We could but lets just bump this one for a bit more

The nyc riots are occupying everyone
Apparently most are. No clue why, nobody is even fucking doing anything. It's like watching paint dry.
Just got back from dinner. Have the protests completely escalated into riots yet?
>>17296530 →
Oy vey! This is like a second shoah!
I went to eat dinner, figured I had done all I could do on twatter, went for a smoke and looked at pictures of cars.

I'm easy to distract.
tiny url??
It gets detected as spam as well
see this post
Holy fuck this is amazing.
But we need 90 more votes for visibility
shall we...
we tried but a bunch of fags ruined the thread, it wouldnt hurt to try again though
/b/ will ruin it. Trust me.
uguu, i forgot /b/ has turned to le moralfag anonymouse
based anon finds a way

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