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ok I'm getting real tired of this shit, implement real flags and ID's on /pol/, that place needs some serious moderation.
Normal 4chan users, when a thread they like gets moved down the page, they just bump it, instead of coming up with a huge conspiracy theory and crying about it on /q/
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>instead of coming up with a huge conspiracy theory and crying about it on /q/

>nigger porn dumps
>false JIDF accusations
>huge conspiracys
You're fucking hilarious, /pol/.
Thank you for your first post propaganda doctor jidf.

We the people of /pol/, would like to see exactly what OP noted.
ID's so that we dont really have to use our vocals against any same-fagger in each thread, and also to flag those who are simply shitposting.

I can take you on a tour, normal traffic on /pol/ is relatively normal, you could refresh and each thread would still be on top, but yet when the sandy hook hoax happened, a lot of shitposters got on /pol/ creating random irrelevant threads about; racemixing, 'i'm hurr am I white?, Are Durrs white? etc.'
If you go to the front page, there are more than 5 threads irrelevantly created with just one sentence and a random picture.

This is what we call forumsliding, and its happening right now on the front page.
We would like to see flagging added and ID's, this is a quick and easyfix. Also the flagging should be IP-related and should only give the person the ability to watch but not the ability to post.
Simply said, a ban for a short time.

If you still dont believe me, I wont force you to, but I request you to take a look at the front page and refresh it quite a time, you will see threads about racemixing and irrelephant stuff.

Get your shit together.
Goddamnit /pol/, can you go one second without shitposting?
>>390346 (OP)


>real flags

no, it's unique as it is


well reddit /b/ and /pol/ have the same userbase so it is kind of expected
>real flags
>no, it's unique as it is

no, fuck flags they are horrible.

>write long response carefully explaining my point of view7opinion
>get the star of david flag
>hurr JIDF!! JIDF!! your argument is invalid
>my post was not even israel related

seriously fuck galgs
>fuck galgs

Spurdo detected
>>390346 (OP)
I'm tired myself of these forum sliding niggas, but why can't you hide these threads and not give a fuck?
>nigger porn dumps
>false JIDF accusations
>huge conspiracys

>random irrelevant threads
>there are more than 5 threads irrelevantly created with just one sentence and a random picture

Wow, the way you guys describe it, it's like you're talking about 4chan or something.
I do, let me take a picture for you just hiding every forum sliding thread, if you wish to know whats in them, I would say, go and check the frontpage to see for yourself.

The thing thats happening is that the quality threads are going down under and its really simple; they are going 404.

I'm sure moot doesnt even come and check this place. /q/ is just another area created to make us think that he listens to us and that we have rights.

Well moot, thanks ;_;

I'm sure he isnt even checking this shit out.

Anyway, back to the topic; /pol/ is swimming in disinfo and threads that go on about nothing.
>>390346 (OP)
I'm okay with the idea of real flags based on location. I definitely want IDs.
Well, to be honest i'm a daily /pol/ watcher.
This is the second time its like this for me, it might seem like its '4chan' but hell no /pol/ wasn't as bad as that. Hell most of them were quality threads.

You should go and check it out for yourself, seeing is different from just reading what others 'describe to you.
I've noticed the anti /pol/ campaigns mostly happen on saturday nights, It's either redditor/antifa types who are staying in or jews making use of shabbat.
Yes how many times do we have to request this, or rather how many times must I repeat myself. Thread IDs are a must for /pol/, but just thread not global like here on /q/.
Real flags could be interesting, but as an European I feel I'd be discredited when I'd want to talk about US politics, so yeah.
Mods won't happen, because AFAIK moot said so.
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Something needs to change on /pol/

That is an undeniable fact.
but moot never visits /q/ so why does it matter that we are making an attempt here on this board if he is never going to listen anyway.
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>>390346 (OP)
/pol/ is a cesspool to help protect other boards, just like /mlp/ and /vp/. Just accept it for what it is.
>>390346 (OP)




>moot never visits /q/
He's here all the time.
>Wow, the way you guys describe it, it's like you're talking about 4chan or something.

Not even close. This is a programmed attack against the board.
I see 0 answers of this moot guy, I'm not even sure if he even exists anymore?

moot not dignifying you with a reply doesn't mean he isn't here, it just means he doesn't feel you're worth replying to.
If he's already answered the question, he's not going to repeat himself. You have the ability to search the archives over on Foolz.

If you do not take advantage of this ability, that is nobody's problem but your own.

However, moot is here daily.
The fact that there are so many /pol/lacks here that want something to happen and yet he still doesnt want to do it, for whatever reason, seems to me he has abandoned you guys with hopes and dreams that will never get fulfilled.

Oh and i'm sure he hasnt answered this particular request. Even if I go through it.

>The fact that there are so many /pol/lacks here that want something to happen and yet he still doesnt want to do it, for whatever reason, seems to me he has abandoned you guys with hopes and dreams that will never get fulfilled.

No it just means he's not going to give /pol/ flags and IDs or moderate it because that goes against what the board is intended for.
> because that goes against what the board is intended for.

The board is intended for what again? Thats right, politics.
Lets take a look shall we? What damage does it do when people have ID's?

I dont see why ID's are not allowed there, neither do I see why flags are not allowed there.

The only thing valid is moderation by a person that abuses his powers like most janitors on 4choinz do. Simply said a janitor that says; this is right and this is wrong, lets delete it even if it isnt shitpost/a relevant story.
One that uses his own opinions instead of the general opinion.

>The board is intended for what again? Thats right, politics.

No, it's for political discussion, but it's mostly there for the community's sake and to keep such content out of other boards.

Lets take a look shall we? What damage does it do when people have ID's?

It invalidates anonymity.

>I dont see why ID's are not allowed there, neither do I see why flags are not allowed there.

IDs aren't allowed anywhere because moot doesn't want to enable them anywhere outside of /b/, /soc/, and /q/.

Flags aren't there because the community of /pol/ doesn't want them. If you'd been here long enough, which you clearly haven't, you'd know moot asked /pol/ if they wanted flags back when he enabled them for /int/ and /sp/. The community rejected the idea, and instead opted for the random flags that it has now.

Eventually that is to be replaced by the option to select the flag one uses, but that is a very low priority for moot as there are more important tasks, such as appointing janitors, that must be tackled first.

>The only thing valid is moderation by a person that abuses his powers like most janitors on 4choinz do. Simply said a janitor that says; this is right and this is wrong, lets delete it even if it isnt shitpost/a relevant story. One that uses his own opinions instead of the general opinion.

Yes and the moment any sort of moderation occurs there are going to be people crying that the janitor is deleting based on his preferences rather than being objective. So moot has opted to circumvent that issue altogether by forbidding any moderation on /pol/ short of deleting illegal content.
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Do you have any evidence for this?
I have plenty of evidence, but the images are way too big, cant post them on /q/.

quick version:

>the JIDF hates pol
>they want to kill pol
>and they believe that if they shitpost enough moot will delete the board

Well you don't have anything to worry about then, because moot's never going to delete the board.

And if that really is their plan, then these JIDF fellows really aren't that intelligent.
>forum sliding

>forum sliding

implying moot gives a fuck about you racist fucks on pol.
It's not JIDF doing the shitposting per-se. JIDF are sure to put their 2 sheckels in whenever there's some post about the holocaust or Israel or whatever, but the cuck-spamming and other shitposting is the work of SRS. They're also the ones who rush into /q/ and ask that /pol/ get deleted because of all the shit-posting they just got through spamming the board with.
moot and the mods, of course, recognize this and ignore their threads.
Secret Reptilian Syndicate?
Shit Reddit Says. You think /q/ueers are butthurt easily? Hoo boy...
I like "Secret Reptilian Syndicate" better. I think they're a more worthy opponent for /pol/.
a new kind of forum sliding:


I want to check it out but I'm afraid of what I might see.
They're extreme cultural Marxists who hole up in their anti-cis circlejerk because they think the rest of Reddit isn't liberal enough. Think about that.
They make regular libs and Tumblr social justice warriors look reasonable by comparison.
Sorry for this useless post, I needed to try something:

(ID: Yyqboj15) ?
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There's some shit going on /pol/ right now
everything started with Britam affaire
forum sliding, tons of jidf and disinfo

(pic VERY MUCH related)
just take a look at this thread: >>>/pol/9627198

I don't even know whos jewing anymore
If it's a tripfag you can probably safely ignore it.
Fuck off JIDF. No IDs.
wait what?

do you even know what the JIDF is?

we want flags so we can get rid of Jewish samefagging
and IDs too

Do you retards think IDs or flags will stop anything?

It's like you think proxies don't exist.

The only thing it'll stop is the weakest most transparent of trolls.
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ID's would just backfire, well funded organizations like the JIDF would just use it to their advantage and samefag through VPNs and proxies, making their propaganda doubly effective as they could never be called out on their shenanigans.

Anyone who wants forced IDs is an idiot/redditor, or JIDF who wants to slowly destroy the anonymity that made this site great. JIDF probably has programs where you click one button to change ID. They could easily make that if they used forced ID on /pol/. But, normal posters, it's a lot more annoying to reset your router or change your ID the proper way.
Wow /pol/ you're starting to get tinfolied then /x/...
/pol/ doesn't need moderation "to stop the JIDF". It doesn't need ID's. It doesn't need real flags, because it's not /int/ and that's not the purpose of the board. Stop making these shitty threads every single fucking day.
>>390346 (OP)
>Implying those who must not be named will always bear the flag that gives them away.

Falgs are useless and will only further promote xenophoby on the already to xenophobe /pol/
>moot asked /pol/ if they wanted flags back when he enabled them for /int/ and /sp/. The community rejected the idea, and instead opted for the random flags that it has now.

>mfw the JIDF are rewriting history

It was an unanimous vote for real flags.
I was there. The vote was for ideology flags, but moot fucked it and made it random.
If you'd been on /pol/ you'd understand that it's not a simple case of people bumping threads.

I have witnessed, dozens of times, people creating a new thread for a legitimate discussion of a current event. Minutes later the front page fills with cuckold threads, multicult threads, gun control threads, feminism threads, trans threads, and all sorts of other obvious stuff.

I don't understand why people are still struggling to understand that there are people on this website who don't want to have discussions with like-minded people. They want to control the discussions and keep them within their own pre-defined boundaries.

I mean, seriously... we live in the fucking 21st century. This is NOT some crazy "out there" theory. It's common fucking sense.

One of these days I'm going to write up a copypasta which outlines the more obvious disinfo that is employed on 4chan. Maybe when people have it explained to them fully they'll start to see it and understand. Most people will probably laugh it off as conspiracy nonsense... but everyone starts to see the truth of it as they experience it for themselves.
The simplest explanation is more often than not the correct one. It's just trolls.

I dont think moot gives a fuck about /pol/ Just take it for what it is.
>One of these days I'm going to write up a copypasta which outlines the more obvious disinfo that is employed on 4chan. Maybe when people have it explained to them fully they'll start to see it and understand. Most people will probably laugh it off as conspiracy nonsense... but everyone starts to see the truth of it as they experience it for themselves.

It's actually just spamming shitposters. You know, the kind that every fucking board gets. /pol/ is not fucking special. The simple fact that most people on 4chan and boards like /b/ and /pol/ are little shitstains who post shitty threads all the time shouldn't shock you. Nobody will care about your "enlightening copypasta".
in the last Q&A session moot told us that /pol/ was one of his least favorites boards.
It's liek people on /pol/ don't know what shitposters and trolls are
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Of course not. You think that 625,000 dollars he got to do Canv.as came from the gentiles? Silly goyim.
But that's NOT the simplest explanation. We have so much proof implicating an outside group inb this.
>We have so much proof

Shit spam threads on /b/, /v/, and every other board on the fucking internet = 12 year olds and retards and trolls

Shit spam threads on /pol/ = International conspiracy to conceal the unbrindled truth OPEN YOUR EYES SHEEPLE

Mhm. I'm sure /pol/ is super special.
>>390346 (OP)
wont stop shitposting

flags are fine how they are, i prefer random flags.
>just imagine, JIDF hiding behind American flag. No.

GTFO, now.
We'll if id's were implemented then surely this would destroy the ridiculous conspiracy theories of JIDF and MIDF. Moot should do it for this reason alone!
>wont stop shitposting
They'll at least stop conspiracy theories.

No it won't, they would still insist that JIDF are using proxies to get around the flags or IDs.
>implying there exists actual proxies that haven't been permab&.
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Oh and JIDF guy and half the jews in the world don't live in Israel so a fat lot of good "real" flags would do.
>conspiracy theorys
anon admits to wanting to shut down /pol/ and leave the board up for shitposting.
fuck you, anon.

Or /pol/ can stop the "UR JIDF" shitposting on it's fucking own.
or, you could take the redpill.

You seem awfully interested in ensuring that /pol/ remains completely anonymous, so why shouldn't we have forced anon with id's then?
word filter JIDF
why? a new moniker will replace it.
wordfilter does nothing except temporarily soothe the butthurt.
either way, /pol/ is in a pretty bad state right now and it needs to be fixed
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>http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/27/israel-syria-strike-chemical-weapons-transfer_n_2561970.html?utm_hp_ref=world9 hours ago, huffington >posthttp://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/01/27/israel-warns-syria/1868295/6 hours ago, USA today
9 hours ago, huffington >posthttp://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/01/27/israel-warns-syria/1868295/
6 hours ago, USA today

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I was wondering something, where do conspiracy threads belong?

/x/ or /pol/?
A lot of the JIDF aren't even Jews, just paid shills. We need ids to help root them out.
>being this completely retarded
real conspiracies: /pol/
fake 2spooky4me conspiracies: /x/
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Here is what the JIDF has been doing.
>multicult threads, gun control threads, feminism threads, trans threads

Those are all the standard threads on /pol/ and always have been, even when it was /new/.

The term "forum slider" and the people who spout it are new to /pol/, as well as the conspiracy theories they bring.

What is also new is this paranoia that everyone who isn't discussing your pet conspiracy theory is against you.
they channel their impotent rage through bad attempts at sarcasm, thinking it akin to hard hitting commentary

You honestly think this is the JIDF and not a few bored kids feeding on your paranoia for lulz?

Ladies and gentlemen... a new level on the autism spectrum!

Also: Shut it down.
So which one has more paranoia /x/ or /pol/?

/pol/, easily. /x/ doesn't actually believe the nonsense they post. /pol/ legitimately believes that they are brave Aryan warriors fighting against the Jewish martian communist feminist lizard-men who run the world... all from the safe confines of their mother's basements.
>>390346 (OP)

No flags, but I think ID's might be fun. Also, remove tripfaggotry.
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Another daily reminder that we need IDs.

The JIDF keep spamming up the board with nonsense about the Stormfront.org invading 4han. There is no evidence for this. A search of their website produces only 8 threads created by Stormfront in the last 4 years, and none about /pol/.
It's not the JIDF, but there is an organized group of shitposters aimed at just making all boards shit. /g/ found it not too long ago, whatissanity or something along those lines.

>an organized group of shitposters aimed at just making all boards shit

ok, junior, have you ever followed a /b/ raid? if you have, you know that most places like 9ggag or redit just laugh and ignore it, AND THE RAID ENDS IN FAILURE.

4chan is easily "raided" because most 4chan boards have a critical mass of children or idiots who cannot resist replying to the trolls. DON'T FEED THE TROLLS and they go away. simple rule, but it requires a level of intelligence and self-control that is lacking on quite a few 4chan boards.
As a tripfag on /pol/ I would gladly go without my trip to get forced ID's.

Shit is well and truly out of hand.

<3 Zero
now that I think of it IDs and real flags may not be the best course of action,

Instead we should make /pol/ a sfw that way we will at least get rid of the nigger porn dumps/cuckold threads
JIDF detected.

>now that I think of it
implying he's stated an opinion that they now wishes to recant on.

Yet this is their FIRST post.

This si why we need IDs and flags.
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To be honest i dont even think they even look at the posts i report.

Complete and blatent shit posting, cuckold, race superiority threads. All of which i report on a consistant fucking basis.

And I even hide the threads, but you know what, i still see those hidden threads bump up to the first page after like an hour.

Once i had 6 hidden threads lined up at the top of page 1. Legitimate shitposting threads, most of which where tranny and euro ameri shitposting.

Is it even worth my time to report this shit? I'm tryin to help make /pol/ less shitty but I dont even think they look at my reported posts.
I'm from the JIDF. I support IDs and Flags.

You really think we all live in Israel? You really think we don't know how to proxy?

You've already fallen into the depths of suspicion and paranoia, but when you beg for all these "safeguards" and people still disagree with you, what will you do then? Your constant cries will just annoy moot even more until he finally takes down your worthless hatemongering board.

Good luck.
lmao get rekd /pol/ you all deserve it
This is exactly what im talking about.>>392862
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I'm the OP, for some reason my ID changed
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Shhhh! Stop giving away our secret plan to the filthy goyim! This is top-secret reptilian Jew information you're leaking, dammit!
>>390346 (OP)
I never thought I'd say this, but PLEASE

I need SOME way to filter the cuck spammers, if you won't ban them.
>implying mods don't just want to fuck you you for the lulz

or you're just plain nuts

/pol/ is mainstream now
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This is the kind of threads you idiots have and then complain about JIDF sliding your forums.

Fuck you are your /x/ conspiracy shit.

it's killing the god damn board.
>ok, junior, have you ever followed a /b/ raid?
/b/ doesn't raid any more it just shits all over itself and then some of that shit spills over onto other boards. To call this a raid is a disservice to actual raids.

Also we need IDs for /pol/.
those were all JIDF posts.
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Yes, yes, I'm sure the big, bad, mean Jewish lizard-men are responsible for turning your precious Nazi circle-jerk into shit. Just like I'm sure they're responsible for turning you into a general failure at life.

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